Neo-Nazi and Proud Boys groups push Trump campaign poll watching operation online: Reports

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Alt-right groups are advocating online for poll watching, according to reports.

Kate Brown on her state’s political unrest, mail-in voting system and wildfire aid.Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images, FILE

In this Sept. 17, 2020, file photo, militiamen and women listen on as speakers at the annual Constitution Day rally held at the Michigan State Capitol building in Lansing, Mich. The measures come as online accounts tied to neo-Nazi sympathizers and"alt-right" groups such as the Proud Boys have been generating posts that encourage supporters to join the campaign's Election Day operations, according to two new reports this week.

In this Sept. 26, 2020, file photo, members of the Proud Boys, a gang that supports President Trump, hold a rally in Delta Park on the edge of Portland, Ore. MORE: Experts call for Election Day preparedness after Trump’s debate rhetoric stirs already heightened concerns "Some of these groups will be listening to his false claims of fraud, and you put that in combination with his refusal to condemn white supremacists and civil unrest -- it really is a very thinly veiled call for his most militant supporters to go to the polls," Mary McCord, a longtime national security official and Georgetown University Law professor, previously told ABC News.


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I wonder what Antifa is planning is anyone watching them?

Trump n his Neo Nazis and his Proud Boys. Violence and further dividing the country?

They are pussies.

Those clowns even dress like clowns and act like clowns,

Germany is disgusting about Neo nazy in America. !!



These dipsh*t's couldn't watch a lemonade stand...

So what? Ignore them they just want attention and to intimidate... the more attention you give them the more powerful they feel... they can’t do anything to you, all they can do is stand there like the rejects they are... come for me Trumpies 🐑 IDGAF 😂🖕🏻BidenHarris2020

ABC is fake news, Proud Boys aren’t racist. The leader is Puerto Rican. ABC says Trump won’t disavow racists but he’s done it over and over. Just change your name to the Democratic Party Broadcasting Company and get it over with. Or maybe the Chinese Party Broadcasting Company.

Why are they classified as neo-nazi?

Keyboard warriors. Make deal with them. Their crimes will be excused if they agree to leave the country for Russia.

do these people even work, who supports them, seems like they got plenty of time to do this soldier wanabe, probably forty year olds that still live with mommy

Will it be more peaceful than Antifa doing same?

ABC is in 5th gear with anti Trump rhetoric prior to the election.

Those people really need a mom. They seem like a bunch of angry people that bond over stupidity.

VoteEarly VoteHimOut2020 keep up the early voting at record rates!

They should stay the hell away from polling places.

No one is afraid of these children...

These aren’t even human.

Socialists and communists groups push Biden campaign poll watching operation online: Reports

This is the best that could be said

Is this what we call scraping the bottom of the barrel of 'journalism'?

Propaganda is strong with .. the “big three” have really shown their true colors the last 4 years. 🇨🇳🇷🇺.. you have nothing to do with real. 🇺🇸. Sad

Stand down

Well, there are also other groups that can poll watch also! POC will not be intimidated! ✌🏾

So, every Patriot and fighting against 'National Sozialism' now is a neo-nazi WTF , Hitler was a Socialist as was Stalin and Fidel Castro ! Remember ?

bunch of losers.

Mace the bitches people!

We have been voting since 1789 without your help! We got this, sit the fk down sunshines!

Bitches show up at my polling place with weapons they will be maced.

This is a new world of politics; Neo-Nazi and Proud Boys😢☮️❤️✝️😢

You forgot to add Terrorists to the word groups

Only the best people.

Law enforcement will be watching the watchers is the word I'm getting from my local police friends, I'm in Florida, nobody will be harassed !

Hunter Biden needs to come out and tell the world that the laptop, emails and the porn found on it were not his. Both he and Joe Biden need to tell us that they did not benefit financially by political favors granted to China and Russia. That they haven’t means there GUILTY!

I wish you people would come around my polling site


intimidation wont work freaks, it is also illegal, of course the law only applies to you when you want it to, isnt that correct detritus

gang an nazi all love support trump and what kind of person trump is?

I'm worried those idiots are going to pull that crap the wrong neighborhood

Police needs to get them

Fake News!

Stand down and stand by 🙄

Fascism is when you want to make sure democracy works. bad_fascism

Whats about biden antifa terorists..

Trump's supporters will possibly act in something like this.

These clowns better not even think of stepping near any polling locations in on California, parading in their penis envy costumes. They will be summarily dealt with by the real law enforcement officers.

Neo Nazis support Yael and jared kushner? Since when Nazis like Jews?

Without the media's constantly advertising them, no one would have even heard of these tiny fringe organisations.

“ No Pasaran “

Lol you mean your antifa team?

Still waiting for an ABC journalist to wake up and make a story about the Biden / China Communis Party pay for play -scandal. 🙄

Yeah, they salute the flag while doing the pledge of allegiance. Just terrible. The Neo-Nazis are the modern socialist fascist Democrats. Proud Boys are a multi-racial group.

Don't they dare come to my poll areas!!

Hopefully our national security experts are watching these clowns.

There’s the UN when we need them?

Im confused American neo nazi's, you do know that the real nazi's really hated Americans, right? Because the Americans pretty much destroyd Hitler world domination plans. So you basically wear a symbol what pretty much hates your a..? Why you wear a symbol what hates you?

Very clever. Saying Proud Boys are Neo-nazis without saying it. Judging by replies you fooled a lot of people. Do you know their leader is black and their ideology is as far away from Nazism as can be. Of course you do. If you always have to deceive then your true message sucks.

Sad for these people. They didn’t evolve to humans latest stage. They’re unable to comprehend why their ways are wrong. They got the short stick of genes for brain development in our species.

Time to drain the swamp!!!

Biden gave the eulogy for an actual member of the Klan

Sounds more like GOP voter suppression than poll watching. Did I just wake up in a new dimension? Mask up, vote for new leaders in DC and care for all. =

Stepping into a 3rd world nation if we don't stand up to this injustice.


His supporters are white supremacists, the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden’s daughter. Trump is a white supremacist. What they are promoting is voter intimidation, election interference, etc. Should be federal crime and federal time.

Meanwhile in Portland .....

You should report the Azerbaijani and Turkish aggression against Armenia and Artsakh StopAzerbaijaniAggression SanctionTurkey SanctionAzerbaijan StopAliyev StopErdogan

Kill the natzis!

Where is your story on Hunter?

Of course these cornballs would do something like that

What a bunch of cosplay punks these clowns are. If that’s patriotism, I don’t want any part of it. And by the way, White supremacy is a myth, I’d love to see the DNA genealogy of these idiots.

I always wonder how third world people deal with a lying press and then I see your readers

A ballot drop box in California got blocked by Trump supporters, people said they felt afraid to put their ballots in the box.

What does the A mean in ABC?

I'm looking at domestic enemies.

We all must StandAgainstTyranny

Fascist Trump motivating his gestapo goons.


They’re Trump’s poll intimidators...


Proud Boys, a gang? Upside down world when patriotic men and women are labeled as being a “gang”.

You do know proud boys are full of blacks Hispanics Asians and gays right?

People call police if they see poll watchers. No one has a right to intimidate voters in the USA! Call police & say they are intimidating you! Police should be watching for them; this is the USA not Russia! Proud boys took over Homosexuals' name; or is it the same group?

2 groups who’s members are such failures in life they have to try and pin it on other groups so they don’t have to look at themselves. It’s that way with any racist groups. Always blame your pathetic lack of success in life on someone else.

Just take your cell phones and record any body that tries to harass you. That will give the evidence needed to prosecute them and send them to jail

What they need to do is go crawl back under there rocks. Seem more like PussyBoys to me.

There are more POCs in proud boy rallies than a Burn Loot and Murder protest....

What a base! What has this country to?🙄

Joe Biden was still pushin segregation laws while Trump is alongside Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali receiving the Ellis Island Medal of Honor: awarded each year in celebration of “patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity.” You tell me who’s racist. CorruptJoeBiden

Shameless, you people ignore the salacious Hunter Biden scandals, but continue to feed your gullible readers with crab...shit

What has happened to America these Klansmen White men Have DESTROYED OUR COUNTRY .. Trump’s AmeriKKKa

Fringe groups have no real credibility nor legitimacy.

This is what happens when you tell them to stand back and stand by. When these racists and militias support poll watching for the POTUS, then it sort of makes me wonder what he really wants to happen.

For the first time in almost 4 years, I saw real leadership in a president who gave me hope. TheWayISeeIt. Then I see this...

Buncha posers

They should really focus on polls in Washington and Oregon. Huge trouble brewing there...

jajajajaja y ahora saleen con esto ya que calo la noticia de los corruptos hunter biden, joe biden’s

As a poll worker I fear this!

WTF is this 'He just denounced these crack heads at the Town Hall' Interesting consequence eh

Last time I checked the Proud Boys are run by a Afro Cuban and member are from many minorities. So how are they working with Neo Nazis from the left?

They do adapt, sort of. The same personality type is a hardcore expansionist Communist in Russia or China.

Fake news.

More fake news

24% of the population is authoritarian wherever on earth you look. It sucks but it is true. You have to subjugate them to make progress, unfortunately.

President Trump and the neo-Nazis respect Adolf Hitler, who fought in World War II.

This kind of bs reporting gives them more recruits and donations. Hell I might join now

There are President Trump and Neo-Nazis in the US who do not know history.

Well I guess you can beat a dead horse! The left wing is just too stupid to realize the race card is just about played out!

You didn't really push this through your publication process, before publishing this, did you? Proud Boys are enemies to Neo-Nazi ideologue idiots.

They’ll only be where the cameras will be.

Yet the Democrats tactics are identical to the Nazi's. Go figure

Also a good number of Proud Boy Chapters are all minorities. This Neo-Nazi is such a lie.

This is not who we are, need to get this out of our system.

Disney news is in full damage control. Here is the Race card next will be the fake Covid numbers 🤣🤣

Proud boys!

With the Proud boys watching the polls, your biggest threat will be a hangover or your face will hurt from laughing too much. With antifa watching the polls people will get sucker punched and maced, and maybe shot.

Zombie Cub Scouts from Hell. They’re in YOUR BACKYARD folks. Don’t feed’em if you see one snoopin around. If they’re pointing their 2nd Amendment at you, remember you’ve got a 2nd Amendment too. Don’t be afraid to defend yourself with it.

ABC continues to carry water for the Biden campaign.

idiot Nazis not paying attention — everyone is voting early.

What’s wrong for them to love Trump? ? I love Trump too. My dog ​​loves Trump too. You should think about why you like Chinese spy Biden

ABC 'News'.


Hitler liked dogs and was vegan.

Of course they would do that.

Oh, bring it! You won’t intimidate any of us from voting but look like the pathetic bunch of racist fools you are. I live in Elk River, MN, plan on voting next week at the Methodist Church off of Main St. See you there?

Used to trust ABC. Now just lies and fabrication. We really do not know who these people are. And neo-nazi is a sick group of people in line with Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood. Nazi is national socialism and we all know who the big government collectivist are.

All could burn in hell with their leader Trump.

And ABC News and their liberal Democrat friends support Antifa and the organization's militant promotion of fascism. ABCNews CorruptMedia FakeNews Trump2020

Pure evil. Home grown terrorists.

I remember when ABC used to mean something. Pathetic

If these “Proud Boys”want to be soldiers...may I encourage them.. Go Join Up, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard.

What neo nazis? And proud boys aren't white supremacists. More fake news.

Hey abc, you misspelled domestic terrorists. Call it what it is. DomesticTerrorism

What horseshit.

Keep trying to push the “proud boys” thing media. Just keep trying

The Proud Boys are just an idea

Trump and Hitler both drank water!

So the dizzy broad in Michigan says no open carry at polling places. What does she think she can do about it. Defunded police won't help her. National guard and federal employees will not inforce her illegal decrees. Stand for your rights. Stand for your freedom.

As a family of immigrants i am pushing it too. Maga 2020

So..... you are in a mentally unhinged fashion trying desperately to link the Proud Boys, who have black and latino members/ leaders, to neo-nazis......

Well, we do declare, whatever will we do?

DemonRATS are the real NAZIS of our times. ABC you are defending DemonRATS.

They will be arrested.

Your boy Joe is in a bad light again!! So I guess you have to make up something.

Neo nazi my balls

Those damn proud boys have been blocking traffic and looting my town all summer! I hope the next “debate” addresses them AND climate change! 🤡

This man here is the proud boys leader


Hunter Hunter Hunter! Oh boy! It’s getting bigger and bigger by the minute!

Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump both drank water.

👀 Proud Boys, Black Lives Matter leaders hold joint conference: We 'denounce White supremacy'

How many neo nazis are there? Like 10?

On December 31, 1999, Putin's 'successor' appeared. Exactly 20 years later, on December 31, 2019, the coronavirus appeared in China. To conquer Russia did Putin need the Successor project, and to conquer the world - the Coronovirus project?

Hitler loved chocolate. Trump loves chocolate. Trump is a Nazi.

Is the king of fake news.

Twitter allows this fake news?

Just stop, you look ridiculous ABC

Didn't Proud Boys and BLM denounce racism together. Who's really causing division? The media?

IOW: conspiring to commit a felony.

TheCrippledarewalking Glory to the LORD! It is powerful in the blood of JESUS.

Is this the group that didn't pass the big boy boot camp?

Proud boys Rock 🇯🇪🔊🎸

Not a word - not one word - about the Biden laptop. Shame on you. Enemy of the people.

I dont believe the proud boys are a racist group at all. As a matter of fact I am sure they have black and Latino members too.... Bit this report is from some random investigation company

Oh bullshit fake news

Bombshell… 3 hard disk drives of videos and dossier of Hunter Biden’s connections with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have been sent to Nancy Pelosi and DOJ. Big money and sex scandal! may come out soon according to Youtuber media Lude

Why don't you do a story about the Proud Boys and BLM finding equal ground? I guess fear-mongering is better for ratings...


I wonder if that’s why Barr met with the Racist Sheriff in Albuquerque NewMexico

They all need to be rounded up and sent to the camps to NEVER return.

Fuck them

realDonaldTrump has took America way back in time.

Please enough of the misarable bull crap no wonder none want to watch yah yah for no new on lastest fashion yah old news is boring none entertaining no great family show s no nothing but boring sourness people want to step out of thier constant doom and gloom bs

i took a shit on your chest and you called me daddy when i did it

The media is despicable

None of this is normal. I repeat, none of this is normal!

Proud Boys are not a white supremacist group. They are a right wing group that likes to fight with antifa, but there is no evidence they are a racist organization.

Nice try. Start reading Biden’s E mails


They're not Nazis! They're Latino, they're black! The mainstream media came up and planted it

I'mma slap the white off their face if they show up in my city

I would love them to watch me voting! I’d be all smiles, in blue shirt, laughing at them while walking in to vote! But i already voted, JoeBiden

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