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President Trump has been promoting policies directly aimed at appealing to black voters. But the outreach has an uphill battle: A recent poll finds that 8 in 10 black Americans say they believe he is a racist and 9 in 10 disapprove of his job performance.

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ekquirk He's a racist from way, way back...and leopards don't change their spots.

Please get out and vote Otherwise he will be back

First Step Act doesn't benefit the everyone and just enforces the idea he thinks we're all criminals. School Choice is BS, all schools should offer the same educational opportunities. Opportunity Zones forces low income residents out and increases the homeless population.

He is a racist.

Biased news

Because he doesn’t want illegals taking advantage of programs meant for US citizens below the poverty line? What policies target blacks? Blacks can’t drink the water? Blacks need to use another bathroom?


The Donald stands there arrogantly wearing his big red “I” that stands for impeached forever.

It might help if he hadn’t referred to them as the least among us.

So how do I vote against whoever that black guy is?

Zogby poll from February 3, 2020. It amazing, you wonder why the term fake news resonated with the American people ?

Will that leather hat be available w/ MAGA Trump logo on the front?

And I feel it is my moral duty to make sure I outreach to Black voters to vote for ..ANYBODY except orange 🍊 light bulb 💡 windmill dude ! Dude gotta GO!

Talked to many of my Black friends on this topic. Orange 🍊 dude is seen as a CON..using Black props at the state of the union speech. Black folk I know are not buying any of his BULLSH!

If you black take the cash and not even vote for him lmao

Please tell me how many members of a black community is hired to serve in the White House?

Only 8 in 10?

The way you treated those children and Puerto Rico. Hard Fuckin Pass.

Who is the creature standing behind the man in the hat?

Trump relies on Russian interference, direct vote-tampering by a foreign power. Nothing to stop it from happening again, thanks to TrumpTreason and TrumpsChumps directly preventing the improvement of US voting security. DOG AND PONY SHOW. DemocratsAreRepublicansToo

Those policies aren’t for black people. The true target are white people who have and will vote for him. It’s to give them and him speaking points. “See, he cares for the blacks. They just need to get off the Democratic plantation.” BTW: why is it always stated as the blacks?

Maybe he is trying to raise up people of all colors.. and maybe is doing it because he cares not for votes. He already won this election...

I hope no one falls for it. Nothing but lies!

I would like to see the actual statistics & basis for polling.

Hey ...stop being the token blacks for Trump Trump has a resume of how he really believes in blacks See his housing violations with blacks Cetral Park Five .....Rush Limbaugh medal ...shows who Trump values And more

White, Christian, didn’t vote for him last time, NOT voting for him this time, for the reasons listed and so many more ...

No one believes that the d will support policies aimed at black voters. White supremacists marched in DC and he didn’t disavow them. Am guessing he was cheering them on.

Trump empowers black males! That’s why racist and black feminist don’t like him!

Democrats are pushing this rhetoric. Violence today against Trump campaign workers is a result of people like Maxine Waters, Tlaib challenging them to do violence.

He does not care about black, brown or any person of color and that includes white. He cares about money and power and his status. The end.

The word racist is meaningless because it’s used so casually and without evidence.

IMPOTUS will be able to pull the wool over the eyes of the most gullible and those who will not see him for what he really is.

Reparations? I thought that was the Democrats.

Might have something to do with this:

Black Americans need to vote or else it doesn't matter what they

DUH... Can we have a real discussion about the current 48% white people that think Trump is wonderful?!! And, that 48% will be voting 4 Trump in 2020!

Dear NPR: your bias keeps showing, please delete your account

😂😂😂 this is gonna be great!

OrangeFace is the new blackface minstrel show

When it comes to racism, I side with the people on the receiving end of the racism (PoC). White ppl cant really know what it’s like to experience racism... to walk in a store and have a stranger harass you bc of your color or language. All we can do is listen, believe and act.

When he needs votes, he ramps up outreach. Once he’s got the votes, he’ll forget your name again. This episode has been on repeat his whole life.

Spade in the hole: Oprah introduced Barack to Trump 15 yrs ago in Chicago. Trump will utilize reparations for the vote because it’s not custom for Democrats to provide any stimulus packages. Trump will release the funds for reparations in his next term. Planned 20 yrs ago by GOP

8 out of 10 black Americans have their finger on the pulse quite accurately.

City slicker has run out of suckers in his home state and the south.. now he's selling his snake oil to black Americans

He'll never reach black America. They are too smart to be lured to him. He's a wolf.

That's strange, just this morning on Faux News, blacks were polling at (as high as) 31%. I was stuck watching that bullshit at the gym this morning. Liars, the lot of them.

Should do better than 2016, suck it Democrats

Who are the 1 or 2 out of 10 that haven’t realized he’s a racist and and approve?

Trump looks thrilled.

he honestly thinks that standing on a stage with a black man means he gets the black vote? like he is one with black people through osmosis? about we just compare addresses, donnie boy? end discussion.

And most of these same blacks are car jackers, gang bangers and committing most of crime in America

Liars..... project what you would like the truth to be is still lying..... ..... Propagandists .... enemies of the people.... We see you.... Trump2020LandslideVictory .....

We are so close 2 O.J. Playing golf with trump

You are fake news

He’s not fooling anyone.

Yet blacks/browns will voted for him!

Nobody believes him but his cult

Poll AlvedaCKing and her support group and see if you get the same response. MSM continues to disappoint

Yeah I wonder why. I mean your fact checks were totally neutral the other night as I’m sure everyone else’s are too. All the while talking up dem candidates. You and your reporting are a huge part of the problem.

Its because Democrats still have the collars on their subjects

F n A

Yes, believe what the polls say about Trump. I mean, that worked out so well in 2016. 🙄

Polls also predicted with great certainty that Hillary would win in 2016. One of the many reasons she lost was because lots of people voted for trump and lied about it to avoid being shamed and massacred by the self-righteous left

Undoing decades of democrat propaganda.


People aren't stupid like Trump thinks they are

Hey NPR, here’s a challenge to you: Can you ever report ONE single positive about Trump

realDonaldTrump legalize marijuana so we know it’s real.

And the last Dem debate peddled reparations again...a blatant “more free money” pitch to SC A-A voters.

And certainly does nothing to help this uphill battle.

Um, because he is a racist. I mean, who in their right mind gives the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh? If that doesn’t speak volumes to you, then you are definitely tone deaf...

Wow that picture reminds me of the 2016 debates where he stalked Hillary around the stage for over an hour like a predator.


Trump wants to take credit for the good things they've already done.

3peat.... Really trying to get your agenda out

President Trump will win 30% of the black vote.

How many times are you going to tweet the same story?

A counter-poll. “It’s the economy, stupid”. Jobs, wage growth, opportunity zones matter.

Thank God for black voters! I'm white and I KNOW they're leading the way! TrumpNotFitForOffice Everyone should wake up and realize that! He inherited a GREAT economy from President Obama! He's produced a TRILLION dollar deficit and now wants to balance that by hurting the poor!

But LouDobbs said that African Americans love Trump!


Thank goodness some people are starting to realize staying on the Democratic plantation has done them absolutely no good

Compared to what, the Democrats. What have they ever done for black voters, really, what?

Too bad the GOP has taken away voting rights from blacks.

Any person of color voting for Trump is the epitomy of what we call an Uncle Tom harsh but real.

He can forget it


Republicans strategy was to always suppress black voters, so now he wants them to believe he is on their side ?

Because he’s a full blown racist RealTimeWWII

Hahaha 8 out of 10 🤣 which poll? Link the data? Oh that’s right it’s fake. Here’s one that shows support of around 34% among blacks.

Didn’t need a poll to figure that out

Who the hell would ever debate that he's NOT a racist?!? And why is he trying to appeal to black people NOW? Now after he's caused so much hate and animosity among our nation? Boy, BYE!

How it’s not 100% is beyond me. Then again my mother voted for this guy. Yuck.

Dear NPR: Please do not treat this as if it's a good faith effort from a man who's been historically quite racist. That would be bad journalism.

I hope black voters remain committed (and profoundly smarter than “Christian” white voters)

This push is for appearances only. Gotta make the people suburbs think that Trump isn't a racist cretin

The left seceded from the Union once already because they felt like VICTIMS being “misrepresented” and losing their black slaves! HISTORY REPEATS 🤷‍♂️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Donald Trump believes white people are genetically superior to Black people. Ask him about it.

That's an improvement though

Hey,Black voters, he’ll pay us to vote for him, just ask!

Definitely seems genuine given that he's been in office for several years already...

Breaking: Black people aren't stupid. I know they're taken for granted by the Dems and that's a serious issues. But come on. Trump? No fucking way.

The cash giveaways must not be working.

ramps up pandering*

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