Opinion | Trump has no idea what he’s doing

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Opinion: Trump has no idea what he’s doing

By Eugene Robinson Eugene Robinson Columnist focusing on politics and culture Email Bio Follow Columnist May 13 at 6:14 PM The thing to keep in mind about President Trump, as he thrashes around like a weak swimmer in a strong current, is that he has no idea what he’s doing. None. Not a clue.

The administration’s trade talks with China had reportedly been going well and were supposed to be nearing an end. Trump accused the Chinese of trying to renege on concessions at the last minute, but the president’s history suggests otherwise.

Here are a few confident predictions: In the end, Trump will have succeeded only in further spooking the skittish financial markets. If there is a U.S.-China deal, it will be no more favorable — perhaps less favorable, I fear — than the deal Trump could have gotten before his little power play. And if there’s not a deal, well, the president will spend the summer trying to badger the Federal Reserve into cutting interest rates in an attempt to keep the economy from sliding into recession.

One of Trump’s most significant foreign-policy decisions was to withdraw last year from the nuclear deal that the Obama administration had reached with Iran — even though the Trump administration acknowledged that the Iranians had been faithful to the agreement. Iran and other signatories are still observing the 2015 deal’s terms, yet Trump has steadily increased U.S. pressure on the Iranian economy.


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How is this a new revelation?

He’s in way over his head. He won’t surround himself with experts. He surrounds himself with sycophants. If you disagree you’re wrong and “bad”. This is not America at its finest. This is America at its worst.

Never has, never will.


Trump knows exactly what he is doing and he's doing a better job than any President we have had and you know it


Because of All your Fake News? Not to Worry PRESIDENT TRUMP IS in Control with Devine Interventions from God Almighty.

Trump knows exactly what he is doing Trump America first 2020

Americans, have no' idea what trumps administration, is doing 2 - & 4'America'? Crooks'!

GOD BLESS President Trump and help him to win by a landslide in 202O.

Beware of fake news

He know more of what he’s doing, than your rag will ever give him credit.

Wow, its taking a lot longer time , for People to Realize trump,is a Poor Businessman

ricardovlago You're just coming to that conclusion now

That's a fact, not opinion

jazzneophyte He is following the governance model set out by dictators he admires so he can be a full member of the club.

Is this “Breaking News”

I just hope he lives long enough to see his horrendous legacy in print, but he won’t read it.

No idea at all.

Wrong! He is using the presidency and you the US citizens, if you want to escape prison run for president and the sad thing is the citizens of this country will vote for you

We got thus from the first day of in in oval office

Mandahl No shit.

We already know that

That’s the fact, Jack!

This could have been posted every single day for the last two and a half years, and it would still be true.

Well duh

Trump doesn’t even know that Americans pay for the tariffs. He’s completely clueless!

hahaha never had .. and people with half a brain knew that before the vote in 2016 ..which means his base hadn’t a clue that he was as thick as shit

This is closer to fact than it is as an opinion.

Dotard’s gonna Dotard.


Opinion .. Your all a holes

What's really sad is China, North Korea and Iran have figured out tRUMP has little to back up his bluster. tRUMP is just full of hot air.

I believe, as opinions go, this is undisputed fact.

Opinion: MSM has no idea what it's doing

Reminds me of an old joke about horseracing. Know how to make a small fortune owning a race horse? Start with a big one. Extrapolates nicely to trump, except the race horse part, people like horses.

veritatis_vox Accurate.

bhoffman788 Wow then where does that put liberals? You lost, now sit-down, hold-on and shut-up and enjoy the rides of a strong economy that causes lines, liberals like to draw, to blur...you gotta hate it!

Someone just realized this? Really?


He knows how to consolidate power a lot more than his critics give him credit for.

I know that before he was elected.☮️

Come on people! Traitor Trump getting his orders from his Boss Putin. We have the greatest Enemy of all times in the White House. Traitor Trump is working on destroying America as we knew it. He wants money. Greedy! Pure greed.

Most people suffering from dementia don't know what they doing. and believe that everyone around them is the one with the problem.

He is so good he doesn't know, and if he worked it out he would find someone to blame

Wow. What a shocking headline.

You have no idea what you say! Be open to understand first! Put bias aside.

Trump suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect - simple research of Trump's early life revealed his lack of academic curiosity, or effort to understand how the world works.

Enough former employees of the Trump administration have inferred that - it is obvious, but we have to endure this crisis until Americans wake up and realize the great danger they are in until Trump is out of office by voting against him in '20.

How is that an opinion? Its factual

yep. So, moving on past the obvious, WHO is going to do WHAT about it?

LOL you don’t say?

It’s obvious.

Well neither is the American Public!😂😂😂😂

Never has. Look at his track record. 🙄🧐

And in a related story, scientists announce that the sky is blue, and water is wet.

News to no one. 🙄

Republicans still trust his judgment. I just heard Missouri’s governor on NPR. They are counting on the bankrupting bailout from Washington.

Since when ?

That's not an opinion. That's a fact.

Well the economy looks pretty good along with my paycheck. Maybe we should elect more people that aren't career politicians.

He knows exactly what he is doing

Are you kidding. How can a person with growing dundilin on his head have any idea? The only idea him and his family have how to cheat people and pocket mony


I think the “other” 70% of us KNEW that. TrumpIsBadForAmerica

This is some sort of revelation ?

I dispute this. It is not opinion. It's fact that he has no idea what he's doing.

Among other things, business, marriage, fatherhood, LIFE, being human.

Fact ..

That's the Gods truth!

realDonaldTrump ChrisCuomo chucktodd maddow Lawrence wolfblitzer VelshiRuhle Morning_Joe NorahODonnell WHY IS THIS NOT UR MANTRA

That’s not opinion. That’s fact

“Cool story bro” - Current US Economy , Job Numbers and GDP


I think he's trying to manipulate the markets with the tariffs. Pain for us, profit for him.

'Maybe he dosen't' But he is doing very well.

Why is this in the opinion section? I thought it was already established fact.

Well that’s obvious.🙄

'Now a warning ?!?' SMShow

But the naked king cannot hold court without his jesters ie Graham, Nunes McConnell etc...

DrGJackBrown This fact was obvious before he was elected. How many bankruptcies, law suits?

Clearly, but smarter people around him do know. And let it happen. Looking at you GOP

Well of course u would say that. U r the post after all. U can’t help but to push the party line agenda. But that’s ok, your day is coming. MSM is dying and u all know it. Good day.

GOP, how do you sleep at night?


Ya think?


realDonaldTrump has NO idea what he's doing...but thinks he knows everything. Nor does he have the integrity, character, respect or sense of ethics I would expect from a POTUS.

He doesn't!

Pretty sure that over half of the nation had this opinion over 2 years ago. Another one for the “Shit We Already Knew” file.

Is that News?


That's an observation.

ChrisCuomo Its an opinion. And a shitty one.

I’m not so sure I agree with that. tRump has created chaos and everyone is scrambling to keep up with him. Republicans standby and support him so the message is Republicans also support and create chaos. If not for the electoral college Republicans wouldn’t win elections.

I'll take 'Statements of the Obvious' for $500, Alex.

The first thing after wars in Afghanistan and Iraq can not endanger the lives of soldiers without America facing a real threat.

Motivated by revenge and hatred and envy and grift.


He tries to hide the truth by blocking, but I dig deep. The truth always finds a way to get out.

Scientific Fact.

President Trump knows EXACTLY what he’s doing!!!!


Your just coming to that conclusion now?


Agreed.. . He never does... he acts like it. Emphasize 'act'... he's all show and hollow on the inside.

But he’s a very StableGenius !!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

DrGJackBrown That's been obvious to anyone with a functioning brain for years!

Not opinion.


Truer words were never spoken. And he’s starting a war that will kill our loved ones just to get votes. War is avoidable but realDonaldTrump lacks the finesse to negotiate. This warmongering move may just be what kills his re-election.

DrGJackBrown Trump is Incompetent in everything except losing and going belly up in business all his life.


tell me something new


from tariffs wars to blocking Iran from selling oil, people pay the price for everything.

Problem is one half of America thinks he does

That, is FACT

Does the wild bear shit in the woods?

This is established fact. Backed by science.

FrancisWegner What 401K ?

, y’all are pandering. Do better. It’s obvious that realDonaldTrump doesn’t know what he’s doing, as that was obvious to a majority of the US before he got elected. This piece is bullshit.

If Trump was a football coach, in the the second quarter of a game in which he led by two touchdowns, he would start launching Hail Marys on every play just to show us all how awesome he is.

Besides his obvious bigotry, anyone looking at his history would’ve seen that he is a lousy administrator who relies on threats, bullying, lying, and cheating, including on taxes. He’s ignorant and does care enough abt anything to try to change.

Well everything he has done this far is proving that he really do know what he's doing. So that 'opinion' is wrong. So keep your opinions!! Who ever made that opinion should check out what is really happening! FakeNews

Best thing I’ve read all day!

Wait.... that’s an opinion? I thought it was a fact. My bad

That's what I think of democrats 👆 ..they don't have a clue!

Is the Pope Catholic?

trump doesn’t need to understand Putin’s plans for sabotaging our institutions of democracy. trump and a majority of compromised republican congressmen have become Putin puppets. It’s the only reasonable explanation for their actions.

No shit

No, really...

Another Stupid Opinion.

Fact not opinion

Evergreen Opinion subject title.

We've known that for a long time


You guys have no idea what you are doing .

Well, duh 🙄.

Well he can’t even put two grammatical sentences together so...


No shit Sherlock 🕵️‍♀️

This is opinion?

Ya think?!?

Haha, of course extreme lefty Chris Coumo like this post.

RepCummings SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer WhiteHouse DNC SenateDems SenateGOP HouseDemocrats CIA FBI FBINewYork 👇Maybe he’s trying to start a war bc wars mean more money for the top 1% who will be supplying everything/ all that is required for war. The rich get richer

That’s been evident for a long time.

Opinion? This is a fact.

ChrisCuomo Any particular area?

No surprise...

My favorite sentence: 'The thing to keep in mind about President Trump, as he thrashes around like a weak swimmer in a strong current, is that he has no idea what he’s doing. None. Not a clue.'

A normal person with a conscience for good will towards men & women would admit it, learn then make it right. He makes it wrong & just keeps going because of some stupid idea he’s never wrong & should never say sorry, apologize, or even ask god for forgiveness. MAGAOligarchy

kabrow51 And what? We’re supposed to be surprised It’s the Spineless GOP who have allowed his Lawlessness to HIJACK USA

Holy shit! Got some breaking news here!

EmilyAn1996 Well there's a popular opinion.

Please tell me you are not just realizing this now...

I keep thinking, all Biden would have to do on the campaign trail is ask Trump to list the policies that gave us econ9mic boom with record employment. And then when Trump is stumped list all the policies he and Obama put in place to recover the economy and it’s done.

No shit, sherlock. Understatement

Haha you must be joking

Well, the Economy called, they said they’re doing awesome! And they love President Trump. Also, they yelled MAGA in the phone, and said the was full of SoyBoy FakeNews douchers.

Goes through the motions

You just realized this?

You think?

Donald Trump is our President he must to be respected and supported. MAGA

Then vote Joe Biteme ha ha ha

I agree.

You're misrepresenting facts as opinions

I think he does understand but he doesn’t care

Hello! That isn’t News at all. We knew that before he even took office.

Does anyone know what he’s doing? Nope he’s full of lies. He’s an embarrassment to our country!

Demonstrably factual

'We'll see what happens.' Spoiler alert...no need for that we already know.

Says the WashingtonPost's 'Fair Journalistic Team'. Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha! FakeNews FakeNewsWaPo

Yeah, the only reason why he's survived this long is because the Republican party is shielding him.

I don't see how Trump can possibly survive this week's Eugene Robinson column. It's devastating. Trump is probably furiously tweeting/raging about it right now. The walls are closing in. Sane White House staffers are shaking their heads and whispering, 'Eugene Robinson gets it.'

In other news, the sky is blue (for now)

Ha! The people that said there was no path to victory, the stock market was going to crash and jobs wouldn’t come back must know what they are doing though.

He never has idea(s) his GOP has no clue seanhannity and FOX4 is all he watches SAD! SAD!

Nothing gets by you guys at WaPo, huh?

Ya think

Duh. And water is wet.

Gee! They've tipped to this - finally!?

We don’t need an op-ed to know this.

ya fuckin' think

We all knew that. 😴

I hold this truth to be self-evident.

I'm thinking you meant to put Fact in place of Opinion

That's not opinion

Thank you, Captain Obvious

Did the bankruptcies give that away?

Mitch McConnell and his co-conspirators in the Senate know exactly what they're doing.

Are you serious with this? Please, tell the world something we don't know 🙄

That was obvious when he took office. What took you so long? ImpeachmentHearingsNow

You're just now figuring this out?

Amen to that

Fact. Not opinion.

Yeah....we’ve noticed

Literally a fact.

No shit

Took you 2 years to notice🤣

And this is shocking to whom?

Opinion or verified fact. Not a question.

Nice deduction skills. Billy.

That’s not an opinion.

SusieEmm Have they just discovered? But Putin knows exactly what he is planning to do

Trump supporters need to answer this question: If Trump were delusional, how would he be acting.


Seriously WaPo It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact!!!

This is not news.

it is not he who is the work that is the devil in him. The scripture says!

That’s not fake news, but it’s old news. Many of us have known that for ages!

No shit. And he can't see his weiner when he takes a leak either. That's why Lindsey Graham holds it for him.

Unfortunately, I do believe most people in the U.S. think 401K stands for something like 40 $1 lottery tickets... (trying to fit the K in there)

Mines doubled. (k)

Wow. So soon?

Fixed it- “Fact: Trump has no idea what he’s doing”

You reckon? Feller lost damn Billion dollars of his pop’s $$$.

Couldn’t agree more. It is amazing to me that he still has any supporters at all.

Lol politicians don't have a clue. Look how they handle things. In business they would all fail. Lol they are failing as politicians too.

The bar was set so low for Trump, zero was coming up.

Meanwhile, the economy booms and his agenda keeps progressing despite Media and Dem collusion with Russians and Brit agents to destroy the 'No idea' POTUS.

No Shit.

This isn’t opinion, it’s fact.

bengin1003 Like this is a BIGLY surprise 👹

Correction: He has NO FUCKINH IDEA what he’s doing. However, the un-American republicans do nothing to save our country from tyranny.

coffeeownsme Oh, he has ideas, and they are all crazy.

Opinion? It’s a fact.

elleryruiz408 I knew this when he announced his presidency. I knew it would be an absolute shit show. And I was right. realDonaldTrump is an abomination. He needs to go.

Yeah, the economy just took off on its own, lol.

Ya think?! 😒


He knows the Washington Post is a DUD newspaper!

Well THAT’S an understatement.

that the truth and the best thing I've heard in 2 years

Captain Obvious strikes again

Impeach realDonaldTrump LindseyGrahamResign

Leslie_resists He is doing the only thing he has ever done. Stealing, cheating, lying, and then doing anything he can try to stay out of jail

No shit

How many times has this article been written?

Leslie_resists This is NOT an opinion. It is a fact

That’s not an opinion...it’s a fact.

ChrisCuomo BS President Trump isn't corrupt that's your problem

And this is news?

Wrong again keep hoping

He’s a FuckingMoron — his own Secretary of State said it UnfitToBePresident


Sign up to RePurposeTheCongress now! Join us in our quest to ReFocusTheMilitary and ReBuildUSAtoday! Please Retweet this message from “SmithieGoesWest” if you like. Thanks. SmithieForPresident

You just getting to this, NOW? Now, WaPo?!


He is doing so well and is so unorthodox, Dems are confused.

ChrisCuomo You’re in trouble now. Trump is going to tweet about the failing Washington Post for hours......

One thing Trump knows how to do is lie!!!!!

Nothing ever was more true!! Zero between those ears or flying out of his disgusting mouth!!

Do I actually need to read the article when I already know this?

Thanks for the breaking news from 2017. 🙄

No duh!

The Dems will win 2020. By 2022 the effects of this trade war will be in full display. Then come 2024 Trump and the Pubs will blame the Dems for the shitty economy. Just as Trump is taking credit for Obama’s good economy. And the world turns.

Opinion? I think it’s been proven to be a Fact.

Were you people born stupid or did you have to work at it, everything Trump has done he came out smelling like a rose if you want to make an omelet you got to break some eggs!

So obviously true. Was obvious way before he won the nomination.

I lost everything I put in my 401k last year and it seems he's looking to have it tank some more with his stupidity. GOP want to get rid of SS but what else am I going to live on when Trump ruins everything I've been saving.

THANK YOU!! realDonaldTrump

That goes with out saying. Trump is insane.

It could not be more true ! When someone will stop him ? It's about time something is done about it.

Of course Zionists control him

Those are all facts.

Fact...not opinion

That's not an opinion. It is a fact.

nadski95 This isn't an opinion: it's a fact!

Best word to describe Don:Dumb!

I think at this point it's pretty much fact

hmmm.....I have never and thought of that. 🙄

The President of the USA is an Idiot and we are All at Risk because of it

lavenderblue27 I'm out of free WaPo articles but I'm pretty sure we already knew this.

When trump and his family are carted off to jail it must be a national day of celebration. The world will join us too

Funny so he says when convenient he does not know about McGahn but he knows about Barr ordering investigations into people who investigated him. Yet not even congress has seen the unredacted mueller report . Can’t wait for this trumpmareto be over

What do you mean? China pays tariffs.

Best economy in the history of this country and you blab about he doesn’t know what he is doing? You need a macroeconomics class.

Everyone knows this yet Republicans are allowing it.

Trumpster is too stupid to understand basic economics,

BannonRace That's not an opinion


Whine anti American WP, whine.

You misspelled 'fact'

Gee..really with all his experience..

Just finding out Scary

Oh how I wish it was an opinion, sadly it is a fact.

No, he does not know what he is doing and there is no one to stop him either🤬

Most of us agree that he is unfit for the office he holds. He is definitely a MORON!! ImpeachTrumpNow BillionDollarLoser

What else is new? Donald Trump is a moron .. a very dangerous moron if he remains unchecked ImpeachTrump realDonaldTrump SpeakerPelosi RepJerryNadler HouseDemocrats HouseJudiciary


KapeciaResists Yes he does he's sly like a fox. Now he is manipulating the market. He is systematically destroying our country.

It's called reckless abandon...he doesn't know what he's doing and he doesn't care.

you could pull a random person off the street and stick them in the white house and they would probably be a better president

No way

That's a fact.

Morning Security Briefing

Is ANYONE besides trump surprised?

Obama's Dow vs Trumps Dow!

And you guys just figured this out now? What was your first clue?

Thanks, Captain Obvious.


What gave him away? Children in cages, tariffs on US, alliance w/ Putin, MBS, & all dictators, petty name calling, inability to spell, ignorance of constitution, tax scam for corporations...not enough space to write them all (read Mueller’s Report).

Sure he does. He’s tweeting relentlessly. And golfing.




Never stopped him before


President BubbleBoy 👎

Why is this on the Opinion page?

ChrisCuomo One thing he is doing is lying a lot he really knows how to do that well

Of course. Did we think after how many failed/bankrupt trumpian adventures he would all of a sudden know something?

We e been saying this— you are just now catching on. It’s 2019 for fuck’s sake.

Take a poll on that statement, I bet it would be near 100%.


and you're just figuring this out now.

This is news? Stop it.

This has been known for too long.


He knows how to grow the economy and create jobs! GDP growth at 3%+. More Americans employed then ever! MAGA

More FakeNews from WaPo. Just shut up and watch the Master at work! MAGA

What else is new?

How long will it take for his followers and Fox propaganda to realize this?

You would think he has learn something by now since he has been in it for more than 2 yrs.


It took you this long to reach that conclusion?


You think.

That don't take a rocket scientist to figure out.


Just think, everyone who was considering retiring or already had the ball rolling is now totally fucked by that financial genius realDonaldTrump .

Isn’t that the truth

The Washington Post is FAKE NEWS!!

Survival of the fittest.

This is da Donald.

I can sum up the answer in two words . Ya thunk !

Get outa here!! 😱

A Caption Obvious conclusion!

I have an idea, he is eroding the fabric of a nation

Hey, that’s my opinion!



This is not an opinion... but, a FACT.

This is news to whom?

How is that an opinion? It's a long-known FACT! *grumble*grumble*water is wet*grumble*grumble*

One of those funny/not funny things. 😂😟

Ya think?

Trump just wanted to be president without any of the responsibilities of a president has to do worst president in American history never reads a book never understands the other side never willsad

Please find anyone that knows what he’s doing.

LOL. He keeps beating you guys and you keep calling him a loser. Get a freakin' MIRROR, WaPo. You lost in 2016, you lost on the Russia hoax, and you seem to be committed to failure headed into 2020. Great strategy!

He is just flimflamming about 40% of the country. He just lies his way through everything.

Greatest President ever !

I think he has a very good idea. Stop comunism for spreading around the world.




This twit says he 'inherited' a mess, well now because of him the next President will be walking into a ' Train wreck'

Best economy in decades....give us some more politicians that have no idea what they are doing instead of more of the ones that do know what they are doing and putting millions out of work doing it.


I'm confused as to why it says opinion. That's as true a fact as you'll ever find.

Along with at least 65M of us.

Understatement of 2019.

If only someone would have told us before 2016..... Oh wait...

This is not new news!

Oh good. I don’t even need to read this article.


This is true Ladies and Gents..

You're just now noticing?

Translation: WaPo is a liberal propaganda machine

Spend a little time on this; it’s a good read!

So true !!!!

& while cornered in the diner, blundering Biden JoeBiden can’t even talk. Mumbling Joe. All shook up over AOC green comments. Bow out old man.

The economy says other wise. My pockets says otherwise. My 401k says other wise. My taxes are less. Tell that to the people who don't work.

JohnCornyn senatemajldr MittRomney RandPaul SenatorCollins SenTomCotton SenJohnKennedy ChuckGrassley marcorubio tedcruz aren’t you guys scared yet? GOP ?

This could be the headline of every paper in every state, every day since his inauguration.

Trump is working with his typical knee jerk, short term reaction to any event. Built off revenge and ego. No long term planning, or strategy.


Is destroying the motherfuking country is what he's f****** doing! He's pitting the American population against itself, and he's already turned nearly all of our allies against us. We are the Laughing f****** stock of this motherfuking world. 🖕 Donald Trump. realDonaldTrump

My opinion of that opinion is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂they have got to be delusional.


This is new information?

Just crazy. Not only an ignoramus when it comes to foreign policy and trade, has no cognizance of what happens after his rants.

Alpo - wapo


That’s not opinion, that’s fact.

Trump thinks he’s a monarch. He best think twice.

Are you SURE about that?! My God!

No!!Really?This is the face of a man who is very much in complete control...right?

More fact than opinion.

If your white paper wasn't so conservative you know this by now maybe too late 🤯

I'd be curious what you think a competent president looks like. That's a rhetorical question, of course. I already know you would prefer the anti-American antics of Hussein Obama. 👍

shocking revelation

We really need to write a story on this?

Even worse, he has no idea that he has no idea, his ego tops all!

You don't say?

folks with advancing dementia generally don't.

I disagree, he thinks he knows what he is doing, relying on tactics formed over decades of bad business decisions that he thinks is winning. All wrong of course and dangerous


The opinions are like the asses, each one has a different!

No kidding...

Stevie Wonder can see Trump don't know what the hell he is doing😧 ART😂OFTHEDEAL😂

And this is news He’s made a career of not having a clue SMDH

ssaveikonis Thats a big huge DUH!

I must disagree. Ur god obama didn't know what he was doing. The President has started rebuilding the country ur god tried to destroy.This is why everyone else has decided to Join us TRUMP 2020 AND BEYOND FOR A MUCH GREATER AMERICA...


Short sellers having a field day .

‘Ya think?

Ya think 🤔

Of all the magical experiences and knowledge in this incredible world; art, music, literature, philosophy, history, science and the natural world, he knows nothing at all. He only desires conflict, hatred and beating others. A nihilistic, sociopathic, moral cesspit of a man.

So solving problems and tackling things that no other President had the balls to do means he doesn't know what he is doing? Iran, North Korea, and trade have all been serious issues. Past Administrations just shrugged their shoulders and took the easy way out. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

I would state that this is FACT

Mike2Tkd 👏👍💖😂 the con 🤡🤡🤡🤡

If USA attack on Iran it become a reason of American spring

And no one is stopping him. Dumbing down of America is real.

I could have told you that a long time ago !!!!!

WTF ? A two month follow up ?

No joke but best description of Trump yet: KwameJackson, ex-apprentice, “if you don’t know that DonaldTrump is a con man by now—you’re the mark!”

Hence his former cabinet members referring to him as the moron-in-chief

Trump is president Washington Post is a newspaper

FakeNewsMedia FakeNewsWAPO GetOverIt YouLost Delio


Dear Washington Post: Opinion, If Donald Trump knows no idea of what he's doing, please go & purchase 2020 American Presidential form to take America her right part to greatness. You Americans cried that blacks & other nationals has taking your jobs in Obama's rule, still u 😂

No shit

Here's another Forbes column. With so much talk underway on Trump's tariffs, it seems a fitting time to weigh-in on the only conditions under which they could make sense.


bad_indian_girl This is also my opinion.

An example: the tariffs amount to nothing more than a TAX on the American consumer which, in turn, by a reduction in sales of foreign products in the U.S., will hurt the U.S. sellers which, in turn, will cause reduced business which, in turn, cause unemployment to rise.


That is an actual FACT! Not an opinion.


I see the crayons were provided again! My 401k is looking good. Also, my kids have noticed they take home more money. Also, most of their friends are working. Hmmm loons

Not news just fact

I wished the title started with, 'Majority of American Voters Know Trump...'


Boy if only he did we would be twice as well off as we are now after only 2 years of his success!

barbaraward235 We knew that already.. hahahahaha

Opinion: wapo is a dying dinosaur

Trump is doing what he cares about. Grifting money, getting his name in media, spouting opinions, and listening for compliments. Everything else is secondary, and at some point, this conversation about who he really is needs to end. He shouldn’t be in power.

True. He is by far the biggest idiot we’ve ever had in office...and there have been plenty of others who competed for that title

Because he is doing everything right

We can all just file for bankruptcy, too.

Do you ?

POTUS: “Racket Man (I Think I’m Gonna Steal Up Every Dime)”: music potus kleptocracy DrainTheSwamp Trump RocketMan NorthKorea BREAKING TheWhiteHouse qanon CBTS Film Art 4DChess altfolk MAGA Resist DonTheCon ImpeachTrump AmericaFirst


In 1991, Congress called in Donald Trump as a tax expert. Now, many in D.C., as well as the media, would have you believe he doesn't know what he is doing. What changed?

I really don't think you need the word 'opinion' in front of this piece....Cliff would say, it's a little known fact....

We know that. His followers understand it. The R's have accepted 'winging it' as a fix for America.

As usual. .. nothing new...

This is by far a UNDERSTATEMENT.

No shit.

So Trump resorts to Lying, every time!

Please Washington Post editors. Tell us what to think? Tell us what to do?

Talk about stating the obvious.. Trump DisasterInChief WorstPOTUSever

You’re just now picking up on this?

Opinion: WaPoo has no idea what they're doing

And the real news is...

The 100th article titled this.

That’s not news.....

Shocking that it took all of these months, dozens of investigative reports in the newspapers, and several tell-all books for this writer to have an epiphany. I knew this when they had mo idea how to pull together a working administration. smh

Took you 2 years to say it ? CNN has cover this president for just about, 730 days!!!!!


And he’s not smart enough to even realize it.

Children are not being taken care of after being stolen from their family this is not my America my home sad we are better as a nation

No idea! And he is killing people left and right. He is evil and stupid and dangerous and needs to be in prison.

Personally, I think this is a Fact not Opinion, but to each their own. 😉 🤣


Apparently, you don't either

'There's no denying what the world has known for decades: Trump has no idea what he's doing.' There. Fixed it for you.

Really when did you figure that out Brokeahontas

I used to say he’s playing checkers in a chess tournament but it’s worse. He’s playing tic-tac-toe.


But he's a stable genius, bigley!

ChrisCuomo I know right! Why wouldn't he just follow the same failing policies?!

Well that is obvious

I didn’t even need an article in a reputable newspaper to know this.

You are just figuring this out? Really?

No Shit!


Said the complicit WaPo!

Hutchinson17Tim That’s not opinion, it’s fact

You should run for President

Yah think. Well I think yah wrong!!!

Duh. We've known this since he was elected

Trump is just flailing around apparently hoping he'll hit on the right move. He won't however. His foolhardiness is bringing us to the brink of war with Iran.

Wrong. If he weren’t deliberately trying to hurt the US he would sometimes randomly stumble on he right policy, just as a stopped clock shows the right time twice a day. His record of 100% misgovernance can’t be explained as ineptitude, only as execution of an anti-US strategy.

Another rocket scientist who knows the best words! You are exactly what trump and every other criminal conman in office anywhere in the world or history needs, part of an electorate that 'has no idea what they are doing'😰

Lol! Your opinion


In other news, the Pope is Catholic...

I second that ...

Eugene! Have you been in a coma?

He 👏 never 👏 has.

Duuuhhh! Good call Einstein! dementiaDon UnfitForOffice UnfitToBePresident unfitToWalkThePlanet

You know, millions of Americans knew this 40 years ago!

tl;dr opinion disregard

LeaKThompson Best economy we have had in who knows how long, re-gained our Super Power status of the world, highest confidence in tge us dollar in decades! Sure is pretty accomplished for not knowing what he's doing.

Kompromat realDonaldTrump knows exactly what he is doing: the undoing of USA.

ChrisCuomo Really? I think he knows exactly what he's doing! Fucking up America and putting the world political and economic climates in complete turmoil! He wants to be the 'King of the Earth'!

Well isnt it clear? Having mini asses like this

Fucked Up Trump!!

fU he is a genius


This is what every employee says of their Boss.

No he doesn’t he is mentally ill

Color me unsurprised. 🖍

So.... you're saying it's unwise to trust the financial advice of someone who routinely LOSES over a billion $$ every 10 years?

H Hmm. Unemployment record low, manufacturing jobs coming back to the US. But yet he doesn't know what he's doing

Dogs bark. Cats meow....Oh, sorry, I thought we were stating the obvious.

Opinion. The WP has no idea of what its doing.

No kidding


The only thing Trump was ever successful at was Reality Tv. He should have been on ‘THE BIGGEST LOSER’.


The opinion journalists who wrote this and other articles against Trump are the ones that don’t understand what they’re talking about leave the president alone and he will solve the countries issues he knows better than anyone else what to do

Yawn! 🙄


Breaking news- no shit!

LeaKThompson I don't know what Trumps plan is for, but what it does is expose Americas dependency on other countries, which also expose influences on Government domestically. 2nd, In these cut off of depenancy, possible new domestic replacement.

And the Post does?

He a complete idiot! And humanity has to suffer. So scary!

jjgills1 Could have told you that from watching reruns of “The Apprentice”

Well if that's true. He is doing a great job in spite of it


And you do? OPINION fakenews

PDaytonp2 This headline isn't an opinion...it's a fact.

WP - Please don’t post on Twitter if you require a fee to read your post.

This opinion took 2 1/2 years to be published? CaptainObvious

No he knows what he’s doing—he’s following the orders of his ‘patrons’ Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia,UAE

Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And we are shocked! (Said no one ever!)

How many grams of sugar can you eat a day …

*whispers* this headline is not an opinion piece.

Opinion: No shit.

You just now figuring this out.. 🤦🏽‍♂️

most of us knew that already

Our economy says different!!!

This isn't exactly new news, you know...

Thinking people knew this long before he waddled into office. The issue is what are we going to do about it.

Duh. Most of us know this and yet our representatives do nothing. Right SenatorLankford?

Now who reads ?

BS, it’s You that clearly doesn’t know what they’re doing.

And it’s taken until 2019 to realise this How ?!!!


At this point it's no longer an opinion. It's a fact.

Whats worse is that ppl are JUST now realizing that 😑

I wouldn’t necessarily call the headline opinion

Never did!

That's been clear from day one. And any successes he may have had can be attributed to the theory that even stopped clock will be right twice a day.

We cannot wait until 2020. We need him out of office now! He’s a danger to all of us.

Just did. We lost 33% in the last 3 months.

PDaytonp2 Duh

So the guy leading our country to prosperity doesn’t know what he is doing but the guy, Obama, who led this country to near financial ruin is a genius? Liberal stupidity is at least consistent.

ChrisCuomo Is POTUS Al Czervik, or what?


More fact than opinion 😁‼️

0pinion: The Washington Post publishers will be executed for treason along with the Deep State pedovores. Qanon gitmo

Weird. . .mine's up 15% since he took office.

You're late to the party.

ChrisCuomo So that’s why we have so many records being broken now...we’ll I’ll take a president that has no idea what he’s doing with results over an establishment Dem or Rep swamp rat that gets absolutely nothing done any day of the week!!! That’s why he got elected!!


Anyone who believes that is an idiot. That includes you ChrisCuomo

Yeah, I'm not using one of my free 10 articles/month on that one. duh

He hasn't known what he was doing for years (if ever). Unfortunately his mental instability and his lack of knowing anything is destroying this world.


Opinion: WaPo needs to be proclaimed an 'enemy of the state'. This is an anti American propaganda publication. No reporting only 'Opinion' of Chinese and Russian spies. Fact: WaPo gives no true facts ever.

No shit, Sherlock 🙄

ChrisCuomo What gave it away?

Then why is America doing better than the last 50 years?

No shit. Ya don't say.

Wait was this an article from 2017? Because this can’t possibly be a new revelation.

That’s not opinion, that’s just a fact.

I would add most government positions that Trump has appointed have no idea what they are doing either.


You just realized this?!😂

By whose standards

“Opinion” is right! If he is so clueless, why is the economy booming?

I've said it before; Donald Trump has been riding on Obama's success. Even under Hillary Clinton the Economy & Unemployment would be the same. Now, Trump will destroy what was once great, and bring America into a recession. ImpeachTrump

What was your first clue?

My son who is eight knew that when he was running for office. Hillary was the most qualified and fit to lead. Trump has one focus and that's greed and to mislead his base!


ChrisCuomo Der! He is teaching us all only one thing - crime pays! LET THAT SINK IN 👿👿👿👿👿

What was your first clue?

morgfair Truth!

That’s not an opinion, that is fact

clarencehilljr He's driving the liberals crazy, so he does know what he's doing.

ChrisCuomo Not really news, but ok.

This isn’t an opinion, this is a fact.

ChrisCuomo look how tiny his hand is in the pic. of course he does not know what he is doing.

nasty_woman2 At the risk of saying something good about a guy I want impeached, Trump is the first president to stand up to Commie, Nazi China since Nixon and Kissinger and then every other president since have allowed it to become the biggest danger to humanity since Hitler.

Ding ding ding. We have a winner.

Not opinion, FACT!

evergreen headline

BiggestLoser is destroying America for Putin and his Oligarchs PutinsPuppet OrangeClown

Opinion: the has no idea what they are doing


I’ll 2nd that. AnnoyingOrange needs to go.

Yalls opinion column is 99% to the left, y’all can’t help yourselves Also MAGA ;)

bethlevin Yeah, since day one!

Delete opinion and put fact


Lol. What gave it away?

This isn’t news

Nothing new. No surprise. realDonaldTrump is a complete idiot. TrumpIsAFraud

Next topic pls. 😏😏😏

This is news? And if it is we are really screwed.

Fact: Trump has no idea what he’s doing

No kidding.

He causes chaos , then tries to fix it. It’s called gaslighting


Duh! Who woke you up?

TriciaLicata 100 x YES!!

Love this clueless president keep it up economy is great. For all people

Took you over two years to work it out? SlowLearners!

Can_ada Hot take!

Trump is now working on bankruptcy for America. He's the worlds best at making it happen.

The worst part is,, he thinks he knows what he’s doing..

No shit.

We knew that the day he was elected

Ha! No kidding!

That has been true much of his life. Donald Trump is King of Failing Up.

We are 2 years in, no shit!

ChrisCuomo For future reference, ‘governing experience’ is important...

He doesn’t, but the Republican Party certainly knows how to cover his...

And in other breaking news, water is wet.

Yes he does.


bankrupted 6 businesses lost over 1 Billion in 10 years..



Cut the shit. The economy is booming. Unemployed is lowering. Trump has survived every attempt to put him out of office the left has thrown at him. He didn’t start WW3, or launched a nuke, or brought back slavery, or any thing y’all said he was going to do. Y’all were wrong.

I feel this could easily have been the headline every single day for the last fifty years.

People with lesser accomplishments criticizing those with great accomplishments as not knowing what they are doing. My 401k s are doing sensational since Obama left office.

Now...How do you know that ?

Got that right. Trump is an airhead.

We already know that. Now we need to do something about it.


Just b/c you at Washington Post can’t understand, that doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t smart enough too.

Geez you just realized that?

How's the Markets today idiot! Not everyone is as dumb as you about how tariffs work or as naive about Mexico paying for a wall. Stick to bankrupting your on business interests. Unfit incompetent fraud. Disgrace to the integrity of the USA. Taxpayers don't want to pay bar tabs!

Opinion: Facts

No shit

This is a headline? Ok.. BREAKING.. The Sun came up this morning.. THIS JUST IN.. Water is still wet.. C'mon man.


As one who followed his casino business escapades in real time, I have known this for a long time

You are correct he does not know what he is doing. The WOPO however is a bastion of relevant cogent thought. You must live in some sort of ass- backwards parallel universe! You know the one where Muslims welcomed Jews to the east med. in 1947.

File this one under “no shit”.

Amen. Except “dumb” may not be the best way to describe the Trump era. Dangerous is the word I’d use. DT is Hell-bent on war: a war of words, a trade war, an armed conflict. He still thinks he’s on TV, just playing a role. And he’s right: just playing the role.

ChrisCuomo That’s why this moron lost 1B.

Ya think?

Sure. We're not really seeing record low unemployment, 3.6 growth and 450,000 new manufacturing jobs. China is 2.6% of our imports and 0.9% of our exports in a $20T economy. President Trump knows exactly what he is doing from borders to CHINA trade to NATO to the Middle East.

It's not an opinion it's a fact

You're just now figuring this out 🙄

Hahahaha what was your first clue?


Gee, and this is a surprise to whom?

ChrisCuomo Look who just caught up

Y’all just figuring this out now...?

trumpTradeWar with china is killing the usa economy and decimating people's 401k retirement accounts. ChinaTariffs ChinaUS

At least Presidents advance policies that are coded into laws. The wall is not an immigration policy. Tariffs is not a trade policy. Issues is a crude way of governing. It goes after every distraction. Trump does not know what he is doing.

Fake News!


Pretty sure Robinson is a racist. A white person could not say this about OBama without being called a racist.


No kidding, Deranged Donald doesn't know his hand from his ass.

That's what everyone said at election time. Seemed like he didnt know what he was doing then and still produced the result. He's been doing it ever since. Dislike him, vilify him, say what you want. Numbers dont lie.

Trump knows exactly what he's doing he's sticking it to the American public and inviting authoritarians to rule our country

ChrisCuomo Amen

This is less opinion and more fact. Nice try WaPo!

If u print it MUST be wrong!!!!!

catwoman081180 That’s not just an opinion, that’s a fact. Few and far between when discussing trump. ImpeachDonaldTrump

ChrisCuomo Expect a non bias piece from the respected Washington post. Nothing but honest reporting goes on there. They were extremely accurate on Russia hoax coverage. Also economic predictions from ‘16.

ChrisCuomo He’s a fraud. A pathological lying narcissist. Very low IQ and a crook. He stole the presidency with help from a foreign power and is systematically destroying everything America stands for. The worst part is the GOP watches it happening and does nothing. Shameful.

The majority of the country knows this

Just figuring this out?


He knows what he is doing. Trump feels slighted because no American would help him after he ruined his families business. Putin and his buddies helped him when no one else would. Now hes out for revenge against the US. He truly hates the US Every move he makes proves it

I don't have a 401k. All I need to do is take a glance at Trump's tweets or listen to him speak for 30 seconds to know he has no idea what he's doing.

He knows enough to know that he can get away with murder with GOP protection. Trump has no allegiance to parties, he picked Republican because they are like him. Bullies that ram through walls of democracy to get what they want at any cost to the American People.

You just realized that!!!!


No shit.

That's not an opinion

Opinion is correct. Factual is debatable

ChrisCuomo You think?

Agree!!! 100%

Coming from a paper that doesn't know what it's doing!! 😂🤣😂🤣


Yes he does. A commandment from Putin to destroy America: make it ripe for takeover already started 2016: COUP

No shit!

With an IQ of 156, I doubt that very much. You all are being played and you don't even know it. Ignorance is bliss ain't it. Oh and just have a look here 👇 you insufferable hacks.

Opinion? That's hard, verified news

No one does! he is the WING IT KING!

This was evident 10 to 15 years ago when Trump lost 1.17 billion dollars of shareholders money. Of course Trump himself lost nothing, which is the true proof of a con man.

This is not an opinion, it’s fact! We all knew that waaaaay before he announced his run, but it’s didn’t matter. It didn’t matter when re mocked a reporter, didn’t matter when he called for violence against protesters at his rallies, and it doesn’t matter now! It’s time to STAND!

Opinion: leftists are lost. After two years promoting a treasonous lying dossier they double down their attacks while Barr begins the investigation into these actions.

ChrisCuomo He’s been bluffing it since day one...con artist, incompetent bag of wind. The man who thinks he’s the “greatest” thing ever “in the history of this country “ WRONG ..the biggest disaster ever ..all EGO..enough🤬😡

I love it. Explain the flat out Lie. I want the verbage. When it happened who was involved. You people it’s not lieing. It’s talking both side of your mouth to see what sticks.

Neither do his naysayers, evidently.

Oh. That’s why our economy is booming? Glad I voted for realDonaldTrump

He knows he’s committing crimes.

Not opinion. Fact.


It concerns me that WaPo is just now realizing this.

This isn’t an opinion so much as it’s a verified scientific fact.

ChrisCuomo Trump’s chaos is orchestrated, it’s what he does,& yes his chaos is all about Fox ratings, rally crowd size & his financial interest look no further than Iran —he’s allowing tail to wag the dog cus his financial interest is with Saudi Sadly a cowardly GOP Senate cooperates

Not only is Trump a financial idiot, all of us taxpayers are the ones that will have to pay for his mistakes!! Throw that bum OUT!!

In other news water is wet, ice is cold ...

Great! (Sarcasm) So he can claim mental when he is charged with obstruction.


Do presidents or leaders from good governments meet with this muggle? He wants to lift all the rocks and televise the filthy critters that crawl out!

Duuuuhhh! No sh--- Sherlock! Most people paying attention knew that from day 1.😞

Your bias and hate is out of control Washington Post is worse then the Star or any other gossip paper washingtonpostishatenews

Seems a waste of space on the opinion page when all the facts are in section A

We all knew that

I think we figured this out a long time ago.


FakeNews and FakeTwitter watched Twitter remove my likes. Saw a resistance member with 10 followers get 100 likes. Twitter bias

Opinion: Water is wet.

You got it

Never has never will.

No shit...but he's got a puppet master


This is a great article, very clear that we are in deep trouble.

ChrisCuomo This is considered an opinion? Seems like an empirical fact based on huge amounts of evidence.

ChrisCuomo Absolutely NO idea nor does anyone around him. If they do, they are cowards because they fear the revenge tweet !

Who’s surprised

ChrisCuomo ignoranus

What took you so long to figure it out? Have you been trapped in a mineshaft for the last three years?

ChrisCuomo Maybe, but he is more of a President than is a credible news source.

ChrisCuomo Really ?🙄🙄🙄

Vote him out.

ChrisCuomo Just like Hitler, who was apparently a bumbling buffoon with a temper.

ChrisCuomo correct,watch him destroy the economy.everything every1 he touches he destroys including America


The Washington Post has no idea what they’re doing!!!! Trump knows exactly what he’s doing.

ChrisCuomo What a bold opinion

I believe that!!


Breaking news.

ChrisCuomo This article/headline can run everyday for the remainder of his term.

ChrisCuomo Doesn’t he have advisors ? He can’t be that clueless !

ChrisCuomo Opinion of that opinion: We knew this shit a long time ago.

ChrisCuomo Trump has no idea and doesn't care, he wanted the power with no interest in public service, cos he's a sociopath. Psych test all Pres candidates from now.


It has been obvious since Day 1 that he was going to try to bullsh*t his way through his Presidency the way he conned and bullshi**ed his way through his business career. Read his Art of the Deal - he spells out clearly in that book that he is a con man, he brags about it.

We’ve known this for 2+ years now.

This is hilarious to listen to the WaPo try to explain how the President doesn't know what he is doing! Today's media can't get a story straight, but the President doesn't know what he is doing! 😆😆😆😆

Newsflash and 46% of American voters:

He never had, has and will have ...

Oh, that’s why the economy is so bad?

Not opinion, fact.




That is the under statement of the century. His administration and the GOP are a blight on our country Vote them all Out

That's a fact...

That about describes it.

More dishonest leftist media complex propaganda attacks against the President.

I fixed it for you

And this is new? He’s beyond clueless.


A lot of people have that opinion.

Ya’ think?

We know.

Reality show ...Joe

No shit?

Sounds more like the hack that wrote this piece is projecting.

clarencehilljr Facts!

idigmines And his repub collaboraters go along with his incompetence. Something's rotten in the republican Senate.


He needs professional, medical attention for his drug problem. Who is his current side fling? Who is he cheating on his wife with now?

Shawnpe73155 Since the 70s

No kidding! We all know that.

WINNING is what he is doing...forever and always...at every turn....WINNING

Dear Washington post why do you post these things inca country where we all are struggling to survive a crises. You post things to rile people up are you working for Puten

He’s fulfilling campaign promises and fighting for America.

He knows how to screw things up

This is news?🙄

Right on

Ya think?!!

Super excellent 1 sided reporting... Your making it easier to spot Bull Sh!t👍

Would this all make more sense if we just concluded trump’s real mission is to destroy the country and make it more vulnerable to foreign opportunists?

No sh*t.

TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid TrumpTraitorAndStupid

Then why is he winning?

Old news

This is not an opinion.

No offense but I think this is about the most obvious article you've published unless you choose to do one on water being wet.

This seems less like an opinion and more like a completely observable fact.

realDonaldTrump - A tariff is a tax on imports or exports between sovereign states. It is a form of regulation of foreign trade and a policy that taxes foreign products to encourage or safeguard domestic industry. Tariffs are the simplest and oldest instrument of trade policy.

WalkerMishelle You mean my 101K, correct?

You’re just figuring this out? Where the hell have you been?

Opinion? Truth!

This is an opinion piece?

More like you have no idea how he’s doing what he’s doing. You’re going to have no idea how he won a second term in about 18 months. This is why you suck.

Anyone paying attention already knew that

He is not to bright for a self proclaimed genius. His tax returns and his financial records will show that . And he as sure as hell is not honest or he would not be hiding everything from the American people.

From Day One!

Get him off his clown stage and close the curtain.

Uh, ‘er, haven’t we known that for a couple of years now? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Who cares about your opinion

Click bait

How is this an opinion piece? It’s fact.

Most people with mental issues don't know what they are doing!

And Pelosi House is sleep-walking as usual!

Delete the word 'opinion' and you've got it.

Capitan Obvious.

I hope it didn’t take this long for someone to figure this out.

'Suprize, suprize, suprize!

Certainly WaPo has based their whole platform on this conjecture! That’s why they cease to be journalism platform and more political wing of Liberal Left-more ‘Yellow Journalism’!


2 years into his presedency, strong economy and lowest unemployment in 50 years shove your opinion in your rear

Gee. Ya think? And why t f did he get endless coverage in 2016? Hmm what role has mainstream media played in this horror? 🤔😡

Really ?

Great title: getting a sixth-grade journalism class in on the action, are you?

Opinion: The Democrat ran media knows exactly what they are doing. Campaigning for the 2020 election, but most Americans can see through the liberal bullshit, to the progress the Trump admin has made. mediamanipulation fakenews journalismisdead feedthesheep

Yeah, no shit.

Written by a Chinese national?

Right... he sure has you idiots figured out though 😂

Maybe that’s what he wants us to think... or not... he doesn’t care one way or the other. He’s just creating chaos, instability and doing exactly what Putin instructed.

Trump doesn't really care about America. He is unfit. He must really not care about farmers. They won't get back what Trump has taken from them. Some will lose everything because of bad trade policy that is all on Trump, a big loser who lies to protect his ego.

Confidence does not equal competence

What was your first cue.

How about..🤮🤮

For his followers, he knows best. An autocracy vs. Democracy

Well no shit!

It’s blatantly obvious he has no clue what he’s doing that helps the country. He knows how to turn people against each other on major issues and knows how to bring financial ruin to everyone. That’s about it. He all in all knows how to people dictators that want us gone.

Hot take alert

Didnt stop Obama.

This Twitter account ApiFeelGood proves Trump’s criminal intent & that Trump knows exactly what he is doing.-API🌅

No shit

Personally I think he’s done better than the alternative, unemployment? Down, American constitution? Upheld MAGA liberty

This story is trash. Shame on you Washington Post for printing this. Low hanging fruit for columnists that aren’t creative enough to come up with something on their own. Snooze!!

He knows what he is doing WP!

Imagine that!

Lolled at the headline.

Ya think. 🙄

Duh! Welcome aboard the obvi train!

Wow. Finally someone figured that out

We know what Washington Post is selling...bullshit

EvelDick That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.

Understatement of the year.

The first tweet that's a fact all day.

Most of us are already aware of this.

I’ve never seen this type of BS coming from the WP on Obama and most of the things he would do! What makes you think the American public can give you a pass on talking about a POTUS now? So unpatriotic whether your candidate or not! Mediabias

And yet most of you idiots agreeing with this piece aren't saying a damn thing about him trying to start a war with Iran wanting to send 120000 troops ships aircraft carriers all 2 start another War for Israel


This take was once hot but you left it in the microwave overnight

Actually, I believe that!

Yeah, we’ve known this for a long time.🤷🏻‍♀️

Then why is the economy so good and unemployment so low?

...הוא, לא-שפוי בדעתו... Crazy

If that’s true and we still have a booming economy and no new major wars, perhaps that’s a case that the President isn’t nearly as important as our politics makes them out to me and people should stop pronouncing the world is ending when their candidate doesn’t win.


Welcome to June 2016

And that is the best way to do it.

He’s spitballing and using our tax dollars to cover his losses when he doubles down.

Must know something bc economy is booming, unemployment at all time lows, military is stronger, liberals can’t stand it, constitutional judges being confirmed and Dem House can’t legislate.

How TF is this still an opinion?

In other news, water is still wet.

Bankruptcy how many times? Squandered how many millions he inherited? Art of the Deal?

Nope, he doesn't. But John Bolton does.....and that should make you quake.

No shit he has no idea!! He never did..

And in other breaking news trump is not actually young and vibrant 🙄.

When opinion meets fact.

We sane people already knew!! It took losing trillion $$$ n stock mkt for others to wakeup---sad!!!now about military mess n Iran-stop it!!hwmnylx69 amjoyshow LaBelle50 gypsydaze1

Opinion; President Trump knows exactly what he’s doing

DerangedDonald is incompetent and must go! It is only getting worse the longer he is in the Whitehouse! People, he is destroying our country! What is wrong with everyone!? DerangedDonald is trying to be an autocrat!

Well duh 🙄. Please tell us something that we don’t know.

Opinion: Breathing is better for your health than not breathing.

FakeNewsMedia alert!! Your propaganda will help POTUS45 to win 2020 on a landslide.

Just listened to Liar tell Boeing, Caterpillar, etc to open divisions here in America to avoid tariffs.. uh, why doesn't POTUS lead by example and bring his & Ivanka's businesses here?

When did you get a clue! Only his base of WhiteWalkers seems to think he has a clue!!!

No stuff!

Aww poor 👇🏼

Not one! Most of us know this! Now if the Republicans and people who think he's the best thing since slice bread would stop drinking the Kool Aid then maybe we can get this country back on track!

WaPo beats the collusion drum for two years, either incapable of seeing the hoax or a willing participant in said hoax and WaPo thinks Trump has no idea what he’s doing Obama and Bush had no idea what they were doing. You guys are knuckleheads.

Hey WP Opinion folks: Most Americans knew that for nearly forty years now. Too bad 62 million Americans either didn’t or couldn’t read

That's not an opinion, that's a fact.

52fairway He never has...

Donnalee711 Is saying: 'Well, DAH!' ...sufficient?

The cult 45 don’t care. They don’t know what they’re doing either.

He is going to bankrupt America.

Wow your just figuring that out

tommyisgrig 'Bull in a China shop' springs to mind...

Most had him at Dotard UnfitForOffice since day one ! trump is a dangerous clown. enough stop enabling him for our nations sake. realDonaldTrump SpeakerPelosi HouseDemocrats RepJerryNadler CNN FoxNews

charmcity1973 Another know nothing elitist telling us we should continue to allow COMMUNIST China to rip America off with trade deficits and IP theft!🙄

TheDarkness24 One of the most truthful headlines ever written.

LOL incorrect

TheDarkness24 Can no one in this morons cabinet explain to him how tariffs work?

Ya think?

The only dumb one is the author of this op-ed. Absolutely no conception of long term negative effects to US. MAGA

Indeed he doesn't, Trump is Ignorant Impulsive and a PROUD and SPLASHY LIAR: The ONLY people that could now STOP him are his crooked accomplices in the GOP....if senatemajldr and the rest don't act, he will sink the US and the world into War & Economic Chaos

corporate control is the reason ....bring back the UNIONS

WP! Did you just discover this fact out⁉️60% of America knew that! Shame on U‼️

This is a new concept?

An opinion shared by many.

He is remarkable!!! The best president we’ve seen in a long time.,, He is a real leader, not a twit like the Dem’s candidates. I have lived long enough to know a smart leader when I see one. You immature snowflakes know nothing, socialist professors are leading you astray.

He is screwing up the world!

No really 😳

Isn’t that obvious? He is a moron

Funny stuff.

Ya think?

This has been evident since he announced his campaign for President.

.realDonaldTrump well thats obvious

Wow, white ppl just now realizing he’s under qualified 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

Yes, exactly. 100%

This really isn’t opinion. It’s a provable fact.

Not an opinion, a sad fact that we've been living with for three years.

Eugene Robinson is a fashion editor....some expert on government. WP is a joke of a publication. It is just a partisan rag.


At least he’s not a Marxist (44)

When did you notice? Ammendment 25


I dont want to look. I do not want to be devastated by what I see.

Like I need more insomnia

Schrödinger's Trump: A Trump that skillfully colludes with a foreign entity to undermine a democracy but also doesnt have any idea what he is doing

Lowest unemployment in 50 years.

No shit.

Trump 2020

In other news, water is wet. Film at 11...

Everything going great especially better than when Obama was President

Dear Washington Post, Trump is an expert with God-given wisdom. Are you quite sure about that statement. You might want to withdraw it. You're all a set of cowards sticking to the status quo, afraid of advancement.

WAPO sucks. Fake news

Dow Jones the day before Trump was elected: 18,259. Dow Jones yesterday: 25,324 WaPo libs, again, prove they are the enemy of Americans.

Elected for the entertainment value?!

You're bit slow on the uptake . As evidenced by everything he's said since, well ever really.

Opinion: Trump has no idea what he’s doing. Public opinion: WP has no idea what to report, only the attack on Trump. Just another news rag.

Not opinion, just facts

That's not an opinion..


Are people just now understanding this?

misleading headline. Should be: Fact: Trump has no idea what he’s doing

No shit, that has been obvious to anyone who gives a damn since the campaign

Major understatement

That has been obvious since the beginning, glad you caught up! 🤔🤔🤔

Brought To You By: GOP, KOCH, McTurtles, Alt-Right/WRONG HAHAHAHAHAHA All You Deplorables Can Go To Jail Now!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA


And he's not interested enough to change that.

I'm not sure this is an opinion.

He's Putin's Puppet!!

This isn’t a secret.


It’s too late for the 25th amendment. It’s time to impeach so the congress can get the truth out about Russian interference and the continuing obstruction of justice. Russia did get into our voting machines in 2016. They didn’t change votes then but they will continue in 2020.

Yeah ok.

The man discusses topics like a school child giving a book report on one he hasn’t read.


It took 3 years for you to figure this out

Succinctly put.

Yeah, lowest unemployment in decades is just terrible...🙄

DumbbellDonald Duh.

He’s a great chess ♟ player

But the GOP do. Take a look at the senate. Horrific. Care nothing for people. Apparently hate women. The elderly, babies and children, anyone who is vulnerable, minorities .... people. Terrifying. Please vote them out!


No shit

No shit!

Trump realDonaldTrump is the 21st Century Mr Bumbles: No military experience No elected office experience. The biggest business loser. A stupid POTUS TrumpTariffs Iran ACA Farmers climatechange education MiddleEast TrumpCrash pollution racist China

And you do

Too late

The 6 bankruptcies didn’t tell you that?

He’s in way over his head, unfortunately.

Am not surprised at all.

Yep, then I guess he is a real life Chauncey Gardener. Lowest Unemployment in 50 years, 3.0 + percent growth, inflation steady, better deal with Mex and CN, taking on China with which we have a half a trillion trade deficit, crushed ISIS, taking on Iran and DPRK missiles.

We know.

he must be clueless, just by the facts its been working. sorry he isnt taking bribes from russia and china. but you can vote for biden if you want that.

No kidding

You’ve just figured that out.

Y'all said that before he took office and he gave the US five million jobs and a perfect economy. Repeating the same lie all day is not going to make it right.

For a guy who don’t know what he’s doing he has one Hell of a Economy that only Democrats could dream of having. When your Ideology clouds your business judgement and viewership and profits go down. That’s not knowing what your doing. How’s the paper sales been WP?

Bit late coming out with this

Just figuring that out? Trump has been flying by the seat of his pants since Day 1 of his presidency.

He is destroying this country

Yes we know.

Opinion:Perspective:Analysis:Sources Here are 10 disturbing things everyone needs to know about the global media giants who control our supply of information, wielding immense power over the people- and even over the government Read More:

You just figured this out?

So, you’ve caught on?

Gulag here! Opinion: Washington Post OpEd says Orange Man Bad

Opinions as news. The post yearly objective.

docrocktex26 I think he knows what he’s doing. He just doesn’t know or care about the implications.

So stupid analysis

Opinion: The Washington Post just woke up after two years of what everyone else already knows. Republicans know it but don’t want to admit it.

Oh, do tell... maybe Dems should launch some more investigations and distractions so you can then point out how distracted he is... honestly, you folks are a joke

I could have told y’all that two years ago. In fact I did.

Great job Sherlock!

An opinion I agree with

Lol... seriously? I think we all know this.

This is not news!

This isn’t news. We already know this.


What? The Pope is Catholic

BillionDollarLoser just lost a trillion on the market.

Fact: wapo is fake news

Replace Opinion with Fact!

No shit.


Really? What gave it away....

Just discovering this now? ImpeachTrump

Neither do his followers...

No shit. There is no ideology or agenda other than ‘me’

Opinion: Washington post has no idea what their doing

No kidding! But the Republican enablers allow him to do damage our country without doing anything about it.

Coming from who?

“Vets of the high-stakes world of NY real estate have told me about what they described as Trump’s standard negotiating practice, pitching some kind of fit at the very last minute, when the other party thought things were settled, in hopes of bullying his way to a better deal” 🙄

'No DemoRat Pimps', our President, President Donald Trump knows exactly what he's doing. Your Pres. Barack Hussein O'Bummer and 'Creepy Joe' O'Biden didn't know what the Hell they were doing. They were too busy stealing from the American People.

Most of America knew this .

In general? or as President? Actually both apply

Journalism died in the darkness of your newsroom

It took you two years to tumble onto that?

It's very true, they really have tried to.use some bizarre bullish, biased tactics to really just question, why is this guy still in office? Plenty of his members were fired or left or let go, so he should do the same, he talked about cleaning the swamp. He brought in a swamp too

Trump is sinking our ship and drilling new holes every day! He is trying to run our county like he does his failed businesses! TrumpScam CrazyFakePresident


The only thing more ignorant than this article are the comments lol he’s the President your publication is not. America is thriving- your publication? No so much 😂💩

Rex Tillerson was right. Trump is a fucking moron.

That would have been my front page headline the day after he was elected.

Mine never went down until TRump.

Two plus years in, and some of us are just now realizing this?

The American people are starting to awake and think for themselves....the biggest fear of the Main Stream Media!! Truth is Truth , no matter how much the media wants the American people to believe them...WWG1WGA!! We Love our Country!! We will not let the Democrats Destroy USA

Fact: Yea, he does.

That should be front page, not “opinion”...come on

He continues to tell the same lies to his base and they lack the intellectual curiosity to seek the truth.

Welcome to 1995

Definitely more fact than opinion.

He's ruining the small family farms in the United States.

EvelDick No shit, Sherlock. It only took you guys two years to figure that out.

Been saying this for decades. Thanks for catching up.

Wow you're just catching on? Yet you have dozens of other headlines that promote him, almost like you're just in the media biz to make money, just like trump!

Of course he doesn’t, but the scary thing is that he thinks he’s the smartest person in the world.

My opinion: realDonaldTrump is the best president of all time. oneandonly

Has he ever?

This is not an opinion piece....this is a fact.

That has to be correct- I hate the turmoil. The international community is also very worried.

Color us shocked.

I thought we figured that out his first day on the job.

And you’re just figuring this out NOW?

Billion Dollar Loser.. Trump.

Ya think

Ya think?

He's a case study for Alzheimer's.


At this point, is this really opinion or fact?

MediciSusan Why was this published in the opinion section? The conclusion is straight up fact. The evidence is overwhelming.

TRUMP has proven the media wrong time and time again. Your opinion does not matter as you are part of the problem.

Truth matters...more like FACT than opinion...

Based on the economy, I’ll take a guy who doesn’t know what he’s doing over the Washington political elites who’ve spent billions on foreign wars and accumulated trillions in debt.

Trump lost more money in 10 years than any taxpayer in America.... and not enough people cared about his taxes to see how he managed money before giving him control of the economy...... wonderful.

He knows how to win!

Also, grass is green. Next.

He has a thin skin and no backbone and an aging and who knows what diseases are in his brain.

I think that’s more a fact than an opinion

When it comes to a choice between WashingtonPost or realDonaldTrump, I'm going with Trump!

And you’ve just figured that out. realDonaldTrump has never known what he’s doing in any job

Running the country like his business, throw a deal at the wall and watch it not stick.


Um, no shit.

Yeah, I think that's pretty much a fact at this point, not an opinion.

HunkyGayJesus That's actually a fact, not an opinion

Soooo the lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics was just a happy accident? The 3.2% GDP is just an accident?

Sure. My 401K is up 23% since he was elected. He definitely knows what he is doing. He's got my vote in 2020.

lovebscott Yeah, duh..😊

Opinion.... every basic metric disproves this author. WAPO... they just can’t stop

What was your first clue Sherlock?


No shit

And they say WaPo is a news organization lol

Has he ever had an idea what he's doing?

You are fake news so opinion don't matter

Opinion: The Washington Post is one of the top 10 major fake news outlets. FakeNews

That’s um...not an opinion. It’s a fact.

Ya think? What took you so long?

Trump is way over his head when it comes to trade deals with China and now he has bit off more then he can chew.

There’s an understatement

News flash for ya.

I could have told you that before the 2016 election.

For someone who 'doesnt know what they're doing', hes doing pretty well.

Is this the way to win election 2020 , to convince every liberal that every thing is bad?

You're just now figuring this out...

Thank goodness I’m sitting down for this revelation. I had NO IDEA 🙄.


Ya Think 🤔

Booming economy, lowest unemployment in decades, prison reform, cutting regulations, making the military stronger, low minority unemployment, standing up to other countries, he doesn’t have a clue! 🤪

*Orange man bad* Yawn

I guess I am not the only 1 then

Ya think?

This statement was made during the campaign and he won. It has been true since he took office and the GD GOP doesn’t care. As long as the power and greed are with their party, the rest of us be damned.

Yah think🙄

He's clueless

We’d noticed.

that’s not an opinion lol

Ha! He knows EXACTLY what he is doing. That's why he will win again 2020

And it’s taking the country how long to figure that out?! 🤦🏾‍♂️

no, he does not, never did, never will, Move to remove. Here is a new motto: ANYONE BUT TRUMP.

Hey WaPo! Go out of business, please. You print OpEd articles like this from ignorant and angry Far Leftists

How can Washington Post know Trump no ideas for China talk. Didn't Trump tell the Newspaper B.S.

And that is exactly why the Russians wanted Trump in the WH!


If it’s not a scam, when does he ever?

realDonaldTrump never had a clue....any1 who attributes anything he does to genius is way off base. When u have no ethics, u can lie, then keep changing thatblie till it hits a chord with the deliberately & defiantly ignorant-this isn’t brilliance, this is malignant persistence

Sorry, but results prove otherwise.

flightbomb Comments realDonaldTrump?

No kidding.

but he does-- he's systematically destroying US infrastructure and government and setting himself up as despot...


Never has

Well no kidding

Yeah we know.

You misspelled “fact”.

Opinion: WP is now on the same level as the National Enquirer

You can say that again!

Lmao. The country is doing better than ever 🤪former newspaper

Fact: Trump has no idea what he’s doing.

Tweeted August 23, 2017:

Hey Eugene Robinson hit piece courtesy of the Washington compost

But but he’s a stable genius 🙄

O nosso também não!


Y’all just now figured that out?

Most have known and been saying this very thing for a few years...!?

You think?

That’s because he’s being told what to do by Putin.


Breaking news top dems ask trump for help on how to bring their party together

He’s making democrats cry and Schifft their pants. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

Those sadly are the FACTS

Best “duh” headline ever.

Completely agree!

Understatement of the year and you can quote me.

No shit.

We've been saying all along that he is a moron, he has never educated himself, never reads books and now he is hell bent on a trade war. He is just a loser.

This is the man that lost how much money in the 80s during the biggest growth times in our history.

But you guys certainly do, especially with the Russian collusion hoax, and for more than two years.

This is old news.

LOL...From the Washington Post...lol...oh my...first laugh of the day. TWP is a joke...

The Washington post has no idea what they're doing

Yet taxes are low employment is high our allies are paying more for their own defense and he is taking a stand against China which has been eating our lunch for decades. All this while under constant attack from the democrats

Opinion: Washington Post belongs along side the National Enquirer. They traffic in pop-journalism and left wing talking points.

You know that. I know that. When is the GOP going to wake up

File under: DUH


Wait, what?

I think that's fairly apparent to most; his latest trick being to stuff American consumers deep into the mouth of China... Totally incompetent...

Remember that glorious time 18 months ago when the moron realDonaldTrump shut down the government for over a month for nothing? Zero accomplished. Simpler times. Now he tweets idiotic deals and the market loses over a trillion as he raises taxes on US citizens and GOP cheers

No shit

None what so ever. More like the court gestur running the insane asylum.

What was the date on this piece? Is it from 2017?

No. Way.

Duh, and/or, hello!


Dah... News flash

6 bankruptcies confirms it...and we’re the 7th. The notion that realDonaldTrump is a “successful” businessman is laughable and straight fantasy AnotherBlueTsunami2020

WP 'opinions'....

That’s because he only knows bankruptcy....lol

Just ignore the growing economy across all demographics.

Exactly, which is why the economy is booming and 100 conservative judges have been confirmed. You wouldn't be so upset if he wasn't so affective !

LaVerneWright13 Never has done. Never will do.

Neither does this genius.

Trump airline, Trump steaks, Trump magazine, Trump Casinos, Trump University and only after two years of the most corrupt and clueless presidency, some people are finally catching on that Trump is much more Brokehontas than a “stable genius”.

Ya think

You’re just now figuring this out?

So true

Complete nonsense! = manurecompost = fake news = leftists rag news = enemies of the United States = commies = extremely biased and unbalanced against POTUS Trump. And operated by leftist Jeff Bezos. - U.S. MILITARY VETERAN realDonaldTrump KellyannePolls

That's abundantly clear!

No shit...

Key word: opinion.

And never has had any idea dreamy Donald


I also have no idea what he’s doing🌚

And I'm supposed to believe that some newspaper hack does? Give me a break.

ann_kennedy62 but NYC and NJ's Atlantic City told you this, but you didn't listen! This is what you wanted. The midwest and the South rails against NYC, but they voted the worst possible candidate from there. Thanks, Fox News. The idiots are winning.


This isn’t an opinion. This is a FACT!


Not when he stole the election, not now, and, odds would predict, not in the future. The occupant is a bumbling clown who’s harming the US.

New WashingtonPost Headline Opinion: The Sky is Blue

MSM has no idea except to hate POTUS FakeNewsMedia the EnemyOfThePeople NoCollusionNoObstruction

realDonaldTrump record of success speaks for itself. 4MoreYears


Yup, tanking. Pretty scary in retirement.

He knows what he’s doing, he’s causing Division and Turmoil

DumbDonald Good description of his leadership so far.



Duh Brokeahantas is whole life!

Jamestoupin You think?

Once again pure idiocy from Jeff Bezos and his joke of a newspaper. How embarrassing.


He doesn't know, that any Chinese is smarter than him. He will learn it the hard way, but meanwhile the entire world will have to suffer under this hitlerlike idiot. I wonder what grades he had in school.

Looks like the past presidents didn’t know what they were doing or did they?

Yes, he is.

True, and the problem is that no one is stopping him.

I don’t know, the Magic Wand has done wonders thus far. The numbers tell the story. Personally I will take the last 27 months over the previous 8 years .

No shit Sherlock 😂

We know.

I’m sorry, but how is this news?

That is a well known fact supported by many pesky facts

I don’t expect anyone writing opinion for Wash Po to say anything more positive.

That’s actually a fact.


yea ,right! This ignorant comment just proved out how worthless your ' opinions' are.

Trouble is,he keeps on doing it.

Opinion: everything that guy just said is bullshit FakeNews LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

No shit

Trump is total FRAUD. Tariffs r Pd by USA importers not China. All it does is raise prices of imported goods. It will hurt USA consumers more. It’s equivalent to raising taxes eg like gst from Americans Oh how stupid u fraud potus , fraud WH advisers

Took you way too long to reach this conclusion.

Not a clue.

You can say that again


POTUS knows EXACTLY what he’s doing. Bank on it!

That's not news. I think we all knew that 11/9/16.

Um, yeah. You'd stand corrected

Bingo! Got that right 👍🏻


Never has never will HeDoesNotCare

it is difficult to understand why some countries can have nuclear power and others not. It is not justified. In each country there are good and bad characters.

That is not news...my cat is more coherent...

No shit

Winging it! Cult45 VoteBlue2020

We had 8 years of a community organized and did you ever once say this about him? Obama Trump

But but but...he knows more than anyone about anything

Okay, this is a pretty sold headline.

Strong economy and better trade future....WaPo is delusional.

Hahahahahaha! The great Washington Post has just realised Donald is clueless- Hmmmmmh!

Leader Trump is the greatset President in the history of are nation! Y'all libral's keep publishin' lie's about Him, but He keep's smashing emeny after enmeny!

It isn't really his concern that what he is doing as long as people in the US are finding themselves comfortable due to his efforts.

The stock market will give the ratings over the next 7 weeks. Investors won't like Trump's wheeler dealer grand standing when the pedal hits the metal.

It only taken you this long to figure this out?

Neither does the Washington Post

Who would have thought WaPo opinion piece that's degrading nasty and belittling towards President Trump. How original...such a fresh news paper.

he knows...you guys still in dream.

Ya think?

And that is the essence of the problem

Your right lol he don’t

Opinion? Why opinion? He has no idea what he's doing and that makes him dangerous not only to America but the entire world. He's incompetent. I'm a person who was raised to treat others with respect and courtesy. Trump is ignorant and a clod.


You're exactly Right.

LindaTpa More journalists need to hammer out this message. Not every American is paying close attention to the collapse of the US or they're still drinking the kool aid.

This is news to us all!!!! No way!!!! dumbestPresidentEver

Syr829 I don’t think he ever did?😂🤣 except that it’s NOT funny!!!

Except for all the bad shit.

No shit

Oh, ya think?!

FakePresident FakePOTUS

Yet he's still better than Obama.

“Trump has no idea what he is doing.” This was clear from the outset. While realDonaldTrump continues to be held unaccountable for his criminal actions, as POTUS he continues to endanger others. Help us, HouseDemocrats, you’re our only hope.... TimeToImpeach ImpeachTrump

Uh, No WAPO. POTUS knows exactly what he is doing. You Don't, and we like it that way!

Thought this was a fact even before he won....


And we’re paying for it now and in the future.

The question is how are the Americans holding on?

A number of observers spotted this some time (like, years) ago ...


The hottest of takes from 2016, or 2006, or 1996, or 1986 🙄

Komrade Trump is a False Prophet.

Really? Total BS! Trump knows exactly what he is doing & why!

Personally I think we are stupid if we keep trading with China. They want to steal us blind....... not even blind, they have been doing it for over 30 years. Their plan is to build their armies and their economy to be bigger than ours and you people want to just let them have us?

He never has. He is a combination of Houdini meets Stalin. He could only fool the gullible and the angry 37 percent.

8 years the GOP couldn’t wait to get the keys to 1600 and here we are. We need to change the locks before he totally ruins the United States literally and figuratively.

Me, I and myself .....

This coming from the Washington Compost

So tired of these opinion articles.

Is this news?

I think we could use this headline for the rest of the Trump presidency

Lost over a billion dollars (that we know of), failed at marriage, and failed at child rearing...if you ask me, he's lived an entire life not knowing what he's doing.

Bullshit! Cause mass hysteria so the SHEEP (DEMOCRATS & RINOS) are distracted from the IG reports coming out.


How do I apply for the position of the person that wrote this? I have a lot of cutting edge ideas everyone already knows about I want to share.

Yah think

That’s an opinion?

2024WonderWoman Is anyone really surprised. He is a very good salesperson. Seems very poor in biz. Handout from daddy and most likely saved by a TV show


Never did

Anyone who has followed this guy going back to the 80's is keenly aware that he is clueless.

HE promised he would rule the country as he did his business. YOU knew how badly he ran his business. YOU chose him. And he breaks the whole world into chaos. Change that fast !

1. Best economy in decades. 2. Lowest unemployment in history. 3. Has made US net exporter of energy. 4. Refuses to bribe North Korea and Iran. 5. GDP at 3 percent and growing....all this and more in under 2yrs. Crazy like a Fox

Opinions are like everyone has one. Yours appears to have diarrhea


He's the worst of the worst.

True. But not news.

Washington Compost

“I assume Trump realizes China isn’t really ‘paying’ the tariffs & the cost is in fact borne by US consumers, who will pay higher prices for made-in-China goods. Either [he] constantly lies about this on his Twitter feed... or he’s even more clueless about trade than I imagine.”


This just in ....

He’s a great President. Washington Post has no idea what they are doing!

He never had...

This opinion is false pushing a narrative propaganda. why does MSM push lies? Seems like they're against the American people.

No shit!


It's like you have elected a high schooler on work experience to the highest office. The GOP who support him should take a hard look at what is happening. This storm is too big to out run, I think.

You didn’t need the word “opinion”.

That’s not fair..he’s knows exactly what’s he’s doing...racism, misogyny, discrimination, dodgy personal gain and completely polarising the United States of America for his own personal benefit. Give the guy his due he has successfully taken vast swathes of americans for fools.😎


But at least he’s up to bat and swinging! Obama and bush did zero on NAFTA , China trade and the alike. It’s very difficult to undo 20 years of neglect. That’s the big story. The others did NOTHING!

Well DUH 🙄 how long has it taken you to figure that one out

More Breaking News from the Washington Post - “Trump has no idea what he’s doing” - who would have thunk it?

You mean, other than lining his personal coffers?

What was your first clue?

Well, the results say the exact opposite. Trump seems to be doing a great job and the majority of the country agrees.

He is really ignorant he leads US to another war with Iran.

These are the same words that everyone said before he even got elected, Inside the Private business meeting in NYC in trump Tower, ugh, this world is devastating theworldisgone

Where are the news here?

That’s not opinion.

So what else is new?

You’ve only just concluded this?

Didn't someone say he reads at a 5th grade level? If so, he is beyond in way over his head.

Agre 100%

DUH! lol 😂

The people one at Washington Post have no idea what they are publishing! Most Americans look around and see that Trump knows exactly what he's doing!!



Ya think ?

My 401(k) makes me cry.

Yeah. Breaking news.


No shit.


In other news, the earth revolves around the sun and most humans have ten toes.

You do?

That’s absolutely Not an opinion.

AbleToMeditate Well, yeah.

“Newspaper desperately posts same repetitive propaganda, to no avail”


Never did

Hillary told y’all. But you didn’t wanna listen 🤷🏼‍♀️.

It took over two years to realize this?

Right. It’s that whole 73 IQ thing.

He has no idea about the whole world...

Investigative journalism at its most obvious

More like FACT.

Fake news is Washington Post

Ummmmmmmmmmm...... where U been?

No shit Sherlock 🕵️‍♀️

STAND BACK, there is some serious journalisming going on her, so much journalisming.

Opinion: 2 years after the election and still can’t get over with the WIN of trump...🤔🤔🤔

This is a new idea?


Yeah and so guess who doesn't seem to know this 😒🌎

By the way what happened to the palestinian presoner that was murdered in Turkish prison and no one knows where his body? Or such news doesnt belong to human_rights ?!!!! KarenAttiah cnn ABC

Opinions like yours are baseless. Nobody cares what you think since you have an agenda. All Trump’s words and ideas become reality - for the benefit of the USA. Most of his promises are already fulfilled. As for the tariffs - gotta take short term pain for long term security.


fake news😂

Would it be more concerning if Trump knew exactly what he is doing

If that is true then he is surely blessed! Maybe you should ask him how and Implement those principles. It’s clear you don’t know what you are doing. Trump2020LandslideVictory / he is doing exactly what we asked him to do - maga

Uh..duhhhh !!!

Who knew that a guy who worked his entire business life on short term goals and delivered one failure and bankruptcy after another would turn out unable to run an entire country? Astonishing.

I like all the bots in this thread. NPCs will NPC

No shit, Sherlock!

Thats been obvious for quite some time.

You got that right

Unfortunately the opinion writer, Robinson, doesn't understand tariffs & the billions the U.S. is losing. President Trump knows exactly what he's doing so stay tuned! And btw, my 401(k) is much higher than it was during the Obama era!

America already knows that. ImpeachTrump

In what world is this just an “Opinion”?


This is the most obvious, truest, and necessary headline written in years.

Is that a question? We already know that. He’s pathetic.

If that is true, how come unemployment rate is lowest since 1969? Just say your mind cannot comprehend the amazing things Trump is doing. Many expected Trump to fail, howbeit his succeeding is beclouding their judgement.

Are you just now figuring that out?

That's NEWS?!?

That isn't an opinion, WaPo.

If Trump were the CEO of a company (not his own), he would've been FIRED a long time ago. As president, he's doing great damage to our country -- financially and otherwise.

Bravo Eugene_Robinson

He had no transition team. He really is uneducated. He's paying off his worldwide markers with our money. China is a last ditch money grab for the .1%. Stop Reporting on What DISTRACTS, TAKE A STAND AND LEAD US BACK TO EVOLUTION! Endless talk and no walk. Big F***ing Deal

It took over 2yrs to formulate this opinion? 🤦‍♀️ c'mon wapo op, we've known this for decades

“ Donald had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more. ” P.G. Wodehouse

How long did it take you to come up with this opinion piece idea? 🤣

That has been clear since the campaign trail. Where have you been, ? Sleeping?

This is not new news- he hasn’t ever known what he is doing.

You misspelled “ FACT”

No he doesn’t... very scary for American & the world. And yet knowing it, the republicans in the Senate keep him in office. Shame on them. History will not look kindly upon them. Nor will their children ...

And Clinton, when he advocated China membership in World Trade Organization (WTO) knew exactly WHAT?

realDonaldTrump WAPO needed a committee meeting to come up with this Fake News story.

I think he’s doing a great job he’s not spying and giving billions of Americans tax money to Iran in the middle of the night unmarked bills

MichelleObama, LET BarackObama RUN WITH JoeBiden. SAVE AMERICA.🙏

Also you don’t measure long term effects by one day on Wall Street. That’s just stupid and having worked on the floor of the NYSE for 25 years I know what I’m talking about

Really? It's taken 2 1/2 years for you to conclude this

Opinion: Trump has no idea what he’s doing

This is an above-the-fold fact.

He has a few things in mind . To look for votes through headlines and protect interests of super wealthy

I think Trump has Alzheimer's, spread the word.

We’ve known that for years

“Simulated disorder postulates perfect discipline, simulated fear postulates courage; simulated weakness postulates strength.”



Trump has no idea what he's doing except for one thing.

I'm beginning to believe that it's the WP that's totally brain dead.

For the most part these are non essential items it there are alternatives that will now be 25% cheaper


High Treason is punishable by death

Opinion: WRONG

I like realDonaldTrump. I'd like him to shut up.

There’s a point on the Tariffs that everyone seems to be forgetting. It’s not that Americans will have to pay 25% more on $200 billion in goods. It’s that Americans will not buy much of those goods because they are now too expensive dive and that money will be spent elsewhere

High Treason

Hello.......Where you been

maybe Putin has?

He is mentally ill!!

Duh. He's also a drug addict. Zoom in on his eyeballs during these sessions.

High Treason

High Treason

We already know that, need fresh news please 😁

High Treason


Really, lol 😝 😝

That's not an opinion. That's a fact.

High Treason

That's what I said since his first day as so-called president .....

He is about to make the biggest deal in human history...have patience America....


Neither does

Trump is a racist


Water is wet

He has no idea his brain needs factory reset settings ....


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