CEOs Want To Ditch Sterile Zoom Calls: From The Folks Who Brought You Boring Meetings

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More and more CEOs are now questioning how productive remote meetings are without in-person interaction. In one survey, most workers admitted to 'questionable behavior' during virtual meetings—including taking a shower, exercising, watching TV or cooking.

by virtual tech firm Lucid found that workers didn't feel like they needed to behave during virtual meetings when no one was looking. Most of them admitted to "questionable behavior" during virtual brainstorm meetings, including 1 in 10 who admitted using the bathroom while on a call.

Rawlins said workers were put off by hearing multiple voices simultaneously, which might not be that distracting in a physical setting. The survey also found that younger workers — as many as 1 in 4 — were even breaking company pandemic protocols and meeting with colleagues in person to discuss work projects.

Amazon, which so far has said employees can work from home until early next year, just bought the marquee Lord & Taylor building on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue and leased another 2 million square feet in Bellevue, Wash. But these tech giants will continue to offer employees flexible options, recognizing that much work can be done at home, while betting that their employees are also driven by the human impulse to socialize.


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I wish I could go to meetings then I’d be away from the kindergarten class full of adults I have to deal with all day long. How can such well educated people be so stupid?

More and more workers are now questioning how productive CEOs are, since they never interact with workers in-person. In one survey, most CEOs admitted to “questionable behavior”, such as mass layoffs to make end of year numbers better, or low worker pay.

How can you take a shower while in a meeting? 😂

did they measure productivity of same and type of meetings in office during the pandemic? Otherwise, this has 0 value.

I wasn’t paying attention to you in the office either. Now I’m just also being productive

The flip question is what do CEO's do with their time? You never see time and motion studies on how the CEO spends their time. No complaints when they sleep in the office or have 'creative time'

We’re at home? Why are these questionable? It’s not safe to go into the office? Or gym? Or out to eat? Like call on our officials to do a lockdown and contact trace then we can move forward...

Maybe the problem is unnecessary meetings

WHO CARES!? So what they stopped to take a shower? So what they took a few minutes to exercise and be healthy. 40-50 hours a week sitting at a desk day after day isn’t normal. Let them have some god damn freedom to make a freaking sandwich.


Maybe they are hiring the wrong peeps?


If anyone is hosting a meeting where you can take a shower then yeah I think we are talking about a lack of structure, participation and it def points to a total waste of time. I work for a smaller company and we are all showing our faces for the meeting and often have to talk.

It could have been an email

Note to CEOs: quit having so many boring meetings.

SonalRShah So is it the platform or the meeting content?

That just means you’re having too many pointless meetings .....

Maybe these meetings should only include people who actually need to be involved. If someone has the ability to SHOWER during a meeting, maybe they didn’t need to be on the call. Also, it’s 2020 and people are pushed to the brink. Cut them some slack.

The real issue is that some people have no lives outside of work. Relying on your job to provide you with work, all your social interactions, you livelihood, and your sense of self is a road to nowhere. Especially when you work for a corporation that will drop you in a second.

At least during virtual meetings things can get done, unlike during in person meetings which are a pure waste of time.

I have never understood why CEOs gather employees into a conference room to hear them blather, self congratulate, and promote their new meaningless objectives. Most workers spend the next hour laughing at them and then our work continues unchanged.

Of course the CEOs will say that! Their job is meetings, the rest of their employees HAVE A REAL JOB!!! FY

PRODUCTIVE MEETINGS? What is THAT! At least in a remote meeting you can cut it short for any excuse... SMFH!!!

This shows only that *meetings* are almost always a waste of time. It says nothing about virtual meetings specifically.

There's a lot of meetings that don't need to happen

Well now the question needs to be, is the work still getting done at the same speed and quality? If so, perhaps that shower or quick workout just took the place of frequent unimportant in person meetings that suck up time. I find walks a great way to regain energy and think

CEOs want Butts in seats to justify the money they spent on furniture and office buildings. It is a CEO opinion poll after all. Yes some meetings are better in person but dew. In person people are nodding off virtual at least they are being productive when not listening

Alternative headline: CEOs desperate to find new ways to harass workers.

Translation: most companies have poor management who allow unprofessional behavior to continue on their dime, and hire unprofessional employees.

Think the better question is if you really need that meeting

This lockdown mentality has ruined the economy, killed seniors in nursing homes and caused suicides to rise. This virus has a 90%+ survival rate for people without co-morbidities. It's time to get back to work and Church/Synagogues/Mosques.

Back when I worked in publishing, I used to have someone try to schedule me for 1/2 hour conference calls just to ask me some questions. I kept telling her to just email them to me and I'd answer them as soon as I could. I was so glad when that project was over and done with.

sounds like it wasn't important for them to be on that meeting in the first place then.

Stop having meaningless meetings. Problem solved.

The work&meet from home fatigues matches the findings of our recent research exactly. If we can't get back to the office just now, we'll have to explore the world of hybrid meeting. For more findings

Just because a person isn’t sitting at their desk nodding doesn’t mean they aren’t actively listening. Paying attention doesn’t look the same for everyone.

Proof that the meeting could have been an email.

I don't understand how you can simultaneously have a company culture where people are honest, but also still chock full of useless meetings


That actually sounds MORE productive than most meetings.

Most meetings (in my experience) just arent productive... whether in-person or remote. People do those things b/c when stuck in an unproductive, useless meeting... you might as well get something useful done. :) Want better meetings? They shld be focused, shorter, & fewer.

Seems like the answer is to have better meetings that require attention and participation. Otherwise just email or use a team project management app.

As opposed to questionable behavior while at in person meetings such as texting, web surfing, game playing, music listening, and a myriad of others activities via phone/laptop not related to the actual meeting.

No shit?!!!!!

How about questionable behavior in in-person meetings? Like being in endless meetings?

Ok, if someone is able to take a shower during a meeting, perhaps they didn’t need to be invited to that meeting.

The traditional CEO role is unnecessary and obsolete. The worker bee slave model is also. It turns out a rigid, controlled office environment may never have been all that productive.

Not wasting nearly enough time; get those people back in the conference room for some marathon exercises in bureaucratic futility.

I’m sure distracted employees has nothing to do with all the challenges of 2020 at all. Read the room NPR, jeez.

So is their behavior the issue or the content of meetings?!

Considering the fact Americans already work the most hours out of any modern industrialiazed nation. I'm pretty sure the CEOs will have to get over it.

Perhaps it's the meeting content not the participants attentiveness. Online meeting need more structure and time limits, as well as a specified outcomes.


Sounds like a lot CEO’s have of poor management practices. Your managers should know every day what their teams are doing & be able to tract how much work they are performing every week. In person or remote makes no difference

the only questionable behavior here is allowing the existence of CEO's

We used to have some protected time in our days - AM commute, lunch, PM commute. Now every hour is fair game. I actually do need to shower and eat every day, so if you book me in back to back meetings, what is the alternative? Am I only supposed to eat and bathe after 8 pm?

What might be helpful is less meetings, period. I'm 54. Most of the meetings I've sat through have been wastes of time that could have been summed up in short memos or emails. Pulling your employees together with a luncheon or an outing would be more useful for team building.

alternative take - most meetings, for most people in them, are a waste of time and a net negative for productivity. in person this waste is extreme - virtually at least something can get done. Better approach is fewer, shorter meetings with less people most of the time

I'm raising the bullshit flag here. If people are doing that then the question should be, are they really needed in the meeting? If you're showering during a meeting, then the 'information' in that meeting isn't relevant to you and no one is expecting any input from you.

'CEOs Who Require Employees to Multitask Object when the Other Tasks Relate to Personal Enrichment and Hygiene (or, Managers Withhold Crucial Information in Telemeetings So the CEO can Claim They're Less Productive than In-Person Meetings), a Tale of End-Stage Capitalism'

Maybe you should have less meetings if they are that worthless.

They were always unproductive employees. The CEO, now is made aware (through the use of technology), but wants to blame someone else for his management incompetence. Did the CEO setup mentoring programs to define employees self discipline responsibilities? Or just point ~ broken

Your headlines are so skewed toward the bourgeoisie lately- was “Less and Less workers have the capacity to maintain normal work demands while balancing their home life/ stress during the Pandemic. Therefore- they take zoom calls in the shower in between jobs” too long? 🤦🏻‍♂️🙄

Hmmm 🤔 really My husband is a CEO and is doing just fine with remote meetings. You know keeping people safe and shit... maybe go and cover what’s important for the next 20 days. That’s why we donate !!

and what’s wrong with cooking, watching TV or being on the treadmill while on a conference call? Multitasking, anyone? Moms are experts at this... hello! 🤦🏻‍♀️

This is just NOW being addressed? 😆😆😆

Or just all meetings themselves are unproductive.

Try being productive when you're fucking dead

Quite honestly, those are the same people who play video games on their office computers, read texts during in-person meetings, and hang out in other people’s offices gossiping all day. You’ve got people who have a work ethic, regardless of the circumstance, and people who don’t.

This is most likely bs. Polls are worthless from our current society.

That is ridiculous.

I will gladly accept virtual meetings as a compromise between in-person meetings and email correspondence.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

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