Hillary Clinton: 'We are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy'

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Hillary Clinton did not hold back in her speech at Sunday's Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee, saying that 'we are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy.'

Hillary Clinton did not hold back in her speech at this year's Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee, saying that"we are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy.”

The former senator and secretary of state is being honored with the International Unity Award and will be inducted into the National Voting Rights Museum's Women's Hall of Fame.Speaking at an event in Selma to mark the 54th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday,” Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders honored civil rights activist and former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson, who ran in the 1984 and 1988 elections.

Brown talked about flying to Alabama on the same flight as two Democratic contenders for the nomination: Sens. Cory Booker and Bernie Sanders. "The Mueller investigation has already produced 34 indictments or guilty pleas out of people within the President’s inner circle," she said."Ten Cabinet officials have left, four with huge scandals, and others with the threat of scandal at the door. This is the most corrupt administration in living memory."Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris shared sweet moments with their young supporters on the campaign trail this weekend.

Warren had decided not to run in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary and chose to endorse Hillary Clinton, the eventual nominee, over Sanders."Four years ago, I was in Des Moines, there were three national groups trying to get you to run then ... and then Bernie ran. We thought,"Is there a difference between what you're saying and what Bernie says.

--"Donald Trump wants to divide us up based on the color of our skin, based on where we were born, based on our gender, our religion and our sexual orientation. What we are about is doing exactly the opposite. We are going to bring our people together."


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It doesn't appear to be a Democracy....the U.S. is being run by a Mob Family! That's not a Democracy at all!

what is your openion about pakistan and IMRAN KHAN the prime manister of pakistan

That's fake news

I don’t know about everyone else but the endless finger pointing by both parties, separating us like cattle and the never ending investigations by spoiled privileged politicians are destroying our country. We need real news media again and we need term limits in Congress.

Sec. Clinton and her lack of a message is the reason she lost and we have Pres. Trump. The average citizen of this country, regardless of race, sexual orientation or religion are looking for an end to finger pointing and are looking for a unifier who will lead with common sense.

That is true, but it is the opposite from what she was saying. Can you imagine a president leaves the country trying to bring peace and the house interviews Comey. Media and house don't care about peace. CNN hatred for Trump shines through. The evil is this. Shane on you.

HRC speaks and the bots are out in full blossom!

Unfortunately we are, but the good news is we will come out the other side better informed and smarter. We now know about the terrible people among us and will learn to deal w them.

Hillary and Dem=Liberals, I'm not white and not black I'm American, and Republican.

Of course there’s a crisis. Obama and her have weaponized the intelligence services of this country to spy on the trump campaign, through a fraudulently obtained FISA, promise Lynch a Supreme Court seat if she stopped her classified email scandal. Yeah, full blown

That is true. Our democracy is facing extreme Left that believes socialism is better. They challenge 1A, 2A, electoral college, religious freedoms. They race bait, they own the media and they use identity politics to divide.

This woman sold her office for money now she is worried about democracy. Once voted for her

Any network cover her speech?

We live in a REPUBLIC!!!

Yes the DNC refusal to accept 2016 is a crisis. Please remember that the Dems started this trend. Their turn will come and none of it portends well for the “United” States of America.

A..................positive srance

When will Hilliary be investigated for all the shady goings on. It's been a long time coming. Make it happen Congress.

Hillary there's a nursing home with your name on it, go there and leave the country alone. Haven't you done enough damage already!!

Still a joke

Wow. The boys are are whipping themselves into a frenzy on here.

Yes we are

Huh, last I checked this country wasn't a democracy! The United States is a Constitutional Republic. Maybe she should go back to civics class!

Just watching msnbc talk about CPAC and then put part of trumps disgusting speech on, Idiots, with the news it conjures a negative view of trump but following verbal report with video changed my view of trump a bit. Stop Helping the dictator crook

When will u learn! Chris Christie said it dead on, THE MEDIA GOT TRUMP ELECTED with all that TV time. Wake up, state facts but voters do not need visual cues, promoting news. CHILDREN ARE TAUGHT WITH VISUAL AIDS, ADULTS COGNITIVE MENTAL DEVELOPMENT DOES NOT NEED VISUAL CUES!

Does she realize she helped and is part of it.

Name one thing the GOP has done to hurt our democracy. But the dems don't want freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and think it's okay for people to attack conservatives. Maybe you should read the constitution.

The only crisis she must be talking about, is all the shady side deals that politicians had ruined by Trumps moves. Thats what all of this is about. Politics is a game of 'Rearranging the furniture'. Same crap, just make it look fresh. Trump didnt play ball. Now they are screwed.

It won't be long. Their draining the swamp. Almost got the head of the creature. Justice will be served cold.

Yes we are thanks to the hateful democrats! When will they realize hate is not the path to another president! Hate is not the path to fix the problems in our country!

So dishonest, and a pandering fool.

Besides hating Trump,what do they have to offer?

She’s just as fake as CNN!

H. Clinton lied about the of registered voters in Georgia in 2016 being less than the in 2012. Where is your outrage? Dems can lie repeatedly & U say nothing.

You look like you need a rest.

all I have to say is I am glad she is not president

It's called The Clintons and the Democrats!

Which hasn’t been made any better by her...

Cant believe there is still a news agency covering anything Hillary does. Even the DNC is cutting ties with the Jeffery Epstein clan. Sad to see 1 sided reporting and rude reporting that this once respected agency used to be.

Hillary Clinton the president of CNN What about her crimes when is CNN going to start investigating her and report it

Trump is not the real problem! He is a reflection of those who elected him. They created him and are Happy to be led by their noses by him. They no longer think for themselves.They need a STRONG man to Dictate their lives. Enter President CLOCKWORK ORANGE!

I am sure it is a crisis for her, since it dashed her life long dream to become POTUS

Nothing Like Hillary Clinton to bring out All the paranoid Conservative Caucasian Males.( and their unwitting demo supporters) Let’s face it GUYS the FROG you kissed on election day 2016 did not turn into a prince,he turned into a python.

The crisis is TheDemocrats trying to overthrow our current form of government.

Yes her and her husband are big part of the problem not the solution. 'She Hillary came and saw him die', her comment the day Gaddafi got murdered by mercenaries. You can't sow destruction in other people's country and expect yours to be thriving. Call it Karma, retribution...🤔

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Clinton Killary's Fake News Cnn

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Yeah because democrats cant play nice nothing but bullies and thugs no different then the mob just strong arm people with the law on your side if i was bill i would have kept Monica at least she not evil and a dog looking thing

There’s a crisis in the Democrat party

Hillary Clinton is repeating the exact words George W Bush said some 10 years ago. And, it’s happening all over the Western World.

Waking up feels like a crisis for a while.

Started and maintained by the radical left !! DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica

Yep, some folks just don’t accept the outcome of elections...

Figures that These people would give time to an old white woman who did nothing for Black Americans and treating her like she was the best thing since MLK for them. MLK JR would be rolling over in his grave listening to these people today. Took his legacy and put it in a closet.

She's washed up. Didn't get locked up yet. Time to move on.

What hypocrisy! All these Dem’s in Selma. It was the Democrat Party’s political leaders and Governor that ordered in the State Troopers along with the KKK (also Democrats) that resulted in Bloody Sunday.

Let’s take a look into Hillary Clinton Foundation, then talk!

Who cares what this loser says?

HillaryClinton realDonaldTrump Can you even imagine what a crisis we’d be in had she won the election? Thank God for protecting America!!

I agree the Democrat’s have failed the American People!

The only crisis is the liberal thinking losing ground. So I guess you would say everything is Ok for the normal people.

She and her democrat nuts are the Crisis!

Im pretty happy with our democracy so theres that

True Madam!! This Crisis started when your Husband and other Democrats were in Power!!

Well,since you mentioned it:

It’s not that the left can’t accept the election outcome, they are totally focused on “proving” that those who voted for Trump are not smart enough to know what they were voting for. They want to prove that going forward, all should listen to the left and MSM and vote as directed

Go back to Mena Airport and run more drugs thru there and act like your a fine outstanding citizen lol

By making America great again. So glad she didn’t make it in office. notthisdemocraticparty

Wrong there

This woman is hack, thief and liar. Anything coming out of her mouth is pure demagoguery

When will she go away?

She's gotten away with murder, that's the real crisis.

No, you didn’t win. So we dodged that bullet thank God !

Thank God she is not Presiyee would be living in a time of suppression and demonic control. Does anyone ever go back and do their research on The Clumptons. Lawsuit filed by M.C. Jeffers in 1990 against Billy Boy check it out and The Clumptons act they care for black people. Lol

She's right too👍

That's true

Great Lady!

We need to retire these legacy ideas and go a different direction. America is a great Republic and Neoliberalism and Neoconservatives have captured our government through greed.

Where there’s smoke...

U R never going 2admit HilaryClinton_ that U R the reason we R at this point.U shouldn't have messed w/who the people wanted as their Dem candidate.Part of being a good leader is recognizing that sometimes U have 2step aside&let some1 else lead 4the greater good!! 2020Election


It would be dead if the turd Hillary had been elected.

Save for some Russian interference HRC would be president... Instead of the Orange Ape. MS-45 gang pictured.

We are, Secretaries of State accepting donations from Russia, Saudi Arabia, selling uranium contracts and arms. And getting richer because of it. Corruption and no consequence (other than losing)

Yeah but when she finally gets locked up the crisis will be over.

She's part of the crises


the bags don’t lie

'super predators'

Yes. A you had a huge hand in causing it!

Give it up

That’s because this is supposed to be a republic! 🤬

But did she bring hot sauce with her?


HillaryClinton stop trying to get back in the spotlight and go retire under a rock and enjoy all of the foreign money that has been donated to you. U are irrelevant and a criminal

Yes all in Hillary

Dem=Liberals want to control every part of your life, freedom is out the window.

America is tired of hearing you!!!!! you should be in jail!!!!

Hillary’s comments are just as dangerous as Jussie Smollett’s fabricated story to fuel a race war in order to promote themselves as a martyr for the people. Good News! Hillary received a life sentence knowing she couldn’t beat an orange haired reality star. The Daily Horror 😱

Let’s take advice from the worst political candidate/figure in American history!

She was right. Deplorables.

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway said 'President Trump has absolute Power!' Mike Pence and the rest GOP Leaders side with her!

Hmm and he crisis being how she got robbed an election? seeAlGore

Get fucked Hillary haha

vickihls RightfulPresident

On the outside she speaks about the Democrats party but on the inside I bet she is thinking.

Haha lies, lies

Civics lesson: we are a republic

Directly caused by the Democratic party

Why is what HRC says in the news. It was newsworthy when she was running for POTUS. Now its just irrelevant gibberish.

Here's Hillary trying to start a civil war

But we aren't a democracy, we are a republic. It kills my brain cells how many people get this wrong

She’s no better than Trump.

I totally agree with Hillary ,it all began when she was cheated out of the Presidency of the United States, we only wish we could have had an honest recount, then I believe our country would have survived the mess we are in now!

Maybe it is because we are NOT a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic

🤣🤣🤣🤣 We’ve never been safer. LockHerUp

Yeah but fuck Hillary Bernie2020

I thought we were done with you! Go away you lost

Still not the president

Doom and gloom, quit scaring the American people. There is no crisis! 🤪

I still thank God everyday since hillary rottenass clinton lost and I thank God for our awesom POTUS Donald J. Trump, his family and administration for all they are doing for our nation, military & law enforcement. Then pray for 4 more years of POTUS DJT!

Sure hypocrite!

Only crisis I see is democrats in panic, lying and not doing anything else for the states they represent other than talk about realDonaldTrump

Oh i see what she means there is a crisis because she lost. I can live with that.

YOUR PRESIDENT HillaryClinton President realDonaldTrump 😂😂😂 MAGA

Hillary should be in jail and is not the slightest bit crediblen

Breaking News Flash for CNN! HUNDREDS Of ISIS Terrorists Surrender To Trump-USA Backed Forces in Syria

Yes we are. Glad to see you there. You never quit fighting.

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Go back in the forest. You’re not helping

Still whining about not winning over Trump. Your just mad you couldn't sell the rest of this country to China.

Yes we are but not for the reasons she thinks.

Yes, your party has gone full blown Socialist, hence the democracy problem


JuicyJesssy Sorry Trumpkins, Bigotry, Racism and Ignorance aren't really redeeming character traits, didn't mean to pop your tiny bubbles....

She's absolutely right & true in what she said. But she shouldn't have been the one to say it. That's gasoline issuing an invitation to the fire. Don't flame me, I'll only ignore you.

I don't like her, she is cold and unpleasant.

She needs to stop talking. She is nothing less than pure evil and hate. Like her Sister Nancy Pelosi!!👎👎

The evil one is back

Love is in need of love today.

Yes, we are and SOMEONE should be held accountable- SethRich

You have got to be kidding! Read the comments! You are only fooling the people who benefit from staying ignorant and not seeing through you and the others like you who want power and money! you lost, get over it, no one wants to hear you!

julianassange You must release Hillary's emails to save our democracy even if you hate America you would go down in history as the one that save it.

she should just go away. She doesn't get it that Trump won because she was his opponent.

Because political people can’t win

We avoided that crisis by not electing her

The crisis is she is able to talk and people still listen to her bullshit. Wake up America

lol keep spreading bullshit

Yes, and the crisis is she’s not in prison

CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC! Get it right. For someone who wasted years in politics, you’d think she’d understand the structure of the government she betrayed.

Why is she making a speech? NO one cares what she thinks. She's been part of problem for 20+ years.

I thank god every day that this bitch is not our president.

Please, sit down.

I heard a clip of her speaking on tv and couldn’t help but notice she modeled her dialect to the group she was speaking to, kinda like a Chamaeleon, always changing. I’m surprised she didn’t hand out hot sauce again!! 😂😂😂

She would know. It’s how she got the nomination.

Clintons also passed No kids Left behind. Not to teach Black kids but make sure that they were pushed thru schools for Schools Districts to get Paid per head. Not for Quality of Education.

Nope! The crisis would be IF she WERE our President! But she is NOT! Thank you America!!

Yes, screwing Bernie out of the nomination had implications on our democracy. He would've lost worse than Hillary but he'd have at least deserved to be in the race.

Uranium 1....., payed for fake Russian dossier, We know where the real Russian collusion is and it lies with hillary.

What is it about Democrats and fabricated hysteria? The two just go hand-in-hand.

She’s still a thing?

She’s right but for wrong reason. Due to progressive and radical liberals like her our democracy is being threatened by socialism.

CNN will be destroyed. They knowingly spread false information against America. They are the enemy of America. America will destroy CNN

Caused by her!

She's dammed right on that; however, the irony is she's part of the tank thinkers who fabricated this crisis!

Only reason our democracy is in crisis is because Mrs. Clinton paid for the phony pee pee dossier, and is trying to unseat a duly elected president because he had the audacity to kick her ass in 2016. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder CNNSucks

Not true, she is not President. MAGA

Correction; had you won we’d be living in a full-fledged crisis to our democracy.

That’s true trump is the biggest threat to our democracy this guy is a national security risk

Hillary Clinton is a lair and belongs in prison for breaking the law. She should be under investigation for selling uranium to the Russians. If the democrats were really looking for Russian conclusion you would have found it with the Clintons!!!

She’s a desperate hack

Yes, the crisis is trying to keep the crazy Democrats from turning our country into a Socialist Country where they have ultimate control! Makes me sick! We know what’s behind your veil, Hillary!

I agree with Hillary Clinton. Which may be a first.

Senator Palpatine is looking rough!

So many criminals against one woman. She actually won the election. It's America that lost it's global respect.

Not enough wars for her eh?

What is this women talking about, I love to see how our economy is booming, Trump fighting hard to protect the American people, including all races.

Breaking Wind

I love the way she matches the curtains. It's like a floating head that just wont shut up.

Hey HillaryClinton you look so tired. Go to bed and get some rest!!

You are never home, but you do not care about your child. Just so she works for you

And She didnt hold back any uranium when Putin asked for it. LiberalHypocrisy. But to be fair Putin did give her 145 million through her foundation.

She should know, she started it!

Yeah you think, that they would allow this bigot in their sanctuary. Yes we are living in trying times and Satan is hard at work.


The only democratic crisis will be the introduction of Socialism via Bernie Sanders. The only goal of Socialism is Communism.

Lock her up

All the folks blinding following the crook in the White House are wasting energy assessing the character of one who is not president...oh the irony!!

You are still pushing HER? ...after she sold our Nuclear material to RUSSIA? ShameOnCNN

An she is the crisis!

The head of the Russian mob. Hillery

Oh no... Did she do her accent to?

Go home Hillary.. ur not our president...

She lost and still doesn’t know “what happened.”

Her and Obama using the fBI to target people, the fbi to spy on opponents while ignoring her crimes. Using and encouraging illegals to vote I’d say she is right

And the sad thing is most of Congress knows it but like they say-you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. He’s making them money, lots of money so they keep their mouths shut and keep their phony smiles. Follow the money trail.

But fortunately the Mueller investigation is winding down. So America can finally make a start in bringing justice to those responsible for the unprecedented attack on democracy.

We are being influenced by the most lying, manipulative and corrupt politicians and media people in the history of America. Anything for power and to win an election.

Really CNN

You got that right Hillary Clinton. I’ve never seen another like this mess( and it is a mess ) in all my 58 years of voting. Actually we’re in more of a crisis. We truly have a fool in office and he’s pulling the strings of the American people.


And you hillary caused it and the MSM not reporting the news the way it should be done.

She should have been taking bows for that fact. F**k wits at CNN would never tell you that she paid for a spying dossier to overturn the last election. CNN is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

Just a thought....Why in the world doesn’t anyone put forth a referendum to change the name of the Edmund Pettus Bridge Edmund Pettus who was a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan. C’mon folks...these things matter! The racists have been laughing all these years.

Keep feeding the fear

Hey Hillary honey UR the crisis let's just get u jailed now!!!!!!

She’s a crook who cares

Maybe she should speak out against her party stealing the nomination for her. If they hadn't we wouldn't be in this mess.

And to think we wouldn’t be in the mess we are today if she were the President

She coulda stopped the whole thing from happening with one plane ticket to Michigan.....

No where near as big a crisis as in the UK.

Who put the battery back in the 'Chatty Cathy'?

Hillary won't go away. Selma TrumpDerangementSyndrome crimeandpunishment Justicesystem

Still not getting the black vote. You can walk over 1000 bridges across America

We are not. The US avoided one when Hillary wasn't elected.



You know who I didn’t see at the Bloody Sunday March... any Trump.. not one ..

She talked about “white supremacy”. What about her “hate agenda”? What about “black supremacy”? Like KamalaHarris

Lock her up !


She looks like hell.

But we dodged an even bigger crisis in 2016 by her not winning the presidency.

It's not a democracy, it's a Republic. John Adams said all democracies die, they commit suicide.

She is totally right, look at what the president is doing and who he would rather believe over our own intelligence people!!!

Bring em to heel Hill!

“I lost an election, and frankly that shouldn’t be allowed to happen”

Ya mean like stealing the primary? That kind of thing?

We are enduring a crisis in our democracy because nepotism didn't persist and I didn't win

She’s absurd.

Yes a criminal politician like Hillary is still walking free. She's done so much damage to our nation.

Takin' a trip Hill? I see you've got your bags packed!

Totally agree. It’s been 2 years and you’re still fighting an election that happened and have a party platform based on simply going against the opposing party so yours can try winning the next election.

ROFL. LockHerUp

Sounds like she really does know what is about to happen. Bye, Bye Hillbilly (or if U prefer Hill & Bill)

Typical hysteria.

She ain’t no ways tired. Bern’s got a shot w/her riding the bench.

What as she hiding when she bleached a server? Smashed phones?

Since Trump started using crisis the liberal democrats think everything is a crisis. I ❤️ it. 😂😂😂😂😂

Luckily you are not President!

Right we can no longer believe a word coming from the MSM. They’re now 100% Democrat boot lickers.

I don’t see anything wrong MakeAmericaGreatAgain

Yh, her not being in jail

Well light your pants on fire

Does the President and his cult ever take a pause to think when he leads their banal “Lock Her Up” chant that she is a private citizen? Pretty dangerous if you ask me, particularly as his base is chock full of angry, violent, mentally unstable sheep.

It funny how the ones who hate her don't show their face. Just like a hater always hiding behind a lie. Let the votes do the talking in 2020.


Enough already. You lost because you are not qualified for the position.

Hell hath no fury....

Hahaha. Says he he socialist party. Unbelievable.

Kestrel by name....

She has been part of the problem!

Thanks God she didn't win

You lost the election. Get over it FFS.

Sheesssss back. Now go away.

Yes, the crisis is the leftist socialists taking over your party. And soon, we're gonna see Pelosi with a tattoo of the hammer and sickle on her arm.

She’s a lost soul. Her eyes are deep dark pools of death closing in on her. She has no emotion. go away Hilary you are the corrupt

Yawn, fart, burp when I see libtarddelusionalism Syndrome in action

Yes it’s called HillaryClinton the criminal cartel & their communist party called the Demorats !!

Truth. She was also correct about Deplorables.

We wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t screwed Bernie Sanders over the last time she knew nobody wanted her and she would not stop

Don't you mean oligarchy....?

The only crisis we are living through is her.

Hillary, it’s sad to say, but you are a worn out old woman.

She’s right. A crisis caused by UnAmerican Socialist called the Democratic party, the likes of her!

We ARE in a crisis...the Democrat Party is on a runaway train pushing us to Socialism...

The DNC says this all the time!! Meanwhile America is cashing paychecks NOT food stamps

We live in a Republic.

'we are living through a full-fledged crisis' FOR DEMOCRATS. .......... TOUGH SH*T.

Yes and the DEMs are the crisis! Socialism has NO PLACE IN AMERICA! The Constitution is what America is. There are millions that will fight for it!


1. It’s a Republic. 2. No we are not. 3. Talking near a memorial is not talking at a memorial.

What she really means: Democrats are in a full fledge crisis...we aren’t getting our way and the American people aren’t buying our bullsh*

The crisis is that everyone involved in the coup against our president is not in jail yet

What crisis? Hillary is a many time loser.

Caused by the hateful violent democratzi!

People you don’t disgrace God ... very dangerous... She speaks about democracy while herself disrespect democracy towards Senders and young generation... her daughter dose not leave in basement and other children do isn’t that outcome of her husband presidency and many like her

Her and her husband for the last 30 years living of the tax payer and what they done to America ZILT .shortly her affair will come to the sun keep tune .

Trump 2020!!

Remember that time Dems we’re worried Trump wouldn’t accept outcome of elections? Hillary and the Dems now openly deny results of General ‘16 and Georgia Governor.

Speaking about herself.

Crisis? Go back to sleep.

Go Girl👍👍👍👍👍

And she is partially to blame !

Every election we are in the fight to save democracy according to every pundant and loser of the previous election .Have heard this crap my entire life

Hillary is a Nobody 🖕🖕🏻🖕🏾

At this point, no one should care what I have to say about any topic


Just look at what you did to SenSanders BernieSanders HillaryClinton

Who cares? She is yesterday’s news...

She is correct, the Democratic Party is full of radicals, racists, socialists and communists.

Unfortunately, I think the maybe more that a crisis, I think is maybe the end of our Republic ... having listened to the alt-right since the 2016 election, I believe the differences are irreconcilable and I would certainly vote for Oregon to exit the Union.

As the democrats and CNN push for socialism. SMH

Mrs Clinton is the reason for this crisis. Did she not say that incredible damage would be done if Mr Trump refused to accept the results of the election? Well she, and most on the left don't accept. They started the 'oppose & resist' everything policy. That's the crisis.

That's why you need to be locked in jail.

Full-fledged crisis Record Black and Hispanic Unemployment The official poverty rate for African Americans fell to 21.2 percent in 2017 For Hispanics, it dropped to 18.3% Criminal Justice Reform Crime has dropped significantly in our biggest cities from the last two Obama years

Hillary playing the old Democratic racial card. She can’t stop with being divisive. Clearly not a happy person. She could never lead and bring people together. A child of the 60’s.

Remember that time CNN gave Hillary all the debate questions in advance? THAT WAS AWESOME 👍🏽

Actually Hillary, we are living through and witnessing the total dissolution of our democratic system and the laying the groundwork for a Hitlarian dictatorship. ‘Fraid its too late to turn it around. Sure great while it lasted.

We all have seen her laughing at the images of the barbaric assassination of Gheddafi ! DEMOCRACY FASCIST STYLE!

Please let her run just one more time.

What crisis? Everything seems to be going great

And the fear mongering continues...without scare tactics ..the democrats are doomed. No feasible platforms only hate and fear.

Republic. How hard is it to remember? Our country is a constitutional Republic. Democracy is mob rule. Nothing more.

Is this crook referring to the crisis in Haiti and the missing money that was supposed to be used to help rebuild Haiti? 🇭🇹 She forgot to return the money. Lol

Remember when the Clintons killed Vince Foster? That was awesome 👍🏽

I agree. The Democrats run House is terrifying to those who love freedom and the Constitution

So does she not think that young black men are Super Predators any longer? Or does she?


Who falls for this..

Isn't she in jail?!

Yes,,,,,looking and having to hear Mz. Hillary is the crisis to our democracy. She's a renegade like all the democrats. Their hate is the reason for their renegation! They love America only when it works for them. We The People is a threat to their ideology!

..yeah..you HillaryClinton are the crisis😂 Wonder if she carried her hot sauce😅 Girl bye with all the hypocricy..😒😏

Do you have a war that's killing millions? Are your citizens starving from famine? Is air so polluted it hurts to breathe? Are women's genitals mutilated? If not, then I'm sorry to inform you but your victim mentality is not warranted and you're doing well. Check your privelege

please check and buy this product

She can thank herself and her corrupt corporate DNC for this.

She a JOKE...

Yes and that crisis is the democrap party. We all agree with that.

Because I didn’t winnnnnnn dammit! 😭

Yep. Didn’t hold back on her version of reality.

And every one there ate the lies up like good little sheep

Wait What ? She Aint Locked-up yet ?

Maybe If someone decided to make just 1 Campaign Stop in Michigan or Wisconsin, this all wouldn’t be happening right now 🤨

The crisis is that both sides are dead set on cutting the other side. For once id like to hear all of the truth and let the politicians fall where they may. I'm convinced that we could send 435 new folks to DC and would be better off

Yes we are. But what are democrats doing about it?

Needless to say the current fight on the right to vote is less with police & more with current laws & those being pushed in.

Yes we are..tbe Dems have list their minds.

You mean the democracy HillaryClinton and BillClinton destroyed through corruption. hypcrite!!!!

Thank God she lost...Trump is terrible...but we dodged a HUGE bullet with her also.

Dear Lord, in case I haven't mentioned it yet today, thank you for saving us from this foul-mouthed succubus spawn of Satan Hillary.

She still around? I thought she had gone to Venezuela, Maduro needs help.

Adam Schiff Gay Lover case wass setteled with Congressional taxpayers money

Manufactured crisis

Which she played a major major major role in creating!

More like a constitutional crisis

As always she is lying. The only crisis we face is the coup d’eta her and her stooges are trying to pull off with the help of our biased and dishonest media, especially cnn

Why don’t you retire

She should have started a 'lock him up' chant.

It must’ve been either democracy or racism that had her lose to fellow Democrat Obama in 2008. She was “supposed” to win back then too.

She's right. The FBI conspired to overthrow an elected, sitting POTUS. Crazy times.

This old drunk lady needs to shut up and go home.

Like her or don't. She is right.

hillary is the greatest president ever

We’re not.

Hillary just woke up to what is going on in Red Hat America with a traitor in the White House. Now she ought to wake William J and tell him. Then she should get her best suit on, and back a young and able candidate. Perhaps Harris will do?

who is Hillary Clinton and who cares what she thinks,,,,,,

If the crisis is that Hillary wasn't prosecuted and that Obama politicized the DOJ/FBI I agree with her.

As long as you have your hot sauce, all is good

She should be living behind bars

Get a life, psycho!

Ah the Clinton News Network


NBC Admits Hillary Clinton Used her Job to Cover up Pedophile Rings as Secretary of State

She and many dem leaders and supports would be very happy being the kings and queens of ashes.

I love HillaryClinton ! She is smart, intelligent,knowledgeable and more qualified than anyone to run the country, even more than Obama ! But deplorables like moron Trump. A pebble is smarter than T. We are still backward in term of electing women to the Presidency

Yes, the crisis was Obama and Hillary. They both lived through it and now have millions.

Sore loser end of story, did anyone ask HRC what her foundation did with the 145 million from Russsians? I’m sure it had nothing to do with her approving uranium deal...

I thank god everyday that this woman is not President . I would like to post my thanks for today and make it public ....Thank you god for protecting our country from this corrupt train wreck of a human being , Amen

Was she talking about her democratic peers and their socialist doctrine?

Hillary2020 😈😈

I think she should run.

If this evil and vile woman had become President we would all be screwed. She is pure evil.

The fear mongering is always cranked to 11...

Only think what would have happen had you been elected?

By reading these comments it is clear the righties are the least educated in the country. They believe a lying con-man, a racist bigot, and chronic sexual abuser over the TRUTH. Trump is going to JAIL. Buckle up.

Her crisis is very real. It is hers and hers alone

And she would be correct.

The narcissism is breathless, she loses an election and so it is 'full-fledged crisis' in democracy, rather than democracy. Hillary, it is over 2 years since you lost, time to build a bridge move on and get over it. 'Hanging around' the run-up to the 2020 election is not healthy.

I should have known that Hillary Clinton's photo on the CNN Twitter page would bring out the crazies in droves. Don't you realize CNN is fake news? She didn't say this. She wasn't even there. In fact, she may not now or ever have existed. Trump has spoken. CNN is fake news!

Sorry Hilary. You lost 2 years ago.

Yes we are ..... the democrats control the house.... we are screwed

And the media especially the 'Liberal/ corporate media'' like MTP chucktodd jaketapper try to be fair to Trump, the moron , who is running the country in the ground . There is no other side toT, he is immoral,he sold the US to the Russians and the Saudis! SundayThoughts

She needs to stay out, her friends are at Goldman Sachs.

look who is talking

We’re not a democracy. We’re a Constitutional Republic. I wish she’d just go away already.

And the crisis is you being free still and not in prison with what you have done

Truth! trump is a cancer on the United States of America! Hillary Clinton, of course, was the one elected by the people of the United States of America.

Now all the HILLARY HUGGERS can get Excited seeing their hero

Secretary Clinton does no favors girl the party.

We are a Constitutional Republic thank goodness

In your head!

More like we are living in the damn Twilight Zone!

this lady is bat shit crazy.. wish she would just disappear along with her scandalous husband. they are snakes

Go on another tour!

HillaryClinton let 4 Americans Die for Politics and covered it up by saying YouTube was Responsible. The intelligence community confirmed that. Libya has more slave trade now than it did before. Thanks HillaryClinton!!!

It has gone into full out fascism. That is the truth, and the question is; will it be stopped before they are so powerful that they can act on their hate without having to face facts and truth. I think it is to late..

I doubt she understands what democratic ideals, principles, values r, her performance is enough to justify or label her as mentally constipated, yet duffers in American junta will keep cheering her

Who give a flying flip what that old hag says. GOHOMEHILLARY

Bat shit crazy.

A crisis of democracy of HillaryClinton making🤔

Sour grapes from an aging woman who realizes her best days are behind her. Pay HillaryClinton no mind

Did she read the phony dossier against POTUS that was paid for by the Dem created by an x British spy unverified used to issue a FISA warrant to spy on an American citizen. Well lady if that is not a crisis in our democracy, I don't know what is.



She’s part of this, an awful woman

Rigs DNC.. Says we are in a democracy crisis Maybe the most out of touch human on the planet

we would have been if you'd have been elected! we're cleaning up the crisis you & the Obama administration created! look around fool!

Caused bye the Democrats during the Obama presidency

Hilary Clinton had top secret information that could’ve put her career to a holt though it was blown up in the government building in Oklahoma City government building bombing

pa-lease - her husband put more black men in prison and somehow she's a champion of civil rights - had to think about reject then for politics embrace gay marriage - took how much from health insurance lobbies - she's a politician - the last thing regular people need hypocrite

TuckerCarlson FoxBusiness FoxNews foxnewspolitics TheFive Judgenap - There ya go! Right from the jackass’ er, horse’s mouth. Our democracy is being attacked! It’s a crisis. It’s an emergency. BUILD THE WALL!! MAGA

WTF does a bridge in Selma Alabama got to do with anything?

Ok, that line was old and worn out over a year ago! Get some new material! TRUMP2020 TDS

Yes we are, all started by Hillary Clinton's Russian dossier, a fake document that started the Clinton led impeachment effort, the crisis is real, the democrats refusing to accept the result of the 2016 election and undermining the President AND the nation.

Don’t hate the player hate the game

I can't stand her.... Go away all ready.

It’s because you hate trump and your salty you lost, tell me something that’s going wrong with our economy

Must be money to be made if she appears.

Double horse manure.

I wish HRC was President.

Hillary Run Run Again America The Beautyful Needs You!!!! Now!!!

She’s right

Just fucking stooooooooooppp.... holy shit.

I miss coherent speeches

Constitutional Republic. GET IT RIGHT

Because of you and your cockiness in thinking people were not ignorant enough to vote for ANYONE but you. That’s why we have Trump.

A crisis that you and your husband created.

Now be a good grandma and go read some children’s books for nap time. Bye bye.

Seriously, a full-fledged crisis 🤔, somebody doesn’t even know what a real crisis

Has to be salt in her wound hourly knowing she lost to a salesman. She must toss and turn every night. Truth also is she cheated during primary with help fron DNC

You!! Lost!!! Now go away

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