Dr. Kavita Patel on holiday travel: 'It's about helping health care workers'

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

'Almost 2,000 healthcare workers have died taking care of Covid patients,' kavitapmd says about the sacrifices health care workers have made during the pandemic.


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MikeGalos kavitapmd Can there come a day when we remember them as a country? A day set aside to honor and remember the people who showed up to save our very lives while being dismissed. A day when every one of their smiling faces are projected on buildings with fireworks and doves and taps.

LeaBlackMiami kavitapmd Meanwhile in Palm Beach people who knowingly have the virus continue to live life and spread the deadly virus.

kavitapmd With the opening of the door to the Biden administration we have 4 major emergencies that need to be addressed: 1) Open the War Powers Act & get PPE wear to all healthcare employees; 2) Get the vaccines cleared; 3) Get vaccines out & distributed ASAP; 4) Make enough for World

kavitapmd Quarter million Americans dead! The president did the wrong thing and continues not to care. We’ll see how many more will die up until he gets out of office due to his lack of attention to the virus.

kavitapmd Oh man..😞 God bless all of those who've passed, all the healthcare workers, first responders, essential workers, and everyone else trying to help us fight this. Wear a mask, social distance, no large gatherings please! God bless! 🙏

kavitapmd How many healthcare workers died last year?

kavitapmd Sad.

kavitapmd Please Save Lives by staying home during these holidays, we have So many ways to 'connect with our loved ones' today..Isn't this what Thanks Giving is about? Unite against the virus ...So there isn't someone missing next year

kavitapmd Are we still rounding the corner? Have we defeated the virus? Trump, pence, isn’t that what you two have said?

kavitapmd Thx for covering the death's of these medical professionals!

kavitapmd At the very least, they should have their student loans forgiven- every one.

kavitapmd SO sad.

kavitapmd Heartbreaking. Thank you.

kavitapmd Covid idiots are giving them a death sentence. They shouldn’t have to care for them.

kavitapmd This should make us angry, ashamed and resolute to follow every guideline and double follow each guideline — and triple check

kavitapmd ivankatrump Herd immunity you meant to say Herd slaughter.

kavitapmd 🙏💙

kavitapmd I thought it was just the flu ! And only the old and sick died.

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