Greta Thunberg to Congress: Listen to the scientists - CNN Video

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'I don't want you to listen to me, I want you to listen to the scientists. And I want you to unite behind science. And then I want you to take real action.' Climate activist Greta Thunberg, 16, appeared in front of Congress before a climate change hearing.


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New false project

Please we need to take real action 😅 this young woman needs help , psychological help !!!

I ,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I, ..... I

Blah blah blah. Nobody is gonna buy your stuff. Left Pet begone!

What a great inspiration to us all, Trump should take lesson from her, keep up the good work Greta, never give up, our lives depend on it.

That's her problem. She is not listening to real science.

NASA states solar activity is the cause. Man is not.

People who use children for their own benefit disgust me

Greta is right, but many people do not want the truth to become visible 😡

We've been at a climate crossroads before and did the right thing. It can happen again!

Fact Having fewer children is the most effective. Call for a one child policy with severe fiscal penalties for non compliance.

Beggars the question, did she write this?

Who wrote the speech for her why isn't she in school?

Listen to this scientist. Who is this UN scientist who published an alarming report in June 1989, 30 years ago. Egypt is still not under water. How can we believe any more to theses so-called environmental scientists?

This girl makes me want to cut down trees.

Greta rocks! Science: facts of life.

How about people taking real action? All the libs pollute with their protests.

Fake news

::reads prepared remarks:: 'im not here to read prepared remarks'

A call to communism and a one world government. Not about science or climate. This is massdeception.

She has to study some graphics!

Everyone loves Greta with the exception of trump and morrison, and a handful of silly climate skeptics- these are rich folk whose only interest is to get richer ! There concern for common man and the working masses is NIL

A little non biased reporting would be nice. Not obtuse opinion and game narratives. Lies from Green and Cuomo... Fire them and we may return watching. Fox News rocks...

Spoken words are not broken ones. Own it Greta😙

Said the embryo!

is fake news

The scientists who’ve been 100% wrong in every prediction they’ve made for the past 50 yrs are telling us what will absolutely happen 50 yrs from now.

Listen to this girl; she is not only brilliant she is right !!!

eeheemmm Halo? Lie much? You want see children who KNOW truth? Then first look at video here...then pictures of children! Yemen

She drives me bonkers, I don’t believe a word she says

Funny you won’t listen to the legions of other scientists who refute your propaganda. Soros backed, says it all. Millions of brainwashed young people believing what they’re fed. Same scares over the decades, acid rain, CFS, mini ice age, all pumped out but never happened.

Well be quiet then

Why give this brainwashed child airtime? Did she fly there? Has she got a mobile, tablet, iPad, TV etc Bloody little hypocrite

Away and play tig with the buses

Dear Greta, I'm sorry you are being cynically exploited by your so-called parents - I hope you can find a life after this abuse !

Here's some scientists who disagree to use and frighten children into believing the world will end.

Shut up Greta you ill informed, big business robot.

Correction: I want you to believe a select group of scientists, the ones I have chosen. Never mind the others, I don't care about their evidence that I'm telling you a bunch of lies. Dr David Bellamy must not be heard, nor uk_ecology, or anyone else who questions our truth.

Would real action include reducing population growth? Funny how nobody wants to even acknowledge that as an impact on climate.


Practice what you preach

That's good coz I ain't !

How anyone can take this deluded little girl seriously is beyond me!

Oh do bugger off child!

She is so annoying

Greta is not a scientist, she is not an expert, she is a walking publicity stunt, why the hell is Congress listening to a child reading a script? What happens when children are pushed into fame in the adult world? They are always damaged, anyone supporting this is complicit

Yes, listen to them.

It sounds like a pretty pre prepared statement to me. But please don't mention that she came over in a carbon fibre boat and then people had to fly over to sail the boat back and now her and her Entourage have to catch a plane back again. Do as I say not as I do

Simple jack. Did she walk to that Sleep in street Eat off the land F off hen your a patsy for hippys.

She is a kid, she should be out playing, like kids do. She is being brainwashed. Her life is being ruined... Funny how one little Swedish turd speaks & the world reacts, 17.4 million British people speak and every last one of them IGNORED.

Mum and dad have manipulated their child to do this !

This level of idiocy in congress would have been unusual in the past. But, AOC ? Now it’s normal.

There’s a 50% chance of everyone being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. In the USA 48% of adults will have some form of heart disease. Why aren’t they marching to demand action? ClimateStrike

Jeremy corbyns brother is a scientist and he said it’s bullshit

Listen to the Scientists on climate change they are right says this Adams family MK Ultra puppet. There’s only two genders say Scientists - don’t listen to them says this Adams family MK Ultra puppets handlers.

Ironically I wasn’t planning on listening to you tbh

Oh, it's great to see how our education system has indoctrinated a young mind into a socialist.

You're absolutely right, I DON'T want to listen to you!

Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves, pimpin’ that little girl to push the political agenda. That’s child exploitation. CNN, you should be ashamed also.

Belt up then.

Greta... no one with an IQ of greater than 10 believes a word you say, girl. Go tell mummy to find another way to sell her books. You're a puppet!

One minute the dems are complaining about foreign interference in our elections, same dems in the next breath...'we need to listen to this little foreign antifa supporting kid' I dont get it...

This global worming is due to destruction of the environment


Ask Obama with all the oceans rising why he bought beachfront?

Why is the Earth cooling?

Do not listen to children being used as tools for a global hoax

How much more of this drivel before people realise that Greta and her team are taking us all for a ride!🤔

Greta you are very intelligent brave young lady I support your Global Warming mission.

The left = science when it suits 😁😁😁😁

Climate change is just a fear tactic that will lead to socialism. Every doomsday scenario predicted by scientists since the 70s have been debunked year after year. Fear mongering is the only real solution the democrats have, they've been doing it since 2001

When do the scientists appear? You’d think at least one would have the balls and conviction to go “ Thanks Greta, I’ll take over here”


Climate change was never in disputed, not since Noah anticipated it and took years to build a huge boat on dry land, like he was mad. But the climate did change, and the boat saved quite a few lives, including our ancestors. Then there were no autos or technology! What causes it?

Nothing is left from the lies of the Al Gore movie ! Not a singel 'catastrophy' happened ! The great difference : Al Gore is rich ! She is not going to school, how can she understand the Scientists ?

Child mental abuse by her parents and hangers-on 😠😠❤️

I’ll listen to the scientist that say it’s a load of bollox thanks👍🏻

Is GretaThunberg gonna go to China, India and other heavy-polluting countries and lecture them as well? NOPE


If she doesn’t want people to listen to her, what is she doing there ?

What about the silenced scientists that refuse to be part of this tax driven human climate change con? If climate change is largely human driven why was it so dramatic before humans and why does it happen on planets with no lifeforms?

If she didn’t go the hearing on s bicycle or a horse i it defeating the purpose

Go Greta!! Believe they will listen!

When is she going to Russia China and the rest of the countries?

Then put the scientists on and tells the child to go home and shut up

Governments taking advice from a 16 year old troll with mental problems. You couldn't make it up. 😕

Comgratulation young lady

Thug at Congress....

No confidence on her face..... She's a fake news sponsorship girl...

So which scientist? The ones that agree with climate change or the ones that dont? Because it seems to be split 50/50 among the scientific community.

Short, to the point & all that needs to be said! Well done to her for that!

Kids get rid of computers, airconditioning heating and fastfood grow your OWN vegetables, walk or go on public transport, no fashion instead basic clothes,no daily showers just once a week. Share your homes with others and most important dont take a flight 🤣😂

They put this girl in front of Congress. What in the short bus are they doing? 🙄💩

I agree. I don't want to listen to you either. I want to listen to scientists from all sides of this subject. Democrats push the emotional side vs the logical side of 'science'.

She can’t even drive or have her high school diploma. And I’m supposed to listen to her expertise on climate science?

This young star a climate activist at the age of 16 is really inspiring May God bless Greta Thunberg for what you are doing for this world.

Has anyone yet attempted to 'disprove' science by throwing a snowball at her?

Some of the comments in here are exactly why we're not going to survive long as a species

Did she get extra credit for this charade?

Not wearing her Antifa shirt today then?

Who is bank rolling this kid who should be in school? Also I don’t need a kid from another country telling me what to do. Is she gonna tell the same thing to the Kremlin, Chinese, Iranians? Yeah didn’t think so.

How about the scientists and the data which says climate change is a hoax?

You are doing great job doll, but please add in all bombing on Muslim Countries is also cause of GW. Death toll, although very high but it doesn't mater. Because those were Muslims. But please save earth. You can also suggest developed nations to find other way to kill Muslims.

“I don’t want..., I want... And I want... And then I want...”

A 16 year old kid, for God's sake. What the Hell does she know? She's been indoctrinated by her parents. I can't believe congress would listen to her. We have a bunch of Bozo's up there in Congress. IT'S ALL A POLITICAL SHOW, and we are falling for it. Well, half of us, anyway.

Imagine if the NRA sent a child in to argue 2nd Amendment rights and lecture Congress on their ignorance

She’s brilliant. The world needs to listen to her.


Training to be a bureaucrat. They're our future.

Porter_610 GOP this is how you 'adult', you could learn something from Greta !

Scientists brought us in this mess.

Yeah, so GOP and realDonaldTrump have issues with agreeing with a vast majority of scientist (not to mention old farmers like us). We have seen climate change in the last 40 yrs. first hand. Shames many of us, what Trump is doing by reversing efforts for change. Good luck!

Let’s unite behind science: XY = Male, XX = Female. No amount of hormones and surgical whacking will change that. Also IPCC_CH “normalizes” its data with 2-3% variances.... to derive 1-2% “temperature changes.” So.... yeah. Check their own emailsc “Climategate.” ScienceRocks

A lot of right wing anti-intellectualism in these comments. They're all upsets that policy decisions should be based on scientific evidence. Obviously much better to have policy made by gut feeling and what Fox news tells you to think.

She is outstanding. Very impressive. The only problem is she’s talking about science, education and intelligence to the US government...we know how they feel about those things. 🤷‍♂️

The 'scientists' said we'd all be dead by now, and that you'd never have been born. Hard pass.

I don't listen to a moppet.....

I still don’t know what this girl ever did besides manipulate social media...

Impeach trump trump treason

Ok.... so where are the scientists?

What a pathetic sad show

Wow very nice

'...listen to the scientists.'

This is such a scam

I am so impressed with this young woman. She's going to do big things. As if she isn't already!

Greta Thunberg, you are an amazing person! Thank you for everything.....

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