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United States Headlines News

High school kids who work at Walmart now have more than just a paycheck to look forward to. The company will pay for ACT and SAT prep courses, allow students to schedule hours around the school day and offer up to seven hours of free college credit.

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This it TOO GROSS, npr. Have you NO shame? STOP TAKING WALTON MONEY!

Walmart this is cool, but could you try paying your employees a living wage?

gee it's almost like constant social outcry is ACTUALLY WORKING.

People on this thread seem to have forgotten what it was like to be a high school student with a part-time or summer job, or maybe that was just my growing up in the South where we force kids to go to work at 15. Was really proud of my supermarket job, regardless.

All at 5.25 an hour - while they are on food stamps and welfare while the boss eats cake

Nice Gesture

But Wal-Mart is letting go of Greeters across the board? This is a PR stunt at best.

It’s actually pretty cool that Walmart is promoting the benefits of preparing for the SAT.

What kids who need to work need!

Just give them a raise already.

Plus raise their wages to $15 per hour.

Cool, now help your adult employees get off welfare.

And yet there will be people that reflexively criticize this.

So by allow to schedule around school... as if there’s a choice? Are they supppsed to ditch school to stock cheap bullshit?

Go to school on the new scheduling program?

Strategic move —it’s never too early to cultivate a pipeline of talent among youth.....the smartest businesses and institutions know that.

“Allow” students to schedule around school?

Interesting development. What will Walmart do when its workers become enlightened to its capitalist thuggery?

Now if they could pay their workers a living wage from their billions in profits then we have something

That's a great perk, WalmartInc

Fuck that raise wages

all the expired yogurt they can eat!

But will they pay their adult employees a living wage? 🤔

we hire 18 and over!

Lawdy! Ol’ Massa Walmart sho be good to up po folk!

How expensive are these courses? Please! Advertising for Walmuck! With their profit margin, that is as lofty as they can aspire? Free education, higher wages for employees to name a few! Hell the savings for taxpayers paying unemployment wages alone will pay for this gesture.

This is EXACTLY how such things should work. If an employer WANTS to help their employees with such things, that's GREAT! What we don't want/need is the government MANDATING that employers must do such things. Way to go, Walmart!

They should pay their workers more

I'm sure someone did the math and decided that this PR stunt was cheaper than paying their employees a living wage.

That HOW it SHOULD BE! Now PAY Them for their Time Walmart They ARE The BackBone$ of YOUR Company

can you just like..... pay a living wage.....

'allow students to schedule hours around the school day' THIS IS THE BARE MINIMUM NOT DOING GOOD Why are we not fining and prosecuting companies for NOT doing this? THAT'S the bare minimum.

Why now, Walmart? My Dad could've gotten me a job here in high school. Back then, they weren't hiring many teens. How different my life could've been...

How many kids under 18 does Walmart hire. I don't think my local walmart hires anyone under 18. Most 18 yo have already taken the tests if not already graduated from High School. Seems like a benefit that will benefit a small percentage of employees.

This is what should be the standard of any corporation or large company who hires high school students. It should also include trade schools for those who chose a different path.

Once the kids learn how bad it is to work there, they will gladly study for their SATs.

Most Walmart employees I've seen don't look anything like this kid.

I like the concept of this incentive, the youth are our future. We may not have had many of the same opportunities, but we can try to set the youth up for success with incentives that will further their life path.

first step on a road to redemption.

A part time workforce with little to no cost 🙄 ...

Cool story. Still doesn’t get Walmart out of paying a living wage to their adult employees.

How kind of Walmart to schedule work around the school day.

They could also just pay them, and all their employees, a living wage. And as someone who does credit transfer, I'd love to know which colleges would accept those seven hours.

Or Walmart could, y'know, pay a living wage...

They still don’t pay a living wage to their employees. So while this is great for students, the average worker is still struggling.

'With the tight labor market' see! We said this would happen. Wages rising. Benefits rising! Imagine if there were no illegals taking jobs how much tighter the labor market would be and how much better the wages!

Does this mean Walmart is also going to pay their adult employees a living wage and provide adequate healthcare coverage?

You are posting a PR release as news because.........?

A company can’t offer college credit because they aren’t a higher ed institution. The company can pay for college for employees, but the college grants the credit.


Could they... do this retroactively? I could really use the help!

Amazing what free markets and labor shortages can do for employee compensation and benefits.

Walmart almost never hires kids out. Here.

So that they can improve their opportunities and lives.....not stay stagnant

“Allow” students to schedule hours around the school day? How generous. Managers not doing this are assholes regardless of Walmart’s policies. I thought there were laws about working hours — or is it only until 16 and by state?

throwing crumbs to the masses

They're just so super excited about finding new ways to get that child labor to work!!! Late stage capitalism for the win! 🙄🙄🙄

Wow y'all just ran with the press release on this one, huh? No contextualizing about the decades-long record of Walmart screwing employees? And now instead of paying adults, they'll transition to robots and teens... and you just tweeted it out?

Nice incentive. Kudos to Walmart

They weren’t letting them schedule around the school day?!

Still a shit job and test are sometimes offered free or are less than a 100.00 sooo.....

That's dope. I'd hope they also raise wages and allow the same flexibility for adult students.

What about raising their wages to $15 an hour, like Bernie Sanders asked for?

But will they pay a living wage?

What do they do for seniors ?

Great. Now when are they going to let employees unionize?

What do the adults that work there have to look forward to? Minimum wage?

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