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United States Headlines News

.AOC has introduced new anti-poverty legislation to give more people — including undocumented immigrants — access to federal benefits like Medicaid. The bills would update the federal poverty line to include expenses like child care and Internet access.

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AOC I’d like to see someone like her come to the trenches of the South, where illegal immigrants are laughing at us and calling us stupid for what we hand them. They are double-dipping, not paying taxes, getting paid as much as citizens. She doesn’t see the real world for what it is

AOC Let's see 90 days of lying pencil head adam schiff's phone conversation transcripts and e-mails. They'll show he is leaker 1.

AOC Who's gonna pay for it AOC, there is no free money!!!!

AOC Our hard earned money will not go to illegal immigrants.

AOC OAC ALL I hear you say is what you dream up in your sleep. What have you done for your people in new York besides run job's off Amazon and now the liquor store that will employee200 people. Your people don't make 180000 A YEAR we need job in the Bronx and Queens PLEASE STOP HELPI


AOC Who pays for all this?

AOC She needs to stop figuring out ways to spend hard working people’s money on those who make a career out of not working.

AOC You want to give illegal imagernt every thing but the American people who are going to pay for this higher taxes ? Take more money from us oo but a bigger mimium wage will take care of that

AOC Coming from someone who makes $175,000 a year and hasn’t paid back her student loans and back taxes for a failed company.

AOC STOP GIVING SHIT AWAY TO ILLEGALS!!! If people want to come to America, for whatever reasons, they should have to work and contribute to society and not just show up and get spoon fed by politicians looking for some votes


AOC Looks like she’s trying to change her image-new hairdo- slightly more professional look. Same pie in the Sky socialist rhetoric. Kumbaya

AOC Meantime middle class Americans are CHOKING on taxes and healthcare costs to offset the cost that Medicaid doesn’t pay. Get a clue, AOC.

AOC I am not my brother's keeper

AOC And I thought the Green New Deal was a ridiculous socialist self destruct mechanism. The good news is she is no longer fucking up peoples Mojitos.

AOC Can you throw in Netflix and HBO Go?

AOC Next thing u know undocumented people will be able to vote. That woman is nuts.


AOC Wait? I thought that was the Green New Deal?

AOC And where are the funds going to come from?

AOC Sorry, I, as a tax paying American cannot afford this. Try again.

AOC As someone who has lived at/below the poverty line in the past, I support updating the poverty line calculation & I support giving a hand up, not out, to fellow Americans who need it. I must, however, do not support providing gvt. benefits to those here illegally.


AOC So you want to give our taxpayers money to illegals hell no it’s not your money to give

AOC We need more Americans like U in office AOC scares people America is changing. The only thing republicans can do is shame, hate, and insult minorities. Convinced poor republican Americans to support demise. Look what happen to our economy making CEO Rich.

AOC Does anyone ask why benefits should be given to people who haven’t paid into the system?

AOC Poverty is not having internet and illegal aliens gets Govt paid healthcare

AOC Her lipstick makes me want to live on the street and get hit by a car.

AOC She will destroy our country soon! See how much our government has spent on welfare! Handout money is not the right way to make people’s life better! All she wants is to keep herself elected by giving out money!

AOC So Alexandria wants me to pay for my healthcare AND those that don’t pay taxes?... She is so smart. Give her a Nobel Price!!!

AOC I do not authorize you to take 1 more cent of my earnings.



AOC Let’s just divide the country already. This is idiotic

AOC Landslide!!!!!!!! For a real president! TRUMP!!!!!!! byby aol

AOC Is there a budget along with in, where is the money coming from?

AOC We should be taking care of actual citizens with OUR tax money. Period.

AOC Thank you for finally focusing on your voters and the issues that concern them. Thank you, finally we get to see you at work focused in the right direction.

AOC How about a conversation about being in unnecessary wars that are draining our economy, or ending the Fed that's ruining this country, or even ending the tax havens? No?

AOC I think she is the Russian plant to bring America down and again giving eveything to the illegals.

AOC America's poverty comes first LADY not illegals. Unless you want to foot the money. Send them back

AOC Can someone list AOC's credentials please. All i keep hearing is that shes a bartender. Id like to assume someone attempting to make fiscal policy changes for our nation with our money has some decent financial background. I wouldn't trust my investments w my barber.

AOC Declaring another war on poverty? You democrats did such a bang-up job with the last one.

AOC The official poverty rate in 2018 was 11.8 percent and is trending down. 11% is the all time low In other words, we are close to the all time lowest poverty rate in US history Lets fix it!

AOC So you’re going to give our tax dollars or pay for all these insurances you’re going to give those to illegal aliens, illegal immigrants what are you freaking crazy you’re just throwing our tax dollars away

AOC You are not going take the fruits of my labor and give it to people who broke the law.

gavingreer15 AOC This can’t honestly be expected to be passed....

AOC I. Cannot.

AOC AOC look in the mirror and love yourself even more! You are perfection,!


AOC Giving illegal aliens healthcare will ensure a Trump landslide. Keep it up.

AOC She a domestic terrorist helping foreign criminals!

AOC Stop handing out money I have paid to those that haven’t, enough of this shit!!

AOC I’m sure the president will sign that one right after he opens the border...

AOC This can’t be accomplished wo raising taxes on the middle class. She is proposing we raise taxes on Americans of moderate incomes to fund free healthcare for the world.

AOC If you give more free shit to illegals and not hard working american taxpayers....i feel sorry for you.


AOC She can pay for this from her own pocket, not my taxes.

AOC AOC this is why Scherie Murray is going to win and you’re going to lose your seat! How dare you want to give American tax dollars to illegal aliens! When we aren’t even paying for our own! You’re a dumb woman! Your constituents must be even dumber if they reelect you!

AOC And thank God it’s not going to go anywhere because the American people do not want to pay for the illegal aliens we would rather pay for our homeless veterans, seniors & homeless teens!

AOC Everyone knows that government handouts work. Just look at food stamps, people move out of poverty with those things, not.

AOC I know AOC hates this question but - how are you gonna pay for it?

AOC 🤦‍♀️👎vote No

AOC How about stop giving money to illegals out of the pockets of hard working Americans to help with our poverty

AOC Here’s an anti poverty idea. GET A JOB

AOC I’m not quite sure why such obsession with Illegal Immigrants. Insane that our own Congress incentivizes people who brake the law. Shameful.

AOC You know what is anti poverty?a job

AOC I hope the programs take money away from NPR funding....

AOC You are out of you gdamn mind... taxstrike why in the hell are we giving the govt any money if this is how they r going to waste it...


AOC They need to elect someone else in that district...

AOC this is a tired, old schtick. literally read a history book about the 60s and see how well massive welfare expansion helped solve “poverty” in the US. spoiler: *it didn’t*

AOC Internet access is not a right it's a privilege. Just like owning a car. If you want nice things work for them. AOC thinks it should just be given just because you breathe. How ludicrous is this.

AOC AOC , can you add in the bill to hire Deaf people to work, to change 75% unemployed Deaf due to systemic oppression. It will save millions of taxpayers. Deaf folks can do anything except hear... it’s the attitude in the workplace have to change!

AOC And create more jobs for Deaf/HOH comm.,they are denied to work cuz of hear and discrimination still existed in the workplace, wanna to save millions of taxpayers then hire Deaf people to work. It will change the whole economic system and better. 12% educated deaf are employed

AOC No no no

AOC Sad.😮

AOC I can't wait to see this go down in flames!!! If it were for citizens only and no strings attached they maybe but as is NO VOTE!

AOC Couple AOC’s giveaway to illegals with Warren’s idea of immediately giving all SS recipients $2,400/yr, (on top of other promises) & you have the prospect of an additional $3/4 trillion/yr in NEW taxes, which would equal the current entire US budget. Is the media listening?

AOC Good intentions but not smart. If the party’s plan is give benefits to all undocumented here then stop sending foreign aid to their countries. How much are taxpayers suppose to waste? $$$

AOC What a load of BS. Give undocumented(illegal) immigrants Federal benefits and ignore vets and seniors What in Hell is wrong with you people

AOC Communists have always tried to do well with other peoples money! People like AOC are the most incompetent people who don’t understand economics and business. They try to create meaningless legislations to cover for their illiteracy in entrepreneurship!

AOC Brava! ProscribeTheRich

Satiristas AOC Trump's Best Hire! She's killing it!


AOC She’s now running for the Congressional Bartender of the month.


AOC Remember when American citizens were fined if we didn’t have health insurance, but now they just want to give away health insurance to “undocumented” immigrants.

AOC Of course, keep destroying and abusing taxpayers money. The ones that will definitely have a big impact are the elderly and retired on social security. That’s one of the first budgets that becomes raped along with Medicare. Communist a AOC will definitely screw things up worse

AOC One day I will be a good leader like her in my country 💙✊🏻 much love!

AOC Very good iniciative, but giving access to undocumented immigrants I think needs to be think further, immigrants are a very important force for the country both legal and illegal, but illegal immigrants don't get taxed with payroll taxes because they work for cash

AOC it is treason to take tax payer money to fund illegal immigration. you are a disgrace to the office you hold.

AOC Free taxpayer money to non citizens. It’s great!!! Keep working America. Socialists are counting on you


AOC No! Undocumented people do not need any of our American federal benefits!! That’s for the American people.

AOC Glasses don't make you look smart.


inskeep AOC She is right about everything she said. Challenging these ideas is good. It makes us discuss them. It brings them to the surface. The danger is in tone of voice, skepticism. We need progressive ideas and a fair and equal environment in which to voice them.

AOC We’ve been transferring wealth since the sixties great society programs at least. It’s a waste of money.

AOC NPR please stop promoting her

AOC Wanna talk about poverty look at the minimum wage and look at how much it is to rent a place or just to have a home and to eat

AOC Medicaid is not a federal benefit.

AOC If this sock-puppet gets re-elected next year, it will sadly feed my inner cynic, that we in fact have gone over the cliff. I want to keep hope alive for the American Experiment, but some days are harder than others.

AOC How about don’t have kids if you are at the poverty level and not expect others to pay for your mistakes ...

AOC Stop trying to give noncitizens American taxes. They are criminal trespassers, in the country we still shoot folks for that.

AOC Because “undocumented”(ILLEGAL) “immigrants “ (Aliens) deserve more care for free than actual Americans.

AOC Free, free, free! Dems always sound like my middle school ASG elections. Recess all day! No homework! Free candy if you vote for me! 😆

AOC I am a Democrat, but Medicaid is hard enough to get for citizens and should not be used for undocumented immigrants! I believe in the immigration process! It’s what the country is built on but I had to have a sponsor and could not claim benefits .. Same should apply to all..

AOC I'm sorry, but this slipped by your editors once again. There is no such thing as an 'undocumented immigrant.' You meant to say 'illegal alien.' BTW - illegal aliens have no citizen status in the US and should not be entitled to such benefits. Take care of poor Americans first.

AOC 😆😆😆giving benefits to illegals 😆😆😆 that’s what democrats do

AOC Take out the non- citizen part, and then it will be legislation with merit - probably still without substance, but it will be at least pointing in the right direction.

AOC This has zero chance of passing the senate. The only thing illegal immigrants deserve from America is a bus ticket back to where they came from

AOC She is playing you sheep! That is all

AOC Deport all ILLEGAL Immigrants. Don't have children YOU cannot afford to raise yourself. Your bad decisions are not this countries obligation.

AOC As someone who live at the poverty line I do concur. This needs to be discussed

AOC I hope that money is coming out of her pocket and not mine. I'm not paying for illegals.

AOC Gotta get those votes, right? Useless.

AOC Every one of her Bills is DOA.

AOC Her fifteen minutes are almost up.

AOC I remember when trump supporters said they supported trump because they felt unheard and silenced. Now, they are the ones trying to silence everyone. They wanted people to care about their issues and concerns but they don’t give a f about anyone else’s grievances

AOC This will be known as “The Taxpayer Funded Government Machine Needs More Slaves Act”

AOC This is how you turn the US into Venezuela

AOC American poverty at all time low. AOC introduces bill to give federal benefits including healthcare to illegal immigrants despite our huge deficit. Why would anyone support this? Do Democrats care about American citizens?

AOC 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

AOC Wow ...and this is supposed to be good Or should the tweet say ..'inexperienced and clueless first time congresswoman puts forth some radical proposals..' What the fuck NPR...

AOC More free stuff

AOC Ruining. The. Country.

AOC Sort of funny how we hear that ILLEGAL immigrants don't draw government aid. Yep that is just GOP talking points... Wait...If we put into law...BUY THE VOTE!

AOC I love the AOC but I don’t think this is a good move.

AOC “I’m on a highway to a recession”

AOC If people are US citizens then they can be entitled to benefits.

AOC According to Trump, undocumented people are already mooching on US taxpayers Lol its sad people dont recognize the con

AOC Well the money this POS wants to spend is not hers it’s the tax payers money and as a tax payer I WILL NOT PAY FOR ILLEGALS OR UNDOCUMENTED PEOPLE!! This is why I can’t stand this woman!

AOC We have the money for all of this already, we just spend it on war, walls, and subsidies. Kudos to new ways of thought and getting out of the indoctrinated box

AOC No benefits to non citizens.None! Apply for citizenship & wait like my daughter in law did.

AOC This rep is truly an inspiration! Maybe there is hope 👍🕊️🇺🇸



AOC So Medicaid gets better while private insurance gets worse and more expensive. I think AOC wants to expand Medicaid to the point it turns into m4all. That's fine with me.

AOC Always finding new reasons to rob their citizens. I’m tired.

AOC File this under 'Democrats buying Votes'. It's what they do best. Alinsky class warfare at work.

AOC No. Illegal immigrants do not deserve the same benefits as our citizens. I’m all about legal paths to citizenship, social medicine, higher taxes on the wealthy but stop giving things to non citizens.

AOC Ratio

AOC realDonaldTrump AOC You will put in your bill that these services will be retroactive for ALL Americans who fall into these categories

AOC No, no, no!! 'Undocumented' immigrants do not deserve carte blanche benefits unless they have work visas and promise to eventually become taxpaying citizens!

AOC I'm sure the replies to this will be well thought out, nuanced, and informed. They won't at all be hateful with plenty of misinformation, anti-AOC propaganda, and accounts originating from completely different countries or the naive that trust what AmericanPatriot1776A says


AOC Lol working for United States citizens.

AOC How about the Ds running and corrupting all these improvished areas for the past 50 yrs.

AOC Let’s tax some Billionaires, eh?

AOC It's not your money!!!

AOC Great idea, let's help people!



AOC making more slaves for the machine

AOC This is great yet my broke ex-wife will still complain about it

AOC Islam is right about women

AOC That's great, but what happened to the Green New Deal?

AOC You misspelled 'pro-poverty'. Because that's what it is.

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