Hillary Clinton: Abortion bills in Alabama and other states are 'appalling attacks on women's lives'

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Hillary Clinton called the recently passed abortion bill in Alabama, and other pieces of legislation that restrict access to the procedure, an example of 'appalling attacks on women's lives and fundamental freedoms'

Washington DC Hillary Clinton on Wednesday called the recently signed abortion law in Alabama, and other pieces of legislation that restrict access to the procedure, an example of"appalling attacks on women's lives and fundamental freedoms."

Clinton joined the chorus of Democratic voices speaking out against the restrictive abortion bill signed into law by Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey on Wednesday, which amounts to a near-total ban on the procedure in the state. Clinton lumped that bill in with recently passed legislation in other states that aims to limit access to abortion."The abortion bans in Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Mississippi are appalling attacks on women's lives and fundamental freedoms.


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Modernity and humans right has made society to believe the Abortion is legal 🙆‍♂️😭.... Living in the world of deception. One day we all shall Answer to God

She’s right. She was right in 2016. She warned us. And here we are.

How about the right to life of the unborn AND defenseless baby!!! Only God the author of life has the authority to take it and surely will even take the life of those who think have the authority to the live of innocent babies.

Hillary should talk about protecting rights for the helpless baby, I though she said that she supports children?

Before today she said something completely different.

Hillary has set women back by decades.

We prosecute and convict those who kill the unborn in cases of maternal murder, traffic crashes, etc., but we give babies no rights otherwise. That should scare us to death about HRC and her cohorts...double standard rampage.

The babies don't think so.

Appalling attacks on women is nothing Hillary doesn't know of. Her husband has been doing it his whole life!

No surprise, we already know how Killery feels about murder ......I mean suicided!

Hillary Clinton can take her opinion about everything and shove it. She's a book peddler that hates Trump because she lost & now nobody owes her anything. 😂🤣

What fundamental freedom allows destroying life?

Nevermind the taking of INNOCENT LIFE !!!! Meanwhile you have the gall to cry about our children being murdered in schools. CLOWN WORLD.

And no mention of the attack/murder of unborn babies

A fundamental freedom is to kill little babies? Appalling is when an abortion doctor pulls little baby out by parts or suction, that’s appalling!

Why doesn’t she have the same tough talk when it comes to the women her husband sleeps with?

This bitch is still around?

These men fear women and can see us becoming stronger so they are trying to repress us in anyway they can.Don't except it vote for a female

Because murder is appalling and any leftists that disagrees with that supports murder . Remember, mom isn’t dying, it’s baby that dies - think about them

No it’s an appalling attack on murder and I love it

Could say the same for the babies aborted ...

A person’s a person, no matter how small

Go away already!! You didn’t win!

What about the female babies killed in the womb?

Adrenochrome shortage

if she is 'more qualified for president than you or I' (quote from obama to bill)....why is she not running?

Poor thing😂😂😂

Hilbot is whacked!

It's not an attack on women. It's about the life inside the women. So you dont think it's a baby till it comes out. Others think different.

She’s down syndrome that’s why. Enough said.

Religion rears it's ugly head once more.

Women who abort babies are not women.

I can’t believe I actually agree with Hillary Clinton. Hell has frozen over! The Alabama Governor is an abomination and she has just betrayed every female in America.

HillaryClinton to Hillary someone need to start a Gofund me account to help women leave Alabama and Georgia to have abortion in another state so they can be free of there states Tierney

Let's see....I get raped so I murder an innocent baby and that makes it better

All the life in the weak position should be protected from the strong such as men against women, mankind against animal, white people against black people, Israeli against Palestinian and parents against UNBORN CHILD.

Go back in the woods

Alabama has the highest death penalty rate in the country and they are pro-life? If you want a fight with the women of America, you have one. Deplorable decision. Women of Alabama deserve much better.

Not Fundamental freedoms, Fundamentalism right here in the U.S.of A. 'Our' crazies are as backward as any. Ty Alabama.

Hey Hillary the bill was signed by a woman who is a mother and a grandmother

Planned Parenthood = murder

Republicans are not pro-life supporters. They are pro-birth advocates. The minute the baby is born, Republicans do not give a crap if the baby starve to death a week later.

I’m confused Wasn’t the person who signed the Bill a woman?

It takes a village to save the innocent babies...

And the Dems 'common sense' gun laws that have passed are appalling attacks on our right to defend ourselves and our families. 2A guns

Abortion is an appalling attack on female fetus’s, too.... so which “age” women are more important, valued more?... how about everyone of them deserves a chance to live? Seems like the most obvious answer.

every life is precious, until it's time for an education

She isn’t relevant.

Hillary Clinton is an attack on women’s lives

Men only care about fulfilling their tiny things

Pro to Ms. Clinton.

BabyLivesMatter ❤️

The Republican 'small government, more personal freedoms ' party strikes again.

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