Analysis | That sophisticated, specific Russian 2016 voter targeting effort doesn’t seem to exist

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Analysis: That sophisticated, specific Russian 2016 voter targeting effort doesn’t seem to exist


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RussiaGate turned into TaxGate, SexGate, now RussiaGate without Russia! Larry King talks w scholar Stephen Cohen, whose new book 'War with Russia?' details a dangerous new Cold War, made worse by the media & political frenzy over the RussiaGate hysteria

Yes, I'm sure we 'know' this in the same way we 'knew' there was no evidence for collusion in last year's 'Analysis'

You’re only doing this now coz 2020 is coming and you will all spend $2Bil on something else made up.

Never did. American voters knew on their own Hillary is a terrible person and a terrible candidate.

Cambridge Analytica is key. If you can't explain why their projections were the most accurate then I don't think you are getting at the root of the problem.


THANK YOU FOR POINTING THIS OUT. Your liberal colleagues are not going to like this.

terib3294 The 'Russians.'

Hold the phone...that doesn't mean the other three vote riggers are off the hook...God, Satan and the aliens. Watch out for 'strange lights in the sky' on election day. F...u...c...k sake! These people are out of their minds!

It took you two years for clarification?! You’re a laughable fake news media trying to rescue yourself by telling the true story now. Too late.

Welcome to realityland where most voters have been living for over 2 years. Hence WE KNEW THAT ALREADY & KNOW you’ve been lying to promote an agenda. Realityland is a suburb of Truthland, where real journalists have reported real open sourced info, for over two years. Welcome!

womp womp

no shit sherlock.

...but it sure was USEFUL, and therefore no worries, right?

When does WaPo run a front page article with a giant Retraction and apology to the Trump Campaign and the American people on the front page for all the fake news stories related to this?

Still won't stop our politicians, and useful idiots, from using Russia as the bogeyman. Probably because they know full well it doesn't exist in the manner they are trying to convince us it does. This isn't going back in the box.

Yeah, we know. The endless propaganda has been entertaining but its damaging to the fabric of society.

Us sane, mature people have known this was BS for over 2 years now. This admission, along with 'Mueller Time' being the gigantic thud it is, will cause the sea levels to rise and mass bird deaths from all the liberal tears and sky screaming. Prepare yourselves now.

Is AdamSchiff in hiding?

As Mueller probe comes up empty the MockingbirdMedia begins to prepare the UnhingedLeft for their worst nightmare🤣 TrumpRussiaHoax was just a mistake. Even tho many lives were ruined we are to shrug & carry on cuz the FBI REALLY believed the dossier

Hmmm seems like you’re prepping your readers for something 🧐


so you engage in fake news, wapo? wow, what a surprise!

No shit. Dems ran programs. See: Correct the Record etc

Duh big surprise

Why start covering the truth now?

andlike always people got played so easily

You're a little slow on the uptake, aren't you?

Yeah, we know.

The goal is to influence & disrupt; Dems & MSM took the bait & fell in lockstep, inadvertently helping them. DNI Clapper alluded to this when he said, 'They must be congratulating themselves for having exceeded their wildest expectations with a minimal expenditure of resource.'

68% of Democrats still believe Russians literally hacked the election. Good luck undoing that. When will you cover the voter targeting effort that did, and still does, exist? Hint: It's not Russians.

Ya think?

But muh Russia? And Trump going to jail? And all the hateful bigots on fox news being force fed turd sandwiches? Is nothing real anymore? I will dedicate tomorrows 3 minute impotent scream at the sky to this.

How ‘bout that.

Sure buddy. Tell this story to Cambridge Analytics

Stellar job...stellar job.

Of course not. But Israel's voter targeting efforts, including in 2016, are VERY real and VERY corrupting. Somehow I see MSM screwing up the reporting on that point, too. Overreports Russia's voter manipulation. Underreports Israel's voter/Congressional manipulation.

It never did. It was completely crafted between many players mostly from the left side of the political spectrum but not exclusively. How did John McCain really die anyhow? WWG1WGA

The enlightened sheep are not going to like this!

Media in 2019: “Oh that whole Russian Collusion thing? Our bad. Sry and we’re glad there was no real impact.”


davidbrockdc's Dem funded BrockTrolls sure were, and still are.

Now you have half the country delusional conspiracy theorists Im half surprised you didn’t go with the Ukrainians hacked the election nonsense

Neither did the Russian interference in the election. Hillary just made this up so she could have an excuse for why she lost the easiest election in history to a reality TV con man.

People with functioning brains have known this for over two years.

Hahahahaha ! Narrative is a BULLSHIT spread by the media ! So it’s exposed now! Thank you Trump!

Might as well come clean. It was all a ploy to distract from the info in Wikileaks then from losing a rigged election. Democrats have been played like fools very bad. Hope some will wake up like I did and walk away.

You don’t say

VanWagoner So it was all a lie. Way to go, liars.

But the point is was there intent to collude by the trump campaign? Yes there was - end of story

GinnieLumpkin Oh it exists. It’s called the Hillary Clinton Opposition Research phony dossier. But that’s news to the liberal media.


No shit. The lying media spent two years pushing the Russia hoax anyway.

Well done. Better late than never.

Can we put this to bed for Christs sake.....

You are the biggest problem the biggest fake news


You don't say !!!

But muh Kremlin conspiracy theory! You’re lying to your readers for Orange Man!!!

What will maddow squeal about now lol. 🤣 oh wait I’m sure she’ll find some BS feed the sheep in Amurika 🙄

See? The Dems were lying because Hillary couldn't deal with losing! Maybe if she hadn't cheated Sanders, we wouldn't have Trump as president. What an f-ing joke this country is!!!

Just like Iraq's WMD. Some of already knew this was horse shit but were labelled as Russian trolls when we pointed it out.

But the goal of that fake hysteria was achieved .. “The moor has done his duty, the moor can go,”...

I see the WP and its ilk, are still pushing the 'Russian Hackers' lie. They all speak of it, as if it is an actual fact!when in truth, the DNC And Clinton emails were downloaded from within the organization, probably on a thumb drive, and then LEAKED to Wikileaks! Thetruthwillout

The Washington Compost

edwardlucas Tim_Hayward_ Actually here is a WaPo story saying russia Facebook attacks and 2016 interference was fictitious. Same in UK where less than $1 was spent on russian attack. Head of French intelligence also said Russians not behind election eve email dump.

A Nothing Burger. And the Democratic Election Hacking ... A Nothing Burger. It was Seth Rich with a thumb drive.

But but russia....

Brainwashing of america is complete.....”russia” puts the liberals in a trance for more propaganda. There was never russia anything folks. You’ve been con’ed

Journalism doesnt exist in the US

So “Democracy dies in darkness” and you were the ones switching off all lights right? tcot maga TrumpRussia MuellerInvestigation

Analysis: We (the incumbent liberal left) have a new enemy...Tulsi Gabbard. Time to build new alliances with President Trump to circumvent a potentially REAL challenge to the military industrial aka Saudi/Israeli lobby.

Still, no need to let a small detail like that detract from the very important reporting and campaigning that's been done on this issue. I'm sure those involved will be undeterred by a minor setback like this...

Take cover!!!!

WakeUpB42L8 Only in USA. 10s upon 10s of millions of $$$ spent on verifying the obvious. But what is that when $7,000,000,000,000 can be spent on waging meaningless wars that too got the country absolutely nothing? realDonaldTrump won on his own terms and will defeat establishment likewise.

So now even the propaganda arm of the CIA is being honest about this complete bullshit of a soft coup? Sounds like this corrupt bullshit might finally be coming to a long overdue conclusion.

How long did it take you to come up to that obvious conclusion?

RUSSIA PUTIN RussoPhobia Schizophrenia Mania RussiaGate Assholes

“Ah sorry, it was a mistake” 😂

Tell us something else we don’t know. RussiaRussiaRussia has been a CrookedHillary scam from the get-go. Yet WP embraced it with gusto (as did FBI/DOJ/Democrats). Shame on WP. You’ve been focused on trying to destroy Trump yet history will show you destroyed yourself instead.

Cue the Dem anguish over this heretical piece.

It’s hard to stop hysteria once people have been feed with it for 2 years.

Mass hysteria bubble bursting. This has been obvious from the beginning. Simply an intentional, malicious lie. Now to unwind the lie.

Love to hear your comments noUpside sinanaral BrendanNyhan alexstamos

Maybe you can now move on to the content of the DNC emails?

Lol Jews will not be happy, I love it!

For any smart person that was obvious from the start. But Russiagate Orcs, which you WaPo also helped to create, now can accept that 😆

Amazon CIA Bezos targeting effort, failed

Folks, let me clue you in to what's going on here. WaPo, CNN, and the rest of MSM are starting to soften you up for the big reveal - That they've been lying to you, burying stories, coordinating misinformation w/ DNC and IC, and basically making you all parrot their propaganda.

A bit of reason in an ocean of emotions. Still forgets to say a few things. 1.According to Mueller indictment (please read it!) this was a for profit clickbait farm attracting traffic to charge $25-50 per ad. 2.the total investment before elections was $43k on fB and $4k on Twter

A great example of the Shallow State conspiring for shallow reason i.e. The Russians ate Hillary’s homework. Hard nosed realists like Mearsheimer or Brzezinski would predict/advocate a alliance with Russia vs China yet didn’t happen. Steve_Sailer

Womp womp. So many butthurt centrists.

Good to know what everyone knew except the hysterically self-obsessed Corporate Dems. Never mind, they will continue repeating 'Russia, Russia' like others say 'Hare Krishna, Krishna Hare'

Even us liberals , indisputably retarded and brainwashed as they are , are now forced to admit the truth and to stop harassing the american democracy . They should also make excuses to Russia and Russians and to Donald Trump for having spread conspiracy theories for 2 years.

Wow Washington post actually tells the truth for once hang on I’ll sit down.. 🤣

Uh oh you're brainwashed readers aren't gonna like this...did you get permission from the CIA to run this headline?

We have known this. RussiaRussiaRussia was a cover story concocted in the wee hours of the morning by Clinton campaign elites Podesta and Mook so that there would be someone to blame for Hillary’s abysmal loss other than Hillary and Democrats themselves.

Good analysis by pbump lending more credence to the idea that the CIA misidentified a Russian clickbait farm as the Russian government, and confused an attempt to make money on controversial posts with an attempt to swing the 2016 election.

At last WaPo get it right! RIP RussiaGate & FreeASSANGE

As a Dem (Independent leaning Dem) this has been the biggest embarassment for 3 years running.


Hillary: They bought it for 2yrs... 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


The Democratic party circumvented the democratic process and sabotaged Bernie Sanders. Plenty there to still cover after wasting all that time blaming some a-holes (doing possibly less than what the CIA does to other countries) and their bots on the internet

shipman96 Any fools that swallowed crap that Russian trolls were peddling would have swallowed just about anything, and any casual analysis shows that RWNJs and Tea Party idiots predated any Russian trolls.

Maybe face the truth: trump is a manifestation of decades of american exceptionalism, arrogance and blind corporate obedience. He represents the very worst of america - the part that also has the most Power. He's the Product not the Cause. Change the system.

The DNC are the Russians you are looking for

As leftists heads melt onto the sidewalk like ice cream on a hot day.

It was a rediculous premise from the get go.

What a frigging betrayal WAPO, with John Podesta, towards realDonaldTrump and the citizens around the world. The Collusion will be proven, starting with the Clintons! Apologies Required

Ya dont say. Damn you all get paid a lot to make cow pies.

Every aspect of the media is controlled directly by Putin to defend trump.

Winding down the Russia hysteria is not going to be an easy matter.

I'm just here to watch all the Russia!™ conspiracy nutjobs blow a gasket. Please do carry on.

wikileaks It does but via the DNC, the lame AF dossier, and HRC. It’s all there. The same group, Fusion GPS, just did it again in Alabama.

wikileaks Oh we can't read this. Trump has called the WP fake news. Thus this article is FAKE!

Carrie_Kelly17 Sad thing is fake liberals fooled by 2 years of Trump's a monster nonsense will never believe the truth no matter what you or Mueller tell them

Carrie_Kelly17 Yup even Google said they only spent 4.5 grand to watch idiots to scream Russia

So it was all just a big Russiagate. What a surprise. We've known since day one and the media has wasted literally years on this lie.


You Are DONE! Beeps and you are DONE! Meanwhile, Roy Moore will wipe you out with lawsuits!

Obvious. Facebook and Twitter executives described it as miniscule. Hugely overblown by the Dems&their lapdogs in the media to delegitimize Trump's victory. Fake News proved to exist.

wikileaks Do people really think Russian troll accounts swayed the election?

wikileaks FightIntercept

wikileaks Exactly only took two years to admit. Just trying to get ahead of Mueller totally exonerating the president. Such a fake news paper.

'That understanding about Russia’s sophisticated targeting, though, is not supported by the evidence — if it’s not flat-out wrong.' WaPo, y'all, finally gets it right.

ec14u2 Of course it doesn't it was Democrat operatives masquerading as Russians (they lie & say it was only for Moore's race, but it started in 2015 on Trump): Democratic operatives created fake Russian bots designed to link Kremlin to Roy Moore in Alabama race

wikileaks It took WaPo 🤥three years ( just 👏)to admit it,well done 🥳

wikileaks You don't say...…. WitchHunt

wikileaks edubies


wikileaks No duh?!

wikileaks Free Julian Assange 🕊💕

Wtf!!! have u been corrupted by the trump administration? U not making any sense defending the undefensible.

What? There was a widespread, multi-asset program. Sophisticated or not, doesn’t matter. Besides, unsophisticated methods are commonly used to avoid advanced detection technology.

What is more believable...the fact that Hillary was a shit candidate with immeasurable deficits or Russians throwing a couple hundred dollars of ads on Facebook? WOMP. Wisconsin Ohio Michigan Pennsylvania. WOMP. Maybe campaign better next time.

Does that claim exist and what is its relevance if it does?

You don't say

But it did exist!

Always a great take when you come to a conclusion before all the evidence is known.

They still defrauded the American people

Russia conspiracy hoax

Whaaaaaaaat.. Really.. Libs will die if you report this

Oh contraire. Schiff and Swalwell see Russians under there beds.


Thanks for this, Russiagate is a mental illness

This is a very hot take...and extremely irresponsible.

Thank you for practicing journalism, pbump.

Flawed analysis, please feel free to research branding. Also- they had both candidates intel. Also- this was in the middle of known attacks and hacks. Also- quid pro quo.

Who wrote this crap?

Ok, Fox News 😂

Another garbage WaPo opinion passed off as analysis.

pbump really off rails.. it’s not a problem because Russian methods likely weren’t sophisticated enough to yield results? 🙄

Huh? There were so many operators and ads across the spectrum, Bump's analysis of Russian election interference makes no sense. Please let him know.

Hey pbump, this sucks.

2/2 126 million people saw russian misinformation and ads and the poured millions in to the pockets of people like Mitch McConnell and the NRA .The used hacked voter data and trump campaign internal polling to target people and install malware on their pc

Waiting for the ratio.

So fake news, then?

R us (pep)si fanatics Or just coca-cola

LaiyouINg1 Damn this is an idiotic column. The Trump campaign did no polling. It had Cambridge Analytica stealing our psychgraphic data from FB. The NYTimes has no idea what that “polling data” was. Do I have to write your stories for you?

Ignore this biased op ed. We know the russians hacked the voter registration/rolls, microtargeted specific voters in key districts will tailored content/ads with the help of cambridge analytica/facebook

🤔🤔🤔 ahhh.. Says who

StopThePropaganda - you (and everyone else) knows it wasn’t advertising that threw the election. We need a FreePress and real journalism, now! DemocraciesHoldPeopleAccountable

Bottom line .. how many in those states didn’t bother voting or voted 3 rd party and stole votes from HillaryClinton ? Take those states and subtract JillSteins votes and add them to Hillary!!!!!

Were you paid in rubles for this opinion analysis?

A few ads had no affect on voters

luckily, we are a 'faith-based' nation. so, that ought not to matter to the narrative that comforts.

pbump. Hi, ad guy here. If I have a client and I have access to their competitor's consumer data (polling data is a generic term for that), I can build all kinds of like-for-like consumer models to do a whole lotta stuff. You should talk to someone who understands how it works.

Cambridge Analytica ?

So the information is used for what, census? Your sense defies logic.

Democraps are in trouble. The optics are not good.

If something 'doesn't seem to exist' then it definitely doesn't exits. Hmm.

Is there a way to request not to see your 'analysis' and 'opinion' pieces? Bc they are abosulet horse manuere.

WHERE has IvankaTrump BEEN low these past MANY months, & (not only that, but) WHERE is all of HER promised work on behalf of (Wait for it) ... you know, the average, American, working, Woman + empowering Women-kind? Hell, Waldo's been easier to find! CNN AC360 Reuters

Phil, thanks for this counter narrative.

EC IS no way to elect people.....

I’m apparently going to have to stop following you because you aren’t keeping up with the latest news

This article is 'Gone With The Wind' long.

News without any evidence is fake news.

Well so glad you’ve cleared that all up 🙄

IMPEACH: Legal Removal of President & Vice President, et al., for Misprision of Treason - 18 U.S. Code § 2382 'Misprision of Treason'


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