'Brand new' tanks will be on display for July 4th: President Donald Trump

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Pres. Trump says 'brand new' Abrams and Sherman tanks will take part in this year's July 4th celebration in Washington, D.C.

Two Abrams tanks and two Bradley Fighting Vehicles will be on display at the Mall on Thursday as part of the U.S. military's contribution of vehicles and aircraft to this year's Independence Day celebration.

Pres. Trump says"brand new" Abrams and Sherman tanks will take part in this year's July 4th celebration in Washington, D.C. https://t.co/awIcPBjhm5 pic.twitter.com/AzXhUZnwi9 According to a defense official, there will be two M1 Abrams tanks and two Bradley Fighting Vehicles on"static display" at the National Mall. Ever since seeing the 2017 Bastille Day celebrations in Paris, Trump has been taken with the idea of seeing armored vehicles parading through the streets of Washington as part of a similar military review.

The Department of the Interior announced last week that military bands and the Navy's Blue Angels flight demonstration team will also participate in this year's celebration. The list includes two Marine MV-22 Ospreys, the new VH-92 Marine One aircraft -- which is not yet on active duty -- one of the Boeing 747's that serves as Air Force One, a B-2 stealth bomber, F-22 fighters, two Navy F/A-18E’s and two Navy F-35C Joint Strike Fighters.


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Nixon did something like this in 1970....

Military hardware displays are for threatening the people of the countries where they're displayed. At an 'official 'national observance in which only paying Trump supporters can fully participate, they're a declaration that it's now Trump's military, not the country's.

Further combat was seen during 2003 when U.S. forces invaded Iraq and deposed Ba'athist Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in the Iraq War's Operation Iraqi Freedom. As of March 2005, approximately 80 Abrams tanks were forced out of action by enemy attacks.

Washington tanks not exactly on the same scale as China or Russia superpowers realDonaldTrump🤣 toyarmy 🤣 4thofJuly 4thofjuly2019 What an idiot realDonaldTrump realsmart 🤣trumptoyparade

And if Obummer planned a huge birthday celebration, y'all would be praising him non stop. Cry babies. GO TRUMP!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Good! I like big parades!!

Did you buy them in north korea.....

He want to be a dictator..he want to be like the Russians, North,Korea and all others DICTAORS.GET THIS IDIOT OUT OUT THE WHITE HOUSE..

Wanna drive Donald crazy (ier)? Don't watch his taxpayer funded Republican celebration. Don't go to Washington. Go to your local celebrations, your family cookouts. He will freak if his ratings are in the cellar!

We can't wait to see our future Mr. President.....Make America Strong Again

Dude is the modern day Hitler

This is such a great to honor our country’s freedom. Freedom that we wouldn’t be having tomorrow if President Trump hadn’t rebuild our precious military. Thank You Mr. President.

Actually Trump said “new Sherman Tanks”. Who wants to tell him Sherman tanks went out of production after WWII. He’s such a dolt. This is Trump’s parade👇

To all the media. Simply ignore the tanks from coverage.


We got them new tank jawns on display

Instead of talking why don't you just have a painful stroke

I never paid higher taxes than this year under the Trump tax plan! I resent your spending $92 million for your parade. Why not surprise us and pay for your parade yourself. If your daughter made over $80 million this year you had to have made more than that.

Why not have pictures at your parade of the immigrant children you have kidnapped and are holding in disgusting conditions!

And when were they built.

Let's spend the money on freeing the kids instead!!!

Asshole is treating our Independence Day as if we were in Russia, China, or North Korea! 👿

Maybe Military would enjoy day off with family? Take $ for self indulgent POTUS and spend on Vets! That would be patriotic! 🇺🇸

Tax payers money hard at work! It’s no longer a celebration of the country, it’s a rally for trump and his dictator buddies😡😡😡

GENIUS! Sherman tanks..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I will spend taxpayers money on anything I want. Even porn stars, just watch me!

What about the brand new 75 year old sherman tanks? I'm so disappointed that realDonaldTrump lied again and can't deliver. I guess it is just a TrumpTinyPenisParade


Brand new tanks but still can’t feed the poor🤷🏾‍♀️

I'm sorry that Lil Kim's penis is larger than yours, realDonaldTrump


Why ?

Mr trump are you trying to mimic Kim jun in and Putin and the other dictators showing your might? It’s a horrible idea and horrible for the infrastructure. Don’t you think it might scare children?

This guy is a master at wasting other people's money. What a colossal joke!

Oh shut up!!!!

D-day and after did not clean all that should have been cleaned... The problem was France too, not only Germany.

They are not new tanks.

Says bone spur czar

Wasting taxpayers dollars for a monumental ego boost. Oh yeah, he already has the ego thing. Still what the he**?

His parade goals

And special guest General Sherman for whom the Tanks were named after.

He has a year to complete the transformation to fascism! The hyper-nationalism, the leader cult, the idea that this is a leader who is going to save us, the fear of white population decline, anti-feminism, anti-left..full on hate for differences!

Fantastic. Good to have a strong president again.

This is how dictators rule. Does American citizen want a dictatorship country? I for sure don’t and so did our founding fathers.


If we had more Abrams tanks in New York on 9/11 things would be different today!

You couldn’t pay me enough to watch that disgusting display

Donnie longs for the parades his dictator comrades have. And the coloring of the troop in the UK. He wants his soldiers to march and salute.

Brand new Sherman tanks? Brand new Sherman tanks?! What year is this?!

realDonaldTrump says we have new SHERMAN tanks! What an unexpected birthday gift to Merica. Probably the replacing those old Bradley FV. Good riddance. BTW 🙄

'static display' could easily describe his Presidency.

Leave the tanks where they belong on a battle field! The Fourth of July is about our nation. It is not a place for military might. BoycottCapitolFourth

Trump 4th of July tanks on the Mall and children in cages, epitomizes his administration.

Can we not spend our money more wisely? We need a dictator celebration?

Is this really what his fam base wants to see too? Ridiculous

Is it Coronel Draft Dodger or Captain Bone Spurs. Trying to gain points for what others fought and lost their lives for. Shame on you.

The Defense Dept needs to stand down and NOT put anything on display!

But I thought there will be brand new Shermans. I am not going now. I wanted to see the last new Sherman built in 1950. So disappointing

He sounds like a four year old.'And we are gonna have planes,big planes and tanks with big guns and,and,Im gonna stand on a balcony and look down ,just like my best friend Kim does.

It will be written that Dear Leader Kim Don Dumb of the 1st BoneSpurs Battalion showed much courage before the onslaught of the Enemy Mueller on 17 July!

love it! GOD BLESS AMERICA. This will be the TRUE PRIDE PARADE . I’m proud to an American

I think the thing with having tanks in a July 4th parade is that it seems kind of un-American, in that American, one hopes, stands for peace, not war. With tanks in the parade, we seem like nations we consider war-mongering, such as Russia or North Korea. Not cool.

realDonaldTrump is a moron It is a damn shame he has stolen what should be a fun weekend for what will end up as one of his ridiculous rallies, including bullying namecalling & partisanship politics Sucks for DCtourists

Did he get a sunburn in North Korea or is he dangerously close to a heart attack? His face is nearly purple.


And that folks is from the head of the US military.

Yoshino. interesting.

NoFascistLies He’s been playin top trumps with Kim again, hasn’t he?!!

The American Dictator wants his military review?

The draft dodger uses the military he refused to serve as a prop

Why,spending more tax dollars and why.

Influenced by Val Putin, Bigman Un. These are my toys.....there are many like them......but these are MINE. 🚎🚑🚒🚐🚚🚛🚜🚲🛴🚍🚗🚙🚕

Wake up America. Go research what dictators do. They love weapons, on display. God Help America. Check your history. 🇺🇸

It gives me great hope that all of you people commenting despise this idea of a military parade. 🙏🏼

They should have refused. And the media is complicit if you broadcast one single minute.


This sounds like a great time to show off American Strength and honor our volunteer service people. 🇺🇸

Yeah, yeah, it's always, '...the likes, in which you have never seen before.' This is the only one true thing you've told the American people. 💔

Nothing wrong with deterrent military equipment to complement education, women’s rights, medical care and immigration reform and.... THE CHILDREN ! Happy fourth!


Makes me sick!

And how much is this unnecessary, childish tribute to himself going to cost the taxpayers?

Malignant narcissist

We stopped making Sherman tanks in the late 50's

He speaks only in long run-on sentences. I can only imagine what his college essay papers looked like.

We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation. Not tanks.

StateDept DoD_IG DoDCTO MayorBowser councilofdc DeptofDefense WHY is this ALLOWED? Destroying the streets of DC to appease THIS NARCISSIST is UNACCEPTABLE!

Brand new Sherman Tanks 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

And an astronaut. All positive, celebratory vibes.

We had a drumming ceremony, concerts and Ryan Reynolds at our Canada Dau celebration. America, you're not yourselves right now 😥

Why? This is what other Dictators do.


Trump said Brand New Sherman Tanks ( US doesn't make Sherman tanks any more) What kind of reporting is this, ?

Too bad I have to work to pay for this Nuremburg rally of Trump's.

He is ruining the 4th😡😡

I wonder if he is going to take credit for the crowds? As if they were all there for the salute to trump?



Bragging about tanks?

There should be no tanks and everyone should boycott the parade.

I love tanks and I also love our Bushmaster 🇦🇺. When the ADF goes on exercise, the highway becomes 1 long parade. Happy Independence Day❤️🍷🍺🎖🚒🚑🚓🗽🎉🎊

Now do not send a single employee to cover anything at all... His ego is what drives his actions and he is a petty little man, the only way to affect him is to ignore him. BoycottSaluteToAmerica

Sherman tanks...he literally just makes stuff up! I don’t know how anyone believes anything he says!


What a way to ruin the holiday.

More like 4th of July Rally. Ridiculous

He always has to take credit for things. He probably thinks he invented the 4th of July, as well.

I would rather they stay out of sight. I’ve lived 60 years without seeing a tank near where I lived. Why now? Horrifying. A madman is running the country.

Yes, remember those taxes we all mailed off in April? Well they will be on full display....

“A Fool and his Country” playing July 4th on the Washington Mall


Can’t wait to employ the trump strategy of just lying about everything next time I have an interview with a prospect.

Brand new Sherman tanks...

I hope everyone boycotts this and nobody shows up

Hmm where have I seen this before? Oh, that's right!

Tanks, but no tanks...IdiotInChief

I hate this person with the fire of 1000 suns.

Why is this news? I’m certain people who dislike the President will try everything to make sure no tanks are available. Spend your time on something productive.

My taxes are paying for this toddler to have war machines on display for his selfish party.

No one should watch. Nothing this man does is for America. It’s all for him. A draft dodging coward. He is the antithesis of American values & decency. realDonaldTrump WhiteHouse


Tanks don’t win wars. Navy ships win wars. He should parade a Destroyer out on the mall this week.

PatriotsAwakened PatriotsUnited PatriotsUnite PatriotsFight

He’s making it up on the fly. New tanks? Fighter jets and other planes? I really am a moron who isn’t qualified for this job. But now they I have it I’ll make it all about me

I hope no one shows up!

It's about him and his ego. It has nothing to do with America.

And how many billions is he wasting, pretending to be Don Jong-un GOP USSenate SpeakerPelosi JohnCornyn DanCrenshawTX?

Independence=Tanks, the more tanks the more independence

Can we afford that.. With no soap at the border and all?

This is what keeps someone at ABC News up at night. 😴😴😴😴

Didn't they make a whole movie about how stupid the Bradley Fighting Vehicle is?

Really a waste of tax payer dollars this should come out of his pockets

🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾tRump 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾

Hey got any Tanks ?

This dimwit thinks he invented the 4th. He probably has no idea why the date is celebrated in the first place. AnyoneButTrump2020

I wish I can be there

How much is this shit going to cost us?

Why are we wasting money on this? This is what they do in Russia and NK. No to this

Static display?..... oh come on, have them rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue with its gun blazing.....Isn't that what his Brutal dictator buddies do?....

This is a freaking travesty! This man is a damn criminal and now tax payers need to pay for this shyt show! This is bullshyt 😡

He is cute

Military stopped using Sherman tanks in 1957. They were inferior then and dinosaurs today. Is he off his meds? Boycott DC on the 4th. Celebrate at home.

Fuck the tanks, i’m just here to celebrate the glory of ‘Bone Spurs’!

You really like to “play” Army, just like you did when you could have actually been in the Army but you chickened out. 5 times. Right, dumpster.

LA Times 7/2/18. The plant refurbished old tanks. Ones that were determined long ago to be obsolete. What a waste of taxpayer money to employee about 300 ppl for a couple of more years.

“The plant only survived because Ohio’s congressional delegation pushed through funding for 200 additional tanks that the Pentagon said it would keep in storage, adding to the thousands of decommissioned Abrams tanks lined up side by side outside at the vast Sierra Army Depot”...

Waist of money

Happy 4th to the American farmers Trump put on welfare so Putin can sell his crops to China

Disgusting waste of money to boost his fragile tiny ego

His obsession with parades is like a 2 year old’s obsession with balloons and bubbles!

Brand new, big and beautiful tanks unlike the world has ever seen before. tRump THE 🤡🤡🤡


Is he planning a celebration of independence or an arms sale advertising event?

Oh Daddy!! And planes too!! Can I seat on your lap Daddy!!!

He will go down as dillusional.

Can’t wait to see it

If they're real tanks, they'll tear Pennsylvania Avenue to shreds...stay tuned..

He full blown dictatorship ego on display - WTH

These are for him to use against protests. Like his dictator friends do!

We already have two holidays honoring 'the troops' we don't need another. In saying that as a veteran. The 4th is for ALL AMERICANS, not just service members. Hey Trump, you want to 'salute service members?' Take the money for this shameless rally and put it into VA reform.

Very well done, congratulations.

And this is the closest this draft dodging coward liar ever has known about TANKS

Acts like the north korean leader on parades typical communist

Trump’s Happy 4Th of July

Density of penetration register i,,device contain .mil grade body has front end looks as good as rear classified DOD_Outreach notcoldwar couldbeworse watch suck on bullet point presentation chronicle expertisematter relationships nothing can do unions VapeWild

The Authoritarian Sadist

I first read that as state display 🙈

realDonaldTrump I just have to ask, what year do you think it is? There has not been ONE damn Sherman tank produced since 1945. What year do you think we are in For the love of God, grow a damn brain cell. Just one will do.

He meant Spanks

Trump has a little dingy

My Transformer collection would be more interesting to see.

Doesn't this guy know that Sherman tanks were used in world war II? How can this man be in charge of the military? dumbestpresidentever

So Trump is correct then. Tanks on display = taking part. Not on display = not taking part.

I don't remember past presidents using the Fourth to glorify themselves

This sounds so creepy, boring an so unnecessary....I'll pass.

Displaying tanks and bombers doesn't mean patriotism to me, 'look, new machines that kill people' Trump wants us to see. I am ashamed that this means our country's so great to him, but then he might order a strike .. or not, depending on some whim.

Make America great again American was great before Know the Americans are running last But Donald Trump is running his show He need something to do in jail.

But what about the new Sherman’s ?


What is wrong with him? He sounds like a bumbling, rambling idiot. How embarrassing. I’m watching this thinking, his kids really should do something because if my dad was talking like this and being serious, it’s time for something to change. resign ivankayourdadiscrazy

Hard to believe Trump will celebrate July 4th with all the bone spurs in his feet.

wasted taxpayer dollars building tanks that need to find a war to serve in order to remain relevant in our yearly budget.

He said 'brand new Sherman tanks.' (Which haven't been built since the 1950s). Report correctly, ABC.

People really don’t know howthis works.... the main walked into a great situation and now he about to have us all killed in 2 years. 🤦🏽‍♂️

jaxfcd Niiiiiiice

he is a POS that has the need to be accepted and love even if it means beating you into loving him...its what dictators do

Ya gotta have tanks to mirror that NK parade in Washington DC...

Lame, even by his dictator standards.

Dude has the worst case of small dick syndrome I have ever seen.

Sounding more like a dictator everyday.

Will that mean a Photoshop over the flyover? Because I’ve got mad photoshop skills! Better than the numbskull jerks editing this piece!

Kim Jong Un should invite Trump to one of his military parades so the fat orange slug can get it out of his system

He said “new Sherman tanks” Are break from reality events blacked out now? Like him telling a scrum he’s doing paper ballots?

I feel badly for Trump. He wants to be a dictator but can't. Lol

He is taking America’s love affair with guns a step further. The only person who can stop a bad guy with a Sherman tank, is a good guy with a Sherman tank.





And thank God come Jan 20, 2021... we'll have a 'brand new' President.

Trump compensating for his small hands 🤗 euphemism

Donald said, “new Sherman tanks.”

Wait, wait, did he say 'Sherman tanks' Is World War II restarting?

He is thinking about his stupid embarrassing parade and doing nothing about the children. He is USING them to get his way. as usual He should be in jail cooling his heels for breaking the law.

Ready to rock and loaded

Jesus h... the man has just set a world record for mentioning the word “tank” on a conversation. He was probably on the floor of the Oval Office with Tonka toys rehearsing the parade


Yo Donald. Bring out the Model Ts as well. Clue: The next war won’t be waged with tanks.

OMFG. The most powerful man in the world, the one in charge of our country and holds the nuclear codes, sounds like a 3rd grader trying to get the cool kids to like him and come to his birthday party. We are so f***ed.

Why do we need new tanks? Why are we showing off military equipment!?

No this is not Red China or Russia... yet.

This is not what we do in America! We celebrate the ideals not the machinery. Picnics , music , family and lots of red,white & blue.

Boy he wants that Military Parade so Bad!! It will make Him feel like a True Dictator!! And the Republicans are going to give it to Him for the 4th of July!! Stupid!!

We're paying for this and we do NOT approve.

Its about time

Doesn’t anyone in Washington know how to say no to him. Millions of wasted taxpayer money for his vanity.

The media should boycott this

No, no, no, no, no. We are not the USSR. We are not North Korea. We are not the People's Republic of China. Though we are proud of our innovations, military and service men. We do not celebrate instruments of war. We are the United States of America. We are better than this.

Love it! Long overdue!

Why? Prince Rabadash just wants to look and be seen as a dictator.

If he wants brand new tanks in “his” 4th of July celebration, he can pay for them out of his own pocket. He already sounds like a dictator.

If any of my friends turned up to this treasonist's parade for himself, they can no longer have my friendship. I have had enough.

And if that doesn't work he'll parade the troops g missiles next!! Why do you think he wants to parade tanks on DC streets? Like they do in China, Russia, N. Korea, & other totalitarian countries? Get a brain! There's not going to be a 2020 election!!😢😱😲


And they are going to fly up to the sky and be the fastest....

Aliens from afar please come to earth and pick up your specimans Donald Trump Sr and his WH Admin, Sen Leader McConnell his corrupt Republicans, Congressman McCarthy and corrupt Reoublicans and get them the hell off our planet!! Americans who value Democracy will reward you👽👽

homelessness Americans People humans


Legos are cheaper; give him those instead. The pride of his creativity should suffice. SaveOurTaxpayerDollars

What the hell is wrong with this fu&ing man? He truly believes he’s a dictator. Omg 😲

Trump wants a military parade just like his heros.


Great job President Trump!!

He is quite possibly the dumbest man on the face of the earth.

😂👏😂.... tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks and more tanks 👍


Just sad

As in 1950s Sherman tanks?

Communist rulers do demand military tanks & military fighters...especially to attempt to protect there own butts & make them look & feel like they are the best human on the planet....& im guessing that Orangeman would LOVE to change America..already is

How about realDonaldTrump s campaign pay their outstanding bill owed to DC?

Sounds like hes taking tips from some dictators in countries where parades are mainly military.. O wait 🙃🔫


I'd like to stand in front of it, Mr. President.

Who’s that ugly mofo lol

More wasting our tax dollars for his dictator pomp and circumstance! Disgusting little man! realDonaldTrump

Aliens from afar please come to earth and pick up your speciman named Donald Trump Sr and his son Trump Jr and get them the hell off our planet!!

So USA is now doing parades like Soviet Union?

He is lying again. Gee...what a surprise. Campaign rallies instead of celebrating a national holiday equals Hitler wanttobe.


Utterly worthless excuse for a human being.

Biggest Warmongerer in the world!

The newest and best brand new tanks are the Stealth 3.0’s. They are our very best and should be in Trump’s Great 4th of July Parade and Farm Expo. They’re beauties, are they? (Photo: 3.0 Stealth Tanks)

If that’s what he believes.

Shermans are WW2 tanks he just wants tank commanders rolling by saluting him

Maybe he is was talking about historical ones participating 🤔 Did you ask him what he meant?

Awesome, thanks!

Did not get his 'aren't I wonderful parade'so he found a way to take the traditions people have enjoyed on the 4th a true non political day as it should be. I sure hope people find another place to go with their family and stay away from yet another 45 rally.

A “new” Sherman tank? And, tanks at the 4th celebration on the Mall? Who the f are we fighting exactly?

With all this brand new tanks and declare as anti war country ? It’s a joke.

I won’t give this event 1 second of my time or energy!!!

Fun I can’t wait to see the tanks!!

How much is this photo shoot costing us!!🤦🏻‍♀️

I I I me me me, same bs

Time to protest and crash Trumps celebration! DictatorParade



That was yes?

Im not celebrating the 🍊🤡 4th. I got an idea? Why don't we celebrate the 4th like boxing day. 3 days later.


This guy grew up with that rural mentality of kids... my father has a new car, etc etc. Brand new tanks or old tanks does keeping them in the armoury reduces America’s might?


dicktator optics

Why can’t he just do what every other American does for the 4th? Get drunk and giving money to Chinese companies so we can burn our hands blowing stuff up?

'Tanks', 'tanks', 'tanks', 'tanks'...on and on about the freaking tanks. Its like he never got any toys as a child and he's had to create his entire Santa Claus experience himself. It would be sad and pathetic if he wasn't such a jacka$$ killing our democracy. I won't be watching


Waste of money

A real President would not have a parade with all that money you could save about towards your damn Wall!!!

I hope it rains July 4th

🤦🏽‍♂️ What a shame... realDonaldTrump is finally getting his long sought after military parade. We are now competing with Russian, North Korea, et al...

realDonaldTrump is a traitor, he should be no where near a USA celebration

How much will that cost us taxpayers?

Brand NEW?😊

Brand new Sherman tanks 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤷‍♂️🤪

el genio mas ingnorante que he visto en mi vida

Republicans keep looking sounding and acting more and more like communist from where I'm sitting. I didn't know that was what they meant to do when they said make America great again, communism isn't my idea of great.

How are your bone spurs? realDonaldTrump

He’s not well. Not all there. Limited vocabulary.

I'm embarrassed by what this country has become under trump and the GOP. This is not the real America.

Yeuwww. I thought that was a pre-schooler in a suit talking, all those great tanks he has to play with. And now the 4th of July is all about him. Stay home, people. Don't go.

So much repetition!

He sounds like a child talking about all the things they want to do. He forgot “And, I’m gonna get to ride the Choo-Choo train.”

The last Sherman tank produced was in July 1945. But will Trump hop in a tank and start screaming, and making tank noises?

realDonaldTrump The American people don’t want to see tanks on July 4th. FYI the 4th of July is a celebration of our freedom from tyranny not to stoke your tiny little ego. Please make it a real Independence Day by resigning so we can maintain our freedom from a wannabe tyrant.


“It’s gonna be a salute to America” wow did he come up with that idea all on his own? Hijacking Independence Day to make it about HIM! Narcissistic baby!

Waste of money...waste of a president!

chrishateley11 realDonaldTrump sounds like a child talking about his shiny tanks...such an imbecile and what a waste of money!!


Democracy in America is dead.

I know it’s asking too much but it would be WONDERFUL if no one came!

I guess Trump wants to show his darling friend and idol Mr. Kim Jong Un that this American President even more cruel than him. To prove, Trump is going to invite Jong-Un to visit the El Paso camp. America can be as bad and as poor as North Korea.

His highness and our President spending America’s money to satisfy his need for adulation-what a poor excuse for leadership.

Just like all your dictator friends?


I know that conservatives want to paint liberals as socialists but this whole event with planes and tanks has the stinks of a communist dictator.

He’s showing off to his “friends”.

You have an obligation to call and tell the twat we are not going to foot the bill to stoke his ego!!!

I'll not be watching.

This Facking ijut

The clowninthewhitehouse with bone spurs thinks he should show off his war machine. Idiot, when will we ever learn.


Brand new lies!

He is retarded. His brain stopped developing when he was approximately seven years old. I have talked to firstgraders that were intellectually superior to Trump.

Stop wasting our money with your tasteless display of killing machines. VoteBlue

What a joke!

I had planned to be there but no one updated the rally and I figured they decided to do something else.... oh well.... next time!

Hopefully one of those planes fall on him


WHY?! Can only be distraction 2233. Besides, aren’t tanks obsolete other than being exibitionists.

He ordered tanks that the military said it didn’t need in an effort to keep the plant open.


Is the new Sherman tank a secret? I thought we used those in WWII? Good lord.

“Brand new” Sherman tanks? 😂😂😂😂😂 There is no limit to this man’s stupidity

Lets hear it for the Nazis', Racists, and KKK!

Disgraceful and ignorant rants from the thieving illegitimate president

Boycott this waste of money and don’t watch on tv! Valid news organization cover Philly or New York. Don’t approve this ridiculous president with ratings Show him through ratings and low turnout that the American people want our money not to be wasted!

Brand new Sherman tanks? Is there a storage area for 75 year old out of date armor?

Guess he gets his parade....

There he goes again giving too much information out, who’s he taking to his dictator friends.


Aww the dodger wants to have tanks n planes at parades. DAWM


it's the military parade he has been itching for, why do people bow down to this fool

Is he going to have any busses?

What this country needs is for you not to be president anymore!! That’s what will be better for America


Abram tanks. And they are invisible!

What a dope!

MSNBC do not air that crap...you will lose your viewers!!!

There you go Trump just tell the whole world and our enemies where we make all our weapons and ammunition and everything that you can think of that way they won't have to try to figure it out there selves when they decide to zero their weapons on them dumb A!

Little man, needs to show his strength through big equipment because he cannot do so by displays of intelligence or statesmanship

Sounds like something that would happen in Red Square.

Stop wastng money on your !!$hit!

The only thing that has tanked is his thought process and presidency. If you don’t have a multimillion dollar company or have stocks not going to well.

What’s wrong with hot dogs, fireworks and the American Flag? Tanks? Really?

They go well with the theme of freedom, tanks and jets👎😖

Ol’ Private Bone Spurs wants to play tough guy. The same Private Bone Spurs who hates McCain but is friends with Kim Jong-in. Old fat guy reliving the glory days that never were.


A big expensive trump rally.... 🤦‍♀️

Come see my toys, Santa is building them now! Said I can have them in two days! You know the elves they build whatever i want, even tanks.

This didn't really help his self endorsement for a Nobel Peace Prize, does it. But his Banana Republic parade should make for good jokes. realDonaldTrump is gonna get more of Cadet Bonespurs jokes than praise for rolling antique armor as we celebrate a war fought with muskets.

And the latest muskets.

This is a ding disgrace. Such unnecessary waste of tax payer dollars. We do not need or care to have all this.

Never have I despised so much.

Happy 4th folks

This is disgusting and vile.

Waste of taxpayer's money.

Now who out there is thinking about trying to bomb the shit out of those brand new tanks? What a target...

Ooohhhhh. This little game of pretend is why my taxes tripled.

This guy Trump. realDonaldTrump Not too smart. Clueless on many things including Sherman tanks. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

🤣🤣🤣he’s so stupid!

Okay but, Sherman tanks haven’t been made for decades.

the most expensive President in history, a Thief non tax payer, one of the biggest Coward America produced, n Putin knows new tanks too, lol

I think it's time I went back to the old country, Scotland


I can’t express how much this disturbs me. There should NEVER be tanks on the streets of America during a celebration.

Sounds about right all about power and destruction

Ooooooh. Brand new with the newcarsmell What a fuckingmoron realDonaldTrump

This episode of the West Wing sucks

No. Wouldn't it be fun to have it rained out or a uuuge catastrophic occurrence.

Why is cornered alowing this to happen? Pandering to his dictatorship wants and needs?

Why, we don’t have to show off our hardware.

'New' Sherman Tanks? Lol I'm going to go for a ride in my brand 'new' 1945 Chevy.

Please send some money to my kids school. Its falling apart.

Please go golfing 🏌️‍♀️ we don’t want to hear you any more

The dictator wants his military review

delusions of a totalitarian state.

Those brand spanking new Sherman tanks...



3rd world bull shit. Don’t exhibit military hardware Mr President, this is something Dear Leader would do.

A dazzling array of the Military's state-of-the-art weaponry will be on display including the latest innovations in muskets and bowie knives. Cc: tedlieu

trump: We’ll make this 4th of trump celebration something putin can be proud of.

How much is this costing the taxpayer ? Why are you not reporting from the PENTAGON and asking DeptofDefense their thoughts? We are a democracy - time to hold realDonaldTrump accountable for spending taxpayer dollars

I feel like we’re in a place that shows off their dictator. What happened to the celebration Music, fireworks, food, people enjoying the monuments and each other, enjoying the day...why this “show of power” That’s not what the holiday is about!


Nice! Proud to be an American!! maga

Sounds like a vivid imagination....


Cotton candy head.

Ridiculous and Unnecessary

Moron. He said Sherman tanks, because he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Ever.

WWII era tank makes comeback!

That's what dictators do.

As a veteran I will be proud to watch our military equipment on display, I will be watching every thing that I can on tv, very proud of our President. Trump 2020 I love it.

I know a certain area I'd like to park that tank...

This is disgusting. WHERE IS CONGRESS?

I hate him so much. 😡

Wonder how much the parade to honor “His Magesty” is costing the taxpayers

😂 okay!

Gee, imagine if that money was used on the southern border to provide food,medicine, better sanitary conditions....ooops, sorry I forgot who I was speaking of


Because that's what America really needed.....brand new tanks.

Does he know that nobody but him cares about tanks on July 4th?

In classic dictator fashion he’s getting a military parade!

What other country would it be about?

I think this is epic. It’s time America gets bold and becomes respected again.

Trump's insecurity is showing. His buddies all have military parades so he has to have one.

Great, he's creating infrastructure problems! Tanks on DC streets? Time to repave at our expense.

Another sicko move by the fakePresident.

Is he paying for this show?

Heil Trump !!!!!!!

I understand this General will be on hand too.

Pick me! Pick me! I want to be a dictator too!

Probably got the idea from his NK bromance. 🇰🇵

You are ruining OUR holiday. This is not about you. MSM should no show it and true Americans should truly enjoy their day without your narcissism.

Gee just like Hitler!

In the tradition of Putin, Castro, et al

Her dad looks vacant and confused but she is totally irrelevant.


More photo ops.. and we pay for it

This isn't Russia!!!!

How so dictator like of him.


It gets the stupid people feeling 'patriotic' & sends a subliminal signal that war is right & we are the best. Don't fall for it Americans. Another trap. Everyone here knows this actor isn't in charge, right? No potus are. Jesuits/Society of Jesus and Freemasons run the world.

The President of the United States of America, and Commander in Chief of its Armed Forces, literally said, 'But we have the brand new Sherman tanks...'

I swear he makes me gag. Seriously.

Maybe he can drag the Demacrats behind them on shackles.

That don’t impress me much! Waste of taxpayers money which could be used for veterans and their families!

More verbal diarrhea.

NowI wish the mid Atlantic region would get a long rain storm on July 4th. BTW. I live in the mid Atlantic.

This is so awesome

Trump doesn’t even know what kind of Tanks we have!!

Parades of military grandeur -Dictatorship 101

Will all your little GI JOE dolls be there with you too little Donny?

“Brand new Sherman” it’s invisible because it’s imaginary.

He will start calling this “his parade” BOYCOTT THE SHIT

Makes me want to vomit when I think about how little trump knows what the 4th of July stands for and how he wants it to be all about him and a military parade. Why doesn't he go back to North Korea?

Uh.. They building the M4 anew? Huh?

Only the best military hardware for the Trump parade!


As a veteran this should not be about you

Trump supportes will cheer this on all day long, then in the same breath bitch about how the libs 'dont want to spend money on the vets or the homeless'... the amount of money this will cost A) strains the local police force and B) can house homeless people and help vets.

Brand New Sherman Tanks? How’s that possible?

How much is this totalitarian demonstration costing our Taxpayers? If I want to see a military parade, I can go on base. Burn that money...

The man is a dangerous idiot.

Ya, Cpl. Bone-spur wouldn’t know one piece of armor from another without a sign and someone to read to him. He’ll make sure that the newest T80 tanks, (code name: Sherman), will be there right next to the Abrams.


Brand new in 1945. The era in which he loves.

Trump 4th campaign

Kids have to have their toys ya know 🤪

The imagine this president Trump is negative, the people North American is beautiful...!!! A big Nation United State

When Cadet Bonespurs doesn't know Sherman Tanks haven't been used in 50 years.

Dear God!

There is a Trump store online selling crap with his name on it! This family never stopped business endeavors, they created more.

A dictator parade...of course How do I check the NO box ❎

Deranged Donald is competing with Kim Kong In when it comes to a tank for a 4th July Celebration. Deranged Donald is not celebrating the 4th he's celebrating himself. SAD.

Are they going to be draped with the hammer & sickle? realDonaldTrump

Is this what he means by 'new'?

The planes will fly in the shape of the bone spurs that kept him from serving in Vietnam. Also, various venereal diseases, which he has said avoiding was ‘his own personal Vietnam. At taxpayer expense.

Wait. Are we in a Communist country now?

Is that suppose to impress us jackasscould have used that money to help homeless vets !!that would have impressed us and been an accomplishment !!

It makes my skin crawl when he speaks AND when I mute him and read what he’s saying...same diff.

Do NOT feed into his dictator delusion. BoycottTrumps4thOfJuly

This is gross. BBQ and a ball game is how we choose to celebrate.

Idiot. Brand New Sherman Tanks that haven’t been built in decades?

Wonder where he got that idea?

The 4th is about our independence. And patriots! Not about you Trump !! usa 4th

realDonaldTrump Fun Fact: Paraguay retired three Sherman tanks from the Regimiento Escolta Presidencial (REP, Presidential Escort Regiment) in 2018, which marked the end of service of the final Sherman tanks in use anywhere in the world.

Just like Russia and China and North Korea trump the communist

Lies lies lies lies lies. All lies.

Sherman tanks haven’t been made since the 1950s.

For someone who likes to “play army” like a kid, he might want to learn the equipment. There are no more Sherman tanks in the U.S. inventory and they haven’t been used by the army since the Korean War.

Can’t wait. What a true American. Thank you President Trump. Now on the other side, the socialists will be celebrating Antifa, Homelessness, and infanticide.

realDonaldTrump Sounds like DICKtaors parade you’d see from his buddy Kim. Perhaps even Putin

Hope it's a no show!!!!

Comb over trump really fat

All about what I want! Americans wake up!

Will we have a bone spur float?

He is dumber than a box of hammers.

Do we live in Nszi Germany or Russia? Come on! What a waste of money.

Lame. Donny wants to play with his GI Joe’s. pathetic

Just give him the Medal of Honor and send him on his way!!

President 🤡

There u go his military parade what a waste of money!

Great for who? Not us who live here.

DonaldTrump 'I'm just throwing that idea out there for a new Bruce Willis or Wesley Snipes or Angelina Jolie movie where terrorists steal a tank during a July4th parade and knock down the Washington Monument and a bunch of other stuff.'

Who is paying for this three ring circus!!!!!?

Tanks?!!!!? No way, that’s not us. We don’t celebrate with military flare. That’s not what we do.

Mmm no an ego salute maybe

Need a few pick up trucks and monkeys on motorcycles.



For the love of god, someone please stop this insanity.

No ! Celebrate Independence, not war! No tanks!!

Takes him back to his childhood... oh wait, he’s still there.

Brand new Sherman tanks?!? Do we still have the blue prints from WWII to build those?🤦‍♂️

The quotation marks are a poor substitute for just being straightforward about the fact that the president said that he wants Sherman tanks that DO NOT EXIST. Sheesh.

So glad I don’t have to see what the heck he’s talking about

How much tax payer money will this cost?😡😡😡. What a waste! Stupid is, is stupid does!! 😡😡😡

The hair looks more and more like a convertible rag top. It's just not sitting right...

You could keep your job if you were this uninformed?

Will somebody please buy this child a GI Joe action toy play set.. Shit had he not been a coward and dodged the draft, he would have gotten to play with the real thing. And perhaps, we would have had one more flag to plant on Memorial Day.

I hope he doesnt stand on a stage while soldiers march then simultaneously turns their heads towards him and salute.

So....dude is jacking the 4th of July and turning it into a Trump rally that he wants the entire world to watch? Ew. People should stay away and tune out in DROVES!

ABC News going for that Pulitzer...


Why are you bringing in tanks?

He is an AMERICAN citizen that never stood up when his country came calling but now wants to display the United States Military like a Miss America/ Apprentice show. I served my country and was deathly afraid of dying in combat but I was more afraid of failing my COUNTRY!!!!

Such a blithering idiot. He says a lot of words but doesn't say anything. Who is paying for his spectacle? US!!!!! Well, I vote no to this ridiculousness. This is still a Democracy, last time I checked, right?

Where do you want to be Donald? North Korea, China, Russia? Tanks and military parades! Shame on you!

TANKS in Washington ? Under control of you know who. BE AFRAID AMERICA BE VERY AFRAID.

Bone Spur Cadet playing Army at the taxpayer's expense. All his toys should be new

Is Putin going to be driving the pace car?

I loathe him so.

He's like 7 yr old. Wtf is happening?

Credulous media can't even call out Trump invoking Sherman tanks.


Disgusting. TuckFrump July4th

He's such a freaking embarrassment to this country.

New Sherman tanks? Those tanks haven’t been made since the 1950’s.


So is this a holiday celebration or an arms buying exhibition?

Republicans and conservatives... it's time to let him go. Register as a Democrat. Vote in the primaries. Put a Tulsi or Yang in office. Pick someone who can unite America before this gets any worse. It's really your best bet right now.

Am I the only one that was surprised he didn’t throw in a few “pew pew’s” into his statement?....

Don't give him this airtime please. This is absurd.

Military don’t forget to say, Heil Trump, when you march bye...

realDonaldTrump has America WELL ON THE ROAD (slowly boil the frog, right realDonaldTrump )

It should be no surprise hes has no working military knowledge. Remember he doesn't know what the Nuclear Triad is either.

I read that America hasn’t made any of these for 60 years. You could very quickly check that. Then tweet with more accurate info.

just like Kim

Liberals 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Will they run over MAGAts?

They will also be handing out USS McCain T-shirts.

Nothing says America like armoured tanks

North Korea gave some great pointers on how to execute this parade flawlessly.

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