Justin Amash Wants to Destroy the System that Created Trump

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Justin Amash has spent so much time fighting with Republicans in Washington that it’s easy to forget he’s not a Democrat.

You once joked to me that there’s really no difference between John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi.

That’s what created Trump. And I think people keep misidentifying the problem. What they don’t recognize is that he’s a creature of this system where everyone is hyperpartisan and hates each other and where they’re told repeatedly, ‘If you don’t vote for our party nominee, you are selling out your family, your friends, your country to these people who want to destroy it.’ And that’s what both sides are told.

What you see on Twitter and Facebook and in the halls of Congress and at White House press conferences is not America. Most people are actually pretty kind, compassionate, they are not superpartisan. They’re not superangry about people who have different views. They don’t have a lot of choices right now because they’re stuck with these two parties.

And part of the reason they make the system so convoluted is so that they can each get pats on the back from their respective constituencies. ‘Thank you for the thing you did specifically for farmers. Thank you for the thing that you specifically did for airline workers. Thank you for the thing that you specifically did for truckers.


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He’s the “other “ Ron Paul.

Yeah.....not buying his story. With all the lying in this administration, we are getting better at sniffing out the truth.

Please don’t run


Dude voted against an anti-lynching bill. Please unfuck yourselves into the sun.

Actually it's really easy to remember that he was kicked off committees bc he's an asshole *and* he's to the right of most Republicans. So, definitely not a Democrat but he could probably throw in with the rosebros who are also not Democrats.

It's actually not that easy. 🤷

Literally no one thinks he’s a Democrat.

No, it really isn't, but nice try.

Guns will help you make the distinction, I think.

Who is financing his campaign?

It’s not hard at all. What a ridiculous tweet.

Can we erase Justin Amash like we did Howard Schultz?

Are you serious right now?

Yeah except for his 95%+ pro-Trump voting record. He voted to support LYNCHING. He’s absolutely a Republican.

Except for his position on pretty much everything.

None of this is true. Is there one decent writer at Politico?

You're kidding, right?

His voting record and rhetoric makes it very easy to remember he's not a Democrat but that he's actually a Ron Paul/Ayn Rand worshipping sexist racist buffoon.

I know this is politico, but this is one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever read.

No it's not. He voted against an anti lynching bill. Nobody thinks he's a Democrat.

He voted against making lynching a federal hate crime, consistently votes to dismantle the ACA and take healthcare away from millions, and voted against Russian sanctions. Those are just some recent examples. Don't prop this trash up.

If this is something that is easy for you to forget, you should not be doing your job. This is just embarrassing. When you are feeling like you have impostor syndrome, listen to that part of your brain and don’t rationalize it away.

It's super duper not. But anything to keep trump where he is, amirite?!

Politico is complicit with the Koch agenda.

Well, until you look at his voting record.


No WAY does justinamash have my vote. I can honestly say I no longer respect and admire him too. How ego can ruin a person.

He wòuld devide the country even more.

justinamash appreciate your efforts but you will only pull votes away from Biden and re-elect Trump

reporters have spent so much time not living in his discrict they he is full of shit

False. His policies goals are atrocious.

No, it really isn't. & this is an absolutely ridiculous headline justinamash has been & is funded by Koch He isn't running to defeat trump. He knows he can't win. He is running to siphon off nevertrump republicans from Biden & deliver Michigan to 45. DoBetter

Lies you tell!

There's a lot of reason that Justin Amash is not the smartest on the Block.

Interesting. Bernie has never been a Democrat. Yet he's in the Dem party. Amash claims he's independent. Yet you can't tell the difference between him & Dems. What does that make him? Then there's the problem of RINOs like Romney, et al. Time to rename. American & non-American.

The electoral system and dark/PAC money. Strip the money from politics & we’ll see which candidates are truly interested in being a public SERVANT.

He needs to destroy the system that created today’s republicans and democrats. He needs to rid us of Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, and other long-term lifers.

60M Trump voters regard this guy as a rat. Democrats will, in no way, support him. So WTF is he thinking.

But now he wants to hand the election over to them!

Justin Amash has proven himself to be an embarrassment both to the Republican party into the state of Michigan. And that’s pretty much the end of that story.

By getting Trump re-elected?

It's definitely not easy.

A man of conviction should be heard!

Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen. It's not going to happen.

Amash will take votes from Biden and Trump.

He has a constituency of?

And soon he will be gone and forgotten

He “fights” with Republicans the same way that the cats in my alley “fight”.

It’s getting to the point where no one will take media seriously. You’re ruining your own industry.

That’s it. I am now unfollowing Politico.

Then he should do it by challenging Trump in the Republican primary, not by running a 3rd party candidacy that will guarantee Trump a 2nd term.

Stop this. Stop prentending this is important. Do your job and report real news. Where is the testing, where are the PPE, where are the tax returns. Dig for the information & stop wasting our time

Only if you have had a brain injury or you are under the age of 8.

July 4th...gone.

That is why Trump supporters or Independents are not going to vote for him. He might as well be J. Flake.

Puff piece about Amash, huh?

What difference does it make? you're either with us or against us it's the same thing a Democrat?

Most of the best people are not. The majority of Americans are independents.

Say it loud. He’s not a democrat.

If you're completely uninformed, have just enough cognitive function to keep breathing, or have no clue what a libertarian is, then sure, it's easy to forget.

It's really, really not.

He is another useless politician who does anything to capture the attention of the media’s camera. He is an absolute loser.

Oh. Justin Amash is 100% republican that just happen to dislike one man. The man they created through tea party movement. He ain't an angel. Shitty as it gets

We know. We know.

I still voting president Trump.

I don't trust him at all.

Politico, forever giving oxygen to things that help trump win elections.

It’s not easy and he’s not

It is easy to forget that he is a libertarian not a democrat.


Isn't he the globalist who owns a company in China? Hum...

He’s still a Trump supporter by running as a libertarian for whom Sanders supporters could vote as a protest against Biden.

When Amash votes against president Trump, he voting for Biden.

well if he really wanted to destroy it he would get over his ego and vote blue everybody knows a third party never wins i dont understand why people would throw away their vote by voting for a third party

He’s a TEA bagger....

Really bad take . Can you point to any Dem who ever mistook Amash for a Dem?

Or the fact that Corporate Democrats are actually Republicans.

He's a globalist whose entire family as well as his own wealth is dependent on the CCP

He’s not a Democrat though. He is a spoiler.

That's kind of the problem. duopoly

He voted AGAINST an Anti lynching law. He's voted again and again to destroy ACA. When did Politico become Breitbart?

The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Who ya got?

Justin 'Karen' Amash you mean.

Instead he’s gonna end up giving us four more years of Trump

No it isn't.

Trumpsters will not vote for him. I'm not sure why it is so hard for him to understand where his votes will be coming from.

No, justinamash is just someone who knows how bad stuff is but he cares more about his little vanity project than actually making it better. He doesn’t have a chance to win, he’s just an asshole.

No. And he's a fraud. Running for office, is a clear cut attempt at facilitating yet another Trump term, as he would siphon away middle of the road Republicans from Biden. As for the issues we know where he stands. No Democratic values in him. At all.

Nah, he wants Trump to be re-elected. He is being paid to do this by dark money.

No it’s not.

Democrats in this day and age don't vote against lynching. Definitely a GOP.

No he justinamash wants to get trump re-elected

No...he is very much Republican. Just a tolerable one.

NARRATOR: No, it's not.

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