Biden goes hard after Trump in Iowa over Ukraine accusations

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While media coverage over his dealings with Ukraine is swamping Trump, it also has singed Biden’s son and is raising questions about Biden’s presidential campaign

DES MOINES — Joe Biden moved quickly under an arch of balloons and a marching band, past an ice cream truck and dozens of supporters — then he lit into Donald Trump.

Trump has claimed that as vice president Biden demanded Ukraine fire a state prosecutor who was investigating a gas company where Biden's son held a board position. Multiple news organizations this week reported that Trump had repeatedly pressed Ukrainian authorities to investigate the allegations in a phone call.

“You should be looking at Trump,” Biden snapped. “Everybody looked at this and everybody who’s looked at it said there’s nothing there. Ask the right question.” The offensive is a sign Biden’s campaign "learned an important lesson from 2016," said Karen Finney, a former spokeswoman for Hillary Clinton.

Talk of Trump’s conversations with Ukraine served as a backdrop throughout Saturday’s steak fry, where a record 12,200 people turned out to what’s typically a light-hearted political event filled complete with sign wars, rallies, and a steady stream of political speeches. Sen. Elizabeth Warren over social media called Congress “complicit” by failing to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump. But reporters still later asked her to weigh in about the president’s conversations about Biden’s son.


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I pray that God sent us leadership in 2020 that cares more about the people then money, power, or political parties.

. how is that horseshit tasting...?

try not to get sucked into the con...

Stupid headline.


Biden is a lost cause. Democrats know that. yet have to one else / so the game plan is to call trump names it’s all they have they have not made one bill in 8 years

No, it isn't. You are just trying to distract from Trump's crimes by resurrerecting a lie.

Correct headline for once.

No it isn't if the press is professional and drops this false equivalency pose. That isn't journalism or reporting. It is cheap and mis-leading. ' X is jerk so Y must be too. So wrong. Stop it.

I understand you have to have something to write about. But this is flat out writing something for the sake of having a job and selling clicks . The issue is NOT about Biden. If you can’t write something with value, don’t write anything

Lies. And you need to stop repeating this nonsense.

Trump wins again

Nope. The Biden allegations have been repeatedly debunked. Please try to keep up.

Stop giving the Biden story credence. You did this in 2016 and look where it got us.


Trump is raising questions and this outlet is encouraging that

Trump does abuse power. He's a crook.


Pres Trump will come out fine when facts come out Biden and his nere do well son on the other hand, will get bitten in the ass by this one Biden Ukraine

When the questions are raised

The Biden and Son issue seems like it has legs....even Fake News cant ignore the Investigation !

Why is the threads in Politico 95% left wingers?

“Singed”. Ha! More like engulfed Biden

We don’t want Biden, anyway. He’s old, tired, makes too many gaffs, and is the type who will delegate crucial decisions to others: who WE may not like. No on Biden ! Jim, Dem.

Thank you for this story. It has escaped the scrutiny of MSN for far too long. MSM's failure to bring it to light because of its support for Biden is astonishing and unacceptable. Thank you, Politico!

The Clintons had the Bidens bribe the Ukraines for money!

Trump did nothing wrong, Biden did.

Crooked Biden.

Big Crook

Again, it's not about Joe Biden. It's about realDonaldTrump's lawlessness. The Biden's have been cleared.

Although this is very unfair, it is doing two important things: revealing plain and simple obstruction and criminal activity on the part of trump AND it will probably turn the tide for Biden poll numbers, allowing a viable democrat to become the front runner.

This is about Presidential abuse of POWER..NOT BIDEN JERKS

Oh please...Trump’s corruptions are his own. If Biden’s son is corrupt then Biden’s son is corrupt.. not Biden. Deflection!!!

Don’t agree with your assertions about Biden.

Delete this. Start over.

Look what TRUMP did with Obama and the “birther issue”. This what TRUMP does !

Trump and Giuliani got what they wanted. The press to be obsessed with this Ukraine story. It’s all you hear about. AND it drains some away from Biden. The press is chasing the shiny object again.


Only in Politico world

No it is not. Anyone sane, who can read, process information knows better and so should you. It has been debunked a long time ago.

As intended

You have that backwards. It's not hurting Trump no matter how many lies you tell. But it is a boomerang that's coming back at Biden. Because he admitted to extorting the Ukraine government who also said Trump never pressured them. Stop being the Enemy of the People!

Once again the media misses the real story and goes after the decoy. Benghazi! Her emails! My dog falls for the fake throw every time too.

Corruption. Lock up Biden

Only because politico want it to raise questions

We’re judging the man because of his son’s dealings?

Seems like the corrupt MSM can’t cover up anymore for sleepy Joe.

Bullshit. Biden did nothing wrong and that's been shown over and over again. You are an incompetent fish wrap.

You are sitting at a bus stop when a car driven by an orange lunatic drives up over the curb and nearly hits you. Then the lunatic tries to blame you for sitting there and the press jumps on the bandwagon. Have you been singed?

What an awful, careless tweet. It doesn't reflect the article and it helps maintain the false narrative Trump seeks to promote. Try harder.

Politico, stop it. You’re embarassing yourself.

Look! Politico playing right into the message the corrupt administration wants them to!

No it’s not. Trump is corrupt to the core. How does that hurt Biden? Another stupid analysis. Never ends.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣fake news. It's all about the corrupt Biden's. You were rolled to get it front and center

You don't realize that this was most likely the plan all along, huh?

Biden brags he gets a foreign prosecutor fired by holding aid pkg over Ukraine head — *crickets*. Biden’s Coke-snorting, Navy-booted, technically unqualified son gets a $50k/MONTH job with a Ukraine co — *crickets*. Trumps asks Ukraine to investigate this — HYSTERIA ensues. 😏

Nope! The story is not the debunked accusation. The story is US PRESIDENT ATTEMPTS TO COERCE UKRAINE TO INTERFERE WITH AMERICAN ELECTIONS.

. STOP! The story is not Biden! You guys did this tit for tat thing in 2016... guess you didn’t learn a damn thing.

The timelines don’t match. The story has been debunked. Do better than clickbait headlines. Idiots. 🖕

stockguy61 Wasn't he investigated and cleared of all accusations of corruption?

The Biden story has been discounted. Try again.

A sad turn of events, I'm very sure this was the ammonition Trump's folks was saving for later. Creating doubt in American folks minds is easy. Now everyone has a chance to regroup.

Trump said let me look for your son's killer and you leave politics and he didn't win that's why they now fighting....

Please. No. It has not. Surprise! Hunter Biden is not running for President. This is sadly reminiscent of 2016 when the Trump/ Russia conspiracy to steal the election became all about Hillary‘s emails. The U.S. media sucks.

Laser pointer they have to talk about Biden! Winning MAGA2020

Even if Biden had some issues that were suspicious.. It doesnt change the fact that Trumps still a traitor!

No it’s not

Don’t like Biden at all, but you people are so terrible with this shitty take of yours, it’s making him sympathetic.

This is about 45's impeachable corruption, not a completely debunked story about Biden. Adjust your reporting accordingly.

not here--

Has it though?

Have to call BS on this one

The story is about Trump. Trump is a serial abuser of power. Ask the questions why Trump talked to Uk Pres. & asked 8 times for him to release dirt on Biden for Trump's political gain before he would release funds. That is extortion. If it isn't they should allow WB to Congress

No it’s not. It’s all about Trump this time.

No it’s not. There was nothing nefarious in Biden’s activities with Ukraine. But Trump extorting Ukraine to create a false narrative about Biden and his son with the help of his corrupt lawyer is beyond nefarious.

Media falls for this BS like a re-run of what they did to Clinton. Only people raising questions is the news media. Go after Trump. It is about Trump and his abuse of power. Trump trashes the Constitution, stonewalls Congress, extorts Uk. Pres. for dirt on a political opponent.

But her emails redux. Authoritarianism is always aided by a pliant media.

Which one of Trump’s stooges, minions or lemmings came up with that nonsense?

what a hit job... you guys should be ashamed.

No, it’s not.

Stop with the BS

Uh, Joe actually convicted himself on camera. Bragging about what he did to get his son out of trouble by using OUR money. He is so corrupt and so lost he can't face himself or his own actions.

Old story. Been investigated. Move on and focus on the Extortionist in Chief. That’s the real story! Or how about Rudy who has zero WH affiliation. Why does HE get a pass from the state department?

Great! No 80 year old prez, thanks!

I’m just waiting for this headline- “Media coverage over Trump’s latest tweet is raising questions about whether the earth is round or flat”! That is how dumb this is! You’re letting that criminal throw out accusations & taking them seriously while ignoring HIS criminal activity!


No. Why are you ignoring the NSI IG who has been clear about obstruction? This is coverup by the WH and you are lazily exercising bothism.

Swamping Trump? Don’t think so.

The MSM never learns.

No! Please focus on the real corruption,Trump and the GOP!

How is 45’s LIES raising questions about Biden’s pres campaign?! NO ONE IS QUESTIONING IT BUT U, the media! The same way y’all made a big deal of HRC’s emails! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YALL? Why do u let DonTheCon dictate the news?! U WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS RE-ELECTION!

Not for me. Biden is awesome. I'm voting for ElizabethWarren but will be happy if Biden gets it.

Is this headline forreal

WTF is wrong with you, Politico? Facts not good enough for you? Anti-American corruption and betrayal of the Presidency not exciting enough for you? Not only is Biden is free/clear, but the actual story is *how far the Republican party has fallen*.

No, it isn’t. Stop with the false equivalence already.

Nope, not this time.

Nope, only the media, we voters are on to your BS! Y’all did it to Hillary, we ain’t about to do this again. Bye Satan! TeamJoe WeVoteJoe KTforBiden

walksuecan_sue No. We not doing this. We are not falling for the banana in the the tailpipe this time.

OMG. It's his emails!

Breaking news. Ukraine found no wrong doing by Hunter Biden. Dealing with a little sensationalism are we?

JoeBiden is a crook and should be sitting in a jail right now NOT running for POTUS

So stop with the singe-ing!

I liked Biden's response to the possibility (certainty) of Trump's pressuring Ukraine's President, etc. If anything its showing Biden in a more powerful light.

You trained poodles will jump through any hoop for Trump, won't you?

God, you guys are doing it again.

Stop helping Putin

This guy is toast!

And he should because it is an abuse of Power.


Get out of the swamp politico .. I thought you learned your lesson .. but I guess not! Bye Politico 👎🏾

it has done nothing Politico--

PeesTrump is fine. Biden’s in trouble!

Fake News

It really shouldn't have any effect at all.

No, it also is not... You. You are raising the Biden question from nothing... You.

It hasn’t changed my opinion of Biden one bit! He’s still my first pick

Exactly what Trump wants because he is scared. It doesn’t matter the Dem candidate Trump is done next year. The gloves are off and Agent Orange can’t hide forever

If Repubs want to run against the children of candidates then Dems must play on the same field. And that means here’s the chance to go after Ivanka & Jared. I mean c’mon look at all the foreign money that has gone into their businesses & pockets! This is war. No time to be nice

Hillary's email equivalency bs

If so then why Dems are not investigating your son?

No, it’s not! Politico is gaslighting us. LMAO 😂

Nice try politico but I ain’t buying it!!

The “whistleblower” was not witness to ANY conversation with Ukraine. Furthermore, Ukraine has denied that any conversation took place or any demands presented. Yet we still have Biden and son implicated in illegal scheme in the Ukraine 🤔


No way. Makes us want to vote for him more. Especially since it’s so obvious tRump is terrified of him. Biden2020

Why aren't you covering the business of the Saudis buying 100% of our Port Arthur refinery & shipping their crude there to be refined & sold to Americans? It's yet another FICTION we 'own' our oil.

FFS, keep your eyes on the ball!

deborahsundstr2 Bullshit..we're not letting the wealthy owners of the media decide who's worthy...fck off

I propose banning for the blatant attempt to try to change the narrative on behalf of a corrupt, criminal president. Sick of it!

Warren will lose to Trump.

Swamping Trump😂 he planned this.

Are you people at Politico nuts? Maybe you could write about Biden’s email server?

This smells of oppo research and release by a Dem... digging this back up sinks Creepy Uncle Joe

If the media knows that Biden and his son have been checked out and cleared...then why can't they just say Trump Tried to get Ukraine to lie on Biden for 250 million, That's the story...Why give Trumps lies any air...Our Democracy depends on it

And that's exactly why Trump is doing this. He did the same thing to Hillary.

No, it isn’t. 😡 Focus on Trump’s gross abuse of power, Media. Good God!!

Does sleepy joe not remember he bragged in an interview that he withheld a 1 billion aid pkg to Ukraine unless they fired a prosecutor investigating his son's company for corruption. 'son of a Bith, they fired him' sleepy joes words.

Biden is on record saying 'they won't get the$' unless the prosecutor is fired. It may go away, but like him or not, Trump is much sharper than Joe at his age. Dems best chance is Pocahontas.

No, his mental decline is what will sink his campaign.

Dear American corporate media: we are on to you this time.

No it’s not! You have become the enquirer! How sad!


Actually, it hasn’t. Consider the sources.

No, it isn’t.

NO, it absolutely HAS NOT! Just STOP IT!

I still don't get why Biden is so high in the polls. He missed his chance in 2016. Times have changed but he hasn't. He is part of my generation & I'm not for him. I'm voting BLUE.

Do not forget there is one thing we call presumption of innocence: «ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat».


politicians. Is corrupt as hell.

🤦🏽‍♀️What the hell y’all talking about!

Also, dude.

This was already litigated - Trump has been caught trying to have a re-run. (Didn’t think he was into those.)

No it isn't. You want it to. But it isn't really.

Here. Someone already did the work for you. Now can you please cover suppression of the whistleblower complaint?

so Politico is going to push the debunked lie for him

It’s all about Biden’s abuse of power and obstructing a investigation. Of course the left has to bring in a anti-Trump narrative to distract people.

Yes you are because, you know, spin and all. Hey look, is that a Top. Lose the string will ya.

The media is doing again what they did to Hillary with this “both sides” reporting. Go after Trump. He is the one with his hands in the cookie jar. Don’t give him excuses for his behavior by beating up Biden.

Stupidest take ever

OBIDEN -was DONE long before this


is now a trump cheerleader spreading debunked falsehoods.

Yeah, sure.

Are you kidding me - this was debunked years ago, including by Ukraine

Nah nice try

'Donald Trump Is Only Actual Journalist Left.'

Stop! Dontfall fall for this bullish!t again! That’s how we got here. BE RESPONSIBLE.

neeratanden here we go again.

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