How Joan Hornig Is Targeting Gen Z With Empowerment Jewels That Give Back

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Philanthropist and jewelry designer Joan Hornig has already raised millions for charities around the world through her existing jewelry lines, now she's turning her attention to Millennials and Gen Z, with a philanthropic jewelry concept designed to empower: enter Pavé The Way.

And the giving has never been so easy. For every piece purchased on the Pavé the Way website, Hornig subtracts the labor of the workers in New York's diamond district who make her jewelry and the cost of the clean, ethically sourced materials, and turns over the profit she would have made directly to a charity chosen during the transaction by the customer.

"It's about young people and the stories they will tell, a concept designed to be talked about," says Hornig. The brand's online magazine,features Millennial and Gen Z writers talking to their peers, providing"food for thought around the concept of the 'three whys': why share, why care and why wear what represents your values".

The concept is simple, yet it took audacity to make it fly. After Harvard, Hornig started out in banking as a professional fund raiser before moving into private equity and hedge funds.

She launched at Bergdorf Goodman's in 2003 and since then, she has designed for first ladies - her Philanthropy is Beautiful line is still a go-to for gifts for visiting dignitaries to the US - and her bold jewels are regularly seen on celebrities including Meghan Markle, Lupita Nyong'o and Michelle Obama, pointing to a cross-generational appeal that many other brands can only dream of, underpinned by her belief in bridge-building.

"Part of giving is listening, not imposing," Hornig finishes."This is a generation that is listening and learning." It's also one that has already shown itself to be powerful, and she is helping to charge up those superpowers by enabling them to give and do good as easily as buying a new pair of earrings.


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