Patients should be charged for GP appointments and A&E visits to ease waits, Sajid Javid says

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United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

The former health secretary has suggested the NHS should swap hefty waiting times with means-tested fees, looking to countries including Ireland, Norway and Sweden as possible models.

Mr Javid proposed that the NHS should replace making people wait with means-tested fees, while"protecting those on low incomes".Advertisement

"This conversation will not be easy, but it can help the NHS ration its finite supply more effectively." The Bromsgrove MP, who will not stand at the next election, highlighted Ireland's"nominal" 75 euro fees for going to an injury unit without a referral, and £20 fees for GP appointments in Norway and Sweden as possible models."Too often the appreciation for the NHS has become a religious fervour and a barrier to reform," the Bromsgrove MP also said.

"We need to shake off the constraints of political discourse and start having a grown-up, hard-headed conversation about alternatives."His proposal comes amid increased calls for an overhaul of the NHS, and not just from within the Tory party."In recent elections, the left has given a lot of people the impression the answer to everything is to pour more money in.


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I agree with him to a point. All immigrants should pay for health care

Labour created a public health service that was free at the point of use in 1948. In future, however, what proportion will be provided by the private sector?

There is plenty of money in the UK to pay for healthcare for all. The government has been printing it since 2008. Where is it? I guarantee it’s not in your bank accounts. Where is it? In the bank accounts of the richest and they’ll convince you to vote against your own interests.

AKA Labour will be less blatant about selling off the NHS.

Is not free though is it. Not everyone puts in the pot but all want to take out

The Department of Health's budget works out at £6,000-£7,000 per person The idea that anyone should pay a penny for such appalling service by the NHS is abhorrent UK desperately needs to move to European healthcare model

Churchill had a lot to do with it.

Just get their colleagues & chums to pay their taxes. Easy.

He is the 'former' Health Secretary for a reason.

This has been their aim all along.

He’s a banker that was made health secretary. He has zero clue on the NHS. His opinion is irrelevant

Yeah the privatisation is getting ramped up, give it 5-10 years and you will be required to have health insurance or you can did on the streets

BethRigby People should certainly be charged for missed appointments!

I think Politicians should be charged a fee to knock on your door when out canvasing.

Strange.🤔 I always thought we'd all paid for the NHS already via taxation. Where's all the tax gone? Oh yes! Servicing PFI debt to companies which shares Cabinet Ministers hold within their portfolio! Daylight robbery incarnate.🤬

Yes pay for a service that doesn't fix us but makes us sicker. Sounds like a plan, make sure the NHS liability is good enough to be sued for negligence and murder claims.

Tory end goal is in sight.............

It’s what we pay oh wait a minute ummm NATIONAL INSURANCE for. When will they be gone and all this over with.

This was the plan all along (despite all their protestations) - to privatise the NHS. sajidjavid - No.SaveTheNHS

That’s a private system not the NHS & we have paid for it through our taxes, get this guy out now

Here you go. The long awaited change to privatise the NHS

Tory w⚓️🤬🤬

Would make more sense to create an expedited fee. Everyone would still get seen but you could pay to have your date moved up to help cover costs within the system. Ultimately, that would help provide cost coverage for everyone still waiting in line.

Of course he did. 13 years of under funding with the sole intention of forcing its privatisation so the likes of this shit stain can profit from it.

Or what Sajid actually means - i need to create new opportunities for when i renter the private sector so i can make more money for myself.

Another baby step suggestion towards private healthcare 🤦🏻‍♀️

In other words tories screw up NHS deliberately to create demand for privatisation

We already pay for it. Make it performance related and then we will pay less or nothing

100% they should

Here we go with the privatisation....if the Tories are left in charge any longer you can kiss goodbye to the NHS

Forcing hundreds of thousands of people to choose filling their car or heating their home over seeing a doctor. 👌🏻

We’ve paid in advance sajidjavid or do you not understand the purpose of national insurance.

I cant quite join the dots on how paying eases waiting, unless he believes people will simply stay at home and suffer ? 🤔

Coming from a guy who sacked 40 thousand care workers which is contributing to serious bed blocking issues maybe he should shut up

If you voted for these wallies, you're the source of the problem.

Iv always thought NI contributions paid for appointments and treatments correct me if im wrong it just seems like another way of pulling the tories out of the shit that they've put us all in


We already pay. What a joke. ITS NOT FREE.

Here we go, ffs.

So pay in tax then pay to use a free service yeah that will help with the cost of living has he been hanging around the mayor of London by any chance

Thought it wasn’t about money more about how it was ran !

The Tories simply don't care about you if you're poor. You can stay sick. It is that simple.

We already pay, remember NI,trouble is it’s like paying into an insurance scheme but when you need to claim it does not pay out. so they don’t want us to use 111 but go on line,don’t use A & E,very difficult to see your GP. If an insurance comp operated like this FCA would act.

Who never seen this coming?

Ah, up he pops, Mr Non Dom banker, friend to US private medical care companies..... Wonder why he got into politics...?


This is a bad short term policy solution. Down the line there would then be a health bomb of all the people who have sat on stuff and then it'd got worse and far more serious. Charge for missed appointments certainly but not this.

So people who cant afford it will miss out on an essential early appointment when an issue maybe be fixed more easily and cheaply and possibly end up waiting until the treatment is more costly if the issue is even treatable. Because that's working so well in USA NOT!!!

Fine, but we should pay less tax as a result then, not paying them more. Piss off!!

Says the man with strong links to health insurance providers. The vultures are circling.

Just for the rich again.

Just fund it properly

That’s it. Blame the patients.

We are taxed. It's how it works

Another day another Tory twat commenting on topic they know nothing about, and on a service they neither use themselves or want to keep. The sooner GeneralElection occurs the better. This has to be the worst government we have had in many many years.


Immigrants included.

We already pay for it through our PAYE and NI contributions,

Also known as privatising the NHS. Boris wanted to do it. Now Sunak is attempting it. Britain…watch the pick, pick, pick happen before the NHS is no more.

Like it or not it’s inevitable in some form.

When you have asylum seekers and immigrants coming over to have babies via the NHS, using it for everything it has whilst not contributing to it it’s going to end up fucked. Those not paying into it shouldn’t be allowed to use it… we’re already taxed on it we pay our bit

So who currently pays for the NHS? Fairies?

We already pay its called tax and national insurance

Can those too afraid to go to their GP and A and E get a refund instead ?


So he means the people like me who pay for prescriptions as well and who only sees a gp once every 5-10 years. Cos the people who use it most don’t even pay prescriptions so would no doubt not pay fo GP

And there we have it, the Tories plan all along. Stage one complete: cripple the NHS. Commence stage two: the prospect of payments.

New tory plan if you’re in a n accident and need to be taken to A & E you’ll only be seen if you can pay. If you can’t pay then you will not be treated

No we should not. It is the NHS . Free for all The government should be putting money in not charging us to use it. People already pay their National Insurance contributions . OMG what a government this is .


Irrelevant all around the globe, aren't you? cookers

nhs will be 100% sustainable after sajidjavid and his Tory mates stop stealing and pay their taxes ! Friken thieves

Butt out!

Thought this was Dr Evil…

You do things like that more people will die as they won't be able to afford it. We are not as rich you you government pricks. You lot should give half your wages to the NHS that would cover the deficit

People who don’t cancel or turn up for appointments SHOULD be charged 😡 so many people waiting to be seen and this happens, don’t be so lazy and cancel your appointment!!

We are charged already for the NHS it’s called National Insurance contributions

GPS arnt at work for face to face appointments

What a way to hit the poorer people! Pathetic

Who gets the money, as GPs are private contractors? It's a no anyway btw

Yes, because there's nothing people like more than trying for days to get a GP appointment or going to A&E sitting waiting for hours on end. They clearly don't need medical assistance, just nothing better to do 🙄

Oh lovely, the choices are growing. Choose between heating, eating and living.

In ten years the NHS will not exist, it will be an insurance based health care system based on the useless USA model, people will die cos they cant afford it and poor people will stitch their own wounds like in the USA,it will happen

Patients should not be charged for A & E visits, how does you see that working when they're there in emergencies or caused by unplanned accidents? Patients should be charged for failing to attend appointments though wasting clinicians time and keeping wait-list years long

Stop charging national insurance then.

More tax.the answer to everything.🫣

Paying your taxes might help

Use the chemist network to field minor complaints? Divert millions of patients to the thousands of chemists who’d absolutely welcome the influx of business.

Patients already pay for GP appts, A&E visits and all NHS services, through their National Insurance tax contributions. Because no money changes hands, we are led to believe that it is free. It is NOT free. No need to pay twice.

For something you can’t get, that’s rich coming from him!


There aren't enough doctors so you can't see what's not there.

FO it’s the NHS and it’s free

I see you - Sky News - are doing an audience participation debate on this as if talking about scrapping the NHS is what you want to talk about.

It’s a good thing that everyone in this country has an endless supply of money because if they didn’t, this guy’s attempt at humour would come off as uncaring and callous.

Don't we pay National Insurance contributions for our healthcare ? Govt wants people to pay twice ? 🤣

Ahem. We already pay! It’s called National Insurance! Did you forget? It’s actually quite a lot of money too. The Government are choosing to abuse funds and are underfunding the NHS to make us pay more! THE NHS IS NOT FREE ALREADY!

Why is Dr Evil being quoted in the news? Is he suggesting the patients pay one billion dollars?


And there you have it…privatisation, not via the back door, but in plain sight!

What about those on a night out who turn up at a&e worse for west abusing staff and worse? Seems reasonable they pay when they sober up.

We already pay, Javid. The NHS isn't free, and we aren't stupid. Sort the feet on the ground, and then the rest will follow. There are a million ways to do it, but you just don't like those options. Stop taking MORE from the poor.

Eh, what do we pay our taxes for?

When they get kick out of power it's going to be for a very long time

No they shouldn’t. They have already paid. It’s called the NHS. We need to fund it properly, regardless of how much that costs. The proceeds from tax evasion would cover it.

Totally agree. There is little other option other than to whack up contributions otherwise. Shocks me at how many unnecessary cases you see these days in A&E….

We already are charged plenty through our taxes. And if there’s enough funding and Rishi claims why do u need more money from us?

Get these criminals out NOW

No! To many managers in the NHS earning over inflated wages, given too much power while those below them do all the work incld. all the paperwork that govt. demand. Bring back the Matrons & Sisters to oversea the wards. We the ppl. already pay for the NHS.

Enough is enough. General election now so we can get these crafty conniving bastard's out. So pissed off with it now 🤬🤬🤬

Javid you and your government need to get a life you perfectic human being.

How can we trust them...the Tories! Just protectors of wealth and greed, everyone a model of a Marie Antoinette. Do not party us with your poisoned cake.

Here we go. Privatise the NHS 🤬

Very much pushing for privatization. The signs are clear.

Another who admitted being paid money into an offshore account by a former employer . Perhaps if he paid the same taxes as everyone else we would have money to support the NHS and social care .

And the illegals that get priority

I really am shocked that these sort of poorly thought through statements are being allowed it’s every day “shock and awe “ something is going on that makes me feel very uncomfortable - this government just seems hell bent on destroying everything we have

That’s a terrible ideal, why do the Conservative Party try so hard to destroy the NHS? The housing market is already a shit show, you can’t even rent a one bedroom flat anymore even though you earn up to £4000 a month and getting a mortgage as a single person is impossible.

Let's start with stopping MPs' expenses that would save a bit e.g. might well reduce unnecessary spending and trips?

Slippery slope to compulsory health insurance and private health treatment

Can we check current tax status before giving any Tory a voice

Why England are you voting for these ppl Ffs


Pretty sure I am charged for it, every month!

Boiled egg looking nonce

Can’t frigging get a doctors appointment

Is he going to pay? What about the NI contributions that’s taken from our wages and every tax is that not enough Happy to pay take every the dedications off our wages and council tax

You’re lucky if you can get to talk with a GP never mind getting an appointment


No, people should have been charged if they wanted to buy an unnecessary gene therapy. That way the NHS would not be in such a situation.

We are charged. It’s called National Insurance. If you want to stop claiming that from us and also the huge chunk of tax that goes to the NHS then fine.

It's almost as if they want people to die.

Does that mean you reduce the tax I pay

From the man that said the covid vaccine was “Safe” sajidjavid 🤔 Fatally safe.

We do it's called national insurance you cockwomble

Tory scum

No the NHS is there for all people, you tories have destroyed the NHS

People can’t afford to put the heating on or feed the family, where’s the money coming from? Is this another way for Tories to cull the poor and vulnerable?

Vote for you I think you should removed from your job. People are struggling and you want them to pay more. Change the pride of Britain the great NHS taking it away from poor. Shame on you, it has great people and safety net for us all. I really hope you change you point of view

We already get charged, it’s called national insurance

Ok, i'll have my NI payments back then.

Is that not what part of our National insurance pays for?

He's not wrong. Even a small co-pay puts skin in the game.

Politicians should fully pay their own way instead of taxpayers paying their mortgages. &80’000 for what? International health tourism. Ok. British citizens. Sorry. You’ll have to pay. What a disgusting man

The logic behind this is if you can’t afford to pay you won’t book an appointment so you free up space for people with money. Disgusting

What an absolute scummy fat headed prick. That suggestion alone deserves the jail. horrid inhumane animal.

This is an incompetent boss at work who, instead of acknowledging their own short comings, blames their team and introduces plans to make the workplace worse. This “management” style has infected the country. Completely inadequate and unfit to govern.

I'm gonna stay calm for now in all this madness. But when they charge me for breathing air I'm gonna loose my £_

Free at point of use! Did he not get the memo?

And there it is The Tory plan in a nutshell These people are a cancer on the public and I can't wait to vote them out If you accept this , then you are part of the problem. Tories out

This bloke seriously needs putting down! 🤡

The unintended(?) consequences of this proposal don’t bear thinking about. They’ll be proposing the reintroduction of workhouses next.

Uk slowly turning into India

I didn’t visit the dentist for years as money was short. That was bad enough. Choice was between heating or eating, now they want us to pay to visit the doctors. Have to pay for eye tests and hearing tests. Tax is highest rates ever then try to tell us health is free😡

As someone who has missed 100s of appointments when i was young because there was no punishment, i agree we need to bring in deposit and if you turn up you get refunded

Ease waits by making people sicker because they cannot afford an appointment.

What the actual fuck? So you do want to privatise the NHS 🤬

The criminal Premier of Ontario Doug Ford is trying to pull that crap here. PS DOWN with the KING!!!🇨🇦 Monarchy is a disgusting archaic and brutal form of Governance. They are just warlord despots not glamourous celebrities with their stolen gems dripping in blood.

We do it's called NATIONAL INSURANCE!! 🤡 What next, 'Health Insurance' ? Fund the NHS and build the 'New Hospitals' you announced (lied about) ToryLiars

Is this sajidjavid pitch to return as conservative Party Leader in a few yrs time? Not sure how charging people will reduce illness. Ah, rationing healthcare based on ability to pay. Let the poor perish. Ridge BBCLauraK ConHome

stop people coming into the county having treatment on the NHS then leaving,

This has been their plan all along, selling off the NHS slowly, if this happens then withdraw the NI that EE’s and ER’s pay!

no they should not, thats the entire point of free healthcare is that does not happen

Surely GP hours should be exrended to 6 days a week and longer hours. End telephone consultations. Recruitment of more foreign doctors and nurses at A and E together with far better pay and conditions for all NHS staff.

Its a start 👍

Capitalist system it's best

sajidjavid what a tosser

The tory plan all along and they think we didn't see this coming!

So those who can't afford it can just suffer and possibly die. Yep, sounds like a Tory plan.

sajidjavid stop charging ni for nothing then and ill happily pay what planet are you on dont forget your seabelt you think you can run the country and dictate but your own party members can follow the law be quite theirs a good lad

The people of London need to riot until this rotten lot call a general election.

This was always the game plan.

Why pay us at all? You might as well take it all in taxes and nhs charges and send us some Aldi vouchers in the post for grocery.

Says the man with so many connections with private health care ! Sick of Tories trying to make money out of our public services

Thanks to 13 years of pay cuts, some people are struggling to feed themselves. Now the Tories want to remove their right to medical treatment if they can't pay.

i'm so glad he's leaving at the end of his term. hope he doesn't do too much damage first...

Patients are already paying…. It’s called National Insurance… GeneralElectionN0W

Maybe if “The Saj” & those like him paid the taxes that he owed without being forced to we could have services that weren’t on their knees quite so badly & he wouldn’t think this was needed at all!

GP visits but not A&E visits, although people will then go to the A&E when they shouldn’t then I guess both

No instead fund and staff the NHS properly and remove those that hand Tory MPs bags of money from running bits of it for profit.

We do be charged it’s called national insurance !!!

Yes let’s turn it into a system like they have in America where it’s All about the money! Another useless Conservative idea! 🤡

Healthcare only for those who can afford it. The rest of us can die in the gutter for all they care. ToryScum


Pay for all your own bandages and everything anyway $30 minimum surcharge on top of the Medicare levy it's already subsidised what do you want

Surely you wouldn't charge someone for an emergency? I wouldn't put it past them

Plenty of common sense if anyone actually reads the article. Doubt people will though for the reason he says in the article.

That will lead to easing alright as many people will not be able to afford to ho on top of all their other costs. These 🤡 s are too out of touch 😒

And so it begins... Tory destroy the NHS, and slowly but surely start charging for everything

NO. Taxes should be raised on those with broadest shoulders and the NHS should be funded properly.


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