'60 Days In' Star Nate Burrell Dead At 33 from Suicide By Gunshot

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Nate Burrell, one of the stars of A&E's docuseries, '60 Days In,' has taken his own life.

Chelsey Walker

Nate posted a long suicide note on Facebook, saying,"This isn't an admission of guilt. I'm just tired, I've been through so much in my life, the pain of my situation now hurts more than I ever imagined. I can't keep going on." The show followed Nate and 8 other volunteers who entered jail for 2 months under assumed identities to put a spotlight on the problems behind bars.


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Sad to See He couldn't Hold on For one More Day!!! Every 40 seconds, someone dies of Suicide on this World, they have to Reach out for Help but some People don't know How!!! Let's Help and Love each other, enjoy Life Again...

22 Veterans a day suffering from ptsd commit suicide every day.


Wow imagine her having to sit around & live with that

So sad, he was awesome on the show and you could tell he really cared about people. Whatever happened recently, this wasnt the way to deal with it. We all lose

One half of the top two contestants in the show imo....sad man

What a selfish bastard.


Damn that's crazy

I don't 'Memba him?!


He was the best one on ‘60 days in’! I’m in shock.. 😭 RIP Nate.. You were inspirational ☝🏼

He probably suffered from PTSD and never got help. 🙏🏾

Omg! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😥❤

Too bad he will not get to see who wins election.

So the police report said he cheated and spread HIV to her and threatened her with a gun and knife, what a hero lets all pray for him. 😂

R.I.P legend

We need to stop letting the devil get in our head. God is amazing

Suicide cases probably will rise if trump win

tjwinborn :(

He was memorable from the show. So sad to hear this news. 🙏🏽 to his family and unborn child

It’s messed up cuz he was another veteran bro

Noooo wtf

So sorry to his family ...it tough when your fighting demons in your head...I know bc I fight them everyday ... if anyone ever needed to talk , I’m here

dont play that

Let’s try to stop false rape allegations and suicide instead of writing RIP like that does anything. He can’t hear your twitter comment because he blew his brains out because some bitch ruined his life. A Marine too.

Not only is this tragic but something should be done about his wife & people who make false rape allegations.


Wow. 😔

Did I beat at finding this Yikes!

Imagine what Desmond gone feel when he find out💔

Rip you will be missed

Nooooo!!! He was my favorite!!!

I was just watching 60 days in......

Damn he was my favorite on that show

🙏🏾🙏🏾 man my fav from his season

RIP White Mike 🕊🙏🏼

Sounds like his wife was a bitch!

Rest in peace 🙏🏽

Star?! Never heard of him or the show 😂🙄

One veteran is too many...I didn't personally know Nate but mental health struggles are real and still a stigma for some to seek help. SuicidePrevention SuicideAwareness Veteran MikeValdes

So very sad to hear this ,he was a very passionate person as well as his dedicated service to our country. He will be missed. We need to help our returning vets and others with their nightmares of their mind .My sincere condolences goes out to his family .rest in peace young man

Watch it be labeled as a COVID death 🙄

MurkaDurkah WoodysGamertag

Shit bro gave up on life and his wife divorced him just be single and live your life! Help on your own self

So sad, Rest 🖤

PRAYERS 🙏🏽🙏🏽💚💚

I am so sad by this. Nate showed what a genuinely good person he was and the fact that after his military career and feeling so threatened and defeated and lost makes me so sad for him. He deserved better. RIP Nate, the world lost a good one.

Why they black out her name at top when it all the way through the statement

If only he knew about Islam

Damn man thats crazy he was a good man actually took his time to assist people RIP we appreciate you 🇺🇸💯

Rest in peace Nate. Semper Fi.

What? Because of him staying 100 days in I continued to watch. Sad news!


well, I take it back. Supposedly he raped and assaulted his wife on oct.22nd. Beat her up pretty badly and hit her in her pregnant stomach.

No way this guy way my favorite to ever go on the show man RIP 💔


Oh man. Rest in peace 🙏

Damn. This one hurts.


rest in peace

it is not easy out there...

RIP. Terrible waste of life, hope he’s in a better place.

Damn... R. I. P. Bro. Sorry but anyone that knows you suffer with mental health issues and tells you to die /kill yourself is DISGUSTING. Sidenote: People can be contributing factors to suicide but the ultimate cause is mental health or addiction issues being untreated

Damn man, he came across as a real sincere individual. I hope his family especially his son find peace.

I'd say it was an accumulation of intense experiences. Only Nate knew. You can't blame his wife. Let's all pray for all that have lost him. 💔

I was just reading this story, so very sad. Rest in peace Nate. 🙏

Rest in peace to the big blood Nate.

Two tours in Iraq and two tours on 60 Days In. An emotional health crisis can hit anyone. RIP Nate. I'm sorry and feel terribly sad that you or anyone feels this is the only option and feel so alone. 😪🙏

Holy shit. To his family sorry for ur loss

This literally broke my heart 😢😢😢😢

Omg not NATE 😢☹️😞

Damn 🤦🏽‍♂️

How awful. I'm very sorry for his friends, family and the child that will never know him. I lost a husband to suicide via a GSW. I found him. He lived 6 days w/o regaining consciousness. 28 yrs now and I still suffer w/PTSD. Please seek help!

heartbreaking 💔

I really enjoyed him it’s very sad 😞

Just getting a vibe from him on the show, Nate would be the last person that would do something like this. So sorry that his child will see what a cool dude he was but never get to meet him. Prayers for Nate and his friends and family. So sad. 💔

Favorite participant of all seasons Wish he had felt the love and support of his fans.

Wow man this woman pushed this man to kill himself such a surprise .. very sad rip

Whattttt!!!!! 😮😮😮😯😯😱😱😱😱 Omgggg nooooooo!!!! He was my favorite from the show!!!! Mannn that PTSD from serving the military is not a joke! Mannn this so sad! R.I.P brother!

😭 nooo god damn it!

He seriously was my favorite “inmate” on the show. Prayers for the family. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

RIP 😕🙏🏾

Wow! This is sad!

Rest In Peace



This is careless reporting. The way media cover suicide can influence behavior negatively by contributing to contagion, or positively by encouraging help-seeking. Best Practices for Reporting on Suicide responsibly:


It is no longer appropriate to say committed suicide- he died by suicide.

Wow this is so deep😭😭

So sad..... RIP man. No good. It’s not worth it. Poor guy.... Prayers for his family too! I know how they feel. Lost my mom to suicide in 2012. The family suffers for life, and these people just end their own suffering. Not fair

OMG I felt like I knew him personally I'm so hurt by this


60daysin_ Wow rip

60daysin_ Nooooooooo

arcticats_ 😱😱

This is incredibly sad. Being the aunt of a beautiful 19 yr old who completed suicide in 2018 I know this family’s pain. Praying for them all


I am so sorry for his family friends and colleagues. It’s a terrible lesson but this shows how vulnerable so many are no matter how successful we think they are or appear. Rest in peace now

So sad 😞

So sad

He was the GOAT of 60 days in. Im so sad he felt like he had to do this. 🥺


This is so sad and very heart breaking. My condolences and prayers to his family 🙌🏽🙏🏽

RIP Nate 😢 we enjoyed watching you on 60daysin_ May you Rest In Peace 🙏🏻


So sorry. Just wondering why? So sad.

Yooooo rip dude was cool af

Another veteran suffering without sufficient mental healthcare after serving. So unnecessary and tragic.

No disrespect but who?

Damn, this sucks. RIP Nate!

so sad. rip ❤️

Oh no. So sad. He seemed like such a nice guy. He was great on that show.



Ryan_Secord Just horrible r.i.p Nate! So sorry for you loss 💔 🇬🇧

Ryan_Secord Oh no 😢

Mental Health Matters

RIP Nate bud. Sad you didn't get the support system you needed because you were a good human being. Rest your soul.

Wahhhhhhh out of all the people on that show homie did the best being in there. Wtf !!? I woulda never thought from his composure on the show was struggling with some demons

This is so sad. May God embrace his child, hold him & give him so much love. The love he needed to fill his voids. May he feel safe & found. May all t burdens of this life lift n released from his soul. May he Rest In Peace & enjoy gods glorious heavens. In Jesus name. 🙏🏼

Please, be respectful.

Serious changes need to be made to our Health care system. When a Vet reaches out for help and the system fails him, this is NOT ok!

He was a fellow cast mate and seriously such a great person! Even though he was on a different season we all reached out to one another like family. I’m so sad about this world losing such a amazing person with a huge heart! RIP Nate! 💔

Noooooo wtf that’s crazy



Ts crazy asf 💔💔

rip big dawg


Dang! Rip my boi



We can’t blame his wife and a lot of people say nasty things to each during a breakup. She now has to live without his support for their child and knowing what she said. He seemed like a great guy and ultimately his child will never get to know his Dad. So terribly sad.


So sad! 😥

Rest In Peace

raycondones rip Nate

Not my boy Nate

I don't 'Memba him?!

That is absolutely tragic. I suspect his service overseas played largely into his mental health issues. And everything else that happened just added to the weight...So sorry to his loved ones 😞

What was the show about, never heard of it. RIP sir

Y are white dudes always depressed u white smile 😃

Chilling... 'You win! You have promised for weeks, you will ruin my life and I had no idea who I was messing with. You are right, I didn't know who I was messing with.' So sad

RIP Nate. I hope his wife feels horrible knowing she pushed a veteran to commit suicide. If you are in a marriage with someone with mental health issues, You don’t threaten to ruin their life.

Y are white dude always depressed u white smile 😃


Its_JustKaylaaa 🥺🥺🥺

Wow, that’s sad

Most entertaining inmate on that show. RIP🙏🏾

RIP, very sad

I am deeply saddened by this. It shows no matter outward appearance people can be in deep pain. I wish he would’ve reached out. Please, if you feel bad, reach out to someone, people care.

People who go into the service should have guaranteed help for ptsd and such things they’ve been through. Just my opinion so sad😓

Shame.... Hope his wife is happy. Maybe a few people should show her the consequences of her statements.

Women always use there kids against the dad ...poor guy dnt want to deal with her shit i hope she happy now

Heart breaking 💔




So sad to hear this 🙏

This is heartbreaking. Such sad news

This is so sad. He was my favorite from the show. Heartbreaking.


So Fucking Sad!

This dude was just on PKA, RIP. MurkaDurkah DrChiz WoodysGamertag

Damn... So very sad. Women are cruel.

This is so sad. 😢


Wow, tmz is just the bearer of bad news today, first Niki Mckibbon now Nate

This is so sad. ❤️🙏🏻 May he finally rest in paradise. Mental health is unfortunately overlooked.

Very sad. My condolences to his family.

NOOOoO! He was awesome in 60 days! RIP 💔


This is why I don’t know why you want to have the experience of 60 days in jail, It messes with you, RIP 🙏

This is so awful 💔💔💔RIP

How many days in it took for him to snap🧐


this so fukin sad :/...


This is negligent reporting of a death by Suicide. The headline alone strays from media guidelines on suicide prevention. But I forget y’all don’t subscribe to journalistic ethics

So so sad

Evil ass wife

Damn he did it in the middle of a populated area and by gunshot how messy and inconsiderate.

They need to shut that show down. Hated it.

Wow man damn

hopefully the show helps with the funeral...he just took their ratings up 😕


Best contestant to ever do the show



Omg if he had just held on till his child was here he would have had renewed hope! Such a great guy 😢

Well this is sad. Nate was one of my favs.😢😥

That is terrible. But why blame the wife like this? Seems like a clear act of revenge.

This breaks my heart. I enjoyed watching him on 60 days in. He truly had the best heart. RestInPeace ❤

Very sad...Rest easy 🙏

Wow he was a beast .. rip 🙏

Damn, how sad

That's to bad he had a lot of potential.

so this was cause his ex was gonna use his celebrity to get back at him with accusations? this is what happens when you get any degree of celebrity. you become a target for vengeful people who know bad headlines alone will fvck you up. Truth or lies they will fvck you up.

Oh noooooo!!!!

So sad! Rip Nate 😔💔

His wife is to blame ! A person can only take so much . This really hurts my heart because he was one of my favs on the show. Truly heartbreaking to hear this.


Why do so many people in Entertainment industry die at 33 ?

Very sad

Wow 😒

He was my favorite on 60 Days In Rest In Peace

How sad


Way to go chick, you pushed him over the edge. Hope you’re happy now!

OMG😱😱😱💔💔💔💔 NOOOOO😭😭😭😭! Loved watching Nate on the show, he was my favourite. This is so heartbreaking! R.I.P💔

damn man rest in peace

:( rip

How sad 😞 2020 has been one tragedy after another! RIP

This is why mental health is something we NEED to focus on, people! Awful... 😔

Sad, Go with God.

NOOOO! RIP Nate... this is so tragic

So sad, he must have carried demons from the military on his back. It does that to you. :(

JadeAndXD 😢 I learned about this show bc of you guys

You really hate to see suicide man 😣

This is sad. Rest in peace.

He’ll be missed :(


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