Alabama bans yoga in public schools as 'Hindu' and 'religious.' That might change.

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State Rep. Jeremy Gray, a former professional football player, was stunned to learn such a ban existed and is proposing a law to overturn it.

"And if you don't work out, this is a great way to work on your posture, flexibility, balance and to strengthen your core," he said of yoga."It's the Hindu religion," said Joe Godfrey, executive director of a Christian advocacy group, Alabama Citizens Action Program."It's an issue of separation of church and state. You'll hear people invoke that when it comes to Christianity, because they don't want prayer in school.

Gray, the bill's sponsor, said he's banking on yoga's widespread appeal to help win over lawmakers across the aisle. "I really don't see what the big deal is," he said of yoga."I mean my wife does this, my mother does this on the floor of her Methodist church."


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Dirty south needs a come healthcare BlueWave2020

Alabama should read the front page article on the National Institutes for Health, National Center for Complementary & Integrative Health, 'Yoga for Health' Yoga Health NIH

Alabama should read the front page article on the National Institutes for Health, National Center for Complementary & Integrated Health, 'Yoga for Health' Yoga Health NIH

If they can’t pray why is yoga ok? New age beliefs shouldn’t be in schools either. Now kids meditate and do yoga in public schools?

This is not a Hindu nation

Can they pass a law that Alabama has to come into the 21st century

Rednecks 😂😂😂

Alabama banned yoga based on the idea that it is a philosophy of another religion. Sounds illegal as fuck to me.


Damn they are backwards AF in Alabama.

Alabamians years ago lynched Black people for being Black. Alabamians still lynch Black people today. evilpospeople NathanielWoods

Lets keep Alabama in the 18th century. The christian indoctrination must continue. We can not allow the kids to learn about different cultures and religions. It would be horrible if they liked it.

It literally is a religious practice.

They probably banned it because it looked so much like fat-shaming. 🕵🏻‍♀️

“Jesus save me from your Christians.” -Ghandi

Americans have smaller brains

Wake up America coronavirus is coming for your stocks!!!!

So ridiculous!!

My daughters school had to put a wellness day on hold because of concerns over the spirituality of yoga. I live in New Jersey.

West could use some “Namaste” right now. It will help stoping the virus.

Typical Alabama! Another reason I’m happy I was only there a year before I became stupid too!

Less government in our lives is another republican lie. They want to control every aspect of it.

Alabama 😂

If you need best yoga mat then see there with price.


Oh good grief! Ignorance!

But it’s ok to bone your sister?

Sweet Home Alabama, home of George Wallace, Roy Moore & the KKK!!!

Alabama appears stuck in the mid-20th century.


Uneducated Alabama ignorant as ever, need we say more

WTF is wrong with people in Alabama?

You can’t fix stupid

Change the name to 'yoga for Jesus' and then the liberals will be against it too....

Lol AL loves to embarass themselves

Consider the source.

Alabama showing it's true colors, again sigh

And you’re surprised

I know a Dominican friar who does yoga every day. I'm Catholic & I pray in a manner very close to and informed by Zen practice. People gotta have some confidence in God.

Of course, it's Alabama.



Doesn't Biden's apparent dementia interest NBC 'news', lol, at all? How can a leading presidential candidate, who is obviously losing his mind, not be news? Now do you see why & so many others have EARNED the title of FakeNews? Its called 'Deception by Omission'.

I don’t think yoga is a religious practice first and foremost so this is wrong. Also, hopefully they banned praying.

JFCOMFG (intentional) 🤦‍♀️

Unbelievable. Not sure they could be more close minded

Honestly, fuck Alabama.

Ok, but you can marry your sister? WTF, StateOfAlabama_

The biggest yoga proponents like SamHarrisOrg and joerogan are all atheist LOL

Religious freedom ..So also no praying in Alabama schools potus scotus ? Dont forget the freedom of expression, and discrimination part ..

Man....Alabama wow.

Why would ANYBODY want to give government more control.

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