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United States Headlines News

A federal judge is allowing California to enforce updated efficiency standards for lightbulbs after the Trump administration moved to reverse the same standards on a national level.

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Good. I think these companies should continue to enforce the standards. Continue to explore new ways for better efficiency and cost effectiveness. Even without the feds mandating as such.

Aren’t Republicans all about state’s rights?

While Trump tries to executive order us back to the 1950's while trying to rescue his big money donors it will be up to us to speak with our dollars towards a cleaner environment. Our money talks too.

So everyone in Cali is buying 60' TV's (which eat power like crazy) and thinks they're saving the planet with curly light bulbs? OK.......sure.

600 pieces 100 hours to make Over $300 in materials Way better appearance with clear incandescent bulbs than curly or LED. They'd have to shoot me to stop me from using incandescent bulbs in my wife's cancer survival birthday present. Cali is a cesspool.

So the State that gives millions of hypodermic needles to druggies, doesn't prosecute shop lifting and allows people to crap in the streets is going to save the world with light bulb regulations? I always knew the problem was light bulbs! I feel so safe and relieved.

Who knew the tungsten lobby was so powerful.... Or maybe Trump is just out to upend anything considered liberal or smart.

AnneWheaton Right on! Defy Impotus and his harmful policies.

California: known to the state of California to cause cancer

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Perhaps the government shouldn't regulate light bulbs at all. RegulatoryState DrainTheSwamp

Who let him in? or her?

Bam 💥

I hope other states follow.

DrLindaShelton Which is why Republicans are stacking the judiciary...

Independence for California, oh and Puerto Rico, and all the territories

They did this in the EU with lightbulbs. Then it was toilets and vacuum cleaners. Nothing works as intended anymore. Lights are dim, toilets don't use enough water to do the job and vacuums don't suck. Keep going Cali, you lead the way in making everything suck.

0bama judge denied a TRO. No big surprise. BFD.

Good bust up the lightbulb mafia check your history all the companies work together so we dont get lightbulbs that last for a long time

DenzelScott Striking a blow against the elderly who have been hoarding lightbulbs for decades.

GOP used to love states rights.

California can keep the new mercury filled bulbs. They'll be wishing they hadn't later on.


JemmsCee2 Thankfully there are some reasonable judges.


Ignore the standards. Citizens of California, you are smart enough to choose which light bulbs you prefer.

More stupidity from the Putin puppet and cronies

I wish they had room for me in California!!! I want to move there!!

We've changed over to the long lasting bulbs and it will be 10 years before we need new ones. Lighting is the same and our electric bill is lower. What's not to like?

No surprise, Cali is the epitome of liberal lunacy.

Why does the realDonaldTrump administration and the GOP dislike energy efficiency, environmental protections and social responsibility so much?

See how nicely that works? States can layer in their own rules. So stop whining about Trump. You're covered.

'But people have to turn on 10-20 of these crazy lightbulbs just to find the low water toilet that they have to flush 30-40 times just to make their poop disappear!' -- Donald sharing his deep knowledge of science.

I will continue to buy energy saving bulbs

Good move!!

Good. Let states make their own rules. If ideas are so good, the federal government shouldn't have to make them mandatory.

California leads the nation. I love California.

Why do Republicans hate clean air & water so much

Anyting we can do to preserve this wonderful world and are in Earth for our children and grandchildren is alright with me


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