Cubs ban fan from Wrigley Field over offensive gesture

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

During Tuesday night's Cubs game, a fan was seen behind analyst Doug Glanville, a former MLB player who is black, giving a hand gesture that has been known as a white power sign.

On Tuesday night's Cubs broadcast on NBC Sports Chicago, a fan was seen behind analyst Doug Glanville, a former MLB player who is black, giving a hand gesture that has been known as a white power sign.Crane Kenney, the Cubs' president of business operations, said in a statement after the game that the organization would investigate"because no one should be subjected to this type of offensive behavior.""An individual seated behind Mr.

"On Wednesday, Kenney said the fan violated the organization's guest code of conduct.Read More"As a result, after repeated attempts to reach this individual by phone, we sent a letter to the individual notifying him of our findings and our decision that, effectively immediately, he will not be permitted on the grounds of Wrigley Field or other ticketed areas indefinitely," Kenney said in a statement.


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I've seen the middle finger power sign everywhere I go. It is the power sign of every culture. I don't see anybody crybabying about that.

DId he do the OK sign? The Cabal is becoming blatant...they are under attack and know it

You mean like this white supremacist AOC

Whoever banned that guy called a Crap ton of people including me a white supremacists. People need to stop labeling the wrong people racist groups.

Oh the horror !

Does everything have to be about race with you guys ? Geeezzeee!!!!

It's never ever been known to be a racist symbol. It was part if a prank calling it as such. But it's not

There’s nothing wrong with a gesture! This black man had every right to be there as every Dem, leftist, and liberal who works behind the scenes to get what they want! Boo! Boo!

This became a 'white power sign' 2 years ago, and the word that was spread to make everyone think this was a hoax.

It's called Free Speech jerk

That is total stupidity.

This is why no one trusts .

If it's NOT the white power symbol then why are allllllll the Trumpsters defending it? Why do all the trumpsters of the white supremacist GOP party say it's innocent? Hmmmmmm

I hope he sues the Cubs and MLB 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

I think it was the circle game...

Is this a new thing? I've never heard of this until this year.

and the LibturdDemocrats are Desperate... pathetic

STORIES THAT AREN’T REGULARLY / MEANINGFULLY COVERED BY YET MORE NEWS WORTHY: National Debt Dark Money China’s Silk Road Brexit ANY of the conflicts in Africa Net Neutrality AI New Space Race Data breaches Solvency of Social Security Baby boomers can’t afford retirement ...

Just another jerk.

Looks like there's a news shortage

Not just FakeNews , but stupid news. Good job CNN.

This person has been identified. Who is it?

My fweelins were hurt

I’ve been a white person my whole life and never knew there was a white power sign.

Good for the Cubs, could you imagine Stephen A of it was Boston?

Now it's baseball's turn to be ruined!

This is fake news. He was f-ing with his buddies probably and CNN decides he doing it as a white supremacist. Come on man!

Is this really a white power sign? Trump used that gesture hundreds of times during his campaign, I was told it was a sign of triple sixes, mark of the beast. I do not think Trump is the beast, maybe a precursor though.

Who the F cares.

They better ban this guy too.

Lemme guess the Ok sign. 4chan is laughing their asses off because the media still can't seem to understand trollery. Here's some more I'm a Republican, honk honk🤡👌🐸🥛.

That's news to me. If a black man holds his fist in the air behind a white reporter will he be banned ?

Go Cubbies! Proud of my organization. Zero tolerance. Now let’s get another WS

I don't know about you guys but that's my favorite way to smash-off. When your stroke carries your hand to the base, you get a little ball tickle in there with your finger tips. It's amazing!

Says who?

Have you ever play the circle game? You know. You look and I get to punch you ! It’s actually an emoji ! Check out his social media pages... any white power anything 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️ NOPE. He’s a dumb kid Do some research

Post his picture CNN

See all the people following you, their Human Masters Voice (HMV) Brains are waving here. They don't even know their brains were drain, Holding back Technology, to dumb down the masses. It works click link

It's a stupid game played mostly by kids in school.

These pieces of sheet need to crawl back under their rocks. They think that just because we currently have a racist POTUS their beliefs are suddenly mainstream. THEY'RE NOT

Holy shit you guys I trust more then fox, but y'all gotta hire someone under 30. This is a freaking ball gazer , has absolutely nothing to do with race as far as I know

This stupid jerk is Trump pupil, MAGA is destroying USA, thanks to the greatest imbesile at the White House

It’s not a f*cking white power sign. My god

Identify politics is all liberals have left according to Democrats everything and everyone is racist

The ignorance of the Cubs and you fart knockers for turning things like this into a race issue are reasons why racism will continue NOT reasons why it'll end.

Fake news cnn never lets us down ! 👌🏽

All I saw was his hand, please someone show his full face so his family, co workers, church community, and the world can see who this d$k was!

The Cubs are getting killled for this move.


Every fuching thing is racist now. We are so PC it is sickening. People use the race card more than they wipe their asses now. Grow up people

Got it....

That’s “two for looking” for anyone who read the story

I’m sick and tired of this happening to our African American people. That’s right, AMERICAN. Hope all of you vote trump out of office and we can begin recovery from the turmoil he is causing.

This is what Trump has done to our country and people very sad

He works for cnn

It was the Look game...


I guess my iPhone is racist too 👌

SO if someone holds up a clenched fist , they also will be banned ?

Publish name so he experience discrimination up close. No job.


Is that stupid? It's a childhood game not a 'symbol' !! That's 2 hits for you..

A common hand gesture that a 4chan trolling campaign claimed in 2017 had been appropriated as a symbol meaning 'white power.' Used by many on the right, not just extremists, for the purpose of trolling liberals, the symbol eventually came to be used by actual white supremacists.

Still in the fake news biz. You're doing great!

Did you ever notice that Trump makes the same hand gesture when he’s giving a speech? Coincidence?

Keep the hate going

CNNisFakeNews false narrative. For whatever reason (we know why) you label everything white people say or do as racist and white supremacist. This is a silly kids game, and you know it. Stop lying and continuing to divide the nation


Good riddance

No it’s not, it was started to troll the media into them reporting that it was a sign of white supremacy. I guess it worked brilliantly. It’s nothing more than the ok sign.

Glad he got banned. Stupidity is his friend

That hand gesture is one that everyone uses, including your Cabal members. Quit projecting your idiocy and vileness on the rest of humanity.

Name him. His employer should know... the city should know


Or he could have been just saying ok

Chicago is the land of fake racism

Apparently... my emoji didn't get the memo.

I didn’t think it was possible for CNN to lose any more credibility...and then they posted this.



I’ve yet to actually see a white supremecist use that hand sign.

What are they going to do about this horrific act? What charges can we file against this loser?

This right here. This right here is why the American people hate you.

How many times are you going to rehash this same story. The OK symbol has been around for hundreds of years. Even the Anti-Defamation League says it's not a racist symbol, only the liberal media does.

The media king/queen/gender-nuetral of demoralization and division rewrites normalcy once again demonizing the 'ok' symbol in its ongoing efforts to amplify racism and continue its ongoing campaign to usher in a new communistic government.

Oh look it’s CNN using skin color and white power again 🤦‍♂️ such an EMBARRASSING NETWORK!

Somebody seriously dropping the ball on this one!!!

What, like this one? That's AOC by the way. CNN is Fake News Porpoganda folks. Wake up.

When did this sign become known as a white power sign?

Only would jump on this lunacy like a stripper on a 50 cent piece haha ClownNewsNetwork

It’s also called the circle game.

I think they use it as an excuse like 'see see we found a racist! They do exist!!'


That bullshit was started by the leftist media like you , just nonsense, I guess the governor of New Jersey’s son is a white suprematism considering that he did it during the inauguration

May be a Trumpanzee.

Wow. Lol. It's a gag symbol. In school if you looked at it you got hit unless you could stick your finger in the hole first. Like hey you dropped your pocket they look down and bam there's the finger. The white power is the okay gesture 3 figures up an spread apart.. not down lol

This hand gesture? 👌🏼

IT IS NOT A WHITE POWER SIGN! Quit trying to drum up bullshit. 👌

Maybe he is one of them M-16 gang members the trump is always talking about

Or maybe it was the sign for the game my boys and I play where if you see it you get punched Maybe? Cnn stop trying to make everything racist and toxic...go FIRE more people CNN

Are you sure?

Good riddance

Now let’s go back and watch the Kavanaugh hearings again and look at his clerk flashing that sign two times and think again if she just holds her fingers in a funny and totally unnatural way.

Settle down people. Its a game where if you catch your buddy looking at that sign you punch him in the balls. CNN is back to race devision.

The liberals have lost their ever loving minds.

Here we go again. Racist race-baiting CNN demonizing white people.


Maybe he was saying ok?

That’s crap. It has never meant white power. pushing a narrative that all white people are racists. Stop the divisive reporting. Everyone of you know it was a game everyone played as kids. Made you look.

Here’s some info on how this all started on 4chan in February of 2017...

Some of y’all don’t care to expand your world view and it shows 🤦🏿‍♀️ bUtItMeAnSoK iPlAyeDtHiSaSAcHiLD

🤦🏼‍♂️cnn...really? Or was it just the “don’t look” game? Way to create racism you hacks!

3-point goggles 😆

I don't see how they can enforce that ban. Will his poster be up at every gate? What if he wears shades and grows a mustache?

What racist sign Its the circle game...

Oh, CNN!!! You just CAN’T RESIST!!! You’ve played this so many times, that NO ONE is PAYING ATTENTION to it anymore!!!!



His right

Snowflakes get offended at the drop of a hat, wait, what racial slur does dropping a hat mean , hope I offended someone

We know this is only like the 500th twitter post about it. Hate rage media.

You guys at can’t be serious

This is sadly America on trump .

Gotta love all the clueless dolts trying to throw shade here by defending this well publicized white power sign.

Disgraceful and disgusting. Horrible.

Doesn’t that field look like a Masonic symbol...projectsaveadopeboy

👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻BAN ME bitch Twitter

Who knows these kinds of things🤔 It’s nonsense

Where was when Phil Murphy’s kid did it

👌this sign?! The OK sign! In my world that’s what that is. Please CNN quit trying to make something out of, more than likely, Nothing.

That's what you get for supporting Trump, chummer!

Can’t the nation ban Trump from politics for inciting racism and promoting hate groups too? After all, he gave them a voice and continues to help the cause

Should have banned white people from the planet

And if a black man raises his fist for black power that’s perfectly acceptable right? ( and I could care less I think we as a society are way beyond all this BS)

as he should be,,, forever a bigot forever banned. TrumpKingofIdiots BanSemiAutoMaticWeapons TaxLicenseInsureGunOwnerShip HoldGunManufacturesLiable

So dumb. 👌

Until told me that it was a white power sign, i always thought of it as an ok sign.

What is wrong with you! Is your only goal to create division?

Should probably read this lol

No, it's not known as a white power sign.

That’s it, shutdown Wrigley Field. Obviously a white supremist hotbed. But seriously, in a ball park full of drunks saying and doing stupid things, why does this make national news? Now everybody can be offended over something only a handful would have even caught.

Pardon coming soon mystery racist dude. Trump's all over it. I've got two words for you dude. White Sox. Vote Responsibly.

Did you know that probably 99.9% of people had no idea the 👌🏼ever meant anything relating to “white power” until the media twisted it that way?

But Addison Russell can beat his wife and get an armed escort to the field. Way 2 go Cubs. You showed them. Thank you cnn for being as biased as ever and only covering the part of the story that fits your white nationalism narrative.

Um ok

Gotcha! 🤣

It's the circle game according to the rules the guy can punch anyone who saw it on the shoulder.

In the bball game last night, black players kept flashing the sign too. Shocking. There was a commercial too that there were two hands that flashed the sign with both hands. Unbelievable. Look what Trump hs done to us. Revolt!!!!!

This is news? CNN off the rails again. Trying to incite something again? Disgusting!!!!

This is what stupid looks like.

Seriously? enough is enough with the PC Police...This fan has every right to sue the Cub Organization over this.People flash hand gestures all the time, the middle finger is more offensive than this interpretation of White Power. Give me a break here...kidkohls72

Umm it's a stupid game...and by the rules of the game he can now punch almost every American in the sholder....


CNN & the insane left starting crap again....

🤣 “White power sign” 🤣.. oh...- oh I’m dyin’ right now 🤣 bwahaha 😂 omg, 😆 omg I cant.., stop 😂 laughing. HAHAHA 😆 oh CNN, *wiping tears*-oh honey, you just got “stories”, don’t cha? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Someone fix this report & take the “KICK ME” sign off CNN’s back. They fell for it.

CNN lays off 300 employees. Hopefully soon, the twitter team will be given their pink slips.

Honk honk

Im sure Seinfeld was a front for white supremacy too...

Since when?

Such bullshit. Perpetuating a myth in order to divide the country. You’re trying too hard to be relevant.

The ok sign is now a white power sign? Ppl in this country are such wusses.


👌 whatever.

That’s like saying JussieSmollett was attacked by maga country ppl who watch Empire. KimFoxx Cubs Chicago have lost their F’n minds

FAKENEWSCNN hows the ratings going? LMAO

I knew that this would be the headline this sack of shit organization would throw out. Misleading the public as always.

I thought it was a “look at this” sign lol

This became a white power sign after the corrupt leftist MSM noticed POTUS using it frequently in his hand gestures. VeryFakeNews . The brainwashed CNNLeftovers eat it up and regurgitate as required. TheGreatAwakening WWG1WGA QAnon

Every time I turn on the News, behind local reporters live feeds I see black kids jumping up and down Flashing Gang Signs! Every Knucklehead has their own way of letting the world know how ignorant they are!

Not sure what era that is from, now days it's a game where you flash it and you get punched in the arm or something.

So one asshole does something offensive but harmless and you escalate it into national news because it fits your narrative. Got it.

This is so moronic. That sign has been used by kids for years. Seeing it results in a punch in the arm. Stop dividing us. Enemy. Of. The. People.

Oh my fuck it does not mean 'white power' 😂😂😂😂


If this is your weakness, you are weak.


Breaking news. This just in: Farting has now been recognized as a “white power” gesture. Wolf Blitzer just let out some rancid gas. I demand that CNN fire the Wolfman immediately!

“Fan” should be plural

Looks like he was flicking a booger to me. 👌

WTF!!! Really? Isn’t that the okay sign or made you look sign, I punch now? That is not the white power sign. When did this become a white power sign? NBA players use the sign all the time.

Holy crap... That's a game that kids play... You hold it out when your friends aren't looking and try to get them to look at your hand.. Usually while holding it near something unpleasant to look at... Like their junk. cnn is a race baiting, crap slinging again

As far as I know, that is an OKAY sign ALL OVER THE WORLD.

I agree it is wrong but I also dont like ANYONE using the N word, with or without the r

But...but.. it the non-existent “circle game”. It was a drinking game like the “devil’s triangle”. It was just an upside down okay sign, right over the top of a black sports caster’s head. 🙄

that sucks but hey at least it’s not against the law

So when will we be banning Mitch McConnell? His color coordinating is spot on...

Oh man, this is ridiculous. “Black power” with a fist is acceptable. But white power gets you banned? Also, this guy wasn’t doing the white power, he was playing that stupid see you game. He’s a Hispanic male. Offend a black and lose you’re rights! LMAO!

Nice atmosphere ❤️

CNN alway spreading Hate! Most of the time it’s lies, but even when there is a fraction of truth you can’t past up the opportunity to spread hate and division!

It’s the circle game, dopey

So what. In this country nobody, even if the gesture is stupid or rude, without all hell breaking loose. How sensitive and politically correct is the country getting? People are getting fired for nothing but an incorrect word and gesture, RIDICULOUS.

well, what a tool, but unsure why you are giving him press? what am i missing here?

Maybe it depends on how you use it. Facing downwards?

God created us all equal. Bible says:Matthew Chap.22: Verse 39. Neighbor meaning ,each other.

OMG it’s not a white power symbol. We’re y’all not kids growing up?

Why is still pushing this

Exactly where do you go to learn what is and is not offensive to people? It seems like there’s this hidden language out there that’s not taught in school yet everybody seems to know it. Or could it just be people are making up stories to promote their hate?

Triggered by a made up triggering hand signal 😂😂😂👌👌👌👌👌✊✊✊✊

Eh, i think it's more a 'made you look' hand gesture.

You don’t say😳😱

Unless the fan said it's meant to be racist, that looks more like the stupid juvenile game in which we all now get punched in the arm for having looked at it

What the hell is the “white power” sign ? Seriously never heard of it

So if he had flashed the black power sign that wouldn’t have been racist?

One of trumps fine people.

CNN needs to spend a little less time on 4Chan

You have to be a certain kind of thick-skulled in order to identify that as the WP sign.

It’s not known as a white supremacy sign. This was made up and used to troll the media. You folks are so dumb. FakeNews

If this is true the NBA players have some explaining to do when they nail a triple.... Sometimes they even do it on both hands!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

That’s not a white power sign. But you did look at it

PB&J.... Are they racist?

CNN is full of abject morons. It's amazing.

How do they know the guy never just had arthritis in his hand?

It’s real in the field

Wait, what?! Really? Is this real? Is that really a hate symbol? I’m really asking.

He’s gonna owe a ton of people a punch in the shoulder

Hats off to the Cubs organization for an immediate decisive response to the fan displaying the white power sign at a game at Wrigley Field.

You know, Chicago is known as Maga Country... 👌🇺🇸

Calling the OK sign a symbol of white power without knowing the individual or context is pure ignorance- by this logic most Yoga practitioners and divers must all be racists. the association with white power is 2 years old from its genesis.

It literally means ok. Stop making everything seem “racist”

Your Kidding, RIGHT?

That's not the same as the OK/WP sign. Needs to be with right hand in order to show WP. I'm not sure what this guy intended, but it wasn't that.

Once again something out of nothing. The madness deepens. Honk,Honk

This was was on HLN today. I absolutely do not think this was about race but can we stop it with all of the madness.


CNN will post this and ignore a roaring economy. And yet, can’t figure out why we think of them as an EnemyOfThePeople !! smfh

How is he playing the “circle game” on national tv Is he going to catch people looking and punch them through the tv

Read this hand sign 🖕



Hmm. And-the race-baiting by the liberal media continues! 🙄But... Colin Kaepeenick must be racist, too. He sure has some explaining to do! Well this is awkward, CNN... LiberalLogic

Except it’s not a white power sign.

when the fuck did that turn into a sign for white power? IT was a game played in middle school. if you got caught looking you got punched in the arm.

It has never been known as a white power sign and you know it


My son explained the difference to me. He's 16....... Its a real thing ppl.

So you’re saying we are not allowed to idiocally flash the ok sign when we are wanting to photo bomb someone? Is it possible to list al the things we are not allowed to do or say so we don’t hurt someone’s feelings? It would be most helpful! Thanks.


Lol that’s a sign that means he gets to slap your neck if you look at it. 😂😂

I thought this sign simply meant’s used universally in Scuba...when did it become a white nationalist symbol and who decided that...this is absolutely ridiculous...

Ok, the fan is ignorant. Sooo what?

Lol ok 👌🏿

This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. That is “ok” sign. This is so ridiculous!

What do you expect?! Chicago is MAGA country

Known by who? Outside the FakeNews media it’s the OK sign. I had never heard of this idiocy before the Media made it a thing. The Cubs must have a mind reader on staff to know this man’s intent.

They are two diff signs. You all being obtuse on purpose? One is not like the other. Why is that hard to comprehend?!

Kinda like hands up don't shoot? Racism is a matter of perception

It’s been known as the “OK” a lot longer. And known as the symbol for the “punch game”. You and all the other race baiters have to play the race card! Reality check, not everything is about race.

Lol. White power sign. Jesus Christ the media is diggjng. It’s a fucking joke/game kinda like two for flinching. This is absurd.

Good morning America… What are we offended by today?

It was a dumb thing to do.


This is just silly! That is not a white power symbol! Your reporting and other media outlets have insinuated that it is long enough for it to become one if it doesn’t stop. 🙄

Are we serious?

Hope he sues them because it's not a racist symbol🤷‍♂️

What a joke the Cubs have become

That’s a white power sign?

Has anyone ever seen that as a sign of white power?! Ridiculous that this is the new trend. Everything white people do has a “white power” motivate. In my 37 years I have never met a white supremacist in person but when I look on the TV and social media and they are everywhere

Damn cnn, it's only 8am. Don't be in such a hurry, I'm sure that trump will administer his daily dose of trigger before long, have some patience!!

Not a white power hand gesture get with the times 🐑🐑🐑

I have never ever heard of that as a white power sign. That is the international sign for if you look at it I get to hit you in the shoulder.

Ridiculous! Our world gone cra!

Ready for your daily parody or naw CNN story?


This is DUMB!

Another reason every white person in the country should be armed. With the media and politicians promoting hate, spreading fear, and inciting violence, against white people just to get votes, just count the dead. Are they going to call for gas chambers next?

Get woke become a joke. This is ridiculous.

Pretty thin...gotta find that specter of racism somewhere though. Gotta keep people seeing each other as different and sow that mistrust. Gotta teach young black people that failure is not only ok, but expected, and it will never be their fault but some evil vote Dem!

The Base.

What a stupid time to be alive. 🙄 OK sign, or.........the Circle game (look into it). Rather than assume the worst and report on it as usual, have some journalistic integrity. No wonder you have lost ratings so badly. KAG



There are African-Americans and there are Trump followers. 'Bi BITCH Big' Just Retaliated In My Window Browser. This Is Cyberterrorism. Twitter Interpol DCSMS I'm trying to Report Crimes. I'm not attempting to Return Fire. MY Phone.


Good job on them!

Hey CNN, report in it being a game that is well known for decades, yes decades, and shame the Cubs. Or, was this a plant by the Cubs to avoid backlash from the wife beater they brought back to the team on the same day

Lmaooo 🤡🤡🤡

Also known as the “OK” sign Also known as the “circle game” Also known as LIBERAL LUNACY!!!

Oh shut up! 👌

Never heard the white power thing, but the same symbol has been presented in pictures by Colin Kapernick. Don’t think he’s a white power guy. It’s also eerily similar to the sign language symbol for “a$$hole”...maybe he was thinking about Jim AssCosta

Or the universal sign for OK

The gesture has been known as sign language for asshole and the universal symbol for ok 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

He is doing wait till the very end...

The Churchill Downs stewards have yet to make a ruling. I'll hold comment until they decide.

Boy, CNN just loves trying to stir up trouble between races. Grow up CNN, nobody takes your mindless reporting seriously.

Sucks that white supremacists ruined the 'gotten' or the 'Ok' symbol for the rest of us. I personally kinda hate the idea of having to be weary of what shapes my hand is making for fear of being assosiated with these people, but I guess that's just the world we live in.

I know plenty of non-racist people who do the “ok” 👌 hand gesture. 🤷‍♂️

White supremacists are laughing they're assess off.. They adopt a sign that's been around and they control how 300million people react. They are like Russia.. They should have ZERO influence and yet here we are! Cubs should be ashamed!!

Not just one game. Banned for life

Stupid white people now own that sign? Did they purchase it?

Thank our former president Obama for making people in this country a bunch of offended babies.

The fact that CNN is still falling for this 4chan manufactured 'hate' symbol (a common symbol that means 'OK', along with a myriad of those, non-hateful things) is completely unsurprising to me, because it seems like the collective IQ of the CNN staff is less than my inseam.

I’m happy the FOOL got banned...

FakeNews CNNSucks

No the hand was upside down meaning it was a circle game. An upside down ok sign shows an M not a W. M doesn’t stand for white power

LOL the idiot left has gone INSANE-er!! LOL thats a childs game thats been played for decades!! look at the hole and get punched in the arm as long as you wipe it off! its played differently regionally!! except of course in the mind of the left it is RACIST some how!! LOL

Somebody call Frankie Muniz for a ruling

Here we see the leader of the white nationalists.

Radical Leftists who slanderously call everything racist even when it's not are making a fool out of mainstream media right now. This fan is going to win a major lawsuit. My prediction.

I've never heard of this hand gesture before.

Other white supremacist include: FakeNews

Give us the cowards name, banning him isn’t enough.

Just goes to show that if you are constantly looking for something racist, you will find it, even if it does not exist in that situation. Good job CNN, you have needlessly created controversy.

Yeah, apparently everyone does it.



Wow! I was never taught this in school.

Gotta love the wording 'has been known as a white power sign.' What a joke.

It is the circle game. Society is dumb.

👌is also an F in sign language, so they can't stop people from doing sign language at the park. The cubs are very stupid.

How would Americans survive without CNN's continuous attempt to stir race hatred? The 'okay sign'👌is even racist in CNN's eyes. Why? Because they want us to hate each other. Sad!

Look forward to the day when trump is gone and these POS crawl back to under the rock from which they came.

I bet the hand jester from the Panthers showing black power is perfectly fine tho.

I grew up seeing the clenched fist of the black panthers and nobody made a big deal. Sooo the OK sign is raciest now. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

That's not racial! It's a stupid kids game!

Omg that's new worthy! Report something true

OK FakeNews

Lmao. So out of touch.

and if he gave the middle finger would he be banned for life just asking no hate here?


It’s game. Anybody that knows a millennial knows that guys do that to make people look at their crotch! Google it dipshits!!!

Liberals are insane.

You do know you are being trolled by the fan right?

The circle game has made it CNN. This kid has to be the greatest troll of all time. Right after he gave the peace symbol he played the circle game.

The OK sign is only given to the White Supremacists if the media continue to allow it to be. As far as any right thinking person is concerned it means OK. Stop giving it more meaning than that.

Hate is so ugly

*was inappropriate. ( Geez)

* Crotch gazer

I always knew he was racist...

Nah just called him an asshole.

I like this one:

In my day kids would make that sign near their crotch and if you looked they would playfully call you a crotch ( truly a different c word). This was not appropriate but if this TRULY has changed to a racist prop of sorts it is even more dispicable

This is why nobody watches anymore. And no, you didn’t make us look.

it's only racist now bc orange man bad did it. fear the orange man he's badddddddddd smh

Pick one ✌️. This is my hand sign

Got to love it when 'they' do it to themselves.

And I will say what I have been asking for two years- what the he** is wrong with you, America? When did hatred become your new normal?

Only thing crazy about this is the people involved, its a freaken hand gesture for GOD sake.grow a set of balls, and Get over it

👌- sure...

I guess dead Jewish comedians were white supremacists. who knew.....

Dear cnn, twitter is NOT racist. 👌👌?

It’s the circle game dumbasses

If you look at the photo evidence, the gentleman's hand wasn't actually below the waist, therefore it doesn't count

Then we must ban all of it

the OK sign you absolute spoons


4 chan wins again

👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 I found this on my I phone Never knew 👌🏽👌🏽 was a racist gesture! Is Apple going to get find for having this white suppremist

👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 ah man Twitter is gonna ban me for life

Someone needs to tell Buckwheet about this hand gesture.

When did the okay sign become a white power sign? So is the “thumbs up” sign okay, or is that next?

Shame Trump doesn't turn up a game to throw the ball he'd get a stadium of one digit hand gestures.

I have played this game with black people... it is not racist one bit

3 day old fakenews alert!!

Where’s the “it just a ok sign”?

That is not what he was doing... But ok.


Isnt that the game kids play trying to get their friends to look into the hole? If they do they get punched? Im confused!


You mean the 'made you look' game hand gesture? Real news. Lol!!!!

It's not an offensive gesture. If we continue to push that narrative it only gives the racists more credibility

I thought👌 has been known since FOREVER as 'ok,' or 'perfect.' Oh yeah, it has been...

Oh. Gotta keep the 'Sports are life' agenda going. USA can't afford bread but can afford sports?

The bold as Hell now!!


And the day after, liberals were seen in a state of confusion on the internet as they struggled to justify their persecution of anyone who isn't a liberal.

Not Cool, Well done to the Cubs organisation for acting decisively.

I’m starting to think just being “white” is the sign of “white power”. Sad.

The Midwest is just filled with white power assholes. Time for the rest of us to take back this country! Election2020

Y'all know what the far-right Trumpservatives mean by this 👌....don't play dumb.

Can they ban Addison Russell for offensive actions towards his ex wife?

Glad they took action!

Afraid of being mocked if you describe the sign in the headline?

Guess it is racist to play The Game or imply that something is OK while Trump is president ac cording to the broken minds of the Left.

Omg! This is an outrage! No place for this type of stuff in this day and age. Believe you me .

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