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United States Headlines News

A Baltimore County judge has sentenced a teenager to a life term in prison for the murder of police Officer Amy Caprio. He was 16 when authorities say he fatally struck her with a stolen Jeep.

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rolandsmartin cory

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Well good thing he wasn’t a cop or he might have lost his job too🙄

Cops who murder innocent civilians get a slap on the wrist and a pay raise

Wrong! A juvenile - Manslaughter - Life? Is color an issue here? A terrible tragedy - but doesn’t seem to be premeditated murder.

BernieSanders. Thoughts? Cause I am fine with this.


Pigs are killed in the slaughter house every day and all we do is eat them.

He didn't steal a candy bar he committed a murder. We all made bad decisions at 16 but I am pretty sure that most of us knew robbery and murder were wrong. No sympathy for any murderer.

When will he be eligible for parole? That's his real sentence.


Wow smh


So what's the problem? RIP Officer Caprio.

rolandsmartin He didn’t do it. She ran into the Jeep and killed herself and they blamed this black kid for it. Facts 🙏🏽

rolandsmartin America is a criminal enterprise! America’s domestic policies creates criminals! Blackmen Blackwomen BlackAgenda BlackExodus BlackTwitter 1619Project ProjectSeparation IndependenceMatters

rolandsmartin If only he were rich and white he could’ve used the Affluenza defense.

rolandsmartin Afluenza defense might work

He's a kid! This is wrong.

“He’s a good boy he didnt do nothing!!”

If their skin colors were swapped he’d be home by now.

Read the description of how this scumbag intentionally ran down the cop. Death would be a more appropriate sentence than life.

A life sentence makes no sense whatsoever. Willful murder exacts surrendering your own life. Too bad justice isn’t truly blind in exacting the same punishment from all in this society regardless of race, gender, or social standing.

If she wasn't a cop what would the sentence be? If he was a privileged white boy what would the sentence be? Justice should be be applied evenly. An occupation does not make a life worth more or less than another. Cop's life isn't worth more than average citizen's.


Yeah let’s support this animal for the rest of his life instead of ... Never mind ... What would a country with balls do ? Russia,China,

Kids make mistakes. If it were t for the mistakes... they’d be called adults! 🙄 15 years cuz he’s a kid who made a stupid mistake


No second chances for our kids. He is 16 years old.

When will police that murder innocent PoC be held to the same standard?

I wonder if the lady cop that broke into her black neighbor's apartment and then gunned him down will also get life. I mean if she ever goes to trial which looks like will never happen.

Remember when the white kid got drunk stole a truck and then killed four people by driving into them. He got probation. Then he and his mother broke probation by going to Mexico where he was caught partying. He still isn't in jail.

Based on description of crime and info. provided, appears sentence was justified.

Thank goodness. Law and order needs to be upheld.


Look at this, California white male (Christian Nazi or whatever religion these white supremacist are)' attempted murder' and look he is ALIVE!!!!! MAGA IS GREat ain't it! Even white criminals that wanted to kill and officer survive. No beating no choking to death

I see a scared kid. We need to raise our kids better.

And yet this same city made could not convict their officers when the shoe was on the other foot.

They should’ve taken 4 years to deliberate; then suspend his license.

James Alex Fields, a 21 year old white man, received the same sentence for intentionally running over and killing someone with a car this year.

Still 16. Thats excessive.

I wish these kids would realize life isn’t a video game.. you can’t start life over after something like this. Loss all the way around.

Apparently, killing a white police officer is totally different from choking an unarmed black man to death.

Too bad he wasn’t white maybe he would’ve got a slap on the wrist

Again, proof of how little we value our children. How little we understand them, or can even be bothered to notice them. This is wrong, amd part of the disease that rots this country and society.

Meanwhile an officer can murder a black man and just get fired at worst.

If he's already in a stolen car at 16, it was just a matter of time.

Children 👏 Are 👏 NOT 👏 Adults! 👏

Should he have gotten an award for stealing a car and killing someone? Trump could pardon him, oh wait, he’s black

You reap what you sow. Life sentence vs death sentence is the real debate.


Sad for both families. She wanted to make a difference and it’s all cut short poor women. Fucking kid man what the hell are you thinking. This why people shout for the death penalty. Not just a culture blacks and brown, the society is letting us down whites. We are all in this.

Should get the chair

is this same Baltimore that Trump was complaining about?

I am sorry for the young officer. And hopefully he will never walk free again.

Didn’t the Supreme Court determine this couldn’t be done?

Meanwhile, other people (like Dr. James G. Corasanti) can drive drunk, hit and run, and kill a teenager and get away with a slap on the wrist.

The American penal system is just that. It is to punish and to exact revenge. With a thought process like that, you will get no other response.

Too bad she wasn’t able to kill him before he murdered her.

prshakur he needs a medal

... but the drunk “affluent white teen” who killed 4 people got off easy... 2 year prison term for manslaughter 🤦🏻‍♀️ he only spent 720 days in jail 🤬 and was released in April 2018

Why does your tweet say “authorities say” he was convicted in a court of law. He’s guilty. “16 when he ran over officer Caprio killing her as she attempted to make an arrest for Multiple burglaries in the area” but we know you only run this story so we can all scream racist

Too bad he wasn't a drunk rich white boy.

Meanwhile in whiteworld white cops get away with targeting and murdering black kids. What r the stats on that? Oh yeah, we're in a free society but can't get the records because they're literally covering it up.

That officer was somebody’s little girl, too.

Wondering whether parole was in oder if it were a white teen

He deserves the sentence!

He aimed for her. He didn't accidentally run her over. Life seems fair.

Unfrigging believable!🤦🏻‍♀️

Life for a juvenile on an unintentional felony murder? So unconstitutional.

and he should serve every one of those years... i have no one iota of sympathy for him... however after 25 years minimum of time ..maybe parole should be available

Bye. Next.

Wow. '...when the stolen jeep he was driving ran over...' As though the Jeep did it-- like THE JEEP was culpable for the crime, and he just happened to be behind the wheel. GTFOH with that crapola!

I get maybe a harsher punishment MAYBE but a life sentence is just ruining 2 lives instead of 1. What a shame.

That's too harsh.

Mighty Men of God, we must DISCIPLE, mentor, tutor, employ, rebuke, direct, help, educate, love, counsel, teach, adopt, minister to and pray for the boys & men in our communities who are struggling with maturity, sin, etc.

This is excessive.

If he had choked her to death he’d have 5 years before losing his job.

And if she shot him for no reason she would recieve a paid vacation... Shows how fucked our justice system is

I hope that means he’ll be in prison for the rest of his natural life, but I doubt it.

What a sad waste of life. Everything we do has consequences. Own it.

Good. Rot MFr.

Should of been the death penalty

Couldn't he just say he feared for his life?

This is unjust. Racist.


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