99.9999 percent chance we're the cause of global warming, study says

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

With only a one-in-a-million chance that humans aren't the cause of global warming, it's obvious that we need to dramatically reduce our emissions of carbon dioxide, experts say.

There's a 99.9999 percent chance that humans are the cause of global warming, a new study reported. This means we've reached the "gold standard" for certainty. There's a 99.

9999 percent chance that humans are the cause of global warming, a new study reported. This means we've reached the "gold standard" for certainty. Check out this story on USATODAY.com: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/02/26/global-warming-99-9999-percent-chance-humans-cause/2994043002/


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Large rock spinning around a flaming rock in a vast universe and a few humans can alter the climate. Yeah right.

More BS from liberal leftie fakenews Climate change is a wealth distribution SCaM.

The reality is that there is no non fossil fuel source of energy to maintain progress except for nuclear power. So until a renewable which is affordable and dependable can be developed you won’t see any significant change. I think this is often more about politics than science.

Hmmm......something's not quite right here 🤔

Hmmm. Except the Earth isn't getting warmer. Despite atmospheric CO2 increasingly significantly, the global temp has remained pretty much constant since 2000.

Wow, so like, almost 100%. How did the Ice Ages end then? Was that 100% us too? Fred Flintstone 's car must have spewed out a lot of carbon dioxide.

BS, there’s no scientific experiment to prove this. None, nothing, zero...

I heard that 97% of climate scientists agree that without government financial support they would have to look for new jobs.

I thought the science was settled? There’s a one in a million chance that if you jump off a building, you will hit the ground. I don’t think so

How do u even calculate that

I love global warming when it's cold outside.

One in one million chance.... Amazing how MSM pull statistics our of their ass... That's why you are fake news...

You should stop the blatant lying to your readers. The relative concentration of co2 hasn't changed in 40 yrs. And the data sets this 'science' is based on are completely corrupted.

useful idiots or part of the lie. Which is it?

The stupid, it burns at

Experts in baloney.

Human caused GlobalWarming or ClimateChange is pure, uncut BULLSHIT and FakeNews 👇

Drakesylvan Then will USA Today BAN the use of air conditioning in all USA Today offices in America? Open the windows. Humans survived 1000s of years without AC. To save the planet I ASSUME USA Today will lead and ban AC in all its offices across America?

Anthropogenic impact on climate change can't be denied, but claiming that humankind is responsible for climate change is absurd. The climate is changing on Mars, too. Are humans responsible? Climate has always changed and it is absurd to think humans can prevent it.

What about the explanation for the rising co2 levels over the last 500 years? Do we just ignore the scientific records?

Who sez?

Now exactly how do you quantify a negative like that? The very idea is irrational.

global warming and CO2 are feeding the world -- and the man-made portion of .04% of the atmosphere is not causing climate change -- crap articles like this is why people see the fallacy

Since it has been “warming” (directionally) since before man made CO2, what was causing it previously? Why has it been colder historically when CO2 levels were higher? What exactly is the pending crisis? Why have 50yrs of crisis predictions been wrong?

Nah, it means you've reached the gold standard for fools gold, aka Socialist/Communist Totalitarianism: 'It's real and you can see it happening.'

Replace 'aren't' with 'are', and you have the truth.

Absolute rubbish! We should CONTINUE increasing CO2 b/c it is causing a miraculous improvement for life! The measure of life is the carbon cycle & it DOUBLED in only 50 years b/c we RESTORED just a little carbon BACK into the cycle. Warmer is good too.

Ludicrous... The only thing that is 99.999% certain is the hubris of this junk science. Show us the warming over the past 15k years, that's climate, we're still enjoying the interglacial but ice age is 100% certain

Fake news. Real news.

Really, the researchers should put their money where their mouth’s are. Make them bet on a tangible outcome of doom predictions like sea level in SF Bay. Over/under in 5 years. Winner takes it all. Meaningful bet of 5 years of total value of funding grants....

There's less than a one in a million chance that your one in a million statistic is accurate or in any way based on sound science...

GlobalWarming is a scam, and this article is FakeNews. Real science doesn't need to manipulate data and terrify it's audience for ulterior political ends, that's the difference between real science and AGW HOW to PROVE: GLOBAL-WARMING = PSEUDO-SCIENCE

Bullshit: Sun cycles 24-27 usher in 400-year cooling cycle. Today's climate is a mild thaw up out of the coldest era of the past 8000 years called the Little Ice Age. Enjoy warming while you can.

Science is what experience tell you and not what p-hacking tell you

For those playing at home, this a perfect example of outright deception or faulty thinking, the fallacy, a false premise, an incorrect proposition that forms the basis of an argument or syllogism.

Any use of the number, 99.9999999, should be looked at with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Puny trace gas CO2, 4% of all gases present in the atmosphere, 94% naturally occurring, and humans are the cause of all the non-existent warming? The b.s. meter is peaked.

There’s a one in a million chance that the USA today isn’t in bed with the left and is pushing the lefts agenda!!!

Better a warmer planet than a cold one!

Experts need to explain why Minnesota has the coldest snowiest year in history. Our car is buried in the snow. Must be Carter’s global 1970’s end of the world in 20 years cooling.

Total crap. Who are these experts and show us their calculations and formulas.


sad times. I thought USA today wasn't one of 'those' media outlets. guess I was wrong. just more fire starting material.

Wealth re-distribution scam...like when the guy calls saying he is from the bank and needs to help fix your account.

This is NOT science. This is ClimateChange dogma.

Climate scam.

There is a one in one million chance this is correct.

This is biggest buncha bull crp ever published. They wont be, but the editors of the USA Today should be ashamed.

Same people that said there wss 99% chance of Hillary Clinton becoming President. 🤣

Here is a presentation from the 2019 OTF Conference that details the fundamental flaw in the AGW Global Warming theory.

Ha ha ha. So all the previous global cooling and warming only .0001% actually happened. Laughable science

The Rothschild's Money Funneler's have spoken.

Surely common sense exposes this as complete bull shit. If there were iron clad reasons why man has caused climate change the report would simply conclude therefore it is now proven. But it doesn’t. It’s laughable. How did they calc 99.99 Likelihood? Hahaha


FakeScience promoted by FakeNews

If we wish to starve - 'expert says' - Tell me Co2 is 0.04% of our atmosphere & is currently 409 ppm it is a benign odourless colourless gas essential for life on earth PLANT FOOD .What precisely is it you wish to 'cut' - see chart & by all means please fact check me

Fake study

“There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.” ― Mark Twain ScottAdamsSays

We see that “one in a million chance” everyday.

Waters will rise 6 inches in about fifty years. If we cut carbon like Paris Agreement said, water will rise 5.9 inches in 50 years. Only if no new tech comes along -which it will-so nothing to worry about. Fix poverty instead by promoting non-corrupted-Capitalism, not Socialism.

Who are these scientists and who pays for their grants and salaries?

1 in a million,how do you know it’s only 1 in a million,I’m still waiting on the ice-age I was promised in school in the 70’s.Make up my mind,and make up your as well.

so first was the ozone whole, then global warming, now climate change. We successfully overcame the first two hoaxes

Yes...unfortunately neither party cares-- 'The U.S. was pumping just 5.1 million barrels per day when Obama took office....Fast forward to [2016] and the U.S. produced 8.9 million barrels per day.....in 2015, the U.S. pumped the most oil in 43 years.'


0.0039% contribution

Complete nonsense at a very basic level. From all the gasses int the atmosphere CO2 is 3%. From that 3%, humans are responsible for 3%. That is a 3% of a 3%.

Oh by the way. If you want to dramatically reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (that actually promotes plant growth) maybe we should perform a mass genocide of most living creatures especially humans.

The level of cognitive dissonance by climate deniers is staggering. We need to start treating climate deniers with the same level of distain and dismissiveness as we do big foot hunters, truthers, young earth creationists, and flat earthers.

USA is responsible for only 13% of global carbon emissions. Even if we reduced it to 0%, it would be ineffective at changing anything environmentally, all while destroying our economy.

A cause....not THE cause. Fossil fuels are NATURAL, as is CO2. How else do you propose to feed 7 billion people? You can’t do that with solar/wind alone. Nuclear is the only way forward.

And yet you waste space doing a profile of Jacob Wohl.

Good luck convincing India and China where almost half of the population lives.

Benjamin Santer of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is paid stooge for US holocausts in the 3-rd world. CO2 = GOOD for people, animals and plants. Higher agricultural yields.

interesting, is there anyone going to debunk that study

Desperation by the global elites that want to over tax us and limit our freedoms in the name of 'saving the planet.'

99.9999% chance we are the imaginary cause of something imaginary.

Ya think?!

FAKENEWS HUMANS ARE NOT REPSONISBLE, but they are contributing. Get your facts straight!!! Wake up sheeple . We will be releasing an article on friday about climate change, anatarctica, and more. Its time to awaken truth

Fake news

We’re going to be alright regardless of the sky is falling crap you libs try to show down our throats

Global warming is bull shit. Governments only want to raise the value of LITHIUM!!! MORE LIES FOR MONEY


Does Trump believe this?

Do they have data going back millions of years as science says the earth is quite old?

kstuttleliz so why is Drumpf creating a new thinktank of idiots to try to prove the opposite? Oh, yes, big business control him.

I sure hope this study provides all the proper data so that anyone of their Peers can replicate the study and prove something this time. I’m tired of the “Scientific consensus argument. There are no room for OPINON in Science!

Best pix I’ve ever seen on global warming...

But this guidance was only prepared by experts, we need to check with Trump as he knows more about everything than just about anyone. Well except buttoning his coat or combing his hair, but that's just two things.

Not really... check ice age that was due to Earth rebound... trashing the planet has very significant influence as all gas from rotten things under different effects of nature

Removal of trees , land for buildings & more homes in areas they shouldn't be ! You know it's human related Liars

Next will come a report that without massive assistance from rich countries the poorer countries will never be able to reduce carbon emissions. The U.S. will be in the process of destroying our economy while sending billions abroad.

UPDATE: 42.9495 percent chance humans are the cause of the ice age

The earth has been heating n cooling for MILLIONS of yrs. If u want to make a real diff in air pollution n CO2 in atmosphere start with CHINA! Then India, Indonesia all through Asia then to Mex and So America. U.S. is by far one of cleanest countries

Global warming is a farce used as as a basis for liberals to control constituents and push an extremist agenda.

Fact: The Earths Atmosphere Magnetic Rings extend to the Moon and beyond (Start Thinking), The Suns Mag Ring are spectacular. Before Valley forge through today- herendous Snow falls, rains, droughts throughout! Space / Our Weather is cyclical and Sun controlled. PLANT TREES.

Trump be like why is there ice in my coke than?

If The US falls COMPLETELY into neutralizing GW, it would only reduce the world’s contamination by 17-18%. China, Japan, S. America & India are Top contaminators & after $Million most never started a clean program.

Every single prediction made on climate change has been wrong. This is about money and control period. Data they use is selective to prove its true. Climate science is not science when there is no objectively, its an ideology.

If people are the problem Sacrifice yourself for time If you hold higher honor Then example, please be mine 30%, the numbers I've heard That believe what you say I'll spring for a real big party Sacrifice yourselves today … … … … … …

Earths climate has been changing for billions of years and there’s been 5 mass extinctions. But yeah, climate change is our fault 🤦🏻‍♂️

hahaha a study paid for by wholol....Pravda now climate Hoaxers

1 in a million chance and 97% of scientists agree, yet there are still detractors that call this fake news. When will it be real news for some of you? When the first category 6 hurricane touches down killing millions and destroying a whole coast. Maybe a flood that drowns a city?

I blame those damn farting cows 😂🤣


Tell this to India and China.

Global ice age in the 70s, global warming in the 90s and now climate change in the 2000s. Why did the ice age of 11000 years ago and the glaciers receded - why? Climate does change. The Sahara Desert was once lush and green!

I pledge to stop using my private jet

What are the politics of those writing the 'study'?

Experts. Hahaha

and who was this funded by? This is nothing but a cash cow and politicians are making money hand over fist.

And yet those who shout the loudest about global warming travel in private jets......

Plant Trees that is a 100% Proven Solve.

I can dig it...but what about the 5 other recorded freeze/thaw cycles?

Just like we caused the ice age.

Most of these 'experts' are college professors or government bureaucrats who financially depend on government grants that encourage/require them to 'say' 'global warming' is real despite a lack of evidence.

Not a real thing lefties

I'm sure this study will be discussed at the next climate summit, where thousands of people take hundreds of private planes to nod their heads at reducing carbon emissions over steak.

docrocktex26 Our daily reminder that we will be the cause of our own demise.

Nonsense, 'global warming' and/or 'climate change' remains only a theory.

It’s probably self feeding the atmosphere now. It will get a lot hotter before it cools back down.

Fahrenthold It's the height of hubris. Some folks still deny that we have ruined the planet. Now other folks think we can just FIX it. So cute.

Whelp, quit eating meat, farting, driving, using electricity, stop manufacturing, and then convince China and India to do the same.

More than any other country on earth, the USA has gone to the greatestest lengths to reduce emissions. It's the OTHER countries that need to STEP UP and reduce THEIR carbon emissions. Above all, it is NOT the USA that needs a Global Climate Tax, or a Carbon Emissions Tax.

Yes because the environment on Earth never changed, not once before recycling was an issue. 🤪 Man is arrogant and egotistical to admit that this might be something that we have no control over. That includes the media.

Fahrenthold Ideally, each person would care for enough green growing things to sustain their own oxygen supply and carbon dioxide filtration. But I dream.



Plants convert CO2 into oxygen in a process called 'photosynthesis'.

Lol. FakeNews

Warmists alarm. But is this true? Prove it to me.

Sure, almost everyone agrees. It's the unverifiable models they use to suggest how quickly this will happen that's in question.

85.3% of all statistics are made up.

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