Filmmakers vow to boycott Georgia amid abortion bill controversy

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Filmmakers vow to boycott Georgia amid abortion bill controversy.

Two days after Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed a bill outlawing abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected, two filmmakers have vowed not to work in the state again.

"Can only speak for my production company. Our comparative assessments of locations for upcoming development will pull Georgia off the list until we can be assured the health options and civil liberties of our female colleagues are unimpaired," Simon tweeted. Killer Films will no longer consider Georgia as a viable shooting location until this ridiculous law is overturned.


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If filmmakers are for killing unborn babies we don't want them in Georgia. 🙁

Who cares? They’re all leftist proponents of the wholesale slaughter of innocent babies in their mothers’ wombs. They’re evil. AbortionIsMurder HollywoodIsEvil

Like it matters- FILMAKERS ONLY REMAKE CLASSICS, they make nothing new worth watching 😂😂😂



Boycott these filmmakers.

Like the vast majority of Americans care about the film industry! Are you kidding, lol? Most Americans despise the film industry and don't give two shits what they want or what they think!

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HOLLYWOOD...oh OH so corrupt HOLLYWOOD. You have to ask yourself...what does an industry of movie making have anything to gain by posturing against prolife. The puppet master sure knows how to manipulate those strings. Who is the puppet master?....

So what! Georgia did just fine before those libs showed up and they will do just fine when those kibs go back to California. After all, they are only there because it is cheaper, not because of their political views.

Nobody cares Harveywood isnt going to infect GA

“Wait, The Walking Dead is in Miami now? What the deuce?”

Is the guy in the middle going for the governor's jewels are is he just waiting for a hand-shake?

To those saying Georgia would be better off without the film industry, how will you feel when tourism takes a downturn? I would hate to be a pregnant woman traveling in Georgia and need emergency medical care.

I’m glad that state is going to suffer economically

Pro-life Americans can just as easily boycott their films. Filmmakers potentially will lose more than Georgia will. Who wins? Bad idea.

With diminished tax revenues (all these babies will be deducted), the need to provide schools, healthcare & food for an extra 30,000 low income students a year, (the wealthy will continue to end pregnancies at will)--I have to wonder if Georgia has thought this through.

We don’t really care with the filmmakers do or Hollywood for that matter.

Loads of big films and TV shows are made in Georgia for a reason. Nothing will come of this boycott.

hey Georgia consider yurself blessed

More babies less Hollywood nut jobs. So it’s a win/win.

It's a blessing

Boycotting the protection of Life from which actors, producers, directors, screenwriters, camreamen, editors, Viewers, etc... are produced is a sure way to end the industry they profit so much from. Without people none of that is possible.

Please DO boycott the state. It's unimaginable that states should punish women of any age for managing their own bodies and healthcare.

No insurance company is going to cover a film or tv completion bond in a State where women risk jail or execution if authorities decide that a stunt or a strain while building sets caused them to miscarry so early on they didn't even know they were pregnant.

The swirling souls of Hollywood imploding with insane virtue signaling.

Three production companies. Why don’t they do something for the homeless in LA?


Hollywood prompted drugs, sex, and violence yet they claim to have a moral high ground 🤣 Hollywood is full of pedophiles.

Out of all filmmakers, how many, exactly, are boycotting? What are their names? Why don't you provide this info?

The unborn lives are way more valuable than filmmakers and Alyssa Milano’s abstinence.

Great! Georgians don't want evil Pedos in their state anyhow.

Never go back to make a film there.

LoL! Never heard of either of these film makers or their projects. No big loss.

May be Americans need to boycott their movies.

The people of Georgia don’t like Hollywood anyways.

Screw the filmmakers

Georgia should boycott them. This shit needs to stop. States have the right to decide what they want to do with abortions. With birth control, there should be no need for abortions. Stop be whores. 1 answer.

Why can't they leave well enough alone and look at the bigger picture Like putting in regulations so our children don't have that threat of getting shot while they are getting their education Slammed on the republicans and the democrats for not pushing further for gun control

So Hollywood supports murdering babies in the womb even after a heartbeat has been detected and no legit reason has been given to have the baby murdered? Shocker, Dem run Hollywood needs abortion clinics for their mistresses

Who cares? Georgia is more concerned with saving the lives of the innocent.

Just wondering, does that restrictive law have a loophole for republicans who get abortions for their pregnant mistresses?

They have a memory span of about 6 months so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Studios who pay the bills will see it differently

Bravo!!! 👏👏👏

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