Houston voters are turning out in record numbers. Could they flip Texas for Biden?

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Record turnout in Texas' largest county could be crucial to flipping a usually red state.

to block Abbott’s order allowing counties to add six additional days of early voting during the pandemic.

That led to the plan to vastly expand early-voting locations and hours, and to rely on data to better distribute voting machines to the areas with the largest turnout. In August, Hollins’ office put out a call for 11,000 election workers to carry out his ambitious plans. In what some experts have taken as a signal of voter enthusiasm in Harris County,As they rolled out plans, Hollins was most concerned about finding ways to make voting easier for people with difficult work schedules.

“That's to allow every single voter who needs to, whether they’re shift workers at one of the plants or factories around town, whether they are working in our Texas Medical Center to save lives during this pandemic, or whether they're working at a grocery store, stocking shelves at 2 or 3 in the morning,” Hollins said. “We're going to give every single voter an opportunity to cast their ballot at a time that's convenient for them.


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Yes we can!

Or not. Are you implying everyone in line is Democrat? Sounds like propaganda to me.

Smart Americans will vote for Trump.

They only mean a record turn out for Biden. That could be anything from fifty to a few hundred people. This isn’t news

I would not put my precious life in Joe Biden’s hands to protect me from the coronavirus a man who looks like a corpse and he still hasn’t got the virus yet! No way José(Joe)!

China Joe why would I get tested This is the idiot that says he will fix it

Why is it assumed they are voting for Biden? Keep thinking that because good news for Biden will keep Dems home.


I guess it takes a pandemic to 'out' systemic voter suppression in Texas. This is the death rattle of a party about to see their state flip despite years of discouraging, prohibiting, challenging & intimidating voters. Absolutely Pathetic UnFuckAmerica

Trump is cruel! He has wanted to do politics with health and with people's lives... this is unforgivable! And no one could be proud of a president so indolent, who is so insensitive to the pain of others.

TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS 🤞Let’s do this

This is very interesting...

Maybe if the governor was Trumps Bitch they would open more polling locations. But it is Obvious voter suppression. It’s amazing what someone can do in broad daylight! trumpsucks WorstPresidentInHistory

If Americans wants dishonesty, bad trade wars, broken promises, farmers going bankrupt and more abortions they vote Trump. ( when woman can easily get info & healthcare there are less abortions) it’s got to be Biden vote.

Keep voting Texas!

God speed joe Biden 🇬🇧🇺🇸✊🏻



That is why the scumbag TexasGOP is trying to get more than 100,000 legal votes tossed out. They need to cheat to win.

Go Texans! Create history and save our country!

You are shameless in your news. Houstonians stand to lose big under Biden. HUGE big ... plus Texas isn’t under the thumb of your media biases

Joe will end the oil industry and jobs for the US

Don't think its happening, but for sure is making the GOP a little bit uneasy, just a bit

So more red turned out. Thank you Trump Texas voters.

Forbidden to forget! Trump offended us, humiliated us, discriminated against us; he divided the country by sowing racial hatred, he departed from the constitution to try to impose his will he has been inefficient in his management of governing, Trump cannot continue as president.

Hahaha yea right, not a chance

cwebbonline Stay safe, stay strong, Texas!


All fraud votes from democrat cities or counties.

This is why the nut job leftists end up in the streets or in a fetal position after losing an election; NBC burps out this dogma, like TX going blue, to keep their left wing audience coming back, and keep ratings up.

Thank you President Donald J Trump for promises made, promises kept.... Another 4 years in office...

Yeah right...more lies

Or making a statement that Texas is Trump Country! 🤷🏻‍♀️

You wish.

Thank you Texans. Don't let Abbott & his goon squads take YOUR VOICE away. America is with you!


Texas do you like Destroying Oil&Gas industry Amensty Open borders Pack the Cts Higher taxes for every taxpayer Medicare for illegals Green New Deal Jobs to China and abroad China favored nation No? Well you had better VoteRedLikeYourLifeDependsOnIt

VOTE VoteHimOut VoteBlueToEndTheNightmare

VOTE Texas, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida BLUE!

And the GOP from the Governor down are trying to suppress the vote in that county. Unpatriotic and anti-American.

Wobbledance1 Bring it home Texas! Blue looks great on you.

These lines are heartwarming if they get Trump out but maddening because of the incompetence and/or corrupt they display. This crap needs to be investigated!


Do it Texas!

Here's hoping Texas voters tell Trump and his corrupt accomplices in Congress, 'YOU'RE FIRED.' And a huge majority says, 'NO MORE' to Trump and his GOP's greed-driven lies, racist hate-mongering, and failure on every front. (Up or down, the stock market isn't the full picture!)

Houston is also one of the worst cities in Texas.

Yes, but the GOP is already trying to have 100K ballots tossed in Harris Co.


We can trust Biden/Harris to run America. They will make America GOOD again! Wear a mask and VOTE on TUESDAY. Kindly remind your friends to adopt social distancing while your at it. Help us end this pandemic. We must win this. Our planet is at stake. THANK YOU!

It still doesn't change the fact that Trump is a liar. He's corrupt. He steals. He's a divider. He preaches hatred. He's a Fascist. He's a white supremacist. He's a bigot. He's a killer. Most of all, he has no heart.

The bigger story is that the GOP is trying to throw out 127,000 votes from this county, because they cannot win a fair election.

The thing about Houston, oil absolutely runs that economy it’s probably not as big of advantage as you would think.

Uhmmm ... don’t be ridiculous !

Goodbye Joe...

What are you doing to help?

texas just needs to show up


Vote for Biden since DT Dienst care about you whatever he says, just investigate his past and how he does things for his own profit

every republican needs to go and be prosecuted


Chris Hollins deserves a medal. His changes are helping all voters in Harris Cty — Reps, too. Rep policies, on the other hand, harm all voters.

... and I understand they got 7 videos with all of the license tags and faces ... You see there is not only a state law; but also a Federal Law for Harassing or wanting to cause harm to a Vice President BIDEN and The President Obama. It's a Federal Felony...Trump said 10yrs.

T E X A S VOTE for YOUR life and the lives of your loved ones!!! VOTE for America. VOTE for YOUR future. VOTE to save your ass and not that assholes in the WH. Coronavirus Cases: 9,402,590 +++ Deaths: 236,072 +++ VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

God's ear? 🤞

If Texas was in play we would see Trump here. You would see people flocking to Harris at her rally. Trump is doing multiple rallies in multiple states per day. Democrats need lower ballot candidates to be voted in is why these stories exist. Give them hope

Biden said he would end the oil industry. Houston is where those jobs are.

VOTE Trump2020

Biden supporters or trump supporters🤔🙄that is the question.😳

Wow. So much voter suppression.

45 won by over a million in 16 .... hope it's turning blue

Everyone should be allowed to Vote! Election day should be a national holiday. Let every American eligible to have a voice.

Once upon a time California was solid Republican and now Bernie won the primary here and registered Republicans here are 24% and keep DECREASING.🤔 It is happening to Texas now. In 20 years, Texas would be solid blue.👍

voteon Harris County!!

That's just a huge turn-out for 1 county lol... Tx majority counties are red. And end of day you are counting county final results as 1 elector per County. So it really doesn't matter if a lot of people show up for one county.

Is anyone/reporters/journalists, going to be in some of the deep red counties on Tues, just to see if they will experience the same long lines and hours of waiting we see happening in mostly blue areas?

9 نفر از هر 10 ایرانی_مقیم_آمریکا گفته‌اند که به نامزد جمهوری_خواهان رأی می‌دهند

Nope. Trump2020

Trump rallies led to more than 30,000 Covid cases, Stanford researchers say

How did you get mass turnout... Means flipped state?

CNBC: Trump rallies led to more than 30,000 Covid cases and 700 deaths. Stanford researchers say'’’

VOTE Texas Early Voting Statistics Total Voted: 9,676,422

VOTE Total Early Votes: 92,038,417

When they act like they’re trying to stop us from voting, it backfires. The blue wave is surging. 🌊 People are voting this time like their lives depend on it—and they’re absolutely right. One man is trying to destroy the country to escape justice for years of criminality.

Welcome in 'Trumps world': USA 320 million people with over 225.000 corona deaths. Germany 83 million people with over 10.000 corona deaths. Thanks God, that this man isn't chancellor in Germany!!! Believe in God, but don't trust Trump!!!

Yeah, there's a lot of voter suppression and intimidation going on too. A lot. Not one word from the POS GregAbbott_TX. Looks like Dems have way more class than republicans.

Haha ... when you have a person from overseas reading your articles and laughing at the blatant bias towards the Dems, you’ve got real issues. And no credibility. 🇦🇺

GOP are seeking to have many pre polls declared invalid from Harris County.

Houston’s a city built on and living off of the oil industry

Texas isn't turning blue just like they didn't ram the Biden campaign

Which do you like? 1.A tree that takes root in the soil and bears fruit from its soil and keeps its leaves green(Mr. Trump) 2.A leech that has fallen into the souls of the people of the world and sucks their blood and raises its children from this blood.(Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama)

That's how you make sure people's voices are heard.

Lol, libbies are so imaginative.



Not if the Texas governor has anything to say about it. I'm surprised he hasn't called out the National Guard already and arrested voters for 'unlawful assembly'.

Thank you American Brothers & Sisters let’s take Our Country back! Been Living in an Exhausting Twilight Twitter Zone, for the Past 4 Years! I’m Tired, if Biden Wins I’m Gonna Celebrate for Days, & Sleep for a Week! Amen!

Illegal aliens campaigning against Trump. I don’t know why we tolerate the entire RAICESACTION group. They should be deported for foreign interference & illegal presence in the U.S.

NBC - didn’t we discuss this story already? CC: Ksenias7 I mean if you think that Texas, the oil State can become blue all I can add we really do not have to wait that long in order to see what is going to happen in real Life. Less than a week.

Lying, cheating and the state cheating you out of your taxes ?! Is it fair that you have to pay so much taxes and Trump only pays $ 750! Is that the way of the Americans? Do you want that? That's Trump's and Pence gone!

4 days! Ignore the polls! Vote in person or drop off. No mailing ballots. VOTE BLUE!! VOTE BIDEN!! VOTE!!

hahahahahaha,,,,,,,,,,dopey news,,,,,,,,,,,,,Not likely.

Of course the GOP Governor and the GOP judges have decided there can only be 1 drop box for mail in votes in this county which is home to millions of people. Why are they afraid of people voting in a democracy? Because they know they can't win if they let everyone vote.

Reverse psychology at work. Tell them they won’t be able to do something and this is what you get

Thank you Houston. Vote democrat no matter who.

من بين 20 الف شخصية بارزة في التاريخ، انتقى المؤرخ الامريكي مايكل هارت مائة عدّهم اكثر وابعد تأثيرا من غيرهم. وبعد دراسة معمّقة لسيرهم، خلص الباحث الأمريكي الى أن النبي محمدا هو أعظمهم اطلاقا. لماذا؟

It will be good to turnaround all these beliefs on traditional grounds. Let there be unpredictability in the system, it will make politicians to sit up

More likely its ensuring the state stays republican.....we don't need left wing liberal crap ruining our state

4 days! Ignore the polls! Vote in person or drop off. No mailing ballots. VOTE BLUE!! VOTE BIDEN!! VOTE!!


Thank you Harris County

If your Governor and State GOP party are trying to end drive in voting when curbside is lawful, limit dropboxes to 1 per county, and otherwise suppress your ability to vote and do it safely, FLIP TEXAS BLUE. Never let them take away your vote!! VoteBlueDownTheBallot

Bobulinski report on that!


ClioDunn Thankful that GregAbbott_TX is sending in the National Guard to metro polling places on Election Day to make sure that there aren’t too many votes from Democrats.

because NBC is not biased at all...

“Red to blue”

Well If they are wearing masks, I'm assuming they are voting for Biden.

85% of Americans agree with this man! Viva Trump 💯, Latinos congratulate you✌ Never Trust Socialism

The Fake News refuses to cover the fact that GDP went up 33.1% for the 3rd Quarter, the best number by far in our Country’s history!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 VoteTrumpPence2020

Anything is possible when it’s the will of God 🙏🏾


Getting rid of Don the Con with Biden only proves Hell exists.

VoteTexas VOTE BLUE to end this reign of terror and lies. VoteBidenHarris2020

Maybe not a flip but all out to keep Trump in....we must be cautious before thinking this

My home--Let's do this Harris County!!🔥🔥🔥In 2016 Clinton won Harris County by +12% & +160,000 votes. In 2018 O'Rourke won +17% and +201,000 votes. With a 2020 record turnout maybe those margins increase to Biden +25% +400,000 votes? We shall see!

Texas is not flipping. The people allowed to vote has changed the state from Red to Blue.

My entire life(54yrs) I've heard that higher the turnout, the better Dems do. Is that still the case?

Great job people let’s vote

Don't tell me that these are Californians, who moved to Texas...

One drop box per County. If that isn’t voter suppression, I don’t know what else it could be. The County in rural GA in which I live has 4 drop off locations, one on each side of town; E, W, N, S plus the central location. Black Americans, if you are registered, VOTE.

Thats our Biden crew all lined up

BINGO! This is why Republican TX Gov. Greg Abbott ordered one drop-off ballot box for every county. ONE drop box for largest US cities: 4 Houston 7 San Antonio 9 Dallas 11 Austin 13 Ft Worth 21 El Paso All solid or lean Blue. Surprised? CorruptGOP has to cheat to win.

Donald, *You WON’T acknowledge the “BLACK LIVES MATTER” movement & falsely Call them a Hate Group! YOU: *Gas/Shoot/Beat Peaceful protestors *Instigate VIOLENCE *Post a WHITE POWER chant *Fund PRO-SLAVERY Statues *Call Women of Color NASTY Do YOU acknowledge “BLACK VOTES MATTER”?


Treasonous NBC is always pushing China agenda. NBC is ignoring the real bombshell news, Biden taking money from Chinese.

Has anyone considered that on Election Day we could see record-LOW turnout?

People suffered enough Again, only those who were hurt by Trump and his administration knew the truth Trump left his people in the cold 🥶 post his rally! C’mon, how can you vote for such a person; how He received COVID treatments cost $1.5 million and others are dying!

Can you believe it!! MSNBC is giving Donald Trump praise for the economy growth!

In a word. NO!!

are we assuming that large turnouts favor dems? Lord, I hope so.

Texas Is Texas. They have lots of oil there. CC: Ksenias7 &You think that the State with oil will change the President to the one who says about banning all subsidies to the oil industry? Official NBC News.

What we need is a big blue spatula.

Doesn't matter what polls say. VOTE.

Texas was never a red state. It was a nonvoting state. Was. Keep it up harris county! You got this! ❤️

Yes, please. STILL VOTE.

So lib media wants to twist it like everyone voting is voting for Biden. Typical😂😂

why is everyone sho supports trump in more replies?

JoeBiden should visit Texas before the election day




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