New rule would allow 'religious litmus test' for federal contractors, advocates say

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The Trump administration has proposed a rule that would allow federal contractors to factor in religion in hiring a person.

The Trump administration has proposed a rule that would allow federal contractors to factor in religion in hiring a person, a move advocates say would enable employers to apply a religious litmus test and condone discrimination against the LGBTQ community and other groups.

Advocacy groups argue the rule authorizes discrimination and allows religious employers to make adherence to religious tenants a condition of employment. "The department's regulations for a long time have allowed religious organizations to take applicants and employees religion into account when making employment decisions, that's not new, this proposal only seeks to clarify who qualifies as a religious organization and what religion means under the law. That's it," an official with the Labor Department told ABC News.

The rule is likely to face legal challenges from civil rights groups that say it legalizes discrimination based on a religious litmus test. The rule defines religion as “all aspects of religious observance or beliefs,” though the government does not define what kinds of religious practices would be considered.


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It does guide pps politics


Hahahah. Jews are crossing the line.

We already have a rule for that. It's called the constitution.

Is this less regulations or more?

Great so now people who have imaginary friends can determine if I'll get hired or not.

So many of you all don’t know what “separation of church and state” really means, or why it exists to begin with.

A slippery slope?


I'd say that would be ILLEGAL!!

why !

This is total BS! WTH! This is not normal! Trump is destroying this country by any means possible! No wonder Putin loves it!

Probably a good idea.

This is bullshit and won’t hold up in courts. Can we please get rid of these people? VoteThemOut2020

Does that mean a pagan person hiring can pick only pagans and tell the Christians to screw? Play all situations against your favour before making stupid rules.

Well this will quickly be thrown out by even the lowest court. It’s in clear violation of the law. Even Ray Charles could see that.

Did they forget about separation of church and state !!

So much for that “separation of Church and State” thing...

Separation of church and state?

So we are a Christian Theocractic nation that never really seperated Church and State

Not sure I like that one.

This is bullshit. If you can’t discriminate against people due to religious beliefs, you shouldn’t be allowed to give preference to someone due to religious beliefs either. Besides, whatever happened to the SeparationOfChurchAndState

Uh.. separate church and state much anymore?

Pretty sure the ACLU is on this.

Congress should stop it.


What if I think you’re too religious... can I not hire you as well?

Constitution Schmonstitution.

You hire somebody for the ability to work what they do with their personal lives it is their business.

So basically Trump’s legacy will be ruining the environment, the economy, killing endangered species and denying rights to immigrants and the LGBT community

Hete comes a new corruption in republican style. Soon the fed contractor employees must have a cert from a local church to eligibly work for the gov, besides being loyal to the republican gun mass killing club.

Thomas Jefferson coined the common metaphor, “separation of church and state”. The Constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of. “ No administration has the power to rewrite the Constitution.

What?!!! Let's talk about the First Amendment.

Everyday the same old drama for the last 3yrs he do something stupid or incriminating for everyone to gossip you rarely hear of good being broadcast. Because this stupid president wants attention on him 24/7. When he really needs a jail cell 24/7 he the one keeping thing going

Holy $hit!

Yeah. Considering the source, this makes sense. When will we begin the public executions and genocide because we sure as shit look and sound like that is where we are heading.

A federal Judge will strike this down with a Verbal Warning to the Trump Administration. Another Stephan 'Heil' Miller plot no doubt.

This is disgusting

Don’t have any news on that mass shooting in Philadelphia? A criminal with a high-powered rifle doesn’t fit your narrative

This is WRONG! Separation of church & state!

Lets be real clear here on who they are targeting, Muslims. One of the nicest souls I have ever met on this planet is Muslim, and I would take a bullet for her. We can not measure someone by their Color, Heritage, or Religion. This is the Definition of Un-American.

Separation between church and state is a must

No need to have someone building a bridge who dislikes the folks who will need to use it.

Complete horse shit and unconstitutional.


Whose religions?

So much 4 separation( been non-existent ) of church & state!

if it's used only to set a work schedule why not ?

White Fake Christian Supremacy. It’s to bad that Real White Christians are get a bad wrap for this nonsense these days!

Can I, as a private business owner, use this to NOT hire religious people? Because if not, I would think this violates the establishment clause. But, I’m not an asshole so I wouldn’t do that.

um, isnt that against the law?

And gender and race

Church- meet state. State, Church.

Trump is keeping lawyers employed that is for sure. This is unconstitutional.

I agree that he is stepping over a line here.

There goes that “freedom of religion” thing.



Religion is man made. It shouldn’t be a criteria for allowing discrimination. Faith is God given. There’s a world of difference in behavior! With faith you don’t need “cover” for your actions except cover for life from government.

Turning the country into a theocracy? Is this the next step?

Doug Coe still hard at work.

Don’t worry. We will change this dumbass rule when we take back the WH in 2020

Isn’t that illegal? You’re not supposed to use religion as a hiring strategy. 🤔

Sharia Law everyone.

This is obscene.

so ? 😳

Just what we need on employer applications. “Have you ever sacrificed a lamb?” Do you speak to an imaginary god before bed?

We’re going to have to re-fight the Revolution, that much is clear. The election process has become a farce.

Um...what religion? Because religion is not pejorative; does not judge; loves everyone and welcomes everyone. What religion could Trump be talking about?

To their own detriment. Obviously there are lots of stupid 'Christians' out there.

🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬!!! Imbeciles!!

Can you hear those jackboots...

This is a clear violation of the constitutional separation of church and state per the first amendment!

So much for separation of church and state. TrumpIsAMoron


Thank god.

EEOC much?

Divisive much.

Translation: discrination in the name of Jesus is now legal. So if you are not a white, hetroseual, conservative Christian male no job for you

The fact that this gets out beyond him shows just how dumb his whole admin group is

Whatever happen separation between church and state ?


So that means I don’t have to hire one of these mentally defective people who believe in a floating guy in the sky?

They should... only hire Atheists. Religion doesn't belong in government Organisations

I see the lawsuits now

We are heading towards Germany of the Hitler days. In their rise to power Nazis made it illegal to employ Jewish people or others they deemed undesirable. This would be the same thing.

And boom goes the courts. Let's all just ignore any law we dont agree with, like the civil right act and subsequent nondiscrimination laws, shall we?

Of course..I knew this was coming!!!! Pay attention people!!!!

Separation of Church and State.

Welcome to Gilead

How wonderful is it to be white in The United States of Aryans.

I once worked for a major corp where our particular office mgt were Scientologists. It influences how things are done & there's pressure to follow their paradigms. Infuriating that the govt thinks this is appropriate.RaptureHeadAroundIt ACLU do your thing! ReligiousFreedom

Wholly unAmerican on its face.


Trump truly is disgusting...

Not a good idea.

More dinasours!

Seriously? They have a Bill in Congress to include someone’s Religiois! Whyas ikon what religion are you? How long have your practiced what’s is whatever religion? That is WRON, just as much as the CAGED KIDS, Inciting violence to murders betting other to do your dirty work!!

So the 1stAmendment can just fuck itself I guess? Aight

And here we go. WTF


Things like this are how the GOP suckers in religious idiots despite committing massive amounts of sin and just being overall assholes to humanity in general

I wonder if it is meant to apply to fundamentalist Christians as well as other religions...

How can trump Citi be ur to duck everything up


This is CRAZY!


Trump is playing a game.

Can you spell P-A-N-D-E-R-I-N-G?

Private contractors are taking over all aspects of government. Read George Eliason's 'The New Threat Posed by Privatizing America's Intelligence Agencies. These are large corporations taking over our government.

Trump is getting out of hand,Christians hopefully believe in freedom of religion. If not than their not a Patriot nor American. Don't let Trump con you. If a person is qualified for the job religion has nothing to do with it. You don't have to be Christian to love your country

Ya. Because that's not illegal or anything...


Watch “ The Family “ on Netflix now, you’ll see what this ( and all the other crazy Christian crap) is about

Handmaids Tale 2.0 🙄

When we get the country back there are going to be a lot of things to fix from this administration POTUS VP PressSec

Now we are talking...

Voting for Trump is against some people's religion

Your resume is what’s your religion🤔....sorry we just filled the position😆🤣🤣

So the separation of church and state can go but caring for the least of them has no place in the land of the free

The Mexicans won’t be rejected fir their religion but their colour ... and the others will be rejected for both ...

Congress needs to take the key from this bunch of idiots!

I think their goal is really to divide the people and spread hate among each other words, pure evil.

What does he want to rewrite the constitution? Trying to bribe evangelicals?

Separation of church and state

AndrewLSeidel 🤔🤔🤔

No federal contractor has asked for this, rather it's a request from an anti-LGBTQ hate group that masquerades as an Evangelical 'Christian' alliance. ADF should be audited by the IRS.

More FakeNews

Since when does religion dictate what a person can do for an employer, no one should force their religion on anyone or anything

Direct Violation of the constitution

As long as the folks what ever religion they might be have a peaceful coexistance with those who are Christian and not do a San Bernardino and kill Christians.

That... is illegal. It’s called discrimination. You can’t just stomp all over the Constitution because you don’t like something in it. Not to mention Title VI.

My religious beliefs oppose hypocritical evangelicals. Good to know now I can refuse to hire them.

This administration is filled with nothing but pure 'HATE.'

Wtf, when does this racism stop. When will the GOP see the determent that this man is going to this country. Let’s just let him stick yellow stars on Jews & pink stars on homosexuals. This shit is scary & the GOP has no balls

Why do they care - Trump’s cabinet members have no religion

Oh my God, we’re turning into Russia, Trump’s best buddy. This is disgusting on so many levels and can not be legal!


This is absolutely unconstitutional and no court should uphold such a policy.

That sounds like the opposite of separation between church and state.

Ok, can IRStaxpros tax the churches, then?!?!

And a very specific religion at that.


I’m not religous I’m rational

The First Amendment prohibits *Congress* from making *laws* about religion. It says nothing of autocratic directives. Look out Second, we are coming for ya since they couldn’t see the forest for the trees over there.



This is wrong!

Jay1972Jay what could possibly go wrong?

Not with our tax dollars. These are the same people that rail about sharia.

Just don’t ask anything about taxes .. And the part on liens and judgements yeah that’s not relevant either .



GOP: “Hey, the federal government cannot discriminate like this, but (wink, wink) what if we outsource the discrimination”?

🤬trump you can’t be discriminated because your religion or origin or sex agenda

The archaic idea that Christianity is real has negated so much progress in human history.

Every goddamn day with these people.

So your outsourcers get to make the hiring decisions that you should be making? The idiocracy continues.

Their 'proposed rule' it's illegal and it won't be a law because it goes against the employment/discrimination already in place.

Oh, good grief! Just when I'm convnced things can't possibly get worse.....wrong again!

Then only contractors who have certain religious beliefs against certain people/groups would be awarded the contracts. Could lead to a pile of lawsuits by companies who have had or trying to get a govt. contract but don't believe a potential employee has to profess a religion.

Separation of church and state.

Never happen, but the Red Base will be so excited they won’t notice their 401k has disappeared.

My religion or lack of it was not considered when I was a fed. employee. Didn't have to indicated that on applications. Read the article & think I see what they're trying to do. Discriminate against people they don't like by allowing contractors who hold certain religious beliefs

Trump 2020

Good luck with hiring anyone if you’re gonna ask 🙄people about their religious preferences..that’s just stupid!!

many did not see a problem as Hitler stripped Jewish of right after right.

Not right


Worried of the world: “How fast & how far can we roll back all progress made in the evolution of human rights?” Trump Admin & GOP: “Hold our beer”.

Pence seems to be getting involved. This is nuts

What in the fuck?

Say what? What happened to separation of church & state? What about freedom of religion? This can't be constitutional!!!

She will 100% wake up to what the GOP is doing to our nation?

Let him ruin America, from the ashes we will rise.

Lordy! Lordy!

See he’s an old fart that trying to bring back the 40’s and 50’s his life years

Gets sicker every hour of every day

Everyone go watch The Family now.

That is unconstitutional!

POTUS does dumbass Donald KNOW the 1st Amendment? 'the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof', thus building a wall of separation between Church & State'

HR5 would deny any religious organization from making claim using the Religious Freedom Restoration Act for suits brought against them by LGBTQIA parties. Trump's rule simply seeks to negate that portion of HR5 and provide protections for religious organizations.

The Trump admin proposed a rule that would allow for government sanctioned discrimination based on sexual orientation. Fixed it for you.

Put it into action this year, then trump couldn’t be re-elected in 2020z

Then - it is time!! Rule by religion is theocracy. Theocracy is tyranny!! We, the People, have the right to overthrow a tyranny!!! [It is time to actually use our 2nd Amendment - Think Boston Tea Party!]

If you support this circumvention of the 1st amendment, then you have no logical basis for defending the 2nd amendment to remain as the founders wrote.

That’s ridiculous

Holy Hell

Goodbye separation of church and state. 👋

So if I’m a contractor & an atheist am I able to fire or not hire Christians?! Asking so I can start my own business!


Why don’t they just burn the Constitution. So sick of these so called patriots. I’m sure they’d be happier in Russia.

Fascism. Wow. And it is going unchecked.

There's this little thing called the Civil Rights Act that specifically prohibits that exact thing.

Does it ever end😨?

This is crap.

Ronda524 No. Do not equate our federal agents with a religion. Falling right into the trap of jihad- they’ll more justifiably kill our secular innocent.

Lmaooooo see ya in court

they propose to allow religious discrimination, so can one also refuse to hire a person because they have a religious affiliation or fire the ones that are already employed?

No fucking thanks!

What! Trump supporters are you seeing this? You may think works in your favor but if can hire based on religion, they can also NOT HIRE based on religion! Truth is I'm already being discriminated against because I'm Christian. If you live in an 'At Will' state, DOESN'T MATTER!🤷🏽‍♀️

This is a gentle way to say they’d be allowed to fire / not hire LGBTQ folks (and more.)

This is so dumb and so doomed.

Discrimination pure and simple!

Isn’t church and state supposed to be separate? And as if he is religious 🤮


That is not right....

Don’t think they have really thought this through 🤔

Is there a problem with that? Although it appears the major networks have no desire in promoting the good will of religious beliefs

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