Opinion: Dear White women, let's not fall for Trump's racist bet on us

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'Trump wants to divide us by exploiting what he hopes are our subconscious fears, by making it look like Democrats are going to allow 'danger' into your quiet suburbs. This couldn't be further from the truth,' Andrea Portes writes for CNNOpinion

Andrea Portes is a novelist and author of "Hick,""Bury This" and the forthcoming"This is Not a Ghost Story." The views expressed in this commentary are her own. View more opinion on CNN.President Donald Trump is betting that you will be more scared of Black people than you will be of dying of Covid-19, losing your job or your children's schools not reopening.

What I do care about is right-wing extremists or self-appointed militias -- or extremists on the left, for that matter -- getting so emboldened that they will shoot people in our city streets.


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Opinion Dunno about you but back in 2016 life was a lot better ( for my family) I had enough faith in my government. A secure job, and my president could actually DO HIS JOB😁

Opinion problem is Democrat’s already allow your suburbs and cities to burn, riot,& murder. Democrat mayor last never said a word when 2 cops were ambushed last night in LA,CA. So,yes those fears are real whenComala & Biden get elected.Biden Obama had Seen 4790murders in chi alone 09-16

Opinion You don't have to be a Trump supporter to see clearly that the Dems are evil and want to take our Country in the very wrong direction.

Opinion Trump is not a racist only dems use the race card it time you the media see that people are humans not skin tone and no one can keep you down unless you let them and dems pull race card to enslave blacks on the democratic plantation but not I for I can read the truth

Opinion Chalk this up to things you won't hear the left media say, or be able to find it on Google. What an odd thing to happen to a country with such a racist leader and it's from the most reliable source in media so we know it's true.😏


Opinion Trump has already divide us up and it’s about to get messy if being re-elected it’s important for joe campaign to make it more apparently clear to the Americans ppl the contrast of his leadership versus Trump lack of leadership that killed thousands of Americans families

Opinion Yea and those same idiot communist democrats promised that they would impeach Trump if they got into congress and they did over NOTHING dragging this country thru hell.

Opinion So according to you guys everyone else has no eyes to see and brain to understand what is going on? Why are you scared already

Opinion Women will vote for trump!

Opinion Anyone that believes this 🤡 is not that smart and does not care about their own family.

Opinion kilmeade SpeakerPelosi realDonaldTrump CNN you said 'by making it look like Democrats are going to allow 'danger' into your quiet suburbs.' I understand, You mean like they letting it happen in the Cities?

Opinion Did Cnn talk about the ' peaceful protesters' outside the hospital in LA. Yelling hope the cops die ? 💥

Opinion Now playing

Opinion You're doing a good enough job on your own

Opinion Andrea does not speak for me. I am a suburban white woman. I have eyes to see what Democrat mayors and Governors have been allowing in their cities night after night. I think Andrea needs to wake up.

Opinion Liar, it is pretty close to the truth. And Dems are already bringing 'danger' (i.e. riots) into the cities, so why wouldn't they bring it to the suburbs?

Opinion It always amazes me how you say Trump is a liar but you ignore your boy who quit an election in utter disgrace...

Opinion I’m a white woman and you are from the past. GO AWAY!

Opinion The president of the Divided states of America rally cry FEaR and lies ...............FakePresident

Opinion Just ask Mark McCloskey... The democrats will absolutely allow danger into your suburbs, then they’ll have their obedient prosecutors throw you in jail for defending your family! Wake up!!!

Opinion There are no innocent and altruistic parties here. CNN, FOX, and the rest of the dishonest Media along with the useless freeloaders in both Houses ALL have an agenda and ALL are playing the public and are sweating like a whore in a confessional, fearing we just may figure you out

Opinion Trump ”They may not like me for my personality, but I hate to say it, I’m what you need!”👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼realDonaldTrump FourMoreYears 🇺🇸

Opinion I agree Dems will destroy this country look at California , Chicago , NY , Portland , Seattle ! They are all burning .. no more proof required

Opinion Your the only one wanting to divide. Trolls.

Opinion actions speak louder than words. It is democratic cities that aren’t stopping rioting and looting, but in fact promoting it. Dems only denounce now bc its affecting polls

Opinion Trump is selling fear as a way to stay in power.

Opinion Because BLM protestors aren’t hitting the suburbs at night telling people to come out of their homes or that they are going to burn them out? BLM is coddled by the Biden campaign, just so you know

Opinion CNN spreading more lies.

Opinion Dear CNN....nice try...already watched the vids(not on your network) of protests marching down residential streets.....

Opinion CNN your dividing the country and creating violence against law enforcement with your Fake News. Shameful.

Opinion I’ve read many replies to this propaganda. You people are brainwashed. Have any of you EVER tried to listen to media from the right ? How about thinking for yourself? These replies are so screwed up I can’t even begin to challenge them. Wow. Wow.

Opinion Just like peaceful Minnesota 👇👇👇👇👇

Opinion Just what the world needed, another useless opinion piece from CNN like anybody gives a damn about that.

Opinion fakenews as always you can’t stop it losers


Opinion FakeNewsMedia

Opinion Newsflash Trump is desperate knows he’s losing and will do anything to win watch out he’s going to get a lot more dangerous and out of control & GOP hypocrites will support his divisiveness animosity lies smears lawlessness & Russian interence👎🏾

Opinion Only a weak and gullible mind will follow the obvious ranting of a mad man - obscurity awaits Trump!

Opinion The cities that are dangerous right now are under Trump's watch. Biden is not a violent man, he doesn't bully, and he's respectful. You're not going to have higher crime in your cities because of him. I am truly afraid Trump is going to cause a civil war. No joke.

Opinion Democrats promote the murder of police and those who are tired of their satanic plans for America. TrumpLandslideVictory2020


Opinion CNN, we don’t care about your opinions because they don’t matter

Opinion It’s not republicans looting and rioting.

Opinion It’s not subconscious fears. Your party is looting cities, rioting, killing innocent people and democrat leaders in those states and cities are allowing it to happen. The left allow this violence in hopes of ruining the election.

Opinion Ha. We see it for ourselves. You cannot deceive us.

Opinion The liberal comments here are laughable.. I can tell you idiots one thing.. it has not been conservatives out there looting, rioting, vandalizing, assaulting... to say anything else is just ignorant and just plain false. And the democratic leadership has encouraged this shit.

Opinion Oh you don't have to worry about this white woman. I know from watching & listening to him what a evil cruel insipid mean person he is with total lack of respect for women or people of color/race. I would vote for Peter Rabbit over trump. I am a reg Independent voting for Biden.

Opinion They are. Biden and bernie said it.

Opinion Total crock of crap. BLM & ANTIFA are Democrat supported organizations. Both are Racist & Anti Semitic. Democrats embrace the violence.


Opinion Replace Trump with Biden and Republicans with Democrats and you nailed it. CNN also an accurate substitute.

Opinion Woman know that this president is not racist and woman want to feel safe in their communities and streets and are not getting that in these poorly run blue states!! TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica

Opinion Apparently it's true because the Dems haven't said shit about all of it. If I remember correctly it was the Dems calling for violence against Trump supporters. And YOU pushed that agenda. So how the hell is he wrong?

Opinion American women are not scared of your ugly tactics, we are going to vote you out and military will walk you out of office!

Opinion Trump2020🇺🇸❤️

Opinion JoeBiden ONLY denounced violence (all in Democrat cities) AFTER polls show it hurts Democrats - NOTHING during week long DNC convention🤔AllAboutVotes WalkAwayFromDemocrats walkaway VoteRedToSaveAmerica CNN MSNBC Election2020 VoteEarly NevadaRally voteindependent

Opinion Lies

Opinion But but but, POTUS doesn’t want to make anyone panic... oh, wait YES HE DOES. DONALD J TRUMP IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER

Opinion Lol. Its already happening. Fake news forgot how to report truth.

Opinion Sorry CNN but you have no Credibility !!!

Opinion CNN couldn't be further from the truth.

Opinion Democrats are already allowing it to happen in the cities

Opinion Couldnt be further from the truth, have you turned on a television in the past 4 months.... its happening right now, dont need some dimwitted “journalist” to tell me its not. WTF is a matter with these people

Opinion CNN is a disgrace TV network

Opinion It’s not subconscious. It’s called reality. Maybe you should try it sometime.

Opinion Then look to Kamala Harris and her Marxist cohorts for her previous interviews when she says this rioting should be supported and is only the beginning!


SkyArticles Opinion Saying 'vote for me or something terrible will happen' while said thing is happening is very on brand for this administration.

Opinion Yal are a danger! Saying nothing is wrong

Opinion It’s a Hitler move. Play on an inherent fear (Jews/democrats & POC), then convince people that you were the only one that can save them from certain mayhem.

Opinion CNN is trying to divide, not the President. STOPLYING

Opinion The proof is in the pudding

Opinion 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Opinion “Don’t want to panic the public” President

Opinion Evidently you don’t know what’s going on in our country. Protestors and rioters have broken down gated community gates and have gone in to quiet suburban areas all over the country. He is telling the truth.

Opinion He is right CNN. When you stop spreading fake news CNN that when we believe you but until then everything he has said is true and you are the one lying to us. So stop being stupid please.

Opinion Dear white women, vote Biden or you’re a racist...because this argument worked so well four years ago

Opinion That’s what both sides are actively doing. The ideology gap between sides being so wide w/equally extreme rhetoric is identical and seems more coordinated than reactionary.With this being a global phenomenon,to me,seems it’s the next step in the central banking 🌏 coup operation.

Opinion Simply name the rioting Republican led cities. GO... FAKENEWSMEDIA NO ONE TRUSTS YOU ANYMORE.


Opinion CNN is the great divider!

Opinion psst, white women have already dumped Trump, so please stop acting like they don't ever trade up...

Opinion “Dear white women”...... I don’t get it? Who are you calling on? Sounds kinda racists..... DonaldJTrumpJr POTUS

Opinion If the Democrats can't stop the wall, they can't get Biden elected! Supreme Court says border wall construction can continue

Opinion The debasing of the suburbs into the control of the City government is a ten-ate of the green new deal. Your statements are false of course and you know the gang of 4 and Bernie have forced this mandate on Biden.

Opinion The mobs and riots are already in suburbia, we don't need Trump to tells us we can see it for ourselves. Just because cnn decides to hide the truth it doesn't mean its not happening.

Opinion Trump is the only president that will make mainstream media to hate peace in the world... 😂😂😂

Opinion Lmao yeah meanwhile they can’t even acknowledge violent riots going on across the country

Opinion Pecimist, Cynicism, Negative Bias News. does nothing but disseminates information, ideas, and rumors to harm this nation. CNN_CynicismNegativityNews SundayThoughts MAGA2020 BLM

TatumMac3 Opinion

Opinion You can’t divide stupid

Opinion Since FNN FAKE NEWS NETWORK CNN is being paid by soros they do and say and what he wants, nothing to do with facts just do it

Opinion He will fill his base with bull shit, for they buy it up.


We only have division & devastation in Democrat-run cities, as they urged Antfa & BLM to violently protest, loot & burn businesses

Opinion 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 It’s happening now you idiot. You think Trump supporters are looting, burning buildings and killing cops? Hmm, Trump is spot on. You just can’t take when he’s right. TRUMP 2020 & 2024.

Opinion It’s true!!! Look it up!! Single family residences have been targeted by the left. Subdivisions have become racists. They want everyone to live in a densely apartments & do away with cars.



Opinion Dems are allowing criminals to break the law without penalty. Danger & damage are being allowed without consequence. Andrea Portes needs to come out of the basement.

Opinion Tell it to the McCloskey’s

Opinion Sorry CNN... not falling for your propaganda. We all have eyes and ears to know the Democrats support and encourage violence. DemocratsTheEnemyWithin DemocratsHateAmerica DemocratsAreMarxistsDestroyingAmerica DemocratsAreCorrupt DemocratsAreEvil DemocratRiots


Opinion Democrats want to divide you by telling blacks that whites will kill them. This could not be further from the truth.

Opinion But he doesn’t like to panic people. lol

Opinion Fake Ass News

Opinion Except they have Peaceful protesters, remember.


Opinion Well Andrea Portes, your quite wrong. They have already assaulted the suburbs. Wake up!

Opinion It is absolutely the truth AND they want to take away your right to protect yourself from it.

Opinion Get real... Black americans 13% of the population. Your cities are safe! 🤣🤣🤣

Opinion I think the Dems have clearly done that! Let’s see...Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, NYC, etc...I think you get the gist! What do they all have in common? Democrat run!

Opinion GOP (Grim Ol Prevaricators) always do that

Opinion 2 cops just shot in cold blood in LA. Fighting for their lives. 31 one year old mother and 24 year old man. Protesters block er entrance. Shouting hope they die. Report that CNN

Opinion The only ones dividing us is cnn


Opinion Trump has no problem instilling fear in Americans, except when it comes to being honest about the virus! Trump has failed in his leadership role as president. He has proven his incompetence and inability.

Opinion Subconscious fears?!?!? Hahahaha!


Opinion Pathetic CNN, have you not taken notice of all the minority and women support for Trump. He’s not a racist. Your race game is starting to backfire on you. But you’ll never learn

Opinion They are. They welcome it if it gives them power. But are too stupid to realize the mob is not rational. The daily violence is on then and you for dismissing it as anything less.

Opinion Two more officers ambushed, BLM chanting hope they die outside the hospital I definitely will not vote for a democrat

Opinion Not gonna report on the two cops ambushed in the compton ghetto and are fighting for their lives?

Opinion SatisFying and inCredible ChOcOlAtE skills vol 2 a través de YouTube

Opinion Really. The leftist propaganda is appalling and dangerous. This is how vile govt get into power.

Opinion Cartoon Network News ! VoteTrump2020ToSaveAmerica

Opinion Anyone who has to be told this is feeding on lies to fill their fear because it feels so good, there is something within their self that is fed by his lies, they know

Opinion So sit of CNN and all the negative 👎 reports on Trump. They should loss their news license. They are not even reporting on the two police officers that got shot from protesters Why?

Opinion It’s all about the fear factor...and the absurdity of it...

Opinion WRONG AGAIN - Dems/Globalist want to divide us MARXIST NARRATIVE

Opinion Look at all these people storming the stage to see JoeBiden

Opinion Democratic ran city example.

Opinion SEP 13 1996 rip king


Opinion CNN is Fake News...We don’t Trust Anything your journalist say or write! Cause they’re lies!!!!

Opinion Democratic Party has lost their minds

Opinion FakeNews

Opinion Police are our mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. We grew up with them, we played ball with them, our kids go to school with their kids, they are people in our community working at a job many would be afraid to do; Protect us

Opinion Maybe focus a bit on what good he is doing.

Opinion Trump wants to take away your Social Security

Opinion Its already happening

Opinion Sorry, we don’t want police officers ambushed in our subdivisions. Democrat run cities are so violent and burning and they are letting it happen. Chief Craig in Detroit is being ridiculed by BLM and Arab rights groups for staying tough.

Opinion Liberals: 'Trump is so divisive ' Also Liberals: 'Dear White Women..' cant make the irony of identity politics up.


Opinion Well it sure as hell looks promising with not a single person who is a democrat calling for the end of violence, looting, and arson in our streets. Can’t you see why that would scare and infuriate people? Democrats LOVE the destruction.


Opinion Oh for crying out loud- ‘white people’ are not a cohesive group -an ‘black people’ are not a cohesive group- we do not have a universal mindset that needs to directed by a failing ‘news’ organization

Opinion Yep ignore all the BLM and Antifa hate. It won’t come to your neighborhood.

Opinion Really Domestic terrorists are taking over towns all across the country. Videos of them doing so are out there. I don’t need Trump to tell me what I am seeing

Opinion Politics is about lies from both sides vote based on your research not someone else's

Opinion We are not fooled be this idiot liar and scum bag!!!!🤥🤥💯💯😷😷vote Joe November 3rd!!!!!

Opinion It doesn't look like they are allowing danger THEY ARE ALLOWING DANGER. even a caveman can see that

Opinion Women are smart.we know when we are being played .trump thinks he can scare us.Look what going on under his watch.people dying riots in the streets.He thinks we are dumb enough to reflect him.Dont think do.Women are gonna bring him down.

Opinion We’ve seen Democrats doing NOTHING in cities to support police! Every major city is DemocraticParty run, VoteDemsOut! Only arson riots vandalism! Over 800,000 LawEnforcement officers, and majority are good, protect us, enable businesses to operate LawAndOrder

Opinion Gee, I don’t need cnn opinion or Trump’s words. I can see what’s happening in the US and the Dems are downplaying it, just like they say Trump downplayed the virus.

Opinion But that can’t be so. He’s the “leader” who doesn’t want to cause a panic, even if it costs us 193K lives (and counting). Surely his highly disciplined principles and compassion wouldn’t want us to panic about the suburbs. CNN, you must be wrong about this.

Opinion Is that FAKE rally people? Joe Biden can't fill a lunchroom. Those polls that the FAKE NEWS CNN has been to make Joe Biden feel good. But NOT TRUE.

Opinion Dear black women do not fall for CNN's for a bait

Opinion But it’s mostly peaceful danger

Opinion CNN SURE GOING ONTO OVERDRIVE MichaelRCaputo realDonaldTrump Where is the Trump Adm. going on Sunday shows Why do you let them lie to each other and get away with it Go on the airwaves Show some fight


Opinion Right or left..does it matter?

Opinion So how did he get peace accords if he is so divisive

Opinion don’t you guys get tired of reporting hate against the president? There is nothing you guys are going to do to stop realDonaldTrump because it’s just like the Biblical story of Moses against the Egyptians. Get something different to report.

Opinion Democrats welcome riots and looting and now this

Opinion Thanks Obama!

Opinion The thing is, all of the violence that is going on now is because of him. The mass shootings, him.

Opinion CNN is spreading lies again.

Opinion They are doing it now? WTF is wrong with you FakeNewsCNN?

Opinion Everything happening now is in TrumpsAmerica, not Joe’s. fyi. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Opinion It’s like it was Trump’s idea to black a separate but equal “black national anthem” rather than just the national anthem. Focusing on race more than anything else is divisive.

Opinion CNN and the Dems are dividing us by supporting the BLM and rioters.

Opinion This is actually the legit truth Can you provide other evidence ?

Opinion This is delusional. Trump, is trying to unite us. The mainstream media is trying their absolute hardest to divide us at every turn.


Opinion . baa baa TRUMP SHEEP obey the BARKING Fake Fears join the herd .


Opinion GFY CNN

Opinion DEMOCRAT PARTY = PEDOPHILE PARTY CancelNetflix If Michelle Obama wasn’t a man I’d ask her why she isn’t asking Netflix to take down cuties.


Opinion Anyone who says these are peaceful protest have their head up their ass...but weve knew who they are for years

reveumass Opinion Stop it Rev. It's happening already Quit lying. God don't like that 😝

Opinion But it’s already happening. Look at who leads the cities with the most crime. I assume that white women are smart enough to figure this out on their own. Come to Atlanta and I will show you how a democrat mayor is running the city into the ground.

Opinion You should be so ashamed of yourselves. How do u call yourselves journalists ?

Opinion They already allow it look at a Portland and Chicago, NY all Democrat run cities and it’s chaotic

Opinion You will not be safe in Trump's America if he is re-elected, he will also kick out anything that is not white and send them back to where they came from. There is nothing going on right now in suburbs. And white racist people will be taking it into their own hands.

Opinion CNN is not long ago already devided its also up side down and the USA's journalistic clown

Opinion Thank you for the propaganda

Opinion Getting lost in a liberal city is like getting lost in the racist hood that has always existed . Just because these banshees jump up and down on your car and kick your teeth out does not make things unsafe . They want you to feel comfortable jack !

Opinion Yeah the Democrats have paved the way to peace and city restoration. Their fire bombs and brick heaving escapades are a thing of beauty . Never believe what you see and always believe a torch yielding projectile tossing liberal👍 Peace bro 😃

Opinion There goes CNN, making up what they want you to think about President Trump! How do they stay in business with their constant fictitious, deceitful, misrepresenting, underhanded, exaggerated, misinterpretation of the news.

Opinion Trump is bringing unity to America. CNN, on the other hand is trying to divide America with its lying, fake, manufactured, partisan, pathetic, vomit news and it's constant racist rhetoric.

Opinion CNN sucks fake news for sure!

Opinion We have eyes to see, and ears to hear. We don’t need CNN interpreting reality for us.

Opinion Democrats already allowed disruptions into suburbs...

Opinion Fear munger

Opinion Really CNN, we can see with our own eyes, what Democrats are allowing in the cities. It’s only a matter of time before it spreads outside the cities, as it already has in some areas. Your network is garbage


Opinion Trump2020

Opinion Pretty sure the nightly footage says otherwise !!

Opinion Dear America stop the stupidity vote Biden and fire trump 😼

Opinion People aren't that stupid. People see what's going on those cities. And they see that the politicians there are not doing anything to secure their places. And they are going to go out and vote for Biden? You're confusing what you want and what people see.

Opinion You are the one dividing Americans by calling the white racists. You even tried to divide the white along educational background. You also pushed the blacks against the white through your fake news. You are more dangerous than terrorists.

Opinion Really was it Trump that said that white women who voted for Trump are deplorables? Was it Trump who pushed the narrative that all white people are racist? No Trump has not attacked anyone, only tried to combat fake news. Look for your self:

Opinion The dems are LITERALLY dividing us! They're obsessed with race, gender, sexuality & political affiliation! Theyve broken us down into groups! Demonizing an entire race of people! And you think Trump is divisive? I surely hope no one believes this crap!

Opinion How could you possibly know what BLM and Antifa are planning Hmmmm? That is unless you all are in on their planning....

Opinion “Defund the police” and “dismantle America “ 🙄

Opinion Definitely fall for it 'white women'. Bidens boss dumped Somalis all over the country during his term and the housing plan proposed by Biden wants to zone low income housing all over the suburbs. Don't fall for fake neww CNN.

Opinion Do any of you even understand how our nations government works? realDonaldTrump cannot send in the military to these Democratic hellholes without declaring sedition. It is up to the state and local government to police their locales.

Opinion Trump is a Trojan Horse

Opinion It’s not “danger” it’s death and rape and pillage. If you don’t give the mob what they want. They’ll come take it.

Opinion CNN lies again. It's biden who wants to devide and DESTROY democracy in America. biden will ram SOCIALIST medicine down your throat,kill jobs,take TOTAL CONTROL of your life, and use antifa to keep you in control. Sound like COMMUNIST China to me.

Opinion DumpTrump

Opinion The only Danger to the United States of America is Mr Trump, and I am sure when he is out of office he will be arrested!


Opinion If by danger you mean low income housing which is both blk and white which contributes absolutely nothing to a community then yea we’re concerned

Opinion Are you NEW to FOREX? Minimize your losses with my expert strategy with an investment capital of $300, i can guarantee $3,500 as profits after 5days of investment without sending money to anyone . Inbox me if interested.

Opinion Cnn is always defending the democrats why don't you let the dems defend themselves. Why

Opinion But you DEMs are allowing mob chaos in DEM run cities and suburbs. Just look around you! The president is spot on and CNN your a joke for publishing this piece and denying the truth!

Opinion The Second Amendment keeps Leftist dirt out of the suburbs. Not Biden. Not Trump. Not the Feds. Not the National Guard. 30 minutes north of Seattle would equal a very bad day for BLM/ANTIFA. Snohomish demonstrated this without equivocation.

Opinion Fun Fact: Dead people score higher on current affairs test than those that claim Fox as primary source of “news”.

Opinion Fake News!!! All I know is that Trump will win convincingly on Nov 3 because of MSM's bias and lies. Trump 2020 🇺🇸

Opinion Foodlines after 4 yrs of Trump

Opinion CNN promotes racial division and then pretends surprise when it causes violence and hatred.


Opinion If Trump is Fraudulent reelected he will cause a civil war. He keep telling police who brutally beat and kill innocent black men women and children good job. He tells white peoples who walks around black peoples with their assault rifles good job. Civil unrest will come quickly.

Opinion BS.

Opinion Don’t listen to realDonaldTrump for telling you something you’ve known all along - Biden will swoop on and take credit after the fact!

Opinion Campaign of lies, lies, lies. Amd American society that thinks they are elites and educated believe the lies and conspiracy theories. I swear, the people are far below rural Asians and Africans in mentality


Opinion Dems have already done it president Trump was right again

Opinion These peaceful protesters who chase a Father and his daughter who are pro Trump voting red in November? Please stop saying Democrats are peaceful because it’s the EXACT opposite

Opinion No you CNN want to divide us using your ANTIFA/BLM scums. The fact the president is working to stop them from destroying America, gang assaulting ppl and old ladies, and intimidating ppl in restaurants is not what divides us. YOU CNN, by all your actions & inactions are traitors

Opinion You fools never stop eh? Who wants to divide you? You fools on are already divided have been dividing the nation since you cried in 2016. I grew up watching infact I became a journalist because I watched and loved camanpour , but you fools of nowadays are pathetic.

Opinion Hahahahah really !?! Here’s ya Democrats

Opinion Always pulling the race card. This is boring. Do you job and report on facts.

Opinion Nope.

Opinion Trump's speachs are lies, designed to cause fear in the gullible among us.

Opinion He's an IDIOT of supreme proportions.

Opinion Wht do u call RIOTING,LOOTING, VIOLENCE , DESTRUCTION N MURDERS on d streets by ANTIFAS, BLM in our major cities run and supported by SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS . Peaceful meetings of angels. FAKE NEWS MEDIA CNN the American ppl knows everything so your LIES and MANIPULATIONS IS OVER.

Opinion Anyone remember the last positive report of the president from ? Me neither.


Opinion fails to notify its readers that their selection of 'opinionated news' is ALWAYS some American associated with Political-Judaism aka as Bolshevism as is Andrea Portes. Globalist Political-Judaism was responsible for the Genocide of millions of Russian Christians from 1919.

Opinion The wicked will always have a way of fighting back. So I'm not surprised. Unfortunately for the opposition, TRUMP REMAINS THE ONLY ONE FOR NOW TO RESTORE THE GREATNESS OF AMERICA!!! MAGA2020LandslideVictory

Opinion YOVO

Opinion The danger in our quiet suburbs IS THE DEMOCRAT VOTERS.

Opinion Hold on I have to go beg BLM rioters out side my house not to kill me and my family .

Opinion Really? What is happening now?

Opinion Dear democrats let’s not fall for CNN lies! Trump2020 TrumpLawandOrder

Opinion No one believes anything CNN writes or airs. This fake network hasn't a clue what honest journalism is. Dead and buried on the new clueless no nothing network

Opinion Nobody believes CNN anymore. They are the Spokesperson for the Democrats. They try to discredit the President everyday. Unfortunately it's backfiring on them. The public are aware of this vendetta and are astounded by the constant attacks on Trump while Biden gets off Scott free.

Opinion FakeNewsMedia

Opinion Screw CNN

Opinion Still waiting for the condemnation of Antifa over 100 days in. Still waiting and watching videos of BLM protestors buring and looting. 🤔 on that basis what is the conclusion? 🤔


Opinion That’s Backwards.. lmmfao

Opinion “CNN OPINION”...... LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Opinion GFY cnn

Opinion Dear white women. How many Biden voters have been rioting for 100 days straight now? Why did it take Biden months to even talk about it?

Opinion Fact

Opinion 1 fallacy - most of the democratic party live in those overpriced, middle-class suburbs, too. Why would they pee in their own pool?

Opinion Hahah, “making them look like”... you FOOLS! We already know that the Democrats have allowed the riots. Excuse me what are you claiming now?’bv

Opinion Fake news

Opinion Are they rioting because they hate Trump? No. Its Because they hate America. They know Trump AMERICA is the one that could stop them. So they want Bernie ohhh wait its Biden now really?

Opinion CNN is the one that divides People. That s a fact.

Opinion The people that said Trump would destroy America are the one's that are currently burning it down. They're Biden Harris supporters.

Opinion See: Democratic cities. Opinions are like arseholes.

Opinion I read this and couldn’t agree more. I found it unbelievable when women actually voted for this guy 4 years let alone are thinking about it now. Common sense and reality are being missed for some. We simply can’t have another 4 years of this.

Opinion No one believes a word you say, you are pro ANTIFA, pro BLM, pro thugs & criminals, pro Marxist, pro fraudulent and pro dishonesty-every day of the week. Liars

Opinion Not a fear. Unlike FakeNews anonymous source reports about conservatives, actual video accounts of rioting, harassment and vandalism by liberals in the suburbs is a REALITY. It’s Democrats who are trying to bully conservatives.

Opinion Democrats let thugs & animals destroy cities. As long as Democrats are not in charge, the burbs are fine.


Opinion There are countless videos of leftists doing this exact thing. There is no exploiting...iy is really happening.

Opinion You’re fake news

Opinion Why do outlets like yours always project what you do, onto Trump?

Opinion It’s actually CNN & DEMOCRATS who are bent on dividing by falsely inducing poison in the minds of people...

Opinion Obama and Biden are the reasons we voted Republican. Now we still see, even with successes, utter failures by Democrats in cities,with governance and government. Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, lightfoote. You have heard the names and may have felt or experienced their failures.

Opinion CNN gone mad

Opinion In summary, Trump is bad for COViD. Divides us by talking about the unrest which is peaceful even though cities are burning and people are dying. Trump’s fault for discussing it. White women are racist because Trump discusses it. Don’t be racist. CNN is BS.



Opinion The 2020 'There Goes The Neighborhood!' Campaign

Opinion It is not 'making look like....' We've seen Antifa in action. It is only a matter of time until they make it to your community (be it suburb or small town) if Harris/Biden are elected. Ms. Harris has no trouble with the riots! Of course we're afraid. Harris/Biden did that!

Opinion Dear white women Seriously?


Opinion Still Colluding

divide[dɪˈvaɪd] ~ (sth) (up) (into sth)나뉘다,나누다[가르다] exploit[ɪkˈsplɔɪt](못마땅함)(부당하게) 이용하다 [주로 복수로] 위업, 공적 the daring exploits of Roman heroes 로마 영웅들의 대담한 위업 subconscious[ˌsʌbˈkɒnʃəs](주로명사앞에씀) 잠재의식적인fear[fɪr]공포,두려움,무서움




Opinion This is actually whats happening in the Cities around America

Opinion Cartoon News Network:”Trump wants to divide us by making it look like Democrats are going to allow 'danger' into your quiet suburbs. This couldn't be further from the the truth. Says CNN because they are experts at being ‘further from the truth’ than anyone! headlinedefined

Opinion Fear preys on the poor and disadvantaged knowing they are vulnerable. But many poor people should Just block it out knowing that they are Just being manipulated. Anyone who uses fear as a motive is bad from the start and if you go along with it you're only hurting yourself

Opinion They already are doing it, as Antifa and BLM with encouragement from Dems are violent, looting, destroying, etc. Dems will do anything to win an election, caring nothing for our US citizens.

Opinion Dems already have allowed danger into our suburbs.

Opinion Lol! Projecting from the mouths of The Enemy of the People A.K.A. Very Fake News! Stop! We don't believe a word you spew. Trump2020Landslide

Opinion Sedition supporting Treason, all for Trafficking. CNN needs to be dropped from history.

Opinion Democrats allowing danger into your quiet suburbs is a fact cause it’s happening right now.

Opinion The only danger we have to fear , is Trump himself.

Opinion Tell me why anyone should care about another person’s opinion? Need I remind you of the definition of opinion? “A personal view, attitude or appraisal.” Why should anyone care about someone’s opinion? My opinion is this opinion is not entirely accurate. MSNBC FoxNews

Opinion The Democrats are chaos. Think about it. Democrat cities and Democrat lead protest and Democrats are the liberal violent burning cities for 100 days. People have been shot and murdered because they’re conservative or different now we have Democrats screaming at people

Opinion Um...maybe not in your gates neighbor. CNN is pathetic. You need to get out of your “mostly peaceful” bubble.

Opinion Democrats have allowed innocent people to be terrorized, beaten, and intimidated by lawless criminals in Democratic controlled cities. You expect us to believe they won't allow 'Danger?'

Opinion What I fear most: crazy ass white men. The rich sneaky ones next door who take advantage of women & can deny they raped them + threaten to hurt husband's business/income is she even tells him.

Opinion So right you are. Look at American burning cities. Whose really doing the exploitation? Anarchists taking advantage of Republicans & Democrats divisive relationship. See the images. CNN MSNBCLIVE BLAVITYNEWS FOREIGNAFFAIRS CSPAN HOUSTONCHRONICLE

Opinion The dems want to create development zones and bring the inner city 'CANCER' to the suburbs FACTS

Opinion Lmao

Opinion They are

Opinion Opinion:Mostly MARRIED white women live in suburbs. Unmarried old women don't unless it's with their grown kids. Unmarried=next to prostiture & shunned. Over 50=replaceable=laid off, etc. When anyone loses jobs & homes=they become same economic level as those they fear?

Opinion Democrats are allowing danger now all those looters and attacks on people while dining out and burning up places blocking cars from driving attack people while walking all that and danger isn’t happening 🤔

Opinion Well Ms Portes couldn't be more wrong.....the violence is real and moving more into our neighborhoods- all supported by Democrats.

Opinion Trump wants to divide us? No! BLM , Democrat run thug group wants division. Antifa the same. Democrats want our guns , our religion even our thoughts. No you have it backwards but that’s China News Network for you

Opinion According to this opinion piece Trump ignores science. But you know, Democrats ignore science too. This one went WAAAAAYYY over their heads.

Opinion It’s 100% true


Opinion The only time the surburbs feel threatened is if it’s all white & a black family decides to move in. Really, the scariest thing of all right along w/trump making up his surburbians lies🙄🙄🙄🙄


Opinion CNN should change it's name to PDA 'Pure Dumb Ass'

Opinion When I watch the news it looks like to me that blue cities are allowing rioting and looting it may be a matter of time before it reaches the suburbs. Suburbs are not just white people


Opinion False claims? Have you watch video?


Opinion We have eyes

Opinion Look it up on the internet and judge for yourself. Thugs are taking over the streets of Pittsburgh assaulting black business owner. Disgraceful.

Opinion This statement, could not be any further from the truth as Americans as black, brown or white women, educated or non-educated women. As hard working women we have the right to stand and give voice to all we believe in. It’s our time!

Opinion Give it time, antifablm will be rioting there to. They've done let it be known that they wanna burn down capitalism and replace it. This is their words , you can't cover for them when this is on their own Manifesto.

Opinion Truth is ,in liberal run cities ,the media stokes violence with false narratives ,riots breakout ,shit gets burned and the liberal leadership let's it happen ! Then the pricks want a bail out from the federal government and blame Trump !

Opinion Well they are so i guess your missing the point

Opinion Mmmm, that’s what they are hoping for. Dems are soft on crime

Opinion Please join me in blocking misleading and false propaganda

Opinion That is literally what the left is doing. It's amazing how the rule of looking at what the Democrats and media accuse people of and assume they are doing it always holds true.


Opinion Wrong. It’s you and the left who need to divide us.

Opinion *Andrea Portes*

Opinion Any writing teacher this woman had should be mortified. Say what? Yikes.

Opinion Biden quite literally just came out against the riots like a week ago once the polls indicated that would be more favorably after hiding in his basement for three months. Shut the fuck up, CNN. (No, I’m not voting for Trump)

Opinion Democrats: Trump is divisive! Also Democrats: - All white people are racist! - The US was never great! - Trump voters are irredeemable, deplorable, bitter clingers - All Cops Are Bastards! - Defund the police! - Suburbs are racist! - Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb

Opinion No... LEFT keeps instilling fear. So does MSM. You censor and spoon feed what you want your audience to hear. We are on to you. BIDEN will never change. Watch :


Opinion Dear Black women, don't let Andrea Porter divide us by exploiting what she hopes are our subconscious fears by making it sound like Trump is a racist. The real racist is Joe Biden. He publicly called your children's environment a 'racist jungle!' Remember in November!


Opinion You can’t get that sh$t off your shoes...Dems own the violence. It in their control.

Opinion Sounds right..

Opinion OPINION. O-P-I-N-I-O-N

Opinion CNN is not journalism. CNN and their parent company are a propaganda arm for the radical left whose goal is socialism. CNN disingenuously hide behind a “cloak” of journalism. Every word is disinformation to the American people . . . the description, “fake news”, fits.

Opinion Law and order, democrats support riots

Opinion They’ve allowed it and promoted it!

Opinion Rioting is in Dem cities under Dem control!

Opinion Those are actually our conscious fears.

Opinion Dems will destroy this country. Look at NYC, San Fran, Detroit , Chicago ....

Opinion What are CNN opinions worth?

Opinion Trump seems to be the catalyst for America's decline. The country is tearing itself apart.

Opinion Cnn the propaganda arm of the Democrats

Opinion I think, its the Democrats that want to divide us. Democrats are the ones riotting. Democrats are the one lotting, Democrats are the ones using race as a tool.

Opinion Really?...

Opinion Davos tools in the dem and repub parties are stoking or abetting these fears. Divide and rule is their game, while the billionaires and mad technocrats proceed with the Great Reset. The day the project is completed is the day that democracy finally dies.

Opinion Democrats like everyone at CNN want to defund the police. Go watch your convention it was said nightly. Joe Biden is a hardened racist. It’s in his blood. Listen to the things he says and the segregationist he has supported. This is exactly the truth.

Opinion Who is allowing all this to go on? Is sure as Hell isnt the right. The Democratic Party will carry the blame for trumps re-election. Radical progressives have taken over and I can’t vote for it.

Opinion Make up your damn minds. Is he a buffoon or a brilliant arch reverse psychologist? You idiots change your positions like women change hairstyles

Opinion Demorats stand for ilegals and chinese not ameicans

Opinion The democrats have falsely exploited fake hoaxes and nonsense for years. Trump is just warning about real threats the democrats pose if they gain power.

Opinion You don't watch any real news huh?

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