Biden to be examined by orthopedist after twisting ankle

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President-elect Joe Biden is being examined by an orthopedist after twisting his ankle Saturday while playing with his dog, Major, his office says.

Washington, DC President-elect Joe Biden will be examined by an orthopedist Sunday afternoon"out of an abundance of caution" after twisting his ankle Saturday while playing with his dog, Major, his office announced.

Biden, who celebrated his 78th birthday on November 20, is set to be the oldest president in US history. During the campaign, the Biden campaign released a summary of Biden's medical history, which showed the former vice president was healthy and fit for the presidency.The release included the results of a physical exam by Dr. Kevin O'Connor, Biden's primary care doctor since 2009 and the director of executive medicine at The George Washington Medical Faculty Associates.


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This is what the news has become?

Who give a fuck

I thought your old style of headlines worked better. brianstelter

I doubt it was major prob chasing girls perv I heard he was smelling girls hair but that not good for president to do

He'll be the first President to roam the white house on one of those roscoe scooters.

So sorry to hear this.

What office?

You cannot make this shit up. Buckle up for 4 years of that truth seeking coverage they like to tell you about. This. Is. Journalism.

LOL we can call him wheelchair Joe,he can't even get out of his own way.

playing with your dog OR knowingly exposing yourself to a deadly virus and needing a three day hospital stay, help with oxygen levels and a cocktail of experimental drugs? duh!! taxpayers should demand the bill from the hospital. TrumpIsANationalDisgrace

/Dang! Is Kamala Harris going to take over from day 1? Sprained ankle? Wait till the Clintons come in and ‘White-Water’ rude crude ‘Unk’ Joe to let Harris slither in early to be ‘First woman, first ‘of color’, first Far Left Socialist, first radical Liberal POC President in US.

Well i guess hes gonna have to leave the golfing up to Trump. Joe will still work. Trump will play golf.

Think Major wasn’t happy about possibly them getting a cat? Get well soon JoeBiden

Speedy recovery Mr. President❤🙏

Joe biden is pathetic.

Was he trying to sniff the dog too?


Wow, this dude is fragile! Perhaps we should not elect decrepit elderly people to run our country?

Mother of all fake news , who elected corrupt joe as the president?

Who cares?

Get well soon !🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

Trump wishing he'd twisted his heart

It seems some people were paid to join Twitter just to spread their hate for Trump! Most of the people boiling over Trump just joined Twitter recently, and they look more like undocumented migrants. Just my observation though.

You have not resumed office and your leg is been twisted, I laughed when people said you are fit to be president

This wouldn’t have happened if JebBush won the election...

Was he running after young kids again?

Trump hand work

May the Lord bless you with good health our global unifier

Get well soon Joe.

An illegitimate President elect...

I just love Americans ! They elected a stupid dude then now they elected an old dude who is so fragile and ought to be enjoying retirement at home or in a home

corrupted media reports only fake news

farmerprotestchallenge FarmersDilliChalo FarmerProtests


Another news provider stated he sustained a fracture, this is why it's important to corroborate facts folks.

Trump-- 'Clearly unfit for being President'

The guy is very weak for presidency

He needs to be careful, not foolish

Tip to JoeBiden. Wear hiking or tactical boots to protect your ankles. I've been doing it for years. There are some pretty classy ones these days, and you can hide the high-tops under the ends of your trousers. Good for playing with dogs

Oh nooo be careful Joe!!!.. ❤️🙏🏽

Yep he'll be like these.. Under arrest.

He is not the president elect. That title does not apply prior to the electoral college casting their votes, you communist frauds.

Who cares?

Hope he gets well soon...

Hope you heal soon. You have some big ass to kick out of a big white house in January.


That’s a big dog too!

Probably covering for falling down the stairs....🙄

When are you going to tell us about Trump's mysterious visit to Walter Reed Hospital?

who the hell thought this was news?

He needs his head examined

Be well President Biden🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

I wish you a good recovery .

Should he be running and jumping up & down at this age? No!

I was examined by an orthopedist once when I thought I might have broken my ankle. He asked me to bend over at the hips while standing directly behind me, and told me everything looked fine. Later that year I missed a family wedding because I couldn’t walk.


How fantastically boring! Thanks Joe

Sorta ironic that the democrats made fun of Trump not having a dog, now this 🤣🤣🤣

If this was realDonaldTrump cnn and Twitter would be fact checking the story

President elect 💪

Very weak.

I’d rather have a president using crutches THAN president DiaperDonald lol! Seriously!!!

Nobody gives a shit

oh good now President elect Joe you take extra care of your self we need you. your or President starting 01-20-2021 i am so happy you are going to help all us Americans bring back America. Thank you Frances

Ya,ya,ya, ik that that if this was Trump the media would be all over it. Normally yes. But we also know that we would never see Donald Trump playing with dogs! Buwaaaaahahaha!!! Whew

Such a wonderful normal thing! But knock it off Joe! Wait until Jan 20th!

What? Having fun with a pet? Presidents can DO that?

Frail elderly people like us shouldn't play with frisky large pets.

I’ve been waiting for 4 years to see irrelevant headlines like this one. It feels so great...that came out wrong, I still feel bad for his sprained ankle, but it still feels nice to know the president isn’t a deranged lunatic they spews lies and hate everywhere he goes.

wait till he gets examined by a Senate subcommittee

No one cares

He can’t even handle a dog let alone the presidency.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


when 2 dogs get together they jump play and run what he can do out of all this ? nothing is useless and old

Today a twisted ankle tomorrow Dementia we all know it’s coming I’m starting a Dementia Pool 5$ a square if anyone is interested guess the date winner take all

ankle monitor

Earlier it was a fracture. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Aaaaand this is why ,when he was elected I told my husband that he needs to be put in a bubble until Jan 20th !!!

Appreciate the transparency

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Now we know he's human, that's enough! let's get the ball rolling here, he will be fine.

Is he officially President Elect or...?

Well he's there they ought to get his head examined also..

Gripping news as always CNN!

Get well soon President-elect Biden !! 💗💛💜

No Deal.. One way to Gitmo

At least he did Not stupidly and intentionally do everything he can to get covid.

admittedly unrelated but, maybe he should see a neurologist? unless the slurred speech was alcohol induced...

Imbecile in chief

I heard he forgot he had a dog and tripped over it 😳

JoeBiden when we said “break a leg”, it was just a figure of speech. Get well! bidenankle

What a wimp!

The media announced that Joe Biden was elected president. Is he legal? Has he passed the judicial certification?


Well at least he wasn't playing golf. He has a heart for his dog.

I’m surprised cnn didn’t break the story with their asset so close to Biden and his team.

News Flash we don’t care what happens to that ok’d disgraceful man Now if it was Trump we would say a preacher for him but Biden oh hell no

People, it happens all the time.

JOE will be ok even with a twisted ankle he will walk faster than TRUMP walking down a ramp 💯% ?


Thiên ý

I thought he was chasing a girl trying to sniff her!

Trump already hiring those hitmen 😂😂😂

JoeBiden let someone else play with the dog until January20th2021!

slow news day?

Good to see a POTUS that actually works out.

🤣🤣🤣🤣Ffs and you reckon this old codger can run the country? Get real.

Sounds like karma for cheating. PROBUALLY to cover his ankle monitor lmfao

Biden is not President-elect. Stop the bullshit

Good thing it wasn’t a hip



The sweetest thing I’ve heard all day!! He plays with his dog!!! ❤️ And twisting your ankle isn’t an old people thing, it’s an active person thing!

Wish him well soon.


President elect should be very careful with his health at this age.

At least it did not cost taxpayers thousand in secret service and room fees at Trump properties

Finally, there's proof of human life entering The White House soon!

Should have ordered a psychiatric consult too

Luckily our elected representatives, such as President Elect Biden have great health insurance. While the people they represent have not much more than chaos!

I wanna see pictures both ankles

Take care Mr. President-Elect!

That’s what he gets for sleeping on the job. JoeForResident

Hope he recovers soon ( btw ! How old is he no offense !)

If this was Trump got injured the world of MSM headline would b catastrophic career ending presidency lol CNN fake news

Se empezó a desarmar la momia 😂😂

Is Kamal President yet?

Take it easy President Biden.

Weird, my Grandma died from that.

sorry about the ankle sleepy, but you need more than an examine by an orthopedist, you also need one by a neurologist and the diagnosis must be revealed to All Americans.

It happens he will survive lol

Ouch! I sprained my ankle this summer, picking up my neighbor dog's poop out of my front yard. darn pups! Heal fast JoeBiden

60 minutes is now a biased piece of junk. Used to be good sometimes.

The cast will be installed to beautifully camouflage his ankle bracelet.

ya know cnn there some things you dont have to report. whats NeXT how he combs' his hair?

FactCheck : False he isn't President Elect yet

I tripped over the dog this morning and tripped over a rock yesterday while fishing. It happens.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha and you think this idiot really won.

They should give him a cognitive test whiles he’s there.

Get well my President💜

Biden needs to wear bubble wrap for the next 4 years!

It's starting..... Pelosi will throw him out soon

That happens when you’re a weak, frail old man

Wow that was quick.. welcome president elect Kamala Harris

Lmao hes going no where fast. Cheating is no way to win a election

BidenFalls playing with his dog? Poor dog getting blamed already. 🤷‍♀️ Joementia too old to be president. Doctor orders OldJoe one-term LameDuckBiden for best results. 👍

feel better fast!

Joe Brittle?!?

JoeBiden better calm the f*ck down.

Bro sick

He probably lost his balance, nothing to do with his dog.

If Lazy Joe doesn’t have the energy to play with his dog, how will he lead the country. Poor guy.

President Trump enacted Operation Warp Speed so we could have a Covid vaccine in under a years time.

Slipped playing with his dog due to covid

And? So?

Should have stayed 6 feet away. 🤷

Already broke. Trump can’t golf and joe can’t walk. We are screwed. Ditch the dogs joe.

Apparently he tripped on a bag of money in his basement

Wah! WhoCares. He should be wearing an Orange Jumpsuit in Prison

Joe’s dog bites him

Get well soon... We 🙏 🇯🇲🇺🇸

No getting hurt Mr. PRESIDENT!!


Hey, it can happen to anyone.

As many Democrats said, 'Joe Biden is too damn old, frail, & mentally slow to be POTUS!' He wasn't being transparent over his injury. But once again Obama, James Clyburn, DNC, DCCC, & establishment Democrats sent up another physically unfit candidate just like Hillary Clinton.

Que Pendejo. Este Huey.

Are we sure it isn’t injured because of the way he brutally kicked Trump’s ass?

is this dog?

4-6 weeks and he will be 👌

So sad you left out the part about Joe freezing out the press because that is the best part 😂😂. You guys are praying Trump doesn’t ride off into the sunset, and you know why. 😂😂😂. Did you at least find out what flavor lollipop they gave Joe? DonaldJTrumpJr

Surprised he didn’t crack a hip. Karma

How could I be president if I played with my children and fell to the hospital

God bless you sir.Whole world waiting u.

Seems a bit excessive to go see a orthopedic for twisting his ankle. I sprained both my ankles this summer, and they literally sent me home with 2 ace bandages and was told to take aspirin for the pain. No boot, no crutches, just had to deal with it.


I guess Biden startled the dog when attempting to sniff his ass. The dog jumped like a fish out of water and ran under Biden causing him to lose his balance.

If the ortho doc’s name is Navy Commander Anderson, hobble away!

Get well soon Mr:President Biden we need you 🙏❤️

Its a good story...

JoeBiden Mr President The thoughts of all Americans hope you feel better quickly we’re all pulling for you

KamalaHarris be like...

1st step on his way to a nursing home.

He was actually just getting up to use the bathroom

Joe Biden only twisted his ankle. Trump is just twisted.

It's only the beginning... china Joe will be carted off monthly.

He’s NOT President Elect 😒😒😒

Ruff play can be dangerous ... 🙂 🐕🐕

Alarming. Jared Kushner and a small crew of White House advisers are heading this week to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, I'm told.” 🚨Jennifer Jacobs (last week.. “Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu travelled secretly had a trilateral meeting with Crown Prince MBS & SoSPompeo.

Think Trump has ever done anything physical or strenuous enough to sprain an ankle?

Get well President Elect Biden. Watch out for those darn dogs 🐕.

Lord here we go old man

I tripped over a vacuum and broke my ankle. I bet Joe was having more fun than I was. Feel better President Elect Biden.

BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden’s leg is to be amputated after injuring himself while playing with his cat

Both cnn and Biden are a joke.

I hope he has a healthy recovery.

Better than him playing with 'minors'🙃

So it begins...

Biden wishing you well but please slow it down a little bit until we get this crazy 😝 person out of the White House 🏠

😂 Guy is a mess!

Imagine that! A president who has a dog! And plays with it! Oh the horror!

And here are the building blocks...let’s see where they rise too! KamalaHarris

I bet someone from the DNC pushed him hoping Harris could take over

Go ahead and take Kamala. He is unfit to serve.....let the communism begin.

Frail old man

Not legally president elect

Ankle bracelet?

Lol idiot

Our dogs will do that to us from time to time. He will be ok 💙

He twisted his ankle playing with a dog as much as he’s president-elect.

Here we go...

He was walking and fell like an old person


And this pansy is going to run the country! Hahahaha Dog 1 Biden. 0

Hmm, blamed on ‘playing with the dog’...unless I see video,I’ve got questions...

Difficult to fix foot in mouth disease 🤣🤣🤣

Rest up, Joe! You’ve got a big job ahead of you 🥰

Why don't they tell the truth It's because of his poor fitness and his old age

really so delicate Just playing with a dog he got a twisted ankle

This guy is not capable of playing with his dog. I call BS.

CNN staff: the main question is - how we can blame it on realDonaldTrump ?

Better tape those ankles before you play next time Pres elect!

People act like twisting an ankle is a death sentence 🙄 at least he’s active.

He is not president elect. Please speak the truth! If you think u can.

Here comes Kamala, here comes Kamala, right down Kamala lane.......

No one cares... Bad things happen to bad people

war92563 CNN elect Biden

Hope your alright. Be careful

corn pop was a bad dude

Yeah I’m sure that’s what happened.

He was probably trying to lick his nuts.......

Get well soon Joe!

See what you all pushed him into... Sorry ex-VP JoeBiden I wish you a quick and full recovery.

Well he may need a surgery called 25 th by drs icecream beauty and buthead.

Please help me🇵🇱🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿to reunite with my🇺🇸boyfriend.We need take of the travel bans for couples for Christmas LiftTheTravelBan LoveIsNotTourism Test4Travel JoeBiden POTUS KamalaHarris mikepompeo StateDept SecPompeo DHSgov DHS_Wolf YlvaJohansson POTUS FLOTUS

Well thats what happens when you don't have bone can actually own and play with a dog haha

Oh nay Mr Joe! Is this twisted ancle presiding a twist of fate? The question is, if an orthopedist examines and amends the twisted ancle, will he/she also examine and amend the twisted election result that will soon be 'retwisted' by the 'outtwisted'Trump?

Here we go

Poor Joey twisted his ankle while playing with his doggie! Media going wild reporting! How about reporting about Hunter and the Election Fraud?

Oh Joe

Yeah, playing with his dog winkwink. Or..........

The entire staff...

Biden was quoted as saying, “I got the..the...the...Alert, the ring on, on my wrist..palms...bracelet...Life, it, LifeAlert...when l, when you..look, that woman on the color TV says all seniors should have it...when I fall, it alerts (garbled)..I can fall, Life, LifeAlert helps.”

And the 25th amendment stories continue.

Get well soon Mr. President.

Playing with cnn?

Practice run for the 25th!! Hahaha

Speedy recovery President-elect JoeBiden ❤️❤️🙏

Wow.. is he going be on wheelchair in inauguration day?


FTFY Joe Biden, who was disqualified for being president in 1988 for a history of academic and professional plagiarism, lying and cheating, then failed or had no chance at least 5 more times, was examined by doctors because he’s suffering dementia and may have had a stroke.

Nazar var nazar

Wooooow, a candidate who is ready to hand out and betray the US, and the accomplice media talking about his pet. Come on people, wake up !!!

The Russians did it.

This country is going to China with Beijing Biden

Who cares.

What a twist of fate! Even Twitter can not twart the twits that will throng that twist. Because your name is written in the book of 'palms' , you shall get well soon. It's all well Uncle. Blessed night from here.

He can’t play with his dogs but he is going to run the USA what a joke !!

I think Biden really hurt his ankle by sticking his foot up Trump’s ass!

I wonder what the over/under is on Biden surviving his 1st hundred days before he is revealed as Kamela’s beard.

I mean, I slept wrong and couldn't move my neck for like 4 days. The human body gets hurt sometimes. This is pretty standard

Don’t give a shit!

Hope everything is ok Mr. President.

This story shows once again how pathetic your journalism is. Who gives a shit about this? Where is the story on his son? The real stories going on about voter fraud?

Sometimes you just got to twist yo foot up someone a$$, but kicking them in the balls is ok too!

Good doggie

This is just the beginning!

Oh, no! Jooooeee!

Joe's very resilient, he'll be fine. After all, he won the election fair and square.

First female president, here we come

Really? This is newsworthy?

Was he sniffing its butt ?

I bet Trump has kicked many dogs.

Considering his age well I hope it's nothing serious. Get well soon Mr. President we have a lot cleaning to do.


Kamala said

What a STRONG president

now if trump would only get over his pride and ego and anti christ disposition and get the hell out of politics all together we can united as country as one nation under God and Freedom for All..........and build America back up again.....

My prognosis is brain damage

House arrest

Secret Service about to silence that dog

trump gets bone spurs while playing with the draft.

His brain is also twisted , it seems

Here he is, Joe Biden 👇

On Sunday? I would have to take ibuprofen and ice till Monday!

Are you sure he’s not just getting a head start on his annual physical?

Does he even remember what he was doing?

They didn't even want to wait till after the inauguration 😂😂

Be well Mr President!

Heal fast, president JoeBiden

Get well president-elect

Get well soon!

Wholesome as fuck

There's is no such term as ; President elect. Until the Electoral College actually votes.

I hear bone spurs can appear and disappear very quickly without a trace so could definitely be that

What a wuuusskahgnozzle.

He is not our president elect 😡

Who knew Kamala would take over so soon?

He should take sick leave for 4 years 🤣🤣

Looks like the Biden Administration is already getting off on the wrong foot.

Heal fast and healthy. He is a family man love him ☺️👍🙏🏾

CORRECTION: President-elect Joe Biden is being examined by a neurologist after his degenerating brain suffered more neuron loss. He had been playing with his dog, but the animal, called Major, ran off when Biden couldn't remember to throw the ball.

Stupid go back basement better for him. Please Media report something else. This is not interesting thing. Let everyone know. Who cares if he die now

Made of strong stuff this one...

My prayers with you. We need you safe. You are the answer to our country's problems! Big safe hug.

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