Maher: Trump's 'Always Guilty' But I Don't Want to Be a Country Where We Go After Every Ex-POTUS and This Is Similar to Edwards

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“I don’t want to live in a country where we are one of these places where whoever is President, as soon as they get out of office, they go after them.”

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that he’s torn over the indictment of former President Donald Trump because while he thinks Trump is “always guilty,” And “when Biden is out of office, day two, they will try to arrest him.”

Maher stated, “[W]e have this impossible choice here…for me, it’s like, you can’t not go after him, because he’s always guilty, the same thing with the impeachments, he was guilty in both. But, I always ask myself the question, what is actually better for the future of the country and my future? Because I don’t want to live in a country where we are one of these places where whoever is President, as soon as they get out of office, they go after them. … I don’t know.

Later in the segment, Virginia Gov. Winsome Sears pointed out that John Edwards faced charges that were “pretty similar” and wasn’t convicted of a crime, which Maher acknowledged, but noted Edwards did have a child with his mistress.


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They’ve didn’t wait til he was out of office, they’ve been trying to take him down since 2016 when he announced his running.

No he isn’t always guilty. Prove it

NO. Democrat policy is: Republicans are guilty until they prove themselves innocent. Ass backwards. Dens are. They just proved it.

Pres. Trump will truly have real grievances against the weaponized arm of the government for the latest and unprecedented show trial about to unfold. I think you said that fully knowing the travesty that this indictment is.

They won't wait until they aren't prez soon.

What do you mean as soon as they get out of office? They’ve been after President Trump for 6 years.

Well you do. What are you going to do about it

Only democrats do that.

That only happens when your name is Donald J Trump!

there is a distinct difference between that and using DOJ, mass media, judges, the Obiden regime , congress that colluded together until they got Trump in a effort to weaken him target him like they do to their opposition in çommunist regimes. Crush the opposition to keep power

He isn't always guilty. Everything they have thrown at him has come out to be nothing. Can't say the same about O'biden tho'. Everything that mafia family has done is traceable. Obummer as well. At least you have half a conscience there Bill Maher. Thats pretty amazing

If Trump goes to prison he didn't Epstein himself

The rats are coming out!

Get all the Communist Democrats asap

Well stop supporting Communist Democrat Party.

No, we’ll see how they feel when we go after the paperwork on the Bidens like I said it’s a Civil War you do it to me I’ll do it to you

That’s true .I was thinking the same .

Then move.

Pathetic hypocrites belong nowhere ear politics! Or society for that matter.

Well Bill, we’re there now! To be honest, you’re one of the guys that helped put us there. We’ve all known where the left has wanted to take us for decades. Anyone with half a brain has known. And Bill, your one of the smartest people out there. You should’ve known!

I'm not seeing a downside to the threat of accountability. If you do the right thing you'll be Beyond reproach.

MKgubernaculum well you live in that place now, lets do something about it!

Maher cannot out grow his small man complex… sigh”

You are living in that country,we conservatives have been living here a while.

Just imagine the state of Texas indicting Bush for killing 1million Iraqi people no brainer off to gallos


They have been going after him since before he was President.

who says he's always guilty; ever hear of innocent until PROVEN GUILTY JACK!

Bye bye

Heck, why not just bring charges against the Biden crime family now and make them prove their innocence. Any state court will do!

Trump definitely isn't nearly as guilty as career politicians! Look at the state of the country now, the homeless rate has quadrupled under Joe Bidophile. Trump 2024

I am a 57 year old person who was preparing to vote DeSantis. With the Bullshit charges on our former President I am going to re-think my position. We are now a third world country. Russia, china, Iran, and Saudi all know it. ANGRY !

Bye Bye then Maher. Hope your Russian overlords think you are doing well...

Seems like they found a lot of witches.

Maybe we should have gone after Bush and Cheney for lying to the world about Iraq. How many soldiers died for that lie? We don't after everyone, he broke state law and the state is doing what it is supposed to.

Well then billmaher , you’d better find another place to live because that is the big pile of shit the democrats just set on fire. And it’s not to be JUST ex-presidents. And since we’re throwing out laws like statutes of limitations, I think we might hit double jeopardy too.

Maher should leave . We remember when he thought if was funny to Knock Trump all the time

When they stay in the political arena expresidents are still fair game. I didn't hear anything from Nixon.

Well you are now. so suck it up!

Yep he’s always guilty 😂but Obama, Clinton’s, Biden’s and the rest of the “deplorable” list of Libs are pure as the wind blown snow.

Wow that’s a good point bill

America is f***ed until we stand up and take out the trash and there is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much trash to take out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Democrats hate America! move to Afghanistan M

Hold onto your pants because there will be a few people going down after the next election

Well it’s your side that’s doing this you talk to your crowd you have a platform to do that now we see how bad you what this put your money where your mouth is please thank you!

They went after Trump as soon as he was elected.

He’s guilty, but should be above the law, unlike the rest of us. Gotcha.

Then there will always be Trump until there is the next worse Trump usw.

well Bill that's the world that Democrats have built. Joe's next, right after we put Hunter in jail for a few decades.

Well you can thank Das Fuhrer Biden as we now live in Nazi Germany.

The minute he won the nomination he was deemed persona non grata

JohnBasham They went after the President whilst he was President. This carried on after he left the White House.

👁️🧌🦎🍕😵‍💫. red shoe

they do same in commie nations, even the banana republics know better then to do this but now all they have to do is point at the US doing it (it's a good get out jail ticket)

Better move then ...


Well here we are, we are in it.

NOW Maher wakes up to this reality? NOW? Little f'ing late, ain't it? He's wanted this for a long time...As they say, be careful what you wish for.

Elect higher quality Presidents. If Trump doesn’t break laws he’s not indicted today. Definite do lot want to live in a country where Presidents are given free pass to commit crimes.

I don’t agree with him on many things but he’s been right on this latest indictment of trump

I do want to live in a country where no one is above the law.

You better move then, that's exactly the America you are living in today.

Liberal communist democrats have set the new low standard and to hell with the consequences.

I agree but I also think that could never happen because the world by design is meant to be f**k*d up so it can get on with a new design- it really doesn’t give a shit what we do to ourselves it’s not in our DNA to not be JEALOUS - the Keystone to Destruction

This will open the doors to making sure we get the bidens for all their crimes

This been happening at every job I ever worked at for decades. This mentality is thickly developed into our nation and its disgusting

Trump is the perfect example of the flaw in your logic. Becoming president does not give you free rein to commit crimes for personal gain without fear of prosecution. Just the opposite. We have no royalty in this country for that very reason Trump is being prosecuted, because…


Well, we’re goin after pedo joe!

I love when a satirist makes more sense than an entire administration- that he “supports”! Can you spell Banana?

Sure, he says that now. I’ll think about listening when he owns up to being a part of setting the precedent that all things against Trump were 👍🏻. Nice job billmaher

Maybe this will be a deterrent for people in government to not break the law.

Thank the Dem Party for it.

Trump is guilty of what? The same thing Clinton did and half the Dems in power have done Just watch when Biden goes to jail for money laundering Chinese money! Now that's a crime!!

I do ... if they've broken the law(s).

So just let them crime. You wanna talk about a banana republic

Dude, your, and the lefts disillusion, that he’s always guilty, is the very reason that sets that sort of action in motion. If you don’t want to live in that sort of country, then quit making it that sort. Simple. Stop drinking the koolaid.

Well guess what billmaher. You DO live in that place and YOU voted for these fascist nazis because you are IN FACT a fascist nazi yourself. Never in history has it ever ended well for fascist nazis. This time will be no different.

Only seen this with Trump, but that is fixing to change big time now

Maher used to be on the wrong side of every issue....the last few years, however, he seems to be 'coming to the light' and realizing the lefties have fallen off the deep end and the shift of the lefties to extreme loonieville has left Maher as a centrist moderate!

Don’t worry. Our republicans will never go after democrats so those past presidents will be safe

Oh, nice of him to say that *now*, but billmaher helped create that country. He's today's Victor Frankenstein, horrified at the monster he spawned.

Trump is guilty but Biden isn’t

Sorry Maher, it’s the Republicans turn next…can’t wait

No one would want that!!

Sorry guy....if you ever voted for a DEMented....nuff sed.

Then vote republican because the socialist libs are all about political persecution. Two failed impeachments, 1 failed raid on his home, and now baseless indictment- this IS not what democrats uses to be- BUT it is who they are today.

Well I think it’s too late to change it now

Too late. It's already started.

Maher, to his credit- and whether or not I always agree with him- is well considered and does not just take the convenient and popular opinion. Kudos to him.

Only saying this to set the stage against prosecuting Biden.

The toothpaste is out of the tube, thanks to the leftist.

Here is where the problem lies. No one is always guilty. Innocent until proven guilty is the standard.

Too late. This can of worms is opened. It’s going to be an interesting next couple of years.

Yep, that’s right everybody let’s just let everyone get away with crimes because they’re rich and used to be president. GTFOH.

Paybacks are a bitch

However, that is precisely what the left has pursued. Amazing how they will be surprised when everyone starts going after every ex-president and ex-presidents estate now. Also, settling out of court could be considered a criminal event, too.

This is why you can't trust Maher. Some times he makes sense, and then he goes off and says Trump is always Guilty. Well if he's guilty then he any anybody else deserves it. The law is the law, but Trumpnis not guilty. It's fake and those who are guilty are never investigated.

“I don’t want to live in a country where we are one of these places where whoever is President, as soon as they get out of office, they go after them.” Too late Bill

Never guilty that is. But yes, the democrats have set the stage and the precedent will be used henceforth. Just like a bunch of dummies trying to set a precedent not knowing the repercussions of their own party.

Presidents are not above the law. If they break the law they should be prosecuted if there’s significant or strong evidence to support it. The constitution doesn’t say presidents are above the law.

Maher is a Libertarian. Greed and weed drive him.

Matthew 26:59 Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, to put him to death

Obama should be next! There is much more evidence of crimes committed under his admin than they can manufacture against Trump.

Too late. Thank your Liberal friends. Bill.

Well then fight hard to make the GOP history.

Bill has absolutely no conviction at all. He’s just professionally edgy.

Welp, you helped in getting us here

President”s should adhere to our laws too

The Dems have set the precedent for this...welcome to the new Banana Republic

I don't want to live in a country with 2 legal standards

We’ve become a banana republic

Let the fun begin.

Democrats set the precedent? Republicans will carry it on?

Funny how he petulantly enjoys going after Trump

Well when are you moving out? Where will you go? Just curious. Thanks for your reply.

Good. Then leave. He was pursued in office as well, because he keeps committing crimes. That’s all that should matter, if you believe in justice for all

Pack your bags

You help create the culture then complain about it. How liberal

It’s over, the house of cards is falling but only a few see it. The bottom is yet to come.

If you go after one, you have to go after them all. People who , for example, think Trump deserved to be raided for confidential docs but Biden didn't don't believe in justice, only an agenda

Newsflash: Bill Maher is a smug blowhard and only CNN cares what he has to say.

They didn't go after Obama,or Bush,but they go after Trump.They think they have the power to bring him down so he can't run again. May God change that narrative and Trump brings them down

Too late. Bidens next.

The Left are Commies.

Don't worry they won't if they're a Democrat so relax.

Absolutely. What's funny is the ppl who think they're in charge now, will all be scapegoats later.

Oh we intend to go after all of them now, before during and after. The rule of law is dead it’s jungle rules now

I don’t want to live in a country where a president breaks all kinds of laws and never gets held accountable. This creates criminal and corrupt presidents. Nixon shouldn’t have gotten pardoned

USA liberal brats are self destructing this ONCE mighty country . Russia ,China, Iran, North Korea no longer fear you. Come on wake up, unite and overthrow through the ballot box the evil empire that is now lead by a fool like Biden who is getting his instructions from Obama

get off the fucking fence . coward.

Nope. Just the ones that commit crimes. Would prefer to not have a country where crooks become presidents to escape indictments.

Yes Bill but that is exactly what your party is doing on their way to destroying this once great country

Too late

They were after him while he was in office…how much did the tax payers spend on Robert Mueller and his investigation?

I don't want to see years and years during which a cabal of liars try to throw everything at the wall to try and smear a guy who isn't perfect, but seems to be doing what he campaigned for, and is seemingly very genuine in his love for the American people.

Well buddy, you hitched your wagon to these crazies and that’s exactly what they are doing, and worse, we need puppet Biden, out! It’s obvious that he is hard selling an agenda he has never endorsed or even spoken about until they cheated and put him in.

The only thing Trump is guilty of is having his foot on the throat of the boss of the crime family known as the Biden's. They have panicked and shown their hand via George Sorros puppet Bragg.

Too late

Seriously, the Establishment and liberal-socialistic-deceitful democrats are all guilty of many acts against us. Why do you think they must eliminate the very source that can expose them?

apparently your in the minority america

MAGATS used to hate Bill. Now they love him, but they'll end up hating him again. They're a fickle cult.

This normally happens in third world Countries and here we are.

Bet he has been to the island.

You are one of the reason of this much hatred toward Donald Trump.

Two words. Spiro Agnew.

Trumps always guilty? Only to pedophiles on Jeffery Epstein’s flight log.

Democrats/Progressives lower the standards of governance at every level of government. They are joined by many Republicans as well, especially in the Northeast US.

Too late

He is worried. They went after Trump. And he is all for it. He knows that once this is done they are coming after Biden and Hilary, Bill, Bushes, Obama. And they started it. Wow Trump gets a slap in the wrist. Wait to see what happens to Biden.

Trump 2024!!!!!!!!!! It’s going to be a landslide.

Bill, your roots are still trying to overpower your common sense. If you just snip in the wings instead of making an official stand, your still part of the problem. Grow a pair Bill!

That ship has sailed.

Maher is wicked.

You live in that country dude just enjoy

Since we start prosecuting ex presidents let’s do Obama next and then Clinton. Bush for lying about wmd in Iraq?

They don’t wait until he’s out of office. They did it the entire time and went after his family. His is straight up harassment.

This guy is still trying to cover his ass by saying 'We need a recession' 2 months before covid. Why? Because 45's numbers would of been impossible to beat and the country was doing great in a way they could not fight. He got his wish and is still trying to hide from it.

Too late. 😔

This is about 2024 not because he was President

As long as our future POTUS are relatively honest/good people this won’t be a problem. Nobody should be above the law. Trump is a dishonest pig. A true narcissist. He f’d a pornstar while his pregnant wife was home with kids. He stoked a riot to attack our capitol. Lying Scumbag

.. yet he voted for exactly that ... and will again. Maher is a phony.


Well pal, that is where we are, and you were instrumental in getting is there.

We are that world! I am no fan of Biden but talk of impeachment is simply retribution. Both parties are guilty of squandering $ on political tribunals. I wish we had a stronger 3rd party to bring back accountability.

Is Biden guilty, or just protected

Maher: so, what you are saying is you want to live in a banana republic...

Absolutely correct, yet with the contempt between our two parties & the precedent that Bragg has now set.....I fear that's what will happen and it's not good at all for our Country or the world for that matter. Truly sad day for America

why not? radical leftist subversive airheads like maher helped bring this about

Can’t have it both ways side show Bill … guilty until proven innocent… that’s what you liberals are all about so whats good for the goose is good For the gander

So leave.

Maher, a lifelong Democrat doesn't get it.

Maher helped bring the nation to this precipice, so . . .

But that's exactly what's going to happen now that the Left has opened that box. It's open season now.

Nothing can stop what is coming. Enjoy the show

We aren’t that country. Don’t pay off porn stars during a campaign.

Seems the left's favorite intellectual Maher hasn't read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights either.

Maher has put down his torch and pitchfork, but he is still standing with the mob.

This shows how extreme the left has become!! Bill Maher is a voice of reason!!!!!

Who cares

We need trump as president.. help us Jesus

Democrats are on the mission to destroy America as quick as possible and they very passionate about this. Democrat voters will realize what they've done when it's too late

To late for that now. Maher needs to remember who drew first blood. It was the party he supports and votes for so he is complicit.

The answer to Bill’s concern, why wait until the next Administration to go after [alleged] criminal conduct on the part of Joe, Hunter, and the rest of them. It’s obvious from Bank records, whistleblowers statements, and the laptop from Hell that the Bidens were/are compromised.

All I know is....if DeSantis gets in.... These people are a big doo doo 😀

There's a difference between someone who says I'll use the system however I feel. (Trump)..And someone who says you shouldn't use the system at all because your not us...while they're fucking everyone over every chance they get.. So I'll stick around just to see what happens 😀

You're in the wrong party to wish that.

Well it’s a little late for that now isn’t it. Don’t back down when they start coming after you for that view.

Yes, the criminal is clearly the guy whose net worth went DOWN while he was in office, not the guy who has amassed a multi-million dollar fortune for himself and his family on the 50 year salary of a 'public servant'. Gimme a break.

No one is above the law. 😂 except everyone in DC.

Maher is a sick person, imho. 'Always guilty' is an open admission he is not reasonable or logical.

Trumps acomn’ and hell’s comn’ with him.

Welp, looks like you might have to move. 🥲

Fucking America

Liberals and trans are the real enemy of America

Well then you need to move.

But you do now. In fact, impeachment was started on day 1 of his presidency with Clinton calling Mr. Trump a Russian asset BEFORE the election.

Me too

All your followers should start watching and listening to Bill Maher and trust what he says! He makes a lot of sense!

Well you already live in one

Too late billmaher

He want us to kiss and make nice... And is scared shitless

Meanwhile wealthy 'Elitists' and tax-evading politicians tend to see themselves as above the law and beyond the reach of the justice system. Those 87,000 armed IRS agents oughta investigate offshore accounts where a lot of dirty money and cartel-paid politicians money is parked.

I fully support arresting corrupt elected officials, including presidents. That's why I voted for Trump.

What he says doesn’t count

Well, “Congratulations! You live in a Country where they go after the President before he gets into office, while he’s in office, and after he leaves office!” Welcome to the Banana Republic of America, where freedom is dead.

But we have license to do so now. Biden's impeachment will fail because of the Democrat Hive and he very clearly has many crimes to answer for. Bragg did the nation a favor.

You can thank the Dems for that . Yet Maher will still vote for them

Too late, Bill. This won’t be the last time.

The alternative to prosecuting Trump is a nation that allows politicians to commit crimes w/out fear of being held accountable. Then you’ll have a thoroughly corrupt federal government. How is that better?Corrupt ppl must be held accountable for crimes they commit.

To late Alan Bragg just stated the party. Expect a festival coming soon to a court near you.

Too late the precedent is there

The American honeymoon is over. Settle in. The veil has been lifted. Hopefully no one believes these candidates who have occupied the republic’s symbolic throne—‘The White House’, have been paragons of virtue. Trump or current occupant. With this indictment a new era has begun.

The is just a diversion from the Biden crime family’s treason

Are you keeping track of how many times he’s been correct?


That is the can of worms the democrats have opened, Bill and Killary, All the bidens, Bo and Big Mike will all be in prison. Real crimes that have stayed under cover because of the little deal that was broke..

Yes, make sure we take seriously the views of the owner of “Kid Love Productions.”

When Bill Maher actually had potential

Too late. The die has been cast for others to follow.

Thats how communism is jumpstarted

He talks mad shit about the left, than votes for them every cycle. Dude is a clown

He only says that because now his favorite cabalist former presidents are fair game.

That's why we need to impeach Biden and Harris and try them now!

To late ...

We are now

How do you feel about countries where the loosing presidential candidate and party manufactures evidence to file baseless lawsuits to impede the programs of the winner?

They didn’t wait for Trump to get out of office. They called for impeachment before he was the nominee.

Neither do I Bill, but sadly, the Pandora’s box has been opened.

I want to line up the past Democratic presidents.

Bill where have you been for the past 7 years?

Bill Maher is a true liberal. One who I can agree with on many points

Biden sealing his families indictments.

Too late

That’s your party

Then stop voting and supporting what you do. That has caused this.

This is exactly what their plan is, just keep trying to convince people he’s committed a crime, by continually accusing him of crimes, people will eventually believe he’s some sort of criminal, but that’s exactly what they want is for people to believe it so they doubt him.…

Too late, Bill. With the help of your Marxist pals we have already passed that Rubicon. There is no going back. See you on the other side....if we both make it.

Trump has been court for 50 years starting with his slumlord buildings. So this doesn't even work as an argument.We all know if you break the law you get indicted. 1st rule. I think the problem is if the top criminal is gotten he will turn the seditious Rethuglicans over.

Too late

I don’t think that will happen unless that former president has broken a law. Not to worry. You’ll be fine.

Change it to allow charging him while in office

... And yet here we are... TRUMP 2024 FOR SURE. 🇺🇸

Trump is a criminal. He broke the law. The grand jury rendered 34 counts. I think they know a lot more about it than you.

Your supported them for years and now your eyes are open? Your late for the funeral bud.

Very well said…this started to look like Latin America or Brazil!

Where was this SOB in 2016?

Dems REALLY don’t want him to be president again

Too late, dems got us there.

Too late.

Well, we are not such a country. In America only presidents who are conservative are pursued post presidency. Democrat presidents commit their crimes against us and return to a life of luxury and profit.

Welp, Bill, the left went way further left and left you and millions more in the center without a party. Now, here we are.

I don't want to live in a country where one man is above the law and can do as he pleases even if it means the end of the country. We have no kings

Bill , except the fact that both sides or guilty and speak the truth for a change instead !

Yes Democrats didn't do nothing about Edwards and his love baby and his wife with cancer now that's a heck of a picture in it

Trump is innocent until proven guilty. So far it’s been lies upon lies from democrats that they’ve uncovered . I can’t stand these haters who would rather our country die than allow the people to elect the leader they want. Americans want Trump to clean house.

They only go after them if they didn't play along with the elites... and won't shut up once they're out...

‘Go after him out of office? They went after Trump the whole time he was in office!!

Too late bucko

Too late, Bill. Your guy started the ball rolling, can't be stopped now.

I suppose you think Biden is innocent 🙄

When Bidens been selling out our country for years on end .Sorry he deserves to be in Jail.

Interesting that Bill seems quite honest, analytical & objective! I applaud his response

Blame your fellow Democrats!

Seriously, who does? However, having said that, the precedent the Dems set will make it much easier to go after obama and Prez Pinocchio!! Trump will be found not guilty and then watch the democrat indictments roll in! Good times! Truly, that wouldn’t have been possible before!

Sorry, too late.

He should have moved away last week then, because that’s exactly the country these greasy, disgusting, anti-American shitbags have created.

They were going after him the entire time he was president. What made anyone think they'd stop?

You are FOS! The only reason trumps running is to stay out of jail. Trump and Barr’s Corruption of the Justice Department Was Worse Than We Knew Trump demanded his enemies be charged, and they were.

Too late and YOU helped create it 😏

When they get out of office? What about while Trump was in office? And before?

Too late…

That’s the country you’re currently living in Bill.

I agree Bill.

Too late the Dems just started the ball rolling

Dont worry Bill. They only go after GOP presidents. Your boy will never be charged with the treason or selling us out tomour enemies.

Bill's right but the liberals wanted it so they are going to get it. Game freaking on!

It’s your ideology that made that possible Bill. Deal with it.

Lets get real, everybody and his brother falsely accused Trump of being a Russian asset. Members of Congress lied for years about proof they didn’t have, FBI agents and a lawyer plotted against him. This isn’t about Trump.

Wow…a sane take from a leftist…interesting

The Commie Dems sure won't like that when it happens to Bidumb. That's why we shouldn't wait but go after him now.

Guilty of what?

Precedent set.. Pandora’s Box now open..

Who gives a hoot about Maher? Why give him the stage with any post?

Sorry Maher - you are already where you don’t want to be.

As president Trump said Never back down.

In the insurrection they could not do anything because he was a sitting President , after he left office they would not do anything because he a private citizen, he’s not above the law , the grand jury saw the evidences , they voted on the charges , f**k Bill Maher

January 22nd 2024 President Donald J Trump's DOJ will arrest ex-president Biden His Son and His Brother and they're still putting together Indictments on the rest of the Family

It encourages dictatorship. If your prize for finishing your presidency is prison, think what you might do.

The banana republics were so elegant. The last guy always got on the last plane to Paris with bags of money. Do it in Afghanistan too apparently.

To late, Bill. All the scum you support will now be put thru this and sooner than you think. We will come after you too. You pissed us off beyond return this time

Thats fair enough. But also if the forma guy is a criminal then no one is above the law and it must be apply fairly.

Think this is first president that has ever been charged with crime after leaving office. Can a president steal a hundred billion dollars while in office?

Too late! If the Dems are allowed to break/bend laws to get what they want & aren’t stopped, then the rules of the game have changed & the Republicans have to become experts at the new rules.

Thank u Bill

Sorry, but Americans are not educated or strong enough to change that.

Well, guess what, Billy - that is exactly the Pandora's Box your libby friends opened up. Constant impeachment while they are in office, arrest them after they leave. That's what the Dems did, it is what they are doing, it is what the GOP will do to Biden. Count on it.

It's way too late for that billmaher .... Mr. Maher was one of the top outspoken opponents against the realDonaldTrump. Bill openly dispized Trump. Now, back peddling? Get real boy...

Most Americans don't know how common this is in other countries.

Why do keep voting for them Bill? Fool! 🙄🤡

Absolute power or bust. Welcome to 2024 Historically 1860

Maher straddles the fence but by spending too much time on the left he's partially responsible for where we're at now.

And that’s all Bill cares about worrying about Biden when he’s out of office. Karma…

I am old enough to remember Maher saying he was okay with people getting hurt, as long as Trump was gone. Dude, people are getting killed!

I'm okay if they 'go after' anyone who bangs a porn star and then pays hush money to keep her silence and commits fraud doing it.

Always guilty of what? Be specific. Pretty sure he’d be in jail if he was guilty of anything. They’ve thrown everything at him and still nothing.

Makes sense

That train has left the station.

Ooh too late. That ship has already sailed. America is on a downward spiral to become a Banana Republic in the next decades.

' soon as he gets out of office, they go after them.' Before he took office, while he was in office and after he left office. Democrats, aka socialists and many RINOS in congress want him and US silenced!! SHAME!

Too late

They never once stopped

I may not agree a lot with Bill, I believe in his right to free speech as much as he believes in mine.

When is Maher going to grow a pair of balls and finally condemn the Communist Democrat party? I’m not impressed with him - he knows they are wrong but lacks the moral courage to denounce them by name - it’s only one side pulling all the shit he is routinely condemning

Well, Bill, you consistently voted for the people who turned us into a Banana Republic.

These people always say “Trump is guilty“ but never tell you how. It’s so disingenuous. Bill Maher is a clown.

he's never guilty. 18 months of Mueller up his backside and couldn't find one thing out of place. lets see any politician go through that. thank God Trump is not a lifelong politician. they are so corrupt.

He is right! The Democrats have gone too far this time. I don't believe for a minute that top Democrats have not championed for this indictment and arrest. They are after him so they are assured that they win in 2024. It is going to backfire on them. Trump will win

They never waited with DJT

I believe the place your talking about is a third world country, this isn’t just going after a former president, it is a continuous attack on a former president who’s leading every poll to be re-elected.

Too late

Tooooooo late dude.

Would you rather live in one of those places where the elites are above the law and can commit crime as they want without repercussions?

too late.....precedent has been set....

Let me name a few,Venezuela. Bolivia,Mexico,and now thanks to these people, U.S.A. I've been there and the dictators have prisons full of their ex presidents and political enemies.

2 late it already happening

How many times did you ENCOURAGE it, before you’ve now backpeddling?

Funny how the republicans started it with Obama and Clinton and are now complaining when the democrats are more successful at it.

Your nonsensical ramblings do absolutely nothing to repair the damage to our country that you helped orchestrate.

Maher, always on point

I've never liked Maher politically, but at times I found him interesting as an entertainer. However, although he's walking a tight-rope, at least he is showing some character of dignity & logic! Maybe I'll tune-in to his program more often to see if his honest-spine prevails!

Tell that to the Trump haters

That’s how banana republics operate.

If you don’t commit a crime there is nothing to worry about

I watch your show. You and your clapping seals are fine with it, as long as it's Trump. You just fear the retribution that's coming...

They go after them while they are president too

They went after Trump in and out of office

Got to respect Maher. He sees it. And nobody dislikes Trump as much as he does.

Me either

That ship has sailed!!!! It’s cutthroat now!!

Too late. You drew first.

Bill Maher and his 'people' are responsible for the current climate in America and now he whines and cries that he is not happy about it. They brought all on the country themselves.

Oh… count on it. The ball game has changed forever.

Trump filed false financial records. He knew that was a crime and still did it.

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