Beto O'Rourke releases $5 trillion plan to combat climate crisis

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

NEW: Beto O’Rourke has released a sweeping, $5T plan to combat what he regularly refers to as the “greatest threat” our nation faces: climate change.

to combat what he regularly refers to as the “greatest threat” our nation faces: climate change.

On the campaign trail, O’Rourke regularly takes questions about climate change, including on Friday, when he told a questioner in Las Vegas that it was his “north star” issue — citing his children and the need to act to protect their generation. O’Rourke proposes to mobilize this capital with a $1.5 trillion investment from"revenues generated by structural changes to the tax code that ensure corporations and the wealthiest among us pay their fair share and that we finally end the tens of billions of dollars of tax breaks currently given to fossil fuel companies,” according to his campaign’s release.


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Modern day Don Quixote, tilting at windmills. Spare me the chicken little BS over climate doomsday paranoia.

Beto and his stupid ideas are the greatest threat ....😎

How is destroying the US economy and simultaneously hurting poor people an effective solution? Maybe his goal is to bring future suffering into the present? He's done. Mayor Pete has displaced him.

He’s wrong.

That is going no where fast

Rejoining the Paris climate agreement on day one Pointless theatrics moving quickly to raise efficiency standards for buildings, cars and appliances They have been and will continue going up, regardless. net-zero emissions carbon budget for federal lands by 2030 Why.

Bozo doesn’t have a chance

Zzzzzzzzz. Beto is boring.

I hope involves China & India shutting down all their current coal fired power plants & their ceasing of building of new ones because if it doesn't, he may as well throw that $5T into the wind and hope it land in his back yard!

Yep. 5 trillion should do it. Is this the gay mayor?

Rather ironic since he’s the biggest threat we face.

Beto you’re wrong greatest threat to our country is orange 🍊 mofo

He/They say our carbon footprint is going to kill us all, you know, that nasty CO2, it's filling the sky and ultimately will leave us with no oxygen to breath.....interesting when you consider CO2 feeds every growing plant on earth which then produced oxygen.

How about something original and and compelling. Here he just regurgitates what we've heard. Just trying to get relevant.

We are already in massive debt and this is what he wants us to do with trillions of dollars we don’t have? No thanks.

Guy with absolutely no power proposes insane amount of spending he has no power over.

Meanwhile Canada finally admits that after 10 years and $50 BILLION of wasted tax dollars pumped into Climate Change - NOTHING changed. ClimateScam

So he joined the legion of candidates claiming 'vote for me or the earth will be destroyed'.

Climate change? What is Beto going to do to stop the next mass extinction event? That’s what the delusional left should focus on. Top mass extinction events on earth: Cambrian Explosion, Ordovician-silurian Extinction, Devonian Extinction, etc.

Ha ha, someone tell that Irish guy named Bob that it’s OVER. stepasidebob itsoverjohnny realirishfakemexican

If he thinks that is the biggest threat he will lose. The average American doesn’t even have it in their top 10.

Not enough not close

But Congress couldn't approve 5 billion for the wall to help secure our nation, nice priorities

I can top that! I've got a $50 trillion ClimateCrisis plan to stop ClimateChange and to create ClimateJustice and ClimateAction (and other climate hashtags). BetoORourke's plan is timid & weak (like him).

What a joke, the greatest threat our nation faces is these nut cases attracted to power like moth to a flame

BetoORourke sure has no problem spending other people's money like a drunken sailor



Given the current state of the Democratic Party, they'll destroy the planet before the climate gets to.

His name is Robert.

So who is coming out with a $6T plan to top this?

As soon as he counts out loud ton5 trillion, I’m all in.

Great that all these prospective candidates for President tell us about what they want for their agenda, but they never tell us how it will get paid for. When will they have the nerve to show us the math? My guess is never since the math doesn't work to pay for their agenda.

God bless MSNBC for publicizing the daily absurdity that IS the dumb o crat party 😂


So he plans to fight the sun?

Does he also ban nuclear and prose to give money to people who don’t want to work?

Where does the money come from to combat 1.5 degrees that it might rise in the next 10 years?

You misspelled “PENDEJO”


“Sweeping”, sure.

BetoORourke Yes, coming from someone who things climate change is a hot topic, I think there are higher priorities -- ILLEGALS, current racism & violence, oil, environmental/recycling, tearing down history

The crazy thing is that Beto could probably provide enough wind energy to power a big city, with all of the hand and arm gestures that he does.

Shame on you for defending infanticide. I will now boycott your station and I hope a lot of other people do to. You have reached a new low and I hope you lose all your ratings for defending something so evil.

He is a rich white trust fund baby that does not donate to charities.

His name is robert we paying for this o yeah raise taxes....there goes our money

. 2nd greatest threat. 1 is the potus. COME ON 2020 DERANGEDDONALD SHAMEONREPUBLICANS .

too little, too late. weak.

5 trillion no thanks

Let’s hope he really does intend to completely eliminate favorable tax provisions to corporations and the wealthy—on the front end—instead of the Bernie fantasy of taxing the top 1% on the back end.

hardball He took it from AOC. Atleast half of it.

Where’s his plan who’s going to pay for it? Freakin nut bar.

Did he tell all 7 people at his rally? Great turn out.........🇺🇸

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