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California appears to be backing off legal threats against the state's Republican Party over its use of unauthorized ballot drop boxes.

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npr appears to be fakenews

Interesting that GOP drop boxes deemed illegal, but those of Democratic candidates, like US Rep. Rouda, were not. No mention of that in your story. I wonder why?

what the fuck

Just disqualify them from the ballot for 4 years.

MyPlace4U 😂 🐁 🙌🏼 💰 🤥 🤥

And they are being complicit, this is ridiculous

damnpamfromnamm When this story broke, I said 'Democrats will not prosecute crimes by GOP.'

I do not understand why.

Um, wtf?


Former AG KamalaHarris said GOP should be prosecuted for the boxes. oops

What a shit show this has become.

Kick the Republican Party out of California. Breaking the law has consequences.

A shame Dems are not being more forceful.

DON'T YOU DARE TheDemocrats CaliforniaDemocrats

LeslieMac Gee, rule of law?

Arrest them please

LeslieMac WHY?

moryan You don’t trust the GOP?


Prosecute these fascist pricks.

EoinHiggins_ Spineless cowards

Hey, California 🖕.

California is backing off enforcing laws? This is insane. Are we just letting Republicans commit crimes now?

This is why voting laws need to be established and enforced at the federal level and end this state by state bullshit and should be a independent a-political bureau (if that is even possible these days). Neither political party can be trusted.

When laws are sloppily written and provide no real recourse if broken, this is the result. I expect, however, that if any critical number of these ballots are fraudulent, they will be cast for trump.

well if they aren't official ones, I guess there isn't any federal problem if they get 'disappeared' and their contents transferred into official drop box ?

Is this a fucking joke? So sick of the lack of accountability for every trash evil thing they do

Democrats are wimps and too nice part 9876423686445

JakeFro19610091 Here is an example of democrats being nice

Because the super majority Dems passed a law prior to the 2016 mid terms to legalize ballot harvesting by 3rd parties. With it, they were able to flip Orange County blue. Now that the R’s are using it, they want to cry about it.



Because they were not illegal according to CA’s law allowing ballot harvesting

For God's sake WHY?!?!!?!?!

why hasn’t someone destroyed these yet

Hey this is a false and misleading headline. In truth the opposite happened. Please retract that article and restate it truthfully. the right thing....

Okay, so no consequences for the people who spent years crying about voter fraud when they commit voter fraud

cool, then I'm going not respect the laws I think are dumb. thanks California Dems for your courage

Don’t accept ballots without a proper chain of custody. This is literal election fraud and your response to to back down?

Why am I not surprised

The citizens of California should fill the boxes with dog 💩

Complicity strikes again

I like to think that most of us who are voting blue are not stupid enough to put our ballots in a file cabinet with a taped piece if 8 1/2 x 11 paper on it that says 'OFICIAL DROPBOX'

What the fuck, AGBecerra What. The. Fuck.

If they're unauthorized ballot boxes then unauthorized parties can pick up the ballots and do whatever they want with them.

did.. did a california republican party official write this headline


The GOP is setting a trap. They have sued California for expanding who can submit ballots for another person. This appears to be a strategic decision.

My understanding is that the key law is that ballots that are harvested have to be signed over in person, and the GOP has agreed to staff all their boxes to comply with the rules. If that's true then the GOP isn't breaking the law (though they should be monitored for violations)


Cowards, if the GOP wants to break the law they have to face the consequences

Really trust CA GOP not to tamper with or discard ballots? ?

A box is not a person.

Another great example of why the Democratic party sucks. They have no god damn spine.

What the fuck


EoinHiggins_ WTF, CA Jail time for these guys.


Well, I’m sure if it was the other way around, the GOP would be equally forgiving. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Who am I kidding?!! GOPCorruption gopcheat cheatgop

Jesus Christ Then Californians should literally just destroy the boxes. Smash them, crash into them, break them. If they're illegal and NOT public property then shouldn't it be fine tp destroy them?

GavinNewsom get your shit together.

California appears to suck

AGBecerra you are a fool if you don’t maintain “law and order.” These criminals need to be prosecuted. Grow a spine and stand for justice

Please consider updating this with a picture of what the illegal boxes in question look like instead of a picture of the REAL ones; eople glancing at this may get the wrong idea that they shouldn't use the yellow ones otherwise.

Oh FFS, arrest the cheaters.

Is anyone keeping track of where the official and '''unofficial''' ballot boxes are?

California dems: We stand for democracy! Oh, money? Never mind

So...the GOP is allowed to interfere with voting. How very unAmerican, Republic and Democratic. I prefer accountability for all. GOPCorruptionOverCountry

So what happens to those ballots?

Why? Fake Ballot Boxes sounds extremely illegal.

Please correct this misleading tweet. If the boxes are consistent with CA law they are not “unauthorized.” Call them GOP-placed ballot boxes or something else.

Must have their balls locked in those boxes




andrewbarss JFC

well you see, in the crucial swing state of california, it's important for the democrats to not go TOO hard on the gop! /s


What democracy?

HELL NO. MaddowBlog

Why? This is outrageous. Citizens arrest?

Sounds like democrats should litter Texas with ballot box dropoffs since Abbott limited it to one then? Time to fight fire with fire. GOP can’t have it both ways.

White folks really do get away with anything smh

Why ? the gop are not going to listen

Huh... almost like laws don't matter if you don't enforce them?

Law and order, everybody

Probably would be good to note in the tweet the drop box in the picture is indeed an official one.

just to clarify - so we're just going to go ahead and give up on enforcing laws? COOL

I hope the DemCalifornia are running ads showing the fake ballot boxes.

So much for law and order

Almost as if these assholes know they can get away with it. What a sad state of affairs. Greatest democracy indeed 🙄

Ok but why though


Fucking spineless once again, I'm not surprised in the slightest. So tired of the Democratic party's cowardly leadership.

Softer than wet tissue paper

Democrats will always cave in immediately, they are utterly incapable of actually opposing fascists

And people still believe that voting will accomplish something.

Why the hell

why aren't private citizens just destroying them and dropping the ballots inside to a real box? I'd love to see the gop take them to court for destruction of property that violates state law

Apparently the USA has no enforceable rules or laws.

Soooooo they can just put up ILLEGAL Drop Boxes to STEAL ballots from voters...and the State Elections officials do NOTHING? We are officially North Korea/Putin’s Russia

What the fuck?

Just arrest the fuckers who put them out there ... and stuff them in these boxes until after election day.

AmberKFraley1 Our whole democracy is going to collapse if our institutional response to such rampant undermining of the elections is a shoulder shrug and a finger wag. No excuse to not hold the cretins who did this accountable.

Hey, AlexPadilla4CA, let's not let this drop, ok?

Popehat jbarro What the fuck is this happy horseshit? So we can all just start planting fake ballot boxes now and it’s cool?

Absolutely disgusting.

Fucking hell

Could this be linked to Newsom getting trump to reverse course on federal aide

GavinNewsom WTAF, man




No take them down

It's almost like the law only exists to punish poor brown people.

This is why we need to stop fucking with two party politics.

So the GOP can do anything they want, thumb their noses at the courts and not only does nothing happen to them, they can continue

So... there's no consequences to their actions? No wonder the right keeps pulling crap. They get away with it 😠😡 Have the fake boxes been taken down at least? Someone needs to remove them. GavinNewsom

Then it's up to citizens to destroy these illegal attacks on our elections.

Interesting that this is simultaneously “illegal” and “legal”

I know California wants to keep ballot harvesting on the books so that poor and minority communities have a place to put ballots due to limited access to official polling places. But why not just put a polling station where it’s needed instead? Voting is a Right not a privilege!


Why? This should be illegal.

Typical. The dems have no bite.

North Carolina saw what happens when partisan groups collect ballots....

What happens to ballots droped off in those illegal boxes?

I was going to comment and then decided what's the point.


Of course they are

Should prosecute and not back off


Laws are meaningless if they’re not enforced. This is nuts.

If it’s okay to just put drop boxes inside political offices, then all Democratic offices in Texas should just offer drop boxes right now. Georgia too. Solve that 11 hour wait problem. Why don’t we? Because we respect the fair and lawful nature of elections. GOP doesn’t.

If California goes trump, we'll know the votes were stolen.

Pull the boxes. Count the ballots and arrest who ever put them out. They (GOP) will call voter fraud on California if you don’t.

For a party that constantly claims there is a lot of voter fraud.....

Take note, Democrats in Texas and other places where voting populations are ill-served. 🇺🇸🗽

In exchange for the emergency aid. The GOP is the better at this game.

Trump has a fundraiser in California so he had to give up the aid so donors would give him money he desperately needs, always about whats in it for him,

Maybe because Democrats wrote the laws that allow those ballot boxes to be used?

How can this be allowed?

This is horrendous.

fbi do something

GOP's Law and Order: Breaking the law and creating disorder.

Let's go get 3 points lads.Good luck

Well they sure showed them who is boss 🙄 This is ILLEGAL. They should face the consequences. Full stop.

Yo my pepes in Cali- Sounds like we need some good trouble. I bet there is simple answer to educating folks on this issue. Gotta think outside the box.

Shame on California KamalaHarris AGBecerra


If the CA Dems did this the GOP would have sent assassins.

They need to be held accountable and stop playing childish games.

This is great news because what could possibly go wrong?


I guess...would you trust your ballot to a stranger?

No point voting in CA

They should prosecute the GOP for tampering with the election. They planned & executed a plot to steal votes for God's sake!! That's a felony.

Hahahahaha “unauthorized” from the marxists who brought you granny farming and ballot harvesting.

So, once again, no charges for GOP criminals.

GavinNewsom KamalaHarris SpeakerPelosi wtf?


GOP: the only way we can win is to cheat.

This Veteran is DONE with this shithole country and it’s bullshit transactional politics. Collectively, WE have ZERO voice, ZERO power.


That’s because they didn’t do anything wrong. The only issue was someone putting the ‘official’ sticker on the box. They, like Dems, are taking part in ballot harvesting. The boxes are inside specified locations and monitored.

it is almost as if the democats were paid to lose just like the Washington Generals vs the Harlem Globetrotters


What THE FUCK is going on!?!? It's election tampering and there should be arrests!!!


Not good!


Unfortunate. They should comply with the law.

California: 'NO SHUT UP THERE'S NOT GOING TO BE ANY OF THAT HERE AND YOU'RE GONNA STOP OR WE'LL SUE THE PANTS OFF YOU' Gop: 'No.' California: *backing away meekly* 'Ok ok sorry man it was just a joke dont worry about it ok god dont hurt me man i got kids'

What the hell is the matter with Democrats.


Plus they should be required to label them correctly 'FAKE BALLOT BOX'


I'm fine with these fake Republican ballot drop boxes if the Democratic Party is allowed to pick them up and deliver them.

How corrupt can the Republican Party be? As a voter, how could I feel good about these actions? It should be a crime!

They shouldn’t! Hello GavinNewsom

Omfg. Why?! They're doing something illegal. Why are we letting these assholes just get away with this?!

Why? Why? Why? Why? Is Sen. Feinstein in charge here, too?

will these ballots be counted officially


AGBecerra you’re going to file charges against them all or we are going to make sure you’re included in the federal case as a co-conspirator in voter suppression.


The irony is that probably more than half of the votes they tote over to the county are for Biden. Thanks, guys. Buncha dumbasses


As a concerned Californian I hope this issue & the issue of California relief funds that were denied earlier this week & miraculously approved today by President Trump are not related.

It's not a federal crime to tamper with unauthorized ballot boxes right? Asking for a friend...

Jail for them. The train this stuff keeps happening is because there is zero punishment for doing it.

How much you want to bet this had something to do with Trump all of a sudden reversing his decision to give California federal aid for the fires?

Was that part of the deal to get the much needed aid to CA?

well, of course they are, they need wildfire relief money.

excuse me

This is appeasement AGBecerra and AlexPadilla4CA. You’re backing down to a bully.

That is Most Unfortunate. They Should Press Charges To The Full Extent Of The Law🤔 RepJudyChu RepAdamSchiff tedlieu RepBarbaraLee RepSwalwell GavinNewsom

Why? Just seize the boxes, if they are illegal!


I hear smart people saying that extortion is the new way to do business with the law & order prez. And using our money to do it.

So if it's ok for the Republicans to create their own unofficial drop boxes then the Democrats can do the same in counties where the said GOP perpetrators removed drop boxes......fair is fair

And this is why the GOP does the dirty shit that they do. There are never consequences.

Money for fire relief? = voter fraud by gop

I would hope only those people voting for djt would use the fake ballot collection boxes. Anyone else shouldn't trust them.

Unacceptable! The state needs to put an end to this BS.


NO. Give them hell. Official drop box or nothing.

um. why

Here we go again. Republicans getting away with criminal activity.

This is the problem with America at the moment: People commit crimes, especially significant, 'white collar' crimes and instead of being prosecuted, the 'powers to be' back down every time.

State Dems realized they didn't have a case. Third party ballot boxes are legal. CA


Why ?

This is a problem with Democrats they back down!

Hmmm... Legal Threats toward Republicans ➡️(R) White House Denies Aid ➡️ Politics Happen ➡️ Aid is Approved ➡️ California Eases Legal Action. Sounds A Bit Like “But Can You Do Me A Favor, THO” VOTE

Why? Prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

I hope that they get the word out to the citizens to NOT use these boxes. The GOP is not doing itself any favors with these stunts. It makes them look bad, not the Democrats.


Attorney gen & sec state realize the GOP will be dead in this country for all intents & purposes. I understand not adding insult to injury, but I disagree.

Why KamalaHarris GavinNewsom SenFeinstein AsmBlancaRubio RepJudyChu

To everybody asking why, the most likely reason is nobody wants to bring ballot harvesting in front of a judge. To refrain from too much speculation, they probably are afraid that if a judge makes a ruling, it will give the Republicans more room, or themselves less room.


JFC GOP stabs democracy through the heart and the Dems send a letter. ARREST THEM.

Click bait. “At a press conference Friday, Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Secretary of State Alex Padilla, both Democrats, didn't announce any additional enforcement action against the party, saying the California GOP agreed to modify how they were collecting ballots.”

So without the legal protections afforded to official drop boxes, it wouldn't carry a penalty if an individual were to pour an entire XL cherry coke into it then? Rhetorically. Yeah.




BULLSHIT!! Dems allow the Republicans to run over them with ease. So damn stupid. It is ILLEGAL for a damn reason. These are FEDERAL CRIMES!! DNC CADemsUnited SenateDems HouseDemocrats WHEN are you all going to pull yours heads out and get some accountability?!

The GOP are stopping at nothing:



California must NOT back off. Anyone else would be charged. Hold the republican party accountable for its actions.

CA don’t back off or back down. Hold the Republican Party accountable.

this is how they get away with this shit.

Why is ballot harvesting allowed anywhere? It seems like a recipe for corruption.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the President denying the state aid.

Why? What they are doing is absolutely wrong. In this time where nobody trusts anybody, why do this unless you really want to stir trouble?!

The democrats should do the same thing in any other states where the GOP is making it hard to drop off ballots. Texas comes to mind..

how is this even legal? How can someone collect official ballots? I mean so much can and will go wrong.

I guess thats just how freedom works. You can just collect ballots and do whatever. That sounds way less sketchy than using the mail.

Wtf is wrong with them? THIS IS A FELONY!!!!

GavinNewsom Really?


That oughta do it.

What a misleading headline! They are not backing off. They asked them to stop doing the illegal part of what they were doing and they conceded.

I am looking forward to the day when I can be on Twitter and not say JFC to myself more than once. This is all batshit.


Republicans in CA will gather the ballots from their fake drop-boxes, dump them in the trash where they are easy to 'discover', claim election fraud, and ask the Supreme Court to to rule that the election was invalid.

Ah yes, because 'not holding them accountable' is sure to work wonders!

WTF? HOW IS THIS LEGAL? Can I set up a Democratic Ballot Drop Box in my culdesac? I mean, I “may” steam the ballots open to check their eligibility but that fine. I’m trustworthy. GOPVoterFraud GOPVoterSuppression



The FBI is probably more interested than the state.

Would be nice if the story answered the obvious question of 'WHY?' but it seems like the only explanation is that the Repub party head called the AG a thug? Maybe their intentions were pure, but why didn't they work with the state or county to make it official? Law & order what?

Headline is misleading. They have to remove boxes outside. They have to be placed indoors and dropped off by people at gop offices. As much as I want to see the gop go down like the Hindenburg, if Dema are collecting and delivering the cultists should be able to as well

I’m so fucking tired of republicans getting away with so much bullshit.

Are they legal or not? If they're legal then stop hassling them. If they are illegal then they gotta go

I smell transactional politics again. Let us ballot harvest and we’ll give you emergency aid.

If all bets are off and CA won’t do anything...let’s just create a “MAGA Dropbox” for “Trump Voters Only” and dump the whole god damned thing into the ocean. Worse case, slap on the wrist and a strongly-worded letter.

The Dems should harvest door to door and collect ballots, then. Let the Republicans dance to the beat of their own music. Two can play.


And there it is. That’s what they had to agree to in order to get federal aid. Quid pro quo as usual

Hmm it’s almost like they keep breaking the rules because no one holds them accountable for breaking the rules and there are never consequences for them breaking the rules so they just keep breaking the rules 🤔

Democrats do not respect the rule of law either.

Useless Democrats.

ugh just ban ballot harvesting and be done with it.

of fucking course. nobody will stand up to these paper tigers it is disgusting

This is a federal crime. How can CA ease off!? Please get to work GavinNewsom KamalaHarris because no party can make fake ballot boxes for their own purposes. They are tampering with mail.

WTF. This is why I HATE the Democratic Part.

The things that are happening across the US around voting are more terrifying than any Halloween inspired fear-fest.

ShameOnTheGOP Hey California HoldThemAccountable

GavinNewsom LMK if you and TheDemocrats in California need help finding your balls. I’m pretty sure I saw them in jar under realDonaldTrump desk.


Why? Take the gloves off gdammit prosecute these criminals RepublicansAreTheProblem

jennycohn1 thoughts

Why in the hell would they do that?

So it’s now morally and ethically acceptable to take a sledgehammer and smash these boxes, right?

Why? Shouldn't the state be moving forward on arrests for election interference?


Democrats are just the absolute most spineless people


But conservatives keep telling me ballot harvesting is illegal!!!

I don't understand the need for these. There are literally thousands of ballot drop boxes all over the state that are secured in every city. They look like this. The postage is already paid for - just drop it in a blue mail box or return it to your postal carrier. Done.

Was disaster relief dependent on this?

The New York Times editorial board on Friday called President Trump 'the greatest threat to American democracy since World War II,' while encouraging voters to 'end our national crisis' in voting him out of office.




Sigh, democratic party is always so fucking soft.

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