Too many white boys take apprentice places, warns report

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United Kingdom Headlines News

United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

Equality body calls for boost to diversity in job training in UK

Employers need to reserve places on apprenticeship schemes for young women, disabled people and ethnic minorities to create a more level playing field, the country’s equality body has said.


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Ostara_88 Maybe because these are european countries?

Too many white people exist, warns population census

So then quit your job and get into it.

I too am concerned about epic and vibrant minorities not getting apprenticeships, fellow woke person ✊🏻

wait....isnt a race a social construct? how do you know they are white?

White working-class boys are failing at near every step of education and The Guardian seeks to attack them for having one area in which they succeed. The Guardian is obdurately cold-hearted.

Looking at the UK's demographics, one would expect at least 80% of apprentices to be white and a ratio of say 60 to 40 males to female in the more physical jobs. Facts will always overrule political correctness.

How dare a 'White Boy' want to get a job in a White country. Oh wait, the West has gone in multicultural mode and jews will be at the center of it. And without their leading role, Europe will not survive. Overdue for a repeat of the 1st Crusade and cleanse the Rhineland

NeverMindThis29 Too many Jews take journalist positions at the Guardian.

How is that a 'warning?'

Once again The Guardian proving they only view the world through the lens of race. You racists.

White working class boys need those apprenticeships.

Too many white boys, huh? Are too many girls graduating college? Are too many black boys in sports?

Nobody likes you.

Now imagine using another color for that headline. Racist much?

Why don't you just write articles begging white people to commit suicide. I mean, what the heck do you people want us to do? Just stop existing all together? It seems like it.

Open anti-white propaganda

And the color of their skin is a factor how?

What a terrible article.

White boys are roughly 80% of the UK population. Is that too many being born?

Too many journalists and ‘equality ngo’ researchers are incendiary and divisive morons, warns report


Thought this was a meme, then I see this lmao.



You just can't get enough of hating white people over at the Guardian, can you? And in this case, just because they dare to apply for jobs where they are more qualified than someone with a differently tinged hue

Thoughts gents? Suffragentleman MartinDaubney

So it'll be the white boys working again? who would've thought

Wow!! Have you just heard yourself Too many white boys Racism much! Strange though isn't it in an 80% white country. White working class are once again seperated and ostracized- you should be ASHAMED!!!

Too many girls take non-manual labour jobs. Shock horror.

We are still in the majority aren't we?

As always the guardian is garbage

That's alright. We should put all those displaced white boys into teaching so they can influence the next generation of boys and protect them from anti male propaganda and nursing so they can let women have a turn getting treated like shite by health 'care' workers.

Too many white boys in a majority white country? Makes sense.

Not many women take apprentice bricklaying and coal miner positions. Sexism! Or is it that men need to do all the dirty work. Why critical and gender theory are a hypocritical micky mouse ideology.

Xristos10818751 This is ok!

hostileholly5w No such thing as too many. Anti-white racism, pure and simple.

I went to college for short time did well, but couldn't afford it so I stopped and learned IT. Now I do decent for myself. While I was a A student in high school i qualified for ZERO grants or scholarships. All the scholarships books were for minorities. Apparently Im 'too rich'.

Too many women aren't making babies, warns report.

PrisonPlanet damn white people and their *Shuffles deck* work ethic.

Swop white with black and the Guardian commits a hate crime. Ridiculous racist nonsense.

You want a rise in white nationalism? Cause that's how you get a rise in white nationalism.

Hahhahahahhah welcome to the NWO whites are the target.

Too many guardianistas exist

Oh, the humanity!😳

I wonder what other racial over representing we can discuss? Oy vey


...'too many white boys'. ...If this isn't a parody, I have no idea what is. Starting to understand why people mock the guardian relentlessly.

White 'boys'

Also, white boys rock, are awesome, and are super cool.

You're so bloody racist. Do any real Britons even read this stuff?

'Too many'? Seriously?

Hate speech is fine as long as A black mp hates on whites A jewish journo working for a jewish ran rag hates on whites



The sample picture features an apparent girl in the foreground and a young man in the back. What these 'artists' want to tell by this?


This is anti-semitic


.jordanbpeterson CHSommers

Serious question.....Are we allowed anything to ourselves, or do you as journalists see it as your role to ensure their is no place for white men anywhere

too many white boys in uni too many white boys take apprenticeships too many white boys on unemployment too many white boys in cemeteries See where they're going with this?

reported for racism

'Warns' Warns against what? English kids having jobs?

Thank God I'm Asian, I'd hate to be treated the way 'white boys' are by the media.

Clearly you want to see more women die taking dangerous jobs... For the sake of diversity... Equality Progress Feminism

This is why nobody respects journalists. Hope you get fired and have to eat dog food

Well we can't have that, can we? We need them sitting on the dole so you can smugly chuckle about how unproductive they are.

Racist and sexist

(white people are pushed out of every field and become super poor) Headline: white people use a disproportionate amount of welfare!

We fought for the wrong side in ww2

How does this square with more women being in tertiary education? I hope you will be consistent and demand that more (white) men get accepted over women.

hostileholly5w yellow stars for us whites next. Youtube the Kalergi plan to see what the guardian is pushing.

this why you are ignored. you spread hate and lies. grow up and stop with the hate.

These apprenticeships are earned and not a social experience. Forbes 500 is not in the business of finding average. They want the best students that are willing to work hard. The Guardian is looking for average workers. Maybe you should diversify first.

Does anyone read this crap?

It's right and good to target journalists for retribution. Financially of course.

Yes, let's keep qualified candidates out based on their skin color and gender.

Why does the Guardian hate white people so much?

Oh well God forbid they choose to work towards a career

Too many Chinese boys take apprenticeships in China? Too many Japanese boys take top jobs in Japan? Too many black people join he NAACP? WTF is wrong with you?

What in a country made up of mostly white people half of them men... white men take up many positions... you don't say. Great reporting keep us informed.

Ah, so you are a racist publication. Got it.

Too many (((insert blameless ethnic group))) in the media, says man who desperately wants to lose his job.

'too' white is a racist statement

Why is this a warning?

Newton's third law

Sorry, we'll try to go somewhere else. I know we're like an illness or something.

Guardian Reports on Racist Report.

How dare women make personal choices in their careers! Choosing fields that they're more likely to be interested in! I just don't understand why we're allowing them their free will 🤔

pure racism

The Guardian is an anti-white rag.

(((Who))) runs The Guardian? I can only take a guess.

So how many is too many, dipshits?

Do you even know what country you live in?

if you would like to have an intellectually honest conversation about this subject, I can explain the why’s and how’s of this coming about

Ew, racism 😷

It's incredible how racist the Progressive ideology really is.

From what I've seen, University isn't worth the hassle. Skilled labor is where it's going to be at.

Wow the guardian couldn’t get anymore racist if they tried, now on the other hand had it been the other way round they would have got done for it, white people darent speak out these days... hence you get away with it, but not for long !!!

Jokes on you coz I’m one of them.

What the hell are white boys supposed to do? You don't want them to get accepted into college for a degree, now you don't want them attaining trades? Just say you want us broke and dead.

Too many for what?

Aren’t whites the indigenous population of England, though? Why do you hate native peoples?

Screw off

*shows woman in picture*. At least try to reinforce your stupid narrative.

HOW DARE THESE WHITE MEN WORK? seriosly. why dont you just get it over and done and call for euthenasia?

...and why not, this is their homeland.

Well when the population is 82% white and majority them that want the job are men (yes men not boys) then yes this is the result you get. I don't see you encouraging more men to work at a nail salon or Victoria's Secret

Cry me a fucking river.

Racist headline.

So, you've decided to not even TRY to disguise your racist bent?

Maybe hard work doesn't bother them.

Lammyesk article from race baiting guardian.

hostileholly5w Because all the university places are filled to capacity with positively discriminated students. I don't need to elaborate since the PC police will cry. It's sh1t being a white lad now with every institution bending over backwards not to take them on.

What are white boys allowed to do anymore that doesn’t require the public to be warned of?

The racial majority in Britain (87~%) is the same as the racial majority who take up British apprenticeship positions (89~%). Shocker. How dare apprenticeships accurately represent the racial populations of our countries?!

Qualified tradesmen make money and start their own businesses, women studies majors don't. It is understandable that young white men find such work highly desirable.

its time to put a stop to this kind of blatant racism against white people. almost 90% of the uk population is white so its inevitable the majority of people in any role is white

So they are falling out from academic numbers and looking for other avenues but now that's a problem too?

'the best and brightest are a threat to diversity '

“Too many Japanese boys take apprenticeship places in Japan” - warns absolutely fucking no one.

There’s no such thing as “too many” members of a race or gender. That report is racist and sexist.

White nationalism now!

the war on white men is here to stay. get bent.

“There’s no anti-White agenda. That’s just a far right conspiracy theory, bigot!”

BeastOfWood In a world population of 7,714,576,923 - 10% of white people are taking too many jobs. But ‘white’ countries are supposed to give up their jobs to ‘people of color’ because they were forced upon the ‘white’ countries. This is planned genetic terraforming.

How dare those little Gavas make an attempt at higher learning. They better check their privilege.

The UK is the ethnic home of 'white boys.' That's all there SHOULD BE enrolled in your social prograns.

Replace this with a minority group and the headline would be '[minority] is excelling in apprenticeships'. Racist rag.

Last time I looked we lived in a white country. When did that change. You disgust me 😡😡😡

Knowing your readers, you probably could have stopped at “too many white boys”

Too many massive faggots choose '''journalism''' careers, reality shows.

If they are going to Uni at the lowest rates of any demo, surely that would lead to then taking more apprentice places? If they aren't going to Uni and apparently it's a bad thing to get an apprenticeship, what else do you expect them to do?

That's hardly surprising, as the lack of care shown for them at school means many of then don't make the grades for university. Good to see that at least some of these boys are helping themselves in such a hostile climate.

“Too many white boys in university” White boys quit uni to do trades “Too many white boy apprentices”

Quite the ratio there guys. By all means, continue your death spiral.

White ppl need to wake & realize you're being displaced. There should be zero tolerance for anti-white speech in European nations, or descended.

I work at a trade school and they had two blk apprentices out of all the whites who didnt show up for class ever and got booted. Theyre too lazy to do the hard work required in the traded. Period. Now gfy.

White people unite, asap!!

What do you mean by “too many”? How is this a problem? They’re underrepresented in universities, what do you expect them to do?

What must we do, pack our bags and leave - it’s the land of our forefathers 🇬🇧

White boys? .That's racist.

And that's bad why?

I'm just here for the ratio.

Because they’re the best.

You got a problem with that?

So they want to actually work and not demand to “pray” 47 times a day. And you imbeciles report that as some kind of problem. No wonder Britain is a lost cause.

White People in 2019 are the only group of people on the face of the Earth that it is socially acceptable and often encouraged to hate and demonize.

'positive action' might be the slimiest double-speak term ever.

Besides all if the other rightful criticism towards this article, I see shades of classism too.

Why are you calling the men of our people 'boys'? Would you ever call black men 'boys'? I highly doubt it. Also the indigenous peoples of England are white, everyone else is a guest.

Yeah, in the UK. A white country.

Jey love, more racism and sexism from the guardian, who would have thought.

Why is this a problem? The people who want to do these jobs are filling them and there's nothing from stopping women and non whites from going into these fields as well.

I guess you think they are better off homeless?

So... this is one way to say this. Another could be 'MOC / Women less likely to seek apprenticeship for trade jobs' You make it sound like its evil. Get a life guardian writers.

More racist from the guardian!

mediacritizer Too many white wishy washy liberals work at the guardian, waiting for that headline.

Is there anything left that a white male can do that isn’t demonized? Might as well round them up & send them to death camps. Can’t do glass ceiling jobs cuz white male privilege, can’t do grunt jobs because white male privilege. When does this get classified as hate speech?

There's no such thing as 'too white'.


Uh oh. Hide the white hoods. 🙃🙃

I'm pretty sure most businesses aren't looking for specifically young white people. I think they just want a position filled. But maybe I'm just talking out my own ass. Guardian, care to tell me how many white CEOs & apprentices you have?

GOVERNMENT DOES NOT CREATE JOBS! INDUSTRY and PRIVATE BUSINESSES CREATE JOBS! There is NO barrier for anyone wanting to enter a Trade. Apprentices who can and WANT to DO THE JOB are ALWAYS WELCOME! From Plumbers to Welders to Rope Access Technicians! There are NO BARRIERS

UK government is anti-white is all this article needed to say.

The UK is screwed if this leftist bullshit continues. Whatever happened to letting people be free to choose what they want and realizing *maybe people are different* We have this same “problem” in the USA until you factor in a majority of minority boys living without a father.

Pale skin + male gonads = less than human

How can there be 'too many' white boys involved in anything in the UK of all places? That's like complaining there are too many Han in China.

The guardian dosen't want white men to succeed. Any white person that supports them is shooting themselves in the foot.

It's OK to be white!

The underrepresentation in university doesn't matter though eh Guardian. It feels like you want white people to get angry.

boys tend to be more hands on anyway so of course your going to see a lot more boys taking up apprenticeships since they tend to be more hands on.

Is there a reason you speak of 'white boys' but refer to the females as 'women', or is being condescending to the unwanted demographic just standard in British journalism now?

This is interesting but there was recently a report saying that they were under represented at Universities. The recent book by Professor JoanCWilliams is relevant in my opinion.

hostileholly5w Too many racists allowed to write headlines for communist toilet paper.

So white boys are not welcome at Universities and, according to you, should not be trained to install a DB or clean your drain. What do you suggest they do? Your racist slip is showing. You are disgusting.

White people pay the majority of the taxes in this country, maybe the minorities could try and get involved in that.

They won’t stop until white males are underrepresented in all categories that indicate success, even(especially) in their own countries.

From the article: “We need a level playing field in the workplace for women, disabled people and ethnic minorities,” said Rebecca Hilsenrath, the commission’s chief executive. Look who is pushing for this, a Woman. This is exactly why Women do not belong in these positions!!

How is this not 'hate speech' as the Left is always so quick to claim? Oh that's right, it's against White's so it's ok. _ Disgusting anti-White propaganda.

more anti white propaganda, ppl are waking up

why do you hate us?

more racist slurring...classy...someone should sue you for libel; i would if i had the funds to spare....

This heading is race baiting. Where is the impartiality?


You don't want a single, White man employed, do you?

too many women are midwives too many women are teachers too many gays are drag queens too many muslims are imams too many men with beards are santas too many height restricted people get jobs as dwarves in pantomimes too many men are formula one drivers

They’re also underrepresented at universities? When will the racism stop?

It's not an 'equality body'.

so what? racist.

Hate and ideology runs deep. Now only death can cure these people.

Guardian is not a serious publication. Relies on donations to stay afloat.

Then whoever wrote this so called report is a racist

'only 5pc of women in construction..' Ahhhh can't wait to be catcalled by all those female bricklayers you're going to socially engineer... idiots.

Learning to code yet?

Somebody has to do the work. We can't all write pointless articles for the guardian.

They don’t let them go to college anymore that’s why.

What's to warn about? What is the problem with this?

When you find all your white boy friends at the apprentice place

Anti-white racism!

Do you call the non whites black boys?

A disgustingly racist report.

Shotgun equality of outcome is creeping in and white people, industry and trades will be the victims of this cultural Marxism. Out of touch idiots making Britain a laughing stock.

Cuz niggs don’t want to work. Illegals can’t read English.

Sick of this shite.


Your anti-goyism is showing

I can't believe white males are allowed to hold any sort of job. It's 2019, people!

Done with the Graunaid and their anti-white bs.

Doesnt make sense,cor blimey!!

So White people are allowed to have jobs?

White Guys can’t even join apprenticeships without journalists getting mad....🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 this article allowed to be printed out, and why there is no outrage? How long do you think your provocations will remain unanswered?

Most of these jobs require an above 85 iq and critical thinking skills, hence the whites and not the browns.

here in the states my son is 1 of 2 whites in a class of 20 for HVAC Trade School which is completely disproportionate to the Race percentages..But of course no one is complaining..

DerayJack Does the G stand for go to hell, white man?

Oh for crying out loud so what, perhaps they are better at what is wanted in the apprenticeship, seems to me this sort of article just spreads nothing but contention, a me and him attitude.

Again with the Race Card.

The dynamic in most industries has changed a lot as well once you get your foot in as a good tradesmen in any facet of industry you can work your way up the management chain by doing specific courses and being better than the next man you earn your money for what you’re worth

Imagine judging people by the color of their skin, that's racism.

Traditional England😍

Too many White Liberals work on The Guardian, warns wide eyed White man, reporting from his armchair. All journalism must come from foreign sources and be totally against White interests? Oh! It is.

70% of top-performing students in the US are white (non-Jew), yet white (non-Jew) students make up 10% of Ivy League undergrads.

Because they are known to be hard honest workers who’s forefathers created the modern world

May have to fix the over and under representation of minorities in the London suburbs while they are about it, sport as well, parliament, business executives, bus drivers, we have a great system in ZA that you can take over called Broad based black economic empowerment BBBEE

Now say that again but replace the word white with black or Asian, there you go!

Diversity is just about attacking white people, I hope eastern Europe is watching

Why this obsession mirroring the population percentages

In a Caucasian Majority country, I feel that would be correct to balance things in favour of a minority takes away Equality if you want to go down that road it should be done on percentages of the population so if (just a number) white 80% then 20% jobs should go to the minority

Too many jew boys own the media, warns report

WhatMakesAmericaGreat is WhitePeople

The headline of this article is disgraceful


What's it got to do with the colour of their skin? Only racists like yourselves would write a report like this.

Just stop

This is a war on working-class whites by wealthy whites. This is absolutely evil.

I see the racist rag is at it again

Too many Jews in media/government/banking. Run that one (((Guardian))).

Are 'white boys' not entitled to try to better their lives?


It's ok to be white.

I have 12 PhD talented engineers, 7 of them are 'ethnic', incl 1 female. They create jobs for the rest who are hired on ability, irrespective of colour, background, age or gender. Any business that wants to make money will ignore horseshit reports like this.

God those white boys and there....willingness to be productive and pay for minorities welfare 🙄

Maybe they are the only ones wanting to work for a living and not rely on benefits or selling drugs. The left love keeping people reliant on benefits and sowing white hate. Just like this leftist failing rag does

You and every Kike run news outlet deserve to be burned.

Don't blame them, congratulate them! BTW It's about the ability of those that applied in the first instance NOT COLOUR.

So they've stopped going to university. Now there's too many in apprenticeships? What do you expect them to do?

There seems to be a certain variety of middle class progressive who comes out with stuff like this and then gets surprised when events like credit or Trump happen...

Too many whites aren't getting college degrees. People with a college degree have a better chance of holding elected office. While trades offer lucrative careers, they don't help put whites in positions of power : lawmakers.

This company is very racist. Guaranteed they don’t even let white men work there.


It's hard to believe, that once I departed from The Times (take over by R.Murdoch) to reading The Guardian. Clearly, it was a temporary mental aberration. Agreed, what the world is coming to? Instead of fair, balanced view, we are served a represention of EU nonsens!

Never forget, white man. They want us ALL u employed, hopeless and suicidal, and they will not stop until we are cast out of society completely. Do not let up. Do not get discouraged. No matter your nationality, we are all in this fight together.

This is blatant anti-white RACISM.

At least they are hunting for work..

Would the guardian prefer if white boys were just genocided out of existence?

And that's a problem how? That is remarkibly racist. Who even runs this page?

Good let's hope more do

That’s nice to see unless your a white person

Keep it up, boys!

Good. Hail our people.

What anti-White Male propaganda?

The writing is on the wall, White man. They want you jobless, homeless, and hopeless. They want you to surrender everything to non-whites, for no other reason than because you're White.

Cars, electricity, airplanes, clean water systems, infrastructure , modern medicine , cell phones, Internet ..everything but a hut and sticks.. Yep too many white men.... Third world types always want to take and blame..

More anti-white propaganda from fakenews the Guardian... Would you ever write an article claiming 'too many Jews taking harvard places' or 'too many asians taking scholarships'? 'Too many blacks in the NBA'? No, because the real agenda isn't about equality!

The only way true equality can be achieved is to hold back the white man.

I agree, white boys should train to be managers instead, and leave the apprenticeships to girls and brown boys.

........ummm the Guardian is a trash supermarket rag, and the so called journalists working for them are entry level flunkies rejected by main stream outlets. What a waste of paper and ink.


JohnnyGrr___ Ah yes, standard procedure for Guardian.

Anti white bigotry alert 🚨

Those damn white people & their.. *shuffles cards* Jobs!

Here's a report: people of different races have different levels of ability, so it's fucking insane to expect them all to compete at the same level within a single society

BeastOfWood thanks shlomo bergblattstein

That's because other groups aren't applying enough. Stop your hate and bigotry

3rd world welfare refugees arent taking apprenticeships. weird. ItsOkToBeWhite

I have a perfect solution, just make it illegal to hire or train white male apprentices. there, fixed it for you

A healthy society would ostracize whoever's responsible for this concentrated diarrhea article.

Racists is all I see here. You can't stop what you preach

White men have been drummed out of university by diversity quotas and now they can’t even hold trade jobs without being attacked. It’s never been more clear that there is no home for White men in the West, and people are starting to notice. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

It's Britain. Where else are white people supposed to work?!?!?! Africa

The last thing these people want is you goyim messing with their synagogues and media outlets. Don't ever do that. Don't even think about it.

Well they're not welcome at colleges and universities so what are white boys supposed to do?

This is disgusting, how dare you to hate your own people? you've already sold you to them.

Imagine a newspaper in a western country writing this headline 40 years ago. You can’t. That’s what demographic change does to our countries.

Britain is a majority White nation., the majority of everything should be White boys and girls. STOP this antiWhite hate.

How many people with learning difficulties, disabilities and/or health problems are employed by the organization behind this report? How many with a minority background? How many with a working class background?

It just happens that white boys don't want to stay in their bedroom...

😴 💤


Too many black boys never get a job and contribute, warns working white man

Those friggin white kids and their willingness to learn... o_0

86% of Indian Restaurant staff in the U.K. should be white. How can we address this shocking imbalance?

Erm, you mean 'boys' are taking places available, surely..?

Suicide of a nation.


Rather than saying 'too many white boys' say 'too few minorities'.

DiamondbackMac That is a white girl. Why do you hate women?

Well it’s a white country, go figure

Good on this author for championing apprenticeship opportunities for people of color, women and disabled people. When a society is inherently marginalizing and inequitable, equity must be strategic. This is how we work toward social justice.

What a racist comment! By your comment you are demonstrating your racist attitude. That needs to be addressed. Get a Far righ5 govt in power & you will be gone.

Now replace white boys with black boys and tell me if it sounds racist.

Racist P.O.S. excuse for a newspaper.

Isn’t the guardian based out of England? Isn’t England a white country? Or at least supposed to be? Does the guardian whine about too many Chinese boys taking jobs in China or Nigerian boys taking jobs in Nigeria? 🤔

I lost brain cells reading this. Give a girl a warning!🤦🏼‍♀️

I think it's only fair that we gather up the people who liked this, take them to working class white teens and have them tell the boys why they are part of the problem.

Anti white racism

I agree we need more white girls to take apprentice places to solve this problem

Don’t you ever worry that your obvious hatred for white people will at some point backfire, or at the very least discredit you with a growing number of people who start noticing? This question applies to most media outlets, of course.

Yeah because theyve all been forced out of STEM fields and other higher education opportunities, by diversity initiatives. If you wanna recreate 1930's Germany, by all means keep doing what your doing!

More Islamist apprentice? No thanks

Why talk like that? Anyway Universities are full of non-Whites coasting through for the sake of third in a degree and a student loan because they can

It’s 99% women at university. Can’t applynif they are somewhere else. Confusing white feather in reverse.

Are white people not the majority and males make up approximately half the population?

disgusting racism

Yeah I’ll take who gives a flying fuck for 400 Alex.

could mean that other colours are too bloody lazy.

Isn't the majority white?

Oh no, how dare they? How could they even try to better themselves and learn a trade that will allow them to support themselves. Why don’t they learn to code?

This is the racism you constantly accuse people of.

White boys shouldn't work so much. They should start smoking weed, joining gangs, listen to hip hop, do some 'grooming', embrace multiculturalism.

They're the ones who actually take these jobs. A lot of your beloved third worlders just live off the social.

Maybe people need to report the guardian for such reports. Lol

Why are you & the rest of the media so biased against white people? You should be applauding the boys for wanting to learn a trade. Your 'diversity' agenda has been pushed way too far.

Wait....if the majority of your population is white, does it not stand to reason that the majority of applicants would also be white? The most egaltarian countries in the world (where women have PURE CHOICE) also show men and women doing traditional roles. Why? BIOLOGY. SMFH

I work in the resources sector and a significant percentage of jobs/apprenticeships are ‘Indigenous Only’, which I think is a great initiative. I’m not personally seeing what this article is suggesting.

This is anti-white discrimination plain an simple, and we all know who is behind it. Be warned Jew, go leave the white man in peace, for there is only so much one can take before he responds in kind.

Doing an apprenticeship didn’t stop me from being able to spot someone massaging statistics to try and make up a story.

Racism? Thought that a progressive website such as yourself would be beyond such things.

It's no wonder you're going down the pan FakeNews WokeNonsense

How the hell did we 'white boys' become such loathed scum to you leftists? I'm just trying to make my way in life, and clearly I was born the wrong gender and skin color for that in this world.

Basically the UK wants only brown people work. No more jobs for white boys and men?

Yeah, Lets hunt those white boys down whichever corners of society they’re forced into. They’re out of schools, out of higher education, now lets hunt them out of the trades too.

Why don't you report on the class divide rather than making it about skin colour? White boys from a low socio-economic background are pretty much at the bottom of the pile. 🙄

evil anti-white bigotry

Too many whites.... you journalists do you read what you publish. In my days in fleet street any journo writing this..... would have been ejected... through the window

This story makes me want to fucking scream, the places are open to everyone arghhhhhhhhh!

So not content to do white young men out of university places in favour of hound women, The Guardian is now determined to make more of them unemployed as well. Nice...

Are you going to state that too many girls and non white people take up university places? Thought not...

Wwc boys are the most marginalised group in society. They are almost non existent in university and now you are trying to destroy any chance they have of a decent life..when oh when are white working class boys going to be given a chance to succeed.

SauvageBeau WE central planners can’t let that happen!

New study in Nigeria warns that too many Black boys take apprentice places. New study in Japan warns that too many Japanese boys take apprenticeship places. No shit, Great Britain is a White European nation, there is no such thing as 'too many white boys' in apprenticeships.

That’s RACIST! RightNews

Yawn. PC crap.

Maybe they have seen their fathers having a satisfying career and home life.

White boys will show up on time everyday and work! LOL.

Let's cover the massively disproportionate numbers of BAME working as TV journos, weathermen .. particularly it seems Indian sub-continental females. If I was Chinese though I'd be pissed off!

The fucking article then goes on to show it's both white boys AND girls that take up 90% of places.. and says they're in similar numbers.. i.e. 50/50. The headline is the most disingenuous pathetic attempt to stir up some sort of reaction with the BAME and metro bubble..

Where's Beadle?

Are you David Lammy in disguise?

I thought white boys were doing the worst at school, so an apprenticeship would be a natural choice as they didn’t get grades for university


Why don't they just exterminate everyone that's white? That'll solve the problem.

Glorified SJW bloggers. A paper in decline:

Replace white with black and ask yourself if that was ok. Plus they are not going to university so they end up in apprenticeships.

'Too many black/brown boys take asylum places, warns report' ^ This headline would have been more accurate and worthy of discussion

Why so anti-White, ?

This is racist.

White working class boy....No one is interested in you....Your not part of diversity....I mean, them balls don't fit in & get u no were for a decent job in Britain now.

This is really disgraceful when you consider that white working class boys have the lowest educational attainment. Any success that men and boys have seem to be a problem for the left.

White Working Class boys...Who do they think they are....Only the outher, in a trendy left wing restaurant North London..( Home Of Labour Left). I saw one cleaning a table...Cheek!!....Two pins, I would get him sacked and have him flogged.

White working class boys are already the most under represented group in Universities. So of course the Guardian will advocate hounding them out of any alternative route to success.

Too many Newspapers report this shit


Never expected the guardian to be racist

This is anti-white propaganda.

That's right, 'too many' whites are intelligent, willing to work, and in high demand.

How many working class white boys are allowed to work at your so-called 'Equality Body'? Even one? GFY, hypocrites!

It's bloody Britain after all, what the hell is going on?

So... 90% of the population are white (not 82% as they claim so they can assert bias) and 90% of apprentices are white. We are a predominantly white population. Non whites are not indigenous to these islands. It stands to reason that more white kids will get apprenticeships.

Maybe that’s because we’re still a predominantly white country

How dare white boys have anything. Anything on why ‘too many’ Asian girls go into medicine?

Just another anti-white trope from a (((Rebecca Hilsenrath))). Know your eternal enemy.

How racist does it get

Has anyone told David Lammy? 🤣

_amalek_ The war on whites continues...

Get in the sea! Can't people be people?, stop fanning the embers of hate.

This is so racist it’s breathtaking.

Would love the to explain what 'white boys' should be doing?

'Warns' are you serious? You wouldn't get away with this if it was any other group. Too many blacks take apprentice places Too many Jews take apprentice places Too many woman take apprentice places Too many LGBT take apprentice places Reports WARNS.

Bit racist jack ?

Your real problem is that white people adapted to being race displaced from higher education and by god that cannot be allowed. These white people and their..... adapting to their own genocide

ripvannwinkle The country's demographics - 85% white, 15% coloured. That should be the ratio of apprentices.

Warns 😂😂😂😂

Is that because there are more white boys than coloured

What pieces of hate filled shit this Jamie Doward is.

Oh dear is because they are cleverer than non whites you set of khunts

peak guardian

Having successful erased wwc boys from university, the time has come to scour all trace of them from their remaining refuges. I can only hope this comes back to bite you massive way.

This is why I detest the guardian.

An 8% difference is what your complaining about? Taking on serious problems, I see. Freaken evil 'white boys' trying to work and increase there skill set. What racists.

Britain needs a revolution...


Let’s have a look at where they are in scholastic achievement..... looks like this might be one of the few avenues still open/available.

I think we might as well drown white boys at birth! Nearly everyday we read rubbish like this, who'd want to be born a white boy in the current climate?

Anti-white buffoons.

Urrrr it's the trades turn to get the anti white, shit tirade! I'm not surprised like as you've battered everywhere else.

Its almost like they’re the only ones looking to fill those jobs

Working class white boys are soooo privelaged....

Nature is water finding its own level. Darwinian ‘natural selection’ will always, eventually, wash out social engineering. The Left and liberals have been swimming upstream on this for decades. Trying to hold back nature’s tide like a bunch of Cnuts.

Give me a fucking break!!! you really need to question some of the shite “articles” you’re publishing recently!

You hate working class white boys in university, you hate working class white boys in apprenticeships. Let's face it, you simply hate working class white boys. But be warned, if you remove their opportunities they will have nothing to lose.

Too many ethnic Brits & Celts are getting apprenticeships as opposed to the 3rd world brown & black people the government has shipped in to compete with them. When you ship in people who are less educated & dumber than your native population, pretend it's Whitey's fault.

The Guardian is disgusting anti-white/working class filth no surprise it has begging letters for money to stay alive.

You've chased them out of universities, you made them second class pupils at school, fuсk off already.

This anti-white stuff is beyond stupid.

In Britain a land that is indigenous white

So, an explicit racial quota is what you're calling for, then. Glad you guys aren't beating around the bush any more.

The fact that whites are still the vast majority in the UK is the reason why they take most places, but let's stop it and have a friggin quota of ethnics getting apprenticeships just to please the likes of Lenny Henry & the Abbottpotamus !

Too many white boys take apprentice places, warns report Too many black boys take apprentice places, warns report Too many Asian boys take apprentice places, warns report If you get outraged about the bottom 2 sentences and not the top one your a racist

Maybe just maybe the 'others' arent good enough. They may have the required exam results but attitude & communication skills & personality count too

It's like saying there are 'too many white boys in Britain'. Marxists have infiltrated all our institutions, they hate the indigenous population.

'Warns report' as if White men getting an apprenticeship in White countries is somehow bad

Ffs places should be allocated based on suitability not skin colour. Or beliefs.

When you live in another country's poppulation the majority is gonna usually be native, same in any country, the host population will obviously majority in everything. People don't really hire humans that choose to stab other humans either so a criminal record won't help.racist

More white privilege for TitaniaMcGrath to bemoan. Too many white boys sweeping the streets round here too.

From what socio-economic banding are these ‘white boys’ from? Fact: White Boys from poor/disadvantaged backgrounds are underachieving on every score. Let down and ignored! poverty education fairness

This racism and sexism needs to stop, it's damaging to young white working-class males who already have enough stacked against them from being blamed for everything by the far-left. We need to maintain the standard at equality of opportunity and retain meritocracy.

Extreme left garbage

Maybe white boys should just stop working and live off the welfare system instead of being the primary contributors?


That's pretty racist of you

So...this headline is inherently racist. 🤷🏼‍♂️

The persecution and demonization of whites is utterly disgusting

Apparently the Left really hates white working class.

Imagine seeking an apprenticeship to earn a productive place in society, being proud of what you learn and what you do, and then the guardian complains because you're White.

Stop being racist

‘Too many’?!! I really hate the georgesoros

What do you suggest white boys do instead?

Wow, I really can't figure out why white nationalists and white supremacists are making a comeback. It's a real mystery.

Disgusting article. Especially considering that working class white boys are the smallest minority in University. Where do you want them to go? hang around on the streets?

Cry me a river

This ratio

Nearly all women in the education system. Whats your point?

The Guardian hates white people.

you really do not understand the harm you are doing with this sort of reporting. You really do not.


How dare young white boys want to actually learn a trade. Shocking stuff.

Too many middle class, public school educated boys and girls take all journalism jobs at the Guardian. More class diversity please. Or to put it other way stick your identity politics up your arse!

BristolComSense Why is it a warning? So what? Maybe the others should get off their arses

Evil bastards.

Thanks for the warning . I’ll keep my guard up against those white people trying to steal our jobs!

Females over represented in hairdressing and childcare! Maybe they want to do those jobs, perhaps they don't want to design buildings!

Too many black boys are stabbing each other on our City streets.

The nation and its riches was built by their ancestors, who put in the effort for the sake of their descendants. It's not 'fair' for Jamal and Aisha to just travel over to the UK and have the same rights

Truly attempting to economically destroy whites. The agenda so obvious.

'Diversity' just means 'not white.'

To many hardworking white people are trying hard to be the best and the rest are to dumb and lazy to follow a good example. That's what I'm reading here.

Shame on them for trying to improve their futures and add value to society?

Another anti-white, hate article from Keep doing it. You're waking white people up.

Shame on them!! More should go into drug pedalling and gang violence to balance things out a touch

Ahhha the Guardian the bastion of middle class remain, migrants will do my extension 20% cheaper... I didn't even get a apprenticeship, I did it the really fucking hard way, via factory work

'Why do they keep calling us the enemy of the people? We only want to destroy white people!'

White males are underrepresented at universities and now you want to take away the chance for them to learn TRADE all because their white?

I guess that what they want is more white boys to carry knives next

Replace “white” with any other demographic this would be called racism. When are ppl (fellow whites) going to wake up and see the blatant discrimination being pushed by these leftist thugs.

It’s absolutely disgusting to think white males are the majority in a white country and make up a large percentage of apprentice jobs. That is forbidden. Not allowed. We must replace them and erase their existence improgressive

Denying opportunity to white people in their own homeland won't end in violent bloody civil war. Not at all.

Should not a parallel program of animal husbandry be started for the goat herders?

Saying too many white boys, makes it seem less racist than saying not enough black boys.

Why is it ok to discriminate against white males? If this report said anything other then “white boys” liberals would be screaming, crying, and marching in the streets about the racism and discrimination. Since it’s against white makes it’s ok I guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Long may it continue.

White people get white collar jobs: SHAME! white people get blue collar jobs: SHAME!

ECHR you do realise that you cause more problems then you actually solve? You are sowing division which in Brexit era will cause more to move to the right.'Equality' is for everyone! - frm a brown boy whose parents worked in the cotton mills of the North. ProudWorkingClass

'Diversity' is just code for discriminating against white people.

Seems like the tribe may be involved in this report

Do you even care anymore about Journalism? Now white boys need to apologize for trying to learn a trade? Listen up idiots, no white person alive today ever owned slaves & majority of Blacks alive today, unless they’re 80+ have never been a slave. You’re disgusting

This report is an absolute disgrace. White boys already have the worst outcomes at school - now they want to destroy the one place they can pull themselves up? When it was black boys falling behind, everyone did what they could to help them, not push them down.

Now do nursing and teaching. As soon as you realize men and women are different, you will quit writing articles of hate.

This is beyond ridiculous. No wonder people are leaning further to the right. How tf do you find it acceptable to discriminate against someone because of their skin colour? You only create more division and more hatred.

You stacked the education system against them and now you want them gone from the good jobs they can get. This is apartheid.

Racist is racist

I thought we were supposed to look passed people’s colour

Does it ever dawn on you there are ethnics who refuse to buckle down to supervision? Having dealt in this field be assured whilst some ethnic kids are prepared to work hard, take advice, learn from others, a rather large number are not prepared to do anything anyone asks them to.

Actually amazing how much they hate white people

Why is the Guardian begging for money I wonder🤔📉

FFS say that again but replace white with black boys, or jewish boys etc.

Maybe they are the only ones worthy?

Obviously, white boys should have their genitals removed and their skin tattooed purple.

What is wrong with you people?

There are some fantastic apprenticeships out there. Granddaughter on a degree apprenticeship from age 18, paid well for 4 days a week, 1 day at university, ALL costs paid. Best of both worlds, a degree and the industry experience with a major German motor vehicle manufacturer.

White working class boys are almost non-existent at universities so this is largely the other side of the coin to that.

The West is being eaten alive by Political Correctness, Identity Politics, and Third wave Feminism

When liberals and feminists say they don't hate men

Ow look the racist msm is being racist again 😒


Funny, in Philadelphia only blk ppl get them apprentices. Not sure u even have data. But u clearly have click-bail headlines. fakenews boycottGuardian

Or perhaps they just show a higher degree of ambition, seriousness and diligence.

We are a majority White country. Men are stronger than women & I don't think a woman could put up scaffolding for example. Disabled people will find building difficult.

Ah hello UK is country from white people what is wrong

I think someone needs to look at the suicide rates in the UK...hmm winder why a huge percentage is young white males between 16-35. Wake up

Why don't we just get rid of all the white people, wouldn't that solve all these dreadful problems? Ludicrous racist nonsense as ever.

Define 'too many'

Hmm so white males are more motivated and driven? Shocking.

Well that’s racist AF..... So much for content of character over the color of skin.

What is wrong with white boys working its not their fault if other boys from other races are lazy or don't work all jobs

Hmmm I wonder why so many white people are waking up 👌

Racist against whites

Good Lord. Could you be more racist?

I guess us White Folks have just become second class citizens, Wonder when our Jim Crow laws will be placed in effect...

I wonder what would happen if the headline was “too many black boys” 🤔


Those bastards, wanting employment prospects. For shame! 🙄

The vermin left in action...


So men shouldn't go to school, work or reproduce? We get where (((you're))) coming from.

Its become clear that the media has gone to war against white people. Maybe its time for white people to engage and fight back? Fear is a powerful motivator.

The article lost me at the point where it characterises the deliberate selection of candidates at the expense of similarly qualified white males as 'positive action'. Employers should pick the most suitable candidate, whoever that is. Leave the social engineering to others

We're not shocked. Only at how now U notice

Typical anti white working class view of the

This diversity acceptance tick box exercise is getting beyond a joke...there are more white boys.. more apply..more get accepted ..simple numbers...white boys are risking being excluded from opportunities because they are white..slippery slope methinks

'women are over-represented in hairdressing and child care' lol you lunatics

In a nation 81% white I would expect the majority of apprentices to be White. Are you suggesting young, working class white children be denied opportunities to learn a trade? Are you now peddling racism as a selection criterion? Only the best candidates REGARDLESS of race.

Bastards, doing all that hard work and preparation and all that...... We need more stupid POC in apprentice schemes.

Hmm, I wonder if this is related... 😒

Want work, not to stab people.

More anti white hatred.

Read this headline Then read it again 'warns' Pure Orwell

Equality of opportunity does not mean equality of outcome. This is discrimination.

Bloody white boys. 🙄

What exactly would you have them do?

Wow blatant reverse racism. Maybe that headline should read less white boys view Grime and crime as a suitable career opportunity.

Next headline will be 'Too many white people in Britain, cull bring discussed by ministers'.

are there too many indian doctors? are there too many jewish lawyers? are there too many black footballers? The left wouldnt DARE ask a question like this about any other group. RACISTS.

Here’s a better idea, increase the number of apprenticeships

Oh, here we go again. Another attack on young white working class males who will never be able to find any accommodation or get on in life. This is discrimination. If you think Brexit is a revolt you haven't seen anything yet.

But aren't white working class boys also the least likely to go onto further education? If they aren't doing that, isn't it understandable that they'd make up a higher proportion of apprenticeships?

Absolutely no mention of what percentage go into higher education instead. Surely this is important?!

Would that be because they are willing to work perhaps?

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