Mario Lopez: It's 'dangerous' for parents to support transgender kids

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Television personality Mario Lopez spoke to conservative talk show host Candace Owens about the 'dangerous' practice of parents supporting the decisions of transgender children.

Mario Lopez claims that parents who allow their children to live according to their self-identified genders are setting a “dangerous” example.

“Yes, I thought she was a boy, too,” Theron told the Daily Mail. “Until she looked at me when she was 3 years old and said, ‘I am not a boy!'” “I am trying to understand it myself, and please don’t lump me into that whole [group],” Lopez responded. “I’m kind of blown away too.

Mario Lopez says letting kids live as preferred gender is 'dangerous' via— wexford’s favourite son July 30, 2019 The interview demonstrates a misconception of gender expression, says Christia Brown, PhD., a social psychology professor at the University of Kentucky and the author of Parenting Beyond Pink & Blue.

“Many transgender people get frustrated when they’re lumped under the LGBT umbrella because for them, their identity is not about sexual orientation,” Brown tells Yahoo Lifestyle.


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A few years ago i stopped supporting any political party, because the lies from all sides became ridiculous and always down graded to insults and hate... like the comments above. History is full of examples of countries where ruling parties became conservatively extreme, leading to liberal uprising, supported eventually by violent upraising, which lead to new leadership, but the liberal liberators suppressed free speech. Is that the direction we’re heading? Did we learn nothing from Hitler!

Finally someone sane in Hollyweird


It's dangerous to listen to such an uninformed person.

Do we really care what Slater thinks

Well yes, youg children (this is not the same as older teens) should not be given forever life altering puberty blockers. Let them be children. They may be playing make believe, they may be feeling different. To signal wokeness on your kids life is immoral.

Dumb thing to say in 2019 Mario

He right! It’s not only dangerous, it’s INSANE!! But, then again so are most Liberals.

'The commentary didn’t earn Lopez any new fans on Twitter.' Wrong. Going to follow him now....

👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 think what he was saying was you support the child you don’t support the damaging fantasy of the child

No he said letting a KID TODDLER at the age of (((((((3))))))) to change their gender is dangerous!!!!! FakeNewsMedia

You should retract this headline and issue a formal apology to both MarioLopezExtra and the transgender community. Disgusting lead.

What he actually said: 'I just think it's dangerous as a parent to make this determination then (i.e. when they are 3 years old)'. Twist words much ?

Yahoo knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they tweeted this dishonest/misleading headline. Mario should SUE you guys for slander. Nothing he said was 'transphobic' and everything he said was 100% correct, weirdos.

That's not what he said.

Honestly I always thought MarioLopez was a girl

He was talking about a 3 year old, fake news with their misleading headlines always

Boy Yahoo lies

I don’t disagree with the premise Mario.

Dumbest thing I've seen in my lifetime is this unsure about your gender thing. I support gays and lesbians. But you're born a man or a woman. Period. It's just a fact. One that should be indisputable. MarioLopez gender

How is this comment Controversial?

Fake News Yahoo! Clearly, that’s not what he said! He said it’s dangerous if parents allow 3 year olds to make life-changing decisions!

Way to go brother, I stand with you 100% When do kids get to make decisions? If this is the case then why do we need parents?

My daughter is 4 and thinks shes a cat. Should I start feeding her cat food and train her to go potty in a litterbox?

Duh? A few hundred thousand years of history tell us kids dont know anything

Agree with him wholeheartedly. He said young kids. they have no idea what they want at 3...when I ws 3 I wanted to be horse. Wait until they're teens. And of course support them if they decide it's what they want then.


slow day at the office, ? what happened to integrity in journalism? this headline is way misleading and taken out of context. such a shame EliseSole

he is exactly right, a 3 year old is completely different than a 13 year old. You can't take anything a 3 year old takes seriously... jesus.

That's NOT what he said 🙄 FakeNews

I agree with Mario. I think it is dangerous. Backlash or not, that is my opinion. Everyone is allowed to have one. However a three year old should not be permitted to pick their sex.

That's not what he said

That's not what he said at all. Watch the video. He said it was dangerous for parents to be making those decisions for their kids at 3 years old.

So if a3-year old says 'I feel like I am' capable of driving, owning a gun responsibly, having sex, making my own money and living on my own... What's the answer?

I agree to a point. Growing up with older brothers, I always wanted to be a boy. Cut my hair, wore their clothes and did everything they did. Back then, I was called a Tom-boy. Then puberty hit... Parents should wait until puberty.

He's wrong. I knew what I liked when I was a kid just like any straight person would know what they like. If a parent wants to support their kid the most, they'll encourage and not discourage who they feel they are or want to be.

This is ridiculous. God forbid the guy has an opinion 🙄. This is not the way to equality, this is the way to divide brought to you by the same people who cry they’re being discriminated against. Equality means equal for all which also means people can have different opinions.

It's dangerous to speak out against the mainstream media's agenda. Props to Mario for refusing to hide his beliefs. IStandWithMarioLopez

Misleading headline. FakeNews


Letting a 15 year old get a tattoo can get you arrested for child engagement and abuse. Yet letting a 5 year old have even bigger life altering things done is cheered and applauded meanwhile any sane person calling this lunacy out gets called a bigot. Mind blowing.

so disappointed in you mario! not watching extra any more!! think about your kids, whom i can tell you adore. would you banish one of them from your life if he or she realizes they are trans one day?

So if they feel like not going to school or putting their finger in a light socket or running in front of a car when it’s headed their way, you just stand back and be like, “ain’t he cute, he’s expressing himself?! What?!? 🤦🏽‍♀️

His comments seem closer akin to common sense than something dangerous. And I didn't hear him demeaning trans people.

Good for Mario Lopez. The Liberal Communists have absolutely lost their minds.

Mario Lopez criticized for common sense! Children are impressionable and get taken up with enthusiasms temporarily all the time. That is no cause to cut off someone's breast tissue and feed them hormones that render them unable to have children for life.

it a fucken mental illness.... its not normal to mutilate your gentiles

That headline tho, pretty close to fakenews

When will Yahoo News start reporting unbiased news?

Damn y'all really know how to twist people's words for clicks

Mario Lopez just another person who is against LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈


His not lying. It’s hard as a parent


No surprise that a far-left media outlet would take Mario's words out of context. He said and I quote: 'I think it's dangerous, for parents to make that determination, at that point/3yrs old'.

It's very dangerous not to!

That's not what he said you ridiculous liars.

Your caption is misleading. What he said is that, if a child is only 3 years old, it’s dangerous for the parents to immediately go along with their claims of being a certain gender, because they are so young.

True, a trans child is like a vegan cat, you know it's not the cat making the decisions.

What a typical fake news headline. He didn't say it's dangerous for a parent to support trans kids. He said it's dangerous when the kid is too little to understand what they truly feel. Smh. Fake news, enemy of the ppl.

Mario Lopez is in the closet anyhow. Bye bye Felicia 🙋🏻‍♀️

Very misleading headline.

Lmao that’s just not what he said. Stop this terrible clickbait

Didn't he get off a charge of rape some years back? Seems to remember he bought his way out.

This is so disingenuous and you should be ashamed tbh

Mr Lopez 👍🏻 there’s no outrage here no wonder we have problems with our kids but you love your kids no matter but there’s a big push with transgender worldwide

MarioLopezExtra is 100% right in what he said. It doesn’t make him transphobic and it doesn’t make him wrong. Who thought telling the truth would be so punk rock. 🤷🏻‍♀️

That’s not even what he said lol

Common sense

I know! Let’s allow trans people to sue ACTUAL women into oblivion, shut down their businesses, and shame them if they don’t want to handle ‘girl penises’ and ‘girl testicles’ in order to wax them. True misogyny at its worst - FORCING women to touch male genitalia. 🙄🙄🙄

Not to mention VERY SICK.

He’s 100% correct! There used to be a time when parents actually acted like parents & realized children shouldn’t be making life altering decisions, then this generation came along!!

Mario Lopez is possibly wrong

Supporting your kids basketball games or soccer games is good and emotionally is good, saying they can undergo a life changing procedure that they may regret at later stage in life, (50%+) do, and the suicide rate for transgenders is growing every year. So yes maybe wait.

Finally a celebrity with morals.

So now common sense is attacked? 😂he said NOTHING wrong but your headline is out of context and misleading. Your sheep gobble it up.

what's the opposite of 'support'? beatings? mario is an toxic something something...🖕

KeiraJaneReed Please let him lose all those damn jobs he has. Trash like that doesn’t need to be in public.

I agree. You can give them love but still agree with them. I always thought i was a 'TOM BOY' but l never wanted to 'LOOK' like a boy. As a Christian i believe God made man and woman to create the first family. There is a verse n Holy Bible. Do not have sex w same sex.

Preach MarioLopezExtra

You're right MarioLopezExtra . it's so disturbing

he’s right!

Who ever made this headline should be ashamed of themselves for projecting their beliefs into this article. Nowhere in his interview did he say ANYTHING like that AT ALL!.

So True. Its like kids raise with strong religious beliefs are not open minded to hear other religions sometimes. Perhaps we should raise kids within their given sex until that can actually have a conversation about it.

First of all that’s not what he said. 2nd I believe you should be open to your children expressing themselves in different ways but don’t jump on one time comments & change all their clothes & toys. Let them learn about themselves without labels.

Your headline is very misleading. He’s talking about young kids. If people take the time to read his entire comment, I’m guessing that most will agree with him.

He isn't wrong...

Smart guy

Actual quote

When your 3 year old tells you he feels and wants to be a lizard. Take those extra shifts. Pay for the body mod and make his day 😌

Is yahoo made up of pedophiles?

It can be abuse. I edited a network TV show about trans kids and I’m still saddened by watching the raw footage. The parents isolated, home schooled and drugged the kids, and the producer had me edit it to seem all great and healthy. “Nothing depressing” was his main note. Truth.

To be fair, at 3 years old I just wanted to be a super saiyan

Of course it’s Dangerous! Thank you Mario! At last, a Hollywood celebrity who isn’t a complete Whacked Out psycho!

Who the fuck is Mario Lopez

'Yahoo Lifestyle is home to the most inspiring and inclusive style, beauty, and wellness stories in your feed' yeah by inclusive do you mean write a tweet that is not at all what he says in the article? You guys are a joke.

Let kids be kids. If they want to dress up like a girl or boy, who tf cares. The sexuallity part comes later, cross that bridge when it comes. If your kid KNOWS that you'll love them no matter what, chances are, they'll end up a decent human. And Isn't that what really matters?

MarioLopezExtra say goodbye to your career.

Mario speaks the true !!!

Mario is probably a liberal lunatic himself, I really don't know I don't follow Mario that much, but I can say he does possess some intelligence regarding his comments about transgender children, as I see it the exact same as he does... LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder Trump2020

He's right - these Leftist professors and professionals need to be charged w/incompetence and negligence. The age of reasoning STARTS to come in by age 7 - and even then the cognitive skills are no where developed. What the hell is a matter w/you ppl?


Besides the fact, Yahoo loves to spread fake news and lie to the masses, here is what he really said. And he is correct too Yahoo is no friend to America

WTF!? What yahoo wrote this bullshit out of context headline. Shame on you.

Doesn't accepting who you are, come from home?

My oldest (now 15) thought he was Iron Man, a dog, and Predator, when he was 3. Just imagine what that combo would’ve looked like if I “supported who/what he wanted to be”. THREE YEARS, 36months of life, is WAY TOO YOUNG to be making any LIFE CHOICES. Period!

MarioLopezExtra When your child is acting out fantasy, that’s completely different than feeling their body doesn’t fit them. They often know at a young age. Why is Mario even talking to Candace anyway? Wow she’s just on the wrong side of history here. Mario, I’m so disappointed!

the coverage of this is gross... what he said was somewhat vague, but it was basically that (paraphrased) it's dangerous to decide that your child is trans based off of one-off statements from them - which is just OBVIOUS. This article is clearly just trying to pander and failing

It's dangerous for parents to NOT support transgender kids, MarioLopezExtra. Look at some suicide risk statistics, Dimples.

That's so out of context as to be fraudulent. His point is that 3-year-old children lack the judgment and experience to determine whether they're trans or cis, and that adults who care for them should generally slow things down a bit.

Can’t have an opinion without everyone getting offended, it is I think child abuse to let your child say there a boy when there a female, what is this world we live in

That’s not what he said

That's not even close to what Mario Lopez said. Shame on you, Yahoo.

Mental now that it's ok for people to think 3 year olds can identify themselves stupid people.. I'm identifying as a carrot from now on cause I like carrots

My 3 year old was in the bathtub and said “mommy I’m a mermaid!” I said no, you’re a girl but you can make believe and pretend you’re a mermaid swimming in the ocean. M MarioLopezExtra isn’t transphobic, he’s just not an idiot.

He looks trans af 😂

He's 100% correct.

How very true. Who forces a 3 year old to pick a gender when they don't even understand what that means. Let the children be children Its child abuse and sick


It is dangerous and parents need to back off until that child is much older, possibly an adult. A 3 year old is wayy too young to be put in that transgender situation! Shame on parents who do this to their children

If one of my young sons came to me and said 'I think I am a girl' I'd be startled. HOWEVER, I WOULD SUPPORT THEM BECAUSE I LOVE AND CARE FOR THEM VERY MUCH. No matter what my ancestral Irish Catholic culture says, they are MY kids and I choose to love and support them.

Oh wow, how terrible of him! 😱🙄🤦🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ are people wanting to punish him for his wrong think?

Mario Lopez is 💯% correct‼️👍🏽 StopChildAbuse

This is so wrong and damaging to children. Thank you for having some sense.

It’s more dangerous to let a Sexual Predator in a family unit to molest your child so people get OVER the Transgender for a 3 yr old. Let them LIVE AND PLAY, be kids! Keep them in your Sight. Play BOARD GAMES. My granddaughter loves them. Teaches to accept losing and winning

Who cares!

I agree with Mario

He said a 3yr old...tell the whole truth please..

Not seeing a problem here.

He’s right.....

Is that exactly what he said? No it fucking isn’t but hey dont let that stop you from ruining someones life

100% correct should not even be a debate over this cruelty

3 YEAR OLDS!!!!!

I agree with Mario Lopez!

Shorter: Mario Lopez: He's sane.

Smart guy, I always liked Mario.

Scientific fact, but okay. Apparently pumping children full of chemicals that destroy their development just to assist them joining a demographic with a 40% suicidality rate while most transgender that don't commit to reassignment tend to grow up into happy people.

No, it’s LITERALLY dangerous for them to not support transgender kids. Fucking facts. Stop giving people like this a platform, they are causing real harm.

Here comes the LGBTQ mafia

What a false headline

These comments are reflective of a country in serious peril. 3 years old ! God help us.

Everyone spins quotes trying to get likes by shaming another. MarioLopezExtra has a point so fuck off. This world is so sensitive these days it’s sickening.

Way to deliberately misquote what he said. And for the record, if a THREE YEAR OLD is 'trans', that was the choice of the parent, not child.

And he’s right, period. IStandWithMarioLopez IStandWithACSlater

Big middle finger to the left wing snowflakes 🖕

That is a SERIOUSLY misleading title, nice job yahoo that’s about the 6th time this month.

kids are barely growing haven’t even hit puberty but can decide what sex they like yea stop trying to force it and also there’s not many kids out there who are gay justvsaying it’s a small majority so please don’t act like this is a world issue cause it’s not

Tell me about it... they have my 7 yr old son wearing eye make up... they are recruiters

I think his comment may be misinterpreted. My 3yo son likes pocketbooks and purses, he sits down to go potty when he can stand up because he says he wants to be a “girl”. We don’t force him not to do anything he wants to, but we aren’t going to make a gender determination at age3

Yup! He’s right! It’s sick, demented, and abusive. Those parents should be ashamed at their perversion.

Being a GOOD parent is listening to your kids. You are being a great adult by providing for your kids and showing that you understand, loving them regardless. There will be no repercussions that are dangerous unless you don’t allow your kid to be humiliated and bullied in (1)

Pretty sure that is a manipulation of his words...

Yahoo, you left out 3YR OLDS!!!! No 3yr old should make a gender transformation. That's disgusting.

Glad he had the courage to speak true.

Im sorry but why is this news? I mean, if he's tweeting about his opinions, that's his prerogative, but is it newsworthy? Is he running for something? Im confused.

Fact check: True.


He's not wrong about it

I would absolutely allow my child to explore their gender identity and learn. But I don’t know if I would allow fully transitioning until they were older

Yeah send them to the streets!

But that's not what he said

I agree with him 3years old is to young

Quoting a single word out of context is 'stupid'.

He's absolutely right. Children like to play pretend. When they fantasize about being a puppy, that doesn't actually make them a puppy.

That is not what he said. His comments were 100% appropriate. FakeOutrage

Please explain why I should care what a supporting actor of a long dead TV show says or thinks. Mario swings and misses....again.

God bless MarioLopezExtra

MarioLopezExtra You just lost a fan. Loving your children no matter what is what a parent does. We don’t choose and pick our children.

Bravo for mr. Lopez! if child can't wipe its ass it surely shouldn't be able to chance sex. Children that old think they are unicorns..maybe we should implant them a horn?

It is natural for a child to be curious about their gender at a young age and/or identify with the opposite sex due to influence. It's the parents job to guide their child(ren) and to help them understand their gender and differences. Some parents need to step up and parent.

Nita... he’s not wrong though

Good for you MarioLopezExtra You are born either a boy or a girl.DNA doesn't change. Parents are responsible for teaching children correctly. A child doesn't have the mentality to 'choose'.Do what you want as an adult.Let kids be kids.Enough with this f-ed up BS. RealCandaceO


100% agree. TeamMario

No MarioLopezExtra, what's dangerous is being an intolerant asshole, who raises intolerant kids. Transgender people are people too, just like you and me. They deserve love and respect. If you can't love your kid unconditionally, YOU have a problem, not them.

Ever grow up with a buddy and 25 years later they transition and you think back and realize it didn’t surprise you? No? Then you have NO IDEA what they went through so sit down. THEY CANT HELP IT! Everyone in the back hear me? Has nothing to do with their fucking parents.

Everyone is so sensitive and can't have an opinion these days.

That headline so misleading

Is dangerous to support Mario Lopez.

Stand firm Mario.These M.O. for these people and their Soclal engineering with kids is to end Natural Male dominance and replace with a neutered down confused hybrid.This will make a lot of insecure feminist feel better and of course gelding type men won't stand up to it.

Society builds character: for those who make it. Those who are unfortunate—grown into an unjust society, could use a little support. Wake up people—this isnt about pushing kids toward a regrettable decision; just listen. Gays aren’t alien and are here to stay—parent the kid 🙄

Yeah um, Im transgender mtf, If my daughter came to me at 3 & said she was a boy/transgender, my response would be, “thats great honey, tell me again when your 15/16 & we’ll work on that,(most full grown adults dont know who they are) Blocks yahoo for throwing ppl under the buss.

He ain’t wrong

Free Country! He has a right to his opinion!

He's allowed to say this. It's his opinion. I believe the same thing too. Your 3 yo can't read or write but sure, let them decide their gender for the rest of their life.We are saying for a little kid to decide such a major life change is irresponsible.

How bout the ppl that hate him now start calling him ‘Mario BLOWpez’... that’d be pretty sick

Ah yes let's take what he said out of context to rabble up our readers. Morons. At 3 years old is what he said. Smh. Some crazy dems would take abortion at 3 even.

Unpopular opinion: there’s only two genders

Whoever came up with that headline is a dipshit. 99.9% of the world agrees with Mario here.

Its so funny when the ignorant bigots fall into a trap and finally realize when I was talking about knowing about transgender children I was talking about myself , so stupid.

That's not even what he said!

If he doesn't agree with it then that's him. The world too busy trying to force their opinions on someone else. Let that man live!

I fucking agree we are overly sexualizing kids

This is an example of how left wing media attempts to shape public opinion. Mario is actually garnering more support than 'backlash'. Don't listen to this bullshit Yahoo is spinning. IStandWithMario

This is the kind of stuff that you guys should be canceling people over

I’m genuinely wondering who tf cares. How does dressing up, changing names and pronouns hurt anybody? At the end of the day, you’re still telling the little shit to clean up after themselves, do their homework before playing and go to bed at whatever time.

Cmon yahoo this is a pathetic article. Nothing he said here should be considered even remotely controversial

It's more dangerous for you to give bigoted clowns a platform for their hatred.'s very get them the mental health care that they need.

Wait, why is it dangerous to let your children know that you will love them no matter what? Why is it dangerous for a parent to want to make sure that their child is truly happy and living a life that they are comfortable with?

When I was a child I wanted to be a boy bc I had a herd of brothers & wanted to hang out with them all the time. I griped about it all the time. I’m so glad no one encouraged me to explore transitioning I love being a woman & wouldn’t change it for the world. My story.

not what he said, newsie

Not what he said

MarioLopezExtra you spoke the truth. Thank you. It is dangerous to allow a 3year old to make decisions they can not possibly understand. FactsMatter

The title is misleading, he said 3 year olds!

It’s dangerous to use logic in 2019 lest people call you a monster. Good for him for being honest tho.

I agree with Mario! ImWithMario

He's right

I remember back int day when tha could have your own option on somet and people would let thee be. Fuckers be arguing day is night soon

Funny thing? HE IS CORRECT. Mental Illness should not be supported. it should be TREATED

Ok, my first reaction to this was not kind. On reading the entire quote (lesson learned), I he’s saying is be cool and don’t overreact to the words of a 3 year old, not “must enforce strict gender rules”.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a transformer. As an adult, am I glad I don’t have robot arms? Fuck yes.

He’s right!

He’s right lol

He's not wrong here. If they're older like 16 and have the ability to really understand what that means, then by all means , go for it. But a 7 year does not know these things. Supporting a 7 year as a transgender is honestly fucking wrong.

He’s right, you guys are the sickos for trying to justify a child’s sexual preference.

He’s 100% correct and a not a parent should not be able to make a determination of what gender that child needs to be these practices should be outlawed, they outlawed kevorkian, no reason they can’t outlaw this! No one under age should be in transition period

So much hate, read the article, have an actual discussion. He's asking precaution, because they are children. I don't believe in forcing children into boxes, but I also believe in taking things slowly until one has an understanding of the situation.

Interviewed by that Owens thing? Need I say more? MarioLopezExtra

literally who

Wait... it’s wrong to think that way? Damn, 2019. You’re really outdoing yourself.

He's absolutely right! I hope he continues to stand up to the crazed mob who reject science and think gender is interchangeable.

I had a few girlfriends, ages 6-12 who behaved like boys, dressed like boys. Grew up and embrace being women with all its frills.

So, Mario Lopez is a RWNJ. He didn't have to say a word for me to view him as an ignorant bigot with a pretty face & no brains -- all he had to do was appear with Candace Owens. And for PragerU, yet. Which he did. I hope the kids escape Daddy's shortsighted stupidity unscathed.

No he said if you're 3 years old. Anyone with common sense would agree. Tell the whole story

This is a self righteousness chainletter. if you don't find a stamp right now and send this transChainLetter you're killing a trans baby chainlettersmatter

That is not what he said. Typical media spin

Parents who do this are sick and setting their children up for a life of trauma and possible suicide seeing how a large percentage of Trans off themselves before 40.

MarioLopezExtra good for you !!! I agree ! Stay strong sir

The most misleading headline EVER

Ac Slater is a piece of trash no way


If a boy wants to play with Barbie, why does he have to identify as female? If a girl plays with trucks why does she have to identify as male? All this gender fluid, non binary stuff is actually putting a gender on everything, I'm male but my profile pic must mean I am now female

Dangerously cool 😎

Me: Oh Mario Lopez... I wanna watch Saved By the Bell... Twitter: Oh no an opinion I don't agree with on twitter REEEEEEEEEEE!?!!

People like Mario Lopez shouldn’t be offering opinions on how people should raise their children. Also, suicide rates among trans kids are high. It tends to be lower when they have familial support

Misleading headline, even for

MarioLopezExtra comments were far from controversial. You cannot determine the status of your child's gender/sexuality based on the ramblings of their 3yr old brain. If they come to you 10-15 years later and say they are gay or trans then that is when you take it more serious.

I am so glad to see you guys associating a child’s creativity and imagination with them discovering and identifying as transsexual. This really is examples of if you don’t know of what you speak, please keep your mouth shut, these kids have enough to deal with

MarioLopezExtra you’re done. I don’t care if britneyspears likes you. 👋🏼👋🏼

No shit

Douchebag had an opinion. What a novelty.

It’s incredible this is a hot button issue 🤦🏻‍♂️

The only thing that should be controversial, if not criminal, is actually allowing your young child to 'transition' to another gender. End of fucking story.

“Not abusing your kids is dangerous” gtfoh Mario

What a stretch, he never even said that. False journalism wonders why they get called fake news

Yahoo you so crazy

Thats not what he said

The reason this doesn't make sense to Mario, is because he's not Transgender, does not have Transgender children and has no clinical experience/expertise in the field. 'Forest for the Tree's'. Unfortunate, but all to common.

Headline should be: Mario Lopez facing inane backlash for having common sense in 2019.

Mario is 100% correct.

Why the fuck is this 'controversial'?

Now we know what the second banana to the worst person on television in the early 1990s think and yet, I still don’t care.

I agree completely with Mario Lopez. This world has gone mad. God bless.

CNN's Brian Stelter will soon dox Mario's kids school address. Watch.

And we care what Slater says why?

And Lopez is correct. Next.

Ok as my Mom would say' if you don't have anything smart to say keep quiet ' but Mario who career is basically playing the hunk character or talking about celebrities will now risk this for being anti LIFE and honestly doesnt know shit about the subject . Love is the Answer

Lopez is absolutely correct! Encouraging so-called 'transgenderism' among minors, which most experts agree is temporary gender disorientation is not an act of kindness, but an act of cruelty and child abuse!

It’s dangerous for parents to cram transgender stuff into kids don’t even think about that. In Hollywood it seems to be popular. Let the kids de ide when they can reason.

I can’t believe we’re at a point in this country that this is a scandalous thing to say?!

I think the headlines make it bad but a child at 3 is all over the place because it’s all a new experience but they should naturally grow into how they will be and not be forced or put in a certain mold to conform to a certain ideal.

So am I crazy or are a bunch of you. There is no way a 3 year old can make any decision. They can barely wipe their ass. They definitely cant say something in regards to sex and gender. Some of you want to be so woke you have made yourself idiots.

It’s dangerous for has-been celebrities to discriminate against anyone

Well he's not wrong

If a 6 year decided he doesn’t want to go to school anymore because he hates it do we allow them to drop out in the 1st grade? No some of you are gonna day how is that the same? Here’s how, WE DONT PUT LIFE ALTERING DECISIONS IN THE HANDS OF KIDS!?

Hasn't he been pretending to be a man for years?


And he’s right

How dare he I mean how dare ? He speak the truth !

He's right. We should not sexualize our children so young

all these news ppl taking his words sooo outta context 🤣

Thats not what he said. And the fact that you're this brazen about a straight up lie is alarming asf.


This saved by the bell clown.

My clearest memories are of crying when I had to wear a dress or do my hair. I once came home from grandmas & found my room had been redecorated Pink complete with canopy bed🥺 I felt unseen. I'm not transgendered & I felt the push of well intentioned hetersexual parenting.

Libs getting triggered cuz there's only two genders

Ignorant 😂😂

I think his words were taken out of context! He's one of the kindest celebrities I've met. MarioLopezExtra 👑

That headline makes what he said sound way worse than what he actually said. He was talking about 3-year-olds specifically. Owens is a massive transphobe, but I don't think Lopez said anything that objectionable.

This headline is a lie. This is called fake news. 3 year olds are too young for such nonsense.

Nice mis-quote of what he actually said. BTW, people who think a 3 year old is capable of deciding a gender contrary to their chromosome pair are either (1) ignorant political junkies that have never actually raised kids or (2) just insane.

I don't have to agree with Mario Lopez's opinion to RESPECT his right to have a differing perspective. I interpret the word 'backlash' as an emotional response to a contrasting point of view. What happened to respectfully agreeing to disagree?

Mario is right....just a few short years ago it was recognized as serious mental illness, when science had no answer 4 the condition they decided to just accept it as normal...since the only effective treatment is putting your faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ!

he’s right

IStandWithMario MarioLopezExtra

He is right. And folks, don't want to hear the truth. If you are a parent, you guide them, into knowing who they are. There are only two genders. Boy and girl. But if a child is confused, a parent has the responsibility, to teach them what a boy does, and what a girl does.


Kids don’t know what the hell they want. Leftist parents are just projecting their own thoughts and beliefs onto kindergarteners, who just want to play pretend. How many of these parents probably disavow their daughters playing house. Let kids be kids

He’s right. Only a weirdo would disagree.

Let kids be kids during that brief magical time in life that they get to be kids. 😠 corrupting a childs innocence with adulteration, and in this case, sick perverted adulteration should be a crime.

I gotta give him credit for having the balls to say truth!!

I agree with Mario

So fake news. Surprisingly this is from CNN

He's 100% correct.

If you're going to quote somebody, actually quote somebody. Your caption in your tweet quotes one word, and is actually not what he said.

All I have to say is this...

Instead, let them spend the majority of their life wondering who they are, and what's wrong with them. What a stupid thing to say.


Did y’all actually read the article ? Judging by some of the comments you probably didn’t. Also yahoo don’t make titles like this. It just causes problems.

Sensational headlines taken out of context like this are what’s causing the media to be trusted less and less. 🙄

I think we all can agree on this.

Gee thanks, Slater. It's a great day when we hear from preeminent experts in child rearing.

Gender dysphoria comes from the inside of an individual, not from the pressure at school to select an identity like course work. Our children are being bombarded with ideology at such an immature time of development and the most important one for a reason. DriveCONFUSION!

You can't argue is AC Slater, I don't care what he says, you're automatically wrong.

So what little career he has left, he wants it gone too?! Okay.

Gender is obvious. Check between your legs.

It's dangerous to watch any tv show that this guy is on.

There is significant research supporting not raising children as transgender but acknowledging their feelings. Research shows most of these children realize they r gay by adulthood. By then they may have had surgery, hormones or a lifetime of living the wrong identity.

Letting a 3 year old make a decision like this is ridiculous. MarioLopezExtra is absolutely right, and your tweet is deliberately misleading.

Girl in ballet: Played a mouse in the Nutcracker Next yr happy to be the BOY baker Next yr HAPPY to be Fritz (little brother) Next yr quit ballet at 10 b/c girls had to wear leotards but boys got to wear T-shirts w/ leggings. Gender-bias & stereotypes affect us daily wakeUp

He never said that, assholes. You are totally taking his comments out of context. But you know that. Its intentional.

My nephew is five and he barely knows what the differences really are between a boy and a girl. He wears his moms shoes because she is his mom and plays with her lipstick because he likes the color. HE IS A CHILD!!!!!!! Way to young to know what sexuality and gender even is.

The key here is to support your child and allow them to explore. I think what he’s saying is that at 3 years old, we shouldn’t take that decision as final, just allow them to explore it and support them through it.


Preach to us AC Slater

Wow I support him! SupportMarioLopez

OMG this gender identity is getting crazy.

And what made him the expert? Otherwise, his statement is just an opinion and we all know that opinions are like a55h0le5, everybody has one.

I agree with him

not supporting children's acceptance of their true natural biological bodies. Says it's dangerous. Believes giving them cancer-causing hormone treatments that will make them sterile, is the safe bet.

100 percent agree. Our daughter couldn't even decide what university to go to and what color car she wanted. Those are just basic choices. Transgender choice is life altering.

Yahoo completely changed his words

I actually wrote a treatment for a TV show re child rearing with Mario Lopez in mind as one of the stars. . . no one has seen it. . . he's a little old in the tooth anyway. . .will look for younger latino with less prejudices

Yahoo is complete utter garbage! They are the CNN of the Internet. Mario is right it is dangerous at 3 years old!!! Didn’t say anything else crazy! Morons

does this guy ever age? 😅

I don’t understand. I didn’t find anything wrong with what he said. I’m so lost

Parental rights! It’s a beautiful thing! Deal with it!

Children are curious, But adults must allow their curious nature to grow and explore, while protecting their innocence. Allow them to change their minds. explore all possibilities. So the child doesn't make decisions instead of choices. They are what they know.

He specifically said at age 3. But you already knew that

2 genders that’s it

My child wanted to eat ice cream and cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner but as the parent, I chose to direct the child correctly. 🙄

Yahoo putting spin on this to Divide us FakeNews ie yahoo is the EnemyOfThePeople PatriotsAwakened PatriotsUnited

Not what he said. Stop twisting words around.

Of course the guy who cheated on his wife the day before their wedding knows people are liars.

he actually has an amazing point.

A visual summation of my thoughts MarioLopezExtra

He actually said 'I just think it's dangerous as a parent to make this determination then' Wow. You are dishonest.

He didn't say it was dangerous for parents to support transgender kids,he said its dangerous to make the determination for them at 3 yrs old.headline grabbing as per usual.

That isn’t what he said. It's apparent you didn't listen to what he actually said.

Complete agree with Mario!!!!


Wow Yahoo, you took what he said out of context. Great example of ‘honest’ journalism to sway and influence your readers emotions. 🤦‍♂️

Riiight, I'm sure that's how he worded it.

Even if someone didnt take the time to actually read his actual statement and not just this snippet, even the clickbait title says 'children' which means they are under the age of 12! Kids go through alot of phases during childhood.

Hey everyone in comments that's the opposite of what he said please look at the actual quote to stay informed

Totally FakeNews headline! That is not what he said at all. Also, his comments are correct. I remember having a conversation with a buddy who kept telling me he thought he was a lesbian. I told him he was a guy who thought that was an easier way to get girls! We were 11!!!


When my 3 yr feels he can drive himself to school I let him

OMG! He has an opinion different than your own? Relax... the sun will come up in the morning.

Go, Mario. This is one mental health professional who agrees with you.

Woah, Theron is doing what to a child?

I think its dangerous how Yahoo only posts clickbait these days fakenews

I hope Mario Lopez sues tou for slander. NOT what he said.

IStandWithMario !!!

It’s true, it’s true!

Thank you Mario. You are very wise man. It is dangerous becUse children change over the years and this could be a fleeting phase perpetuated by the insane things they hear everyday about transgender BS. They are very impressionable when very young.

Entitled people thinking genders can be chosen really must be good at lying to themselves. I'm sorry, but just like I can't choose my parents, I cannot choose my gender... that is what you're born as.


You deliberately misquoted what he said. Your arguments must be incredibly weak if you have to lie about your critics.

Yahoo, you're lying. This is why I never read your 'news', it's all made up bullshit.

Thats not what he said though

Transcript please. I'm not about to take your word for it.

True dat!

👋🏻 say goodbye Mario

He's right, kids go through many phases, 3 is too young to know about sexuality..

Welp I guess it’s also dangerous to have an opinion nowadays

1) At 4 my daughter chopped her ponytails off with her scissors and this did not make me think she was a boy I just thought she was thinking of becoming a stylist. All through school until 7th grade she dressed like a tomboy and still I did not think she was a boy. As a result

I don't think MarioLopez is wrong and I don't think this is what he meant. IMO I believe he's stating that at 3 years old (4,5, basically a child) can't determine what he or she even want to be when they grow up. How can they determine if they want to change genders

Lol transgender kids. That all on the sicko parents. Sorry you can’t pick your gender. Deal with it.

People who encourage their kids to change their sex are totally sick in the head. They are perturbed and need medical attention. Child abuse. No kid can decide they are gay, straight, boy or girl when they are 3 or 7 or 10 years old. I am gay and I did not find out until puberty.

Why do ya’ll think you cant get an auto insurance until you are 25? Cause scientifically our commense fully develops until 25. Ha they dnt trust us! I think 3 years old is too young and one cant tell a person how to raise a child. To each their own opinion.

Why do you troll so hard? Go back under you’re bridge IStandWithMarioLopez

so let me get this straight. Because he feels because kids are not ready to go through changes like this. All of a sudden he is trans phobic. And not once did he yell out any sort of slur and any actual hatred. You guys are the ones who need to grow up. Stop it!

It's a mental illness

Mario is right!! MarioLopezExtra a 3 yo has no clue at this stage- and to pump them full of misdirection and later hormones to validate the parents delusions is child abuse! Watch the left destroy Him he’ll have to apologize kiss the media ring to get back into their good graces


Te amo MarioLopezExtra speak truth to power

BeastOfWood he's correct

he is correct without a doubt 100%

As usual this post is mis leading and out of context. He was talking about 3 year olds Smh Y'all don't even read just react smh

This is an incredibly misleading headline. I wouldn’t be surprised if 99% of people agreed with Mario’s full quote / opinion on the topic. Shameful clickbait

So true. At three they cant even dress themselves, but yet they can choose what gender they want to be?

Mario is Correct!

Mario Lopez admittedly cheated on his wife on their honeymoon. That’s all you need to know about him.

No more Saved By The Bell reruns for me! MarioLopezExtra it might be a good idea to keep your interviews to talking about your new movie. Oh wait........

Yahoo do your job, stop paraphrasing and show the quote. This is bull shit click bait

Backlash from a bunch of mentally ill post modernists. Yea, I’d say getting backlash is a positive thing in this context. Objectivity and science wins.

People are mad at AC Slater while Yahoo , once again, creates a click bate headline misquoting someone and Twitter rolls with it to keep us clicking more. We all lose.

(He's not wrong).


Mario is right 3 is too young to understand

Yahoo lifestyle has joined the fake news ranks.

at 3. I wanted to be a dinosaur at 3.

Thank you for speaking out Mario Lopez!

Poor Mario Lopez stripped of his Free Speech rights 4 saying a very young human w/ brain that's still developing & isnt able to care for themself should be monitored B4 making Critical Life Decisions Age 3. Now Gay Lobbying Cannibals will eat MarioLopezExtra ALIVE. GayBullies

That headline is a lie and mischaracterization. He said children around three.

Let children become adults then make the decision MarioLopezExtra is right!!!!!!

The kids don't know when they're 3 years old. Idiots

Dems want to sexualize children and normalize pedo behavior.

Oh look, someone has an opinion you don't like. Better bring out the teeth and claws! Or just live your lives as how he raises his kids is not your business. Gnashing teeth and screaming at the sky isn't going to change a thing.

yahoo - you guys are 1) not a respectable news site and 2) because of that, shouldn’t lower yourselves even further by slandering someone with clickbait / false headlines

Who cares what Mario Lopez thinks? Like, really.

He’s speaking straight facts 🙌

Hey a celeb with a brain and common sense. Good for him, he did the right thing. can’t believe this is news


Finally a celebrity that is actually speaking the TRUTH.

The comment referred to 3 year old kids by the way

Wow, that's really inaccurate....not at all what he actually said.

I support your view 100%

At least someone in Hollywood is sane lol

“My 3 year old is gay okay he made that choice!!!” Mario Lopez isn’t wrong, you can be old enough to make that decision on your own but you can’t even tie your shoes that good, figure life out first

I agree! suicide

Good for him to speak out against this mental disorder

Romans 1:27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

This headline is a lie. Notice the quotations stop after dangerous and not kids. Intentionally misleading as always!

A lot of y'all pick & choose with kids based off your agenda! When it's subjects ABC: 'Kids are taught these things. They don't know any better. They're gullible.' When it's DEF: 'Kids know exactly how they feel. Kids know who they are. Kids are highly intelligent at this age'

He's absolutely correct.

That's not what he said. But in the court of social media it only maters that media promotes it in a way that people can like their story and get offended.

He is right. Everyone lost their minds.

Hes right how tf are you gonna let a 3 year old decide its gender knowing the are add asf smh at least wait till their teens.

MarioLopezExtra is correct.

Who cares he’s allowed to have an opinion too

You’re taking his words WAY out of context. MarioLopezExtra was specifically talking about a 3 yr old making that decision. He means wait until ur a bit older when your mind has increasingly developed to make that decision, and then of course support your child in that decision.

to anyone who would like to hear the whole conversation.

Relax folks, he means dangerous for the kids, not so much for the parents. Yes, kids think everything is a game, and will play any game. The wee one will want to be a firetruck when they grow up, if you put that idea in their head enough

He ain’t lying

I agree a 3 year old hasn't any idea what the want to be, I feel many transgender were pushed to it by there parents, if they question their sexuality, look at there history.

I don’t think MarioLopezExtra was being hateful or ignorant. What three year old knows how to make life choices.

It’s is lol

Mario Lopez is a real one.

AgustinLaje Los progress atacando a un presentador porq dijo q debe ser dificil para un Padres con hijos transgenero unstoppable8672 comicdominicano macabercovich

This quote is out of context and you should be ashamedof yourselves!

I agree with Mario. Anyone allowing kids to change their sex should be locked up. A child does not understand sex. Backlash from whom? The people supporting these ideas will find that a huge majority of the US and world does not support this at all.


Good for you! It is wrong to sexualize their kids so soon!

Dude was talking to Candace Owens. That makes anything that was discussed null and void.

If you are born with a penis ...... you are a boy. If you are born with a vagina..... you are a girl!!!! I hope this helps everyone that is confused.


So sick of media lying in order to make headlines! What happened to reporting facts! FakeNews

He’s not wrong

It's dangerous for parents NOT to support transgender kids. Saving their lives is the most important thing, the approval of has-beens like you is meaningless.

He’s not wrong though. And you are sick in the head if you disagree....

How dare someone speak what they believe, if it’s not what the liberal twitter mob believes.

Lopez is 100% CORRECT. This strange-gender has gotten completely OUT OF CONTROL. NO good psychiatrist would tell any patient to 'transition' genders & at 3 to 8 yrs old kids have no idea about much of anything–they'd love candy/junk food all day BUT as parents we say NO.


The Left is dangerous for making this a big deal.

He’s right, but everyone is so sensitive now and has to be soooo accepting. Ummm, it is dangerous, and it’s a mentalhealth concern. If the parents don’t believe it’s an issue, then they need to seek treatment, as well

This is 2019 folks, where the state religion is the promotion of the fantasy that you can change your gender. Utter madness. How are Mario's comments even controversial?

How do we cancel Cancel Culture?

Ding! His half-assed 'career' is finally over.

Look, to certain extents and whatnot I agree with him. But honestly who fucking cares what Mario Lopez thinks? He might be famous but his fame is a joke these days. All he does is host shit that doesn’t matter and read garbage ads he claims to actually use and care about.

2 think some1 in Hollyweird actually might bethinking for themselves not pandering to the leftist propaganda machine. Let a child be a child, it's parenting not pushing a political agenda 4 your friends who r trans gay or whatever might b calling themselves on this particular day

It's true....

Incredibly misleading title.. shameful to post this with that title.

He’s right

He’s right

I thought I was a cat at the age too. ‘Acted’ like one but then grew out of it. His point is just wait and let them get older.


Okay right off the bat, if Kathy Griffin is NOT supporting him, then you know he's probably a normal person. I think this world is nuts. No child at that age has the capability of being able to tell me what sex they are. God decided it a long time it before that. Subject closed.

Wtf did he say wrong?Does a child even know what a sexual identity is 3 years old?

He is absolutely right. Anyone who works with kids would understand this. It is toxic to suggest that a parent does not view the gender issue as a progressive sees it. Childrens' minds do not need to be filled with distorted confusion by adults pressing their social 'a-gend-er.'

Stupid clickbait title.

What a shitty and disingenuous way to interpret what he said.

Truth. In fact it’s child abuse and should be a crime.

Well, that's disturbing to read MarioLopezExtra But it will be so easy to live my life without you on my tv. God forbid your children ever need the support of a loving father.

I know most wont bother to watch the video but he is clearly saying he thinks it’s dangerous for parents to make a life altering decision. A reasonable person would conclude he means hormones or reassignment. He did not say you shouldn’t support your kids. Stop lying.

bACed Slater


Bigotry and rejection are dangerous.

It is indeed dangerous to let 3 year olds make life altering decisions.

I 100% agree with this

I love mario lopez now

Misleading headline ... as usual.

Thank you for not following the societal trends


That's not really what he said. 'Look, I’m never one to tell anyone how to parent their kids obviously and I think if you come from a place of love, you really can’t go wrong but at the same time, my God, if you're 3 years old and you’re saying you’re feeling a certain way...'

Mario most parents feel like you do, you just have the confidence to say it out loud. Thank you for your voice, you're not alone. Ignore the outbursts, they may b loud, but there are few! MarioLopezExtra

He’s right. Keep kids innocent and stop living your life through them. Be a parent, not a best friend.

The bullies at twitter put this article front & center knowing that Mario will be ripped apart by Leftist Democrats for not believing things they believe. Free speech equals freedom to believe & say what you want.

I strongly agree with Mario on this. Children are way too young to know about sex change operations. Those who came to know Jesus AFTER their sex change came to regret messing up their bodies.

Nothing to see here. Just a poor celebrity who stepped out of line, thought for himself and voiced a common sense opinion. Silly Mario. Stick to the script!

That article's a pretty spiteful and vengeful spin on his words, painted in a negative light when he said a few reasonable observations about how things 'could' be taken. Plus you've spun the headline completely out of context of the rest of his words.

It IS dangerous All these4 lunatics never tell you that there is a percentage of people who eventually change their minds & go back or want to

This is some clickbait garbage over here at Yahoo it not even what he said.

He’s right


ethomas3915 so, as all parents do, we wish for healthy happy sane babes but what will he do IF it's HIS Children

This is NOT an accurate headline. “It’s dangerous to switch a child’s gender at the age of 3 or 4 years old” bc they don’t really kno anything at that age. Nowhere did he say it’s dangerous for parents to “support” transgender. This is why news outlets aren’t believed.

I agree with Mario Lopez one THOUSAND percent!!!!

He is right. A three year old doesn’t know what the hell they are.

He’s absolutely right, and any sane person who has children knows that.

Such a disgusting human being. Saying we shouldn’t support 3 year old lil boys that feel like girls and Vice versa. How dare you speak truth in 2019. How dare you say parents should never allow their child to be confused. Lmao!!! MarioLopez you know speaking truth to light is

He isn't wrong...

That is not what he said at all. This is irresponsible reporting.

Yahoo is booty. Way to mischaracterize someone. Y’all did the same thing with Chris Pratt

That’s not what he said. standwithslater


Mario needs to come out of the closet.

Hes correct. The sick lineral media creating controversy again

Dear Yahoo, your headline is so misleading. Stop it.

'Backlash' for making a completely reasonable statement? Sounds about right

There’s zero chance a 3 year old understands the implications of transitioning.

What?! 😂😂😂

I’m with Mario

Jali_Cat Just going to leave this.

Jesus!! Y'all are crazy!! What MarioLopezExtra said is perfectly fine & makes sense! You have to make a thing out of it & go after him for his 'thought'? Smh. I swear. What he said is NOT controversial.

That’s not what he said.he basically said it’s irresponsible to allow a 3yr old to make their own decisions.

Nobody can have an opinion unless its against Trump.

Agreed! Thank you Mario! Two genders XX,XY boys and girls. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Are you kidding me,I watch kids shooting each other because John wants Kevin to be his Valentine's and the Prom Queen aka King who wanted to kill Himself over the mean comments,Let the kids be Kid's u took pray take out the 🌈 You will find out eventually who you Are

Oh no... Mario Lopez has an opinion that the, adult, LGBTQ community doesn't like. My sister went through several stages growing up. Dressed like a girl, acted like a tomboy, and did both boyish and girlish activities growing up. Now married w/ 3 children. No questions growing up


That's not what he said

He said nothing wrong. What’s the matter with you people?

Thank you Mario for being a truth teller!

He’s a reasonable person it seems👍🏽

Pro tip: Its never 'dangerous' to support a kid. Period.

Wow Yahoo Fake News


He said it’s dangerous for parents to “allow their kids”, you Americans really have a problem with words and their definitions.

I don’t even know who this is

Hey some folks let kids believe in santa and tooth fairy too

There is nothing “controversial “ about his statement. It’s a 3 year old child!! One day you want to be a cowboy the next you’re a grasshopper!

Even the bell can’t save him now :p

Watch Mario lose his job now cause of the progressive left taking away our freedom of speech.

This is a very misleading headline.

Very correct about it. Kids at 3 yo have no clue. The trans-reich is dangerous to kids.

Wow he cancelled trans kids are the future

He's right though.

Yeah i would say determining your kids gender based on how a kid says they feel is actually pretty stupid. Theyre not smart enough to stay home alone for 45 minutes, dont let them choose to be trans when they have no idea what they're doing in life at that age.

Lots of folks in here commenting before reading....🙄

People really do be out here getting offended by anything and everything. Pussios.

That's not what he said lol

“I am trying to understand it myself, and please don’t lump me into that whole [group],” Lopez, 45, said. “I’m kind of blown away too. Look, I’m never one to tell anyone how to parent their kids obviously”

Wrong terminology because there is no decision to make at any age. Dangerous? No. Sometimes parents make the mistake of trivializing what children feel. Don't 😟 Just trust them to know, be supportive, and allow them to blossom and bloom in their own time ...not yours.


everyone ive seen has taken his words completely out of context... he never said it's dangerous to SUPPORT your kids, he said it's dangerous to make such a drastic decision so early

He's correct.

Mario's right. It is dangerous.

Mario is 100% correct. He said a 3 yr old making a remark and parents jumping and acting on it.

Yeah that's not what he said. What he said was it's dangerous for parents to let kids choose their gender. That's not the same thing as it's dangerous to support transgender kids. That's just a little Yahoo spin.

He’s correct. You’re promoting the child to enter a sub group that has a 40% suicide attempt rate.

He’s right. He’s basically saying 3 year olds have 3 year old brains.

Kids change their mind about 17,000 times a day and people think it’s safe to make a life altering decision at this time in their life. How about allow the kids to get old enough to understand what it is exact they are getting into. It’s child abuse.

How do you expect to have credibility with click bait headlines? It’s shameful

Wow here we go twisting what he said. He told no lies let children be children and when they grow up to be adults let them decide what they want to do.

He didn’t say it’s dangerous to support trans kids. He said it’s dangerous to make determinations at that young of an age. Why is that wrong? Why are we vilifying everything that comes out of someone’s mouth that doesn’t exactly fit your narrative. Wtf

MarioLopezExtra He spoke with RealCandaceO on her show, it was only a matter of time before the left would attack. You're not allowed to have your on believes anymore. It is childabuse FreedomOfSpeech FreedomOfReligion

I guess if a male is born with a set and a fishing pool it’s ok to change genders ?

I agree w cutie. What movement tells us to support the non norm? Its kind of like when a kid says they want to become a cop and at 18 decide to be a movie star. So much is unclear at early ages MarioLopezExtra parentsmagazine ew eentertainment

What he said is absolutely true. Having boy and girl siblings as a parent I witness them trying to compete for attention constantly. Often the other has made comments about being a boy or a girl but only when they feel left out. That doesn’t make them transgender but seeking love

Well now I see why him and Jessie Spano couldn’t work.

Why is he facing backlash!? Because he's speaking truth!? This Pc culture and inclusivity is way beyond out of control. Anything that is good or representative of God is banned while bad is now the new good. Sexualization of children needs to stop NOW! I'm with you Mario Lopez

Yeah they’re pushing sexuality on children. I agree 100%

Lol he’s right!


So if 3 year olds know what their sexual orientation is at 3, then why not let them vote as well, hell the results couldn't be any worse.

He's right. My 3 year old nephew identifies as a dinosaur FFS

hes right

That's not what he said. Liars FakeNews. Why do you try to destroy people?

Parents can raise their kids the way they want. Yall are okay with them killing their kids but not forcing them to figure out their sexual identity at 3, oh no!

He said toddlers. Big difference. Stop exaggerating it for the clicks.

Welp, he’s just another nazi to add to the list.

This is a good thing. Don't let our youth longer be poisoned by the agenda of the (((media))) and the 'progressives' who want to take advantage of your children.

Who is mario lopez and why should I care what he thinks?

He's talking about 3 year old kids. 'The commentary didn’t earn Lopez any new fans on Twitter.' He earned a new one right here, preppie.

Why is Yahoo sharing a garbage opinion like that?

Someone call CPS. It is dangerous. A child at that age will not utter those words unless there has been little influence from the 'parents'. Just another example of how the LGBT movement has been hijacked by the evil and immoral Left. They've turned the movement into a fad.

Find the lie

This is just the perfect example of what is wrong with social media. An established, even verified, profile clickbaits the fuck out of everyone and people, too fucking stupid and lazy to actually get the facts, gets mad at MarioLopez for no reason. What he FULLY said, is right.

I think it's more dangerous for a parent to support kids who are this ignorant.

Mario Lopez is correct.

I don't even know who this moron is..........can we talk about POTUS and Kushner trying to use their position in govt to sell nuclear reactors to Saudi Arabia without securing the basic agreement to not make bombs with our technology.

He’s right

Stupid tv personalities thinking they know something

“I an interview with Candace Owen” enough said. I’m out.

Shame on Yahoo! for this misleading title. Numerous studies back Mario Lopez' position. Society has lost sight of what it means to truly support children.

Applause to you Mario speak the truth. No backlash here media tying to spin it wrong.

MarioLopezExtra so what do we do,abandon our kids when they need us the most? I thought my kid was going through a “faze”, I messed up with that assessment. My kid was looking 4 help and I ignored him, I almost lost him. We are now in a better place and I’m proud of him.

Go Slater!!!

Okay don't hate me but I don't think a three year old is capable of making a decision about his or her gender if they were they wouldn't need parents

fake news, Mario did not say that.

He is not wrong EVERYONE should have a way they want their kids to feel. I just think he confused gender with sexuality is all

FeministaJones Well those dimples are done 🚮

I agree

So it is dangerous to support your child?

Scientists say being trans is a thing. Obsolete celebrity from a shitty 90’s TV show says “don’t support your children, it’s much safer for them to end up killing themselves” and who gets the “yahoo lifestyle” tweet? This fuckin guy

Mario Lopez cheated on his wife on their honeymoon.

Jali_Cat You are correct, it is child abuse, kids can be talked and cajoled into anything by attention seeking adults.They should lose custody .

Are we really this stupid? If my 3 year old son came to me saying “Daddy I’m an alligator” even if he strongly felt he was an alligator I would have to correct him. Even if it hurt his feelings. Clearly he can’t be an alligator because he doesn’t have the make up of an alligator

GOD help this lost world

He should just be quiet if he doesn’t have a transgender child.

you had me at 'I agreed to speak to Candy Owens unironically' MarioLopezExtra

He’s right though

Or maybe he’s saying you shouldn’t sexualize your children. Kids at 3 years old don’t have the mentality to choose they sexual orientation and parents shouldn’t force their ideals on them until the children can make their conscious choice.

Only fools who never studied science would think what he said was incorrect

Didn’t he cheat on his first fiancée with a stripper? Fin.

This is true. I am a big supporter of LGBTQ+ but it is not fair to make a decision for a kid at young age. As humans we are complex and when we grow older, mindsets change. Kids will grow up and figure it out themselves, hormone/surgery is wrong when they are just a child.

He’s right tho :/

Is he a biologist? Psychologist? Maybe an expert in anything relevant? Oh? He isn't? He just has an opinion? Well... shut up, Chad.

MarioLopezExtra just cancelled himself.

Let the man have his opinion god damn ya love dragging shit

Glad someone said it 🤷🏾‍♂️

Finally someone with some actual sense!

No 7 year old is Trans this is disgusting

Yeah I’m with you Lopez, don’t stop a 3 yr olds from playing with ie; dolls/trucks,however don’t encourage a conversation of that depth with a child so young, they may be repeating something they heard, leave it until it becomes real!

IT IS FUCKING DANGEROUS! If my son wakes up one day and says he feels he is a machine gun you think im taking him to the doctor to cut his hands off? No!!!! These parents with their ill minded agendas with the pharmaceutical machine influencing them is crazy!

That's not what he said, stop clickbaiting or at least give actual context before making your headline something stupid like that

My 3-year-old often tells me she is a dog, then proceeds to bark and lick my face. I guess I should get her a dog bowl, force her to use the doggy door, and keep her in a kennel, right? Because a 3-year-old knows what they’re doing 🙄

This is why people call ya’ll the intolerant left, and why ya’ll come off as a gang with a lynch mob mentality. Wtf is controversial about this? You people instantly want the worst for people who have differing opinions than you. I can’t stand you mfs

Sit down, AC.

I agree with Mario.

imthehonestboy The yahoo article “tittle” worded everything wrong

You should really listen to the full quote and not this media clickbait

We are living in idiocracy right now. Mental health is really being ignored now. I'm telling you. Being straight is gonna be frowned upon real soon. Homosexual prostitution will be legal before straight prostitution. Pedophilia is gonna become a right you watch.

Not exactly what he was saying. Please don’t ruin his career because you want clicks. He makes a very valid point

Headline is fake news. Nice try Yahoo.

That's not what he said. You're descriptive title is misleading. I understand his point. How the hell do kids know what they want for sure at that age? It's ridiculous. All in on someone who wants to be heterosexual, homosexual, transgender or whatever, go for it. But a child?!

Listen, Mario... you have no idea what it’s like to be transgender. It has zero to do with “sexuality” and everything to do with the person you see when you look in the mirror. It’s “dangerous” to allow you to parent children knowing you wouldn’t support them fully no matter what

It's dangerous to NOT support anyone different when they're kids Damaged adults come from kids who had people tell them they aren't good enough No matter the situation Hold their damn hand Tell them who they are is good enough And then walk through fire with them. Parenting.

Can somebody really, truly explain to me why they believe they should allow young kids to be 'transgender'? Hell, we have the age of consent be 18, because their minds can't just can't comprehend what sex is. Shouldn't we wait until they're older and they can truly choose?

Because it’s child abuse.

Not what he said at all.

His right

imthehonestboy Lopez is basically saying that parents shouldn’t let their children determine their gender so early on (3 years etc..) bc children for one they are still developing so naturally they are still learning and for two they don’t know anything about sexuality yet

He's not wrong.

Gimme a break! MarioLopezExtra didn't say that. You took the term, 'dangerous,' out of context & applied it to YOUR interpretation of his comments.

At, 3 years play boys and girls all day. I agree, 3 year old kids don't know nothing about genders at all.

Maybe it depends on how mature the kids are. You still have to have their trust in you. And support either way!

He has a good point and I think the outrage is a little misguided. He doesn't care if a parent raises their kid as a different gender. He just doesn't think when a 3 year old kid says 'I'm not a boy' or 'I'm not a girl' that the parent should immediately treat them as such.

I'm sorry but the definition of a parent is: Unconditional love, support and acceptance! It's a human thing. ❤️

I don’t see the problem with what he’s saying. How can a child make a choice to be transgender when they aren’t legally able to make any other adult choices? I personally consider it a form of child abuse to transition a child from a boy to girl or vice versa

MarioLopezExtra said NOTHING WRONG!!! Parents need to ✋ pushing their kids to be a “preferred sex”... And let them be who they naturally are . Body Dysmorphic Disorder is real people. It’s real!!!!

I would have to agree! 3 yrs old is way to young for such a decision to be made!!

Science doesn’t matter to liberals anymore. Most people aren’t “outraged” by this. Also, it’s an artificially inflated issue perpetuated by the left wing corporate media that impacts like .001% of society. But stay woke and outraged for no reason. AC Slater has u triggered.

He will drive the liberals Crazy. Folks he is right. It’s called DNA 🧬

I find it disturbing anyone can think a toddler understands their 'gender identity' when my 3 year old can barely use a fork and thinks vacuums are transformers

His parents did it for him, but it's not cool for another Transgender person's parent to do it for them?

What an absurd Lying headline!

Sad for his kids.

I stand with Mario Lopez on this. 3 year olds don't know any better. We are supposed to be responsible parents n guide our children. Not turn them into political pawns.

Wow talk about misinterpretation. Nice job yahoo. Twisting words as usual.

I mean...

6,000 + years of parenting agrees w him

Did not realize how serious the warning was when I read 1984. I felt like Orwell was paranoid, and things would never get so bad that people would be arrested and tortured for saying, “2 + 2 = 4.”

Kudos to Mario Lopez for being a responsible parents. Parents should raise their own children, not a mentally ill society.

MarioLopezExtra 🗑 for you

Backlash is getting annoying. Nobody is to ever voice their opinion without someone getting “offended”. OAN: He’s absolutely right. 🤷🏽‍♀️

It’s more dangerous for the kids whose parents don’t support them

Misleading headline of course . Listen at the whole interview .

Yes, supporting 3 year olds that want a sec change is dangerous.

'Man viciously attacked for not supporting blatant child abuse'

That is not what he said. His real quote makes sense though. Don’t take a 3 year old seriously, my God. Remember that trans is a super minority. Most ppl don’t agree with raising trans kids no matter how much noise celebs or minorities make

Do you have one, then you can't give advice.

Who cares what Mario Lopez thinks ?!? geez people

Children that age are too young to be placed into a different gender. Let them grow up for goodness

Gimme some of that youth serum bro

Mario, it's really easy to not say anything. You just couldn't do it.

That is not the quote he said you liars

I’m trying to find out why is there outrage on a true statement smh!

How can people honestly disagree with his point when reading the whole quote. You shouldn’t be able to change your gender if you still believe in Santa Clause. Give it some time, let your brain develop.. for fuck sake people are deranged

He also said there are only 2 genders, which is true.

Just the fact that it’s considered “controversial” that he said parents shouldn’t let toddlers determine their own gender, just shows how far fucked we’ve become as a society. This shit is not normal. I stand with Mario

At what point in his life did MarioLopezExtra make the decision that he was a heterosexual male?

Go Mario!


I’m sorry but I agree with him. I want my child to make a sound decision when they’re at an appropriate age. I don’t want any regrets to be blamed on me. I would wait until they’re a teen the very least

Good for him, Standing up to Mental Illness.


That's more like it. 👏

“Support” is misleading. 😒There’s nothing outlandish (in reality) about supporting your children’s expression & imagination, but there is a time for final or adult decisions... My nephew thinks he’s a dinosaur 🦖

Wow, and here I thought he was an LGBT ally. He was he grand Marshall of Miami Beach Pride a few years ago. WTF?

In his comment He said at a child age 3.

'Backlash'? Reading the comments and the vast majority are in agreement with MarioLopezExtra Because he's right

Psalm 106:37-38 37 They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons, 38 And shed innocent blood, The blood of their sons and their daughters, Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; And the land was polluted with the blood.

Preach Mario!!!!!

3 year olds out here making life decisions now? The headline is misleading.

What kind of sick world do we live in where someone can speak the truth, and face 'backlash' for it? Good on him for not following the other Hollywood morons. Charlize Theron is gonna have some fucked up confused kids when they get older lol


What a misleading headline regarding what he actually said.

I can't say I'd let a 3 year old make life-altering decisions as their thoughts change daily, when they're much older and in a better place to make such a determination then yeah sure, that's their call


Good for MarioLopez for standing up to these freaks

That's is not what he said. People twist words up all the time to gain press. He never said it was dangerous to raise transgenders, he basically said as a parent, you need to have a talk with your chikd, honestly what would a 3yr old really know if they want to be a boy or girl

Dear Yahoo, Stop poisoning society with your disgustingly disingenuous clickbait. Thanks.

Now transgender want kids to be able to dress as girls at school at the age of 3. Girls dressing as boys is normal, but boys dressing up as girls will get them beating up by bullies! So let’s also make smoking & drinking legal at the day of birth, because your heart tells you 2!

Yea fucking 3 year olds want to be a cat. Do you allow them to live the rest of their lives as a cat?

Who is mario lopez?

MarioLopezExtra needs to learn the difference between gender & sexuality.

He’s absolutely right, children have a huge imagination if the parents act on what their kids imagined then god help us all

100% correct.

The fact we're calling this 'controversial' shows we're a sick society

Why the hell would anyone care what Mario Lopez has to say about...well anything?

what do you do kill them?

Words twisted, good job media

Taken out of context as usual.

Who on God’s green earth gives a flying fuck what Mario Lopez thinks?

Whats wrong with you man? You dont say shit like that! That was awful...

In this thread: Idiots who only read the headline, ignored the entire quote and are acting like the guy said he eats newborns for breakfast.

Ignorance is dangerous.🏳️‍🌈

I would have to agree with A.C. Slater on this one

What he said was truthful, just more parents are feeding into the BS . A child as young as 3 doesn’t know anything about sexuality and isn’t associating ones self to it . They want food and break shit 3 years old. You forgot that part. He’s right. You don’t let a 3-4 year old switch genders. That’s a serious decision that should be made in adult hood IMO.

What’s dangerous is for Mario Lopez to wade in when he’s not a doctor nor a psychologist and has no experience of anything he’s talking about. And he’s a danger to transgendered children. 👋

Maybe don’t write articles about him then?

I don't know that I'd be taking advice from a wax statute

Courage in Hollywood is rare. Well done to Mario Lopez for saying what loads of cowardly people think.

Absolutely agree.

That’s not what he said if you read it. AWFUL headline.

Spot on MarioLopezExtra . I agree, they are too young to determine such things!!

Given the suicide rate amongst transgendered people it's dangerous to NOT support them.

He’s right. Someone has to stop this stupidity. My daughter said she wants to be a mermaid. Should I chop off her legs and throw her in the ocean?

But his character AC Slater on Saved By The Bell handled gender identity issues so well...

He’s right. Kids don’t know....

Can't even be a parent anymore these days. The min you disagree with something, the world is bashing you.

People are so easily offended. Yeah sure parents will let a child decide to change their gender, but won't let them make any other major life decisions on their own. The world we live in

He not wrong

Your right it is dangerous cause they are 3. They don't know what sex is,what there body is doing,they can't make a sandwich,they can't barely use the potty. The list goes on about the amount of stuff a 3yr old can't do. So No you should not help determine this at that age

I agree with Mario

Mario's right

It's abuse not to.

Yes. It fucking is. You can cause permanent brain damage.

Absolutely nothing wrong with what he said

It's dangerous for kids for their parents to listen to Mario Lopez.

Even transgender people disagree on how young is old enough to start transition/stall puberty. Save MarioLopezExtra !

Is so annoying if someone doesn’t have a PC opinion, it doesn’t matter or they’re a piece of shit

Just let kids be kids and stop pushing your left wing ideology on them and forcing them into making life changing decisions. Making your kids ‘trans’ is just a trend and any parent that succumbs to the whim of a child shouldn’t have them.

What's wrong with what he's saying

Watched the clip. 100% agree. Does that mean I will be vilified like an axe murderer? Dear snowflakes, just because someone has a different opinion doesn’t mean they are bad people or should be persecuted. Grow up.

He’s right, giving kids puberty blockers; messing with their development is messed up. It’s horrifying people would delay their kids growth, because their ‘trans’ at under 13 especially.

Did people actually read what the man said I know this country is dug into this political bullshit but my lord!!

He's right

He's right. At 3 years old kids say crazy shit. I had a niece that acted like a cat all the time bc she wanted to BE a cat

He's speaking common sense. The 'backlash' is contrived by a minority of people designed to give the media in this case an excuse to demonize normal attitudes towards raising healthy, well-adjusted children.

MarioLopezExtra My sister told everyone she would have a wife at 5 years old. I knew she was gay before she would admit it. She stayed in the closet for a while because of idiots like you and her parents. Your ignorance is no shock since you are being interviewed by Candace tho.

You say it didn't earn him any new fans on twitter, but I'm here to prove you wrong.

I’m not surprised by this coming from him. He’s a lot more pleasant with his mouth closed and shirt off!

kirkminshow would love to hear your take on this

The comments under this tweets really leaves me concerned over the state that today’s society is in yikes

It's true.

Serious question, how is 'I just think it's dangerous as a parent to make this determination then' (his actual quote) the same as 'it's dangerous to support them'? How does 'make that determination' equal 'support' in your mind?

Better caption: “Mario Lopez thinks parents should act like parents. Many offended.”

Read the article

This is clickbate trash

Wow what a headline.

He's right. A 3 year old doesn't know what they want to be. When they're older, it's different but when they're kids, they're just that. Kids.

I didn’t even know children can make that big jump to transition. when they didn’t even experience life yet as a regular adult. Let’s kids be kids ! Stop pushing these agendas on them wtf

That is absolutely not what he said Clickbait.

As a parent of three beautiful children. It's hard to say that between ages 2 -10yrs old that children really understand anything other than what their taught. For a parent to say to them you can be whatever you want to be isn't them choosing . It's parental promotion. Not good.

Lie baiting tweet. His point was it is dangerous to take the word of a 3 yrs old kid as a conclusion that the baby is a transgender. What is wrong with that ?

Co-sign his opinion

He is 100% right. Kids should NEVER EVER be able to make that decision until they have matured and developed into an adult.

Mario noooo... rip

He is right. Why would you put kids in a situation like that. Its totally wrong

It’s dangerous to speak with Candice Owens.

No doubt the left will try end his career instead of a civil discussion

This is why clickbait journalism is ruining the country

Dangerous to whom? A group of fearful, self-loathing, petty-minded, narrow-minded, homophobic, probably misogynistic men wishing they lived in the Patriarchy of the 1950s? I'll take that chance.

Its too bad, I will never be able to look at his naked body on Nip/Tuck the same way again. MarioLopez

How about we stop force-sexualizing our children before they are even close to puberty? Parents are projecting their issues waaay too much these days.

There’s no such thing as a transgender kid.

What shitty job of reporting. You took his quote and turned it into a completely different one. Whoever runs the account should be fired.

Perfectly reasonable. Leave the man alone.

This isn't what he said. Stop misrepresenting facts

He's right. They can't change their genes.

Yeah, I'm going to support my kid no matter what. Mario Lopez can f*ck right off.

That’s not what he said at all.

FeministaJones Clickbait!!

I gotta say I kind of agree with AC Slater on this Charlize thing. Goddamn I said I was a raptor when I was 3! Hell, all the way up to 6 even! I didn’t get raised as one. Kids say all kinds of dumb shit..



Dressed to suppress

As someone who has a 3 year old kid I can say without a doubt he is 100 percent correct. I don't even see the controversy.


PragerU and Candace Owens. He then goes on to attack the BelieveWomen movement. Welp, bye Mario

Yep he can't have an opinion all you great people of diversity.

He can kiss what was left of his career goodbye and go sit with Victoria Jackson, Dennis Miller, Kid Rock, Scott Baio and Ted Nugent. What a group!

Can't cancel someone who was barely relevant to begin with lol. Good luck MarioLopezExtra. Your defenders and new fans are now the transphobic, homophobic and probably racist asshats that 'make America Great'. ✌🏿

1 in 3 trans kids attempt suicide. If the parent doesn't want a dead kid, it's dangerous not to support them.

Slater, why don’t you go back to your gossip show since basic hunan decency seems too hard for you.

RIP career

But like that’s not what he said

Child abuse

What's actually dangerous is pretending Slater here has anything to say worth hearing. Supporting trans kids is just being a good human being.

Mario needs to be asked easier questions... Like where do you buy your hair gel.

MarioLopezExtra I am a 66 yo grandfather & father and I would not only defend my grandchildren or children if they were transgender but I will defend any child who is from dangerous people like you. Every station in the US needs to demand your removal from the air ExtraTV

I always thought Mario would marry someone like Ryan Seacrest but I can see both men are still figuratively hiding in the closet. Of course Mario wouldn’t support trans kids when he can’t even be honest with himself.

Slater gets it 🤷🏻‍♂️

What's wrong about this? Why do we let toddlers make live changing decisions like that? Will you also support them when they bark and act like a dog? There's no difference between that and a different gender to a young child.

When he said kids he was speaking on 3 and 4 year olds. He was right.

Ok, he's cancelled!

It’s dangerous not to. Delete this.

I think MarioLopezExtra is right. Kids aren’t physically, emotionally, or mentally developed enough to be forming valid opinions about self-identification and sexuality. This push by certain elements in the media to deny biology and tolerate such irrationally is absurd.

Stop publishing this harmful shit from irrelevant people

He's not hot to many any more.

Mario learn to mind your business if you have nothing nice to say.....

I wasn’t supported. I think of killing myself three dozen times a day.

Wait .... who ....

OphCourse ItGetsBetterMx Alex_Orue ¿qué opinan?

This headline is crazy-misleading. That is not what he said.

I agree with Mario. God made Adam and eve not Adam and Steve

Mario Lopez is Right Kids should not be allowed at all to make this type choice .You are the parents not them.

He is 200% right!

AnthonyCumiaCPM PC mob is pissed that AC Slater thinks it’s odd that 3yr olds can claim they are transgender

His bigotry is more dangerous

.MarioLopezExtra Mario, Mario, Mario.

Wario Lopez

what bugs me the most is they think they know anything about these children’s lives. it’s not like her daughter said “im not a boy” 1 day & that was it. obviously it’s shown in their everyday lives. so funny that these commentators think they have any right to criticize strangers

I promise y’all, most people mad about this aren’t parents

Mario Lopez, SHOULD JUST “shut the hell up!”, from this point on. DON’T EVEN BOTHER APOLOGIZING, either....Because it won’t be AUTHENTIC or GENUINE...

exactly who was waiting for AC fucking Slater's opinion on this? Or in fact, anything at all

Wow! The comments 🤦🏼‍♀️ IStandWithMario

Ooof. Bad plastic surgery.

Mario..some opinions should b private..what have u done?


He's just a 'Himbo'. Face and body. Moving along....

Nope. Goodbye. Call your relatives, folks! We got problematic people in our Latinx community too. Also, your abs and underwear line won’t save you honey 🤷🏻‍♂️

Holy sh*t the later part of the interview There are tons more real female victims who go unbelieved than there are innocent men falsely accused 😠 And there are millions of men who have been able to be decent enough human beings that they’ve never been accused, maybe try that!

Sorry. Who takes 'PragerU' serious and bothers with statements of some 3rd level TV host?

Gender identity and sexuality are not the same thing MarioLopezExtra. Maybe read a book on the topic before running your mouth. Or better yet stay silent on this one. Your words are harmful to innocent people already struggling with more than they deserve. TransIsBeautiful

It’s better than saying “don’t play outside kids come and learn about this new gender I’ve just made up”

It's dangerous not to support trans kids

Who tf even is Mario Lopez

But really, who gives a fuck what Mario Lopez thinks


He said wait until their formative years. I agree on all aspects of a child picking a life long path. If they are 3, nope we are focusing on reading and writing. However when they are coming up on 10 then we can start that path. Still well before puberty for hormone therapy

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as long as it’s the “correct” and convenient opinion. If it’s the “wrong” opinion, you will be vilified and shamed (by many of the same people who “condemn” shaming).

Time to stop listening to rich straight men.

I would think you should support your child if they feel they are trapped inside the wrong body, not supporting them will only lead to more suicides. What a tool box........

That is such a misleading headline. He was referring to 3 year olds not 'kids'.

Full offense, but who asked what he thought lol?

Who is he again?

Wow. Get off my TV. extratv will employ Billy Bush and now MarioLopezExtra - cancelled. I’d ask HiltonHotels to take that insufferable mess off the default TV channel, too.

I thought he was gay

Ugh. This is disappointing.

MarioLopezExtra dont listen to the vocal minority on Twitter. The vast majority of people and especially parents agree with your very well-reasoned comment that kids who still pee the bed and believe in the tooth fairy dont understand the implications of 'choosing their gender'

Wouldn’t expect anything less from someone who is a buddy of Candace Owens’. It was only a matter of time he would say something as dumb as this.

Please said this headline is misworded?!

He’s entitled to his opinion just like the rest of us. Don’t have to agree with it 🤷🏽‍♂️

What a knob.

Sure Slater.

why is his opinion relevant on this issue, yahoo news?

so he should be fired from everything.

Where is the integrity? That’s not at all what he said. I expect so much more from Yahoo!

You’re still not relevant, Slater.

It is dangerous to be a hateful bigot who hates children. Keep him away from any kid.

Now this guy gets it

There is no such thing as trans kids, its bad parenting that's the issue.


a clown

Why the fuck are you giving this hateful shitgibbon's views any publicity? Transphobia shouldn't be spread like this. Let these hateful ideas disappear into obscurity where they belong rather than give oppression of vulnerable minorities any visibility.

Indeed. 👍🏼

Dangerous is pushing kids into stereotypical gender roles. Pink is for girls, blue is for boys, nice little girls don't play in the dirt... Gimme a break!

Damn AC Slater but we all knew your sexuality was questionable on Saved by the Bell

Anyone who think a child under 5 is ready to make a decision of that magnitude and starts them down a path to transition their identity from one gender to the other is insane.

Imagine needing to resuscitate your career by throwing vunerable kids under the bus. Tragic.

Thought I knew this before I liked this guy!! Total nonsense!! MarioLopezExtra

This man is right finally someone in America is standing up against this shit

Trans kids should be forced to live in secret shame and misery, terrified their parents will abandon them if they come out and spend their childhoods in terrible despair they can't share with anyone. That's how they did it in the old days and it never hurt them! /s

MagsVisaggs More like, A. C. Hater

I agree, high five Mario

Sorry to break the truth about MarioLopezExtra and RealCandaceO but they were talking about parents pre determining their gender for their kids befor they are old enough to decide for themselves!!! STOP SPREADING FAKE NEWS PEOPLE!!!

It’s dangerous for transgender kids to have people like Mario Lopez saying crap like this and for Yahoo news to be reporting it.

Actually, as a parent of a gender nonconforming kid, I can assure you it is dangerous NOT to support transgender kids. Anyone who publicly says otherwise has blood on their hands.

It's so dangerous because they actually might live and happy life and be loved! Those monsters! Seriously though, fuck Mario!

It’s such a shame his career peaked when he was 16 years old.


should’ve left those comments in the 90s with your career

There goes what’s left of his career.

funnyordie looks like Zack Morris isn’t the only one that’s trash! MarioLopezExtra

Yeah he was talking about a 3 year old kid 🤦‍♂️




Lgbtq-phobes try hard to be better than everything.

He’s absolutely right.

'narcissists showing off their tolerance'... Ooo that's a good one. I'm gonna steal that one.

Literally who is this d|ckhead?

Well on the upside, all these celebrities keep outing themselves as assholes so we know who NOT to support! Uneducated people shouldn’t have a platform

Just because MarioLopezExtra somehow scrapped together a career, it doesn't mean that he's right about anything. Any douchebag that doesn't think kids should get unconditional love should burn in hell.

Transphobe MarioLopezExtra is currently filming an upcoming series for Netflix, which he co-created &is EPing. Between this & Netflix’s upcoming poor shaming “prank show” it’s almost like they’re just telling you their entire organization is comprised of conservative assholes.

I mean whenever I think about trans issues the first opinion I need to know is Mario lopez. The full quote touches on some validity I’ll agree but I know for one if my parents had known I was trans when I was caught doubtlessly in my sisters clothes I would have grown up happier

kathygriffin WTF? I’m lost. I thought you were on our side.

Good for him. He is not a crazy liberal and cares about children. Let the haters go nuts. Everything good offends them.

Saved by the bell. Liberal studies show 75+% of these kids WOULD grow up to be LG—With “early transition” that drops to abt 0. So yeah ring the alarm, bc this is a MASSIVE human rights violation of LG kids. It’s feel-good homophobia—Child abuse wrapped in a propaganda rainbow.

'Waaaaah! Someone on the internet had an unpopular politically incorrect opinion about 21st century gender gender social engineering so I must name call him and express my rage. Waahhh.'

Why do such cute kids grow up to be such assholes?

What really IS dangerous is a person with no real knowledge of a serious medical situation, using their celebrity to make public statements that could have long term serious impact on real peoples lives. It’s like anti-vaxxers.

Trans kids don't need to be saved by this bellend thank you

Please READ the article.

Right, so just leave them on a hillside to die then?

Yeah well it was dangerous for him to have that hairstyle back in saved by the bell but we didn’t complain 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ve never heard of this person (that’s not saying much, to be honest, he’s not the only one whose “celebrity” has passed me by. I can’t tell the Kardasians apart), but I juuust suspect he’s not an expert on child development or trans issues. Dunno why. Just a hunch.

Who the hell is Mario Lopez and why should I care?😳

MarioLopezExtra no sweetie it’s dangerous to have parents like you

Not what he said. He was referring to parents making life altering decisions based on a *three-year-old's* whimsical statement. But congratulations for misrepresenting his words. So much journalisming.

So Mario should start hanging out with Scott Baio. It’s obvious if he’s on the crazy Candace Owens show, he’s a full blown trumpster.. his views are crazy!

Look at this old fruit.

Shut up Slater.

No MarioLopezExtra you’re type of thinking is dangerous 🙉🙈

And who is he exactly?

What’s dangerous is all that Botox...

Welp... time to cancel another one.

It is EXTREMELY dangerous for parents to support 'transgender' kids. He's totally correct on this one (and he still has cute dimples, regardless of what you think about him).

I'd say it's ironic, this coming from a closeted gay man, but it's actually pretty textbook

That's funny. I don't remember asking your opinion on anything, except the strange behaviour of Screech. Stick to that .

Uhhh he’s right, you don’t let little kids make that decision

Disappointed in MarioLopezExtra for making transphobic statements

Saved by the bell.

I don’t blame you 🤘🏾

Mario Lopez is the Latin version of Scott Baio ...

How does a kid even know they want to be a girl or boy ? They don’t even know what the full capacity of that entails and just like sex and alcohol should have an age restriction

Let's all you confused people out there that dont know the difference btween a man and female start bashing Mario Lopez you Dumbassess

Totally lost for words

Marios career on it's way.....👇

protect Trans Kids. period.

The title really makes Mario seem like an ass but what he actually said wasn’t actually that bad at all

Shock horror. Mario Lopez you are on my shit list. Are you closeted also would like to know.

Not you too MarioLopezExtra Shame on you!

Come on gender is not the same as sex orientation. Let a kid be a kid. Left hand right hand. Labels suck. !

Another ignorant washed up celebrity trying to make themselves relevant by being transphobic. 😬 Fact is it's dangerous not to support trans kids.

Wow, , talk about a misleading headline. clickbait FakeNews

I disagree and would draw a distinction between supporting and promoting

Clickbait title 😂

I feel very sorry for you... I truly thought you were more evolved & open minded...

A 7 year old!!!!! Hell yes he's right.

Well, he’s not wrong.

The fuck, AC?!

People who are not transgender can not speak on the transgender life and experience!! These people can not and/or refuse to recognize the difference between gender identity and biological sex, and then trying to equate gender identity with sexuality Omg. Just stfu!!!


Can confirm he has thought this way for many years. Sat next to him and civilly argued these points several years ago when we were working on a TV show together. He’s dug in with this backward nonsense. Told me I didn’t get it because it was a “Latin thing”🙄

In the same interview . ..

He is officially canceled!! Bye AC Slater...

That is not what he said, but I get why you’d wanna clickbait Yahoo. No ones bothered to use your site since 2012, and yah gotta get those clicks one way or another

Wow, people really sending death threats because he expressed an opinion? Jesus christ

He’s actually right but typically no one is going to read the full article. Cancel culture is fucking cringe

Nothing wrong with what he said.... I would not push my son to be a girl or my daughter to be a boy.... You guy's need to relax...

Someone please explain to this man that gender and sexuality are not the same thing.

If you get a chance look up how the network buried rape allegations against him during Saved by the Bell.

It’s dangerous to listen to ignorant z-list celebs over medical professionals with considerable training in a particular field.

Big facts

Parents, while you are at it, don't explore mullets.

i genuinely forgot this dude existed ngl

So I guess he's cancelled


Whoever disagress with this is Canceled, Every single one of yall is getting reported for threatning MarioLopez

Boy what do you do besides make me change the hotel tv channel? Be annoying and intolerant?couldnt be me

My daughters best friend is transgender. She was bullied at her previous school for dressing like a girl. She’s 7, trust me, it’s more dangerous NOT to support transgender kids! Anatomy does not determine gender-that’s an oversimplification. Evolve, people! TransIsBeautiful

And just like that Mario Lopez ain’t shit

Oh please be quiet Mario!

Wow. Way to twist what he said into a headline that is absolutely untrue.

Anyone who read the article would realize the title is extremely misleading and clickbait. But instead people would rather just go straight to cancel culture

Sexuality and gender arent the same thing? And also let's say they change their mind later who gives a fuck. They think they're a boy for a week whatever what does it hurt. (Trans kids exist. I'm just saying based on what he said about kids not knowing)

How is it dangerous to support your kid?💀

Always classless slater

Snap reminder A.C Slater that gender doesn’t equal sexuality

He is correct and a beast for this

Mario, ya cancelled

Love you MarioLopezExtra RealDeanCain our guy may need some support. 🇺🇸

Won’t be watching Extra anymore, bye MarioLopezExtra

Suddenly Dustin Diamond seems to be less toxic.

Corn ball

He was talking about a 3 year old. A 3 year old. Young children haven’t the brain development to even be considering their gender. Parents don’t need to force and reinforce anything.

tell him to find a career and shut up

It’s dangerous for parents to support their kids...

It’s dangerous to know you’re a lightweight when you drink

supporting a child’s life long decision who can’t even decide to vote, drink, or has even reached puberty yet is very toxic

He didnt say this though...

I agree with him

It's dangerous for parents to expose their kids to irrelevant dipshits who suggest we not love and support our children.

What seems dangerous is taking parenting insights from an unqualified former child actor.

He's still alive?

should’ve just stayed in the corner looking pretty now we gotta cancel him and shit 😒

Mister Belding taught you better. What a garbage take.

He literally says to wait until they start hitting adolescence to have the talk with their children and then let them make their decision on what they identify as 🤦🏾‍♂️. He’s not saying to not support it, just make sure you let them choose when they’re better mentally developed.

Yahoo must have really jumped the shark to be resorting to this sort of bullshit for clickbait

Miss Bliss will not be too happy about this

No, your transphobia is dangerous

MarioLopezExtra is disgusting.

As a wise Jake Peralta once said “GET OUTTA HERE SLATER, GET OUT!!”

Another cishet man not understanding the difference between sexuality and gender identity. What a surprise. Y'all celebrating this better start praying for the safety of his children should they not be stereotypically cis.

Mr. Lopez' opinion is stupid, uneducated, without empathy, and cruel.


he's dangerous

later slater

this is a misleading headline, especially for someone whose been pro-lgbt forever

Sounds like it's pretty dangerous to get parenting advice from Mario Lopez

Bigot with an opinion shows up on Candace Owens' propaganda show funded by extreme religious conservatives.


who the hell is this

Sis sis sis.... who are you?

Wait, the same Mario Lopez who accused of rape by two women or the one who cheated on Ali Landry days before their wedding?


Who are you again? I legitimately can’t think of anything important you’ve done.


And who listens to closeted gay has-beens any more? Rhetorical question. No one.

I bet he won’t be invited back to TheEllenShow

And this is how Mario lost his beauty instantly.

Who cares what a bottom feeding entertainment news host says? Those people are too busy licking the assholes of celebrities to think clearly.

Transgender kids are the most horrifying thing I’ve have view in my life. There is a big difference between tollerate and saying it’s a good thing. It’s not.

Lol now his already failed career will never move past Extra canceled

Ew I never liked him

Him next live show

MarioLopezExtra It is dangerous for kids to have parents like you.



F this guy and bring out his brother Luigi Lopez

Holy shit that's a misleading tweet. I read it, and was confused as to why he'd say something so ridiculous & potentially career ending. Reading the fuller context is less alarming. Click-bait tweet.

What a horrible bigot you are MarioLopezExtra.

See ya next lifetime,Mario.

It's the opposite.

who tf

So MarioLopezExtra got canceled and his membership to the smellytransphobicass Club renewed.

Tell Slater to shut up

absolutely no one: mario lopez:

AC ya later 👋

So Mario. You are saying it's dangerous for parents to support their kids. Did I get that right?

MarioLopezExtra you are so wrong. I am no longer a fan and bye-bye Extra. 👎🏻😡

That’s clownery luv

Fox News rushing to offer him a show


Wasn't a pet talent show the last thing he did on tv?

To Mario:

It’s dangerous NOT to support your kid. I live in Utah and hear of and see kids kicked out of their homes for being who they truly are. This is wrong and so is Mario. over


Oh, Mario...

Slater no

Edward Havens: It’s “dangerous” to listen to washed up actors about how we should support transgender kids.

This ain't it, Mario.

Is it dangerous MarioLopezExtra? Is it really hard to support?! Boohoo! Be a human with empathy! My God!

I agree with him. 3 years old?! Kid doesn’t know the difference really between a boy or a girl. You shouldn’t even be having that convo with a kid that you anyways. Later is a different story. If your talking to your kid about sexuality at 3 years old that is alarming.

Hey MarioLopezExtra this is nice and all but I think it is better that those who talk about what's good and safe for children is someone that actually sticks with their kids for more than a glorified selfie for the retweets, pinche cabròn.

Mario who?

Yup everyone should hate MarioLopezExtra for saying a parent should be the adult on the relationship and maybe a child of 3 has no clue wtf they are talking about. He’s deranged...wait no I’m sorry that’s common sense my mistake

i knew zack morris was trash but i guess slater is trash too!

If fucking MarioLopezExtra wasn’t over already, he is superrrrrr over now

Mario Luigi is now unstanned (i didn’t stan him before, but still) we’re cancelling him...

guys omg i was JUST walking behind him and he dropped this omfg

Why even post shit like this? Why? Why does this asshole's opinion matter at all on the topic? And why is Yahoo promoting it? Every person involved with this is dirty, and your families all hate you and what you do.

Imagine caring about Mario Lopez's opinion on anything

He keeps referring back to sexuality in the article, but being transgender has nothing to do with sexuality! I was a tomboy as a kid but I never felt that I was a boy. These kids recognize immediately that they are not in the right body & to restrict that is harmful!

It’s dangerous for anyone to care what “Mario Lopez” thinks.

alright time to throw hands

mario lopez: “i shitted and pissed myself in a macdonald’s drive-through in 2017, all the people in the restaurant could smell it and they all started yelling and telling me to ‘get out of here, shitty piss boy!’ it was very upsetting.”

If he don’t sit his Botox beat down plastic face ass down prozacandblunts

I think it’s dangerous to give a shit what Mario Lopez says.

Why the fuck would he even go to Owens show?


Now why couldn’t he just stay fine & quiet🙄

'Celebrities shut the hell up on medical issues they aren't qualified to comment on' challenge

What would he suggest parents do? NOT support them? Just let them die?

All that I learned from that is MarioLopezExtra should not be advising parents on how to parent. I feel bad for his children.

Oh thats unfortunate

The man has no soul:

It's also dangerous to bang a stripper right before your wedding.

Its no wonder his own hometown doesn't even like him

W H O. tragic luv. trans rights are human rights


Very, very disappointed to hear him say this.

Me no likey anymore

Later A.C.

Don't have kids if your mindset is this way. It is NOT dangerous to support your children

Not supporting them puts them at a much higher risk of suicide, but yeah, it’s “dangerous” 😳🙄

Mario needs to stop getting all them injections in his face. They are affecting his thinking.

Ey why are you spreading this garbage?

No equivocation, Lopez is a bigot and an ignoramus at the same time. Bottom Line: How parents raise their kids is NOYFB...full stop

You make some money on Saved By the Bell royalties and suddenly you think it’s ok to be an asshole. Might want to rethink that.

Everyone else:

Welp, he’s wrong.

He’s right.

Much better to support your kid being an oversexed teenager on a sitcom.

Fire him transrights mariolopez

It’s dangerous for us to support this washed exstar who should have just packed it up and became an insurance salesman when his looks faded and no talent grew, jibberjabbing nonsense on any direct to cam that would have him, but here we are

L8r Sl8r

Mario Lopez wipes his ass like this

Does he warn them now, or wait til 5th grade when school starts sex ed? Icantsupportyou

True, its also child abuse!

Candace Owens has a show?

Excuse me?

a has-been? commenting on stuff that doesn't concern him? interesting 🤡

AC Slater is trash

Time to mute this shit!

Those dimples are deceptive. Made him look all friendly. Thanks for the reminder that looks are deceiving. Hate to see one of the few Latinx ppl in entertainment being absolute trash.

MarioLopezExtra - Do not speak. Just do not.

Thanks doctor

Lario Mopez



He's wrong:

He didn’t say that!

Okay but... Who is this clown? Nvm I don't wanna know

Leave him and his wooden ass acting alone 😂

more like ac hater

Go back to Riverdale, Opie.

Y'all even read the article?

Thank god he’s irrelevant

Mario rn


That’s why he ugly now.

....And just like that, MarioLopezExtra became unattractive, dimples and all... 💔 transisbeautiful Marioisnot

No, it's dangerous NOT to considering how high the suicide rate is for trans kids and what does he do again

I regret EVERY time I m*sterbated to you.

booooo nobody asked you has-been

This is dumb. Raise your child how you want. But what’s most important than anything is that you raise you kids to be respectful, courteous and not entitled. It doesn’t seem like people give a shit about each other and if the world is gonna get better we have to look at ourselves

He's right. In the example, a 3 year old knows nothing about gender and the dangers of transitioning at a young age. What's dangerous is a parent doing everything for their child to transition because they said they were the other gender when they only wore their parents clothes.

Yuck 🤢


MavenOfMayhem Can you plz do your thing here? Check this guy out. ^^^ 🙄

God, I wish he were muslim... just to see the tweets of


And I thought opinions were free speech?

And this dude is, who?

theses replies. I dont think im gonna procreate ever

This is the dangerous viewpoint.

Is he more or less popular than Antonio Sabatino Jr and Chachi? I get these Z listers confused

Why is MarioLopezExtra threatening me? Why is his opinion on this subject—or any matter of development, psychology, biology, morality, or even theology—entertained as if it were of value or to be accorded any weight?

bye sir wtf

A Mexican Bigot .. great.. goodnight

mfer cant talk about what other people know or dont know when hes pushing fifty and doesn’t know that sexuality and gender are two different words with two different concepts

It’s “ dangerous “ for you to make these statements and judgments on shit you are clearly not educated on MarioLopezExtra

I’m so not shocked at this douche bag’s stance. Slater would neva!

Shame on you yahoo for throwing Mario under the bus for this click bait post. He was understanding and tried his best to answer that question but you twisted it for your own gain and made him out to be anti trans.


No more dangerous than listening to literally anything Mario Lopez says.

Imagine how freaking tired we are of this fad

Sexuality and gender identity are not the same thing. Don’t normalize not listening to, not believing, and not protecting trans people. This is a no.

A.C. Slater Is Trash

It’s dangerous for anyone to watch Mario Lopez going forward.

Mario Lopez can f**k the f**k right off.

This guy is cancelled!

Really, sus MarioLopezExtra



Mr Lopez, God is love. Keep your judgments out of everything. You and I are weak humans, without the capacity to love as God does. But, he wishes us to try.

so.. who cares what this walking turd says?

Wario Lopez

Igual lo q dijo no esta errado, no se puede tomar lo q dice un nene de 3 años pq puede q desp cambie de opinión. Se los debería criar sin restricciones, eso si


support? like in a political campaign? endocrinology, neurobiology & genetics have nothing to do with politics and his asking for the abandonment, neglect & abuse of children reason enough to have Child Services check on his own kids

Relax people he didn’t say death to “queers”. Don’t let something so small conquer you.

Damn he’s canceled asf his sexy ass with his tight ass 🥵😩😂🙄

Ah so thats how MarioLopezExtra looks so young. He sold his soul to the devil. Where’s his Dorian Picture again? Time to defeat that horocrux

Girl bye I forgot this man existed until now he’s just tryna get more random airtime who does an interview on prager u that just SCREAMS desperate attempt to pay bills



This idiots cancelled along with candace owens

🎶Mario Lopez mario Lopez cha cha 🎶

Aint he gay anyway?

Mario the first mistake was being in that show .... smh

he suddenly became the ugliest man on earth

They have no societal pressures right now so let them enjoy life. What’s dangerous is subjecting children to an archaic way of thinking in that they don’t have choices and are unable to express themselves within reason.

Y’all did my boy dirty using this picture


Seeeeeee this is the click bait ish that ppl complain about. The headline is misleading and causing more drama than it should. Sadly, Yahoo knows it. Eventually more celebs will stop doing interviews altogether.

Oh we have another clown

That’s the most misleading headline I’ve seen this year so far

Always thought he was trash PERIODT

How is it dangerous for parents to support their children. Like wtf. He does know that having at least one supportive parent/guardian lessens the chance of suicide of a lgbtq+ teen drastically, right?

Oh no! Now Who’s going to brown nose actual celebs?

all i can say ,, vete a la pinche verga

What the actual fuck


Really MarioLopezExtra ? You can’t dig yourself out of those dimples this time. ruinedfantasy ihatehim

Canceled bitch

Isn't he trans?

Can someone explain to MarioLopezExtra that there is a difference between sex and gender.


Hey MarioLopezExtra what’s worse, letting your kid identify with whatever gender they choose to ID with, or having them know their dad is a cheater?

Not really. Just starts with lots of love

What did you expect knowing that he agreed to be interviewed by Candace “Uncle Tom” Owens


I’d say he’s cancelled but he hasn’t been relevant in decades.

'He added, 'When you’re a kid ... you don’t know anything about sexuality yet. You’re just a kid.'' It's not sexuality, it's gender. Gender roles exist but they shouldn't be restrictive, including in the sense that it's tied to chromosomes.

no, not you.


The category is.....clown

Actually, what the hell does he know about child psychology?

Damn it, Slater.

Hey omnihotels and extratv - maybe this guy shouldn’t show up every time your guests and viewers turn on the tv in their hotel rooms. Maybe it’s ‘dangerous’ to give a platform to transphobic bigotry.

Okay but you cheated on your fiancé at your bachelor party with a stripper the night before your wedding, right? We don’t talk about what’s “dangerous” for people to support for their own damn kids...damn clown.

The headline crops what he said. He thinks that if anyone where to declare their gender they should be older than 3, the example he was given, and parents should know not to determine their kids gender at such a young age. He isn't against trans people in the article :p

I seriously hope this was taken out of context.

It’s dangerous to listen to a former child star for parenting advice.

One more celebrity to FORGET!

Who’s Mario Lopez?

reroV3 we should kill all trannys

And again

Is he even still relevant?

MarioLopezExtra 1) Why would you go on Deplorable Owens’ show in the first place? 2) What the fuck was that verbal diarrhea? So fucking disappointing... 😐😐😐

It’s dangerous to not support trans kids. Non supported trans kids have an exponentially higher suicide and self harm rate than those who are supported



Oh... Mario oh no

Niggas better not cancel Saved by the Bell 😭😭😭

Goodbye Mario forever



Still loud, wrong, and uncircumcised MarioLopezExtra

Great can we finally send this dinosaur back to the 80’s where he belongs


He looks like he smells his fingers anyway

Uh. Ok.

Hang on while I boycott *checks notes* no fucking idea what this clown does these days.


'He added, 'When you’re a kid ... you don’t know anything about sexuality yet. You’re just a kid.'' It's not sexuality, it's gender. Gender roles exist but they should be restrictive, including in the sense that it's tied to chromosomes.

noooooo not you too😭😭😭


Someone gave me a signed photo of this person when I was in middle school and I threw it away because he was the most pedestrian and basic member of the Bayside High crew. Way to phone in a dumb opinion from the c-list, Slater.

Ohhhhh no

I feel like most of you would agree with his full quote and not just the Yahoo clickbait

you don’t deserve the name mario no more i’m revoking it

fear me, I am dangerous *hisses and knocks over trash can*

Why’d they set this nigga up to fail? He was talking about Charlize Theron letting her son become a girl, and how you shouldn’t let a three year make that big of a decision, and he’s right

HDTGM MsJuneDiane Jessica_StClair First the shaving his chest lie and now this? Is Mario Lopez cancelled?

Pretty much got all I needed to know when I read “in an interview with Candace Owens...”

Mario speaks from experience.

crissles please read AC Slater

I'm always reminded of this series of warnings by brockway_llc

QuentinCompson9 dude why do I open this app

Wow! MarioLopezExtra I never thought you were as ignorant as you are. I’m disappointed but, what can I say...

All peer-reviewed studies say the reverse is true, but who are we to go against Doctor Professor A.C. Slater 🤷🏻‍♂️

Here's a better picture of him

Miss me with that gay shit lol

Is this why he was seen walking with bodyguards the other day?


Aaaand we’re done with him. You were hot in like 2008, bye 👋🏻

Well, not surprising that he’s not smart.

this is a misleading headline. he says it's dangerous to support them at such a young age like Charlie Theron has with her child. he doesn't think it's smart to support them before they can think completely logically and coherently.

Why would anyone take a cheaters advice?

Whose even checking for his basic view on things he knows nothing about. Give him a D-List game show to host so he can stfu. 🙄

He’s dead to me. F**k you MarioLopezExtra

MarioLopezExtra ... awful parent

Hé could not have really said this... no way!!

Jesse Spano needs to come get AC

Mario NO. Don't we already have high enough rates of homelessness and depression among trans kids? And you want them to get LESS support!?

They are children who need parenting. Agree with Mario 💯

Very dangerous to support your child’s mental well being and reduce their risk of suicide. 🙄 😐

Let’s agree to disagree that doesn’t make neither side right or wrong but we all have the right to have an opinion without having to apologize for it or to feel bad for it

Thank god someone thought to ask AC Slater, the premier voice on issues not only of gender but also of mullet perms and wrestling singlets that barely cover the nipples

Shut up Slater

Who is this clown, and why should anyone give any kind of a fractional damn what he thinks?

Did Slater get an MD in between chest waxings and cheating on his wife? No? Then sit back down and frontways this time ya know nothing dolt.

Cool. Anyway, completely related but here’s the only Mario I recognize

That's because he takes his weekly guidance from people like these so called Christians 😣😕😑😮

Clearly he has no idea what he's talking about. NOT supporting trans children is what's dangerous.

It's exponentially more dangerous for parents to not support them.

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