Black conservatives to GOP: Reach out to black voters

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20 longtime conservative African-Americans who were extensively involved in the GOP before 2016 aren’t certain the Republican party has made necessary changes to sway black voters.


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'Stockholm Syndrome '

“Aren’t certain”?.. you all are not certain! um you’re a party of Trump . Let’s start there


Newsflash. 20 Conservatives of Color received their Republican wake up call aka We Don’t Need You To Win.

Black conservatives .. lol .. like saying Jewish Nazis

These 20 must be racist

But they still identify with the corruption that is the GOP.

Then they are still listening to the left and not paying attention to the actions of the Republicans. Action should speak louder than words. A lost art apparently!

Lmao what gave it away? The neo Nazis? The voter suppression?

Fake news

This should not even be a headline...

Oh really smh

Oh, really? And you thought something would happen?

Why African Americans continue to side with the party of slavery is beyond me. And yes, slavery was in fact abolished by a Republican Administration.

Duh! Hell... there are millions of white people who know this.

They show the Utah token black women... Utah is like 2% black.

It's hard to 'reach out' with a gun in one hand and noose in the other! Black people can read thru their phony caring. We have our integrity to lose if we fall for their lies.


Do you follow RealCandaceO and her team? Did you give a fair shake to the Young Black Conservative Leadership conference at the White House earlier this year? How many African-Americans are choosing to WalkAway from Democrats?

Well..50 years of voting for the slavery supporting democrats sure has done wonders! Martin Luther King was a card holding Republican. Maybe in another 500 years democrats will get them to blue collar middle class. Then again..both parties look like failures..ala realDonaldTrump

Why in the hell is it always about color to the MSM

and, not for nothing, look at the breakdown in SL County. Do you think the UtahGOP EVER thinks about black voters?

Wait, you're saying that the party of birtherism and voter suppression doesn't like black people?

Aren’t certain? What rock have they been under?

And the fact that they thought it actually would?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Funny how MiaLove couldn't get arrested on a national news program (other than Fox) until she said something critical of Trump and the GOP. MediaBias IntellectualDishonesty

The Russians made more of an effort to Sway and Influence black voters than the GOP has in a while!

No one is looking past the headlines. How about the Revitalization Council that was just established 5 days ago. People WANT to be blind to this administrations effort to help people of all races. Success doesn't fit the agenda. This is bipartisan leadership.

Over 200+ yrs of African enslavement & ONLY 1 political party captured, shipped, whipped, over-worked, raped, lynched, abused, mamed, took babies, threatened, humiliated, made property for life, reduced their value as 1/3 & 2/3 of a human being & other such disparaging falsehoods

The last 60 years. A lot of minority’s haven’t gotten anywhere. Thanks to Democrats!

Shut the front door!

Black repubs are complicit in promoting LIES to 'sway' Blk ppl w/Disinformation against democrats. 'Appealing' to a Belief in blk ppl's 'inherent' ignorance, desire for acceptance & white approval. (Like Blk repubs) i.e. 'Democrats were responsible for slavery.' Over 200+ yrs..

Ballots don’t come in colors!

Hahah so, you mean RealCandaceO blexit movement hasn’t conned enough ignorant people for the cause? Who would’ve thought.


But I thought they had more African American voters than ever. That’s what I’m always hearing from the president and supporters

Reach out? The GOP has done little for the White, Middle-Class & even less for Minorities. It would take far more than 'reaching out' to impress me!

It's hilarious that Republicans think 'reaching out' is all it takes to win over black people. How about trying not-racist policies, and trying to undo institutional racism, then maybe people will vote for you.

More Fake News from ABC .

The black voters that are being swayed, are the ones totally fed up with politics as usual. It's not some racist group, but people that have had enough of both parties neglecting the interest of people just wanting to take care of their families; run their business, work and live

Listen the GOP blew it in 64 and to date haven't tried to correct that. The party will need another 60 years to right that wrong.

“Longtime conservative”? “Sway” or “convince”?

Talk to RealCandaceO larryelder Get the TRUTH. Facts say Blacks are doing better under realDonaldTrump then they did under BarackObama Unless you are including FREE MONEY like Welfare WHICH helps Nobody. Leftist media spreading more leftist BS


So many black voters simply don't open their eyes and see how horrible liberal America is. They continue to fall for the usual Liberal B S.

Reach out How about stopping blatant racists behavior for s start

Ya think?

Nooo! Really?! Come on Disney, you're better than this.

Nooooo reallllllly? Ya think? 🤦🏻‍♂️

that's what they get for tap dancing for kkk policies... in other news: water is wet.

How can you stay republican knowing Trump targeted African Americans

Do ya think?

And there it is right there. Identity Politics! Remember “content of character” not color of skin. But democrats must keep us segregated as to keep people victims. A vote for democrats is a vote for segregation and identity politics!

The leaders of the AA community are at fault here, not the GOP. Celebrities also. The GOP has done much for for the AA community than TheDemocrats. Numbers don't lie. But the leaders, regardless of results, continue to back liberals. Sad

Like not supporting racist and being racist

The day all those blacks become rich white people they may go Republican. Tell her to keep trying to convince them they are rich white people. Don't stop trying, never know

20 longtime conservative African-Americans who were extensively involved in the GOP before 2016 aren’t certain the Republican party has made necessary changes to sway black voters. via

I think the Republican Party needs to die, and any version that can possibly emerge from the dark hearts of greedy, stupid, racist, and overly religious people needs to be shut down before it even starts.


OMG. Mia Love wasn’t a good representative. She was mine. I know.

As a “black” voter you don’t think we know about the GOP😂 they like to say they are the party of Lincoln.. they want us to ignore the Southern strategy. Their policies and rhetoric for the last 40 years… their recent attempts to eradicate the gains of the civil rights era ok

All you white woke people run up to the first black person you see today give them a hug and tell them how down you are.

Then they are not paying attention. Lib media destroying America mentality

No. Reach out to Americans. Reach out to the people of this diverse nation. Stop categorizing everybody and putting them into boxes. We love our country and all need to work together regardless of color or sex.



Absolutely shocking.

You don't say because if you look at RealCandaceO thecjpearson and yaf there are a LOT more who seem to believe Conservative is the right choice. Ah...source: Advertising Bought by Clintons. Never mind.

They must have missed the stunning decline in black unemployment since Mr. Trump’s victory.

You think?

Really? Get Out!! And Republicans please don't go after the black vote, haven't we suffered enough? And you have to be kidding w/your bad taste in blacks, Ben Carson, Cain, Diamondandsilk. It's not a good idea for minorities and your Klan to be in the same party. Thanks though.

It has diamond and silk, that’s enough.

That's because most republicans hate African Americans. I've heard them say it for years. They love to have one black friend and say 'I'm not racist. Look I have a black friend'

What are your thoughts RealCandaceO


I agree ... Draft nikkihaley 2020


No shit

It should be make at least an effort to WANT to make a change. You have to care about getting our vote in order to see the adjustment that needs to be made. Until the GOP cares to make an effort, then this is a bunch of rhetoric.

For sure they have NOT.

Duh don't say....

Whatever. Nice try ABC

Captain Obvious says what?

Ah. Trying to reverse the trend of abandonment of the Democrat party by minority’s because of all the economic improvements. Keep folks in line ABC

That’s because most black voters are not stupid,

Maybe consider cutting down on the racism?

way to play the race card

They were always establishment people. They never supported the presidents’s agenda.

It took a news report for black people to figure that out?!!

They must have been living in a bubble.


Mia should’ve reached out to Trump. Too bad.


The Democrat party treats African Americans as 'lesser than' people that need taking care of. It's soft bigotry. The Republican party wants to treat them as normal Americans. Are you saying Republicans need to treat blacks like dimms have?

The other option is the democratic plantation

Your picture is of Mia Love who lost her race after turning her back on Trump (after he got the release of a Utah hostage for her when Obama did nothing) & then she turned her back on the GOP platform. No wonder republican voters didn’t turn out to support her.

The GOP should because the TheDemocrats aint doing shit for black voters. GOP has an opportunity to deliver tangibles to black voters and really go for the Dems jugular. Then again do they really dont want total victory over the Democrats?

I mean, they’ve hired Ben Carson to destroy HUD and had Kanye West to ramble incoherently in the Oval Office. What else could they have done, really?

🤯 really?🙄 Hope they weren’t holding their breath’

Considering the switch that has occured since the late 1960s to present where the old southern racist democrats have become the new GOP I doubt the party will bother.

West after his white house coke binge came to his senses about Trump

The main issue with the black vote is justice. Improve justice, you get your black vote.

You're not sure?

It’s bad enough to be a conservative minority in general, and the fact that you have to tell your own party that you exist confirms my first 10 words in this tweet. 🙄

Why is that ? Are you saying the other party has as nothing could be further from the truth. Pay attention to today's changes in the country in just 2 years in comparison to Clintons 8 and Obama's 8. If you don't see the differences & changes for the BETTER for you then get help.

Twenty? Who knew there were that many?

You don’t say...🤦🏿‍♀️

Be advised melonated ppl will not follow behind anyone we a awaken and will not be blinded by bullshit like religion, political parties or being led backwards into bondage so please stop go sway them caucasians into not being hateful


Ummmmmm? Aren’t certain, really?

Liberal media trying to fight the Republicans for treating African Americans better than Democrats WalkAway Media is gross

They living in the Big House with their handlers--that's good. They don't even have to Step out in order to Fetch it.

Hey Fake News ever hear of Blexit

Was this story picked up from The Onion?

If you are a person of color AND a Republican, you make no sense to me, AT ALL.

Well, they should be. They are pretty much the last 20 African-American Republicans who haven't been swayed - to become Democrats.

Someone tell RealCandaceO

How you say, 'YOU THINK' hahahahahahaha

By siding with KKK?

What is 'conservative' about today's Republican party? The ballooning deficit? Growing government? The Republican President targeting businesses? Spending is out of control and government is not small. So what else do Black Republicans have to go on?

Maybe work for African Americans and make an effort to eliminate systemic racism.

Hhahahahahaha DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahha

FakeNews the liberal media wants you to think that.

No shit?

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