Casey Affleck Bravely Imagines a World Without Women

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Casey Affleck’s new movie tells the story of a father living in a dystopian world where all the women died from a terrible disease

Casey Affleck. Photo: Matthias Nareyek/Getty Images Casey Affleck, little brother of Ben, has had some, uh, issues with women in the past. In 2010, he had two sexual-harassment lawsuits filed against him by women who worked on his mockumentary I’m Still Here. Producer Amanda White said Affleck constantly discussed his “sexual exploits,” once instructed another crew member to flash his penis at her, and regularly referred to women as “cows.

When asked if the film was a response to his personal experience with #MeToo at the Berlin International Film Festival back in February, Affleck said, “It’s not. I wrote this movie and made this movie before all of those things became part of the conversation. I hope people keep their minds open and be responsible and measured in their reactions. And people can talk for themselves. It’s not something I can control.” Okay.


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The line at the theatre is just gonna be a bunch of misogynistic men

“Bravely imagines a world without women” 🙄🙄🙄

No. No freaking way. This is gonna be a total dumpster fire.

Was the disease misogyny?

Is this based off of Patrick Ness' book?

Sounds like it’s gonna get pretty gay, pretty fast.

Sounds like a futurist sausage party

No women want to work with Casey Affleck? Here’s a movie he could do.

This premise has already been done basically Y: The Last Man, except now they don't have to hire any of those pesky women (ugh forced diversity, am I right?) Which works out because this was the only way for Casey Affleck to get a job since no women want to work with him anymore.

That sounds about right for Casey.

Lol...interesting concept for a movie....wonder why he would want to make this movie!!!

Can we get a movie without him in it?

I think it looks something like this:

Bravely? Nothing about him is brave.

That’s ok, half the men can just transition into women and repopulate again. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Who will the incels blame for their inability to form basic human relationships if the women disappear?

Sick regurgitation: Genesis 19:30-38 = Lot after wife turns into pillar of salt & Lot's *daughters* — their “choice” — get him drunk to become pregnant & save... male power. Pairs w/ patriarchal 9th commandment: not to covet neighbor’s wife as baby machine/cheap family labor. 👎🏽

'bravely' 🙄

so does that mean that all the remaining men open themselves up to romance, sex and affection from other men since they are all thats left? or do all the men maintain toxic masculinity while they die out slowly?

Yes, hmmm kind of a strange idea for Movie!'n

How Freudian.

Uhm, then how did he become a father?

Beware if this is someone's idea of a date movie.

Oh let’s name this movie, Twitter! I’ll start: “No Female Will Co-Star With Me”, starring Casey Affleck

So is this like the incel version of Y: The last man

I bet men live longer in that world 🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂

This is litterally lisa the painful though?

Movie tagline: In a world of no sandwiches, silence is your only consolation.

Wait, wait.... they're turning Lisa: The Painful into a MOVIE?! God that's going to be depressing.

They killed themselves after the horror of learning that feminism left them, childless, with barren wombs & the nihilism of being a corporate wage slave

A disease called liberalism.

Doesn’t this make them like the Shakers. They die off. End scene.

Is the big twist going to be there’s one woman left and the main character falls in love with her? 🙄

So, like now, but they don’t have any women around to dominate or control. I suppose they probably end up all killing each other.

Films I will never watch 183

You all have 007 now, you'll be ok..

Is the twist women are still here we just avoid him by any means necessary... so he just THINKS we are gone?

Casey Affleck sounds like a serial killer

“Bravely”.....the bar is really on the floor.

In a world without women, who does Casey Affleck beat?

Bravely🤣🤣,my heart hurts from laughing so much,brave my ass😂😂😂

T r a s h

Oh, I can’t wait. 😴

This makes no sense seeing as all fetuses start out female and are only triggered to be male after certain biological functions allow the Y chromosome to 'switch on.'

Um. I'm not sure if 'brave' exactly describes his film. Maybe 'Like a snotty, spoiled toddler who nobody can stand to be around...Affleck imagines a world with no stinking girls in it because girls are gross and I hate them anyway!'

I guess this is one way to abide by the rules of a restraining order.

Catch 22?

Seeing the men on YouTube celebrating this crap, disappointed but not surprised.

So... the movie will be full of “throwbacks,” depicting sexy women in overtly sexy situations, portrayed with a sense of (sexy) nostalgia. Et voila: A film about men having manly man-relationships, and still a movie with a lot of boobies! That’s my take, and I’ll take bets!

I think you misspelled “stupidly” here. 😂

I'll pass ....

So in other words, a more peaceful world.

I can imagine a world without Casey Affleck as a celebrity. Or Ben.

Can COMETandCROW sue for this? I'm pretty sure he can sue for this.

Just another way the patriarchy keeps qualified actresses from working. Did I do it right?

Sounds like the book White Plague by Frank Herbert.

And then all human life went extinct the end.

This is awesome because men are Fucked without women. No more man as well 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 We give birth to them. It’s a win win because men are the most evilest creatures ever made they murder, created wars, rape, and lie. They Destroyed our planet. 🌎🚺👊🏼 Extinction of man.


So if your curious, wait till Sausage fest comes out on video? Do they have those robot women or something in this movie? Cause otherwise it's just like one of those parties you don't want to be at except you paid $15 to be there.

He can eff himself.

Ugh, of course he does.

He’s so imaginatively brave.

I can't even be bothered to LIKE this.😝

how is that a dystopia

I'm confused can someone give me a simple explanation of who this guy is

Thats what happened when no one wants to work with you uh

More like 'utopian'.

Can you imagine a bunch of homophobes in a world without women?

That disease was patriarchy brought about by incels. It is not a movie it is a future documentary. JarvisDupont TitaniaMcGrath

Was the disease Casey Affleck?

That should be easy for him

And all of the women who didn’t have to co-star with him heaved a collective sigh of relief.

Hilarious that I knew this review would be a whiny femrant

Forget crypto. Invest in flesh lights.


Hope they licenced it from Frank Herbert's estate, because getting to that point is the plot of his novel 'The White Plague'.

Literally just play LISA: The Painful. It's going to be better than this movie anyway.

Haven't we canceled this a-hole?

Well then maybe all the women shouldn't go watch it, LOL see how much he'll make off that

Also, in the real world, Hollywood has a terrible disease.


Is what the world really needed now a gender flipped Y the Last Man without a monkey?

I thought he was a rapist...allegedly

There’s already a book about a dystopian society with all the women killed off by a disease or something called the chaos walking trilogy. I think it’s also being made into a movie?

Considering Casey's personal history with women, he needs to get counseling if he thinks this will rehabilitate his image.

Tennessee Williams already wrote that play. It’s called The Chalky White Substance.

If that were true, men would never need to wear a seatbelt again because driving would become so much safer.

TFW all the women died and the transwoman athletes don’t have anyone left to dominate

Was it a sextually-transmitted disease they caught from the guy that made this movie?

Sounds pretty gay, to me...

Gay New World

So.....a remake of Children of Men.

I assume the tagline is: Well, we fucked each other until we went extinct.

Sounds like it does not pass the Bechdal test

Cant wait till all movies are just sjw lectures. Should be super fun.

It must be so quiet and peaceful

So LISA the movie?

It’s only a movie, get over it 😂 it’s not like everyone involved wants this to happen in real life.

So, basically, LISA: the painful RPG?

Very Brave

So it's a movie about his fragile masculinity. Got it.

🤔🤔 The White Plague is a 1982 science fiction novel by Frank Herbert with a similar premise.. Stolen ideas...🙄🙄

This is just Lisa but without talent behind it


A film where Casey can do no wrong then!

Casey Affleck wrote a screenplay where all of the women die. Shocking.

Is he gonna be the terrible disease cause that I can imagine

It’s funny how cheaters try and make it the others fault.

Women have always been the slaves, I’d like to see role reversal for a change.

In a twist at the end, you learn the men are all in a matrix-like pod situation -- by choice. Because their real world is ruled by women. And the majority of men in that world would rather exist in a dystopian woman-free lie, than truly live with women in power.


can't imagine a world without women 🤔 Love women 💓 Dude needs to get a new imagination

Tired of the 'equal pay in Hollywood'? Don't worry, here are a few ideas for a movie with no females to complain about your sexism😉😉.

Even though there are enough movies with zero women in them, this is probably the only genre Casey Affleck should be in. keepwomensafefromCasey

But like, women are the 1 reason I watch movies Why would I Anyone You know what. Nvm

Brave? That’s the word we’re using hu?


Sounds like a rip off of the premise of The Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness, which is very good and y’all should read it

This is just Lisa but made by a creep

They died from the boredom of mansplaining?

Rewrite: Not Casey Affleck’s new movie tells the story of a mother living in a world where all the men died from a terrible disease and somehow everything is pleasant and functional

He so brave? wow he didn’t write this movie till after his victims came forward? Wow dude was already abusing women before the me too movement? Wow why he think this okay? cuz he wrote it before he got outed? Wow.

What’s he a father of? Cats?

Didn’t that used to be called business? Or politics, or academia?

What a great way to avoid having women on set 😂 He knows his limits

Agent: I'd love to get you a role in a movie, but no women will work with you Casey: say no more, fam

Is this a reverse ' Y: The Last Man Can we get an actual one thank you very much

This will be an utterly boring movie.

Interesting premise. Having to protect the one female left alive. Maybe there's a deep thread of humanity buried somewhere in him that wants to come out... Or maybe (like most of Hollywood) he's found an exploitable niche


This is pathetic.

Hard pass

This was the easiest way to protect women from Casey.

“One movie about women being wiped off the face of the earth, and another about the rape of woman that is, somehow, actually about two men. What a time to be an Affleck.” JFC

“Bravely Imagines”

So, he basically wrote The Book of the Unnamed Midwife. Only w/o the woman's POV so probably terrible.

PiaGuerra Affleck reverse stole your graphic novel idea. YtheLastMan

I was invited to a free screening of this garbage SEVERAL times by a local veteran organization where tickets cost upwards of $250. NOPE. The one girl in the film is disguised as a boy? HELL NOPE.

Wait... A disease that 'only' affect woman... What's this disease men

Sounds like a sausage fest.

This terrible disease is called getting killed by men.

I’ve never seen someone KO themselves.

So... Elizabeth Moss is down with working with him.


It’s probably safer for all women in the film industry to not be on set with him.

Casey Affleck is a terrible disease

Alfonso Cuarón made Children of Men (2006). it’s all we need.

If there are no women there is no least not world I'd want to be in

This is just LISA. COMETandCROW I think you have a case.

Ok, I watched the trailer posted in the article guys. Pretty sure I just watched the entire film. So many holes to the story. Where to begin...

Why is Casey Affleck still a thing?

You shouldn't be constantly blamed for past actions that you actually apologized for. Especially if there has been no more allegations since then.

was the disease a result of contact with Casey Affleck?

Whoever is responsible for putting the word bravely in this headline needs to be fired immediately

So the sexual harasser Ben Affleck is doing a movie about the rape of a woman...and sexual harasser Casey Affleck is doing a movie where all women died... wtf is wrong with these Affleck creeps? Why is anyone funding them still?

There’d just be piles of dirty washing everywhere.

Is it called “Y the Last Woman”?

Well that can't possibly pass the Bechdel test.

Soooo he just took Y: The Last Man and flipped it? So creative.


I can’t believe he actually has a gf IRL

Fuck that dude!

When the academy gave this guy a statue over Denzel...I was good

As women imagine a world without the Afflecks

There's always 5 women around...Rosey Palm and her five sisters. Lol😂😂😂

Well they finally figured out they needed us.

This is? Already a book? Being turned into a movie? Knife of Never Lettinng Go, anyone? Also has the benefit of not being written by an alleged rapist 😬

so.. it’s LISA but worse

Sounds like a setup for gay porn

This just Lisa: the Painful

”bravely” my asshole

when will this masterpiece be at the Dollar Store

Sounds like Y The Last Man but in reverse. Booooo

This guy is still employed 🤦‍♀️

the comments mostly consisted of two things: no women want to work with him, and who's he gonna harrass? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I bet there's a lot of poopy penis in that world.

Its probably not that they died, they just pushed all the assholes in one area and had another guy tell them all the women died then everyone else had mimosas and chilled.

Y The Last Man is better.

So he ripped off Y: The Last Man garbage human doing garbage things...

Isnt this children of man but with a diff hurdle to reproduction?

Casey Affleck sounds like an arse and his film sounds like a dream he's had about the irradication of all women, seen as they keep having lawsuits against his pig like behaviour. I guess his problems would be solved if he got rid of us all. What a moron.

Is that where men's rights activists come from?

Is that terrible disease called nice guys™? thinking

Bravely imagines?

Media: How are you gonna make sure you don't harass any women during your next film? Casey: I won't hire any to work with.

Read Monster of Men. Almost the same ish*

And then the world ended less than a year later, right? Lol

A 'Lord of the Flies' remake?

Was that disease feminism?

Oh no, no... who is taking care of all these men?


Actually my movie with no women is very feminist -Casey Affleck probably

From a PR standpoint, I can't imagine a worse choice as a post-metoo comeback film

That's gonna be a no from me.

bc no women would work with him


I interviewed Casey Affleck once. He’s an ass.

So Y the Last Man, but shitty

“And people can talk for themselves. It’s not something I can control.” Awesome. Thanks for the permission, Casey.

Lisa the painful the movie?

There will be one woman at the end of the movie that society will depend on.

The original pitch was a general dystopia but clearly every woman in 100 mile radius ran before even hearing the pitch so they 'bravely improvised.' Wait that's not actually what happened?

Truth is, not realistic. Women will far outlast man.

The incels win

This is literally the story for Battletanx on Nintendo 64

Rewrite: “A serial sexual harasser bravely imagines a world without women.”

This is a sci fi plot from back in the day. I THINK Frank Herbert wrote it. Terrorists killed guy's wife, so he created plague that killed only women.

I’d like to imagine a world without Casey Affleck movies

“Casey Affleck Bravely Imagines a World Without Women” AYFKM?!

Sounds interesting...excited to see where they go with this ❤️

WATCH the trailer before making ridiculous comments and assumptions. He obviously wants the world to be balanced for his daughter and by balanced I mean both men and women. He’s worried for his daughter he’s trying to protect her b/c a world with only men is a dangerous world.

How about you WATCH the trailer before making incorrect assumptions. I know it’s hard to pull yourself out of your little bubble but people can make a mistake in life and one day you will and you know what you’re going to want to second chance too.

Please chill. Watch the trailer and you’ll see his daughter asked him and I’m paraphrasingwill the world will be right again and he says when it’s balanced. What the do you think balanced means? Men and women. He only says I like you and me together to sooth her. Get a grip.

All the people in the comments, shitting on men and for some reason bringing up the MRA, while they go ahead and claim this movie would be perfect if all the men died out instead...while not realizing it's the same exact concept. World's weird when it's filled with hypocrites.


X the Last Woman

Okay? I mean it's an interesting concept i guess

This is about to have the stalest cast ever. Casey Affleck represents 54% of that

Ladies, Ya’ll don’t even know if he can’t get any lovin. You just out here flaying him alive

'bravely'. Uh-huh

Maybe not your best move post MeToo.

Only option when every woman on earth has a restraining order on the guy

So this is a lame inverted version of Y The Last Man?

That’s basically the plot of the game LISA, except that probably did it more tactfully despite being a shock value game to some degree.

The waiter tell Casey, BITTER party of one ur table ready🤬🤮🤢🖕🏻🖕🏼

Omg sooooo WEIRD cuz us women imagine a world without Casey Affleck!

While his brother works on a movie about a wife being raped, correct? To borrow a phrase....why are men?

Sounds like Casey found a work around for the fact that no women will work with him.

Is this what happens when women won't participate in a project with a person with his past? Hmmmm.

Odd AF concept for a movie imho

Did he write it?

Brokeback Mountain 2:Even Broker

Won’t be seeing that.

Lord, I initially thought the movie was called 'The Cut'.

I'm just going to assume that he has to protect his daughter because as women became more rare were deemed 'community property,' right? 😒 What if a scarcity of women (and their potential for the survival of the human race) made them the most POWERFUL people on the planet?

I made that film already eveless shortfilm

In other words, it’s incel porn.

Well, it would be a short movie, because without women, the species dies. Some woman would figure out how to induce parthogenesis to keep the species around if all men died. Seriously, this sounds like a mess.

That’s a terrible premise... 😓

It figures this sexual predator, CaseyAffleck, would find some way to get his revenge on women. He sure is an insecure piece of SHIT! But, Hollywood is bankrolling it, so what does that say about it? If women are in it, what does that say about them?

Sounds like a futuristic prison movie

Omg bootleg chaos walking 💆‍♀️

Isn't that just the plot of Battletanx?

The disease was republicanism and the year is 2027.

They had this in rick and morty. ROBOTS


Isn't there already a movie called The Cut that's about the Armenian Genocide

casey Affleck is a dork

This is kinda like the book Y: the last man. Basically a rip off

I guess this is the type of movie you will need to make when no women wants to work with you

Isn’t this the plot of Stephen King and Owen King’a book “Sleeping Beauties”

Of course, so they can cast as few women as possible

So......the exact plot of Lisa: The Painful, an indie rpg meant to show how horrible men can it.....

this is the plot of lisa the painful only i guarantee you lisa the painful did it better and more interestingly

Oh so your saying

Isn't that StephenKing 's Sleeping Beauties?

So the opposite of Y the Last Man. I see what he did there.

But think on the bright side, his character won't harass any woman 🤷🏻‍♂️

Manchester by the Sea was about the saddest movie I have ever seen, and he is a great actor. I hope the rumors aren’t true about him, because if they are, he’s got karma coming.....

This thread 🔥🔥🔥

Oh...he’s still making movies? Meh.

No more unemployment as everyone has a job supplying lube.


Was it the icky dicky flu?


Holy crap talk about an uninteresting plot

What in the HELL

Hard pass.

pardon me, but isn't the movie set in a 'dystopian future' BECAUSE the women are gone? because the point is that the world sucks now that they're gone? You're framing it like the film is implying the world is better off but nowhere in the trailer does it suggest that.

this is, without exaggeration, *literally* the plot of BattleTanx

Did all the women die from men’s bullshit?

Kill it with fire.

then who would he rape?🤨 cause yeah he's a RAPIST in case you've forgotten


Actually it sounds interesting. A father saving his daughter from being harmed by others.... I am mother w/Jennifer Garner was similar... only a robot was the protector of all the eggs. Would you all mock it if it was a woman protecting the only living male child?

Not going to watch this obviously, but the director should be fired if there isn't a scene where every single cupboard on the planet is left open simultaneously.

Who greenlight this shit?

Who cares ? White guy from Utah with sister wives, incestuous sex & weakened gene pool

If anyone has read The XY, they’d know this is taking an idea already worked on by someone else and reversing it

Toxic masculinity? Was this the terrible 'disease.'

He’s just reversing the book The XY because they’re too scared to make a movie based off a book. Legit the SAME plot, just reversed.

Can someone hire a barber to fix his uneven goatee? 🧔🏻😂💇🏻‍♂️💈

I'm interested already!!!

The disease is Boston.

Fair enough. Women have been bravely imagining a world without Casey Affleck since the harassment allegations came out in 2016.

Is the disease...patriarchy?

if the disease has something to do with menstruation i’ll yeet myself

Lol in what ways is this sausage fest “brave” ?

It sounds like a shit version of Y: The Last Man.

The disease is whatever Casey Affleck has

i guess this disease only affects vaginas?

Like bird box, but with dick pics


Kaligs ...

They died from ParentsNext (courtesy of Centrelink Australia)

What’s “brave” about that? 🤔

Gender flipping Y The Last Man. How “edgy” 🙄😒

Wow is this some sick ass revenge pic for getting busted for being a serial harasser?

Bad look, bro.

hey COMETandCROW called, he said he wants his story back

It was the Mansplaining, wasn’t it?

Narrator: A fragile world of refrigerators only 6 inches deep, mountains of take out cartons and piles of missmatched socks...

this is literally LISA the Painful RPG

So basically Y The Last Man but reversed.... how original Casey.

Can't get a date, huh.

We feel the same about him.. No worries..

check out the affleck family doubling down on their anti-woman bullshit. i wonder how their mom feels? oh, well, she raised them like this.

BechdelCast jamieloftusHELP caitlindurante help do something

Brave for what exactly?

WOW SO BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I imagine that the taxes are lower.

Why are you reporting on a rapist that has been called out multiple times?

There will always be women

It’s a sci fi film not a belief system...

I wouldn’t characterize a movie that kills off all women as brave.

Who thought it was a good idea to option this movie to Casey Affleck?

Super good look for Casey

Pretty sure we know why there aren't any women in it.


You fucking wish, CaseyAffleck1

I'm pretty sure The fairly odd parents already did this, but ok

So reverse Y: The Last Man. Got it.

Synopsis: Men Who Went Their Own Way but got lost and refused to ask for directions and after a while assumed that all the women were dead and they were the only humans left despite only being 25 miles from town.

The terrible disease has to be men!

Is it a buddy film?

Why would i wanna watch a movie with no women

“Bravely” 😂 jfc

Sounds like the plot of a gay porn.


Keep it.

Yeah, I’m going to run right out to see it. 🙄

When you have to write, direct, and produce your own piece of trash movie bc no women will work with you.

So chaos walking but different

i love how its basically apocalyptic, lmao men are truly nothing without women

book a room bitch

Do we want this?

Ppl really have no Problems nowadays. Let this guy release His goddamn movie and just don't watch it. Nobody would've bat an eye if it was a movie without men directed by a woman


Finally a Hollywood movie where all actors are paid equally...

Sounds like a pain in the ass

So he would have no one to sexually assault?

I have a feeling this will be yet another Affleck movie that doesn’t pass the BechdelTest

Bravely 😂 this hurts to look at

How are they going to find the vacuum cleaner?

Read the room, buddy.

Must be a fantasy movie because we all know women would survive before men do

well thats one way to avoid diversity sksksksksksk

This should be a very short movie that ends with all of us destroying ourselves in rage.

is there not already a movie coming out like this bc yeah there is

How can we make a movie without having to hire any women with all their pesky talk of equal pay? I know! Let’s make a movie in which all women have died! Boom! Problem solved. Now, how can we get away with an all male crew?

As terrible, vindictive, ungrateful and evil as women can be.... A world without them would just be nonstop warfare and ass rape... And thats just not cool in the least! Only women imagine worlds without men.... Actually masculine men never entertain that idea its so bad.

I take your question.

Was it men’s violence against women? Or did they just abandon all the female infants at birth

I wonder if it’s something similar to James Tiptree, Jr.’s story, “The Screwfly Solution,” where an alien plague causes men to snap and start killing women. When I see the level of hatred society has towards women, I have no difficulty in believing that it could happen.

Was the disease caused by watching other CA movies?

Is this because no women will actually work with him?

Is this The Onion?

Is the disease men?


remember the graphic novel about a mysterious disease killing all the men save 1. im glad they just took the plot but reversed it

Must be a real pain in the ass to watch this one!!

There are probably legal prohibitions against him working with women, like how sex offenders can’t be around a school. Nice workaround there buddy.

Sexual assault?

I can already tell how this ends.... everybody dies and humanity becomes extinct.

'Bravely' huh? As if most male filmmakers don't treat the women in their movies like their nothing.

Bravely..... my side hurts from laughing.

We treat them like they are.


I think the movie title “Sausage Party” is taken.

'Bravely?' 🤔

Humanity becomes extinct, the end

What a huge pig 🐷

Is this called 'X: The Last Woman'? Because I am pretty sure I read this in a Vertigo comic years ago with the genders reversed.

Aka the movie where women didn't want to work with him...

Bravely reimagines? Please; they just ripped off the plot of Battletanx on the N64 and took out the tanks. It’s redundant and removes the best part.

Who’s he going to sexually harass then ?!?!? 🤷‍♂️

It’s not gay if all the women are dead.

sounds like frank herbert novel white plague

Casey Affleck Hhhmmmmmm Yyyeeeaaahhhhhhhh

If this is along the line of Nicholas Cage doing those 'Left After' movies with some kind of biblical 'message' like, 'the women died because they failed to listen to the men in charge' … then a hard pass. It can go to the Christian bookstores for those zombies to watch.


They did not die, they are just all hiding.

isn't this based off of a video game

Sounds like Utopia 😍😍😍 nice and quiet. Are there any trans males or didn't nature care about gender politics?

My husband to me from the driver's seat: 'well that was a deep sigh.'

'Can I copy your homework?' Chaos walking: 'sure but make it look different'

I cannot wait! Love his movies!

Men out here trying hard to be victims lol


Unless it’s 1hr 40 mins of men jerking each other off whilst screaming “No Homo” then I don’t think it will be realistic.

This is literally a metaphor for his film career and I hope it gets exactly as many audience members as that last Kevin Spacey movie that sold like 14 tickets or something.


Uh is this not just The Knife of Never Letting Go?

wonder if it passes the bechdel test

Isn't that just about every Hollywood movie? 🤔

It called: INCELIA

What's the disease? Husbands?

Jesus Christ

Who green lit this dumbass vanity project? Gross.

Men are the disease right? I guessed it right huh?

So opposite of y the last man?

This sounds very similar to the plot of the Chaos Walking trilogy..

It is the US 2019?

The sarcasm in this article is breathtaking lmao

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this doesn’t pass the Bechdel test

I wonder if the disease will affect minorities and gays too

So, Lisa: The Painful?

Hail Woke people !

Incels will be all over this shit

Is this called 'Incel Uprising?'

MelissaFrancois selidp nice incel plot

So reverse Y the last man

BiatchPack I mean it’s on brand

We conquered a galaxy after getting tired of dealing with men. Aliens not only gave better head but treat a woman right.

Good grief who put money behind this project?


That sounds fucking terrible, what a dumb idea.

He tried it.

How does pretending to be a boy prevent her from getting the plague?

Lol I feel zero percent compelled to see this

The incels will go crazy for this one

Needless to say Fleece Johnson is now the supreme ruler of this new world.

This is actually irritating because this is the plot of Y the Last Man but they probably swapped the genders to avoid hiring actresses/ “appeal to a broader audience” 🙃

Those are two movies I won’t have to bother watching.

ajacobson921 this is the movie


Who the hell would want to watch a movie like this, in this day and age?

Sounds like he ripped off Aminder Dhaliwal’s Woman World but instead is a misogynist

Sounds like hell.

The men are all just waiting to die off? Lol

Men will try so fucking hard to have an excuse not to hire women

HE WROTE THE MOVIE wow this dude really has no brain huh ....

This sounds like a rip off of the book “the knife of never letting go”

Lmao now homies just coming up with narrative reasons to not employ women wtf

Good no women for him to harass in the future

Didn’t realize we still gave a shit about this guy or his work.

Maybe we should honor his up-front misogyny. I mean at least he's open about it. Pretty bold, Casey. Also, good luck ever getting laid again!

Sooo... is Casey a top or a bottom in this new world?

Sexual harasser starring in a movie about women not even existing....

‘White Plague’ by Frank Herbert is my guess (without havkng read the article...)


Of course he does...then he can’t be held accountable for being a DICK

so y the last man but in reverse reverse?

Kimmel was kind.

This seems like a horrible career move considering, well ... everything.

The double standard is one made any noise when No Men Beyond this Point was made....wonder what the difference is

This comment thread is 🔥 😂

Not the best strategy to protect oneself from meetoo metoo

Bravely 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I wonder if it will pass the Bechdel Test 🤔

Plot twist: the terrible disease was men

Sounds like a dream come true for Casey.

It get's worse 'all the women died from a terrible disease, except for his daughter, who has to pretend to be a boy for her own safety'

He’s sooo brave

Will there be lots of gay sex and full frontal nudity

Working title: Afflecktion ...I’ll see myself out.

An all male cast... that’s one way to stop him from being a creep.

So it’s Y the last man but flipped around and probably without the monkey?

Maybe the women all ran away from him


Brian K. Vaughan wants to know your location.

Was the disease gun violence by men who had been turned down by women? Or ComicsGate & GamersGate disease Or Barstool Sport Disease

If all the women are dead who will Casey Affleck sexually harass?

Or you can go read 'Book of the Unnamed Midwife' by megelison

Casey Affleck in a movie about a world without women who he can’t harass and assault.

Literally nothing brave about that

Someone post the world of yaoi picture

Cooties: The Movie (2019)? For real?

Original Pitch: 'Its reverse 'Y: the last man' times a hundred! '

Inflicted by wm


This sounds like the plot of a screenplay written by a 19-year-old college student who just got dumped by the girlfriend he’d had nearly all of freshman year.

The hatred is strong in this one.

Oh, what terrible afflecktion could possibly kill all the women?

Didn’t Lord of the Flies already do this?

His wet dream

Is d film dystopic or fantastic?Has C.Affleck been afflicted with harrassment phobia n wants to opt out of a world full of attractive women

God, he hates women.

Spoiler Alert: the disease is Casey Affleck

Can we cancel him TimesUp

No need to imagine his divorce.

This is like Y: Last Man but you know terrible

But who will he have left to harass?

Isnt this an RPG game?

I have a script called “The End of Men” if anyone wants an alternative. WGAstaffingboost BiatchPack


Can't get done for sexual harassment in the workplace if no women on set I guess. 🤷‍♂️

Mad Max: SausageFest

From the look of most of these comments, he’ll be living in a dystopian world with a lot less complaining.

No Woman No Cry

They already made that movie its called junior...

“They were aflected by a disease” 🤣

Let me guess: nobody thought these women were actually sick. It was “all in their heads”

Wow he was rejected by the entire women population.

Okay. Did they did of boredom from his acting or from saying 'I'd rather die' in response to his sexual harassment?

Feminism turned out to be a contagious form of lethal rabies spillover ?! thecut

He can keep it!

I have a suspicion he was the disease 😂

Maybe the twist is that they only think the world exists without women, but they're really just in an isolated controlled world like the Truman Show. Because they sucked.

Are we talking 'The White Plague' by Frank Herbert, or 'The Disappearance' by Philip Wylie?

this literally made me lol. oh my.

I like him. this sounds interesting

Sounds like a terrible reworking of the graphic novel “Y: the last man”

I'd rather see the opposite

Hmmm indeed. Perhaps rewrites were necessary when no women would work with him?

How original 🙄 The White Plague by Frank Herbert

This is basically chaos walking my guy

This machine is rumored to make its big Hollywood debut.


Wow; good luck with that. Gonna have a lot of gun toters in those small out of the way venues by the strip mall. Read David Brin’s Glory Season for the opposite.

I see someone saw the movie a day without Mexicans and then stole the premises and literally replaced Mexicans with women.

This is very incel


Who will he harass?

I thought they already made “A Quiet Place”

wtf do they mean by bravely? he isn’t the first to imagine this. patrick ness did this and this is also a variation of the many ya books where a certain group are left in the world ... casey affleck isn’t breaking any bounds 🌝

Cool. I guess the disease was toxic masculinity.

A man must've pitched it

Sounds like a dream come true for the misogynistic affleck bros.

This sounds shit but if it's really gotta be a thing I hope there's some sort of 'science' explanation and they don't just 'so women are dead, okay? They just... they're just dead.'

Which was probably manmade

It's the 'MeToo' virus isn't it?

The Mandemic.

That's one way to ensure we'll only ever have 'manels' for the rest of time. Also, there's no way in hell I'll see this movie.

Strikingly similar plot to Lisa the painful...

So, Y Not the Last Man?

I am done with the Assflecks thanks though.

Brave, so brave

BRAVELY IMAGINES A WORLD WITHOUT WOMEN?! What in the misogynistic femicide fantasy HELL is going on at The Cut


But who will there be to harass?

Passing this movie in theaters like

Y: The Last Woman? vertigo

Misogyny to its extreme. Have fun boys. You can play with yourselves.

Do they become gay?

Sounds idiotic.

The disease is definitely men.

Isn't this basically the setting for the Chaos Walking trilogy?

So it’s just men, in a world with no women with a little girl?

All the women on the planet heard about the premise of this film, and rolled their eyes so hard, they died.

yall still letting this rapist work?🤔

The men last, what, 24, 48 hours? At best.

Wasn’t Casey Affleck credibly accused of sexual assault? Maybe he’s the disease.

Omg. Look at the comments. It's a DYSTOPIA girls, not a paradise. Take it easy.

Is it the Leon Uris book?

It was the pink hats. They looked in the mirror and died from embarrassment at their own stupidity.

Dystopian Sausage Fest

Is that the plot of Frank Herbert's 'The White Plague'?

So, a global Lord of the Flies?

No, he graphically beats the hell out of them. It takes 12 years.

y’all can’t survive without us. good luck.

Y’all hate on Casey too much. Dude’s an amazing actor and Manchester by the Sea should’ve won Best Picture. Also, A Ghost Story was incredible.

The only way this movie could be redeemed is if it starred 100% drag queens.

u do realize... nvm

They’re hiding from creeks like him.

What a good way to make a movie without any lead woman.

The disease is Casey Affleck’s mediocrity

You all in the comments are ignorant af. There's a reason this is set in a DYSTOPIAN world. Where, you know, things aren't good. The people making the movie acknowledge that because it's part of their storytelling. Get over it.

Casey voit l'avenir Le Monde MeToo qui se transforme en Monde Me tout court Le Monde perdu des Amazones Le retour de la Ségrégation Les Femmes sauce à part comme cette Gourde de Sally C'est une Allégorie

When smart women refuse to work with you.

Except he has a daughter and she’s the only woman

This is literally the plot of The Knife of Never Letting Go

'Bravely' give me a break 🙄

What a horrible thought!

Because no woman will go near him

Yall really wanna make knowing full well sjws and woke twitter are going to shit on it..

Go away, Casey.

, 'bravely'

How is this dystopian I would love to be dead

Is this supposed to be a horror story, or the peace and quiet women always longed for? LOL!

Yeah well I certainly won’t be spending my hard earned money to go see this one.

Sounds like he stole the plot of Lisa: The Painful

“bravely” lol

The only movie he can work on, as no woman wants to work with him for being a rap*st.

Hopefully, not one woman will spend a dime on this.

And then the men all died from toxic masculinity.

My buddy HamiltonBreakMe will see it twice then

What's it called, 'My Own Private San Francisco'?

World without women= dystopia World without men = heaven


Is it a metoo movie?

Incels: The Movie

so there’s gonna be a lot of man on man action in this flick huh

All women think of a world without Affleck men.

So many jokes...

All the men starved to death, got lost and could never find their way, or were buried in a pile of their own filth.. and since there were no women, humanity ended because no more babies could be born. Animals took back control of the earth. The end

Is this gay porn?


Who want’s to see that?

MGTOW right now:

It sounds like a sausage fest disaster!

“One movie about women being wiped off the face of the earth, and another about the rape of woman that is, somehow, actually about two men. What a time to be an Affleck.”

sounds a bit like Frank Herbert's 'The White Plague' maybe...

How bout you imagine a world without men. It’d sure as shit be more peaceful

Feeling like he’s not the dude for it

Why would I need to be alive in a world where there's no women?

Finally a good storyline

Casey Affleck is the cause.

so how are people born? that’s super brave of him to create the patriarchy dream. a movie with zero women!! love this for hollywood

so do they just stand around til they die since no new humans are being made?

Surely the producers had other movies they could have dumped they money in

He harassed them all to death

No woman wants to be near him, so...

Casey Affleck: *tries many sexual advances on his co-workers and instructs a male co-worker to expose himself in front of her and gets called out for it* Also Casey Affleck: 'REEE SOME WOMEN CALLED ME OUT FOR BEING A PIECE OF SHIT, I WANT THEM ALL DEAD, I HATE THEM ALL.'

If all the men died it would be a film about a utopia.


Men like Casey must've been the disease that killed all the women, right?!

Ugh why is he still working he’s gross

Coming soon to a Redbox near you

Is there a twist at the end where we find women have been alive the whole time, and it’s just that Casey Affleck lives isolated from them in the City of Terrible Men?

When you read Y: The Last Man and thought 'sure make it women instead, done.'

So they made the alt rights wildest fantasies a movie

Bravely imagines

Well it looks bad ass

Sounds sort of like Frank Herbert's 'White Plauge' which should be a movie. New title or rip-off?


How is that brave?

They built new women!!! Lmao!!

I swear I read three books with the same plot a couple years ago, except it wasn't a disease and all the women died because the men were scared of them

So, it's Frank Herbert's 'The White Plague,' with the serial numbers clumsily filed off.

that's so brave because who's he gonna harass if there are no women in the world?

Because women avoid him like the plague.... CUT CUT! Perfect! Now put it in theatres.

Is the reveal that women cordoned off a 10-mile parameter away from Casey Affleck at all times?

He’s ripping off Patrick Ness’ The Knife Of Never Letting Go.

So, it's Y, the Last Woman?

I imagine that world soon would cease to be dystopian as within a generation there wouldn’t be any people to make it so.

'Bravely' 😂😂😂

This is basically “The White Plague” by Frank Herbert.

so, is this like Passengers? you know, where the hero of the story is actually the idiot who caused the problem. did the incels finally win?

Hmmm.... wonder why Casey Affleck chose this theme ....?

So the human race goes extinct?

Shout out to all the nagging women whining about a FREAKING movie lol . Y’all are pathetic this is why men run things lol.

So it’s like he took the idea for the comic Woman World?

Sounds like 'Brokeback Mountain 2'

Was it really BRAVE though?

Raise your hand if this surprises you. Anyone? No? Bueller?

Agshdhdhdjsjdjd bravely sure hun


Damnit, who is going to make the sandwiches in thos world? We have to know these things

'Incel- the movie'

This is nota roo far from the truth when you consider the amount of femicide and female infanticide going on in the world. And if the bad guys ever got the little girl in the movie they were just rape her to death. Then there would be no women and the human race would go extinct

mhm... brave

Did you mean: ripoff of Lisa

Spoiler Alert: They didn't die, they just collectively started ignoring him.

Thing is if men all died women can still have babies because of all the sperm banks and frozen embryos laying about. The human race could continue for at least 200-300 years without live men. Then I’m sure a cure could be found. If all women died, humans only got 100 years left.

He wrote the movie. 🤦🏼‍♂️

It's called fiction, you insufferable rubes. Did you all hate Children of Men because it was anti-baby? Or The Road for the anti-veganism storyline?

The disease was called men 😂

Lolz bye

So brave.

A movie no one asked for and no one wanted, starting a man no one likes. Sounds like a blockbuster to me.

And I was just not a Casey Affleck fan because the dude mumbles, and I can't understand his dialogue. Apparently, he has bigger issues than that....

We won’t have to fridge women for gritty tragic backstories if we just fridge them all from the get go for the ultimate gritty backstory, brilliant! /S Did no one look over this script?

At last we could wear cargo shorts again without our wives taking them away! ahardtospell

So MANingitis?

Dude, this is just an excuse to make a movie with no women

Working title Zero Self Awareness


A world without women?

Plot twist: he is the disease

I feel like this was not the right time to release this movie...

Like he vaguely heard about but didn’t properly read ‘Sleeping Beauties’ by StephenKing and Owen King. I feel like I should reserve judgement though until we know the whole story.

Casey needs to be put away on an island full of angry bittter men where women don’t exist for real....prison.

Don’t think so

I suppose men would behave the same way they do in prison and we all know what men do to each other in prison. It's not that hard to figure out.

I can imagine the plot - he finds the LAST woman, and they fall in love, leaving hope for the future of humanity.

Read your article. No hint of this brAvery you referenced. Gonna need a bigger 🍆 to point towards supposed bravery.

A movie that proves, they need us more than we need them

Sounds boring as shit.

How is being a misogynist brave lol. K.

They all died of mansplaining.

Casey needs treatment.

He had to make a movie with no women in it, since none want to be near him...

If he's not getting fucked by another man, I'm not hearing it

This ain’t no movie Affleck.

OMG. I really want to see this. 😂😂😂


I don't really care if this movie will be sold as feminist, but this concept is definitely regression after the most recent Mad Max. It's perfectly possible to create dystopias without erasing (almost) all women characters. We've had enough of those. They are getting stale.

This is what Casey Affleck dreams about every night

The disease was white Male fragility by misogyny.


The Afflecks are a plague upon this earth

Chill out. It's just a fictional movie! Not a statement.

so brave. maybe he can imagine a world where his brother isn’t a bigger star than him next. that would be equally brave.

casey affleck and “bravely” don’t go on the same sentence, i don’t know what’s more pathetic the movie or this headline

Tribeca Film Festival screened an incredible feature called “Only” by TakashiDoscher about this exact storyline. Only difference was it was about a couple instead of a father-daughter duo.

Let’s not call an abusive asshole “brave” when he isn’t imagining shit. This is his life now that women won’t go near him. Not that big of a creative leap.

we don’t want it

Just have half the population of men transition to women for ppl nostalgic for 'traditional' families, and have the population question solved by government run cloning facilities. It's not like the whole world would just wait for him to finishing grooming a 1 woman baby factory.

No it was Casey affleck movies.

Casey Affleck to himself: what is like the worst thing I could do, like really the worst, and then I can lie and pretend it has nothing to do with actually hating women?🤔🤔🤔

I'm sure he'll get another Oscar for it, seems to be how these things go

Female actresses just wont work with this pervert.

Assuming the disease continues to kill females, at least it will only last one generation. How do you think men get here?

Casey Affleck is a douchebag. He ought to remember that he wouldn't exist without his mother.

Relax it’s just a movie...if it was the other way around everyone would call it “bold” and “powerful”


Didn’t write any roles for women or can’t get any actresses to play them? I’m guessing it’s the latter. Personally, I’m done with that generation of bros. I find them sexist, self-reverential and boring.

When women in Hollywood won’t play along, just make movies without them. There’s actually a religion where only men have all the power. I’m trying to remember how that’s been working out lately. MeToo Hollywood

Bravely? 😂 y’all came with the tea ☕️🐸

This world will be full of gays

I'll bet it's going to be Trump's favorite.

His response to MeToo

Why are the Affleck’s literally making the worst movies ever right now

I wonder from what Affleck-tion did they suffered?


There is a old movie like this where men are practically extinct and the last few ones live in secret brothels. Someone find that movie I forgot it.

This wasn't hard for him as no women want to work with him.

The men would die very quickly without us. What a stupid movie. Who wrote that, Weinstein?


They died from all the man spreading.

“Bravely” oh my, must be such a hard move for someone as open as Casey Affleck

Casey Affleck bravely asks the question “If a sexual harasser lives in a world without women is he still a sexual harasser”

can’t wait to see this ! Lol

caseyaffleck: makes movie about how bad it would suck if there were no women. sjw crowd: he made a movie about no women, he hates women! I guess y’all think Spielberg made “Schindler’s List” because he’s an anti-semite.

Another movie that no one is going to see.

Is the terrible disease just men like Casey Affleck?

guysBeingDicks toxicMasculinity misogyny

The film he always wanted to make...who the fuck funds this crap?

I just read your article. It’s honestly shocking the hate masked by “art” that more and more male “artists” appear to be involved with.


I read a gay themed dystopian short story with this premise years ago. It was bad. This is worse.

The Road meets Children of Men.

What is with the Affleck men 🤔...

That’s like his dream world. Also no on go watch this turnips movie.

the disease is patriarchy

I thought we all agreed Casey Affleck was cancelled

Love all y’all women but.. sounds like a fun world for us homos.

Sounds like MRA fan fiction...

No just no

Did he beat them all to death?

I read an original fiction extremely similar to this like a year or two ago. It was intresting becuase it started at the time the illness struck- showing an apocalyptic world.

This is going to be a pain in the ass in more ways than one

a movie where all women die, centred around a man who has more than one sexual assault allegations? this is America :)

I had this exact idea for a movie the other day with one key difference lol

But who’s he going to date rape?

first of all, he is discostin, second, im convinced movies like this and the Road are for pppl who live such privileged and lush existences, that they actively seek to interact with art that builds thick tension with little to no resolution or purpose. absolutely could not be me.

It's never the other way around. How much more interesting would this movie be if it was all men that are 💀 & the leads were Tilda, Cate, and Toni

Should not be acknowledged in polite society.


Frank Herbert already did that with THE WHITE PLAGUE.

Burn the master and walk away.

does bravely telling a story mean ripping it off of another? chaos walking says hello😘

*ram ranch intensifies*

Wow, an MRA version of 'Y the Last Man,' neat.

Wow! Hate women much?

The name of that disease? Casey Affleck.


how is it possible to hate women this much wtf is going on

Send it back.

hmm.. well cast, eh?

To most of us this might sound like a shitty movie idea, but to Jordan Peterson it sounds like Citizen Kane.

When no woman wants to work with you - lol

but then who would be sexually assault

He wishes!


Just an average meeting of the C level employees at my company.

Look at you all, emotional 😂😂😂


MissBeulah2U This sounds a lot like my 1st fiction novel, ToExist. Order it on Amazon now 😉 To Exist

Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve!

Nothing he has done or will ever so is brave

Oh boy, The Road with a gimmick

Who would be left for him to harrass?

This’ll go over well. Fantastic job reading the room.

ok sure

Dude went and gender-bent The Female Man.

What about the non binary transgender people?


How is he still getting work?

That’ll show us.

Yikes, Casey.

Plot twist: the disease was called “men”.

Is this terrible disease the patriarchy? Because that doesn’t sound too far-fetched.

audibly scoffed

This isn't going to end well.


Subtle, Casey. Real subtle.

I was waiting for someone to develop a concept like this.

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