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United States Headlines News

In southeastern Oregon, there's a big problem. The water is drying up. Now scientists warn it will take thousands of years for an aquifer to recover, while residents there are already hurting.

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KSJDRadio Wow....

Imagine if a large Agricultural corporation were doing this. Where are the Environmentalists? Where are the marchers against Monsanto when Harvard is putting small farmers out of business and stealing water?

First, stop these foreign owned companies like nestle from mining our water. Time to make America, American again

Where’s it going

juniwiese 😳 I guess we screwed up big time.

Last I check, Oregon borders the Pacific ocean. Drop a line in the ocean, connect to a desalination plant, and you have LIMITLESS water, which is an American birthright.

LeesaDeAndrea Now did the Ogallala Aquifer being drained precipitously by Texas and the SW states.


If a 78 year old man and his wife were losing their home because of an environmental ruling it would be “too bad, so sad”

Well, Flint and that small area outside of Dallas are still screwed. How many people need to go without water before this is a recognized issue? Also, did Nestle buy it allllll up?

The big question: did a majority of farmers and ranchers -- family and corporate sized ones -- know of this info decades ago...didn't give a fuck of repeated warnings backed up by science info-facts...because all they care about is their bottom profit margins?

Oooooo. 'Scientists warn'. Scary!

2016: EPA Pushing Hike in Radioactive Contamination in Drinking Water

There’s something called rain; it falls from the sky. If you ask trump nicely, he’ll figure this out for you.

When humans don't take care of their share of the planet, all animals suffer, incl. humans. Moderation must be taught in our society, not expanding growth! Why are we producing millions of tons of food that we cannot eat and therefore it is subsidized and

Keep voting for realDonaldTrump

Is California taking your water too?

This is foreseeable

Fresh water is the most precious natural resource on Earth. Instead of fighting wars over oil, nations should come together to save the water and the planet.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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United States Latest News, United States Headlines

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