Analysis | The Trump team’s double standard on lying

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Analysis: The Trump team’s double standard on lying

By Aaron Blake Aaron Blake Senior political reporter, writing for The Fix Email Bio Follow March 9 at 6:00 AM I’m still waiting for the House Dems to demand a perjury prosecution for the man who made fools out of them by lying under oath. Do they care about the truth? Or is it get Trump at any cost, even to their own integrity?

On Thursday night, though, Giuliani, one of Trump’s current attorneys, took a very different view of the severity of a Trump ally lying to investigators. This time, he cast Paul Manafort — who lost his cooperation deal with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III by lying — as a principled man who was unwilling to lie.

But Trump and his team’s prosecution of the PR case against Cohen in recent weeks has been particularly rich, given their elevation of Manafort, and the likes of Giuliani have previously dismissed lying to investigators as merely a “process crime.” The Trump team would certainly argue that it is just trying to apply the same standard across the board. If its allies are going to be prosecuted for lying, then why shouldn’t foes such as Cohen be brought up on charges again for lying to Congress?


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Seriously your the one to talk,lmao I,you lefty are so predictable,what y2k idiots accuse the POTUS of,is exactly what you did or doing,you think people's are naive! Why don't you report the truth for this election instead of flooding the net with your bullcrap

Last year Trump team said there was no discussion of pardon with Michael Cohen. This week we learned that there was pardon discussions with Trump lawyers and with Trump himself. Truth and Lies!


nytimes SpeakerPelosi maddow NicolleDWallace The lying that goes on in the White House is just unbelievable.We should now call the West Wing the House of Lies. Trump lying is second nature when you have a pathological liar narcissist in the Oval we should all be alarmed

Trump team can't keep up with all of the lies. Even they are totally confused.

Make that the entire Republican Party double standard on lying and you’d be much more accurate, all encompassing.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have a double standard on double standards

Truth and Justice approaches like an Avenging Angel

I can never read any of your articles, without getting a subscription. What's up with that?

Giuliani take a number behind Cohen!

Response To Joe Biden - of split new !?


Lying or deception?

Your analysis smells of continued obstruction and treason!

Funny premise coming from the WaPo 😂

You are kidding right...With all of the Democrats double standards!!!

Donald Trump was NOT elected, he was selected and the republican's and republican lawyers are all hell bent, on keeping a sinking ship afloat. Jack Waddington

So much that they can't keep up with their own lying.

Which renders meaningless anything they ever have to say. If one cannot trust the veracity of every statement, one cannot trust the veracity of any statement.

Posted by a publication that promotes lies daily and is being sued hundreds of millions for its lies 🤔

Trump and his legal team have a terminal case of 'Truth Derangement Syndrome.' MAGA2020 KAG2020

how about the WashPo's double standard on Fake news - criticizing yet purveying CONSTANTLY how many retractions have u run since November of 2016 related to POTUS. just disgraceful ...

It is really bad but Trump thinks its no big deal for him.

Trump and his legal team has a terminal case of 'Truth Derangement Syndrome.' MAGA2020 KAG2020

Seriously? Double standard - like with the democrats during Kavanaugh's hearing while the Ellison was abusing women? The democrats are using nazi tactics, pointing fingers at everyone else for what they're doing themselves. Why hasn't the metoo crowd said anything about Booker?

Well, without double standards they'd have no standards.

One standard for Trump and his supporters. Another one for crooked Hillary/Democrats

You misspelled “msm media team” FTFY

And this is coming from wapo lol no wonder you are called fake news

WaPo standard is lying

Lets get the president under oath, hopefully he will take this oath seriously, and then we could get into who lies about what and who is telling the truth. CNN

TrumpLying 'No one knew about sex trafficking in a million years'/Trump claims 'he's is the only one to discover now'/Architect of stoking fears/He can't keep up with lies in his mind costive and slow

WP Opinion I don't usually read. WP analysis I usually do. FYI


This would be the Christian & conservative & Republican double standard on lying. I fixed that headline for you. You are welcome.

I think u just don’t listen...

you mean, Trump Teams NO STANDARDS OF LYING!? double standards imploes that therer is some standard that might apply to them? is there such a thing as anti-Standards?

The FBI’s double standard on lying... leaking... rule of law... and ethics...

Analysis | Washington Post Appears To Have Abandoned All Pretense at Journalistic Integrity

Team Trump has moral compass.

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