Mario Lopez apologizes for 'ignorant' comments about parenting and gender identity

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TV personality Mario Lopez said, 'The comments I made were ignorant and insensitive, and I now have a deeper understanding of how hurtful they were'

TV personality Mario Lopez has apologized for comments made during a recent podcast appearance in which he said it was"dangerous" for parents to allow their children to pick their gender identities at young ages.

"The comments I made were ignorant and insensitive, and I now have a deeper understanding of how hurtful they were," Lopez said in a statement to CNN."I have been and always will be an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I am going to use this opportunity to better educate myself. Moving forward I will be more informed and thoughtful.

— Karamo Brown July 31, 2019 In a tweet, he said,"I'm disappointed to read @MarioLopezExtra comments about parent's who support their child's openes [sic] about their gender identity. As a social worker I am trained to identify abuse or neglect of a child. Healthy & safe dialogue w/ kids is neither abusive, neglectful or 'dangerous.


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They were NOT IGNORANT 3 year olds should NOT be picking genders They should be playing in mud and picking noses. Dont apologize because others get mad. Its there choice to hate you even though your comment wasnt hateful

I lose respect for people whose spines collapse at the slightest disagreement

How far we have fallen, the new millennial-liberal way of thinking. We should be God Fearing not Left Fearing.

He should have not done that. Because he was right

Oh Jeez. Don’t apologize! It wasn’t ignorant in the slightest. deckchairfolded

Hey Mario, Funny how people change when you lose what little fame you had left,And people start to hate you now for your hate.Sorry apology not accepted, People don’t realize that Words leave a deeper and permanent scars that doesn’t heal.

Compared to trump Lopez did nothing wrong.

No. He told the truth and sorry for said truth. Sell out.

Ahhh. Public shaming at its best. Made a man reverse course. Freedoms of speech is now dead.

Oh the also tolerant left shows how intolerant they can be he’s entitled to his opinion and he’s not wrong the people who think he’s wrong or the ones that are wrong and are a danger to children!

Oh my god . The left is pathetic

Never say sorry to facts Mario Lopez

Thanks Screech!

Ignorant minds are always a danger but I do appreciate when people’s eyes are opened and they begin to consider the effect their words have on others.

Wow, sure you do because you got hit so hard you now say this. But you really fell what you say. Next time fell it don't say it. But now we know to late.

Translation: “I was harassed and threatened relentlessly by a bunch of shrieking harridans so I’m capitulating now.”

Meaning - please don’t fire me!!!

Should’ve stood your ground, but we all know it’s hard for a puppet to pull their own strings.

Leave AC Slater alone CNN. He actually is right.

Wtf, Mario Lopez, why are you apoligizing for stating facts. A 3 year old shouldn't be making life altering decisions. They would eat only sweets They would stay up late Never get out of diapers Never come inside Get hit trying to pet roadkill Just to name a few things.

Leave Mario alone

What an idiot to cave into the left and the so called progressive movement

Someone had a discussion about his future employment and is back tracking

Now?! Bye

Poor Mario. He gets attacked by the Demonrats and folds. I guess he didn't want to Get blocked by Twitter like RealJamesWoods did.

It is not enough just to obey big brother Mario -- You must love him .... Do you love big brother? Again,...Tell us all how much you love him.

Do not apologize, Mario. Your biology determines what you are. That's a fact.

So sad. 3 year olds don’t know what transgender means let alone what sex is. They can’t decide their gender.

His job made him do it. We are faced with standing up to logic or having to please idiots feelings or lose you job career. My 5 year boy said he was an airplane. If he wants to jump off a roof and fly away so be it.

His comments were not ignorant or insensitive. MarioLopezExtra is entitled to his opinion on this subject. Parents are supposed to protect children, not exploit them to appease their own inner social justice warrior.

The tolerant left! ImWithMario

Don’t clean this up MarioLopezExtra bc you said nothing wrong. All you did was acknowledge that it is wiser 2 allow children 2 grow older than toddlers before indulging their ideas abt things as serious as gender ID & sexuality, both of which will affect their lives 4ever.

Suggesting a 3 year old hasn’t reached a level of personal and mental development to make a decisive statement about their gender isn’t transphobic. I understand why Lopez apologized - he had to in order to remain employed but, I wish he hadn’t. MarioLopez

Never apologize for speaking the truth MarioLopezExtra .... Pathetic!

You’re a supporter of child abuse then? That clarification may be your downfall. You cave to a Lobby group over human rights....

'I'm sorry for speaking the truth about the psychological nature of a 3 year old.' It's basic science that liberals deny. It's a disgusting cult and the outrage mob will always win

Sometimes you gotta NOT think about the money and have the guts to say what you really think.

You don’t have to apologize for saying the true


Too late.

Sounds like Hollywood “corrected” him. Must be a sad life with all that money, but no freedom to think for yourself.

Wtf for did he apologise?People abusing their children should be in jail for a long time.Its about time to protect all the children from psychopath adults.

A deeper understanding after the internet dragged your ass?!

Nobody outside of Hollywood disagrees with what Mario said.

MarioLopezExtra Please don’t drink the PC Kool Aid. When did it become wrong to voice our opinions and oh, there’s that thing called Free Speech. You said nothing insensitive.

Why is he apologising? Coz some snowflakes on twitter got offended? Fuck them, what he said was right

Come on Mario...u don’t believe ur forever in bed with the time take ACs advice

My 4 year old thinks she's a Pokemon. How should I handle this? Should I trap her in a ball and make her fight other kids? PLEASE HELP!

No one should push children into being a girl when child is a boy or vice versa cause kids always play games.

Don’t apologize MarioLopezExtra - genetics is genetics. It is either XX or XY

I don’t need to know the details of what he said. I appreciate the sincere apology and I accept!!! 🙏🏽😇

Saving face and maybe his job PR patch up job


I assume he was just trying to save his job.... his comments were 100% correct

Celebrities apologize quickly when their numbers go down 😂😂😂

How gross to believe that 3yo’s understand their sexuality. Very pedo of people to think that.

He’s right but he can’t maintain a career in liberal Hollywood unless he backtracks.

Yes, America please normalise more craziness.

Don’t apologize.

Well what’s funny is that kids have no clue. So they just have been told to be upset. Racism. Homophobia. Participation trophies and victim-hood are all learned. Why don’t we just teach all our kids not to give a fuck what anyone thinks , to be themselves and to respect others?

Mario is just caving to the PC police. It’s definitely irresponsible & absolutely ridiculous for parents to allow their children to pick their gender identities at young ages.

Finally super ignorance prevails in the society where sophisticated stupidity is appreciated.

Another one folds to pressure...

IE- I cant believe what a shit show this country is that I have to apologize for stating what is clearly obvious to anyone with an IQ over their shoe size, but I work in Pedowood where sexualizing children to normalize the rampant pedophilia is priority one, so here you go.

I guess Mario came to the realization that most of our ancestors immigrated to America for similar reasons and many had small children; some who didn’t survive the thousands of miles across the seas.

Translated: They threatened me with my job and career if I didn't recant.

Male or female. No matter how you 'slice' it, you canNOT change DNA, period. That's not homophobic, not racist, not discriminatory... it's FACT.

I’m in support of his initial comment. A 3 year old isn’t old enough to make this kind of life decisions. Parents should wise up

He is still relevant? Oh yeah never was

If only his understanding was as deep as those dimples

To bad you gave in and apologized. You were right! How sad. it’s child abuse to push this gender garbage on children. There are 2 genders. God made them male and female.

He meant it, this is to save his career

It's sad he's backing off. I was actually going to be very proud someone had common sense. Yes, it is dangerous to support such anti natural ideas, least to say at such young age. Be bold and say it. Don't be politically correct. 🙄

Why would you cave and apologize

Right the first time

The whole concept of gender, gender identity & gender fluidity is ever evolving and all of us have much to learn. I will say this for MarioLopezExtra his apology feels genuine & comes across as sincere.

Common sense = Ignorant. Well it is 2019. UP=DOWN . Water isnt wet. Fire isnt hot. Howdy Doody does not have wooden Balls. CNN is a reliable unbiased news organization.

MSNBC ABC We are all now forced to accept everything or lose everything and its ridiculous! How can a 14 year old boy wake up and want to be a girl and the parents support him but if he murders someone he wont go to real jail cause he’s a child who doesnt know better. Really?!!

Pathetic. Caving to the mob. You should have doubled down on your initial opinion. It’s yours. You have every right to have it. No matter what anyone says. BTW it was the right opinion

Don’t cave to political correctness Slater. Those raising a transgender 3 y/o are mentally unstable

Why apologized for right things. The criteria for right or wrong is not defined by far left. Hollywood is filled with lots of such stupid bigoted persons with arrogance as if they hold the truth of human beings.

he shouldn't apologize he was absolutely right

Weve lost our goddamn minds.

People should stop apologizing for being correct just because some people can’t handle the truth.!

And he apologized because holding a different opinion than the “mainstream” is now deemed as a crime, or...?

It is true nothing to apologize for.

His career must have been threatened

To late !

When I was 3, I said I was a dinosaur. I was 100% convinced I wasn’t human. Is it abuse that I wasn’t allowed to shorten my arms and be a TREx?

He shouldn't have apologized because he was right. If a young child can't dress themselves or make their own food then how can they decide their own gender.

Shit..!!! Damage control..!!! Must save my career...!!!! Shit..!!!

Mario, no man. What are you doing? Don’t apologize!

I refuse to believe anyone is actually offended or hurt by this.

Not sure what was wrong with what he said.

Backpedaling to save your career even though you were right in what you said. Sad times. BUT, social media isn’t real life.

Science denier

Liberals are super pro-science. Except when you tell them that a male is a male and a female is a female and a baby in the womb is still a baby. Then science flies out the window.

I am sorry Mario Lopez that you must apologizefor saying the right thing. Your comments were not insensitive or hurtful but they were truth. These people abusing there kids should be thrown in jail, they are criminals and crazy people. Down with , MSNBC and up with Trump!!!

Stop cowtowing to the elite scumbags Mario...what you said is true...stand by it

Did Extra threaten you with your job ?

He had nothing to apologize for. 3 year olds shouldn't be choosing a gender.

Sad that we as a country are going towards fascism, thanks to those on the left. Consider the consequences- if a 3 year old is mature enough to make a decision for their gender then they are mature enough to decide what else they want to do with their body. Pedophiles are happy.

His comments were actually spot on. Little kids shouldn't be allowed to pick their genders. They can't make that decision.

Don’t be a pussy MarioLopezExtra and stand up for what you believe, we can’t all agree on everything, Inrespect what people think but I also demand respect for what I think, and I agree with your first statement

Lopez's first mistake was going on any podcast with .RealCandaceO !

He just needs to sit down & be quiet now.

Charlize Theron,crazy white lib who adopted 2 black boys,& BOTH wanna be girls🤔. wat r the odds?she adopts 2 black trannies Or most likely this twisted lib has put this into their heads &wants them to be like this Blacktwitter RacistGOP BlackLivesMatter

MarioLopezExtra 🤷🏻‍♀️ Why? Why did you give in to these insane liberals? You are right they are wrong. Period.

Absolutely ridiculous

Sounds like when spoke the first time it was from the heart.

Mario offered his opinion and got persecuted for it. 3-year old children are only a hop and a skip away from being a newborns. How could they possibly know what permanent sexual orientation they are ? Let them be kids!

Sorry Fascist Hollywood and their Democrat run media forced him to apologise for having a opinion.. Too bad he doesn't have a backbone. MarioLopez WakeUp

Everything is low ratings except for Fox News so he shouldn’t care...

Why Mario did you apologize to these sick people.

Who is Mario Lopez?

What a pussy. Believe what you say, or don’t say it. What’s worse, he was right the first time.

Unless you’ve lived that life or witnessed it yourself by way of someone close to you, your opinion is based on conjecture. We have no qualms expressing our beliefs based on a few headlines. Never listen to anyone else, including Mario Lopez.

MarioLopez said NOTHING HATEFUL. Only the mentally and morally weak would be offended. He said he doesn’t think CHILDREN should be encouraged to pick a gender. OHHH NOOOOOOooooo. We are a VERY SICK SOCIETY. FUCNN.


Sooo a 3 year old can determine what it wants its gender to be. MarioLopezExtra caved to left wing in order not to be black listed. WeakMario



Does anyone care what this guy says?

This is exactly why Kelly chose Zach over and over again even though he was trash.

Your manager, friend or accountant must've encouraged you to make this public apology because you were about to be crucified by the entertainment industry. Smart move but now we know!

Now you understand?

He said the truth! Go figure!

Slater DGAF.

I’m disappointed that Mario is feeling he has to apologize for having an opinion! The other side of the coin would be allowed to speak an opinion. He did not state,btw, that he was against LGBTQ

Never ever apologize because of left mob

The thought police got him. Trump will win again...sigh

He did nothing wrong. No apology needed

Love Twitter!

stop apologizing for this nonsense. When i first read what you said, i thought u had balls...clearly they’ve been snipped.

He was bullied.

Worst generation far.

Your last sentence revealed EXACTLY why Lopez caved on what were NOT ignorant & insensitive comments: “Lopez joined syndicated entertainment newsmagazine show 'Access Hollywood' earlier this month after several years as a host for 'Extra.'

I just lost all respect for you MarioLopezExtra never apologize for the truth to the outrage mob

Sell out

And now this has pleaded no one

😜 💊

You should have stood your ground. The left is 'tolerant' until you disagree with the child abuse that they want to perpetuate as 'normal'.

He’s 100% correct

Get lost...

Soros slap you?

He is absolutely entitled to his opinion. I think many agree with him.

He’s only apologizing to save face

Disappointed in Mario Lopez for folding like a lawn chair

It's a shame we love in a society where free speech gets you shunned. We dont want free thinkers, we want people that conform to our thinking. That's the left's philosophy

*whispers* he still hold the belief he mentioned he just had to apologize to the ridiculous outrage mob so they won’t ruin his life over a thought he had. Disgusting

Again, the fascist on the left attacking someone with an opinion they do not agree with. So they shut them down on Twitter and he caves. He’s a very week man who cares more about the opinions of crazy’s. I’m alway criticized because I do tow the line.

Only Republicans can say whatever they want No one else can

The ol’ Hollywood back pedal. 😂 You better fall in line.

What a weak move, stand up for your convictions you invertebrate

First of all CHILDREN don’t understand their sexuality. Second your babies are either a boy or a girl Third sit your ass down and stop putting adult sexuality on kids!! That actress Charlize whatever her name is got deep issues, just look at her ruining those kids she adopted

It’s amazing how people recognize how wrong they were once they see the backlash. Your original saying on this is your real truth and that is so sad !!!

This is the dumbest thing ever. I really wish people would quit caving to the outrage mob.

I don’t understand why people just can’t shit up. Keep your personal opinions to yourself. Why is that so hard?

Seriously. He didn't say anything wrong.

God forbid you disagree with one trans persons ideas...

So basically he would be fired if he didn’t correct himself? Whatever, you can’t walk this back

He better wear comfortable shoes standing in that unemployment line...

He was correct. A 3 year old knows nothing about gender. At 3, my son wanted to be a Power Ranger & my daughter a mermaid. He just caved to the perpetually offended leftist mob. Disappointed, but then, in Hollyweird, he probably would have lost his job.

He lame for this apology.

How does it feel to loose your balls. I know,,, it’s all about the money.

2019. Where you’re no longer allowed to have an opinion.

Wtf. What does he have to apologize for?! He’s was right. This is insane.

Equivalent to democrat re-education camps... sounds familiar 🤔

What a bunch of BS!!

What a pu$$y move. Grow some balls Mario. No need to apologize when you’re right.

Typical airhole. Apologize after he/they get their word out. BS, you said it you meant it. Now live with it. Enough of apologies from airholes.

Mr. Belding probably gave him the business then detention.

Speaks the truth. People get mad. Denies the truth.

It’s an act

If you are a celebrity and don't want to be cancelled, make a cue card of social issues you will not touch in any interview. OR....The best way to be free is to be independently wealthy where you don't need their money even if you are 'canceled' and you can say what you want!

One of the few Men, brave enough to admit when they were wrong 👏👏👏👏👍🏻👏👏👏

The PC machine has dictated so. Don't agree with us? We will destroy you. You cannot have a dissenting opinion. YOU WILL NOT.

What a total looser Mario. I had a feeling you had no spine and would not stand up for whats right. You had a chance to make a difference, but i guess being in lockstep with evil is a better choice to you.

Hey MarioLopezExtra said nothing wrong. For all the parents out there who berated you and for some of the media for jumping on board...You're a disgraceful bunch.

When I was four I thought I was a baby dinosaur. Children have no concept of gender. If parents would stop overreacting, life would be much easier. Children who are trans, or baby dinosaurs, will still be trans, or baby dinosaurs, when they're older. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Stop telling the truth!!!! It’s hurts feelings

Who ? No time for idiots

Oh for fucks sake

A virgin who prematurely ejaculates after finally being allowed access into a vagina: “I now have a deeper understanding”

Speak the truth - then apologize. What a world!

The crybabies and whiners in this World we all occupy are way too sensitive!! Say what you want people. If someone doesn’t agree or like it, too damn bad!! Enough already!!

He should apologize for apologizing!!! What he said is true for people with common sense

No they weren’t. It was the truth. Young children are too young to decide what gender they are. I have 2 girls. I am raising them as girls. When they become adults, and become more mature they can identity as whatever gender, preference or race they are happy with.

Another one silenced!

Let it be, and let God sort it out. I don’t judge, I serve a God that will.

U said what u saidboy. Keep it moving.

What a p.... all these over sensitive people. I can’t believe how everybody always has to say sorry.

The fascist thought-police brigade got him. Nice.

Mario? You apologized? Just when I thought someone in Hollywood(barely)had some balls to say what they think. Well at least we know what u really think and that’s all that matters.

That’s too bad. He was right the first time. Small children need an adults guidance until they are able to make decisions on their own. Allowing them to choose their sexual identity at such a young age is child abuse

sad to see he bowed down to this mob. It 8s in fact dangerous. Let kids be kids. Very disappointed on Mario.

Apology not needed, just the LGTB lobby doing what they do.

MarioLopezExtra, you said nothing wrong. Do not apologize. What tf is going on in the world? Out of control. And who tf is Karamo to question you?

Fire him

Do as your told... comply.

MarioLopezExtra you went soft. But I get it. It’s a career move because liberal media will destroy you if you don’t comply. Just know, that what you said wasn’t ignorant or insensitive.

He shouldn’t have been forced to make an apology. He didn’t say anything wrong or mean.

What is there to be sorry for I mean it’s your opinion and it’s true. Nothing to be sorry for

3 year olds have no idea about sexuality. Hey pregnant moms, no more gender reveal parties! When your doctor tells you the sex of your baby, tell him/her their education was worthless and they have no idea what gender your kid is. Parents need to wait til the kid decides. 🙄

Get a back bone.

Dont apologize about something you believe to be right.

MarioLopezExtra caved...SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️

All the people feed on soy, are growing up... Not the smartest generation

FFS Mario.

So gd tired of people saying sorry after they post a stupid comment. You should know better. Saying sorry does not change the narrative........

Don’t know why he’s apologizing He did nothing wrong Under three year olds don’t know any better The world is fecked up

So he was threatened with been fired if he didn’t apologize. Freedom of speech is dead.

Very ignorant -try educating urself before u make such statements ! As a parent u luv ur child no matter what they choose to be -their lives will be hard enough w o all the ignorance people will show them -shame on u !

The liberal mob lynching people with different opinions

MarioLopezExtra is lost to the dark side

Hollywood controlling their own.

The thought police win again. Yeesh can’t anyone have an opinion?!

To late preppy

“We’ve reached a truly insane place in American culture where a celebrity has to apologize for saying that maybe a three year-old child is not mature enough to make decisions about their gender that will irreparably impact them the rest of their life.” -Andrew Walker

Think before you speak MarioLopezExtra

MarioLopezExtra is just sorry he got caught. GTFOH with this phony apology.

The fact that anybody gives a rat’s ass about what AC Slater has to say about anything astounds me. Kelly Kapowski? Now that’s another story.

Have fun hanging with Billy Bush! 🚌

Don't pander 2 these headcases. If u think a 3year old can choose it's gender & u rush 2 put them on hormones, then you're the 1 who should b put on medication 🤡

Imagine apologizing for saying people shouldn't subject their kids to life changing irreversible drug treatments for off handed statements like 'i want to be a mommy' when a 3 year old young boy doesn't understand what that means. How fking crazy is this clown world going to get?

You should never have apologised

Cancel culture is cancerous. His opinions are his and, honestly, he didn’t say anything offensive.


Poor Mario, he has to say that to be able to survive in the rotten world of entertainment!

Stop pandering to the “forever offended” crowd. They will never be appeased. They are destroying the fabric of society. Stand up for what you believe to be true. Their opinion is their opinion alone. They need to respect yours.

i guess he knows who butters his bread, my loan offer is rescinded by the way.....if they tell u to jump, just ask, how high?!

Show us the 'science' that says Lopez is wrong so that I too can be 'indoctrinated' with this stuff.

He only apologized to save his paycheck.

What a coward, he was right the first time.

Stop apologizing!

I guess people are not entitled to an opinion anymore🤦🏻‍♂️


don't apologize, I'm with you on this one.

Man up Mario

He was 100% right. He said it in the most respectful manner. We’re past the point of no return when his comments are considered controversial.

One slip of the tongue today can cost a celebrity their job. Like all of a sudden he was 'enlightened' lol. You know EXTRA made him do it. Unfortunately they are not able to say how they really feel.


So this is where we’re at in society huh Jesus this is pathetic

My 3 year old just came to me and said that he's a 3 pack a day smoker and likes beer. I guess I have to accept it or face the wrath of socialist.

Yeah! The libs broke him in record time.

He didn’t get saved by the bell on this one.

Nah I think he had it right the first time tbh

He's gay

He’s ignorant for apologizing

I some how doubt that. You are simply ignorant.

3 year olds shouldn’t be making any life changing decisions.

He must be a Trump

You tapped out mighty fast Mario !

Mario who?

Big baby

Seriously. No one put a gun to his head and forced Mario Lopez to say what he said to Candace Owens. He meant what he said.

Lol 🤣Amerika

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