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United States Headlines News

Facebook and Apple are in a bitter fight over iPhone privacy rules and the data of millions of people — and whether companies should be able to track that data as easily as they do now.

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Fuck Facebook

Vote by phone

I love that this privacy policy makes FB so mad. You know it must be good for the user.

Facebook restricted my account for deservedly calling somebody an asshole. I say, give me my fucking data back, you clowns, and stop profiting off of my personal and sensitive information!

All this data saved I bet is financial, medical, relationships etc all an invasion of privacy.I refused costco taking my temp to try on glasse frames.big invasion of medical privacy by a grocery clerk

News for ya Facebook your less and less relevant.

Screw FB. It is nothing like it was started out to be. Now it’s just a giant data mine for all those on it

I’m with Apple.

Facebook needs to go away.

fuck zuck

Come on Apple, my money is on you!! Bring it home..

I think I will be buying that iPhone, and companies can then pay me for my data

So Facebook spies on people and controls their data, and thinks it should have control another company‘s product. Cool.

Thank you Tim Cook. Zuch is already filthy rich from selling our data and manipulating people’s minds.

volatilitysmile If Cook could pull that off, I'd consider buying an iphone

So Facebook is opposing Apple because people will have the choice to opt out? I guess it doesn’t fit the shady Cambridge Analytica business model. I won’t we upset when Facebook goes out of business.

I got to think it's Apple trying to protect privacy against Facebook trying to monetize user data.

The last straw was 2016 election. Deactivate acct same night. But it started when FB wanted me to have a separate app for the messenger. Like WTF! I deleted both FB and the separate messenger app. Kept it on pc. Then they accepted rubles to undermine Democracy. 🤌🏾

Screw Facebook.

Soro’s speech at Davos criticizing FB and Social Media is spot on. Deleted FB for the second and FINAL time after 2016 election night. It’s apparent Zuckerberg is gotten worse since.

“Trump and Zuckerberg are two blades of a pair of scissors cutting the fabric of society to ribbons” ~Bernard-Henri Levy

Let the people have the choice to decide for themselves and that is what apple intends to do in their next software update. Facebook should not be taking people’s data without their consent

This and some other recent news prompted me to delete my facebook-associated accounts. Not looking back

They shouldn't be tracking user data, they should be PAYING users FOR their data! Why GIVE these fools money? Want the data, starting ponying up!

They really are launching a war too. I fucking see a stupid message about it every time I log into business manager, like it's this terrible thing. I actually think better privacy is a GOOD thing.

Thank you Apple things like this is why I’m a lifetime customer

Facebook sucks.

Facebook should be dismantled and shut down.

FB is a plague

boycottfacebook fuckzuckerberg

Facebook has had major privacy violations come to light in 2006, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2018, but I'm sure we can trust them now. No way they'll do something irresponsible with users' personal data an eighth time after being caught the first seven times.

Fuck Facebook

No contest - I'd bet on Cook over that other guy any day

And Android needs to implement this as well.Let us decide what we are willing to share, and if that means we can't use an app or it won't work as well, so be it.

Isn't there an app at this point that runs fake google searches and pings cell towers all over the world while I sleep so all this data becomes worthless?

who’s the good guy here?

I may finally get 🍎

I don’t know about you, but i like the person working to protect me and my personal data .

Fuck Facebook. They support white supremacy


Facebook sucks

Is that Tim Apple?

The answer is NO Facebook you have lost your rights to our info

Thank you Apple keep fighting the good fight against Suckerberg.

Fuck Facebook

Zuckerberg.. Look at him... Like something that came straight out of hell fire!

Facebook can go to hell

RT : Facebook and Apple are in a bitter fight over iPhone privacy rules and the data of millions of people — and whether companies should be able to track that data as easily as they do now.

If Zuck doesn't like it he can make his own damn phone. Good luck getting anyone to buy it.

Nuke'em both!

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