Coronavirus Masks Trigger Bloody Brawl After Woman Throws Hot Coffee on Customer

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A couple in a SoCal beach town decided it was a good idea to trade in the chill vibe for some hot coffee that the woman hurled in a man's face, and all hell broke loose.

It went down in Manhattan Beach, when 2 guys were sitting outside a coffee joint ... about to eat their meal. A couple walked by and made a point to call out the 2 guys for not wearing masks.

The woman then hurls a cup of hot coffee at one of the unmasked guys, and so begins the brawl. The guy beelines it for the couple and punches the guy, causing him to bleed from his nose.


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The masks are a hoax, but events like this only show the corrupt their brainwashing scare tactics are working.

I mean the guy didn't do shit so yeah the girl could get arrested for throwing the coffee but they guy can go to prison for attacking the other guy for no reason.

And, we’re the couple with coffee going to drink their coffee with masks on? This all could’ve been avoided by minding their business.

Wear your mask and mind your own business! Don’t worry about what other people are doing. There’s enough shit in this world already because people always need to be involved in shit. In defense, they sat down to eat. We’re they going to do that with masks?

Proof you can't judge a book by its face covering 😷 INFJDad Rare case of non-maskers sounding WAY smarter than the mask wearers. Dumb comes in all colors!


HarveyLevinTMZ Jesus Harvey can you tell your pissant employees to actually do their job? It took me literally 5 mins to find out that the police made the couple apologize.

So much entitlement, live your life

Funny how liberals hate cops but call them as soon as they get their face punched in.

They were outdoors. This mask nonsense needs to stop. TMZ is pretty biased on the the wrong direction. Hope that girl got arrested.

I mean .... whether he mentioned the woman he was with throwing the coffee or not HE was assaulted first in this instance, being that he himself did not assault anybody ( according to the story anyway ) At this point if you don’t want to wear a mask ,fine. Just die away from me

That lady was dead wrong. I am VERY much a mask wearer. Well before it was advised, however, I do not agree that she should have thrown that drink. Walk away. Get out of the areas if you're so worried about corona. I also applaude the guy for going after the man & not the girl.

omg why are people such assholes!

Can 2020 end yet 🤦🏻‍♀️😷

That girl thinks she’s a bad a$$. After throwing hot coffee in his face, she was trying to throw punches but could only tear his shirt. Then she did this bounce and behind her back clap as she said “I don’t give a F*%!” in her Capri leggings. 😂😂😂

They were sitting down, outside, trying to eat their burritos. You can’t eat with a mask on. The area around them looked empty. Walk on by and let them eat their food in peace.

I mean what's up with this dumbass yt on yt crime? Karen gets triggered by a couple of dudes chilling outside about to grub and she just had to say something about not wearing a fucking mask OUTSIDE... ALL THE WHILE THROWING HOT COFFEE. The reaction by the guy was warranted.

Wasting coffee like that...

They’ll be the day some chick throws hot coffee in my face lol woulda got dummied immediately. Glad he punched her boyfriend 😂

Someone needs to cancel the coffee thrower-clearly a white woman appropriating urban culture w the “I don’t give a fuuuuuuuck”

WearADamnMask Quarantinesucks

Underwhelming considering the hype of the headline.

And the whole world is watching.

Wear a mask, that aside. If a mf threw their coffee at me, man, woman whatever. I'm just saying, my hands pansexual.

This would not be happening under a Squirrel Presidency. Shameful.

This is disgusting and we need to do better as humans. Ps.there are much more disgusting things happening in the world than this.

The man told the cop the attack was unprovoked, then the victim's friend showed receipts and show the cops the recording video. The cops told them to apologize. No one arrested. The story from Reddit.

To clarify nothing happening in California reflects on the larger US situation. A beautiful but strange place...

I've never seen such in all of my 'daze' 🤣

She refers to herself in the third person but as the only thing she’s good for , pu$$y which if it’s anything like her attitude, stinks

The burrito-punch throwing dude is fcking hilarious. He took the hot coffee like a man. Smashed the soy wimp. Then owned them verbally Brilliant

Also she throws punch at the guy and clearly tells her bloody bf to hit the guy....

Lmfao white people are funny

Did they even realize it's all on video lol guys were being cool about to eat then beyotch throws coffee. Guys goes after other dude and never assaulted her.

So how did it end? Was the cunt arrested?

I gotta say this sure they should be wearing a mask but she thru the coffee first which she had no right to do so and he had every right to defend himself.. Wear a mask I get it but she started this by throwing the coffee

These old people yelled at me at Lowe’s when I walked passed them for not wearing a mask. I just laughed and asked them if they’re yelling at everyone in the store or just me. Doubt those little old people would have yelled at some big ass man

People r losing their freakin minds

I support masks. I do not support using violence to make others wear masks. Throwing hot coffee at someone who was trying to eat is not cool. She was hit by this guy and it was 100% her fault any of this went down.

Does she run around yelling at people to wear condoms. Keep walking Karen

Wow, what a bitch.

Democrats for sure......

The bitch lied and entitled enough to hit a man. Do that on me, woman to woman, i will not hold back

Wow so you left clowns are ok with Karen’s when they attack? These two guys were outside (no masks required outside) and the dom female and her submissive male friend lol started it all.

Horrendous 'reporting' on your part. The two men were OUTSIDE the restaurant eating a burrito. Kinda hard to do with a facemask on. Those two liberal screetchers were more pissed off at the MAGA hats imo. Fucked around, found out.

Why can't people mind their own business? And if your mask works, wtf does it matter if someone else isn't wearing one. liberallogic libtards findacureforliberalism

Apart for the video, why are Americans so self centered 👀. Japan wears mask as a commons courtesy for others....

These guys were about to eat, it’s not ignorant to not listen to a governor who ignorantly killed a bunch of old people. You crazy mask people are completely out of your minds.

So did the crybabies get arrested or what? They should have minded thier own business. If they are so concerned over masks and virus then they should of kept social distance by moving along.

Mind your business and keep walking. His dumb girlfriend got him punched in the face. They got what they deserved!

Is that Mitchell Wesley Carlson the Minnesota Umbrella Guy

Is this what white people consider a “bloody brawl?” There was like a total of 3 punches thrown lmfao 😂

The couple should’ve minded their own business. Karen and Kevin’s stay home!

Food taste delish shoved through a mask... 😒

equal rights equal fights

I hope she is arrested. What a horrible person.

That is some stellar camera work

Well, it’s all on video. The guys are outside about enjoying a burrito. No need for mask there (inside yes but irrelevant here). The girl throws a hot coffee first, assaulting the guy that replicated. The boyfriend lied. End of story. The 2 buddies were not wrong.

What’s wrong with ppl

Left won’t allow any views but the ones they approve. Crying children.


Hilarious! Bitch got her boyfriend f’d up!! 🤣

They sat down to eat. They aren't required to wear masks if they are sitting down to eat.

You can’t throw hot coffee at someone’s face for any reason she should go to jail

I am glad people are getting mad about not wearing a mask. However next time let dick heads like me handle this. She going to jail tho.

I hope she got arrested

Stupid people. They are not the police to be ordering others around for no mask. They were about to what, eat too? I wear a mask but to go and do this? I hope the lady goes to prison.

You said they were about to eat their meal, then said they violated the mask rule. Clearly these violent people should not be spraying mace and tossing hot coffee in peoples faces regardless. I hope she's in big trouble.

Shame on her

Should have knocked that woman out.


Wow..... she’s brave. You don’t know how other people are raised, what if he pulled out a gun and blew them away smdh you’re willing to die over a mask? cause that could have ended way worse

the only thing worse than someone who does or doesn't wear a mask, or those who confront others. the lady and guy were dbags and deserved to get their tails kicked. mind your own business people.

This makes me so sad and disappointed, it’s so easy, but hey everyone thinks the different

What ever happened to MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS?

So the two guys 'ignorantly said they don't believe in wagering masks'? They were, according to this article, 'about to eat their meal'. How is that ignorant? You can't eat with a mask on. How about mind your own business...idiots.

I want to post another tweet but I see someone I have to harass for not wearing a mask. I’ll be back.

I want ppl to wear mask too but clearly you should just walk away

They both would've been sleep

The girl needs to be KO’d. You can tell she’s a terrible person with all her talk

I just went grocery spping, in Calgary, Canada. Everything is open AND everyone is wearing a mask. 100%, now that's livin' high.

Are we not going to talk about how the boyfriend lied to the cops and said he was assaulted by two people?

She is lucky he didn’t punch her in the face.

Say What

Humans are simple animals

it is so very sad that something so simple like wearing a mask can cause so much trouble . we are made to do plenty of things in life that we don't like but we do them .

This needs to stop. You cannot just assault someone because they are or aren’t wearing a flipping mask. Keep waking Karen and Ken!!! Assholes!!!

Too bad


Crime here the camera guy's recording angle

self involve people in wealthy areas thinking it’s in their rights to tell you right from wrong. She assaulted him. Mind you own business.

If she got jacked in the mouth would anyone really care? Dont start shit like that

I'm pro mask but those pro maskers were out of line. Hope they do some heavy fines.

Throwing a hot drink at someone is definitely not ok. But also choosing to not wear a mask in a public place that requires one when you’re not eating is complete lack of judgement. If you have the option to do so just fuckin do it. Don’t be an inconsiderate asshole.

That girlfriend is toxic.

I feel like bomani_jones foresaw this. It's what happens when people who give a crap about the safety of others assume people with low-paying jobs won't lose their jobs behind some foolishness.

Idk what I would do if someone were to try me like this


I’m all for masks, but the couple got what they deserved for throwing the coffee. Got off easy imo.

White people fighting are weak. If that was a black woman or man that woman would be on the ground unconscious


Leave ppl ALONE. Them dudes on the bench was minding their business until Karen shows up.

She forgot real life is not twitter

They don’t take the one that bleeds the most. 🤪🤪🤪🤪 Classic.

Clearly Masks triggers white On white crime

Those who attack first are always quick to play the victim

Idiots , just mind your F business. If you wear a 😷 great. But others who don’t that’s them. It’s not like the guys were in the☕️ shop or store, which would have been justified as to why the couple called them out 🙄🙄🙄

When will people learn to mind their own fuckin business? I'm waiting for the day one of these so called mask police idiots get shot

Product of the media

Haha she got his ass whooped while holding his coffee... thought her man had hands. Stupid lady. He should cancel her ass she gonna get him killed talking!

Just because someone does not wear a mask doesn't mean you assault them. Defeats the purpose of the mask if your doing stupid shit and then all of a sudden fighting with strangers. The girl should be locked up and her boyfriend should get rid of her. She caused the entire thing.

I would have knocked both of them out. Woman or not.

Umm CORRECTION - the guys WERE EATING. OUTSIDE. Eating a breakfast burrito before this batshit crazy couple walked up to them at an unsafe distance and started harassing them, and then the lady throws the hot coffee and then they try LYING ABOUT IT at the end. Fucking trash.

People are so stupid

South Bay drama

He disobeyed the almighty mask lord. Blasphemous!

Degenerate Commies start a fight, get shit beat out of them, pump up there chests about throwing the coffee and then cry and call the Cops. Ironically there the same people who wanna de-fund the Cops. Filthy Commie Scum. TMZ get you fact straight, you lie.


If your going to record please do a good job. Dang! Your just holding a phone!

If you can lose your job for saying random shit on the internet, you should lose your job for assaulting two peaceful dudes drinking coffee.

I hope the police arrested Karen. Hot coffee is a weapon.

He won’t be asking anyone anything with that jaw wired!! MYOB KAREN & DAREN!!

Wait the article says the 2 men were sitting down to eat their breakfast.. but the mask requirement says you don’t have to wear a mask when eating... but yet the men were in the wrong? 🤔 fuck outta here tmz.

Wish the girl would have gotten her skinny ass beat to a pulp. Keep waking. Leave people alone.

America 2020. Our founding fathers want a do over

They must be listening to Joe Rogan

Is this what your phone records when you don’t know it or like why was this dude recording the whole thing?

Where in Florida was this?

Why the Woman who threw the coffee isn't sitting in a cell is beyond me.I am sure the restaurant has a surveillance system.

The couple was eating their coffee and burrito, so they had every right to have their masks off. The couple should've kept walking.

Hope she enjoyed her overnight stay in jail and her arrest charge of assault to cause great bodily injury, because the coffe was hot.

These guys were sitting OUTSIDE with their food GETTING READY TO EAT. Why does the article claim they were violating a mask rule?

hahaha America gone stupid!!!

Mental health illness

He's right she shouldn't have thrown the coffee. Couple should have just walked away.

Some people really don’t understand boundaries.

People need to mind their own business and level people alone. And the Karen needs her ass kicked.


It’s people like this that make me want to vote Trump 1000000000x. If you throw hot coffee best be able to defend yourself when the cup is empty. She deserved an elbow to the face.


People in Manhattan beach are bad tippers. And now look at them being ratchet.

This is weird... Why are they still talking and talkin and talking after the incident? Move on, get out of there!

.I expect better of you, SoCal.

Your article is such slanted BS. The men were outside EATING when confronted and harassed by lunatic lefties and of course, a woman who felt untouchable enough to throw hot coffee in someone’s face. Disgusting people who are encouraged by media hacks.


It looks like she was going to win that fight.

🤔This White on White crime has to stop!!!

I like how she pulled out her phone recording and pretended like she didn’t throw the coffee..

Come on behaviour like this is totally unacceptable! Hope that woman was charged - that’s physical assault! Disgusting

Is everybody not seeing the fact that the two-man sat down to eat You’re allowed to remove it to eat... People have a right not to believe in wearing the mask either. It’s not a law. The woman that threw the coffee should be in jail.

My fav part ... “I can throw better punches than you... that’s not against the law “ lmao 😂

They were eating, can't eat a burrito with a mask on. Get this biased reporting outta there

Leave the un-masked to themselves. I make sure I’m mask and sanitized. It’s Every man for themselves now with this administration. Just leave everything else up to Darwin.

The guys were sitting outside. It doesn’t look like it’s a patio that belongs to the restaurant. They were also properly social distanced from anybody else. Why would this woman/her boyfriend bother them? Is the law stating you have to wear masks outdoors as well?

Mind your damn business. And the trouble making sidekick tries to twist the story. Ugh.

Whoever wrote this article is a troll, why wear a face diaper anyways? Especially while eating.

Coffee..was it colonel mustard with the candlestick in the library

If she’s so worried about viruses, she should have walked off. She’s just an aggressive bee ahhch. He should have insisted on pressing charges on her ass.

Dude needs to find a new girlfriend. She got his ass kicked 😆

Why was he wearing a body camera?

Fuck tht couple , they got what they deserved.

These mask people are cultists.

This is ..... 🤦🏽‍♂️

Uh-Uh don't be throwing no hot Coffee on nobody so excuse me I'm bout to Whip your A--.

Coffee Karen’s bf deserved the beat down ManhattanBeach

what the fuck? reasonable enough to wear a mask but dumb enough to throw coffee at some minding their own business? wear a mask mind your own business. stay at home if you dont want to be around assholes who dont wear masks. that guy is lucky he didnt go for a nap.

They were drinking coffee and getting ready to eat their burritos, why would they be wearing a mask? The lady was wrong and should have not said anything, she’s not the mask police

I would have fucked then both up too . Ken and Karen black and blue edition

I would have knocked them both out


Mostly peaceful coffee drinking.

I just cannot wrap my mind around the fact that American Doctors are not working with Italian protocols. We got it under control and do NOT have this Problem. What is wrong is wrong overthere.

I can’t believe there are people defending the couple. These guys were about to eat their damn food. The two guys were absolutely justified.

Wear a fucking mask. If u dont, i support any means, even extreme and illegal to remedy anyone not wearing a mask. If u end up dead, so be it.

This white on white crime needs to end...

Well 'Karen' had the right one.....cuz if she threw coffee on 'Keisha'.....they woulda had to send the paramedics along with the police....

Everyone is 'outside' in moving air. The couple giving them grief are wearing masks, and were walking by. Due to the dynamics of the outside atmosphere, the only thing being transmitted is the stupidity of the coffee throwing couple.

100% on the side of the burrito brothers.

I wear a mask and I hate anti-maskers. However, I don’t confront anyone and I definitely wouldn’t throw anything at anyone.

If you throw hot coffee in someone's face, you deserve to get your ass whooped! She's lucky she didn't get worse than that.

I’d really like to know the outcome in this. That couple was 100% wrong and the fact that they didn’t realize they were being filmed the whole time is even better. There is such a thing as “Mind ya business” for all of you Maskholes out there.

As the world burns.... America’s liberties becomes more and more myopic everyday. Masks will protect your from COVID and hot coffee too... (sigh)

tekashitakeover 🌈🌈🌈

Look what ya bitch got you into

Woman who threw her coffee needs to learn how to MIND HER OWN BUSINESS. No mask law gives you the right to assult someone.

Simple solution, if your a mask wearer and scared to about keeping your distance from people whochoose not towear one. Really would be the safest thing to do wouldn't it. People are just idiots!

Even if they didn't say they don't believe in wearing masks.. they were about to freaking eat!! How the eff do you eat with a mask on? These fracking social heros are gonna get them or others killed over stupidity.

That’s a coffee bitch Karen, right TMZ?! You gonna be fair.... didnt think so. Your children basrment bloggers dont think this fits the narrative.

It’s funny. Dude got his ass kicked, then the first thing he does is call the cops. The very ones he is trying to defund!!!

see this is wat happens wen a chick wants to instigate and her man gets beat up. If he would of did something to her he would of been wrong. right? lol. hope she got charged for assault. check ur chick man. can’t stand chicks like this. 🙄

These mask people are really cultish. This is insane, how they suppose to eat with masks on lol you think you can throw your coffee at someone and there’ll be no consequences

Shootout at the coffee corral.

The couple were so in the wrong!! They need to mind their own business. Is she gonna throw coffee in everyone’s face that doesn’t have a mask on She needs to be arrested.

Not surprised this happened in California

America, WTF is wrong with you?!!!! This is NOT the country I once lived in for a year, and have always loved. I still have family and friends there, and they are horrified by what is happening. You have been destroyed by Trump, hard to believe you will ever recover.

Ffs, this doesn’t give anyone the permission to assault strangers.

I don’t want to say it but that couple is probably 100 💯 white libs.

First off why you are scared to film this attack by some white privileged Americans, she threw her cup of hot coffee on the guy and what the fuck did she think was going to happen. That was an assault with a hot beverage and he can sue these people for that. Sorry wht ppl...

Rona Rage Defense. 'I was overwhelmed by the pandemic.'

He deserved to get socked in the face. They were about to engage in eating their meals. Where does she get off throwing coffee? Then want to play the victim card. Smh.

The lady should’ve been KO’d

Only in 'Murica!

Do they have to wear mask outside when they have food & 6 feet away from people. If those mask police kept on moving this would not have happened. They can't drink or eat with a mask on. Engaging will cause more of a spread than minding your own business

All of this is dumb, all of it. But as a woman if I decide to throw coffee in your face why would you go and hit my boyfriend, that part doesn't make sense to me. I'm not saying he should've beat her ass but at least confront her directly.

Does she not know they're filming? She keeps denying that she threw the coffee, then saying 'which came first?' we all saw which came first you idiot.

I’m a masker, but that was all uncalled for. If people want to take the chance and get Covid or give it to friends and loved ones, let them be. COVID-20 will get them. It’s gonna be here next year too, so might as well start tagging now.

It’s kind of hard to eat your food when you’re wearing a mask.. Dumb broad is going to jail.

Why can’t people just leave each other alone?

This is what happens when you put Kanye up as a candidate for Presidential election 😔

I came to your Twitter to inform you that no one cares about these stories and they most certainly do not merit a TMZ alert. Stop with this shit.


The girl started it. She’s full of shit!!

Was that a camera belt 😵

Got his ass whooped

Who else thinks the camera guy went and stashed something in that plant.

Why are white ppl so angry?

If the couple was so afraid of COVID then they should have walked away.

Masks are an endless debate to keep people off real topics. They will eventually disappear overnight.

We’ve come to a point where there needs to be a civil war between those who wear masks and those who don’t.

We at Walt Disney World Resort would not tolerate this ratchet behavior and maskless avengers don’t want Cinderella’s smoke.


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