Kanye West Booted Off Illinois Ballot Due to 1,900 Invalid Signatures

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Kanye West's Presidential run just got a death blow, at least in Illinois, where election officials say more than half his submitted signatures are invalid ... and that means he's off the ballot.

's Presidential run just got a death blow, at least in Illinois, where election officials say more than half his submitted signatures are invalid ... and that means he's off the ballot.after Kanye submitted his petition to get on the ballot in his home state. That triggered a review -- from the State Board of Elections -- of all the 3,128 signatures on his documents.

It could be any number of issues -- fake names, fake addresses, unregistered voters in Illinois -- or even simply an illegible signature.


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The same guy who went on a rant about how slavery was a 'choice' is now totally fine being used as a token and tool by the party of Trump. I'm sure this irony is lost on him.

They are racist.

The Useful Idiot's useful idiot.


TheDemocrats will stop at nothing

No shit🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

He should have never been on any ballot!

This is rich coming from Democrats they were probably insulted he was able to get hundreds of thousands

In the words of ye amazing! MentalHealthAwareness

He basically admitted that the GOP is using him to get Trump elected and he’s doing this to split the vote and help Biden lose. But people are fools and can’t see it and are gonna vote for him leaving us with 4 more years with Orangina in the White House.

Well he’s a joke and a puppet. Bye Ghurl

If he was a threat to Trump this wouldn’t have happened, but since he’s libel to take Biden votes he’s kicked off.

Democrats scared of him

RN_JW733 Wonder where he learned that from?🤣🤣🤣

I guarantee he is not welcome in WY.

Not surprised, Democrats always looking for a way to cheat and steal from Americans.


He’s a joke !!!

At least PLAY FAIR ye 🤣🤣🤣🤣

This campaign is going quite well.

This fool thrives on attention

Did he sign his name 1900 times?

Thank GOD

Welcome to politics YE!

Despite the fact that West would be a better President than Trump (as would anybody) he is, nevertheless, unfit to stand, let alone win. VOTE JoeBiden for a better America.

Good riddance

YEEZE HAVE SEVERAL SEATS ...DO WHAT YOU DO BEST! WE 😍U FOR UR STYLE N CREATIVITY! STAY IN UR LANE BRO! DONT BE weaking ur potential as an artist, 'MUSIC'- do a clothing co'lab with wifey! Theres so much more that ur great at!



I don't think they were invalid signatures, people in their 20's don't know how to write in cursive hence they don't know how to sign their name.



Wow will they do that to all the illegal ballads they get in November

How do you even validate or invalidate a signature?

Let em hate, Kanye we all know every genius has a touch of madness in their mind.


He’ll blame Kim’s attempt abortion on it 😂😂

Sad to see some celebs NickCannon saying they would vote for him. He needs help not another stage to embarrass his self & damage the world any further then it is. I use to be a fan of Ye but dude is out of pocket period


This is an outrage! My signature is considered valid on hundreds of civilized worlds!


Trump got this man out here looking like a fool

He’s a loser and a fool.



Here comes the Reality check !

Trying to keep the black man down



kingtrumpmustgo Go home, Kanye.

Good . Now, let's hit him where it hurts. Remove the Kardashians from your DVR, burn Kylie's makeup, dump Kim's perfume. Throw away Kanye's shoes. That will shut his dumbass up.

Want to bet Trump totally ignores this? If it were a Dem candidate, Trump would be ramping up the ranting tweets about Dems cheating. But it’s a Republican, so of no interest to Dumpy Trump. Won’t get a mention by the GOP either.


Complete injustice

400 were Mr. IP Freely

Yeah that's what getting Trumps goons helping you does to you. Kanye wears a MAGA hat.


IndieAgitator Not even surprising

kingtrumpmustgo My favorite Kanye headline so far!

Wear a mask, not Kardashian products. Wear a mask, not Kardashian products. Wear a mask, not Kardashian products.


Mentally ill

Ass 🤡

The Biden Campaign needs to check, all of the signatures on Kanye's list to get on ballots in States. The Republican Operatives have foraged a lot of the signatures. Biden needs to sue Kanye, & the States to check the signatures.

This old white guy loves Kanye for his 'Heart'. Will he influence Nov.3rd? Yup! His heartfelt 'honesty' combined with Trump's successes in Black community vs Biden's derogatory statements and his Party's history 'bout Blacks issues - you bet!



wow, hes going to go to jail this is election tampering and forgery.

Good. And not because I dont like him. But because I know what this is all about.


JoanneCangal kanye himself is both invalid and irrelevant

Good!! Now STOP making news about him. no one cares!!!

He's invalid, and unwell.

Pathetic. I’ll always have love for Kanye but lord he sure is testing the limits daily.

once again republicans cheating lol and the gop says its always the dems hmm sounds like projection to me

Lock him up for election fraud? If that's not possible, do it cause his music suuuuuucks!

Dude is clearly making a fool of himself and quite frankly as much as I’d like to blame the kardashian clan , I doubts it’s them - even this is probably above their comprehension- why Kanye why - yet the goal is to win but the question is who win !!!

I wish they would

Does this mean he’ll finally go away...?

Good! Any more he can get thrown off?

Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck where among the two found😂😂😂

The classic Hillary plan!

Kanye West is a fool, but his “candidacy” is no joke. It serves 3 goals: 1) Divert votes from Joe Biden, 2) divert attention from Trump scandals, and 3) promote his new album. He’s supporting reelection of the worst president in US history. Register. Vote.

There’s you election fraud

Kanye West Is Booted Off the Illinois Ballot ... 1,900 Signatures Tossed!!! 1,900 Invalid Signatures! That sounds like what democrats do! kanyewest

It doesn't matter. A lot of us really like Donald J. Trump AND Kanye West! So it does not matter what the media makes up to say or how they report crap. Joe Biden we do not like for 2020 even if he wasn't afflicted with mental sickness.

That’s a know know.

This is in the Trump's playbook or Roger Stone's old Nixon 1,001 cheats & tricks playbook!!! Can we please take our country back from these unpatriotic domestic terrorists to our Democracy & Constitution!! Our national security is at risk!! 'We the people' are hurting real bad!!!

FUCK kanyewest

No surprise. His whole thing is about cutting corners and sponging off other people


Since when has Illinois ever cared about voter fraud?

It don't matter. A lot of us like Donald J. Trump and Kanye West no matter what the so called media do. Joe Biden we don't like even if he were not mentally sick.

Excellent lol!!!!!!

DebarringtonH Isn’t there something that can sit him down and get him help? If he can’t see trump’s making a fool of him, doesn’t anyone else see he needs help?

Shoulda got insured, Geico for your money.

GOOD! He's just trying to rig the election for Trump🙄


I can’t believe people enterneining this stupidity... cause a person got money. This is a Shame .



How many looked like this?

Awful suspicious but tmz the Trump deranged syndrome losers have no issue with it but if it was kayne trying to screw up Trump tmz would be posting articles on how to looks shady.

I am not surprised.


Will his fans please STOP supporting this Madness

Lol who did not see that coming

His home state, lol

Can he please go back to the asylum known as Kardouchbag palace

Really? Are we gonna give this attention folks? Really think about this 🤔 keep your eyes on the target don’t worry about the distraction. Whichever personality this is both of them need some isolation time on his compound in Wyoming.

😂 😂 😂 KimKardashian 😝🤷🏽‍♂️😎


Well you know them REPUBLICANS are helping him so of course there's shenanigans going on.

Well damn now how’s he gonna win 🤷‍♂️

Thank god!

So he forged signatures?

Fine his ass give him jail time or disqualify him..,really fake names like Mickey 🐭 Mouse on his petitions? He obviously got some tricks from his bestie Trump!!

KWest u should focus on shoes and rap songs/ u got this all wrong/ trump doesn’t like you, your just a pawn/ but you fucking wit America and we have 2stand up and get along/ get off the ballot before its to late/ this isn’t the VMAs were u still the shobro/

Ya don’t say.. FOH Kanye

This is how low Kanye has sunk, isn't this considered ELECTION FRAUD? Donald Trump's Campaign is now commiting FRAUD? Is this why Kim Kardashian West became a Lawyer? Will Kanye West need to go to jail for Trump?


They are against him and scared.


Great Job, TMZ. Lane E. Ruhland is a Lawyer on the Trump Campaign & she is the woman that filed papers for Kanye West to be put on the Ballott for Wisconsin. It all make sense Kanye is working with the White Nationalist Trump to get the Black votes from Biden.

Thank God!

SchmattCheryl kanye is such an egomaniac that they were probably all done by him.

It's a ashamed the way Trump is exploiting his mental health situation.


Cancel them!!!

It figures.


Ye yeeted.


The GOP supports batshit crazy!

TheSkorpion God don’t like ugly

Good. At least somebosy has some sende left

No one wants this nigga to run except Republicans tying to limit the Black vote from Biden!! Couldn't even get on the ballot in his home state SMH 🤦🏿‍♂️ 😕 Kanye got no Black people in his circle! Only Kardashians! LOL 😆

Kanye your being used...... don’t let them do that to you.... you better than that.


Why would you want to be hooked into Trump! He made these promises during 2016 run and has not followed thru. He is a big time loser.

What a fraud. Can he be more ridiculous 🤔




Kanye a fraud? I wonder who he took lessons from 🙄

Y’all really don’t have anything better to do ....

Good. Clown



This is still a thing


kanyewest has my vote. Look at the 2 other people. They’re all equally crazy


I think Kanye West needs to show america, that he has a stable life, without any incidences for many many years before he can prove that he can be a leader for the country. Bpd is no joke! That's my .02 cents. What do you think?


So he’s lying/faking his support to get on the ballot on more than one state. He’s bi-polar and emotionally unstable and refusing to take medication and he wants to control the nuclear button! His own family does absolutely nothing. Absolutely disgusting

Boot him off every ballot!

Isn’t this a Crime? Oh let me guess it’s okay because he’s bipolar?

legalisetweed rip

SamiaAliSalama Is anyone surprised

4 years too late


Oh he's cheating. Shocker


Wuuuuuuut?! The republican strategists that helped him get on the ballots cheated?! Nooooo

Govt not showing all their work on this one.

The republicans trying hard.....check all of his stuff because trump team is working for him...

Yeah, right, invalid signatures--democrat voter fraud you mean!!

WilliamAder He changed pens. Signed left handed. Gave it the old college try.


But the Democrats.

Don't take this the wrong way Kanye, but go fuc yourself!!!!!

These people are going to destroy Kanye’s name... and when that happens, it’s it’s over... OJ 2.0!

He’s a fraud and a loser. Very trump like.

fight4freedom72 Please take him home and medicate him. This is just cruel.

Good. Fn ridiculous

They’re all fake in every state.

Lol 😂 Did Elon Musk signed for him ? ...he looks like a dude who will smoke so high and forget his own signature on purpose 😂

lol what a poser

Democratic state abuses power to force will? Stop. I don’t believe it.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

chancetherapper 1996Biggs and all the other celebrities enabling this man. Please know that this election matter to us we are real people with real problems. Stop defending him for a verse or job opportunity

KimKardashian please help him.

You mean I got writers cramp for nothing?🤔🙄

Pitiful. You are just as unhinged as Trump. You are just making a joke of yourself!

Hey kanyewest please stick to music. Thanks.

I know they can afford the best facilities KimKardashian get this man some help!

Get him off all ballots.. sad..

They should lock his ass up for forgery..

Kanye West is desperately trying to help Donald Trump win re-election. Many think the reason behind this is that Donald Trump must have promised him a appointment to a position of power if he wins this election. Kanye West is a sell-out to Trump.


Aye Dios mio jajajajaja 🤨

The man trying to keep him down ....just saying


This is an example what trump meant by “winning”!

Last thing we need for 2020 is Kanye for president. Lmao

can't even make the ballot in his home state and thinks he can run the country

this guy needs so much help..pronto

Democrats say there is no voter fraud.

His own home state not even rockin with him

Whew! And....

He. Needs. To just stop!’ Why are you guys covering him? I’d pay big money for a response. You’re no better. Stop it!

Good he needs to go somewhere and get some fucking help and stop trying to play President

He ain't gonna win anyway so it don't matter


Why isn’t he in some sort of facility getting evaluated?!?

He should be in a mental hospital getting treatment.

KimKardashian come control your husband. He about to get the whole klan kancelled.

I'm guessing his 1900 other personalities signed the petition

Still a better candidate than old man Biden

Kanye West is so bored he just wants to waste everyone’s time.

Get him the fuck outta here

Thank goodness 😅!


He needs to be stabilised and have intense therapy for atleast 6 months


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