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LIVE: President Trump expected to sign farm bill as government shutdown looms.


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How transparent of him

It’s time that we get rid of all the Democratic Party and take over and stop there paycheck

You passed the point of no return. The farm bill gave money to the FARMERS. THE FARMERS ARE MONSANTO Del Monte. All big corporations. Yet they gave them money while there regular guy got nothing.


Wierd Set the fires then put them out and act like a hero?👎👎👎

Farm bill shouldn't be needed? Tr👿mp hurt America farmers badly.📉📉📉👎

The TRUMP SHUTDOWN hopefully will be the beginning of the end for him. He puts people out of work with no paycheck right before Christmas as he heads down for a 2week golf vacation on the taxpayers dollar. Great!

Trump comes to the Rescue!!!! He Created the Problem & the American People have to Bail him OUT AGAIN!

But if you shut down the money goes nowhere til he decides he is satisfied


Will the farmers be drug tested, according to new handout laws?

Shutdown, What a Joke, Last time they got 2 weeks off with Back Pay!!!!

Shop at EBay Uniquefinds201515 for the holidays

Shit trump

The puppet on Trumps right... how week is this non contributor?

Trump torpedoed an industry because he let his ego get in the way.

Farms bill? No workers , the lazys don’t like that kind of work , wake up 3 or 4 am everyday hell no ...... cause ICE is hunting the farms workers

I really don't care, do u?

You belong on Green Acres.


NBCPolitics Cause everyone is asking for this... 🙄

Cockfighting is a centenary tradition in Puerto Rico, now it's being prohibited by federal govt because of violence and animal cruelty, what about gun violence in the USA isn't human lives important?

Mike Pence is such a good boy. Good boy Mikey. Stand to the side like a good, obedient boy.

NBCNightlyNews gop impeachTrumpNOW

NBCNightlyNews Who’s the elf on your shelf? He looks crooked to me.

Im happy about the welfare , now we will to see how many want to stay. Thank you President Trump. That's is one reason they come to the USA good work.

We elect only the best idiots.

Great president 💯

Of course! He has to bail out the farmers with taxpayer dollars, because of his Tariffs!!! The Art of the Con.

He is either not going to run again or not re-elected in 2020, so what does he have to lose. Shut that mofo down or build the wall.

How's YOUR stock portfolio? Stop making America great again! We can't take any more of your greatness. RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN! While you still can.

This is due to his tariffs and he is stop gapping that and the American will go along with this. Unbelievable

Trump turns everything into being all about him!

It's not up up up up up up up 7uuuuuuuuu me I will

realDonaldTrump please VETO the farm bill! Too many taxpayer funded subsidies and welfare handouts. VETO the CR bill too! NoWallNoTrump2020

Go ahead realDonaldTrump and hand out entitlements to the farmers as a result of your FAILED trade policies. Your father was right...you'll never amount to anything but a FAILURE!

Just think 10 million in Yemen starving to death Give them 3 lb a day . Their goes 30 million pounds a day of wheat x 365 days a year . What surplus of wheat ? Instead give money as forien aid so they buy weapons instead . Then we do a farm bill to support farmers ?

NBCPolitics Well done President Trump.

his puppet moves today, still can't talk though

The Stock Market has just entered Bear Territory as investors have no confidence with Trumps failed leadership. Im sure a long recession will not be far behind

Sure.... use tax dollars to pay for farmers wages and mortgages, but close down the government for his steel slats. realDonaldTrump is a total jerk. He will just spend millions of tax payer dollars at his private property for endless vacations, 2weeks of play time on our$


Build the Wall or shut it down !!

I can’t believe that he just celebrating on here instead of talking about the crisis on hand shutting down the government

Why do we send $ as forien aid ? Why not just give them our surplus crops instead . Then we would not need no farm bill . As the prices paid to farmers is set by the stock piles of crops we have and they be none if we export to Yemen etc instead of hi Hitler policy we got now

And while he spoke, the marked fell steadily. Hahaha!

Sounds like an Adderall day. Sniff sniff...

He starts the fire, fans it... then puts a little bit of very expensive water we bought on it & then calls himself a hero.

NBCPolitics Trump borrowing money from China to pay farmers not to sell crops to China. What a disgrace this presidency is.

Isn’t it ironic that trumputin is signing a farm bill and he has literally given away “the Farm”, to his handler, Putin. trump is death to democracy.

Creates crisis that requires him to sign farm bill. Ta fucking Da! Trump Magic.

I don't care

It's time to impeach Fox News!

Wait, I thought Mexico was paying for the wall!? 🤣

NBCPolitics TrumpShutdown

All...I...see...or...know...is...farm...bill...farm...bill...farm...bill...no collusion... 😂🤣 (I thought it was “Infrastructure Week”...again. No issues to see or discuss involving this president, his family, any person/organization that involves him, White House staff, etc. )

So do this mean govt employees don’t show up to work?

NBCNightlyNews Is this to keep the farmers believing his bs?

Corrupt Donny's reckless trade wars are KILLING the economy. GOPTaxScam TrumpLosesTradeWars

He's signing a farm bill that requires a working government to carry it out.

So Twittler has a tariff tantrum and bails our farmers using tax payer money. Then, shuts down the gov with another tantrum because tax payers won’t fund a wall he promised Mexico would pay. And everyone is okay with this?

Sometimes I ask myself...why do all politicians mention so much huge numbers that at times sounds unsure of...

BETTER: “Trump expected to shutdown government as he signs massive welfare giveaway to farmers to compensate for failed China trade policy”

Good,,working for Americans what a forgotten concept.

Unbelievable!!!! It just doesn't stop!!!

Build The Wall.

The VP is awake! Probably thinking, 'When will this buffoon stop talkingso I can take a nap!'

AKA government handouts for farmers. WelfareQueens

If he doesn't sing that song I'm going to be very disappointing

This is no president. It's a crook trying to distract from his crimes.

Shut it DOWN !!!!!!!!!

Anyone see his latest tweet?

Giving handouts for a problem he created and shutting down the govt cuz he didn’t get what he wanted from a bipartisan bill. Of course.

GoFundMe page started to fund US-Mexico border wall raises millions

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