Name a cockroach after your ex and watch an animal eat it on Valentine's Day

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For just $5, the San Antonio Zoo will name a cockroach after your former lover and feed it to an animal on Valentine's Day.

For just $5, zoo staff will name a cockroach after your former lover and feed it to an animal at their"Cry Me a Cockroach" event on Valentine's Day.And if your ex-boo was an especially snakey one, pay $20 more to have them name a rat and feed it to a reptile instead.

The best part of the deal? You don't have to be at the zoo to watch your ex-turned-pest get eaten up. The zoo plans to stream the feedings on Facebook Live.You'll even receive a certificate to share on social media. If you're feeling brave enough, post it and tag that unlucky someone.Read MoreYou have until February 13 at 5 p.m. to submit a name through the zoo's website. Only first names will be displayed during the event.


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If the San Antonio Zoo is hurting for cockroach funding... I will gladly donate billions of them for free, all they have to do is come to my house and dig them out of the walls.

Spreading hatred on Valentine’s Day? Now there’s a new spin.

That's sum up my relationship, she became a cockroach and now she is been eaten by a animal


Awon oyinbo gó afi bí isu

I do dislike my x but the cockroach is much better than her.

Would like to name a family of cockroaches after thr Trumps, the filthiest of sewer bugs

Fuckyo that’s creepy

Can we name one after the President? Soon to be an “ex”.

Court_Rich_ I swear vday gotta be your favorite holiday . U talk the most shit 😩😂

Those who've never been in a relationship?


Can i get their account please?


Why would anyone wanna name an insect to feed to another animal 😳


Not being good together does not mean you must not be good to each other Whats wrong with this world Lyonnell 🦁

Name: XiJinPing.




Animal cruelty

Her name is Motunrayo let me know when it will be fed to Croc 🐊

Melania asks where she can place her order.

I'll pay $10 if they put that cockroach on somebodys' (?) hamburger.

Amazing ideal now I’ve got to burn $500 on my exes on Valentine’s Day! Money well spent

And then the people who pay to have this done are reported to the FBI (because this doesn't sound like something a sane person would do)?

Trump. Donald Trump


That's good idea.

Money well spent.

Kindly Replace (CO)ck(RO)ach with (CO)(RO)na the Virus ⛑️💝

Can I get a buy 3, get one free deal or what?

Can you place an online order?!

Witchcraft 😂

This is the best thing to become a “thing” 😂🤣 OnTheFloor

I can comment on here for free that Savannah Reynolds should be a cockroach name

Im guessing you're rebranding.

triketora ThePortugeeSCP

morgfair Can we do that with the current IMPOTUS and his first three children?

Trump and Jr. want to place their orders.

Sevmediginiz birinin adını bir hamam bocegine vermiyorsunuz sonra bununla başka hayvanlar besleniyormus. Benim aklıma bir isim geldi, kim mi? Söyleyemem T abiki ki.

It’s sick



😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 my gosh! HappyValentinesDay

They could charge $10 to name it Donald. They'd make a fortune.

Ill donate 500$ if you force mine to eat one?

How about each cockroach named after each of our politicians..............................

For $5 a child can have a much needed lunch his parent cannot afford.

Hahaha. Good way to feel good!!


Give money for a good cause! Not to make a zoo making money with a stupid idea.

Can I buy 52 and name them after all the GOP? exceptRomney

_ronicaronica I can think of some names. Lol


Lord come plz, these people down here are nuts.

A relationship did not work for both of you soooo.... you have to 'hate, hate and hate ' his or her guts for it. And who else could promote it better than .

Someone please name a roach Jake and feed it to a hungry animal

Oh hell yeah.

😂 😂 😂 Such level of pettiness


The dumbest thing I’ve heard since D trump announcement his presidency...

Ups!!! Emprendimiento de San Valentin... Ja ja ja

G_Shags25, that sounds like $5 well-spent!

Can we name it after any Asshole? tRump ?

ryama492 omg

Yeah, pay to have a cockroach killed because you can’t deal with a break up.

Ok I'll take $100 worth and video evidence!! 😭😭🤣🤣🤣

That’s morbid 🤣

There needs to be a massive movement to feed as many Trump roaches as possible. I’ll set the goal at 50,000. Any wealthy donors out there willing to pony up $250K for a great dual cause?


Teresa .... because maybe if it’s gets eaten , I would stop loving her. But I doubt it. 🤦‍♂️

Well, they shouldn’t. That’s just mean.

Call it Donald Trump.

_hollysigler Ross_petty

aww that's sweet

zayem, whoever come up with this idea deserve a raise lemme tell u.


The cockroaches remind me of CNN.

Let us all buy a cockroach and name it Trump.

Imma name mine Nancy Pelosi

St. Valentine performed marriages at a time when doing so was against the law. He was beaten to death and beheaded for that. So celebrate by naming a roach after your ex and have it fed to an animal. Makes sense.

this is gross, stop

To what end though.

Cockroach abuse

Melania wants to know where she can sign up.

I’m calling PETA

Do you have pig?

bet the animal would puke

Soooo Torchy’s & the Zoo?! ___IV49

Slow news day?




Morbid minds

You people are sick and report trash and terrible news.

Come see this instead?🤷‍♀️

Donate the $5 to Roadogsrescue for their $5 Friday donations. Save some unconditional love. They NEED it. 💛


That is cruel, stupid and really unnecessary animal suffering. If you want to curse your ex, get a voodoo doll instead.

hahahhahahhahah hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😀😀😀😀😀😀😀🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪



Can you just stop posting this article every fifteen minutes? Or at least take that hideous picture off the the title.

this is not newsworthy, and in fact, gives me anxiety as would an image of a spider of other people. Please.


This some psychopath behavior

🤣🤣 What will they think of next Don't let him bug you. Just forget him!! 🥴

I’ve got a $20 for this kind of satisfaction.


Yup. Lemme go to San Antonio

Capitalising on people's lack of emotional maturity, nice. 👍 lmao

Can we just name it a Liberal Congressman?

I’m wondering if they take orders online

Yo who came up with that idea😂

So stupid.

Danielle7389 this seems up your alley

I'd rather keep my five bucks and spend it on weed.

how many donald trumps have been paid for so far?

taralazar ? Thought you’d laugh.

I rather keep my $5 and curse out my ex for free .


peta what y’all think

Roaches are people too

Hey enough with the cockroaches without a trigger warning already!

Stephen Miller

🤣🤣🤣✨ I’m weak


Totally brutal but so damn funny, LOL

That is actually a really fuckin weird thing to do.... 🤔

What’s this limit?😂😂😂

Will there be a live feed of this?

Can I name the cockroach Donald Trump, who I have no relationship with and despise this evil satan unhuman😤! It just sound good! I’ll give you the $5.00 only if it’s okay!!

Childish just donate to the zoo

My former lover and my wife have the same name so this would not go over well


They should name one after coward bone spurs trumpie so all the woman he fooled to sleep with them can feel at least alittle better. Haha

This is Sick!!

For free name him Trump

This is awesome! Best use of $5 😂😂😂😂

EchoLotus626 I have a few

Thats funny. My apartment at 90 Eastdale Avenue was situated next to the elevator shaft. I kept it spotless. It was just me. Found cockroaches. They denied building had them then did a 360 & said they'd spray when they were doing other apartments in building. I was in Apt. 1207.

😳 Really?! 🙄

I like this fundraising strategy.


somepeoplecanb1 what i meant was he was such a cockroach that there aren't enough to represent him

Yoooo 😭



Well your name fits the story

somepeoplecanb1 there's not enough cockroaches

Thats too funny! Sending my 5 bucks now!

I bought one for the Democrats, costed an arm and a leg but named each one of those cockroaches. Some even had babies so I named them twice.

morganmbila check this out

Rent free🤦🏿‍♂️

hanalei !!!!!!

Good news for the wounded

Great idea to really help get that person out of their minds👍

I am sending $5.00 and naming it CNN

I’ll pay that five dollars if they would name the cockroach Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff

faintedsad I think this one needs to go in how is Twitter free...


Can we name it Trump, then another named McConnell, then...every GOP member?


I believe in insect rights. Do you?

Figure, Donald J Trump will be the sought after name for a freaking cockroach, 'say hello to my little friend'!

Have the Vegans taken to the streets yet?

So sweet.

Where is P.E.T.A.?

arlenparsa Wouldn't do that to a cockroach...

when you're just trying to be funny 😂


Or I can watch this instead..


José Sócrates

This is the favorite snack in Wuhan.

Stupid, cruel, and promoting revenge mind sets.

It takes a really sick mind to think of something like that, and even sicker ones to suggest names to be submitted. This could result in some real world violence as people figure out who wants to see them dead

Eew. 😣

Qualified for hell, CONGRATS!!🙂


You gotta be kidding me 🤣

Great fundraiser 👍🏽

No... no, no, no... just let the hatred go.. Forgive & forget. This is just weird.


SanAntonioZoo will you send me a video of my roach named after my ex being eaten 🤔

Crap like th8s is the downfall of America.


were is peta 😂🤷‍♂️

Can I give that 'honor' to Dunce J. Trump, instead

Donald will work!

We all shld pitch in and name a few...starring with Cnn...



What's lower than a cockroach? That's what I need.

My wife is already dead

Can i wire them the money? Can they do it on live stream?


I'll name mine Sosa and let Tony handle the rest

How about a swamp infesting politician like SpeakerPelosi , RepAdamSchiff , RepJerryNadler , or SenSchumer ? Would be the best $20 money can buy in DC! WhiteHouse


arlenparsa I wanna call mine Donald



like the roaches' lives are nth but for human pleasure. i freaking hate the idea of zoo!




Can I name my 'Ex' as Donald J Trump?

'America is capitalism on steroids' -lowkey

Donald Trump

Jaquin Pheonix


$5 that you can use to earn certificate on Edx..😂

'News to start your week' By CNN 🙄

$35 for me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Can it be named Trump? Asking for a friend!

😂😂😂 SMH 🤦🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️

My name for a cockroach..Trump

Can’t they feed it to my former lover?

CC tweeep_

So cute. 😂😂😂

Is this news?

Ewwwww on so many levels....but also an odd feeling of respect....

I wouldn’t waste $5 on this, but I’d name one CNN

Yuck no thanks

That's crazy!

To my ex: {\\__/} ( • . •) / ♥️ u want this? {\\__/} ( • - •) well fuck you ♥️ \\

Better to make Blatta

Can I name it after Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi? Slow news week ? 🙄

A nation built on hate

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