Noel Gallagher says he refuses to wear a 'pointless' mask despite UK laws

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Singer-songwriter argues ‘if I get the virus it’s on me, it’s not on anyone else’, as Ian Brown calls for ‘no masks no vax’

Noel Gallagher has said he refuses to wear a mask during the coronavirus pandemic, complaining that it is a violation of his liberty.on the Matt Morgan podcast, the former Oasis guitarist said: “It’s not a law. There’s too many fucking liberties being taken away from us now … I choose not to wear one. If I get the virus it’s on me, it’s not on anyone else … it’s a piss-take. There’s no need for it … They’re pointless.


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johnmerro1 Always thought he was a wanker. This backs up my claim.

PeterRMcD He’s becoming a far right pin up boy 🙄

Good for him, I am pretty left wing and modest in my views, but this mask thing has gone way too far and now the little mysophobic mask millitants are out to kill anyone who dares not wear one, even if they are excempt and have hidden disabilities !!

Same guys who do devil horns signs 🙄

Shame , however everyone is allowed an opinion. Being someone who has lost a close family member to COVID-19 and being in a clinically vulnerable group I really don’t understand how people are happy to put others at risk , hey it’s a free world or is it ?

Gallagher also doesnt believe plagarizing your entire catalogue from the Beatles is a bad thing, so I'll take his shitty opinions w/ a grain of salt. Oh,& Noel? Masks primarily protect *other* people. I guess maybe.. you're NOT gonna be the one to save me.

He may not worry about catching COVID by not wearing one ut how confident is he that he is not a carrier in which case wearing one will definitely help protect those around him! But then he always was and arrogant b.....!

Pub rock 90's guitarist...who gives a flying f**k what he thinks.

He's a fud! He's always been a fud!

Who Another hasbeen celebrity looking for some limelight. pointlessNoel

Liam😍😍Noel 🤮🤮

Puntos para Liam

Unfortunate. This makes me concerned that Ray Davies isn't wearing a mask....Ray... please wear a mask... Noel: copy Ray... as usual.

There we are now we definately know what to do no maybes' about it

Jail him

Mask can help keep out the breeze carrying dust-laden virus. Protect your respiratory system from the virus.

what about others you may infect?

Hey Noel, how about reading the evidence?


Totally agree!

He should know better with that halitosis.

It’s fine ... because the sun will shine.... he’ll get in his car... and drive real far But then he’ll find.... he’ll change his mind (More primary school lyrics here)

Was he the guy in The Blurb ?

Nobody I know wears masks. We've been going to the beach every weekend. Get over it. We're not following the little Hitler BoJo.

Have followed Brown and Gallagher and seen them live over the years. Love the music. Never thought I would agree with them during this MK Ultra type psyop. They are playing us like a nine bob fiddle. About time we all woke up🤣🤪

Good man


Why would you give the oxygen of publicity to a renowned knob who just happened write some good songs? Slow news day? BTW I’m a regular Guardian reader and thought you were better than this

So if he gets in a car he’s not gonna put on a seatbelt

thank you Noel!! much love to you!


He said 'by now you should've somehow realized what you're not to do' , 'I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do, about you now'.....

So Mr Gallagher you are just gong to pass on the virus to older people then , wear a mask they really work . we know you don't believe it but think of elderly relatives if you have any .

He looks older than Keith Richards. Must be vegan 🌱

I refused to listen to his pointless band in the aughties.

Good on him.

simondolan Im with noel 100%

Trying to boost sales of his hopeless post-Oasis, Liam-less music

Stick to Beatles pastiches, Noel.

Noel Gallagher is an irrelevance outside of his own house.

Masks are woke burkas for 🛏💦 No scientific evidence to support them other than this:

He's right they are pointless. Just lulls the sheep into a false sense of security. Same sheep will queue up for the vaccine. That's what it's about. Money. Funny how now everyone's got a mask on so no longer think they have to socially distance. They're the ones spreading it now

Let there be love ✋🏻

Ohh yeah spread the love don't worry if u get it and who you pass it on to

Raw selfishness. If YOU get covid, fine; if you infect OTHERS, then not fine. But this might be too complex to understand.

Never heard of him. Who is he and why does it matter what he does?

He is a idiot! voguemagazine

A millionaire who can afford private health care and any fines that may come his way

SAGE: Behavioural Manipulation 101 Use media to: 1. Increase sense of personal threat ☑️ 2. Increase sense of responsibility to others ☑️ 3. Promote social approval for desired behaviours ☑️ 4. Promote social disapproval for failure to comply ☑️ 🥇👍 KBF

I'm exempt from wearing a mask, and I wear this. The looks I get off people. What's the problem? I'm the one 'at risk'.

He’s ignorant. The idea that he is being protected by the mask says it all. No empathy or care for potentially protecting others. Same as all the others who are ‘Anti - Mask’.

Good on him!!,i am not wearing one either!!, its a free country with freedom of will,you can't be forced to do anything!,,,this is not some dictat,or 30 s Russia FFS!!

What's the phrase I'm looking for... oh yeah, 'Fuck him!'

Idiots like this are unhelpful

I mean he’s’s like wearing a condom at the baby shower. The damage has already been done

Let him dig graves

I mean he’s a Brexity Tory- are we surprised?

During lockdown not one police officer, bus driver, truck driver or shop assistant (all key workers) with no PPE passed away from covid. Not one. This is info from the freedom of information. So if they were out there no mask mid pandemic why are we all wearing them now?

pity all those in denial and wont follow simple rules to help us to stay safe wouldn't frig off somewhere like mars or Venus where they can infect each other till their hearts content...

stupid is as stupid

He'll be ok if he gets it, but the more people NHS staff have to treat the more chance there is of their immune systems getting overloaded so he is being selfish. This is why so many relatively young NHS staff died

I’ll keep saying it. IT’S NOT LAW!!

As someone that loves the band 'Oasis', I am disappointed.

Noel listens to Jonathan Sumption !

I just want to understand why the opinion if this man matters? Does he represent our Society or something? Tbh I am absolutely not interested about his opinion ...on anything.

Of course, why should he wrar a mask that protects only weak and old and not himself? So how good does this sound?

Good on him👍🏻

How about wear a mask for the mental health of others. I have trouble with any of this. But it’s not a massive imposition and if it makes someone else comfortable doing their job why not. I’m more worried about enforced lockdown and the law for it not being temporary

tisme48352507 Great!

Controlling the masses is not through fascism, socialism, racism or any other ism, or even religion, it is through FEAR. Get the people to fear something and you've got them in the palm of your hand and they'll do anything you tell them to do.

That because its not the law, its a civil demand

Team R kid 👍🏻

It’s not law that’s why! And if it is please state which law! I’ve asked around and no one can still state which law this is or falls under 🤷🏻‍♀️

total dumb dumb


Think got brain damage from earlier years good job he doesn't live in other countries he wouldn't be saying that he'd have no choice

Sorry he should know better and set an example another who thinks they don't like any one telling them what to do good job he didn't live during the last war

liamgallagher was always the better one 😂

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Good lad daniellealiceb

Good for him👍

Taran_Baker I’m with Noel.

The one he is wearing is good enough

. . . and if he spreads the virus, it's also on him.

markwestlake 🤦🏽‍♀️

He always was a rebel

Well said Noel.

Who cares what Noel thinks it’s not like he will be shopping in Asda 🤣

Liam has always been the smart one

Never the brightest star in the firmament

I agree I don't wear one..

simondolan FYI: its not the law. Download the template from the gov website, they clearly state no proof needed 😉 fearfree


Then hopefully he will volunteer in hospital as he won’t need any PPE etc. NoelGallagher


Onyer NoelGallagher.

Someone using common sense, intuition, and personal experience How refreshing in a world of absolute madness

The idiot doesn't seem to care that masks aren't there to protect him. They are there to protect others from him. NoelGallagher - Does this mean you are happy to infect and/or kill others?

Noel Gallagher himself is pointless, who gives a toss about what he has to say anyway

Feckin know all..

As if anyone actually cares... another pointless celebrity who thinks they’re opinion matters!

Guardian up to to its usual, pretending to represent a legitimate voice then smearing it with it's own pseudoscience. Why not actually do an interview with denisrancourt and MLevitt_NP2013 and then Anders Tendell about masks?

Selfish and stupid bloke in vain attempt to keep himself relevant and controversial


Pointless idiot is as pointless idiot does.


When was the last time he caught a bus?

For all their inconvenience, one (other) positive aspect of mask wearing is that it makes it very easy to spot the selfish turds that refuse to wear them. It also allows you to review their body of work in a new light of the fact that they are actually twats.

Not really a surprise!

Life would be so much better if the papers didn't treat any old nonsense spouted by under-qualified oafs as a newsworthy statement just because they're kinda famous. If someone fell out of Weatherspoons stinking of their cheapest vodka said this, would you write it up?

Glad I don't listen to pointless Noel Gallagher pointless music.

It goes without saying, whenever I’m curious about virology the first person I go to for advice is Noel Gallagher. 😂

Noel Gallagher = legend

There's no fool like an old fool!

I’m with Noel............ retweet if you are too!👍🏻

Would be awful if he got a nasty dose of corona,karma has ways and means

oh nooooo not noel please please please wear a mask oh sorry i worded that wrong i ment

What a load of sheep you are how is a paper mask going to save you get a grip wake up and get on with your lives with you all the way Noel.

Please cough and sneeze over this prick every time you see him Still trying to get people backs up

'It's not on anyone else' EXCEPT the health staff that have to treat him if he is seriously infected, the people he infects, the health staff that have to treat them, the people they infect, the health staff that have to treat them, the people they infect, ... & Who was he?

Seen as the science is divided on the benefits of mask wearing and the fact that since its introduction the R rate has risen then I’ll give it a pass thank you. That’s before we get into the bare facts of it being way overplayed.

Charlesthornt Always a knob

Good lad!!!!

Thank fuck he's a City fan. Let them catch it. !

Dear Noel Gallagher don’t be selfish. You protect others by wearing one, they protect you by wearing one.


I refuse to listen to a pointless former popstar giving out advice on health.

Old has been says something irrelevant, who cares?

He needs prosecuting.

Pointless man

Good for him. More people need to speak out against the ongoing madness of this government overreaction.

Yep.... Im With you Noel 100%

Thank you NoelGallagher

Shut up Noel

I wonder is Liam doing the opposite🤣

What an idiot

He's the type of guy when pulled over by the police will be non compliant. Whether you believe it works or not just do it just to get this damn thing over with.

Noel Gallagher doesnt wear a mask for one reason and one alone. The man is 70% image and 30% witty bantz. He doesnt like how his hair and leather jacket look with a mask, and hes definitely tried a number of black leather ones!

Feel like his logic is sort of sound. When I saw people wearing masks on holiday in Japan I thought it was pointless (although probably just a fashion thing back then). Maybe somebody just needs to tell him what I’ve learnt - masks are for other people, they stop you spreading.

The Guardian ... Natural home of Karens & the over-anxious middle classes... And the FBPE nutters.

Oh god... not another one claiming violation of liberty 🙄 NoelGallagher Let’s see how you behave if you do get the virus then, and whether you & your household isolate properly or not.

Frankly that makes me want to wear one..he's such a rebel..

Then he's an idiot

We found that attention you and your brother are looking for

He should hear what my mates say about the entire Oasis back catalogue.

Bluebell2201 I thought he would be mad for it

his choice.

Yes Noel!🤗🤗🤗

simondolan At least someone has balls and brains in UK

Not actually pointless, as long as it's a good mask (not Chinese made Crap - but genuine N95 standard), plus as long as it isn't worn too much (what you breathe back in can be cumulatively bad. As Karl Denninger says, a mask can be as health endangering, as strapping a used nappy

Noted epidemiologist that he is.

It is just a matter of politeness, Noel. Other people feel uneasy if you go anywhere near them.


Well it keeps him in the papers.

Gosh. Well done him. First time I've had any time for him. Who is he again?

Citeh fans been socially distancing at their stadium for years.

Dear ,running “stories” like this is dangerous & irresponsible. Whilst the majority will read it & see Gallagher’s comments for what they are -immensely selfish & ignorant- it will boost the determination for SOME to behave this way. CollectiveResponsibility

He’s not that well educated

NoelGallagher should wear a mask even after the pandemic

For all the mask nay sayers, masks have been working against coronaviruses for a long time. Remember SARS? Possibly not as it didn’t affect you but mask wearing and hand washing was and is the secret sauce. That’s why mask wearing countries are doing better than this mad house

Good lad. Top man.

Good for him. More need to stand up . Look at the figures hardly any deaths at all, and more from flu in recent weeks

Some might say

Research now suggests that face coverings could actually be providing immunity but not in the way they were intended...

Suprised you shared this unhelpful view on scientific matters by a musician without challenge? Unless you put in comments by someone educated or ask him why he is so selfish, wearing a mask is not on him, it’s not about him. Wearing a mask is an altruistic act for others.

He never did give a sh*t about what people think. This is what we need - people using their own brains to make informed choices instead of virtue signalling

NoelGallagher reasses your line on this. I have so many friends who work on the front line & others who are suffering from covid effects. They don't need people like you telling others that masks are a pointless task. It helps curtail the spread. Selfishness helps the spread.

Throw him in jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200

Dick 🍆

Popes_eleven Never forget his debut album : ‘What’s the story boring Tory?’ Just another poor boy done bad. MancWank

EnglishmanAdam If masks reduce the chances of spreading a deadly infection, he could be committing manslaughter every time he goes out.

NoelGallagher reasses your line on this. I have so many friends who work on the front line & others who are suffering from covid effects. They don't need is people like you telling others that this is a pointless task. It helps curtail the spread. Selfishness helps the spread.

Another celebrity talking shite . Who’d Av thunk it 🤷‍♂️

Well done!!

Common sense, science and factual statistics tells us that masks are pointless and needless. Well said Noel

Ah pointless Noel Gallagher has an opinion he’d like to share

What a dick. However, how is this news? I'm sure there are plenty of people doing the same thing - why publicise it and create an opportunity to follow celebrity lead/culture further?

Who cares what Noel thinks... it's his flipping choice. We each have our own choice.

He's another irrelevant has been.

EnglishmanAdam Dickheads are going to dickhead......

CoronaDoubter Obviously knows this is a load of bs like lots of others do.

They are not laws. Careful with the language.

Good man.

And I'm sure he'll be whining along with all the other anti-mask children when the regime is finally forced to implement another lockdown.

Always the attention seeker 🙄

What a double hard bastard. Rebelling against the machine at the age of 62. Keep on rocking Noel you bellend.

Who cares what a has been Beatles cover artist thinks?

GAltringham He only wears them in a specific and limited way

Good lad

Anything to grab a byline

Never wore one never will fuck the new world order and fuck vaccines my body


Like he mixes in the averages persons circles

planetjedward I think ye should weigh in here... NoelGallagher

Aren’t you assuming a f*ck nobody gives?

Nobody as pointless as Noel Gallagher

Good on him CovidHoax NoMasks

Totally selfish if he thinks a mask is pointless.


Good on Noel - I agree the wearing the muzzle is an act of submission. I’ll also never be muzzled. Only ugly people wear the muzzle also.

The man wrote Definitely Maybe... he’s pardoned.

It wouldn’t be pointless. It would cover up his miserable face.

Covid’s airborne. Even if you don’t have symptoms or don’t think you have it, you can still spread it through breathing. But the good news is that masks can catch these smaller particles to mitigate this and protect those most vulnerable. This guy? He’s a selfish tosser.

Well he is a celebrity, and they do know best

Some of us LOVED this article on Facebook ! Thank you for printing it!

Well, give him one with a point!

iamcamig1894 the no mask no vax would be fine with me

If he gets the virus, he should stay at home and not enter any NHS hospitals.

Can someone explain to him that the point of wearing a mask is so that if/when you get covid it will greatly lower the chances of you giving it to someone else? It's not about him

THEY ARE NOT FUCKING LAWS, and you shitty CCP reporters KNOW that or are demonstraiting an incompetance that discredits you from the get go.. GUIDLINES ARE NOT LAW... THEY ARE RECOMMENDATIONS. SUGGESTIONS AND SICK ONES AT THAT... NOT LAW AND NOT ENFORCIBLE BY ANYONE. KNOW THE LAW

Noel desperately needs a mask and a muzzle

I’m with you Noel

Temporary Pom

Maybe somebody needs to tell him that wearing a mask is not just protecting you, more importantly protecting others from you.


Lets hope the selfish price doesn't take the virus home to his family.

How many times do you have to tell dumb people that the mask protects other people & not wearing one shows you up for the pathetic selfish bellend you really are at heart. Try going to work everyday on the tube and see if you have a change of heart!

Maybe he really has some intelligence

Now if The Guardian could source any scientific paper showing that masks work outside strict hospital ppe guidelines and are not dangerous to your health we may get some real journalism back.

Good for him! And good for him for pointing out the rank inconsistencies behind the current policies.

This idiot should realize he has a responsibility to other people.

The govt said in its own documents in June that the effect of wearing masks is small. The science shows that wearing one won't offer much protection. This false sense of security is dangerous for those at risk, the elderly and people with health conditions

I’ve always wunderwalled why people think like this.

I'm beginning to think we should stop asking pop stars their opinion on epidemiology.

Hardly the sharpest tool in the box

Anyone would expect anything different from this idiot? Come on now, when has this guy been synonymous with intelligence?

Please don’t put your life in the hands of a rock and roll band who’ll throw it all away.


He's a musician, not a public health figure. If you take your cues from a guitarist over a scientist then you deserve what you get


God bless him! It's about time musicians started speaking out against this crap. We're being lied to as our rights are being stripped.

The anti-vax, anti-mask whackos should be held to account for their actions, up to and including murder charges.

Stop sharing this irresponsible nonsense.

He’s correct

He would if REM and Blur wore masks first.

If only there were more people like him, the covidiocy would be long over by now.

Feck sake NoelGallagher and IanBrown it’s to protect others not you! WearMasks

survival of the fittest, Adios Noel.

Good for him.

Loving his work! 😆😆😆

You don't matter, not well.

Good to know he's only wearing masks with filters as opposed to the pure cloth covers.



I wish he’d wear mask even if there wasn’t Covid.

See assholes are universal. Every country harbors them.

People like this are so self-centered that I doubt you could ever convince them differently. It’s not all about you! What about all the people you may infect?


You are seriously listening to, and reporting the ramblings of, this person? 🤣🤣🤣


Rock and Roll !!!

Really, Guardian? Could you let us know what Dr Fauci’s opinion of recent post-stardom musical mediocrity is as well?

So mate you don't mind if you kill people? Just asking. I hope this ends your career unless you publicly wisen up.

Respect lost. You're not protecting yourself by wearing one. You're protecting other people. Friends. Family. Selfish.

Ohhh the continuing ignorance!. Can someone slap this man's face bbbbbbbb ack and forth and drum into his vacuous brain that he may be a carrier?

Our hero

Good lad

Where is he going to go to wear one! Shopping in Aldi?

Laws first have to go through Parliament, these aren't Laws of late, they're illegal Fascist 'decrees'. Isn't that what our ancestors are supposed to have fought two world wars recently to prevent?

COVID-19 is the governments stupid word for coronavirus, which is nothing but the common cold. The quicker idiots learn that govts around the world hijacked the cold in unison to impose strict controls on our lives the better off we will all be.

Coronazis 3...2...1...

hendog451 Smart man. 👍

good onya noel

Has he got a new album out?

Desperate for attention much NoelGallagher What an absolute loser.

Good on you Noel

Just cannot stand the guy!

That masks only last 15 minutes...and are a lovely moist place for germs to breed.

Ultimately, it all comes down to EGO if you don’t want to wear one.

Once a jerk - always a jerk

He’s not prepared to wear a mask, but he is prepared to wet his petticoat all over social media. Strange to choose this hill for his career suicide. Nicked his riffs off the Beatles. Irrelevant and tedious for years. Even backs “brexit”. What a petty wet petticoat of a man. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂

Because of the virus asymptomatic nature, it's not about getting the virus, it is also about spreading the virus that we think we don't have. At the end of the day, we can't force everyone. Do we care or do we mind are two different things Covid19UK

I love how people will happily vote for and defend a government that's happy to rescind human rights and employment laws, but yet their line in the sand, their hill to die on over what constitutes government tyranny is wearing a fucking face mask in public.

Noel, do not be stupid!

Good on him.

He’s right not to. They are pointless

Maybe he would prefer to wear a pointed mask?

Too right. No reason to wear one now and never has been. Hiding from a virus is like trying to hide from air.

Wise man

Yes, if you got infected, it is on you, but the thing is, it is easily spread to others. you may not die and fully recover, but it may not the case for others. is it too much to ask for a little favour and consideration ?

And I though Liam was the moron.

Maybe there needs to be a more effective detergent against anti-maskers

It looks like he’s already wearing one.

Always preferred cheese making blur 😏

natural selection x

I went off him went he rambled about not wanting to vote Corbyn, this helping to continue the Tory reign of terror. Now this just makes me openly think the guy is an absolute nob.

Politeness mask, apparently 🙄

He can obviously read.


So what?

Good man.

Good for him!

Good on him! 👍🏼 he probably knows they are pointless!


Let’s hope he does not get the virus and then infect one of his more vunerable family members or a member of the public so they die alone drowning in their own phlegm and sputum scared and alone ..,

Hahaha ....weapon

Well done Noel. 👏👏 nomasks

Getting to look old isn't he. I hope he doesn't get it

20 years of cocaine =

He is really grasping to get a headline.

What a fucking moron he says it’s on me if I wear a mask no it’s on everyone you come into contact with is at risk if you belligerently refuse to wear a mask in shops and pubs

EUflagmafia Which one is he? Ant or Dec?

Somehow this doesn't surprise me.

Well that's pretty stupid logic. It's not just about his dumb self getting the virus but him transmitting it to others.

Good...someone speaking sense! More need to wake up

Always was a prick

We all know masks were just their to make people think they are safer to go out shopping. They are ineffective but we’ll needed in keeping are economy from completely crashing

Does he wear a seat belt when driving a car?

MarcherLord1 Well, got one thing right, he’s totally pointless, one word vocabulary f***, F***, F***.

Smart lad

To be fair, he is a highly qualified, sorry, I meant “prat”


If you give the virus, it’s on YOU too.

Why am I not surprised? He's always been a massive c**t from day one.

So true, they told us not to wear them back in April

Good on him maskists

Please tell me he has a pocket full of posies though!

MarcherLord1 He’s hard

Good for him, man with intelligence and integrity.

He doesn't care about life.

Completely agree with Noel on this one 👍

He was never very bright, was he? Bless.

This is coming from the guy who could afford an MRI scan to figure out he’d developed tinnitus after years of playing really loud open chords. NoelGallagher really will be on you, man.

So, jail with you, and thats it

I'm sure he'd wear one if he had symptomatic C19, because that's how wearing a mask 'protects others'. But if he did I'm sure he'd do as advised and stay at home. As would most others of the minuscule proportion of the population in the same position. In others words he's right.

He’s correct

Same here.

Who cares what he thinks

That's the first thing he's ever said that I agree with.

Stop giving oxygen to these morons


I thought Liam was the jerk.

Ooooh he’s such a rebel isn’t he 😷

GOOD! Top man!!!

Clearly his vanity is more important than people's lives.

Lost respect.

He has just lost a fan

Good for Noel. Also f**k you are scumMedia with 26 readers!

Good call Noel.

G U I D E L I N E S not L A W S noun plural noun: guidelines a general rule, principle, or piece of advice.

Another one to avoid

UK government and scientists stated the masks didn't do much at the start.... now we all have to wear one.....

When virologists start thinking they could be rock musicians I'll start listening to rock musicians thinking they could be virologists Stick to what you know NoelGallagher

And thank you for the opportunity for some publicity...

Yeah. But it's easy for him. He doesn't need to travel to work on public transport. He doesn't need to shop at Tesco's, Asda, where they tell you to mask up. Being a multimillionaire Champagne Socialist is an easy virtue signaling lifestyle that's denied to the working class.

Good more people saying they don't buy the bs narrative that we're all going to die of a cold

why should we care?



Pointless Noel

Another one who feels their opinion informed by years of chord playing counts as much as the scientific research, in the process putting everyone else’s life at risk. Added to the cancelled bin - NoelGallagher

Say NO to the Globalist Coup

Good man

He’s not ever been bright, has he

Hey Noel just stay in your fucking house then

Top man.

He is a pointless mask.

Linda36758099 UK laws made by the corrupt BRITISH government are unlawful. Wake up. And stand up for whats right.

Good on you Noel. Masks are for sheeple.

Good on you Noel.👍

What a terrible waste of so much influence. And oxygen. People, please ignore his words on this subject.

I agree with him

Well then, get him one with a point on it. Problem solved!

Does he really stand in a big queue in the shops or the post office anywhere?

Watch and think, then share

How's about a paper bag then?

Good on him. Masks are a farce and absolutely pointless.


Linda36758099 Good! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Likewise, I won't wear a MUZZLE

Pop star speaks what most people think shocker 🤯


Who cares what he thinks.

Some might say... you gotta roll with it... but don’t look back in anger... Live forever!

What an arsehole.

Got his next gig right here..

Based Gallagher

JustjojoB Good lad. These mask losers do my head in

He is and always was an arse.

Another reason not to listen to his sit music

And we are interested in his ramblings because......

I hope he doesn't look back in anger

And I had no idea Noel Gallagher was a public health expert. Imagine that. Or, perhaps he's just a prat who could more wisely use the platform his fame gives him.

Silly man

Noel knows what is really going on that’s why, watch this to get to yourself educated.

Once a prat always a prat

Why is this even news worthy? He s a washed up musician with a history of violence and alcohol abuse. How about we listen to the doctors with a history of treating illness?

If nobody talks about you anymore you talk about not wearing the mask.....

Always been a selfish prick

Good he knows when something is pointless.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻well done noel.

Well fuck him too then


Wear one with a point then

Is there a mask that fits that mooie.

It would do us all a favour if he covered it up...

Then I await his escalating fines.

More than one reason why should wear a mask, pal.

Thick selfish tit! Who new Liam would have turned out to be the be the brains of the outfit.

MarcherLord1 Thank you based manc busker

Like this?

100% agree.

Not the law

It is also about passing the virus on someone else. Selfish.

Pointless as in he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself? Consider me surprised... Not.

Noel. No-one asked.

There are millions of people struggling for their lifes in ICUs. Why it is so hard for these idiots to understand that the mask is not to protect them but me? I don't care how many people end their lives etc. I don't want to lose my life because of a stupid virus

Ooh, let's court controversy, perhaps I'll get on tv, its been a while.

The Chief can do as he pleases.


What a total prat.


Why did you ask him?

Si no llevas mascarilla, posiblemente contagies a los demás. El contagio, en muchos casos, termina en muerte. Es una cuestión de SOLIDARIDAD, no de chulería. Bastantes gilipollas hay ya en el mundo,NoelGallagher.

That sends out a good message

He always was a moron, I see he has not changed.

As if he could be a bigger fanny... Manchester - so much to answer for.

No surprise there

Totally agree.

Another point to note, there is no law to make you wear a mask!!

Once a d*ckhead, always a d*ckhead

👏👏👏respect to him.

Good on you Noel, you know it makes sense 😀👍👍

Why did no one tell me Matt Morgan had a new show. Legend

Nothing new here Durrrrr

Noel who?

P43Bkx Good on him!

Laws or Rules.....

he can move to Utah and live with the heard. I can live without his music, has he done anything since the 80's anyway?

Is he trying to out-dick his brother again, hard to do but he has managed it.

Another fucktard wished into Jodi’s MaskHole-Hoaxer cornfield 🤬👹🤬👹

Any chance you could vote in this - i would love to get to the bottom of it!



World's Top Epidemiologists - Masks Don't Work!

World Health Organization confirmed that the approximate case fatality rate of the coronavirus is generally no higher than that of seasonal influenza. COVID19 WHO

Lord save us from ill-informed celebrities.

Man, once NoelGallagher called himself a rock'n'rolla...when he is just a pop singer. Dude is living in his virtual reality.


but can we get the virus if we're all having a slow sandwich?

Noel Gallagher, arrogant and selfish? Well I never.

Fuck the laws.

Way-da-go No”chance in”el!😉

Fair play never thought I’d agree with Noel Gallagher

Someone buy Noel a pair of shades. The brighter London skies seem to have given him a permanent squint.


Always struck me as a know-all twat - can add selfish to list of adjectives now as well.

He can always pull his mop down over his nose and mouth.

He will be the first to moan when he gets it

Then he’s selfish. 90% of the madk’s effect is to protect others not yourself.

Well done Noel !!

That makes two of us 👍

swinny198 Well done 👏👏👏 👊. It's all complete bollocks and the truth will eventually emerge covidlies plandemic

Well can’t say we didn’t all already know Noel is a knob

Well done. If people hadn't been blasted with Covid 19 on the TV nobody would know anything about it. People arent dripping dead in the streets like the MSM made us think in Feb.

Good for him!

He’s a bit thick.

Good to see he fully understands why people should wear masks.

Too right

He's a total idiot.

A dumb attitude that got him in your news.

Tell the knob that it is to protect others.

It is NOT law to wear masks on trains , shops etc. More shite from the Guardian !

What a ...


Excellent news ! Looking at statistics and making up their own mind, instead of being herded by the constant unscientific, fear mongering and now completely absurd advice being trolled out by the Govt. Don't flock with the sheep Noel !

simondolan Very sensible What ever happened to our freedom Conservatives? Comrade Boris has destroyed it WW1 and WW2 veterans will be turning in their graves

Why is this news . There is so much more going on and you report this .

Who cares, really He is rich and privileged, and far from the front lines. But like many Brits, he is simply unable to care about those less fortunate and at risk of dying. Death is a real risk for non-Noel Gallaghers, the UK has one of the worst death rates in the West. Idiot.

Think this proves that he is the dickhead out of the Gallagher brothers. Actions speak louder than words.

simondolan Excellent, he's able to think for himself

I thought it was about protecting others...?

THIS is why I didn't like Oasis (Was that their name?). The arrogance.

On him then his old relative if he has any that want to be anywhere near him


Oh well the silly old fuck will just have to catch it then 🤷🏻‍♂️ Although if he does & with his past lifestyle maybe we will never need to hear him attempt to sing again. See that as a positive or negative, it’s up to you.😏


Good for him!

He has a point!

Noel Gallagher: Head being inflated by pointless masks.

Once again proving what an absolute tool he is. Is he even relevant anymore?

How unbelievably selfish of him.

Err when was this “law” 🤣 passed in parliament? You’ll find it’s a regulation so how about getting it right.

Noel's spot on absolutely pointless

manick62 Chauffuer driven everywhere. Hardly likely to be in queue at Tescos. Does he need to. Probably doesn't want powdery white patches on it.

This the same Noel that said City would win every trophy last season and ended up getting exceeding embarrassed with their worst season under Pep! Yep thought it was!

Ace isn't he?

I couldn't agree more 👍

manick62 Ian Brown - what next? No mask, no medical treatment? No losing weight, no surgery? No stop smoking, no doctor's consultations? Despicable Stasi-style medicine. UK = police state, neighbours spying & reporting on one another. Watch TheLivesOfOthers movie. NOW.

Always been a wanker, lets be honest.

And he’d be fucking right as well,now fuck off🖕🏾

Attention seeking hasbeen.

Living proof that being a great musician is not a guarantee of being a great human being...

Good man.

Tell him to stick to ‘ singing’ and not be such a selfish meme !

he'll blame this on the drugs in five years time.

A live lived in fear, is no life worth living... Switch off your TV/radio and throw away that newspaper. You won't regret it.


And you should maybe not inform us about or.get people to speak about things that matter!

Top Guy NoelGallagher Proper through and through

Good on him

He's an irresponsible COVIDIOT. And for the record, I preferred Blur.

Full Respect to Noel


Well, he and his brother were always prats (and Oasis were way overrated.)

Thank you, Noel ! You are hereby forgiven for not wanting to play in that band, the one we all love ! Well spoken, Man ! KBF

Noel , wear one , dont wear one couldn’t guve a shiny shite

Just another publicity hungry B grade celebrity

She's electric is actually about him fetishising his ventilator at ICU.

That’s confirmed it for me then. Am wearing a mask even in an empty room from now on.

Shess Infected

What’s the story morning glory and Definitely Maybe = great. Since then - shit.

Love him

well it not about you catching the covid it about ou catching it and passing it on to someone. who may become very ill or die some how its not that pointless put a mask on stop the spred and we can all go back to our lifes

And another one’s gone

We already know he’s an asshole you don’t need to remind us

richardosman How does Noel Gallagher get a Pointless mask and you don't tell anyone they are available?


Just another example of the fact that just because he can wrote a pleasant little ditty doesn’t mean he isn’t as thick as pigshit.

Nit wit

Good on him. Masks are pointless. Covid is no worse than the flu. The pandemic ended in May. The overreaction of our media and political class has cost and will continue to cost many more lives.

Always thought he was a prick

'If I get the virus, it's on me, not anyone else.' Sums it up perfectly. A fantastic attitude. A sane person. We have this kind of person, and at the other end of the spectrum: 'If anything bad happens to me, it's someone else's fault!'

Today I liked a tweet by the Guardian. I tell myself that it is only reporting something that has happened, but I still feel grubby and ashamed. I shall now read every story on Breitbart to cleanse myself.

Majeh19 Good man 👍

they are nor real laws. Article of the day: The Public Health Act 1984 does not allow house arrest, restrictions on visiting family members, funerals and weddings, church closure, muzzles, bans on assembly and protest. UK Government is acting illegally

What an irresponsible PRICK Noel Gallagher is ! 😡

👍 well said Noel.

He is actually correct when he said it is not a law, its a decree statute, so is not really a law, enshrined into the British legal frame.


Makes you bump yer head into the wonderwall.

The clues were always there, let's not kid ourselves.

Good lad ...

Why is this newsworthy? Actually asking.

He has a point about not wearing a mask when you’re eating. The law should be you’re not allowed to eat in public or do any activity where you’re forced to remove your mask.

But it's for him to give it other people then. Selfish

The key word there is 'POINTLESS'

Selfish little man

Guess I can now refuse to listen to his pointless music

This guy always was an opinionated moron: what’s new?

He’s always been a dick.

Good for him. I’m not complying with this farce either.

Another scientific and medical expert speaks out! Civilisation is doomed!

People who think this way are the most selfish people out there. And they're morons

I didn't realise he was a virologist as well as a washed up ex-celebrity. Kudos.


Big fan of Noels music and his banter but this is out of line mate FFS!

Well done that man 👌

Top man Noel

Good for him!

Yet he wears a bike helmet

Noel is pretty useless himself, maybe he'll 'take one for the team' 🙄

Good for him

Nobody was wearing a mask when the pubs opened back in June.

Good for him he has sense.. it’s a pity other ppl don’t wake up and see the facts

He truly has passed the test of time, confirming himself as his usual pompous p***k.

timjones1866 Fingers crossed


A non contentious objector, Whatever is on him can be transferred to someone else. Noel see things from the end of his nose. It stops there.

That's ok noel it's natural selection. U go ahead it's better for the gene pool

He's a fucking imbecile. Why make an article out of it? The world doesn't need more imbeciles having platforms. FFS this isn't helping anyone

Another utterly selfish individual. People like this will never make our tiny🌎more livable or lovable. We should shun people who don’t care about the greater good!

MarcherLord1 Has he got an album coming out

Good on you our kid!

Because Manchester.

Speaking of pointless 🙄

Exactly why he is an utter melt

He's an idiot and the reason I hate taking my high risk vulnerable child anywhere if I can help it! Why not want to protect vulnerable people if not yourself?

Well said man!👏👏👏


Some Might Say he's being a tit.

Really doesn’t surprise me

Refusal to wear a mask is the most efficient way of identifying selfish tw*ts


WonPeople So do I.

This is so unsurprising and compellingly not newsworthy ... I cannot believe I grew up loving the so much my most treasured possession was a long T with the brand.

Kill your idols

Good man.

liamgallagher, have a word with your brother. He's being a knob again

The only thing that’s ‘pointless’ is Noel Gallagher!

Here comes the kicker ScumMedia : IT'S NOT LAW IT'S GUIDELINES ! 🖕🏼

Ah, come on, Pointless isn't that bad a game show! Maybe he should try a Mastermind mask instead.

I bet Damon Albarn wears one


The latest in the never-ending Oasis saga...

Good for him 👍

Aye son open yer mooth an let us a' see how much of an erse ye are.... WearAMask 😷

I take 3 masks everywhere, 2 to stuff in my ears if his 'song' are on.

If you pass it on someone else is on you and then other stupid knobhead.

Good for him.


Of course it's his problem. I probably wouldn't look for his company. Let me think. Oh yes, I will not come close to him. 100%!

What's the story, boring Tory?

Not being very clever. Hope he doesn't get to regret this bad decision.

Not only is his music rubbish he’s also a prat.

You gotta hand it to Noel. His commitment to being a complete bell end, is top draw.

Critical thinking.

Maintaining his 'rockstar' status by not wearing a mask and getting his groceries delivered by Waitrose..

That political rag we call the mask needs to go 📴

Who gives a fuck what some second rate musical (and I use that word advisedly) has been thinks?

It is utterly pointless. I’m required to wear a mask in a shop but shop-workers aren’t. In a service station it’s mandatory when buying a coffee but not when drinking it; It’s essential on a train but not in a pub. Complete nonsense.

LizzieElizabeth Well said Noel Ignore all the bedwetters

Just wait until his son gets COVID-19.

Yet another COVIDiot

SimonPearson961 Unbelievable the number of Covid bedwetters on here who have all been brain washed into thinking face masks will protect both themselves and other people from CV. Sad to see just how many people can be so gullible and so stupid.

Grow up FFS!

What a shame, he looks better with a mask on.

The eternal rebel without a cause continues to refuse to grow up. Wear a mask to reduce your risk of infecting others seems a simple enough message unless like Noel you’re a millionaire outlaw committed to fighting the system like a modern Robin Hood..sad

Gallagher should know that we can all stop wearing our masks when the WHO have ousted Trump, Modi, Bolsonaro and anybody else that Liberals or China disapproves of. Maybe even kill off Brexit as a bonus if the corrupt scientific community really pushes hard.

Good for him,he's right, they are pointless.

He's f*****g pointless!

Mr Ignorance with three chords.

MarcherLord1 Gaol first you chap

Multilevel stupidity

He probably wakes up everyday and thinks ‘what’s the point?’. (That is not a suggested title for a greatest hits album).

Betting that Damon, Alex, Graham and Dave probably would...

Why is he being given a voice?

Wish he would

Good for him

A holes are everywhere

The general public are finding out what liamgallagher has probably known for much longer ... noelgallagher is a selfish prick. wearamask

I always suspected he was a dick head, now he's confirmed it for me. WearADamnMask

He's bang on!

me too

PadraigPravda Time for planetjedward to make even more enemies!

Oh Noel. Have you and Ian Brown been on the lagers?

Clever chap

Well said Mr. Maybe sheeps will start to listen!

Can we have the link to that law please? No one refers to it as law but newspapers

Good..... riddance


Did McCartney say something similar to this previously?


He is pointless to be fair

Typical idiot!

Oh no, how awful. Quick everybody, call him some names and ridicule him so you can feel righteous about yourself. It's an appealing character trait, honest.

Well, let's hope he catches the virus. Stupid arsehole.

IanJamesSeale Do people pay to read all that shit?

Hopefully he refuse to make pointless music as well

Wasn’t he a coke/drug addict too... so i don’t trust idiots like that with making good decisions

I'll change this Headline for you. Noel Gallagher... Pointless. You're Welcome 👍.

He's got a point. WHO in march was saying improper mask use is an infection risk so don't wear them. I stopped wearing them in protest against making kids wear them & forcing kids to self isolate at the drop of a hat.

The man has a point

Irresponsible and selfish

So we've had two Mancunian popstars refusing masks. Meanwhile Manchester had to have partial lockdown restored. Is there something in the water?

Noel Gallagher has just gone up a thousand fold in my estimation.

I'm freee-eee to be whatever I... (cough, cough)

Irrelevant. Don’t care.

Wondered why there were so many bedwetter comments, got a bit worried, then realised it’s the Guardian, phew.

And for those idiots who still say “anyone who looks at Sweden blah blah” they should look at more analysis to understand better and why Sweden did so well, no lockdown, no masks.

A God among sheep. ❤

He's a twonk.

On brand.

The_Costume If you needed another reason to hate Oasis

More than one bonehead in the band clearly

XanderArmstrong richardosman - I didn't know you'd expanded your range of merchandise. Seems like Noel's more of a Tipping Point fan anyway...

NoelGallagher some common sense and brains. Thank you Noel.

What a bellend


Quite right too. maskNazis

Noel. You’re a w⚓️.

You are pointless!


My hero 👍👍👍

Who is Noel Gallagher?

Smart man


well done noel ,totally agree with you .

I call it a face condom and I love it

Get Gallagher & Brown doing this

Where can I get those new masks that everyone is wearing? Those you pull over your chin to talk or have a nose poking out....Yet I presume they still protect you? 😂

Good. Glad he has seen sense

why are you even giving it coverage?

At last, someone with some courage.

a washed out musician needs “bad boy” attention

Another idiot speaks, no wonder the NW is not only a Covid-19 hot spot, but a covidiot hotspot. Brexit supporting millionaire Noel doesn’t need to wear one in his vast Mansion away from the commoners

Go on son



Stupid is as stupid does

That's idiotic thinking. He is what Covid-19 likes to call a potential spreader. We need to care more about each other than Mr. Gallagher is expressing here. Mask up. Vote. Care for all. =

Good on him!

Whats that quote Stay silent and let people think you a fool rather than speaking and proving it beyond all doubt A non entity bellend proves he's a bellend yet again

Mandatory is not Law. Why do they keep saying Law?

Noel Gallagher is his own idiot


Is anybody surprised by this?

Jab03919711 Great news, well done Noel. This tyranny must end along with the fake CaseDemic

If his mother was seriously ill in hospital and no-one was allowed to visit, he might think that if everyone did their bit then a bit of normality might return quicker.


Sounds about right ..... he’s a complete bell end!

This is the type of behavior that ends up with the death the arrogant ape in the group by the group.

Taking “Maybe I just wanna breathe Maybe I just don't believe.” a bit too serious eh Noel?

He’s a pointless musician

Please will someone who is positive give this man a hug - thank you in advance

I don’t agree with him, but I have to admit I laughed at “leave him, he’s having his lunch”. 🥪

Almost a decent headline. Maybe try not putting pointless in '' next time?

So what?

Things people say to stay in the public eye.

SimonPearson961 Yep, this same the guy courting Tony Blair...this guy not what he portrays himself to the public? full of bullish BS!!!

Oh dear Noel. What a let down from a local legend

Once a egotistical tosser, always an egotistical tosser

All of a sudden I find myself preferring Liam.

I’m starting to think that that should be his right. I’ll still do everything I’ve been doing to keep my family safe, but criminalising youngsters for meeting 2 pals outdoors that they’re packed into schools with most of the week means I no longer listen to our governments.

Selfish to the end.

Selfish git. The precautionary principle should apply. Wearing a face covering is not that hard. Our NHS staff have to cope with heavy PPE doing heavy and hard work. If he gets the virus and doesn’t wear a mask, basically it’s on others, not just him.

UEFA conspiracy?

Says a man who has become pointless.

Why is this news? Tedious and unhelpful.

What happened to his head?

Village Idiot.


Selfish Pick , that about covers it

Well done Noel, you and your brother are having a good war.


Look at his stupid face

The kind of mindless idiocy that flat earther's, asshes, zombies 🧟‍♂️ and slugs would agree with.

I usually prefer Liam, but well done Noel.

Loving the compliant guardianesque middle classes in these replies. Classic.


Noel Gallagher isn't wearing a mask, but he's got his big floppy shoes on.

ats ma boy Noel!

He's rapidly turning gammon.

He is only saying what sensible do. We have done our own independent research and masks don't work. We also do not listen to corrupt scientists and scum media.

Yep, pointless.

Because he’s a c***

Has he got an album he's trying to peddle? Only reason snot will be making a noise. Daft Cnut! Worse than his shitehawk little brother. To think I used to enjoy their music. Wnkers.

He’s still not my favourite Gallagher... but has defo gone up in my estimation 👍🏻🙂

Good on him!!

Good man.

Great musician! Not the sharpest knife in the block though ?

Guys a clown

Oh dear Noel, I bet Liam wears one.

Never liked him until now.

He hasn't quite got the message that virtually nobody gives a shit what he does these days.

They are pointless hes correct. Zero scientific merit.

Oh he would


Well done! 👏👏👏👏

He'll never stop being a tosser, will he?

What's the story... Noel's a Tory!!!!!


Tick tick tick tock.... Are we all waiting for paulwellerHQ to jump on the daft old guy bandwagon? Let’s hope not. Who’s next. My money is on Roger Daltrey...

BeNosey Never bothered with a mask for a common cold before so why are people now I wonder? Because the TV is telling them to! Freethinkers don’t watch tv or wear a mask.

Not laws, nothing to do with common law and that’s the real law. It’s government dictatorship. Legal fiction with their threats, lies, manipulation, gas lighting.

The man! Speak the truth Noel. plandemic

MarcherLord1 Good man. A bit of porous rag across your face does not protect you from a virus. Especially now that it’s far less prevalent than flu and many others.


Dudes been saying it since '94...

I love him even more now! Well said NoelGallagher

I wish I was a fan so I could un-become one. But his music is shite. A child with an IPad could write better music.

But masks are to protect others from you Noel, as much as to protect you from them. I guess the rich that can afford expedited private healthcare can afford to be cavalier with the lives of others?


Honestly, what is the point in reporting this?

Once a dick, always a dick.

You cannot be this ignorant! A mask, at the very least 1) reduces the “load” you take on and 2) prevents passing it on when you don’t know you’re contagious!


Once a tosser always a tosser

baggie_79 Another one bites the dust...

Finally! Just when I was giving up trying to find some qualified expert opinion on this. Anyone know what he thinks about the dangers of haircuts?

They're not laws.

He was a jackass before ... continues to be a jackass now

You put 'pointless' in quotation marks like it's not completely 100% accurate.

White men never grow up. Their privileges make them think they are above any rule, any law.

Wait...was...was Liam the smart one?

Go Noel!

Nice one noel👍

shows how much consideration you have for others .

Show us the scientific proof and data that they protect. And I don't mean Ferguson or whitty's version.

Cue readers removing masks to tell each other how upset they are about this. Never have Tory policies received so little scrutiny and welcomed with such acquiescent silence as the Covid measures have been among the Guardian readership. It will come to bite you all.

What do expect from such a ****..... fill in your own word in the blanks

Hahaha is thst how he looks these days Oh my god

With a kipper like that, you'd think he'd be right up for it.

Wait until his own family members & close friends die due to Corona Virus infected by him. Let's see how he feels then.

Who is Noel Gallagher? And why are his views relevant re COVID 19.

JulieBalfour9 At last someone else with common sense

Is he a medical professional now? NO? So why in hell are you reporting his opinion?

Well that pretty makes Noel Gallagher pointless also by saying something so stupid like this.

“There’s too many ******* liberties being taken away...” I want the freedom to catch a deadly disease. He doesn’t seem to understand that you wear a mask to protect other people. If they catch it from him, is that on him too?

Who the fuck is asking Gallagher for his opinion?!

Fucking idiot. The mask doesn't protect you it protects others... Like you say FUCK THIS SNEEZING INTO MY HAND OR ARM SO PEOPLE DONT GET SPRAYED... IF I WANT TO CATCH THEIR HEAD COLDS THAT'S MY BUSINESS... I JUST SNEEZE AND SPRAY. Especially at a smorgasbord. Dimwit shit head.

Well done Noel! We need to stand firm.

still wears a 'pointless' wig though.

The irony if he ends up in his own champagne supernova in the sky. darwinawards

simondolan Good on you Noel, I totally agree with you!

Christ almighty reading the comments you’d wonder how anyone who hasn’t worn a mask all year is still alive 🙄given that all the virtue signalling tosspots only wear one because they are told to live life in fear ,

And so should everyone else.

What a dipshit. Right or wrong, you don't choose what laws you want to follow (unless you're actually in the government of course).

Amen to that

On brand.

He's a thicko from Burnage, what do you expect..?


That’s about right for him

Well, there’s a surprise 🙄

MarcherLord1 Good man! How’s your fundraising going guardian?

If he gets the virus it is on him. So what f he passes the virus onto a loved one and they die 🤔

simondolan I bet his maid who does all the shopping wears one.

yes, it'll be on him.....then everywhere he sits, breathes, touches....


Boss NoelGallagher coronavirus

But it’s Shaun Ryders opinion we REALLY need to know

simondolan Well done Noel

simondolan Seen as there is no virus anymore .....he’s Reyt

Pointless? Lets see what happens when you test positive

LaLaRueFrench75 👏 👏 👏

Please report on relevant artists. I recall the one about Oasis being bigger than The Beatles. Ridiculous and unoriginal. This guy’s statements are rooted In idiocy and self aggrandizing.

Tell his brother liamgallagher he’ll kick his ass and make NoelGallagher wear a mask 😂

Another clueless, self-centered person believing the disease threat is only about him getting it, and not about him giving it to someone else.

Why do you enjoy being such a brat?

Are we sure Covid isnt also a virus of the brain, because there's a lot of people saying very stupid things at the moment.

All around the world, you gotta spread the germ... gonna make a better day 🎼

Hero. We need people willing to stand up and recognise that the time for paranoia is over. Bigger danger now is government overreach - and of close the near-closure of the NHS and stasis of the hospitality industry and its workers. Back to normal.

MarcherLord1 Good for him

Good for him

And he is right.

Gone up in my estimation immensely. Remind us how much cash did you accept from the Gates foundation

What is it with these musicians nobody cares about anymore talking shit? Is there a Madchester musical coming out and they need the publicity?

What's actually 'pointless' is Noel Gallagher's opinion.

For the brainwashed

A bit selfish, everyone has a wear a mask otherwise the virus will spread furthermore.🦠

What a potato!

🙌respect to Noel 👍NoelGallagher

It's not as if he has to brave public transport to go to work every day is it?

simondolan and again, the probability for anyone to a) get the virus AND b) get ill from it AND get hospitalised because of it is.... anyone got a calculator? It should be something like 0.06 x 0.3 x 0.01 = something very, very small.

Still a complete arse

He's a moron with an ego. Let's move on.

Thats perfectly understandable, after all, he was hit on the head with a hammer when he was younger

Noel Gallagher has always been a douche bag. Clearly he remains one.


'in a champagne superspreadaaaa'

He has always been up himself. So no change there. Hope he gets the virus, As no one deserves it more than him.

He’s right about it being nonsense that you need to wear them in certain places not others. The danger in keeping going on about it, is that they say everyone has to wear them wherever you are indoors, and that really would kill pubs and restaurants going into winter.

Thanks as I’ve been really interested in Noel’s view on the pandemic and masks.

We should listen to these knowledgeable people who have spent so much time studying the subject

Let him be an idiot

We’re all on the Poseidon but Noel is in the party walking in the wrong direction.

Ian Brown's got himself a guitarist .

I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do, about Noel now, the prick!


Rock n Roll hero there, endangering Gran

And after all it’s a wonder people still take him seriously

After all he’s a Wonder Wally

And I thought his brother was the idiot one

MarcherLord1 Always knew he was sound.

I could give a shit about him getting the virus, it's the real humans he might infect that we should care about. Pure ignorance & arrogance.

Guardian pointing fingers?. If you wanna do that there will be a big mirror nearby for looking in ,pointing and shouting 'shame on you for giving the UK Boris , because we lied about Corbyn. '


What about his appearances on Match of the Day 2,when he thinks he's being funny?...Embarrassing!


Good. It is pointless and quite probably a source of infection. It doesn't stop the spread of coronavirus transmission. About time the Guardian made it a headline.

should listen to his brother

If you told people you can’t wear a mask in public there would be an outcry that the government is suppressing freedom of expression.

A light that burns but dimly.



“Narcissists are us“

Go and have a pint with Mozza ya plank!

simondolan Even the deputy CMO has indicated that masks might make the spread worse (august 29th) so yes masks might actually be worse than pointless. (its to do with people touching their faces then sorting through the veg)

When he gets pointless sick, deny him the pointless medical atenttion he will pointlessly seek...wanker

. NoelGallagher is wrong: No mass means he is a potential super spreader; & If he get COVID19 the cost are on society -'insurance'. Moreover, he is giving a bad example to all other people,undermines democracy by refusing to follow laws adopted in the British Parliament

He must have lab experience. It seems the only people who “believe” masks work for non-asymptomatic people do not have science experience. Understanding when and where to wear a mask..takes critical thinking skills...which obviously the majority of the people do not have.


Good 👍🏼

simondolan Legend

As someone taking Immunosuppressants and who has effectively had to put my social life on hold for the forseable future, all I'm asking is that you wear a mask if you're able. A small thing.

Ughhh I love him but he makes it so hard sometimes.

Maybe he’s NOT gonna be the one that saves me...

Tell him to get the bloody thing on. Because: A - It'll help rid us of this bloody virus B - We won't need to see his greetin face.

ERAzMan Noel Gallagher. Ian Brown. The list of COVIDIOTS grows daily.

Well done Noel thank you for standing up against the tyranny.

If the government would show us the science and risk assessment many would have more faith in them..... it does seem strange that under FOIs they have refused to provide this

Once a cock, always a cock


Lock him up, he’s nobody! 😂😜😳😂

Good for him! This nonsense will only stop when we make it stop. It has zero to do with public health and everything to do with authoritarian control and outright robbery.

I agree, masks are useless!

We should all do what he hates ignore him

Who cares what he thinks

New Album coming out?

What an arsehole

What a twat ... masks are to prevent others from getting it... but i suppose if you are a self centered git like NG then you don't give a toss

'Noel Gallagher has said he refuses to wear a mask, complaining that it is a violation of his liberty.' His refusal is a violation of other peoples' liberty. But I do get it! He's another one of those arrogant twats who confuses liberty with licence.


you cant take the working class out of a man

''Noel Gallagher is a prick,' says Captain Obvious.'

I dont give a toss if he wants to risk catching Covid 19. Odds arent that bad at his age. Thats his choice Problem is not wearing a mask we can pass it to others.Thats why we wear masks in crowds not because we are wimps

Shame on these multi-millionaires (that haven't written a decent song in decades) - they can afford the medical care needed if they get ill.

What he lacks in guitar skills he makes up for in virology and immunology ... Oh hang on !?

Someone with commonsense. Might even start to like his music now...

Good for him. Going to buy the High Flying Birds CDs now.

What a selfish idiot 🤬

You sound like another expert who has studied at the University of Google and Wikipedia. Just remember the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.

Another stable genius, then. Well, given he's always been known for his originality (apart from his exemplary manners & education), perhaps if he saw a photo of the Beatles with a mask he'd copy that, too! 😉

The virus started half the world away, but quickly made it all around the world. Some might say that was because people didn’t wear masks. Noel thinks he can live forever though, d’you know what I mean? But if he catches it he might slide away little by little.

jamesmfahy Good Man. There is also no law forcing you to wear a mask. We are all exempt if we want to be.

Oasis or Blur? Oasis!


Must have a new single out

Well done, more need to speak out. There is just a slight turn in the tide

He's always been a dick and no one really cares about him, so he has to spit BS in the hope of being somehow relevant

Once a tool, always a tool.

Jeez .. why didn't somebody get this guy to proclaim on the Virus sooner .. we could have avoid a lot of fuss. Why on earth would we listen the WHO and medical experts when we have the insights of this Aged Intellect Vacuum .... ffs

That's weird, because these days Noel Gallagher's face looks like somebody wearing a Noel Gallagher Spitting Image mask. 🙃

Good on him

I assumed British people would embrace masks with their teeth situation.

JoeOm4 Jesus, the sheeple w*nkers on this timeline. Typical Guardian readers.

Its the law - if he doesn't like the laws of this country then he is welcome to leave and move to a country that he prefers


Bolsominion do caralho, versão uk

Why doesn’t someone tell him Liam hates masks and see how fast he covers up

Thank fuck. He'd look like a cross between a pensionable Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat & Parker tragically trying to look like Paul Weller


he's all about pulling the ladders up behind himself

does he understand science?

It should be noted he also declared he doesn’t read books either, so that probably explains that little mystery. And for those who also don’t read books, let me explain- he is really thick.

Wow - not a passing thought about you giving the virus to someone else. Way to go NoelGallagher

It's not about him. It's to reduce risk for everyone he's in contact with, and everyone they're in contact with. I'm surprised by his selfishness. WearAMask

What is it with people getting old and descending into far-right anger? Is it the agony of death coming nearby?

'If I get the virus it's on me' - Yeah and the doctors and nurses who treat you selfish bell.

Who dat

If you have been an asshole for the last forty years the no mask thing is pretty much a given .

I wear 2 pointless masks. Because the first one is just to show people like you, how pointless it all is. And the second one is for me. Don’t get COVID19. That too would be pointless. Thanks!

But he wears that beefeater hat?

Define the pointless bit...

Really Noel?

He's right and here's more evidence.

It is very unfortunate that we could witness such a public figure who ought to be role-modeling Britons, esp millennials speaking in strongest defiance of the face mask-wearing rules. People like Noel Gallagher are constituting serious setbacks 2 the fight against the pandemic.


Noel Gallagher believes his health is more important than yours.

Asshole to the end! Pendejo

darren62167798 It’s not actually a law, and it is a human right to breathe air unrestricted if a person wishes. Come at me with your ‘killing granny’ nonsense. Ever thought about how many times we’ve passed a cold/flu onto someone without knowing? Yeah me neither.

He sounds reasonable to me. Why tf should we carry on wearing masks forever and give up on all the things that make life worth living?

He’s right

Brexit lover and mask denier. Confirming that liamgallagher was the real one.

He thinks masks are pointless because hes too old and God is taking him back any minute

'Its on him if he gets it'? Assumed the face covering was to reduce the risk of the other person getting it.

Because he’s an arrogant arse? 🤔

Taking a break from making mediocre music copied from better artists to offer his mediocre scientific and social commentary. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion though.

I didn’t know he was still alive lol

Oh its the guardian. This will be an echo chamber

‘If I get the virus it’s on me, it’s not on anyone else’? It would seem Gallagher doesn't know what viruses are and how they work. Not to mention the contribution of risk to healthcare providers and others from those who become infected.

Thats only because they don't make them big enough for his huge conk.


Probably because he is a millionaire Tory.


He obviously thinks he’s being a rebel with a cause giving it to the man, when basically he’s an irrelevant entitled prick

What an idiot. The mask is to reduce your SPREAD, not prevent you from catching it.

Stupid man! justwearamask showyoucare

Someday you will find him, caught beneath the landslide Of a disease caused by corona That could make you die

Wonder if he has any close friends who may be unwell

not an antimasker by a long shot but his point about the rules being stupid and contradictory is valid

Darwinism is alive and well 🤣

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