More House Democrats Endorse Impeachment Inquiry of Trump

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

More House Democrats called for an inquiry into reports President Trump repeatedly pressed Ukraine to probe former Vice President Joe Biden and his son

WASHINGTON—The move to impeach President Trump gained momentum Monday as more House Democrats called for an inquiry into reports that the president repeatedly pressed Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son.

Seven Democrats who described themselves as veterans of the military and the nation’s defense and intelligence agencies wrote in an op-ed Monday night that reports on Mr. Trump’s interaction with a foreign leader were the last straw.


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You just don’t go after any democrat. You have to clear it first with the party.

Damn Dems are baffoons!

Not an impeachable offense to ask foreign government to investigate the criminal activities of the son of a presidential candidate ( see oblunder administration asking Ukraine for information about Trump’s business ties in Russia & Ukraine. Socialist party = reckless losers!

House democrats have been pushing for impeachment since they lost in 2016. Who cares

More House Democrats Fall For Far- Left BS. Fixed it for you. Dumbasses

'Reports'...we've heard of one possible 'report' which was based on a 3rd party claiming he/she heard others talking about it. No full context of the actual conversation has been released and it didn't even pass for whistleblower. really needs to take it down a notch

Getting nervous

On your fake story!

Another Collusion or Muelker or Kavenaugh moment

During a Council on Foreign Relations discussion on January 23, 2018, former Vice President Joe Biden spoke about his dealings in Ukraine.

democrats will get backfired after the details surface.

Пока законом страны не будет определён перечень ситуаций (схема) при которой должен быть рассмотрен вопрос импичмента , всегда будут желающие не делать это...

SHEEP. When will Republicans stick together?

A conditional loan?

Of course! When the President has abused the powers that he was accused of (proven), then a case is made however; should Hillary Clinton get away with murder, lying and destroying evidence, then why can't he? Is it because she's a woman and he's a man? ♀️

No wretched act of depravity or treachery is beneath Trump. He is only held in check by his cowardice and stupidity. NeverTrump


House Democrats are forfeiting their right to have their authority and their legitimacy respected.

Losers dimms trying to cloud the Biden family crooks and narrative.

How about focus on both.

realDonaldTrump, POTUS, is a national security threat to the United States~ TrumpCompromise RussianAsset MuellerReport Scavino45 FBI TheJusticeDept CIA NSAGov ODNIgov StopPutinAggression WhiteHouse PutinsGOP

shame on wsj

Must listen to JoeBiden !!! MSNBC's AliVelshi says 'President Trump had repeatedly suggested WITHOUT EVIDENCE that Joe Biden used his VP position to pressure Ukraine to fire the country’s top prosecutor.' Uh, guys... IT'S ON TAPE. Roll it!

When the criminal confessed to it, you gotta move forward with legal proceedings.

What a joke. The Pres has every right to ask a foreign govt about their conversations with other American politicos or pursue international corruption of politico's kids. Dems are desperate to use this as fodder for failed impeachment...since they can't win outright.

The hammer 🔨 is coming down on him.

😂😂😂 Pure projection by the deep state. Nothing can stop what’s coming. NOTHING. GreatAwakening WWG1WGA

A shame that more House Democrats had to be woken up after such an extended sleep.

How much are you willing to bet that the so-called Free Press will focus on Biden and not Trump?

It went from 3rd hand whistleblower report of hearsay about a call the POTUS made, to he “repeatedly pressed the Ukraine”, ‘‘this Fake News escalated quickly. 1 fact we do know: VP Biden extorted a foreign government into firing the guy investigating his son—1 Billion dollars.

Good gosh !Trump is sending crap to Sadie's OUR American Resources and OUR children and you are talking about Biden? Trump is trying to start a WAR with IRAN and you post this crap? Trump is pimping our children for OIL to a country WTH?

Biden in his own he used taxpayer dollars, to stop investigation of his son's corruption. House should investigate Joe and his son. Here's a good place to start from.

Need 2/3 of Republicans to impeach trump's passed 94% of Republicans agenda....good luck lol

Do it do it do it, and 2020 will be as red as our revolution in 1776

This debunked story still a thing? The whistleblower wasn't even around during the call..

Trump's been caught red handed. Impeachment is inevitable now. Game Over.

Blind ideologues

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