Americans blame Trump and GOP much more than Democrats for shutdown, Post-ABC poll finds

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More Americans blame Trump and GOP than Democrats for government shutdown, Post-ABC News poll finds


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That’s BS like your paper 🧻

They the american people have it right republicans and trump need to go in 2020

If it went the other way WaPo wouldnt report it

Good- so the majority of Americans weren’t duped by his scare speech. If you’re a Trump supporter you should firmly reevaluate your allegiance to a traitor- before he’s sent to Gitmo.

tom_brummel For good reason.

Out of 450 arrests in one area in Texas in one day and over 130 of the arrests not people from Central America or Mexico. Some from Pakistan, China ect.. Give the $ for the “Barrier” and open the gov. Creeps!!! California- you have lost your minds.

They didn’t ask me! Wash Post and the like along with Dems are absolutely wrong and you have more and more blood on your disingenuous and dishonest hands. The kids and women that get hurt, the drugs, cops killed etc.. shame o y all!!!

DJT is solely responsible for the shutdown.This country deserves a leader who works well with others & who isn't prone to temper tantrums.

NO, just more Democrats will pay the poll tax to vote and/or read that crap.

Exactly what you clown what the case to be. Never getting a problem fixed, just pinning blame on the right. Typical elitist progressives

More media bullshit

Yeah, blaming the guy working in the WH, not the buffoons on the beach, drinking and laying around spending our money. DemocratsDoNotCare

Much more? Like the same polls said Killary would win the election by much more over Trump? Get outta town with you bogus fake polls. SchumerPelosoShutDown

Instead of people loosing their pay. Congress shouldn’t get paid. I bet they would pass that shit real quick.

The real question should be: 'What does Trump have on Mitch McConnel that keeps him from taking some action to end this'. I do not see any benefit to Mitch by holding out so there must be some other reason for him to follow Trump off the cliff.


The demorats are too busy partying in PR. While the poor government workers aren’t getting paid. Shame

Monroe Doctrine is the principle of a US policy, originated by President James Monroe in 1823, that any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas is a potentially hostile act against the US. Trump has failed a Great Nation with Uranium One and Russia 💲🇺🇸💲

Five Pinocchio’s

Another Fake News rigged poll to support their predetermined conclusion.

Because it is trump and the republicans

‼️people with no pay should stop working for free and paralyse the country ⚠️

Build the wall

blame... Not really /blām/ verb Assign responsibility for a fault or wrong. Trump TOOK FULL Responsibility! Most Americans MUST hold him accountable!

I live in Australia & I would not even believe the Washington post Media do not care for the people only bias personal views I put them in a box with ELITE RICH HOLLYWOOD who live in their secure home & suburbs NO compromise it is all about “ME' POWER & MONEY WomenforTrump

No. We don’t. We blame the Democrats and the liberal media.

We are not fools

You're lying. As usual.

Put the blame where it belongs. Even Donald said he owned it until he said that he didn’t 😭😭😭that’s what pathological liars do though 😏😏😏😏

smartdissent Note: “Today, 70% of Republicans say they strongly support the wall, an increase of 12 points since January 2018.” 88% of Rs approve of trump, and 18% still don’t agree w/his wall plan but he’s gaining support on that issue. Unbelievable. Both things.


Who was polled? Hollywood? I don't know anyone polled.

It’s pretty hard not to when he President said he welcomed a shut down and would own it gop SenateGOP senatemajldr

DianeOl20918490 As they should.... trump told the country he would shut it down, he would take the blame. Why would anyone blame dems? GOP is shameful since they could easily override Trump’s madness, but refuse, in honor of their corrupt sociopathic leader.

Gotta love the disinformation ops going on. Suckers......

We do not oppose border security! We oppose a wall. Look at the funding for border security over the last 3 years! It ain't hay, y'all!!!

I blame them all, each are usless twits cashing paychecks for nothing.

How many illegal aliens and democrats in this poll?

More fake news^^^^^

No, we don't.

🤣😂No they don’t—Trump has barely left Washington, while the corrupt demoncraps are partying in PR this weekend. Ppl know this. It’s totally on them and this sad propaganda rag is only trying to provide cover for them

Thanks for the Fake Poll...😂😂😂😂😂❄❄❄❄ FAKENEWS FakePolls BuildtheWall

Yep as they should.

Look more fake news !

They should!

As they should! asshatparty

Why aten't the majority of working class American citizens not surprised. Name one government shutdown that the Democratic Party's allies, the MSM, didn't 'blame' on the Republicans. 's, like the rest of the MSM's, their veracity, creditability & validity is zero!

Sure hope the American voters remember this election time. If our democracy and voter rights still exists since DT is a Russian asset and working on tearing down our country.

Were winning, and come 2020, the victory will be absolute and overwhelming TrumpShutdown AnotherBlueTsunami2020 2020Election TheEndIsNear TheEradicationOfTheRepublicanParty MuellerIsComing


Liberal media only polls democrats.

No, not true. Washington wipes their butts w 5 billion, they're (dems) keeping shutdown going for pennies in the scheme of things. Trumps gonna build it no matter itll work and the dems will look like even bigger frauds than they already do now for throwing such a tantrum.

Sure. Lmao. How many people believe your polls? 🤔

We are hereby renaming the Washington Post.. from now on it will be called “Bezos Bullshit”

Is cruz supposed to look tough there?

You think?

You can only outrun your lies for long dumpster.

Dems are partying in Puerto Rico this weekend while POTUS is in DC waiting to make a deal. This is 100% on the Dems.

If all you're blaming him for is the shutdown, then you are sad

What the democrats have to do with trump corruption?

Trump already said he owns the shutdown so what else would any normal person think?

Except we don’t blame President Trump. Like he said he is ready to sign while dems are partying in Puerto Rico!

Gee I wonder why that is........

Of course your polls say that. They are fixed to say that.

Wow, refusing to lay out how large the democrat over sample means it must be large (considering poll showed previous over samples ranging from 6 to 8+%). Nice try though.

Americans need to get him out 25th Amendment before he does more damage!

As they should, he is the one asking for billions to turn the faucet back on! It would be different if he was trying to curtail the spending problem we do have.


According to liberal polls only.


Because mr. trump said he would shut the government down, he also said he was proud to do it. It is good to see people are fully aware about who is to blame for this shutdown.


Dopey Donnie has the MANTLE. He looks terribly FOOLISH holding that MANTLE. Tremendous DISGRACE: “Yes, if we don’t get what we want...I will shut down the government. I am proud to shut down the government. I will take the mantle.” VP GOP realDonaldTrump PressSec

the GOP hates the American government and I don’t get why?!?!’s all on the Dems..Dems are protecting illegals, criminals, gangs, rapist, drug cartels & human traffickers..Dems care about furloughed employees why are the vacationing in Puerto Rico..Dems hate US

TrumpsShutdown he said he is proud to own it. He wouldn't blame the Democrats.

Why don't you just do a Twitter poll? Scared?

Maybe in the world of OZ.

Blame? PresidentTrump and his followers like the shutdown.

The intelligent and patriotic American laughs in everything face. This I love, adore and embrace.

Sure it does

Ask me WP.. Hell no it's anti American anti Trump Dems fault that the govt is shut dwn... keep it shutdown. Dems were for a WALL less than 5 yrs ago w a lot more money.. what changed? Oh I know DONALD TRUMP WHOOPED CROOKED HILLARYS ASS IN THE ELECTION that's all that changed..

I read your poll numbers 86% said democrats are to blame.


Selfish people blame Trump. Freedom isn’t free! BuildTheWall

WAPO is not reliable!

we listen to the truth some thing you don't. Homeland security ICE and border patrol have reports for every one to read on the truth at the border. You rather push the lies along with the democrats. It's back firing on you


You must have polled Central Americans,not real American citizens

Henilive1 You can’t say you want it and then punt it when you get it. It’s yours baby. Enjoy!

He’s dug himself a hole and is stuck in it with the rest of the GOP. The country needs experienced leader that looks at all the facts before acting.

No Americans do not blame President Trump liberals do and they're no longer considered Americans they're called brainwashed globalists.

it doesn't matter at all. Trump is enjoying himself.


the honest polls has 80 percent of Americans want the wall. 95 percent of Americans do not trust the media. We see you still use rigged polls just like in 2016. More people are seeing the media as anti American hating this country and people. Post is fake news

Hmmm. I pretty sure the only americans, if you can call em that, who are blaming Trump are Democrat.

Polls are wrong. Pelosi fault

Trump is making money off of this shutdown. The campaign to fund the wall was funneled to is 2020 reelection run.

Who cares?

BUILD THE WALL Not 1 more Illegal Alien should be allowed in to the United States

And Hilary was going to win in a landslide right WP?

The same ABC poll that had Hillary winning in a landslide, what a joke.

So is it ok for Iran or nation of concern to make a caravan and come here? The country needs protection . . .



CIA owned Bezos’ WaPo just throws shit out there to see what will stick. Newsflash, you fools in the deep state fake news media are in the minority & pathologically lie repeatedly. You’re going down and you know it. Hence the panic. Well done. The red horned deity is waiting 4 u.

Support for the wall is at an all time high; Hungary built one 99% less illegals and drugs. . . We want a wall/barrier proper and the Dems all of a sudden change their mind from before Trump.

The Washington Compost speaks...🐂🐎🐏🐖

This is what we normals call fake news.

A poll taken by and ABC . I bet that it was 100% unbiased also. and you had the ba!!s to tweet the report. Your not only in bed with the Democrats, you are leaving the bedroom door wide open.

The Bull Shit Flag is now flying on the Main Mast.

If a poll is needed for this then we have a much worse problem to fix - media is really showing their true colors....


Trump and only realDonaldTrump wants the shutdown. He said he’d own! It is his and the GOP’s. TrumpMcConnellShutdown Donnie_Diarrhea LockThemAllUp TraitorPOTUS TraitorTrump

He literally said it would be his shutdown so this shouldn’t be difficult at all.

Not in my world! Plus your polls usually suck and don't tell the whole truth!

As it should be. Congress already passed legislation to keep the gov't running. Trump .. w cowardly GOP support .. is who brought 'the wall' into the picture.

You can just imagine gravity saying ? Why can't I just let this one fly off into Space ? And maybe his Space Force could Catch him ? 👐🌌


You can't blame the Dems. They had a bipartisan bill last month, but because Coulter and Limbaugh put the scare in Trump, Trump bailed out. It's all on Trump.

Trump said he’d take the blame because illegal immigration is a national crisis. If the Dems don’t want to negotiate then the crisis continues.

83% of Americans support border barriers. These polls keep asking about a continuous concrete wall to get the results they want, though that's not even an option under consideration.

Wrong. I blame Nancy. She is not doing anything to move forward. Off vacationing.

Fake news

Obviously Fake

That's because we know this wall nosense is ridiculous smoke and mirrors. If this wall was so important then how come I've only heard one president ever mention it? I mean holy hell Reagan never met a pork barrel he didn't love and even he never said shit about a wall.

If you only poll Hillary voters, then yes. I blame Pelosi

Maybe they're coming to their Fn! Senses!!

WaPo = MSM = Manufactured Shit Media

Yet we still have Republican lying spinsters trying to blame democrats ..when something wrong or as this is ...stupid ..there is blame and the republicans own all of it...should we blame faux news for goading the child in the white house to hold firm on his 11th century solution?

It’s starting to look more like a lockout than a shutdown ImpeachTheMotherFcker

They should. Republicans initiated the shutdown to get the Wall. It's not a National Emergency. And we all know how Trump Lies.

Not ne. Totally Democrats.

That's because it's their fault.

I imagine that the drogue sized is for self consumption, that's why Donald looks so happy. Now I can understand he's behaviour.

Says the most recent report from the Democrat regime, otherwise known as the “Enemy of the People”. Build the Wall and keep the squatters out. Legal and limited immigration only. Game over!

Lol! A poll by liberals found that liberals blame Trump for shutdown. He certainly started it. Democrats can come back from vacation anytime and make a deal.

You obviously didn’t poll real live USG workers. We go through this every year. Congress uses USG workers as a bargaining chip while Congress takes long vacations and avoids real work. Your poll is a sham and you know it. Your circulation reflects your honesty.

Well of course you would say that.

Where is trump and where are the dems?

Because we believe ABC or Wapo? please .

danbalz SchumerPelosiShutdown BuildTheWall DemocratShutdown

We sure do not!😫

So what. Media pins shutdowns on GOP all the time. StayTogetherGOP

You mean they hold the guy responsible who said “I’ll own it” and is now trying to blame the Dems?

Blaming them for what exactly?

Says the without evidence.

That is bullshit!

It’s all on Trump. He said he would be proud to do it.

Its the cheetoh and the turtle!

Ummm, he said 'you can blame me'...


Only 29% of Americans blame the Democrats for the shutdown, only 24% say what is happening on the border is a crisis and only 31% support declaring a natl emergency. GOPShutdown TrumpResign

ABC polls are known for their accuracy.

You expect us to believe a WAPO , ABC poll. I don’t think so.

I blame them because they didnt do it two years ago but keep it shut down. We don't need 75% if what the government does anyway. We do however need our Sourhern border protected and the liberals in this country to stop treating illegals like they have a right to be here.

'Blame' may be the right word, but suggests a little that simply attributing historic documented fact is biased somehow. He did it, said it, owns it! No blame: fact!

Let’s not forget that the shutdown began under a republican majority in both the house and the senate. The president could not reach an agreement with his own party. RepublicanShutdown

He owns shutdown

Complete BS, America is rejecting the liberal press & Dems version of PC America. Common sense people believe in walls & safety, freedom of speech, and there are 2 genders.

From Friday on the Hill

I blame them too but I am happy about it. Standing their ground

realDonaldTrump GOP👆🏼End your TrumpShutdown MitchShutdown! Do it for 🇺🇸!

How sad. The Democrats should negotiate a faster path to citizenship for the wall. It'd make History. Stop human trafficking and get families here faster, legal and safe the wall for faster citizenship!

When you poll everyone in the DC area what do you expect your poll to say, people in the the middle dont think that way. Shut it down.

trump is to blame for the SHUTDOWN

Because it’s TrumpShutdown he told us. sundaymorning amjoy CBSSunday ThisWeekABC MeetThePress FoxNewsSunday CNNSotu

Those same Americans will thank him when the Wall is built.

You say blame and I say thank......

I don't think I'm trusting any poll by and...

But news outlets other than Fix News is “fake” according to Tweety Turd. Zero respect for anything that does not have his name on it. Can you imagine what his presidential library will look like?

Washington post might as well just come out and say they are the DNC

I remember polls like this back in 2016... How accurate were you guys then?

Umm, because they are.

Is this the same Washington Compost owned by Jeff Bezos of Amazon, who just happens to hate Trump? The majority of tax paying Americans want the wall and we want it now.

But, but, the crisis...

When everything failed, put out fake polls. America can't afford 3,000 illegal aliens pouring in everyday. $200 billions a year for illegal aliens is just not sustainable.

No shit. Pardon my language.

I mean we all saw Trump proud take the blame in the Oval Office before this whole thing started sooooo....

They all are to blame. They all want border security and it's documented but because of political lines neither side would allow the other to get the credit.

LiberalMillen WRONG...did you take another POLL SchumerPelosiShutdown SchumerShutdown2 DNC DNCWomen dncpress TheDemocrats HouseDemocrats SenateDems

McConnell. McConnell. McConnell. McConnell.

But... why wouldn’t they?. realDonaldTrump said he would be proud and owned the shutdown. Why is this even a discussion?

Fake news as always

Why wouldn’t they, POTUS took the blame. He is doing it for America. He’s showing the country how little the Dems care about us. They need to get off of vacation and work for us. The man has only left once since Christmas and that was work too. FundTheWall

This passage of time will always mean you will fail to interact with the Present President !🎑🌄🌅🌎🌏🌍🌋🌌

This is a no brainer, the peepee monster said that he will take full responsibility for his beautiful big glorious racist monument

Trump said he is solely responsible for the shutdown and is PROUD of it... This is your president. Wake up GOP... he is a Russia agent in our country... ( being investigated)


Of course you do since Bezos has a $6mil dollar deal with the CIA! He has enough money, but he will sell stock to pay off his wife before the stock tanks on the company falling apart anyway!

That is because of who you polled. Polls mean nothing if you poll only the people who agree with the position you support.

I don’t at all. I blame the dems for wasting so much time and money on this issue. We should have had a wall for years and years now. Dems only want votes also doesn’t hurt their voting base of illegals kills good republican voters.

Of course your poll has that result.

Fake polls and fake news!

Tr👿mp is the distraction master!! The real deal here is all the criminal investigations against him and his family!! He may distract the public but the investigations are 'full steam ahead' Choo Choo🚂🚋🚋🚋💨💨💨💨

Ah gee, thank jesus we have washington post to remind us how we 'feel'

Fake news! Not true! Holes are fake by Washington post as usual.

You are liars, this is GARGAGE!

Well that's because networks like you have skillfully worked with the Democrats for the last 2+ years to make everything Trump, BAD! Now this end result WAS the idea, right? You don't have to pretend.

Corrupt Podesta and Jeff Bezos owns this Fakenews Print MAGA

Hallelujah for that

Blame both! TrumpShutdown DemocratShutdown COMPROMISE! senatemajldr SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer ShortWall+ Add JOBS JOBS JOBS for BorderSecurity for the WIN WIN

Is the televised “I will take the mantle” turning out not to be so clever?

No, no We do not. Perhaps your polling sample does but real Americans do not blame Our President. We Credit him.

Donny the wrong man for the job

Democrats openly support illegals over Americans. We blame the democrats.

This is really embarrassing, America is turning into a world joke because of Trump, the most ridiculous president ever if he was not a Russia asset.

As it should be. I blame every single person who voted for this douche bag. EVERY...ONE...OF...THEM.

Much more? Tr👿mp is owning it 100% he says this his self! He is the own whom has made the declaration, making an outrageous demand of a symbolic useless erection (like his penis)🍄 need be before opening government and feeding our very own citizens... Very clear!!!⚡4 🌎

More Fake News.

ABC? POLL? Ahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahah! What a joke.

WP has ZERO credibility. 😂😂😂

President trump shut it down, he’s the only one to blame


Not the American. We don’t blame our good President for what he is trying to do us, the true, legal, hard working, tax paying Americans. Stop lying and dragging our good names into your fake news. Washing Post is the lying, fake news!

Proud of the shut down I want my children to b safe Keep it closed a yr What in hell do Govt workers do anyway Shuffle paper & make big bucks? Welcome to the real world IF u get laid off u put on ur big boy pants & look for another job OR TAKE ON A 2ND JOB THATS REAL WORLD BABY

SundayThoughts SundayMotivation snurlough Richard Spencer Pirro Ted Cruz WithoutWomenMenWould p2 SundayTODAY uppers MTP ThisWeek SundayMorning CNNSOTU Trump and GOP inners dcsnow Trump and Putin AMJoy Maddow Resist Basta TrumpShutdown MitchShutdown 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Trump had, the Presidency, the House, the Senate even the damn Judiciary and did not build a Wall, so I would like the Lindsey Grahams, the Mark Meadows, the NRA FoxNews & the other Russian Sympathizers to explain to me, what's the ergency with the Wall.

“Another brick in the Wall” seems to be a brick on their stomach...who can blaim them...?

You only poll your followers 🙄

More FAKE NEWS, thanks!

FakeNews crates a poll that says what they want it to say, says FakeNews ...

This American doesn’t, & I know many more that don’t either.

But it’s those who hate him just because. Those who like AOC and Talib. Not an intelligent bunch.

Is that the same poll that said Hillary would beat Trump in 2016. I thought so! News org polls sample their activist viewers which is a heavily liberal group skewing the result.

Why shouldn’t we? Trump admitted to owning it. TrumpShutdown

This about funding for the border patrol. Technology, barriers and more agents.

Trumps is a passing drugs 😆

Who is the greatest threat to Americans right now? 45. EnemyOfThePeople

I don't know how but once again you managed to not ask me about this, how is it possible?Anyway, I DON'T BLAME POTUS for the government shutdown, I BLAME SpeakerPelosi , SenSchumer & DNC dncwho I find complicit in the rape and murder of Americans by illegal Aliens

Putin’s playbook. That’s where we are folks.

TrumpShutdown TrumpShutdown TrumpShutdown MitchShutdown MitchShutdown MitchShutdown

They should.

I'm starting a new behavioral trend this year. If I see the word blame, or anything similar in a news headline, I'm going to ignore the article and the source. I'm interested in solutions. Those that offer them, and news outlets that discuss them. Not divisive blame peddlers.

As long as people believe this, MSM spreads this out, Democrats will not yield a bit. But with time this opinion will only go the other way. That is the tug of war in play now.

I find the news media to blame more than our government! Always spinning stories for profit instead of covering the news!

Ummmm. Duh? “I take full responsibility for the government shutdown.” DJT on December 11, 2018

It takes two to make a deal, to end the government shut down, so far the liberal democrats are the ones not willing to make a deal, to end the government shut down, they are ones playing dirty politics with government workers pay checks, FUND THE WALL! free the pay checks.


Americans aren’t as stupid as Donald Trump treats us

No one cares! Secure the border!

About as reliable as the polls in the 2016 election MAGA BuildTheWallNow Thank you realDonaldTrump POTUS for protecting America.

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