Melania Trump breaks children's hospital rules by taking her mask off to read to patients

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

First lady Melania Trump broke stated mask policy at Children's National Hospital Tuesday when she removed her mask to read a holiday book to children

First lady Melania Trump broke stated mask policy at Children's National Hospital Tuesday when she removed her mask to read a holiday book to children.

Trump, who has visited children at the hospital each year during her time as first lady, continued the tradition despite the coronavirus pandemic and record cases in Washington, DC.The first lady arrived in the hospital's main atrium wearing a mask. When she took her seat in front of a tree, she removed the mask. Though she practiced social distancing, the hospital's policy specifically requires all visitors to wear a mask.


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Looser CNN

A true American not like Biden's ugly corrupt wife who looks like dark Vader with the mask

Can't wait until January 20, 2021. How refreshing it's gonna be not seeing a Barbie Dolls masquerading as real person with an REALLY OBESE ex-president.

The most useless first lady in history ...

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Seriously stop with the bad news! She is reading to children she is at a higher risk herself then the kiddos.

Lol, fuk CNN.

Omg can we get the ef over this shit. I’m so sick of your reporting, where did your integrity go Just stop, he lost, it’s over, dial down the propaganda

They should of kicked her ass out for putting kids life's at risk

This is why she can't be first lady. And TRUMP can't be president. Biden 2020

flotus Melania and Donnie have a long-standing tradition of jeopardizing children (i.e., placing children in cages along the border). They are not very fine people.

Why don’t u report how Gavin newsom enjoyed dinner with 5 friends no social distance no mask..or como I public no mask

She is a jerk with a capitol J.

It’s a HOSPITAL! Keep the mask on even if your 20 feet away!

She doesn't care really.

Did anyone have the BALLS to tell her to put it back on?!!!

I do understand she already sounds like she had a cock in her mouth with the mack off

Who cares.....ohhh that’s right....all the parents and families of those children. God I’m sick of this. How many mores days will this go on! Get out.

Are these children being treated by the White House medical team if they get COVID-19?

Same mentality as the donald!

This is fake news!! She doesn't know how to read!!!!

SHIT NEWS NETWORK, Or shit gossip network

Children admitted to ChildrensHospitals across the country for the shear reason that they are there to be treated for catastrophic illnesses. whatintheworld is wrong with the conscience of MelaniaTrump ?!!

why wasn't the rule enforced...someone could've politely stepped in and asked he to put mask back on...or even simply politely excuse her...but nope, once again tRumpism rises again!

At u tube: goodwill ambassador of 63 countries.

To bad she’s not a real Doctor like Jill Biden

Good for her♥️🤗

So, she's only doing what 75 million Americans are doing. Get off her strap. I hate pile ons. Get a life...

Dumb as they come

Io aspetto voi aspetto che veniate a prendermi voglio stare con voi🇺🇸 Per sempre !!!love you America

Anti life? Now are weee looool

Only focusing on the negative sides.

The rules just don't apply to the Trump's and people die...they don't care.


Hey CNN why don't you take a mask and stick it over your camera lens we're all tired of seeing you breathe🖕

The Trumps all think they are above rules, regulations and laws!

What's wrong with them?

She is immune. after recovering from covid dont you know she has antibodies. My God give it a fucking break.

So?!?!?! You jealous All you do watch any mistake they do but you hide all the corruption that Biden family does. CNN YOU DESTROY PEOPLE’S LIVES. Your network should be shutdown!!!!!!!!!

Guess not everyone is perfect lol...🤷‍♂️

How is this surprising... she is Trump, which translated means moron.....

Before she leaves the White House -- She wants to know how it Feels to Break the Rules One MORE TIME!

Come on...if she's 6 feet away from a child🤷🏾‍♀️ She's reading a book😏 Without the mask, I have a hard time understanding what she's saying. I can only imagine a child's little bitty ears😥 Besides, it's her farewell read🖐🏾


She’s no longer the First Lady.

The whole family is clueless

She did it on purpose to cause an uproar. You can bet on it.

Nothing but emptiness and plastic in her brain anyway 😂😂😂😂😂💀

I can’t wait for FLOTUS to be history as well. I can’t believe she destroyed the history of the White House Rose Garden. We’ll *never* get that back. Inconsiderate b****!

How many days left

Where were the administrators to tell her not to!

Lock her up !!!

This headline. She wins. You lose.

This is CNN attempt at news

Your statement is ridiculous! It's about setting a good example for CHILDREN!!! and are you an expert on the virus or just read the media sources and go with that!? It's people like you and your mentality that is a huge part of the problem! Thank God the Trump's are finished!!!

She should have stayed home Anyone but her should have read She should have worn a MASK Period Boo!

Y’all would turn anything into something for some traction on Twitter. I swear. Lol she was *6 FeET ApaRT* right? Does social distancing only work in stores? 😂

Merry Christmas lady Melania god bless you

CNN = Communist News Network!

realist_brutal They👏 don't 👏 think 👏 rules 👏 apply 👏 to 👏 them. Where was Tom Cruise when we needed him?

After hosting super-spreader events, one after the other, she then intentionally exposes sick kids in hospital. This is one really disgusting family.

Seriously 🤔

Didn't know she could read?

They do not care about anyone

Well, she didn’t take her clothes off, did she?

Sick kids and no mask. Idiot.

She's on her way out

What else is new she nor her husband feel they have to follow any rules. Be gone with both of them jerks. There is a new Sheriff in town and it's not the orange man. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

They just try to spread this terrible deadly virus any and every way they can! Where is the stupiditypatrol

Dems do it all the time. Why not say something to them.

Shameful but sadly expected from a Trump. Can’t wait to never see, hear or read about any Trump ever again.

My goodness she’s so beautiful CNN she hadn’t done one right in four years gee whiz you guys

Like why?

She is a

CNN is trash. Get a life people, she's reading to children.


Useless media, while Americans go hungry.

Remember, she doesn't care.

Dumb bitch

Calm the fuck down! She was 12 feet away from two kids and it was broadcasted to the rooms of all the other kids...

Stupid twit I don’t care if she is the First Lady. Supposedly anyway

She’s obviously been infected by the Trump Virus- a deadly, infectious strain, the main symptoms being; ignorance, arrogance, narcissism, gross selfishness, rank stupidity and heartlessness. Treatment is required ASAP and is solitary confinement for life.

Whenever I read CNN all I see is CUNT Bc well... I think u get the rest

I thought she moved already.

CNN shame on u

Dumb as a bag of rocks💩💩💩

She’s a killer, like her .... ah husband....I think still husband for 30 more days

What the hell 😱 I will be so glad when they are out Jan 20 hurry up and get here plz

Who cares?

Good on her


She should have kept her mask on to protect those sick, Immuno-compromised children in the hospital. Even without a mask they won’t understand her version of English. Hell I can’t understand her.

Pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside.

Infect Everybody.

Why bother, I mean 'who gives a fuck about Christmas?' Her words, not mine.

No brains, no respect. Perfect for Trump.

She was 12 feet away from the kids but facts don't matter when all you're trying to do is bash a Trump


So she's also a CoViD-19 murderess. Tell me something new.

Doesn't care about children, doesn't care about Christmas, does care about tennis 🎾

Nothing matters us to leave wearing of mask ,,

What an idiot!

She had antibodies. Lighten up.

Omg we are all going to die

Hey DONNY Janni/Johny Walker and Wayne...-CHINA,GERMANY,RUSSIA and TUR-KEY was it=FUCK THEM ALL,push all red buttons-send them to MONGOLIA,where they came from!!!VIVA GREECE,HELL-ASSS!!!From STAR till DUST!!!JIA MAS!CHEERS!PROST!SALUTE!

Why the hell am I not surprised? Nice job! Exposing immunologically fragile CHILDREN to covid . You and your husband deserve each other!

What a set of ignorant & arrogant tossers this family are...better for the world that they are soon gone!!

Some never learn...wreckless behaviour is common with these trumpsters...

She’s already had the virus and recovered.. well past the viral shedding phase and the odds of her catching it again at this point in time are slim to none.. so this post is baseless... but I wouldn’t expect your garbage reporting to be anything less than just that GARBAGE ‼️

TriereGorum These people are despicable, they don't care about anyone but themselves. 304,000 Americans are Dead from Covid-19 and 16 Million Plus are infected.

I didn't know she knew how to read

What is the stated mask policy?

Dumb ass I'm so glad her ass leaving too

Piss off CNN.

Absolutely that is extremely dangerous for human brain shortages of oxygen... everything about money and pandemic of human minds malfunction what is the worst pandemic that this civilisation has run to!!!

Did the hypocrites in CNN report on the maskless Stacy Abraham the Georgia electoral college certification? This is why few people now consider CNN a credible news outlet.


She really care for people and children Melania Trump are you a supper spreader like your husband are you looking for the kill record

She is an idiot!! The parents of those children should have taken thier child out of harms way!!

What you expect? She married to trump


How close was the nearest person to her?

The bigger story is; she can read

Forget about the mask, she can't even pronounce english words......who asked her to confuse the children by reading.

Are you guys at CNN serious? Or is this a joke? WHO CARES

And you report the truth too, right!?!

This is a place for SICK CHILDREN you go to super spreader events. Have you no shame or compassion? Your jacket said it all. I don’t care. It’s obvious you don’t.

nobody cares

What’s the fine? $$$$

Did you not get the memo? She doesn’t care!!! She only has so many days left to bring attention.😼


can u guys pls talk about something important for once god fuck please like just pick anything

😆😆😆 CNN your idiots. Can’t believe you ruined your name over these 4 yrs. pitiful story. 👎

Dumb ass trying to infect the kids now. Smh

She cares not about these or any other children.

Leave this beautiful woman alone my goodness don't you people have anything better to do but hate hate hate it's enough hate we have to stop this silly mess she is reading a story to little children she's is not spitting on them or trying to make them sick she's showing love

Stop the nonsense and focus on the main issue: rigged election

FLOTUS is no better than her POS husband.

Trump hasn’t revoked her healthcare. She’ll be ok.


Jesus Christ Im not even a Trump supporter. But this is just petty. Do better CNN

She READ to the children? in broken English?

She’s reading to sick kids & takes off her mask? The hospital should have tossed her out! Thank God this family will be gone soon! I bet Dr. Jill Biden would read while wearing a mask! 😷😷

She had to read you idoot !!

Relax freaks.

You're so petty. As a world news agency you should be doing better.

Entitled C**t

Wow....look at what we have all become!!! Mask judging paranoid!!! 🙄🙄 Maybe she can’t talk with it on for god sake!! I can guarantee you she was six feet distancing!!!

If she was 6 feet away, it should be fine; especially if everyone else was wearing a mask.


Selfish!!! Those children are ill, she is so stupid!

There are some really mentally challenged liberals in this feed...CNN is your leader...


When yr the 1st Lady, yr title means something. U can't take the benefits & disregard the responsibility that comes w it. UR example to Millions. If u enter a facility where people are sick w weak immune. U slap a mask on, little effort. Espec, when the WH is Covid central.

Es que Uds medios de desinformación, no tienen nada realmente importante, que joderle la vida a las personas? Porque mejor no hablan del fraude tan grande que han hecho estos políticos demócratas con su ayuda?

The Trump family are all breaking mask policy

This family does not care about any human being.

Because she’s a terrible person...I mean you are what you eat lol

So what. She's already had the virus and isn't contagious! Is that the best you can do, CNN? Pitiful

Perhaps she is following the lead of reporters from CNN

Bitch from Hell

The children that have a hearing disability could enjoy the reading She has had COVID so she should have the antibodies I’m sure she is tested daily and no harm Children have a very low risk factor of contracting the virus. How far away were the children...6’

so what

Of course she did! She's a mo!!

Get over yourself CNN!

Stupid lady. Kick her out NOW

That was absurd. Worse, the hospital allowed it. I want to see if it contaminates children.😡🤬

Melania FLOTUS - as a Mother & FLOTUS - please set an example for Barron and all children by wearing a mask & following hospital rules & CDC recommendations. Very few have access to the 'special meds' your family was given for CV19.

What a monster!!!!

Stupid is as stupid does.

Get a life!!! Who cares!!!!

Does she go to jail for reckless endangerment?

Now you are just being picky.

Thanks Karen

Can you not just infect those kids with COVID. Done with the pretense , just get busy with your packing if you will.

So why did they let her break their rules.. i just don't get it! It should have been enforced, no matter who you are. They are our children!!

Oh She can read

I think the bigger problem is could the kids understand the story

Of course she did BeWorst

She never claimed to be able to walk & chew gum, or able to type.

She already had Covid

They are doing everything possible to subvert regulations, slow down government and gum up public policy on their way out the door no matter the harm caused.

Oh come on. Leave her alone. 🖕

Let’s give her a break. Look what she has to go home to


she's a pathetic, nasty gold digger

CNN A bunch of clowns ... PROVE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IS RIGHT. Show us the mask policy. Have you ever mentioned anything positive about first Lady Melania? So sickening !

I've seen these girls from Eastern Europe abroad in 90s, acting like they are special, arrogant and very rude. Lack of basic manners, ready for whatever, disrespectful and spineless. Arabs loved them (why?) Europeans despised them. Biological waste. Zero value.

Oh heavens she removed her mask. Give me a break. Trolls

The rules don’t apply to Trumps

is the ultimate Karen.

While nice of her to spend time with the children in the hospital, bad idea removing her mask in front of sick children after just having Covid

FLOTUS had COVID19 months ago and is tested constantly. She’s not contagious or at risk of contracting it again. She’s social distancing and practicing proper hygiene. This is a non story. Cover NYGovCuomo & GavinNewsom Lockdowns, killing small biz, w/o Science

What do you expect from a Deplorable?

Couldn't she read with the mask on I'm sure the children would have heard her just fine.


Of course CNN would make this a negative thing for her to go do good for kids.

Best First Lady ever.

Wft is wrong with her them kids have mostly under Lind Condition she kill them all as much as she's been exposed to c19 wow

WTF? So this irresponsible person, was in a CHILDRENS CANCER HOSPITAL without a mask on? And NOBODY checked her a** to put it on. AND she has had COVID-19 already? Hasn't taken vaccine either?

Just. Stop.

Leave your mask on to protect the kids this is insane

She is an idiot but the personnel charge that DIDN’T make her put the mask on or leave. They should be fired.

That’s horrible.

Who........ Cares ............

Pretty sad!

I feel like this if you are in a hospital with kids I don’t care who you are you should wear an mask and that goes for everyone



Oh snowflakes got offended

CNN is the worst!

You report this. But CNN has still not reported on Cuomo being accused of sexual harassment. WHAT HAPPENED TOO ME MOVEMENT.

FLOTUS it just doesn’t stop for you. Shouldn’t you be packing your tacky crap?

You remember the the jacket she was wearing when she went down to the border that says I don't care if you don't care so what would make that surprising that she took off her mask in a children's hospital the dumbass is all the parents they know she's infected why would you

After hosting parties at the WH, where wearing masks is less than minimal, you'd think that minimizing risk would be more important around children. These kids are hospitalized for a reason, and immunity to COVID isn't it.

Can’t wait until these people go back to the swamp.

So she's not complaining this year🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

She can read?

She just doesn’t care...

This hooker just isn't happy unless she purposely takes off some article of clothing.

Any hospital knowing allowing one of the super spreaders into their facilities should be ashamed.

Typical Communist News Network sensationalism

SMH. You guys are awful

Oh ffs! 🙄 We're never going to get this virus under control.

CNN did you report when Chris Cuomo was in Greenport, NY at Claudio's bar smoking a cigar without a mask & no social distancing ? Watch your own people, ok !

Cause they think its a HOAX and they immune to it. So GLAD their time is OVER .. My BEST XMAS GIFT ever

The comments are a complete Karen-Fest 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the entertainment!

I wear my mask everyday when I read books to my 1st grade class. My voice is strained at the end of the day but I do it so we can have face to face school. Just wear a mask when you are supposed to!

I’ve never seen one single incident where Melania said something negative to anyone about another person despite the countless mean and sometimes fake stories and hateful comments directed towards her!

Good!!! They don’t work!

So irresponsible and annoying every moves she and trump make!


No one cares

Was it infront of her eyes!!

She was well over 6 feet you hypocrites, report on those that a really breaking state rules, I’m sure you’ll find so many plus report in hunter Biden and Senator Swallwell who should lose his seat in Congress for China’s infiltration in USA

Earth shattering news cnn 👏👏👏👏👏👏 what would we do without you? 😂😂

The essential worker teachers are wearing masks everyday & it doesn’t matter how far away we are from the children - we wear the mask! Even teachers who have had Covid. Be a role model and deal with it for 5 minutes!

That was disrespectful & so completely stupid putting all at risk.


You just can’t let go can you? So sad.

Her husband is so much smarter than you! Trump Army 🇺🇸

The world is falling

Not too smart FLOTUS

Her and her husband is special. My dog would know better than to take off his mask.

There’snothing wonderful about her! Gold digging ex model as unqualified as her husband.

36 days

She knows hiw to read.

Dr. Jill already in the media cross hairs- lucky new First Lady to-be ❗️

She is not the only one who ever broke a rule. Drop it.

What ? Sick kids and a photo op is more important to her !?! really lady ? Wth is wrong with you ?

Always selfish. That whole damn family. Sick kiddo. My they care about anyone’s health?


She was 6ft+ away

Boy, we really have become a country of wimps, narcs and rule shamers.

Because a Trump thinks only of herself/himself

What an ass. Can't she just go to NY and go away?

can she read?

Why are you surprised? She blatantly said, “I don’t care .” Why did the hospital think it was a good idea to invite her when she is constantly surrounded by super spreaders!

Why can’t this GD SELFISH FAMILY have any respect for VERY SICK children FLOTUS shld be ASHAMED of herself🦠😡🤬😢!!! IDC what DC’s health recommendations were, the hospital’s policy is to WEAR A MASK AT ALL TIMES!! ⬇️ ChildrensNatl WHY did you NOT ENFORCE UR RULES🦠😡🤬?


As a pediatric nurse and the parent of a medically fragile child, I find this highly offensive on so many levels. These are kids that could easily die if they get the infection. I would have immediately called administration after removing my child fromthis event!

for her to live with Trump has to be as crazy and irresponsible as he is

Another stupod Trump.. No surprise

Most mothers would do anything for the safety of their child regardless of what anyone said but not Melania. Besides which she joined the no mask train so she could careless about his safety as well.

Better be safe than sorry let hoping nothing come out negatively what she have done . In this pandemic everything should take it seriously

This comes as a surprise? The Trump don’t follow the rules . They think they are better and rules or laws don’t apply to them.

Was Sleepy Joe wearing a mask during his speech last night while he was 'reading' the teleprompter?

Nothing new about that, the trumps break every rule anyway

She just doesn’t care!

She’s an idiot but the hospital should also have not let her do this

Get a life CNN!

She can read?


What do you expect. No brains like Donald.

She can read? 👀

How dare she!!

flotus does not care about kids! total fake first lady. the only sympathy she has is for herself. fuk her.

THIS is why America has the highest of Covid cases in the world. And at a Children’s Hospital?! How can this be ok with the hospital admin. This woman has no concept of what she’s done. Selfish. Entitled. Careless. Self absorbed.

Is it really a surprise ?

While 20 feet away !

Can't fix stupid. Look at who she 'married.' That says it all.

Did she happen to wear her ' I don't really care, do you jacket' at the same time?


CNN pendejos

She likes oral.

Not a Problem, She had the Virus and Masks DONT WORK!

The most gorgeous and smartest first lady America has ever had God bless her and her family!!


Because........she stupid. Classless First Lady

Shame on her !! She will never learn to be a classy woman, she is married to the most hated man in the world

So, much for children, and staff.

Sick and tired of these deceptive headlines.

Lies media 🤮🤮🤮🤮

She is stupid. This is not news. We have known for years now.

She really doesn’t care!

WHY didn't THE HOSPITAL STAFF tell her she HAD TO WearAMask ?🤨🙄

She just wanted to make sure the children heard her

Can she read?

Never took anything she does seriously because she the only first lady i saw naked 🤣😷

This shows how little the first family care for the American people.

She’s out in a few weeks anyway. Mask off or on they still can’t understand a word she says!!!!!!

Sitting the proper example for The Kids..

.FLOTUS can read? 🤣

She doesn't really care (about other people's life), do you?

How about you report on the unarmed black people getting killed? Oh yeah I forgot, you just take advantage of black people dying to act like you care to push your agenda. BLM COVID BlackLivesMatter

Big fricking deal! They don't work anyways+

Yeah she’s from going after little, sick children while she still can...🤣🤣🤣🤣 CNN gets less views than Biden.

Aw stick to posing topless and swatting your husband’s hand away.

You guys never stop. Kinda like Chris Cuomo did but you didn’t complain about that!

Don't expect different behavior from someone who always does the same thing.

CNN is Just Evil, Complaining about everything.

Malaria shouldn’t be at a children’s hospital unmasked. This is shameful, but then, what do you expect? Why doesn’t she pack up and leave the WH?

She's nothing special if masks are mandatory she needs to keep it on.

Did “Doctor” Biden report this?

Bruh is serious right now 🤣🤣

She guide with example👀

Why didn't you report Hunter Biden's scandal? Shame on you CNN.

CNN grow the f up!

You and your people at that network are animals

Of course she did

Love my First Lady,. Not afraid !!!

So fucking what

She’s at Children’s Hospital around sick children and she takes off her freaking mask. What kind of idiots do we have in the White House?

Like she cares 🙄


Why would ANY hospital want that woman around children..!

Wow this is news? You guys are the biggest joke in news!

Trumps still doing everything they can to kill as many Americans as possible.

Holy they're all dead.

What was the title? Murder at the Rue Morgue?

What was Cuomo doing when he was maskless while positive in quarantine checking out his new mansion?

It would drive me insane if I had to listen to melany trump read a children's book with that broken English. Except, donald duck.

shes a Really BAD word!!!!!


CNN, best snitch ever. What about Hunter Biden?

Doubtful she gives a f*ck about her duties as FLOTUS. She is the most miserable and forgettable First Lady we’ve had in my lifetime. Other than her telling fashion choices ofc.

Shall we start recording your “journalist” behind the camera?

So what

Keep that Ho away from my kids.

MELANIATRUMP is a complete disaster as a First Lady. She should b ashamed but she is a trump so...

Really? This is your big news? Even we democrats are getting tired of the pettiness of CNN news and its anchors.

How low can CNN stoop? No wonder everyone hates CNN..

And that’s when they should have asked her to wear the mask or leave! 😐

These Trumpian psychopaths don't miss an opportunity to infect people! 😡🤥🍊🤡😷⚰️

Who would wanna get within 6 ft of her!! Hideous!!!

Lock her up

Hold on, she can read 😱

So she could frighten the kids with face of the gorgon and then she turned them all into pillars of salt!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Are you trying to get the kids sick with covid you know better than that don't you


Trouble understanding her with the mask off, so what’s the difference except following CDD requests.

She is no better then her husband Diaper Don

Should have escorted the male escort out. Nicely of course.

No class, no brains

That’s melanoma for you

After having it already.

She does not care

Now hold the fuck on how do you expect someone to read a book out loud with a mask on. I vote dem down the ballot but holy fuck this is a stretch for me to understand.

Love our 1st lady best one we've had in years! FLOTUS

She can read ?

Wow how sad!!!!!!!!

CNN, seriously....I have a feeling payback is coming to another First Lady after all the grief media gave this one....the call me “Dr” criticism is just the tip of the iceberg for Jill Biden.

“Be Best” at it’s finest!


Their just rule breakers. WhitePrivilege


She doesn’t care. She’s made that very plain.

They just don't get it. Can't get it. Won't get it. Just don't gaf.

Well she’s a prostitute, so that makes sense.



Stupid is as stupid does

Melania, this is the way To take care the childrens, specially children confined In the hospital?what happened to you.

I can't believe all the Karen's afraid of getting sick now . Newsflash, you're still gunna get a cold next year. 💋🙌


She was told to be entertaining .... and use to taking things off

Does CNN not have anything better to talk about

I am missing my morning fix of wacko trump tweets . Bring back the trump craziness

is no longer a serious news outlet.

We should just be grateful that she stopped at the mask.

A slap in the face to 302,000 families

Shawshank_7 Since Melania lives in COVID central, this is not a minor thing.


She is a Trump, they do no wrong


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CNN and Fox News agree that Trump impeachment lawyer was terrible: 'It was awful'Trump’s lawyer was so bad that a GOP senator switched his vote on the constitutionality of the second impeachment. So let’s check the record, Trump hired staff and Cabinet members claiming they were brilliant, then quickly fired them claiming they were incompetent. Now he can’t find a lawyer worth a damn to represent him. Says more about the man than the others. He doesn’t even need lawyers because he has the Republican Party instead
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Fox News Host Breaks Then Walks Back Literal Fake News to Trump During Live InterviewFox NewsFox News host Harris Faulkner managed to embarrass herself within the first few minutes of her live phone interview with former President Donald Trump on Monday morning. And not just because she allowed him to repeat nearly verbatim the racist rants against immigrants that launched his 2016 campaign.The pair hadn’t been talking for long when Faulkner got very excited, telling Trump to stop talking for two seconds. “This has just happened now and I want to double check this with our producers,” she said. Dramatically removing her glasses, she reported:“The DHS secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, has resigned, Mr. President.”“Well, I’m not surprised,” Trump replied quickly as an increasingly distracted Faulkner put her finger to her ear. “It’s a big victory for our country.”‘Time’ Magazine’s Biden ‘Day One’ Cover Breaks Fox News Anchor’s Brain“Hold on, let me stop, let me stop, let me listen to my team one more time,” the host said. “Forgive me, that has not happened. And I apologize.”“OK, cross off that victory,” Trump, who had just the night before called for Mayorkas to resign, said with a small laugh.Of course, that was hardly the greatest journalistic failing of Faulkner’s live interview with the former president. Moments later, when he falsely declared, “We won the election, as far as I’m concerned,” she offered up zero pushback, instead pivoting to an entirely different topic.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more. Live interview? Was there a video attached? All I saw was ads, no video. WHEN STUPID PEOPLE CROSS PATHES , YOU CREATE FOX NEWS.
Source: YahooNews - 🏆 380. / 59 Read more »

WSJ News Exclusive | NBC’s News Chief Pushes Streaming and Bets on Post-Trump Story LinesRachel Maddow, Shepard Smith and Joy Reid will be asked to make streaming only-shows, as NBCUniversal News Group’s chief, Cesar Conde, pushes for new viewers Is it possible to find a good guy on Twitter? I’m surprised that anyone can listen to Rachel Maddow.
Source: WSJ - 🏆 98. / 63 Read more »

Fox News plummets among Trump voters as 'most trusted source of news': pollTwo other news outlets have risen to prominence among conservatives in recent months. Not bat-shit crazy enough for them supports StochasticTerrorism by giving Mr. Andy Ngo a platform. Fox except for Tucker Carlson has gone to the Dark Side.
Source: Newsweek - 🏆 468. / 52 Read more »

The GOP’s choice in 2024: Trump Ultra, Trump Lite or Trump ZeroThe former president’s grip on the party base is so total that top Republicans say the path to the nomination is best defined by the degree of loyalty to him. A pathetic GOP... Don’t get it. Who wants to here Drumpf speak? He lost. He’s a loser. Let's let 2024 happen after 2022.
Source: politico - 🏆 381. / 59 Read more »