Donald Trump suddenly withdraws from northern Syria

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This is what American diplomacy looks like in the Trump era


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'The 1 religious faith that is the most heavily Republican is also somewhat disgusted with Trump. Barely half the members of the American-grown Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints approve of his presidency,' nytegan writes.

JoelPinheiro85 JoelPinheiro85 Você que è um cara bem entendido e torce pelo crescimento do Brasil ... Nos informe por favor ...Onde o Bosonaro e sua equipe erraram para que o Brasil perdesse o apoio dos Estados Únidos ?

Why was US there except to point mark Putin?


Yes we asked for the Kurd's help fighting ISIS and we fought with them. ISIS was a common enemy. Turkey is different. It is an ally; a NATO ally. Turkey considers Kurdish militias terrorist groups that have a history of making attacks in Turkey.

Suddenly? Not really considering he campaigned on it and has multiple times now tried pulling troops from there. It's not sudden of you've been paying attention or at least know where Syria is. Pretty sure the critics commenting here couldn't point it in the map

Good to see Americana realising working with terrorists was not a good look these guys are not Kurds they are terrorists if they were true Kurds they wouldn’t be killing their own

The rash move betrays a shallow and incoherent policy in the Middle East Lives dont matter It is about money

Reagan: Wins Cold War. Bush: Wins Persian Gulf War. Trump: Loses American Century.

Too much lemon-aid again?

dealwithit Hes in power because of the resentment of policies you guys supported (ie: infinate vrowth economic model, unlimited free trade with literal tyrannical, slave driving nations, wars with no end) the list goes on.


It’s only bad when trump does it!!!

Stupid is as stupid does

I think this is the visual you were looking for.

Deep State eh? Your boi got busted. 0-100 real quick

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