Georgia's governor is expected to sign a controversial abortion bill into law

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is expected to sign a bill today that would ban abortions if a fetal heartbeat can be detected. Currently, women in the state are allowed to undergo abortion procedures up to their 20th week of pregnancy.

Currently in Georgia, women are allowed to undergo abortion procedures up to their 20th week of pregnancy. The bill Kemp is set to sign bans abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy -- when many women don't yet know they're pregnant.

" She said the group supported the bill until the exceptions were added during the legislative process.Georgia's Republican-majority state House voted in favor of House Bill 481, called the Living Infants Fairness and Equality Act, with a vote of 92 to 78 on March 29.Several states have similar legislationLegislators in other states have pursued similar bills. Mississippi Gov.


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And what they had was fair. I have no problem with 20 weeks but 6 is absolutely ridiculous. Why not sign some gun laws then to protect kids from gun violence once they are born?

I feel this bill is so bias. Why does the government feel they need to control a woman’s body? The government is not taking into consideration her mental state, how she became pregnant, her financial state and so many other things. I want to know the starting age for this bill.

Old white man dictating course for women’s body! WTH

Good for you Gov. Kemp

The election that made him Gov was illegitimate. And now this. This is what American 'democracy' looks like.

He wants to pay for all the unwanted children himself

Majority of America agrees with it bit you fail to report that...FAKENEWSCNN

Thank you, GovKemp! What a courageous move! AbortionIsMurder.

Jezzzzz... that is like 4 months... woooow

Another white male trying to tell women what to do with their bodies. This cycle will never end. What a shame. It’s hard to be a woman in this world. Men will never know.

Gee what's next? Y'all gonna bring back slavery too?

Will easily be challenged and tossed out as law by judiciary precedent

I see all these comments about a women’s right do y’all not know how sex works and that it takes a man to make that baby too. It is not just HER child it is his too. It is not HER heart being stopped it is not HER body being ripped limb from limb and thrown away it’s not all HER

This is an assault on women’s rights. Ga has the highest rate of infant mortality. They need to make pregnancy and childbirth safe . Whose tired of old white men making health decisions for them?

The fact that this bill is controversial shows how terrible this country has become. This should have never have needed to even be proposed in the first place.

This is what happens when you allow the GOP to steal an election through fraud, gerrymandering and voter suppression. If this continues, the next revolution will make the first look like a pillow fight...

Women, you can just go back to the alleys.

This has nothing to do with women’s rights. It has everything to do with saving precious children. Great job Mr. Kemp 👍🏻

This won't stop abortions. We have already been through this. Now come the unsafe abortions which is why roe v wade was legalized in the first place. I guarantee if u try and rule people by religion you will not like the outcome.

Another attack on women’s rights.

No man should have any say over women’s health issues.

So much for small govmt

Wonder if the imaginary governor is going to veto this. Reasonable options: 1) Condom 2) The Pill 3) Plan B 4) Abortion prior to viability. Unreasonable option: 1) Doing none of the above and then killing the baby once the heart beats. Rape and mother’s health only exceptions

😡🤬 Stop taking women's rights away. It is one of the hardest decisions a woman will make. We have no right to decide for her and her family.

Thank You for saving innocent babies from their murderous mothers.


Go home, Georgia.


Cause men don’t kill babies growing inside them

'Great news'!!

How fortunate that American women have so many american men who are willing to tell them how they must behave. You’d better turn out in numbers next election. Seriously.

Federal law has never amounted to much in the south. Or with the GOP.

PETA agrees save all lives 😳

The only people who should have a voice in any abortion are the pregnant woman and her doctor.

🙌 Thank you, GovKemp 👏👏👏

Looking at these comments, the dehumanizing of babies in the womb is frightening

Elections have consequences

I say ‘hurt’ all Republicans. 👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

“So-called governor” ...

Thank God for this governor!

So does GovKemp have a plan for all the unwanted babies this will create? Does he have funds to help these babies? Is he prepared for the consequences if HIS actions? I'm gonna go out on a limb and answer my own questions with a big NO.

I would like if Atlanta can somehow become it's own state.

Good for him

WTF!!!?!?! Stay out of women’s lives. These are their personal medical decisions to make without your religious doctrinal interference. Whatever happened to GOP concept that less government is better?

They should ban Viagra & other ED medications too. If God wanted them to ....

GovKemp GOP GOPLeader Stop trying to interfere in women’s lives. A woman’s decision has nothing to do with the government. I don’t see any laws against anything men do. Stop trying to control the women. There are hell of a lot better laws needed in this country than this.

Bravo! All life is precious and capable of great deeds!

I still feel there are exceptions to every rule. Stop trying to make Abortion a crime. It a very private and personal decision and in most cases not approached lightly. Til you walk in someone’s shoes...

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