Maddow: Voters teach GOP the lessons they won't learn on their own

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Rachel Maddow: It doesn't matter whether Republicans learn that Trump-backed candidates are a losing investment, 'the voters are going to keep teaching that lesson.'


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Contrary to media spin, 82% of the candidates (out of more than 250) endorsed by President Trump were elected in the 2022 mid-terms.

Rach, have you seen this? Who is the mysterious analyst? Who was holding back the information from other divisions? Is this real ?

Ugh you're STILL on Twitter

Where is your coverage of the Twitter Files. Yep, you are a one trick pony. Trump, Trump Trump. Is that all you got?

Yeah give me more groping, neck sniffing, senile candidates. Not!

But they were only stunned for a moment after the midterms then the truly dedicated trumpers seemed to double down.

Funny, MTG seems to recall an awful lot now, but she couldn't when she was in court earlier this year. 🤔

MAGA Republicans & Evangelicals don't need Trump anymore. They've stacked SCOTUS with conservative Christians, overturned Roe, & got their tax deductions. It’s simple math, even for them.

Yes the lesson learned is that Facebook Twitter Google and YouTube colluded with the FBI and Joe Biden's Campaign to ensure that he won the White House

And dems will keep taking 2 weeks to count votes to make sure they can dig up enough “votes” to win the races they need

Trusted news folks. Follow the science…

Where are the tweets to and from Ginnie Thomas

That is exactly what has happened in Australia. The Murdoch/Stokes/Costello right wing media pushed for the Morrison Liberal government but despite that they lost ignominiously! Hooray!

NBC brought us Trump and they won't let us forget it. 10 Years of 'you're fired'. That boy is a Shakespeare! He Shakes his Spear and swords with his pen...what a powerful man.

But you have to live in a non gerry mandered district because no one runs against your gop RepGrothman because it is possible to win. 54% Dem in open races, Dems only hold 35% of state seats. Welcome to WI.

The the LIES and the SPEWING of HATE for America continues for the domon-NAZIs.

use one uglyyyyyy DAM

She's so right! The RETHUGS are just like Trump, they NEVER LEARN from their mistakes!

Blueliberals I love Rachel's Pod cast But.... We need her back mon-fri, to explain the craziness from the GQP that occurs daily. No one makes it clearer

How many trillions does Mr. Maddow owe his audience for lying about the mRNA injections?

Ditto on Democrat voters on Biden as well.

Get double vaxxed and triple boosted because Rachel said trust the science

Joe Biden is 100% compromised by communist China and instead of reporting about this and helping our country the fake news continues to lie and cover it up. That's how little morals the people at MSNBC have. They will watch our country go down instead of doing the right thing

Sooner or later democrats will be taught a lesson about cheating over and over in elections.

Viewers don't want dykey she males as journalists either. You're a man baby!

Fake news is nothing but liars. Look at the facts. They helped collude with big tech and the Biden regime to steal the 2020 election. Now they are trying to cover it up because they know they are culpable and liable

fake news when are you going to talk about the invasion at the southern border. You keep gas lighting your fuel remaining viewers and lying to them everyday. You lied about the Russian collusion hoax, you lied about the hunter Biden laptop, you continue to lie about the border

How’s that Russia story going Rachel?

I love it when MAGA loses.

When will MSNBC learn the lesson that they're completely irrelevant. Not news. Pure establishment propaganda.

Votes not voters.

MohsenShekari was one of the many innocent Iranians who were viciously killed by the Islamic regime. He was unlawfully executed today. Your silence enables the Islamic regime to kill many other innocents who are being held captive. MahsaAmini

Arizona Georgia Wisconsin Michigan New Hampshire Pennsylvania Minnesota Nevada Many RNC offices were underpaid for months before imperative elections. It’s time for new GOP 🪑 leadership to invest donor dollars into winning strategies that preserve the American Dream 🇺🇸

His minions only believe in elections they win, everything else is 'cheating', by some fantasy demonic interference. They are positive it is rigged, but their evidence of this would make Judge Judy rofl. Biden's policies are working, lets move on.


My heart same as eyes that choose to pour positivity into my psyche. It compels a truth that can not be denied! A blue mo💙ement resonated demographically from a little word called CIVILITY. America watched metamorphosis almost into a National Blue🌊🌊🌊Sea... [ Keep watching]

If SCOTUS rules for the total independence of state legislatures on elections, the message voters send will become moot.

Old news!

What's Trump's win/loss record on endorsements maddow ? Over 200 W's with somewhere around 30 L's. Do your own research people, don't let media tell you what to think.

Uh huh

Weird, this would have had much more traction ...

Yeah! TRUMP is Toxic!

If you cheat to win everyone loses.

The Islamic Republic executed Mohsen_Shakari today on charges of moharebeh. Certainly, the feedback that the story will get in the world will continue to affect the lives of hundreds of people. MahsaAmini

The real danger is not the Trumpy types but the DeSantis, Abbott, Rubio, Graham, Cruz types.

U Tarded?

Funny, because Walker was supposedly an 'Unwinnable' candidate. He came within 1% of the votes necessary to win. Warnock did ultimately win, but only just barely. Something tells me this is Warnock's last term...

What evidence do you have that the majority of voters don't want 'trumpy' candidates, there's more evidence the voters don't want war mongering war profiteering Democrats

Maddow decided to show up ? Is she 1 day a week ? Or just special shows ?

Their losing bc the election is rigged like OBAMA's fake ass birth certificate. 8 yrs of fraud with a fake as birth certificate while locking immigrant kids in cages

How does she account for MTG? She's from Georgia and totally aligned with tRump!

US Socialists are like the socialists in CCP China. Giving the chance, they lie, cheat, steal, murder, pretty much anything to gain power and control people's freedom

And All Voters end up Losers!


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