Can politics kill you? Research says the answer increasingly is yes.

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The toxicity of partisan politics is fueling an overall increase in mortality rates for working-age Americans, new studies show.

In one study, researchers concluded that people living in more-conservative parts of the United States disproportionately bore the burden of illness and death linked to covid-19. The other, which looked at health outcomes more broadly,The reasons are many, but, increasingly, it is state — and not just federal — policies that

The study, published this month in the Lancet Regional Health-Americas, found that the more conservative the voting records of members of Congress and state legislators, “Too often, public health and medical behavior is understood to be individual-level behavior. Politicians behave. Institutions behave,” Krieger said. “If your congressional representative is encouraging you to wear masks or not wear masks, those are very different messages.”

Then came the breakdown of the New Deal coalition. The nationalization of media. Increased money in politics. And the social upheaval of the 1960s and ’70s — the civil rights movement, the women’s movement, the sexual revolution, environmentalism. That’s because conservative politics is as much about identity as it is about issues of concern — even as health care remains critically important, O’Brien said. “But how that broad concern can be manipulated, framed, used in politics is different,” she said.

Midterm ballot initiatives showed the direct role voters can play in determining state health policy. South Dakota voters passed a measure to expand Medicaid, joining voters in six other states who previously insisted a wider pool of people be eligible for health insurance than allowed under the Affordable Care Act.


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Please please Media.... Just Stop!! Just Stop.

Who did the study, your colleague? Hahahahaha

Can politics kill? Ask an Ectopic pregnant lady in Texas.

Anything but the vaccine

Republicans 2nd greatest achievement below 👇

'The government wants evidence that they were right. We need funding from the government to keep our jobs and do a study. The government isn't going to fund and pay for a study that says they were wrong.'

lol. You are literally fake news.

Do you know something we don’t?

Your narrative is falling apart, and your days are numbered. You are on the wrong side of history, and your credibility is destroyed.

Yep those Democrats that voted for Vaccine Mandates voted a Death Sentence on to people. Every day there are more and more cases of vaccinated people and children just dropping dead. When are you going to stop covering up this crime against Humanity and report the TRUTH?

Well, if a study says it, then it must be true. Tabloid, yellow, exploitive journalism works every time.

I don’t even have to read this article. I already know the science is fraudulent.



Activist journalism cannot be trusted. So nobody trusts the media. Activist academics cannot be trusted so nobody trusts academia. The root problem is activism in places there shouldn’t be. It’s killing people now.

Vote for leftist Marxists, watch CNN and take the CDC press releases seriously and you will die. Don’t and you will not (for the most part)

vote yes

Wait until they learn about about all the politicians who legalized actual human slavery, they're gonna be mind blown.

Paywall, bye bye…

It's very optimistic! As much we gona vote As much covid-politics Mortality absorbs... 😆🤣

Well, yeah. Vaxx rates in red states suck.

Fire those researchers

Pelosi joe Biden Kamala and Demócrats killed our seniors oround the world with COVID virus not china democrats in EE IU dit it

A-14-year old girl,in one of the poor areas of Tehran, was repeatedly raped and assaulted by security forces just because of removing her hijab at school, in such a way that she suffered a torn vagina and passed away at hospital. MahsaAmini WorldCup

Yes politics always kill people they have the power to do it they criminals

No doubt... 'Stupid is as stupid does' they can only be told to get vaccinated so many times until Ppl get tired of trying to convince them... Just means fewer maga voters🤷‍♀️

Lol... you mean more Republicans lived?

Nice checkmark you got there.

This makes sense since vaccine denial has become political.

Study links shitty WaPo articles to layoffs.

Ask anyone from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. See where I'm going with this?


bwahahahaha Maybe TheDemocrats should stop acting like communist puppets? 😂

Prostituition is spreeding Sex T D via high payed society ''politics'' the CREDIT CARD debt crisis in forcing an large amount of the populaion accept low end jobs that risk their health, and short their lifes, militarization is pushing an IDOLATRY self destructive behavior.

Uh “politics” have been killing humans for quite some time. Military industrial complex, Big food, big pharma, sanctions, cartels, low pay job markets, red lining districts, riots…. This isn’t new. Politicians and their antics are cancers on societies in their current form.

Yet you continue to be!

Propaganda I sentence all involved to 15 years in Hell

Just politics? No faintest clue which kind of politics, or which politicians? When it’s a matter of life and death, a news source should be specific.

The right wing embrace of the anti-science, anti-vax movement alone is racking up the corpses. Fine. The problem is the collateral damage.

You mean the vaccine and booster are not dropping people like flies in any way?

Interesting. The article assumes a cause/effect relationship that isn’t proven and may be inverted. Affluence brings better health outcomes. Our most affluent states are also the most progressive. History shows that they became affluent while conservative, then progressive.

This story should be headlined 'Republicans Are Killing Working People.'

Not journalism, not hard science, just more divisiveness and agenda driven chaos. Hire intelligent WaPo journalists again, please.

It's not the 'toxicity of partisan politics', it's the toxicity of conservative politics. The article is much better than the tweet.

a lot of people online have just let their hate consume them

Ahh the toxicity of 'partisan politics' is why young people are having heart attacks at an alarming rate. Makes sense. It def can't be the toxicity of something else.

From the outside, America is Politics Central. Stop politicising everything and enjoy life.

I thought this was going to be about people stroking out about the insanity the two party system brings. Nope it’s literally more partisan crapola.

Really hard to see this as anything other than Darwinism at this point

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